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The Kyon Theory

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:53 pm
by Guest lol
I think some of you may of read about this before on some forums. Anyways, the Kyon theory is the belief that Haruhi is infact not god, just some super post human. The true god of the Suzumiya Haruhi world is really Kyon.


Supporting points:

- Everyguy wants to be in the center of a harem situation! A large breasted loli faced cute girl, a quiet bookreading girl who's silence seems to make her even more cute when she reacts, and lastly a bossy yet beautiful girl. And most of all: they all like him.

- Kyon is ALWAYS the key, the key to stop haruhi, the key to stopping haruhi from going insane.

- Why tell Kyon everything? Because he's in Haruhi's favor? Well yes but why does Haruhi favor Kyon over everybody else, he's just another guy.

- In the beginning of the Anime in EP2, he wishes to be the hero, then he changes his mind and decides that he wants to be the sidekick of the hero. Hero -> Sidekick, Haruhi -> Kyon.

- Why is Haruhi the center of all the disturbances? Because Kyon designed it like that subliminally. After all, he wishes to be a sidekick not a hero.

- Why are the close spaces so conveniently done? They're closed not in open allowing no actual damage to be done to their dimension/timestream

- All kyon needed to do to save the world was to kiss this beautiful yet bossy girl. Kyon doesn't show it openly but I believe that he has a attraction towards Haruhi and bossy girls.

- In EP14, Haruhi conveniently believed that what happened was a dream.

- Kyon can increase the attraction from Mikuru by helping her out when Haruhi molests her. *note how she says: will you marry me indirectly in EP(3?)*.

- Kyon gets his own personal show with 2 girls, and one forcefully stripping the other one. It's kyon's personal ero cosplay show!

- Nagato is a silent, loyal, and powerful girl. She listens to every freaking thing kyon says, no disobeyments. She's even willing to sacrafice herself for Kyon. It's because he's the favored one of Haruhi that she saves him, but it's done so conveniently.

- Haruhi has NO powers without Kyon, in book 4 new haruhi didn't have the godlike powers, or else she would make Kyon somehow appear in North High or something to occur to convince her.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:00 pm
by jinalbert
I had thought about this idea too after starting to read the novel. But it doesn't seems reasonable to why Haruhi's strange events started 3 years before the high school. Also, why is he given this power?

I have a feeling it's not just Kyon but more to it.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:37 am
by Guest lol
Think of this: The world around him is designed intelligently, he selected haruhi to be the god subliminally years beforehand. Or he could've selected somebody on his first day at highschool, as long as he's not aware of the SOS dan crew, he could've created them any time before he noticed them.
It's kinda hard to explain... Basicly, you could change events in the past, from what his will is at the moment, but having the change occur previously in time. It's like going back in time and screwing things up, but if you are going to go back in time, whatever you did there is occuring now.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:46 am
by ShApEsHiFt3r
Also Guest lol Kyon said at the start of Volume 4:
"I wants this all to end"
or something like that, but after that he didn't like anything that had changed and so he's now doing everything he can to go back to the original place, where he was in the Prologue
I have to confirm exactly what his words were(I'm talking about the conversation with Koizumi) though

OR maybe Kyon and Haruhi are the perfect god-like couple. They make each other COMPLETELY COMPLETE :idea: :lol:

Edit: Also
one day, a mysterious power inside me awakens, something like a telekinetic or psychic ability. I discover that a lot of other people in this world also have similar powers,
And from here he gets a Koizumi :D
Except he's really an alien or from the future, and he has telepathic abilities. When he gets into a fight with the bad guys, all I need to do is find a way to get involved in his war. He'll handle all the fighting and I can just be his flunky sidekick. Oh my god, this is great, I am so clever!
And we get ourselves a Nagato

Now if only I can figure out of which of his thoughts Mikuru-chan appeared... :D

aw check this out
I couldn't help but get depressed at how normal the laws of physics were
So here it is... if it happened 3 years ago everything will be perfect :P

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:27 am
by cotton
We know that Kyon always wanted there to be ESPers, Aliens, Time-Travelers and Sliders, but that at some point he grew up and decided that they didn't exist.

Suzumiya kept the dream alive for him, she never stopped believing. Because to her, believing is more fun. She still hopes to meet all four.

They got the first three when Suzumiya formed the SOS Dan for him. But what happened to fourth beastie on the list? What happened to the slider?

Well, with volume four Kyon gets his slider, only this time the beastie is himself. He is the slider, sliding into another dimension. In this alternate dimension the other SOS Dan members are ordinary folk. That's because in the dimension he has slid into, he hasn't given powers to the other four.

So how did he give Suzumiya her powers in Kyon's home dimension? What if the thing that happened three years ago was Kyon travelling back in time and helping the younger Suzumiya send her chalk-based message to the stars? What if that was what set the whole chain of events into motion?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:21 pm
by jinalbert
A new theory, maybe it's people from the future that did all of this to make them happy. Why? Because they can. :D

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:02 pm
by Guest lol
You do know that the reason why the future people can't go further back in time then the book's present 3 years ago because Haruhi destroyed the world and rebuilt it right? How could the future people do this? How can a group of people give haruhi the powers that allow her to recreate the planet just because they have some sort of advanced technology. Actually a better question would be why give her the powers? If they could give those kinds of powers to people, wouldn't they have done it to one of their own people?

Kyon = god -> made haruhi with god like powers -> Haruhi got depressed and reformed world -> sos dan!

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:16 am
by XkaOnslaught
anyone believe in the theory of BOTH kyon and haruhi are gods in their own rights? :P

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:39 am
by cotton
XkaOnslaught wrote:anyone believe in the theory of BOTH kyon and haruhi are gods in their own rights? :P
I think it's a little early to believe anything just yet. At the moment it's all speculation based on precious little evidence. As I outlined above, my suspicon is that Kyon was (in some way) responsible for setting Haruhi's powers into play, three years ago. Perhaps he merely acts as a catylist, perhaps he unintentionally gave her the powers - Who knows?

Whether both or either of them are gods, it is too early to say.

For me the biggest issue of the moment is: How and why did Yuki transport Kyon to this alternate dimension? That's the question I want answered.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:12 am
by Guest lol
I don't think Yuki put Kyon in a alternate dimension, she just changed the past. I believe that she went back in time, and stopped some event from occuring that caused Haruhi to go to North High.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:34 pm
by jinalbert
Guest lol wrote:You do know that the reason why the future people can't go further back in time then the book's present 3 years ago because Haruhi destroyed the world and rebuilt it right? How could the future people do this? How can a group of people give haruhi the powers that allow her to recreate the planet just because they have some sort of advanced technology. Actually a better question would be why give her the powers? If they could give those kinds of powers to people, wouldn't they have done it to one of their own people?

Kyon = god -> made haruhi with god like powers -> Haruhi got depressed and reformed world -> sos dan!
How we know for sure that they didn't initiate the event in 3 years ago? It seems to me that they future people know pretty well how things will turned out. In some sense, it seems too unreal. It wouldn't be impossible for them to do if they really exist in a different temporal plane. This would be like "The Truman Show" that being run by the future people (or like Lone Island syndrome, if you want to put it that way).

About Kyon and god. Koizumi did say something similar about Haruhi being a god. If a god creates the system, then he/she must be external to the system, and realizes the creation.

If Kyon is a god, he must have realize it too. That mean the giving of power to Haruhi... unless you're going to say that Haruhi reshapes the world such that both of them would not remember anything. Not impossible but it seems illogical to erase themselves, and recreate new lives with unknowns. If this is the case, this would make both of them as god (they both can reshape the world unconsicously).

I think future people theory would make a more interesting story. Anyway, the real god here is the author. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:14 pm
by Haiyami
If Haruhi could reshape the world then the people from teh future couldn't bring Haruhi her powers since that future would have been destroyed or seperated from the main time stream.

Anyway. Its a bit iffy to me on wheither Kyon is a god or not.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:54 am
by onizuka-gto forum seems busy....

no wonder this forum is so quiet..... :cry:

dammn competition... :P

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:48 pm
by jinalbert
never heard of it.... :?:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:58 pm
by ShApEsHiFt3r
ShApEsHiFT3r wrote:It's all because Kyon is a God xD
Spoiler! :
Kyon was unhappy every single time the summer ended because he hadnt done his homework... Therefor making everything repeat again and again, and again ect ect...
more proofs :D