One-shot novel: Twilight Moon Rabbit.

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Post by Zalthers »

Onizuka, get yourself some coffee and read about 4-5 posts ago, it clearly states "Project has been dropped" and about two posts ago it also says "Please Lock thread" :shock:

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Post by onizuka-gto »

ah, you said that?

hmmm...i did just get back from work. so tired....

oh well.

fair enough.

hope to still see you around the wiki.

best regards,

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Post by HolyCow »

It's a shame to see a project dropped, but oh well.

Best of luck remaining anonymous in Haruhi :D
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by the_naming_game »

Just when I finally managed to get my hands on some Japanese raws, too...

In case you ever decide to resume the project, here are the correct names -- your friend's guesses were mostly right, or very close. I got these from the volume 2-3 character pages, so there may be differences with volume 1.

ユウ (Yuu, gothloli)
霧村 聖司《きりむら せいじ》 (Kirimura Seiji, protagonist)
冬木 陽子《ふゆき ようこ》 (Fuyuki Youko, protagonist girlfriend)
久還 くおん《くどう くおん》 (Kudou Kuon, sword girl) (Kyuon -> Kuon)
御厨 槐《みくリや えんじゅ》 (Mikuriya Enju, class rep) (Kai -> Enju)
藤堂 灯夜《とうどう とうや》 (Toudou Touya, lady's man)
蹂躙坂 芙深《じゅうリんざか ふみ》 (Juurinzaka Fumi, Mikuriya's childhood friend) (missing)
氷川 真那《ひかわ まな》 (Hikawa Mana, the onee-san) (Higawa -> Hikawa)
シド (Shido, rabbit butler) (Sekitoku -> Shido)
シズ (Shizu, gray [robotic?] maid) (Koshizu -> Shizu)
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Post by Zalthers »

the_naming_game wrote:Just when I finally managed to get my hands on some Japanese raws, too...

In case you ever decide to resume the project, here are the correct names -- your friend's guesses were mostly right, or very close. I got these from the volume 2-3 character pages, so there may be differences with volume 1.

ユウ (Yuu, gothloli)
霧村 聖司《きりむら せいじ》 (Kirimura Seiji, protagonist)
冬木 陽子《ふゆき ようこ》 (Fuyuki Youko, protagonist girlfriend)
久還 くおん《くどう くおん》 (Kudou Kuon, sword girl) (Kyuon -> Kuon)
御厨 槐《みくリや えんじゅ》 (Mikuriya Enju, class rep) (Kai -> Enju)
藤堂 灯夜《とうどう とうや》 (Toudou Touya, lady's man)
蹂躙坂 芙深《じゅうリんざか ふみ》 (Juurinzaka Fumi, Mikuriya's childhood friend) (missing)
氷川 真那《ひかわ まな》 (Hikawa Mana, the onee-san) (Higawa -> Hikawa)
シド (Shido, rabbit butler) (Sekitoku -> Shido)
シズ (Shizu, gray [robotic?] maid) (Koshizu -> Shizu)
fzzz, I was not intending to do volume 2 at the start. Thus the topic says "one-shot". I do know about Mikuriya's childhood friend, but she doesn't appear in volume 1, so it's not affecting anything.

... When do I get my thread locked as I wished? ~_~;
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Post by the_naming_game »

Well, I did say
I got these from the volume 2-3 character pages, so there may be differences with volume 1.
as in perhaps, characters "true names" become known later, or as with the childhood friend, they don't appear at all. In other words, I do not have access to volume 1 raws, so I can only report what I know. It really wasn't any slight on you or your friend, as you were working from Chinese raws. And even if you were working from Japanese, it's not a crime to make a mistake. So if you got any of that sense, I apologize.

Also, "one shot" usually refers to a single volume novel, say ... GOTH; in other words, there is some confusion in that term. Well, the main thing is that I understand what you meant by it now.

In any case, sure, this thread should eventually be locked, but I think a few days leeway would be reasonable to give people (er, like me) a little time to talk about the few loose ... threads left.


And now that that's out of the way.

Have you read the novel beyond the first volume? Is it good? Would you be willing to write a review? (of however far you've read, obviously.) This might give other people some idea of whether they might be interested in taking up this project.

I'm sorry I haven't been that prompt in replying, I've been working on a few personal projects, and I tend to lock myself away during those kinds of things. But I did enjoy the protagonist's mindset. And from the replies, it seemed that several other people did too.

Also, I can understand what you mean about "joy of my readers" -- I find discussing GOTH enjoyable (the moral ambivalence of these characters seems quite unique, and it's somehow refreshing to be able to talk about the extremes of the human psyche ... and you know, gore.), so that by itself is plenty of motivation to translate it. Sometimes it takes some time to build momentum, though. Not many of us check the forums daily, because, well, it's usually thethingsomepeoplecallspam ... or at least that's my reason. But yeah, I hope you stick around, even if not in a translator role. (that takes a lot more time, after all)
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Post by Zalthers »

Here's the main reason why I want it locked. So it won't turn into drama, and people start to go "oh noez" and spam in here.

Yea, I hate checking the forums also. But obviously the wiki page is not really so friendly. Well atleast, for me, it wasn't. I didn't know where the IRC channel for Bakatsuki until the day I went zomfg in Kawaiiheavens to chat with Cala in there.

Obviously I "was" the translator, my comments on the novel itself is nothing but blasphemy as far as anyone is concerned. Regarding writing up a summary for the novel, I think it is unnecessary. I posted about 10%, Dan's editing of my 10% is still there (no you don't have to erase his post like I did with mine). I rather leave it for the readers(potential future translators) to read what I have posted so far, and judge for themselves, to whether to pick up the project. I shall leave you a note, the storyline for this novel is not important, the most important is that whether you like how the author wrote in his style. If you like his style in the 10% that I have translated, you won't be disappointed with the other 90%.

To not spoil anything, the best summary is the Cala's blurb that I asked her to help me post. Due to the simplicity of the story, I reserve judgement in whether to post a more detailed summary than there is.

In leeman's terms. (is this how you spell it?)

1. I don't like drama, not that much people had participated while I in the "short" term was active in the translation (a total of 7 days, give a take a day), therefore is the reason I wish to lock the thread.
2. Future interested translators in picking up my project, is welcome to, and should start a thread of their own.
3. I translate for the joy of my readers, not for the joy to polish my skills.
4. I believe I was never doing a teaser, since the story was very simple, and the teaser should be left best, at Cala's first ever post.
5. I deny to make a more detailed summary, as the story is quite straightforward, this is a light novel, and there isn't much depth to it. It's more like something you'd like to read when you are waiting in line for the bus or something. Despite not much depth to the story, it's the use of graphical language and grammar which makes it interesting.
6. Knowledge of dating sim games (hentai or not) is recommended. (hehehe)
7. As I am the one who originally started the project, I refuse to comment on how "godly" this book is, as it is misleading, and personal preference varies person to person.

Thank you, and have a good day. (That should have cleared up everything)
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Post by the_naming_game »

Since you have things nicely numbered, I figured, why not?
  1. I'm probably sick, but I kind of like drama ... up to a point. Basically up until it starts interfering with my time / enjoyment of life.

    I actually don't think you have to worry about drama from those at baka-tsuki. I haven't seem a flame/drama thread here, ever, for what that's worth. It's fairly sane around here.
  2. Agreed.
  3. I'm pretty sure you did have readers who enjoyed it. They just may not have been as vocal as they could have been. We're probably not as encouraging to new translators as we should be. When someone first start out translating, it's probably a bit of a shock to realize how much time it takes, even if they're fluent in both languages. Add to that a lack of reaction, given the amount of work done, and it's easy to see how someone could feel a little unfulfilled.

    This forum gets maybe 20-30ish regular once every one-or-two-days visitors, though I suspect there are a lot more who check once every 1-2 weeks. And of course the new people who occasionally click in from the wiki. So in other words, by the time most people managed to even get to this thread, the project was cancelled.

    I personally think it just takes some time for enthusiasm to ramp up. A little more time for more people to find out about this. A little bit more text, for some readers -- some need to read more before they suddenly say "wow, this is pretty good." It's really hard to say, but that's my instinct.
  4. I don't believe anyone meant anything derogatory by "teaser" -- we have some fairly elaborate things under the word "teaser", including one with a full chapter translated. In other words, the effort put into both teasers and projects is quite similar. The only practical difference is that the effort put into teasers is one-time, and with projects, it's ongoing.

    Which brings us to the crux of the issue, I think. From what I understand, you were insulted by having your work considered a teaser, because you thought that implied you weren't serious about continuing it for any length of time.

    Basically, there's a tendency, justified or not, of thinking of any new project as a teaser at first until it "feels" like it's going to be a stable project. That may not be fair, however perceptions can be corrected. Just say it's not a teaser, and you will find (and did find) people more than willing to correct their views. It may be annoying, but sometimes it really is that simple.
  5. Fair enough. It was a request, and it's certainly up to you whether or not you want to do it.

    Though I will say that you actually HAVE told me something about this novel, by saying the story doesn't have much depth, and that it's the writing style that's the enjoyable part. This is actually useful to know, even though I would still want to read at least a little more to confirm it to myself.

    I'm actually hoping that I misinterpreted what you said about the storyline having little depth.

    I guess it's because for me personally, plot is essential. I'm physically unable to maintain interest unless the plot pulls me in -- no matter how fun the scenes are. (because for me, much of the fun is thinking, what's going to happen next? If I already know the answer is "not much" then ... less fun) If the scenes really are that fun, I'd probably come back and look every once in awhile, but I'd never pull an all-nighter for it. I really need that kind of hook to pull me from scene to scene.
  6. I actually haven't played any dating sim games ... well, except for a few amateur ones. And then I kind of got a vague idea about them second-hand, through manga and anime. Knowing there's a lot of dating sim humor (some of which was already there in the first 10%) does kind of pique my interest about this novel. It's that wry self-awareness that I find interesting.
  7. Fair enough. Though needless to say, I wasn't just wanting you just to say, yeah, it's godly. I may not have expressed it well, but I was thinking more in terms of,

    "A lot happens in the first few chapters, really confusing, but you're usually laughing, so it's not a big deal. It's basically a light hearted adventure, but it draws you in, and it gets darker later on. The best parts are when the main character makes comments on everything. Basically, nothing fazes him. Second best thing: tsundere. Lots of it. Until you've seen a <x> get hit with a <y> while <z>, then you haven't lived." (a made-up example very loosely based on the little bit I saw in the character pages.)

    I'm always interested in how people react to what they read, basically a description of their experience. Like were you laughing every other sentence, and then shocked into silence in the next few paragraphs, etc? Did you want to strangle one of the characters? Did one of them hit your moe buttons? Even if people are different, if it can involve a person to that extent, that says something for that novel.

    (You know, upon rereading this last part, this may be similar to what you were looking for from the readers, in response to your translation)
In conclusion, I've clearly gone off the topic of this thread at several points. I'm not sure if you're that into talking about the semi-theoretical or other stuff I started rambling off on, but if you are, I can start another thread in the General forum.

And anyways, as you yourself said, you've barely been on this forum for a week, so ... stick around to see what b-t is like. Maybe you've been lurking, but obviously, it's different if you participate, since you can specifically bring up topics that interest you, etc.

(After all, just because the topic hasn't come up yet doesn't mean we don't have anything to say about it. Though I will warn you, as before, that this forum is a little slow, but it's not all that slow.)
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Post by Zalthers »

Ah, last bit of advertisement for Magician's Academy for... Future translators/editors that "may" ever exist. ... 996838.jpg

Welcome to the fun filled world of Magic.

Further info: There is a tankoubon assembled randomly using references of MA (magician academy) volume 1-4 to make it into a manga. That above, is one of the color pages for MA tankoubon.
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Post by the_naming_game »

I finally decided to do some research about "Magician's Academy" and it turns out the author 榊一郎 Sakaki Ichirou is also the author of the "Scrapped Princess" novels, which immediately piqued my interest. I've managed to get my hands on some raws, so if anyone wants to take this on, just announce it here, and we'll do the usual. Otherwise you'll have to deal with me stealing yet another chapter 1 whenever I get around to it...

Some information: (in Japanese.)
 まじしゃんず・あかでみい - Wikipedia (Magician's Academy)
「まじしゃんず・あかでみい」の既刊情報&感想 ("Magician's Academy" publishing information and impressions) -- this also has book covers.
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Post by onizuka-gto »



what are you trying to imply? :roll:

anyway, i liked the first page of Twillight Moon Rabbi- OOOH!
T! M! R!

ah, nice one TNG.


oh anyway, sounds fun, it kinda reminds me of KnS, except the super-power female is...super powered and is quite straight forward (wish more lasses were like this....)

anyway, hope someone picks this up!

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Post by erehwon »

TNG: your raws are in Japanese right? I think the original guy doing it was from Chinese, well I'm not too sure.
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Post by the_naming_game »

Almost all the raws I have are Japanese. I've got some Chinese raws, but my language skills aren't good enough to search Chinese forums for the good stuff, otherwise I'd have more. (Yeah, I can't read them currently, but I plan to be able to "eventually")

Anyway, my raws for both "wilight oon abbit ソラにウサギがのぼるころ" and "Magician's Academy まじしゃんず・あかでみい" are in Japanese.

You found me out! TMR is what I'm thinking of changing my forum name to ... something along the lines of "the_masked_robot" or "the_mind_raper" or "the_mighty_raviolli" (down with FSM!) -- However, after much thought, I have decided to stick with "the_naming_game" ... boring, but that's the price of laziness.

By "KnS" could you perhaps mean Haruhi? :D (What little I've read of it seems to point more in that direction, but with some twists. Though the description "laid back, sarcastic main character" would work for both Kyon and Kazuma...)
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Post by Zalthers »

Oni: KnS girl was overpowered? If she's overpowered then what's kazuma? Demon Overlord? God class? >.> well, fear not, our lass in TNR doesn't fail neither. The main char lives up to certain expectations too.

TNG: :shock: Well, i never got round to scrapped princess, but if you liked it, you should try polyphonica, it's great, and it was in chinese, for sanity purposes, it has a lot of technical language to explain the world of polyphonica, and... surpasses the limits of me trying to translate it, that's why i never mentioned Polyphonica. If you got free time, check it out, Polyphonica is pretty cool with me. Polyphonica -The Black- seems to be majorly orchestrated by another author, obeying the laws of the Polyphonica world, but in a different entire story. Blah blah blah. snort, nuff said.

Overall: GODDAMN, TOMORROW IS BOOK FESTIVAL, THIS IS ONE TIME WHEN BOOKWORMS BUY STUFF LIKE GIRLS IN THE MALL. OH yeah, i'm going to bomb my wallet to shreds and come home poor. I need to get the new Shakugan novels which i didn't bother buying after volume 6. :roll:

PS: Screw the polyphonica anime, it doesn't follow the story in the book, it's two different things. If you were either disappointed or encouraged by the anime, expect to find something nearly different in the novel.
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Post by the_naming_game »

How did book fest go? I haven't had a chance to touch any of the novels on my list, because I've gotten into a manga streak. I think I'll look into "Polyphonica" after "Magician's Academy" though; my list is starting to get long...

I pretty much know nothing about "Polyphonica" though, aside from what you've said, and the author's name. Do you suggest I put aside "Magician's Academy" to look at this?
Baka-Tsuki, suki! Yuki, suki!
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