Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Greyfalcon »

Thanks for all the hard work you are doing on this, I am really enjoying this light novel.
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Alpaca »

Soraya21 wrote:Just noticed in chap. 16 that Raphtalia is already big enough to grasp Nao's shoulders, yet is still very much a loli in the next chapter's picture illustration. Guess this is one of the differences of the Korean -> Japanese version of the light novel, huh?
Ah no, since the order of the chapters are a bit different between the LN and the WN (i'm using the WN's atm). So the next illustration will be image 7 (appearing in ch 17, should be out around midnight tonight, again).
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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by xAion »

Alpaca wrote:
Soraya21 wrote:Just noticed in chap. 16 that Raphtalia is already big enough to grasp Nao's shoulders, yet is still very much a loli in the next chapter's picture illustration. Guess this is one of the differences of the Korean -> Japanese version of the light novel, huh?
Ah no, since the order of the chapters are a bit different between the LN and the WN (i'm using the WN's atm). So the next illustration will be image 7 (appearing in ch 17, should be out around midnight tonight, again).
Great job :D thx for the translation
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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Foks »

I found this LN by chance, but even so I'm very engrossed in it ^^
Now I'm just waiting for next chapters :P and volumes ^^
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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by BlitzRazor »

I started off by reading the manga. Then I happened upon this incredible LN halfway through. I voted yes because it seems too good to pass off. Here's hoping there will be more of it. Thanks for the read.
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Searox »

Thanks Alpaca for the translation. It seems like you are putting a chapter everyday :)

Shield Hero has introduced me to 2 interesting Novels (Mushoko Tensei(Literally made me cry) and Re:Monster. I would recommend read for both)
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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Augustulus »

Appreciate this translation. Been trying to find one for it for a while. Was actually looking at Chinese translations at first because they tend to have more output, but I guess this time is not the case. This also makes me question why I am studying French and not Japanese... Anyway, the plot is quite new, albeit it is probably only the case in light novels. While looking up the translation I did end up finding Arifureta (not sure if anyone mentioned this) and it would seem that there are many similar elements between the two.
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Spirit of the books
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Spirit of the books »

This is a really good series that could become an anime. It has a lot of potential and i can't wait for the next chapter!

How many volumes does this series have?
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Astral Realm

Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by [A]-N-+O+_N_ »

Such fast translations, it'll pass the manga quickly at this rate(maybe 2-3 chapters behind right now), I would sacrifice an alpaca for this team but the manager may take insult so I'll settle for a goat instead.
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Alpaca »

the first 'season' ,kind of, have about 17 volumes. And Alpacas are great for everything! Be it as a sacrificial object or be it a cuddling pillow for μ's. Yes, I am a fanatic.
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Raviel Ficangel
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Raviel Ficangel »

A Hero? Alt World? Shield? This will be interesting i think... Good luck to translating this series....
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by PDF_Reader622 »

Found this on Pastebin. Forgot the link.
Shield Hero ch22
Spoiler! :
What I wanted to hear




 何が勇者だ! 何が勇者に奴隷は許されないだ!

"What 'win' you coward!"
Our one-on-one duel was interrupted right?!

"What are you talking about. You lost because you couldn't stand up to my strength."

...you Itsuki, are you seriously saying that.
What was that crap about heroes! That heros shouldn't own slaves!
You trash, acting like a hero using a rigged fight to satisfy yourself.

「お前の仲間が決闘に水を差したんだよ! だから俺はよろめいたんだ!」
「ハッ! 嘘吐きが負け犬の遠吠えか?」
「ちげえよ! 卑怯者!」


"Your comrade interfered in the middle of our fight! That's why I staggered!"
"Ha! Is that lie the bitching of a loser?"
"That's not it you asshole!"

The coward Motoyasu looked down on me ignoring my complaint while feeling victorious.
Even through there really was an intrusion... that Itsuki!



「罪人の勇者の言葉など信じる必要は無い。槍の勇者よ! そなたの勝利だ!」

 この野郎! 言うに事欠いて、主催者である王様が堂々と宣言した。
 さすがに周りの連中は若干思うところもあったのだろう。目が泳いで何かを言いたげにしている。だが、ここ で一番の権力者である王様が断言してしまえば覆せる奴なんて居ない。

"Is that so."

The spectators had their eyes on Motoyasu.
Did they not see what happened... everyone is completely silent.

"There is no need to believe the words of a criminal hero. Hero of the spear! It is your victory!"

That asshole!
Just like that, the king boldly declared the result.
Even then, some of the crowd were unsure. They looked around as if they wanted to say something. However, there is no one who would challenge what the king announced.
Because of that the king can silence all dissent.
This kingdom is a complete dictatorship!


 事の元凶であるクソ女が白々しく元康に駆け寄る。そして城の魔法使いが元康だけに回復魔法を施し、怪我を 治す。



"As expected of Motoyasu-sama!"

The Mikuru who was the instigator of this incident shamelessly rushed to Motoyasu's side.
Furthermore the castle's magicians only cast healing magic on Motoyasu, healing his wounds.
Looks like they have no intention of helping me.

"Fumu, as expected of the hero my daughter, Marti, selected."
The king says as he places his hand on Mein's shoulder.



「いやぁ……俺もあの時は驚いたよ。マインが王女様だなんて、偽名を使って潜り込んでたんだな 」


Mein is the king's daughter!?

"Ah... I was surprised at the time as well to hear Mein is a princess. She used a fake name to slip amongst us."
"Yes... I wanted to help for the sake of world peace~"

 いくらなんでも被害者の証言だけで俺が犯罪者のレッテルを貼られるなんて変だと思っていたん だ。
 なるほど……お忍びの王女様がお気に入りの勇者の一番になる為に、勇者の中で一番劣る俺を生贄にして、金 を騙し取り、その父親はバカ娘のワガママを寛容に許し、証拠をでっちあげて冤罪を被せる。
 そうして犯罪者から王女を救った勇者である元康は、お忍びの王女と結果的に仲良くなり、他の女性よりも関 係が深まる。

... I see. So it's like that.
It seemed strange how easily I was labeled a criminal with just the victim's testimony.
So that's what it was... The king overlooked his idiot daughters selfishness and pushed the made-up crime onto me using fake evidence. For the sake of the hero that his daughter choose, he sacrificed me and took my money because I was the weakest of all heros.
Additionally because Motoyasu saved the princess from me they ended up becoming closer, moreso than all the other girls around him.

 最初から他の冒険者よりも遥かに高価な装備を付けていたら、元康だっておかしいと思って距離を置くはずだ 。
 どこまで計算されているのかは、もはや本人に直接尋ねる他ないが、ここまでする奴等だ、絶対に証拠を残し たりはしないはず。要するに、後に残るのは犯罪者で役立たずの盾の勇者と、王女を華麗に救った槍の勇者だけ 。

This also explains why I received additional funds at the beginning.
In other words, she is able to obtain good equipment for herself as well as support her selected hero, Motoyasu.
If Motoyasu alone started off with equipment far better than the other heros then even he would find it suspicious and be wary.
With such meticulous planning there is definately no way to find the truth other than from the culprit themselves. In the end the result was a worthless, criminal shield hero and the spear hero who magnificently saved the princess.

 ダメージこそ受けなかったが、俺をよろめかせる程高威力のウイングブロウを放てるのは、それだけ育ちが良 い証拠に他ならない。つまりこの国の王女である、偽らざる証。


『あの女の子は盾の勇者に無理矢理隷属させられている奴隷ですわ。今すぐ助けてあげてください 』

Piece by piece, everything begins to make sense.
There is no evidence other than the blow (dq10 reference that im ignoring) I received which did no damage but was enough to make me stagger. Evidence that the the princess cheated me.
Probably behind the scenes any objection to this rigged match was silenced.
So she could interefere in our duel and cover for her favored Motoyasu.

In that case, it must have been planned from the start for Motoyoasu and I to have a duel.
...Oh, It's so simple. All she had to do was whisper this to him.

"That girl has been forced into slavery by the shield hero. Please save her."

 未来の夫の評価と優しい自分を同時に手に入れる最大の機会だ。ここまでするあいつ等が、このチャンスを見 逃さないはずがない。
 後々の人民には同じ力を持った悪い勇者を倒した伝説の英雄と、その妻の名が永遠に語り継がれるという訳だ 。
 クソッ! なんてクズな王とビッチな王女なんだ!

A chance to both test her potential husband as well as show herself in a good light. If it's her, she definately won't let that chance slip by.
If in the end they get married, this will become a heroic tale of how they rescued a slave from a criminal.
And in the distant future, her name will carry on as the wife of the hero who defeated the evil hero.
Shit! This trash king and Mikuru princess!


 どこだ? 一体どこでそんな話を聞いた。
 仮にクソ勇者共と同じく、俺が図書館で読んだ四聖武器書が、この世界となんらかの関わりがあるのならば、 王女がビッチである理由にも納得が行く。


No, wait... the princess, a Mikuru...?

This phase, where have I heard it before.
Where? Where did I hear such a thing.
...I remember now. I read it in the 'Four Heavenly Weapon's Manual'. (name of book that transported him, taken from BT).
In that book the princess was a Mikuru who whored herself to all heros.
If the book I read in the library is related to this world then it makes sense that the princess is a Mikuru. Just like all these shitty heros. (unsure how to word, lit: just like all these shitty heros the princess being a Mikuru makes sense if this world is related to the book I read in that library.)

A seething rage from the very depths of my body envelops me.




I can feel a pulsing from my shield.



Curse Series (??? am i getting the name wrong)
The conditions for unlocking this shield were met.

My vision distorts as my shield is swallow by the pitch black emotion overflowing from my heart.


 人垣が割れ、ラフタリアが国の魔法使いによって奴隷の呪いを、今まさに解かれようとしていた 。

"Now then Motoyasu-dono, the girl that the shield hero has kept enslaved is waiting."

The crowd parts as the magicians begin to release Raphtalia from the slave curse.
The magicians bring a bowl overflowing with some liquid and smear it on the slave mark etched into Raphtalia's chest.
Before my eyes the mark fades away.
Raphtalia is now official freed from slavery.
My stomach churns as my heart is consumed by a dark feeling.
It is as if this world is ridiculing me, scorning me, and laughing at my struggles.
All I can see around me... are the dark grins of shadowy presences around me.


 口に巻かれた布を外されたラフタリアが近付いてくる元康に向けて言葉を、涙を流しながら元康 の頬を……。




Motoyasu rushes over to Raphtalia.
The gag now removed from her mouth Raphtalia, with tears flowing down her face-

-slapped Motoyasu.

"You... coward!"


「ナオフミ様は何時だって私に出来ない事はさせませんでした! 私自身が怯えて、嫌がった時だけ戦うように 呪いを使っただけです!」


Motoyasu had a dumbfounded look on his face after being hit.

"I never asked to be saved with your cowardly tactics!"
"B-but Raphtalia-chan was being exploited by him right?"
"Naofumi-sama has never forced me to do anything! Only when I was too afraid to fight did he use the curse!"

Slipping in and out of conciousness, I couldn't hear what was being said.
No, I actually could hear.
But I did not want to listen to anyone.
I just want to hurry and run away from here.
I want to return to my world.

「君がする必要が無い! アイツにボロボロになるまで使われるぞ!」
「ナオフミ様は今まで一度だって私を魔物の攻撃で怪我を負わせた事はありません! 疲れたら休ませてくれま す!」
「ナオフミ様は私の為に様々な事をしてくださいました。食べたいと思った物を食べさしてくださいました。咳 で苦しむ私に身を切る思いで貴重な薬を分け与えてくださいました。アナタにそれができますか? 」

"He shouldn't have done that!" (reword: motoyasu saying that the above is something naofumi shouldn't have done)
"Naofumi-sama can't defeat any monsters himself. That's why he has to rely on someone else to defeat them!"
"You don't need to do that! He will just use you until you are broken!"
"Naofumi-sama has never once let a monster hit me! If I become tired he lets me rest!"
"N, No... he's not the type to be considerate..."
"...Would you be able to offer your hand to a dirty slave wracked with illness?"
"Naofumi-sama has done a lot for me. He has let me eat things that I wanted to eat. He gave me precious medicine when I was haunted by coughs. Would you be able to that?"
"I- I would!"
"Then you would have a slave by your side!"




「あ、ああ。そいつは性犯罪者だ! 君だって性奴隷にされていたんだから分かるだろう」
「なんでそうなるんですか! ナオフミ様は一度だって私に迫った事なんて無いんですからね!」

For some reason... Raphtalia ran over to me.

"S-stay away!"

This... is hell.
A maliciously created world.
Women, no, everyone in this world scorns me as if to torture me.
If she touches me it will just bring back bad memories.
Raphtalia sees my condition and again glares at Motoyasu.

"I've heard the rumors... that Naofumi-sama forced himself on his companion, that he is an awful hero."
"A- Ah. He's a rapist! As a female slave you should understand right!?"
"Why would I! Naofumi-sama has never once laid hands on me!"






Raphtalia then grabbed my hand.

"L-let go!"
"Naofumi-sama... How can I make you trust me?"
"Let go of my hand!"

Everyone in this world accuses me of a crime I didn't commit.

"I didn't do it!"

The frenzied me was covered by something.

「どうか怒りを静めてくださいナオフミ様。どうか、アナタに信じていただく為に耳をお貸しくだ さい」
「逆らえない奴隷しか信じられませんか? ならこれから私達が出会ったあの場所に行って呪いを掛けてくださ い」


"Please calm down Naofumi-sama. In order for you to believe me, please listen."
"Do you only trust slaves who cannot betray you? Then let's go back to the place we met and redo the curse."
"L-lies. You're only saying that to trick me!"

.What's this. This voice is that is forcing itself into my heart.

「黙れ! また、お前達は俺に罪を着せるつもりなんだ!」
「……私は、ナオフミ様が噂のように誰かに関係を強要したとは思っていません。アナタはそんな事をするよう な人ではありません」


"No matter what, I will always believe Naofumi-sama."
"Shut up! You people are just going to pin more crimes on me!"
"...I don't believe the rumors. You are a person who would do such a thing."

I heard the words that I've been wanting to hear ever since I arrive in this world.
Gently the shadows that clouded my vision disappeared.
I received the tender warmth of another person.

「世界中の全てがナオフミ様がやったと責め立てようとも、私は違うと……何度だって、ナオフミ様はそんな事 をやっていないと言います」

 その顔立ちは何処と無くラフタリアを彷彿とさせるが、比べるのも失礼だと思うくらい可愛らし い少女。
 汚れてくすんだ色をしていた髪が綺麗に整っており、カサカサだった皮膚は健康的な物に変わっ ている。

"Even if the whole world blames Naofumi-sama, I am different... No matter how many times I will refute them."

When I lifted my head what was in front of me was not a little girl but a young woman around 17 years old.
Although her features looked like those of Raphtalia, she was an unbelievably cute girl.
What was dry cracked skin is now healthy looking with beautiful hair that is a slightly dirty looking color.
The body that once was skin and bones now was curvy with a fit, healthy figure.
Most prominently her eyes were not ones that have given up hope but ones that were strong-willed.
I don't recognize a girl like this.

「え? 何を言っているんですか。私ですよ、ラフタリアです」




"Naofumi-sama, now let's go place the curse on me again."
"Eh? What are you saying, it's me, Raphtalia."
"No-no-no, Raphtalia is a little girl?"

She claims herself as Raphtalia. She tilts her head troubled while trying to convince me.

"Geez, Naofumi-sama is always treating me like a child."

The voice... is definately the voice of Raphtalia I remember.
However, the body is completely different.
No-no-no, this is strange even if she is Raphtalia.

「亜人はですね。幼い時にLvをあげると比例して肉体が最も効率の良いように急成長するんです 」

"Naofumi-sama, I'll say this due to the circumstances."
"Demi-humans, when young when their level raises their body also quickly grows to match."
"Demi-humans are not human. The reason is the same as with monsters."




「どうか、信じてください。私は、ナオフミ様が何も罪を犯していないと確信しています。貴重な薬を分け与え 、私の命を救い、生きる術と戦い方を教えてくださった偉大なる盾の勇者様……私はアナタの剣、例えどんな苦 行の道であろうとも付き従います」

Embarassed, the girl who claimed to be Raphtalia continues.

"Although my... My mind is still that of a child, my body has already become like an adult."

While telling me this Raphtalia once again buries my head into her voluptious chest.

"Please believe me. I believe that Naofumi-sama has not any committed any crimes. The great shield hero who gave me precious medicine, saved my life, taught me how to survive and how to fight. I am your sword, I will follow you no matter the hardship we may face."


「どうか、信じられないのなら私を奴隷にでも何でもしてください。しがみ付いてたって絶対に付いていきます から」





Those were... the words that I have always wanted to hear.
The words ever since Raphtalia swore to fight together with me.

"If you do not believe me, make me your slave or do whatever you want with me. I will always stay with you."

From the first kind words that I received since I arrived in this world, I unconciously began to weep.
Although I felt that no matter what I could not cry, I could not stop the tears from falling.

"Uuu..... uuuuuuuuu"

"The duel just now... Motoyasu, you are disqualified."




Ren and Itsuki appeared from within the crowds and said-

"We saw it clearly from above, your companion aimed wind magic at Naofumi."
"No, But... That can't be."
"The king has become silent. You understand from that right?"
"...Is that what happened?"

Motoyasu's head went around the room looking at the audience.



「だけど……コイツ! 俺の顔と股間を集中狙いして――」
「勝てる見込みの無い戦いを要求したのですから、最大限の嫌がらせだったのでしょう。それくらいは許してあ げましょうよ」


"But he attacked me with a monster."
"It does no damage. You can check it yourself."

Acting righteous now, Ren scolds Motoyasu.

"But... he! He aimed for my face and my crotch!"
"Using the dirty tactics after being forced into a fight where he had no chance of winning. We should overlook something like that."

Moyotasu with a displeased look gave up arguing after hearing Itsuki's words.



"This fight seems to be your mistake this time, just let it go."
"Hmph... what a shitty result. I am still suspicious that Raphtalia-chan is being brainwashed."
"Look at them, how can you still say that."

The atmosphere became awkward so the heros began to leave while the crowd returned to the castle.

「……ちぇっ! おもしろくなーい」


「つらかったんですね。私は全然知りませんでした。これからは私にもそのつらさを分けてくださ い」


"...Hmph! How boring."
"Yes... this was quite a disappointing result."

The two who were unsatisfied with the result left in irritation. Only us two were left in the yard.

"It must have been tough. I didn't realize at all. From now on I want to share your hardships."

My conciousness drifted away when I heard that kind voice.



 俺の目にはラフタリアの成長に気付く余裕が無かった。全てをステータス魔法で計測して、ラフタリアを評価 していた。
 宴はとっくに終わり、城で用意された使用人の使っていないやや埃塗れの部屋でその日は本格的に眠ることに なった。



For about an hour after that I slept while being embraced by Raphtalia.
I was surprised, I did not realize Raphtalia had already grown up so much.
Why did I not notice?

...Probably, I was too stressed.

I did not have the luxury of noticing Raphtalia's growth. All I could see were her rising stats in the status screen.
The feast has long since ended so in a dust-covered unused room originally prepared for servants, I fell into a deep sleep.

Someone believes in me. With just that I feel a burden lifted from my heart.

The meaning of this became clear the next day during breakfast.
For the first time since I was betrayed by Mein, my sense of taste returned.
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Alpaca »

Tried contacting the author of that pastebin -> receive no response -> will just proceed with translating it as normal.
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by alexpte »

Who was the translator for the pastebin link of chapter 22, and where did you find it?
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Re: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari [Light Novel]

Post by Alpaca »

alexpte wrote:Who was the translator for the pastebin link of chapter 22, and where did you find it?
He contacted me then for some reason deleted his own message.

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