Who wants to build a Suzumiya Haruhi Encyclopedia?

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Who wants to build a Suzumiya Haruhi Encyclopedia?

Post by harunako »

I notion for a Suzumiya Haruhi Encyclopedia. If approved, I will probably start with the information source in here.

However, has SOS-dan done it already? :?

Actually the SOS-dan wiki is focused on anime, and its half-complete. FAQ items like common terms (and Mikuru's costumes) are still lacking a proper data repository. Some other ideas might be to include trivia or "characters' famous lines."

Or maybe we can actually team with SOS-dan...?
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Favourite Light Novel: Ahouka!

Post by the_naming_game »

Do you mean as some sort of adjunct to the novel translations, or as a separate entity entirely? One thing I would love to have is an indication of which novel chapters can be read out of order. (considering they're being translated in parallel.) Note that even if you read them using the timetable in the wiki, it's possible that Kyon might make some remark referring to some future event, considering that we don't really have a clear idea of where the narrator's "now" is sometimes. There seemed to be something like that in "Day of Sagittarius" -- but it could have just been an unclear translation. (I'll probably put up a topic about that later.)
  • In the anime, even out of order, they of course, adjusted backreferences to what they wanted the viewer to know at that point in time. The novel chapters are working under a completely different assumption -- that you've read all previous volumes, so it's easily possible that something will slip out.
Basically, for each chapter it'd have a list of "prerequisites" for reading that chapter. Not that I expect something like that to get done. (After writing the first sentence, it started to seem like a pretty massive undertaking.) Just saying it'd be nice, since a lot of volumes are getting translated in parallel, and for those of us who like to minimize untimely spoilers, it's a fight against temptation to read things that have been completed or are in progress.

(I'm not part of the "approving body" -- I was just curious what you meant.)

As far as teaming with sos-dan.com:
Tsuruya-san is looking for SysOps who are interested in maintaining the wiki and letting it grow.
Send a PM on the forums or talk to dovac on the IRC channel.
So it seems they're definitely open to more help. (And I assume that includes normal contributors, too.) The rest is up to ... whoever decides to participate in the round of cause and effect.


I can't believe I missed these all this time. For anyone who hasn't seen them yet, it's a collection of 4 panel fan comics in two different series. One of them is dedicated to Tsuruya, for all the fans out there. I've seen some of these, but not in a complete set like this.
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Astral Realm

Post by harunako »

My image is that the encyclopedia would also be on wiki, and editors can link the key words in translations to the encyclopedia. What exactly the encyclopedia can have is up to everyone to decide, and I think naming_game's idea is very good : perhaps in an FAQ section?

Does that answer your question?
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Favourite Light Novel: Ahouka!

Post by the_naming_game »

Definitely much clearer, now that you put it that way. Almost like translator's notes on steroids. I wouldn't be able to contribute much, but I'd certainly look forward to reading it. (Including that FAQ section!) I could start the prerequisite graph for the chapters I've read, at least.

The only thing to watch out for would be structuring it for minimal spoilage. Something two-tiered, maybe? First link goes to the translator's notes on the talk page, as always, and a link in the notes goes to the main article, so the reader has a choice to potentially get spoiled or not.

If you start this, you've got one guaranteed reader, at least. I imagine there's a lot of interesting info on the series that is only available in the Japanese language. Hopefully some other people will weigh in on this too, because it seems like a good idea. If no one does, though, I would just say go ahead. It's a wiki, after all, and Onizuka-GTO has repeatedly said that a defining characteristic of this project is the importance of contributions from the collective.
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Astral Realm

Post by harunako »

Okie, if Onizuka-gto approves a new wiki space for the encyclopedia, I'll do it.

Dun worry. Spoilage would be separately contained ;)
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