Original LN Birth of Chaos

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Mikuru Bunny
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Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Spoiler! :
The war was over…

The final battle between good and evil.

The war between heaven and hell used earth as their battlefield.

Countless human lives were lost in the crossfire.

Humanity was enraged and with the help of the dragons waged war on both sides.

Dragons turned the tide and made humanity the third force in the war.

The war lasted over a century but after grim losses from each side a peace treaty was signed.

There were many opposed to the treaty (mostly human) but they were ignored.

Some of the warmongers decided to complete project CHAOS.

The creation of super being surpassing the archangels, maou and dragon kings and even the

Project CHAOS was humanity's solution to the war but was scrapped due the treaty.

The war was later named the trinity war by a sole man.

He chose the name because he thought it sounded cool.

Despite not participating in it, he just watched the destruction like a movie, no one could
oppose his decision.

He even helped project CHOAS be completed. All this was done for his entertainment.

Now 50 years after the trinity war the being is created and it was unleashed upon the world.
Chapter 1:
Spoiler! :
Kurogane Shin was wandering the streets of Eden.

Eden was the inter-world city and academy set up by the three worlds.

Shin was a 16 year old teen with short white hair and was around 170cm tall.

He was currently in his first year of high school.

Shin was also currently lost and was dragging his feet around town.

"God dammit why did they put the school in the middle of the damn city"

Shin grumbled as reached is destination after wandering for an hour.

The school was a majestic building with multiple facilities.

They were many different races of students here, including angels, demons, dragons, humans and other creatures (all in human form but easily distinguishable).

Heading to the Gym for the opening ceremony Shin saw a bunch of purebloods angels and their lackeys.

He distinguished them because of their pure wings and halo's.

The pureblood angels walked around showing off their bloodlines.

While those of lesser status and some mixed bloods followed them.
"You there clear out of the way for Raph sama" some of them said to Shin but he just ignored him.

"Clearly he doesn't know me ..... I am Raph a blood relative of archangel Rapheal" Raph pompously walks around.

But Shin's next action shocked the entire group , he was currently flipping them off and said "Oi will you shut up you annoying prick, nobody cares who you're related to".

Shin resumes heading to to the gym.

Now in the gym Shin was currently sleeping until the principal showed up.

A young women who appeared to be on her early twenties showed and said " hello I am your principal Kurosaki Maya"

Maya was what people consider an otherworldly beauty.

Quite a few mouths moved at this because she was the daughter of one of the strongest dragon lords.

"And know introducing the two vice principals first we have Kasai Beliel and Hikari Rameul".
Beliel was large stern man who was flame demon with strength of a maou and Rameul was one of archangel metatron's most trusted subourdinates.

"Looks like each faction a has placed their best dogs here" Shin thought.

Shortly after the opening ceremony was over and the students headed to their classrooms, Shin was in 1-F.

The teacher introduced herself as Exia Phoenix, it seemed she was a pure blood phoenix.

Many boys were drooling while looking at her. It was to be expected, Exia was a top class beauty. She had majestic red hair, a beautiful face and a huge chest.

The class did they're self introduction while identifying their race. It seemed that Raph was in his class.

Now it was Shin's turn "I'm Kurogane Shin and my race is Human that is all".

"Um Kurogane-kun we need more information then that like family and talents and stuff"Exia replied.

"My family members are all gone" replied Shin as if it didn't concern him.

"Sorry for asking about something uncomfortable" said Exia with look of pity, that was adopted by the whole class.

"I don't need your pity" Shin grumbled clearly annoyed.

"We'll now continuing home room".

"First of all I'd like for every one to register for the coliseum so you can participate in the battles.

By battle she was talking about the merit system.

The merit system was a form of battle tournament were students battle each other to obtain a higher rank.

Earning merit enabled you access to the various luxuries available at the schools various facilities.

It gave all 3 factions a chance to show off the upcoming generations power and find hidden talents in their races.

The battles take place after lunch.

Morning class ended and it was currently lunch time.

Shin was getting food in the cafeteria and was talking to his class mate beside him.

"Hello my name is Himegami Rei you can call me Rei, nice to meet you Kurogane-kun".

She introduced herself because it clearly looked like Shin had no clue who she was.

She had long black hair, black eyes and a was yet another beauty. She also
appeared to be really popular.

Facing this beauty Shin still showing an uninterested gaze said "well you can call me Shin".

"Aww come Shin-kun you could more of a reaction".

As they were walking to a table their conversation was interrupted by Raph bumping into Shin and knocking his food on the floor.

"Watch we're your going human" Raph scowled as he sat on a table amongst his lackeys.

"Hey that was clearly your faul-"

As Rei was about to yell she saw a faint evil smile appear on Shin's face for an instant.
She now realized he provoking the cocky angel into a fight. Surprisingly he loved in sighting conflict.

"Hey Rei wanna see something hilarious"These were the first words Shin said Rei as they sat down on the table after getting more food.

"Okay I'll bite what" she replied with 100% interest. "Look at the table behind us" was all Shin reply.

Looking behind Shin she saw Raph eating with his friends? When suddenly the table exploded and the food was sprayed all over they're faces.

Seeing this Shin and Rei both burst into laughter. Soon it was the whole cafeteria!

"Ahahahahahaha my side are killing me" Shin laughed hysterically.

"How did do that just know" Rei laughed while surprised.

Raph stormed over to Shin and full of fury howled "are you responsible for this humiliation you worthless human. "

"I never knew angels were so stupid that the can't even remember names and I am what's it to you".

"You will pay for this humiliation! I challenge you to a duel"

"Sure I accept" was the carefree reply.

Raph and his crew were now leaving the cafeteria clearly annoyed by their cheeky opponent.

"Will you alright getting into a fight on the first day and with a pure blood angel at that" asked a worried Rei.

"Don't worry it's more fun this way" answered Shin as if planned all this.

Part 2:

The time for Shin's fight arrived. The battle was a team battle and Raph naturally had team already assembled.

In the arenas on one side was Raph with five angels who were warming up and on the other side was Shin sleeping on the floor surrounded by four training dummies.

The judge for the match was Exia.
"Um Kurogane-kun I don't think you can use training dummies for teammates. Why don't you quickly ask around if anyone is willing to help you".

"Eh … I never thought I needed to team up with a student".

"I'll team up with you if you don't mind" Rei interjected.

"No need" was the immediate reply.

"By the way sensei I have a question?"

"Oh what is it".

"Is it okay if I accidentally kill some of them".

This question shocked Exia and Rei. Not only was Shin planning on fighting 5 opponents, he was implying that he might kill them.

"N-no you can't kill them" was her reply.

"So it okay as long as they don't die".

Shin muttered under his breath with sadistic smile.

Suprising Raph was completely calm hearing this exchange going because he planning to do the same to Shin.

In the observation deck many students gathered to watch the first student battle of the school year.

Naturally many upperclassman came observe the new talent.
The match was now starting. Raph and his team was balanced team with three range attackers and to close range. Raph was one of the close range fighters and his weapon was a spear of light.

Shin on the other hand stood empty handed and didn't even make a stance.

At the wave of Exia's arm the match started. Raph team immediately started bombarding Shin with high level holy magic.

Holy magic was the strongest and most pure form of light magic. It was deadly against any race but angels. Though there are certain expect ions to the rule.

Using holy magic was as natural as breathing for angels. Raph let out sadistic laugh as he watch the explosions occur.

"That's just overkill " Rei yelled worried about Shin.

The assault ended and Raph was convinced of his victory he good reason to because that level of magic barrage could defeat any human.

As the dust cleared only one thing could be seen 2 pitch black wings, so dark that it looked it would just suck you in. These were the wings of dragon.

Shin stood there completely unscathed. He used the two wings as a shield. Everyone was shocked.

"You lied about your race".

"Oi oi don't go making random accusations now"

"You said you were human but those clearly are dragon wings, unless your a half".

"Don't underestimate humans" he said before he chanted something in an inaudible voice.

His wings extended and arms changed into those of a dragon.

Shin's arms were now covered with majestic black scales with chains wrapped around them. At
the end of them were 4 pitch black claws.

"Looks like I got rusty but it more the good enough to win"Shin thought.

He held both his arms in front of him and created a black sphere in between them. The pressure given from the attack was insane.

"Bye bye" Shin said with a carefree smile as he shot it at his enemies.

Within one second contact after hitting Raph is entire team was engulfed by a black explosion.

They emerged from the explosion with fatal injuries but seemed that Shin spared them.

'Who knew that he would go easy on them' was the thought that ran thought Arua Lightwing the student council president's mind.

Just as the thought ran through her head she saw that the principal and the vice principal were entering the arena with displeased expressions.

"State your name freshman" Maya asked

"Sup I'm Kurogane Shin"Shin replied.

"Winner Kurogane Shin "

Raph and team were taken to the infirmary horribly injured. While Shin had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Why did you go so far" Hikari asked

"Because it's more fun that way" was the reply.

She was clearly angry. Well it was obvious because 5 students were heavily injured because Shin wanted to have fun.

"If I recall correctly you said you were human right "Maya pondered "but then why can turn into such a powerful dragon, unless your lying to all of us".

"Oi oi don't go around making random accusation principal. I'm not lying about being human, but you asked the wrong question so you got the wrong answer.

"Fare enough, I'll drop the matter for now. Humans have always been a crafty and troublesome race." Maya said as she turned to leave.

"Oh ya we got our eye on you"

"Wow how scary, but being stalked by a beauty is not bad" Shin said getting the last laugh.

"Wow Shin you got a lot of confidence to hitting on the principal"

"More like recklessness" Arua interjected.

"Hey you seem pretty strong yourself bigshot beauty senpai".

"Oh you seem like quite the playboy but it seems that not what you really want" she replied mischievously.

"Looks like ya caught me Arua Lightwing kaichou".

Arua was genuinely shocked "I'm sure we never met before how do you know my name".

"That's a secret kaichou-san"Shin said as he started leave the arena.

"What a mysterious kid … keep an eye on him"

"You can count on me nee-san"

"Well Rei I shall take my leave now"

"Have safe trip" Rei shouted as she ran after Shin.

Catching up she said "how mean of you to leave me behind Shin-kun".


"No response huh, you're ignoring me again huh".

"No just thinking about something I forgot. Looks like tomorrow is gonna even more fun then today" he said with extremely pleased look.

"Hmmm looks like you're planning something fun, let me join in on the fun too okay~".

"Sure tomorrow will loads of fun for everyone including your nee-san back there".

"Awwww looks like i was found out. It looks like it really hard to keep secrets from you, if
only the reverse could happen" she was clearly pouting.

"Oh sounds like your interested in my identity"

"Who wouldn't be your such an mysterious and interesting person, not to mention your looks
are pretty good".

"So now your hitting on me. Going with the seduction route eh. Well this could be fun, getting seduced by such a cute girl as yourself".

"I'm not going to seduce you Baka" she said with her face beet red.

"Hahaha just kidding, just kidding".

"You really love screwing around don't you, by the way were do you live " she asked curiously .

"I don't live anywhere I'm homeless" replied Shin shattering her fantasies of him being rich and famous.

"Well it's time for me to find a place to sleep, so bye and thanks for your time" he said as he started to walk away.

"Wait you can just stay in the dorm. If you have money and if you don't you get a part time job"

"Sorry already spent all the money I had and I'm just to lazy for work".

Letting out a huge sigh " just what am I going to do with you. Fine I'll let you stay in my room" she said shyly.

"Just don't let anyone find out okay".

"Are you sure about this I might just go with flow and some untalkable things may happen.” he said mischievously staring at Rei's body.

"Come on don't take advantage of my kindness please Shin-kun" she was sincerely pleading.

"Fine … I was just joking anyway but taking this so seriously looks like you have some dirty thoughts"

Realizing he was just toying with her she instantly went red and shouted " you're the worst messing with a young maidens heart like this".

"Sorry I went to far" he apologized

"I will forgive just this once but don't do this again".

Well on their way to the girls dorm they saw a student surrounded by men.

"Hey Rei look delinquents"as Shin pointed the delinquents he burst into laughter.

"Ahahahahahahaha they look so retarded".

"Oi Mikuru you laughing at us huh".

"Don't get cocky now brat"

"Don't look down at us pretty boy"

"There so generic" he laughing even harder now.

"They only thing good about these trash is their taste in woman".

Rei let out a huge sigh "you know Shin kun you're pretty direct".

"Hey I'm only stating the truth".he said this as he stared at the surrounded student.

He was a sliver haired girl with snow white skin and a fair body.

The girl shot a displeased gaze at Rei .

"Rei your boyfriends cheating on you".

"He not my boyfriend" she said angrily.

"So you're a vampire and a norfestu at that nice, nice" Shin interjected again seeing through
every girl he just met.

"How do you know my race and rank …… don't tell you're a stalker". The girl replied while

"I'm not stalker Shimizu Maria-san"

"Why do you know my name … you're clearly a stalker".

"Know that you mention it how did you know nee-san name when you met for the first time.
Wait why didn't you know my name when I came to talk to you" Rei asked clearly furious.

"That's a secret but I'm not stalker, oh and when we talked I was just playing dumb". Was nonchalantly responses.

"How come everything is a secret with you" Rei grumbled she was clearly annoyed.

"Hey don't ignore us start flirting with girls you low life" the crowd screamed.

"Takagi-san kick his ass"

"Yeah aniki knock him off of his high horse".

"I was just about to do that, want to go at it brat". The man named Takagi said as he prepared to

He was all teen with black hair and a light build.

"So now we have the werewolf Takagi Souchiro entering the stage".

"Shin-kun you know him?". Rei asked.

"Of course not"

"Is this also your shady information gathering" Maria asked.

"Yup and as a special service I will show another one of my secrets"

"Why" asked the two girls suspiciously.

"Because its more fun this way" was the answer they got.

"So you know who I am right, why don't you just surrender, you don't have to act cool in front
those girls you know".

"Of corse I know you edens biggest problem child the pitch black werewolf from the proud
black wolf clan right"

"Eh you even know about my clan, your information network must quite good".

"Whatever trash"

"Woah now you started the name calling your clearly trying to act cool but you are out your league. Takagi shouted as he attempted to punch Shin's face.

His fist met the empty air and Shin was standing in the exact same spot.

"Wow that was a fast punch but you need to be faster to hit me"

Shin took his first step in the fight and Takagi was sent flying a few meters back.

His fist was in position were Takagi's head was.

"Your instincts must be pretty good to block that"

Shin hand had formed a fist but it unclear of when he threw a punch.

Infuriated Takagi yelled "don't get cocky freshman" and transformed into a werewolf.

His werewolf form had black fur and gave him a pretty muscular body.

"Ah I'm bored so sorry but I'm ending it in one blow" Shin declared .

"Don't let your guard down Shin, his psyical abilities should have increased with his

"But that's why I'm disappointed. Looks like I can only enjoy fighting when the full moon is up".

"Quit messing with me damn brat!!!!"

Takagi yelled as charged at Shin again.

"Baka~ anyone can see through those straight movements" Shin said as grabbed the empty air
in front of him.

From the air he pulled about a majestic but creepy blood red sword. It had a curved blade but looked kinda like a fang.

Maria widened her eyes at the appearance of the blade.

Maria stared at sword and muttered " the ….blood…fang."

"What's the blood fang" Rei inquired as she saw Maria's reaction to the sword.

"The blood fang is the sacred treasure of the vampires".

"It was created by our ancestors to drink the blood is superior beings"

"Superior beings …… wait you don't mean archangels and maou's do you"!!! Maria asked wide eyed.

"Yes but it was lost over 100 years ago"

"T-then why does Shin-kun have it then". Rei wondered.

Curious about the power of the sword she watched Shin swing the blade at Takagi.

Mid swing the sword vanished and and a huge slash appeared on the attacking werewolf.

"Guah 'cough out blood' what the hell was that"

"Oh nothing just swing a sword fast enough to sever a dimension but are you sure you should be worried about that your going to die of blood loss".

"T-tto think such thing was possible" muttered Takagi.

"Quick carry aniki to the hospital" the group shouted as they started to carry him.

"First year what's your name asked Takagi weakly

"Class 1-F Kurogane Shin"

"I remember that na-" as he saying this Takagi fainted.

"Now lets continue are day" Shin said as he turned to the girls.

"Wait Shin-kun Maria has something she needs to ask you"

Taking a deep breath "Kurogane Shin why do you have the blood fang that went missing 100 years ago".

"Oh this, I found it"

Dumbfounded at his answer Maria and Rei only stared at him suspiciously.

He was not lying yet he was not saying the entire truth. Building up her resolve Maria asked

"can I please have the sword back, I will do anything you ask".

"Anything" Shinsaid eyeing her body from head to toe.

"Yes anything even if it means having to pay with my chastity".

"Eh~ you want it so badly" after thinking for bit he said "well take it".

He just tossed the legendary treasure of the vampires away like it was a old toy he was done playing with.

"W-wwwah" Maria screamed as she frantically cuaght the sword.

"Shin-kun what are you planning" Rei inquired watching Shin suspiciously.

"Eh you think I'm not giving it out of the kindness of my heart".

"Honestly do you take me for a fool"

"No not at all"he replied.

"Then why did hand over the sword without asking for anything" Maria asked as she regained her composure.

"The only thing I need Maria to do us keep a secret".

"What secret, that you had the blade or something else".

"To specific if you tell Rei's the one that going to be in trouble".

Realizing what he's talking about Rei screamed "noooooooooo, don't tell Maria about that".

"It's just th-" Shin's mouth was blocked by Rei's hand. She was completely red.

"Fine I won't ask any further about this cleary impure secret, I'll just feign ignorance as compensation for the sword".

Parting with Maria they reached the girls dorm. Rei entered her room and opened the window
so Shin could sneak in. He was currently outside waiting for Rei to give the signal.

Naturally he was concealing his presence and was hidden from the girls. As soon as he saw the window open he moved at a speed that made him invisible to the naked eye and jumped into the room.

Rei could only sigh at his reckless method of sneaking. Luckily nobody seemed to have saw him enter.



An awkward silence filled the room. Shin as usual was staring into space but something was strange his left eye. Rei saw these strange golden lights flashing in Shin's blackish red eyes.

She saw some words flashing in his eyes.

"Shin-kun what's happening to your eye"

"Damn I did it out of habit. Oh we'll it's not a complete loss".

"Jiiiiiii" Rei was staring him down.

"I was just getting all the info on the dorm residents as a precaution".

"I don't understand how you're doing it".

"Hmm …… well the best way to describe would be I search the dimension around me search up all relevant information on people through the use if telepathy". (Like the identify skill in games.)

"Jeez why I am not even surprised anymore".

"But it seems like we're going to have an intruder soon so I leave it you" immediately after saying this he vanished.

Theirs a knock on the door when he vanished. Rei nervously opens the door to find the dorm manager standing there.

Crap was I found ran through her mind. "A-Ahh do you need something dorm manager" she said scared stiff.

The dorm manager was Hakaze Yuuki a forever smiling high class lady. She had an average figure and short white hair. She was also half human half ice dragon. A true ice queen.

"Ara Rei-chan there's no need to be so scared. I've just brought your new room mate Shimizu Maria".

"So we meet again Maria"

"Looks that way Rei "

"Ara looks like you two know each other so get along well now"Yuuki said as she left the room.

Maria entered the room and when she turned to look at her bed she Shin's upside down face right in front of her. They were close that their lips almost touched.

Just before she could screamed kyaaaaa Shin sealed her mouth with his hand

"Wow look at this coincidence. Looks like we meet again Maria".

"W-Wwwhat are you doing here? this is the girls dorm".

"Haaaaaaa"letting out a huge sigh Rei said “what to we do now. Shin-kun's been discovered.”

"Hahahaha" he laughed it off.

"Don't worry Maria won't tell a soul".

"What are you talking about you can't stay in this room let alone this dorm" she complained.

"But Maria don't you recall receiving the blood fang a while back"

She was forced into silence by this huge debt".

"Or would you use the other method if payment"he said with an evil grin.

"So this was the secret you were talking about. So you and Rei have already surpassed the level of boyfriends".

"No were not I just offered to let Shin-kun stay here because he's homeless , poor and to lazy to work"Rei replied while blushing.

"How lucky I get stay in room with two cute girls".

"There is seriously something wrong with you Shin".

"Shin-kun continuing what we were talking about earlier. I'll be blunt Shin-kun can you use magic to manipulate dimensions".

"Yep, it's pretty easy if you get the hang of it" looking like he got an idea he said "how about I teach you know for letting me stay here".

"Really" she asked with hers eyes sparkling.

"Really, I have a book on it wait just let me get it"

He reached into the air and tore it open revealing a room filled with all this exotic material.

Many we're weapon, some were books etc.

" Hey isn't this the legendary grimore of the werewolf hunters the 'Werewolf Bane".

“Over here is a grimore about high level demon magic.”

"Hey don't go around touching things" he said as he started to close the space and came out with book in his hand.

"Here you go Rei"

"Thank you very much"

"We'll it's getting late now so let's go to sleep Maria said as she got on her bed.

"Yeah let's" Rei agreed as she got on her bed".

"I agree let's sleep under the same roof and room, two girls and one guy."Shin said raising the forgotten issue.

He was in a futon (that he got from somewhere) between the 5m space between the two beds.

"Wait one second, Shin promise you won't attack us during our" sleep.

"Yeah Shin-kun, if you to anything I will have you expelled".

"Don't worry about that I promise I won't do anything to the two of you".

After confirming his promise they all slept.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
Posts: 1075
Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:15 am
Favourite Light Novel: Ahouka!
Location: lost in the realm of eternal laziness

Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Chapter 2:
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2: Revelations and Women

The next day. It was bright and sunny with a few clouds. The temperature was nice out.
Himegami Rei and Shimizu Maria awake to the feeling of somebody holding them.

They open theirs eyes synchronized. What covers their field of vision is the face of Kurogane Shin.

Their faces were so close together it looked like they were about to kiss his cheeks.

Now the embarrassment kicked in and they were about scream.

Calm down, calm down Rei thought first recall what happened then beat him to death.

Maria's thoughts mirrored Rei's decision. Currently they were sharing a futon with the asleep Kurogane Shin.

Which means they slept together and right now Shin was embracing both of them very tightly.

"Maria can hear me" Rei whispered.

"What Rei ,have you decided if were going to kill him".

"You know what let's"

Maria slowly raising head showed here fangs and getting ready to attack Shin's neck. While Rei piled out a knife and prepared to stab him in the stomach.

As Maria fang neared Shin, her killing intent was released.

Sensing the intent Shin's arm grabbed Maria neck and knocked her to the ground. With his knee
placed on her chest Maria was pinned.

Rei stared dumbfounded as a sword in Shin's hand was pointed at her neck.

It appeared that Shin woke up in the most awkward movement.

Drowsily he scanned the room he found Rei beside him in her pajamas. But since it was little messed up her underwear was visible.

Noticing Shin's gaze she quickly covered herself with a pillow.

Now Shin looked down to find a pinned Maria. She was in under garment and blushing furiously.

"Would you mind getting off of me" she asked extremely furious.

"Ah" looking like he came to realization to what happened even he was embarrassed.

"Wow looks like I can't keep my guard down around you girls or you'll attack me at night again".

"Eh so you didn't drag us into your bed"

"What do you girls see me as" he asked suprised by Rei's inquiry.

"A playboy superhuman that has way to mystery to him".

"A stalker and enemy of all woman".

Letting out a huge sigh he responded saying "how the hell am I a stalker. I already told and taught you how to gain that information.

"About that I don't understand this part of the book".

"You know what I teach both of you right now so how about we forget this incident".

"Okay but is going to take long we have to to school soon".

"Well it depends on you"

"What's that supposed to mean Shin"

"I'm saying I can make you able to use dimensional storage and mind hack in 10 seconds flat"

"Really" the girls were getting excited.

"Okay so now stand completely still and don't move".

"Okay" Maria and Rei stand side by side placing their full attention on Shin.

He walked to Rei and put his fore head against hers. It looked like he's about to kiss her.
Extremely flustered Rei jumped back surprised and fell to the floor strangely exhausted.

"What the hell are trying to do"she yelled.

"I don't see what I did wrong"

"You just tried to kiss me didn't you. Lying about how you'll teach us".

"Oh so that what this about. You're just misunderstanding my actions"

"There's no way that was misunderstood Shin"

"It was I was just transmuting knowledge into your heads"

"Liar then how come I didn't learn anything and I felt your breath on my lips". She complained
while flustered.

"Well that's the only alternative unless you want kiss".

"Eh" hearing this response they uttered "what so you mean by alternative".

"I'm saying if don't do this I will have to kiss you" he said. Even he was embarrassed by the idea.

"Okay fine I let you continue what you're doing".

"Oh so that means"

"No you can't kiss me or Maria".

"Fine"continuing the procedure Rei's face was scarlet. After 30 seconds she collapsed to the floor.

"Next is your turn" he said as he turned to Maria repeating his previous action.

She also collapsed. "Okay now try say 'gate open' Shin instructed them as they got up again.

"Gate open" the girls said as separate space opened in front of them, but it was smaller than Shin's.

If you were to make a compassion Shin's storage would be a wide open room while Rei and Maria's were the size of a closet.

"Hey, why is it so small?"

"Cause you lack skill and practice".

"Ssshhh, looks like someone's coming" footsteps could be faintly heard down the hall.

"Try saying 'Mind hack ' to check who it is"

Taking in a deep breath "Alright … Gate search" when Rei said those words an image appeared in her head it was that of Yuuki walking in the hall. Then a image of Yuuki appeared and beside it all general knowledge about her.

"This is amazing"

"So were even right"

Rei then tried to searcher Shin's info but found his picture with an empty page.

"You just used it on me right now didn't you. I forgot to mention it but this magic is useless against me"

Looking at the alarm clock it was time to go to school. All three of them began preparing to go to school.

For breakfast they went to a nearby cafe cause they couldn't use the cafeteria in the dorm,

After enjoying a nice breakfast they departed to school. On the way the trio took a detour to the bank. Rei needed to withdraw some money.

Maria and Shin were talking as Rei was finishing her transaction. Shin was abruptly staring at group men loitering by the counter.

"Hey Shin why do have that face again"

"What face?"

"The one that tells you're about to have fun"

"Oh that's beca-" Shin's answer was cut off by sudden' bang'"Nobody move this is a holdup".
Three men with pistols in their hands announced. Everyone in the bank was still calm because, banks were equipped with anti-magic barriers and strong security personal. The security guard was about to roast them with strong magic.

But when he launched his magic it exploded in his hand. The man who seemed like the leader was holding a lead bracelet, without a doubt a magic jammer.

Now every one composure was blown away and panic started as the men started to take hostages.

"Pitiful" we're the word out of Shin's mouth.

Thinking I know those poor people having to experience smothering like this at young age was
Maria's thought as some elementary and middle school students were taken hostage.

"Those pitiful robbers"

Turning her head to state at Shin she saw his evil grin.

"To be used in that man's scheme" he said this as he opened a miniature version of his gate and pulled out a pistol.

'Maria don't make a move, you too Rei just sit back and enjoy the show' a voice in the girls head told them this.

'Oh yeah did I mention with the gate you can communicate long distance with people using your thoughts'.

Shin raised the the two pistols he holding up and 'BANG''BANG' two of the bank robbers dropped dead. It was a perfect headshot.

Wide eyed many people in the bank started at Shin including the last robber.

"You fuckin brat… how dare you kill my men" he yelled furious.

"Trash is always trash. So you were the goons Rienos hired".

"How do you know master Rienos"

"There is no need for you to now"

They both drew up their guns and glared at one another. But the man was sliming." You cocky peice of shit it's my victory pistols only hold 1 bullet and you already fired".

The guns of this world were at the level if muskets.

"That's right Shin-kun how are you going to pull this off" Rei asked amused, she was completely unworried about Shin's safety.

As the man fired his bullet Shin proved the man speechless by shooting his bullet out of the
sky."H-hhhhhoooowww is that possible" he asked terrified.

Without answering Shin shot him in the heart with two more bullets thus killing him. But before man died the words "you lose" came out his mouth.

After the police rushed in and secured the bodies. Shin, Rei and Maria had already left the scene.

"Shin what was that all about. You sounded like you knew their boss" Maria questioned.

"True, Shin-kun what is your connection with those men and who is Reinos".

"It would be faster to show you then explain it all … so if you allow me".

"What do you mean show" they thought but Shin suddenly grabbed them and ran.

Part 2

Meanwhile at the school the principal and the vice principal were having tea in their office.

"So did you figure out were Kurogane Shin disappeared to last night"Hikari asked.

"No that remains unknown. Our tail lost sight of him when he met up Shimizu Maria and put Takagi Souchiro on the brink of death". Belial answered.

"What's even more suprising is how he did it"

"What do you mean"Belial asked intrigued.

"He had the legendary treasure of the vampires the blood fang. A sword with the ability to drink the blood of archangels and maou's". Replied Maya.

"How did you even get something like that. I'm sure the vampires couldn't have given it to him, unless he stole it".

"No both of those are are impossible because the blood fang went missing durning the war 100 years ago".

"Then how was he able to get it" Hikari wondered annoyed.

"We'll something interesting was found … a note in the pocket of our tail but get this it was sealed with devil magic".

Devil magic the strongest form of dark magic. Only available to demons, again there are certain exceptions to the rule.

Belial furrowed his brows and asked "but wasn't he clearly using dragon magic yesterday".

"This becoming troublesome" taking a brief pause Maya "Belial I need you to undo sealing".

"Roger that boss" he said as started.

He stared at the letter suspiciously. "The seal on this thing came undone while we were talking".

"He screwing with us that damn brat" Maya spat as she grabbed and opened the note.

The letter read " sup you probably opening this tomorrow so good morning. You guys were talking about how I lost you're tail and disappeared but as a service for trying so hard I'll give a lead. Wait in your office until 8:00 and a bloody puzzle will arrive.

"This guy is one of the most irritating human I ever met"

"Well calm down Maya getting angry wont solve anything" Hikari said.

"Losing you composure is probably what he wants". Belial interjected.

"What the hell is this bloody puzzle"

"Don't know boss".

"Well Maya looks like we'll have our answer because it's 8:00".

They looked outside the window and saw bloody man approaching their office. He was swaying while walking , he seemed to be heavily injured.

"Is that our puzzle"

"Seems so boss"

"Well Bel-san can you go retrieve him".

Beliel jumped out of the window grabbed the man and jumped back.

"………" the man stared at the room startled.

"Hello nice to meet you my name is Kurosaki Maya". Maya introduced herself.

"So …… you're ……Kurosaki… Maya …… I am 'cough' … Rienos". Rienos answered weakly.

"Why are you so injured, I'll heal you quickly" asked Hikari as she prepared to heal him.

"No point … curse … dying … no time" Rienis protested.

"We'll talk while I heal you we might be able to save you" Hikari started to heal him despite his protests.

"You need to watch out for ko- S-n"

"Who's Ko Sn"

"It seems like this curse prevent me from talking". He laughed at his misfortune " I didn't expect a familiar at the city limits".

"You were attacked"? Asked Belial puzzled.

Vomiting out a huge amount of blood Reinos said "he knew I was coming here, so he probably came here after killing the others".

"Why did you come here if you knew your enemy is here" asked Maya because she didn't understand his course of action.

Turning pale Rienos said " I can only tell you two things … first is konton no kigen project and the being known as the Shōmatsu no Tenryū Kami". He needs to stopped its the only way to atone.” As these words left his mouth he was stabbed with dagger in the heart.

The dagger was thrown from the open window. As they turned towards the window they saw a petite girl dressed in a ninja outfit.

"Yes~ yes I got him " she cheered.

"Why did you kill him?!!" Hikari asked trying to as friendly as possible.

"Why obviously master told me too~. Yay now I can get praised by master".

"Who is your master" Hikari tried negotiate, she was slightly angry.

"I can't tell you onee-san. If I do master will scold me".

"Then at least tell me who are" renewing her approach she asked the girl.

"My name is Sion I am mas-" as Sion was cluelessly answering she disappeared.

"We're did she go" Maya asked pissed.

"Boss it seems she's been teleported before she said to much"

"Well Maya looks like we have alot of investigating to do" Hikari said with a huge sigh.

"Yep, by what the hell does konton no kigen even mean"

"Boss it mean the GENESIS OF CHOAS or the creation of chaos".

"Then what about the second onto was-"

"Shōmatsu no Tenryū Kami, the heavenly dragon god of annihilation"said an unknown voice".

"Che" Maya clicked her tongue. Grabbing the intercom she announced to the staff room
"attention all staff the board chairman has escaped I repeat the board chairman has escaped he
is to stopped on sight, use lethal force".

"By board chairman Maya can't mean"

"Yep Kurosaki Kyouya my stupid adopted elder brother, the human that rivals a maou is loose in the city".

First Kurogane Shin then Rienos and know Kyouya this can't be coincidence. Look like we have to face a new danger. Maya thought as she chased after him.

Part 3

Shin, Rei and Maria were at the school gate. When a girl in ninja outfit ran up to Shin and gave a huge hug.

"Ah master it so nice to see you again~. I did the job you assigned me~" she said with a huge smile on her face. Seeing Rei and Maria she introduced herself to them.

"Good morning my name is Izanagi Sion, you can me Sion".

"Hello Sion-chan I'm Himegami Rei and this is Shimizu Maria".

"Well the Sion-chan I want ask you what is your relationship with Shin".

"Master is my master".

" so she calls you Master, Shin what's the meaning of this, don't tell your a lolicon"
Materializing a katana in her hand she points it at Maria "don't talk rudely to master".

"Shin-kun I'd also like an explanation"

"Explanation hmmmmm" after thinking for awhile he says "Sion redo your introduction"

"Yes master my name is Izanagi Sion, I'm my master Kurogane Shin's familiar".

"Ehhhhhh! So Sion-chan is Shin's familiar" Maria was verifying this point greatly suprised.

"Wait, Shin-kun why did take Sion-chan as your familiar, I thought it would more like some wild beast or demon or something".

"I chose Sion because she's strong and I don't think I could any other familiar that's this cute and strong" he says this while patting her on the head.

"Ahhhhhh~ masters praise, Sion will continue to do her best"enthusiastically she declared.

By know they were in the classroom and all the stares were directed at Shin because walked in surrounded by 3 beauties.

'I saw them walking home together yesterday'. 'They walked to school together as well'. 'Who is that little girl' 'don't tell he's sunk his fangs in her too' were done of rumors the class was making up.

Exia now walks in and asks everyone to take their seats. Spotting Sion she asks Shin "Um
Kurogane-kun who is that girl".

"She's my familiar" was the answer.

"Can't you send her home or something I think she'll disturb the class".

"Master help that lady is trying to send Sion away" narrowing her eyes she says "maybe she a spy for the family".

"What do you mean by spy and family" Exia complained.

"Sion did expect this happen after all she ran away from home to stay with master"she was
loudly muttering to herself.

"Um Sion-chan how old were you when you ran away" Rei asks.

"Why, I was 8 years old when I ran away"

"Wait you were eight when you ran away but you still look 8".

"Yeah the past 8 years together with master were the most fun".

"Does that mean you 16 right know" Exia asked suprised.

"But you look like a primary schooler"asked Maria.

"Oh that I'm using magic to shrink my body down."

"Sion undo the spell."

"Yes right at once master" she obey Shin's command.

A cloud of smoke appeared and when it cleared up a girl with short white hair, short slender
legs and an ample bosom replacing the small ninja girl earlier. She was a loli.

"Well Exia-sensei it seems like we got ourselves a temporary transfer student".

"Yes it seems like we did" she did not even want to complain cause it will fall on deaf ears.

After lunch the student went to the arenas for training. Shin walked in there at found a familiar face.

"Well if it isn't Kyouya-san, long time no see". Shin greeted the unknown man.

"Yo Shin-kun it's been over 10 years".

While they were talking Maya, Hikari and Belial burst in panting.

"Not bad Maya-tan you managed to keep up"

"Nii-san why are you here" spotting him standing by Shin she then asked "Wait do you know Kurogane Shin".

"How mean of you Shin-kun you didn't even introduce yourself properly to her"

"Come on Kyouya-san you should have saw this coming"

"You did all this even though I said I'll give my sister to you if you go to school.

"What" Maya blushed hearing this " Nii-san what you mean 'give my sister to you' ".

"It means exactly what I said your fiancé is Kurogane Shin".

"I can't believe you sold you're only sister just so you can make him come to school. Nii-san you're the worst".

"Don't worry tou-san has agreed to it, your the only one left.”

"Board chairman I can't believe you sold your sister to get a student to come to school. You really are horrible".

"So you're also the board chairman Kurosaki Kyouya"

"Shin-kun did you just say Kurosaki Kyouya the human with the power of a maou". Rei asked shocked.

"Don't you mean the worlds biggest pervert".

"Hey don't call me a perv".

"Says the man who got sealed for sexual harassment".

"You really like to hit it where it hurts Shin-chan"

"You're still the asshole I want kill.”

The hostile atmosphere was really intense.

Looking like he remembered some thing Kyouya said "oh yeah Shin, Maya-tan has started to unravel your mystery"

"You really love to put your sister in danger".

"Wait so that mean Rienos was killed on your order" Hikari asked.

"Yep that scum used a bank robbery to slow me down".

"Then you're Sion-chan's master"

"Ah you're the onee-chan for this morning" Sion noticed Hikari.

"So you were using a spell to disguise yourself as a kid" Belial asked.

"Ah ouji-san you were also there to".

"Principal would you mind telling is what's going on because we're all lost here". Rei and Maria asked her. The other students walked onwards. They had no intent on listening to this conversation.

The remaining people from 1-F were Rei, Maria, Exia and Sion.

"Fine I'll explain because this concerns you as well. 8:00 this morning a man was assassinated in my office, the assassin was Sion over there who acted under the order of Shin. The man killed was named Rienos and it seemed he knew a lot about Shin. Hearing our conversation my brother the board chairman Kusroaki Kyouya escape his seal and came to meet Shin. Arriving here he told me that he engaged me to Shin to make him come to this school. That is all".

The only reason she told Exia was because they were good friends.

"So you got the message,Shin what are planning"the amused Kyouya asked.

"Something like a world debut".

"What do those things even mean" Maya cut in trying to figure out what they were talking about.

"First how bout you tell everyone first" Kyouya suggested.

"Not like I have choice. Has anybody ever heard of the konton no kigen or genesis of chaos and Shōmatsu no Tenryū kami".

Nobody but Shin and Kyouya raised they hands.

"It pointless to ask you two. You guys just want to have fun".

"Looks like Maya-tan is getting used to Shin's personality, this will be good for marriage"
Kyouya said observing Maya.

"Kyouya-san your offer is enticing" staring at Maya's body "but the real reason was to continue we're we left off".

"Eh you didn't come enjoy the fun school life under your fiancé".

"No let's continue our death match".

"Shin you challenged nii-san to a death match?!" shocked Maya asked.

Her shock was shared by all the students and teacher's present there.

"I'd rather not because if you and me start an all-out fight here we will destroy this continent"Kyouya said rejecting his offer.

“Oh is the almighty Kyouya-sama getting sacred to fight a student.”

“Student my ass! Nobody would believe you say that if they knew that you learned every existing system of magic in the world. You even engineered your own system of magic.”


“Huh? Maya-tan didn't you notice? Shin-kun can you use dragon, angel, devil, human, spirit, elven, dwarven magic and few other unknown types of magic. He told me that he got bored so he even made his own.”

Everybody looked at him in complete shock.

“What I was bored so learned.”

“Not to mention he is above master class in swordsmanship and martial arts. So there is no way I am going to fight you here.”

"Aww come on I came all this way" Shin was whining at him.

"You have a lot to learn before you can convict me of anything" he laughed.

"Sure mister smooth so why are trying to use magic to enhance your eyesight to see through the girls clothes" he said in mocking tone.

"Shin you Itsuki you sold me out" as he complained he let his guard down and was swiftly knocked out by Maya's chop to his neck and Shin's punch to his stomach.
Right now in front of the student the board chairman was being restrained and transported to his office.

"Also Shin did you know assassination is against the law" Maya said in an icy tone.

"Sorry but you have no proof and before saying anything else executing war criminals and terrorist isn't against the law".

"………" she was completely speechless at his answer.

"Rienos was a war criminal. I hope that peice of information will help to get know me better".

As they started to leave Shin said "you know you could just tried to seduce me with that lustful body".

"I would never seduce a student and even if I did you'll enjoy it and probably still won't talk".

Hikari glared at Shin and Sion before she left. Belial followed with neutral expression on his face.

"Sensei let's continue the lesson".

"You know what Kurogane-kun today was just to overwhelming so I'm cancelling class. It still amazes that you're still calm with all these events centred around you"she replied In a tired manner

"Don't worry about that sensei it's all per-meditated after all" he had an upbeat atmosphere around he was truly having fun.

While Rei and Maria looked a little dejected ever since they heard Shin was engaged. Sion had a carefree attitude because she could always be with him even if he got married.

"So Shin-kun are you going to marry the principal".

"Yeah Shin answer us are you"

"Maybe, but why are asking".

"No reason no reason" they frantically said.

"The marriage is all to Kyouya-san's benefit to begin with. In just one move he will be the heir of the Kurosaki family and have someone to take care of his sister" agitated Shin was muttering out loud.

"Kurogane-kun I have question for you" asked Exia.

"What is it"

"You probably won't answer properly but how would you rank is your current power".

"Hmmm that question has multiple answers".

"Can please give as many answers as possible".

"Asked for assistance by Maya and Arua right".

Seen through Exia averted her eyes.

“Well as you already heard I can rival Kyouya-san in power so it's maou-class but normal fighting power is about in the same rank as yours sensei, at least while I'm messing around.”

"Why can't you always use your full power all the time"

"Because that would make everything too easy.”

"I see" said Exia , she was stunned at the answers provided.

"We'll even though I'm strong even I have weaknesses, so took i Sion as my familiar".

"I will always serve and protect master. After all he is a k- … oops I almost said to much" Sion
cheerfully said when she heard her name mentioned.

"What are Sion-chan's talents".

"I have an idea Rei, Maria why don't you two battle Sion"he was wearing an amused face.

"No I don't want to ~ ". Rei said annoyed.

"I'll give you a prize as well. Hmmm how about answering any questions you have truthfully".

"Really" stars formed in her eyes.

"You better not be lying Shun"

"I swear. That is if you guys win but I will even be generous to give you a reward for lasting
even 30 seconds".

"I accept your offer. Sion-chan don't hold anything back". Rei agreed.

"I agree as well. Let's have a good fight Sion-chan". Maria also agreed.

"Sensei I can count in you to be the judge right" Shin asked with smile on his face.

"Not like I have choice in the matter" was her dejected reply.

The match was starting and both sides were prepared to battle.

"Ready" Exia yelled both sides didn't have their weapons drawn. "Go" Exia announced the start
of the match.

All three girls yelled "gate open" and grabbed their respected weapons from a tear in space.

Rei was holding a long katana and Maria had a short sword. While Sion had a pair of gauntlets.
Shocked at her enemies using her beloved masters magic she yelled "why can you use masters magic" thinking for second she blurted out "don't tell me master taught you. What's your relationship with master".

"R-rrrreeelationship" they grew frantic.

The boys in the class threw an angry glance at Shin. "Damn him he already stolen the two
flowers of our class and he has such beauty as his servant".

Looking at Shin's mischievous smile their murderous intent grew even more intense.

Right know Rei and Maria were locked in deadly combat with Sion.

Rei attacked while Maria defended. Sion copying them used one hand to defend and the other to attack.

They were almost even but it looked like Sion was being pushed back.

Maria switched to the offensive expanding her shadow around the floor. When Sion moved
Maria appeared around her. It seemed she can appear any where on her shadow.

Rei started a chant and her katana started to burn in a blue flame. This was the exorcising flame used by her family.

She came from a long line of exorcist miko. Using this two point assault they managed to corner Sion.

Despite being pressured Sion was calm. Masters watching was the only thought running though her mind.

She stopped moving and stood perfectly still. As the attacks were about to connect she let out a huge breath.

Rei and Maria were dumbfounded. Their attacks were blocked and they re swords were snapped in half.

"Kurogane style first dance power break".

"Che she tougher then we thought as expected of Shin-kun's familiar.

"Yeah so let's stop holding back as well".

The duo draw new swords preparing for Sion's next move.

"Looks like you guys are getting serious. So will I" Sion readies her two strange looking gauntlets.

The gauntlet covered here entire fore arm and looked like a pair of dragon heads. One of the gauntlets was in a burning red couloir while the other one was pitch black.

"I will not lose now that I'm using masters personal handcrafted weaponry.

"I see so Shin-kun made those for you"

"The more I look at it the more I see Shin treating Sion-chan more then a familiar" Maria directed a displeased look at Shin.

"Sion don't hold back and Rei, Maria good luck because you're going to need it" he said in a
serious tone.

"Yes master!" Sion yelled as she released her killing intent. There was a surreal pressure coming from here hands.

Sion lowering her center of gravity charged at Rei at blinding speed. Before Rei could react
Sion unleashed a leg sweep followed by a leg stomp right on her abdomen.

Maria moving to help Rei was intercepted by a thrown kunai. Dodging it Maria saw Sion pointing the gauntlet at her and unleashing a dragons breath on her. It was a magma red flame that even burned her shadow.

"Guh" Rei vomiting out blood recovered her stance. She slashed her sword in straight arc.

Sending a slash of blue flames flying at Sion.

But it was easily dodged. Maria evaded the flame by an inch. Also recovering she summoned around 100 clones of herself.

Sion putting her strength in the gauntlets let out two flames one magma red and the other pitch black.

"Kurogane style twin flame annihilation" the attack was an all range flame burst.

"That Baka" Shin yelled as he jumped to his feet. "Sensei end the match Sion has gone berserk".

"What, the match is over" Exia yelled.

Rei and Maria suffered terrible burns across their bodies. Sion within the flame transformed goes fox ears and 9 tails.

Walking up to Rei and Maria Shin grabbed them and threw them into his 'Gate'. "That takes care of them and now for Sion.

Shin takes a deep breath and walks forward. His walking pace is really slow. As he causally approached the rampaging Sion he launches a swift kick at her stomach.

"Oi Sion what kind disappointing performance is this" he speaks cruelly.

Sion jumps to her feet at counter attacks with a left hook. Shin catches the gauntlet and easily dislocates Sion's arm. Then he gives her another kick to the stomach.

"Too weak" Shin said looking down on her.

"Sion you haven't been training enough". Shin grabs Sion by the neck and lift her up. "So troublesome" he mutters.

"Kurogane-kun what are you doing!" Exia yells frightened.

"Just fixing the problem" he cuts his finger and tries to feed her his blood but she spits it out in her rage.

"Looks like I'll just have to do that" Shin grabs Sion head and holds it in place. All the witness widen their eyes at his next action. He is kissing Sion.

The flames, gauntlet and her ki disappear.

While being kissed Sion regained conciseness. Shin let go of her lips seeing her eyes open.

The instant he lets go Sion goes beet red and steam comes out of her ears.

She faints on the spot from happiness.

"W-Wwwhat are you doing Kurogane-kun" Exia asked flustered.

"Just stopping Sion's rampage".

He proceeds to pull out Maria and Rei from his 'Gate'. "Looks like she finally caught up".

Rei and Maria's body had new uniforms on the and their burns were healed. Accompanying the two girls was a woman in maid uniform.

The woman had platinum blond hair, long slender legs and a huge chest.

"Shin-sama how mean of you to abandon me back there" she was now pouting.

"Umm Kurogane-kun do you know this woman by any chance" Exia asked tired.

"Hey how bout you introduce yourself"

"Ah yes my name is Sorakami Asuka and I am Shin-sama's personal maid" she introduced her self in a professional manner.

"My my looks like Sion-chan went berserk again" she said surveying the area.

"Never mind that what's the status of those two" Shin said pointing at the un conciseness girls.

"Looks like they got the curse" she replied in a grave tone.

"Ah no choice now". He walks up to the unconiseness Rei and says "Ikadakimus".

He kisses Rei just like when he did to Sion. Rei regains conciseness to find herself kissing
Shin. Going completely red she smacks him and screams "kyaaaaas"!.

Crying she yells "w-wwwwhy did you just k-kiss me"

"To save your life. I can't have you dying on me" even he is a little embarrassed.

Going over to Maria he kisses her as well. Maria waking up faints .

"We'll that takes care of that. Asuka I leave them in your hands" he turns to leave the arena.

"Roger that Shin-sama" she take a bow and brings them into the 'Gate'.

Exia just stares as the four girls vanish into thin air. "K-Kurogane-kun what was that" she lost
her composure.

"Oh that is storage space in a separate dimension … well the theories quite long but the only
users are me and those four".

"So that an original magic you made and you can open it anywhere … how convenient." She has a look admiration.

" we'll I got business with the principal so I'm leaving now bye".

"Wait Kurogane-kun are those girls going to be alright".

"Don't worry about that Asuka's taking care of the them".

Maya is now entering her office alone to find Shin sitting in her chair.

"You know Shin-kun you're not aloud be in here" she's expressing her displeasure.

"Come on dont be like that I came to give you gift ".

"What kind of suspicious gift do you have for me".

Shin approaches her till he standing a meter away from her and is holding a scroll in his hand.

"This here is the ancient records of the dragon kings"

" the wha- … why do you have something like this" Maya was wide eyed.

"Come on if you want just take it"

Maya reaches out and grabs the scroll. But Shin grabs her arm and pulls her forward and kisses her.

The kiss lasted longer then a minute and when they're lips came apart Maya collapsed to the floor. Her face was red.

"That's my second present Maya " he has a sweat smile on his face.

"W-Whhhhhyyyy did you just kiss me. That was my fist kiss." she also got extremely flustered.

"Actions speak better then words so Maya can you say the words 'Gate open' and that's for our engagement. He said with a carefree smile.

"Fine 'Gate open'" When Maya finishes saying the word a space the size of the office appears.

"Eh your pretty good getting such a large space as this".

"What is this" Maya asked in surprise.

"It's your own personal storage space for other features consult your brain" Shin's at the door.

"Just so you know I don't like younger men" she blurts out.

She is shocked by the response "but I love younger women".

'uwahhh I can't be failing for that problem child. He's a complete maniac but still …'
Maya was trapped in an intense mental battle.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Chapter 3: A short break
Spoiler! :
A few hours later Maria and Rei wake up in their dorm room. They look about the room at spot a ninja, a maid and a boy.

When their gaze was met with Shin's they averted their eyes and blushed.

"Look like both of you are awake now".

In a flustered rage Rei flings a pillow at Shin and yells "what the hell was that for that was my first kiss".

Maria nods at her friend outrage. She completely agreed.

"Well sorry there as nothing that could be done about it".

Rei and Maria looked at Sion and Asuka for support.

"Sorry I can't help you out here"

"How about we just drop the issue"

"B-but he kissed us while we were asleep that's like sexual harassment isn't it".

Getting angry " well then should've Shin-sama just let you die"

"Eh what are you talking about" was the expression on their faces.

"Shin-sama kissed you to dispel the curse that would have robbed you of your life. Though in a sense he is responsible for because he was the one that created that curse. He even set the
method of dispelling to drinking his saliva.”

The latter half was said in anger.

"S-so that what this was about. Sorry Shin-kun for yelling at you."Rei apologized.

"Don't worry about it, it was an enjoyable event" he says this while touching his lips.
Rei, Maria and Sion all go red rembering the kiss.

"So lucky I also wanted to kiss Shin-sama" Asuka was silently pouting.

"Let's go to sleep".

"Shin are we all going to sleep in this room"

"Yeah what's the problem"

"Don't play dumb where are Sion and Asuka going to sleep."

"Sion will sleep with master."

"I too will sleep with Shin-sama."

"I haven't payed attention this much but why do you have a maid." Maria was clearly angry.
They've been wondering this ever since they met Asuka when she introduced her self as Shin's maid when she was treating them.

"Yeah Shin-kun what's the story with Asuka-san."

"Sion has been wondering this as well since Asuka-nee san has been with master the longest."


"Yeah she was there even when I first met master."

They glanced at Shin expecting to get some answers but he had already fallen asleep.
Asuka who was sitting to his left was repeating the words "been with him the longest~". She looked extremely happy.

"Um Asuka-san how did you meet with Shin" Maria's question pulls her back to reality.

"Oh that" a smile forms on her face " I met Shin-sama around ten years ago."

"One day during the summer 10 years ago he visited my families shrine."

"Are you also from a family of miko"

" heaven no, I am from a linage of sky goddesses."

"To turn a goddesses into a maid Shin's scary."

"Demi goddess to be exact, but I regret nothing. Meeting Shin-sama ten years ago was the
happiest moment of my life and now I can stay by his side for eternity."

"I knew it Asuka-san was in love with Shin-kun."

"Look at the time we can continue this conversation in the morning."

Asuka acting like a older sister ushered them all into sleep.

"Good night everyone".

A week has past since school started.

Maya's awkwardness in dealing with Shin increased as she was always nervous around him and kept remembering the kiss.

"Maya's been ensnared by him".

"But when did he have the chance to decrease the distance between the them"

Right now Hikari and Belial were having a heated discussion.

Maya couldn't handle dealing with Shin anymore. It seemed something happened and Maya is to shy to even face him.

Concerned about her friends well being Hikari asked Shin what he did to Maya but was only given vague answers.

She decided the only way to figure what was going on was to interrogate Maya.

Now currently in the principals office Maya was restrained to her chair. Hikari stood in front of her and Belial guarded the door.

"Maya I need you to explain what exactly happened between you and Kurogane Shin."

"Nothing happened" Maya pleaded.

"Don't try give me half ass exuse. I've known you for years now and you've never acted this
way, not even once".

"…………" Maya remained silent.

"If I recall correctly Maya didn't you say you have no interest I younger men?"

"Yes that's true" she responded.

"Then why did you fall for Kurogane Shin?"

"I-I d-didn't fall for him"

"I Said before dont Ly to me I can see through you. Now tell me what did he do to you".

"He …… k-kissed me" she admitted

" he what!!!!?!"

Hikari was shocked she didn't expect it was something that serious.

Taking a deep breath Maya continued "he told me that he is older then me and he loves young

"I-is there any chance he was lying"

"No that impossible he was to serious to joking around. Besides he even gave me some

"What were they … because I doubt ordinary present could move you."

"The first one was the scroll of the dragon kings"

"Eh wasn't that lost a long time ago and wasn't that one of the things you've always looking

"Yes, I even gave up on it after searching everywhere I could think of but there if was in his

"What were the other things he gave you" curious now piqued Hikari asked.

"The second was the kiss and the third was magic to manipulate dimensions."

"Dimensional magic!!! Is that one of the most impossible magics to mater".

"Yes but with one kiss he gave me this much mastery over it."

Maya waves her hand and says gate open and reveals a space the size of a classroom.

"That's just amazing"

"Ah that reminds me of something" Belial joins the conversation "weren't Himegami Rei,
Shimizu Maria , Izanagi Sion all able to use this magic as well."

Hearing this the corner of the desk was incinerated " I'd like to hear more about that Belial.

"Calm down Maya it must be a coincidence that they use it."

Extremely jealous Maya yelled" he told me this is his original magic and that was the only way
the teaching it."

"Who knew boss was so possessive" Belial joked around but was sent flying with a high kick.

"I want Kurogane Shin found and in my office ASAP" she ordered her subourdinates to move.

"Accepting the engagement my ass you're already cheating on me" Maya muttered in rage.

"I pay you back big time" she was now letting out a sinister laugh.

"Woman in love are scary" Belial said.

"Jealous ones are even worse. I feel sorry for Kurogane Shin now."

Part 4

Currently in the girls dorm in a two person bedroom five people were sleeping.

There were four girls and one boy all sleeping together.

Shin was in the middle with Asuka and Sion hugging his chest. Their huge breast were
squished against his chest. Rei and Maria were wrapping his arms around themselves.

When they woke up they would always feel embarrassed. Shin's arms were holding them in a hugging manner.

Shin woke up being embraced by four girls for a week straight.

Funny enough they all usually woke up at the same time.

While they were still embracing Shin the room door opens.

Startled and frightened at the appearance of the dorm head Hakaze Yuuki entering the room.

What entered her vision was first a boy in the girls dorm and him sleeping with four girls.

Onside note Asuka and Sion slept in their underwear.

On Yuuki's was a smile but anybody could see the rage built up on it.

"Ara ara Rei-chan, Maria-chan I didn't know you brought a boy here. Looks like brought two more girls with him."

With her anger at it's peak she threw a ice shard at the sleeping boy.

Before the shard could get close to him it was smashed to pieces.

Asuka and Sion were in their combat stances and Shin stood up.

"Ah I thought I recognized you."

With a look of terror on her face Yukki asked "W-what the hell are you doing here."

The terror and fear in Yukki's face and voice were surprising to Rei and Maria.

" I knew it long time no see Yuuki-chan."

"It's been a long time as well Yuuki-dono" Asuka joined their conversation .

"Ahahahaha it's Yuuki-nee chan" Sion also joined.

It appeared that they were well aquatinted. Confirming their identiy again Yuuki spoke.

"Shin-dono what are you doing in the girl's dormitory and why are you sleeping with all four of
them at once, how shameless."

"Come on Yuuki-chan don't be like that, after all didn't you also ask me to sleep with you a
couple of times."

"if I recall correctly there was even a time were she asked Shin-sama to sleep with her before."

"No no no noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Don't reveal my tainted past." The crimson faced Yukki yelled in her despair.

An evil smirk came across Shin's face " there was even that promise of m-."

"No please Shin-dono don't talk about that anything but that, I beg of you." Yukki was in the floor begging.

"Then you'll pretend you saw nothing."

"W-what I can't do that I have to follow the rules and -."

Shin cutting her off added " Maya is looking for me correct."

"If you know hurry up and go meet her."

"That what I plan on doing but Yuuki-chan I didn't hear your promise yet, our little secret's about to be exposed.

With a conflicted expression she said " fine my lips are sealed, please forget about that promise."

Finished blackmailing Yuuki, Shin opens his [gate] and enters leaving behind the message

"Asuka I leave the rest to you."

Asuka nods as acknowledgement of her orders.

Maya Hikari and Belial were waiting in their office for Shin to found. They saw the [Gate]
open before them and Shin walk out.

"Sup Maya why'd you call me so early in the morning."

Maya averted her eyes from his gaze. Hikari taking the lead questioned "Kurogane Shin we
have some things to ask you about what you did to Maya a week ago."

"Oh that, let me guess Maya got jealous and ordered for me to found and captured. That also
explains why Yuuki-chan was looking for me."

"Yuuki-chan? You don't mean the head of the female dorm. Isn't she older then you?"

"Ahahahahaha Yuuki-chan is younger then me and so are you Hikari-san."

"Exactly how old are you Kurogane."Beleial pondered.

"Im younger then you at least Belial-san." He gave a mischievous smile.

"Shin please answer my question how old are you. Maya pleaded.

"That's no fair Maya, beautiful woman can't plead it too cheap against men."

Maya blushed at being called beautiful.

"Well the thing is there are three answers to your question."

"Not another riddle, why is everything so difficult with you."

"I'm a teen, a middle aged man and a geezer at the same time. I'm sixteen, thirty two and over a
million years old at the same time." He gave his answer in a serious tone.

"……" everyone was caught off guard by the sudden answer. They didn't expect it come so

" so Maya is that all I have some business that needs to taken care of.

"Kurogane wait, Boss needs to talk to you in private." Belial signals Hikari and they both leave
the room.

Maya is extremely nervous right know, she constantly stares at Shin then looks away.

Shin had a gentle smile on his face that seemed to be asking what is it that you needed from

"Shin I'll be blunt, did you kiss Himegami Rei, Shimizu Maria and Izanangi Sion".

"That reminds me you haven't met Asuka yet."

"Including this Asuka did you kiss them."

" yeah I did, why."

Screaming you Cheater Maya rises from the table and unleashes a punch towards Shin.

Belial and Hikari are watching from the doorway. They had no intention to intervene at all.

Shin caught Maya fist and pulled her to himself. She struggled to get free but was unable to
able to. Her face was directly in front of Shin's.

Their lips were a few centimeters apart. Maya's eyes were rolling and her face was red, this
action was too stimulating for her.

Shin stared into her eyes with a gentle smile. Maya face held a frantic expression of

"Maya if you get mad at for something like this you'll never have any luck with men."

"W-what do you want me to do about it it's your fault to begin with saying things like accepting the marriage and going around kissing other girls."

"Oi oi it's not like I only have to have one wife and beside Maya you'll be the legal wife anyways."

"W-wi wi wife what are you talking about."

"It's exactly what you're thinking you're going to be mine." He said with a serious smile."

"I can't, you can't do this my heart isn't ready for something like this."

"You're body betrays you Maya." Shin locked their lips. Shin extends his tongue into her mouth. Her stiffness showed her lack experience.

Shin let go of her lips after a long kiss. A strand of salvia connected their lips. Hikari and Belial watched in amazement.

"Maya you are really bad at lying. Just admit to your feelings it easier on you that way." He
said as he was about to leave through the door.

Steam rised from Maya face she extremely embarrassed. But her face had a lovely smile.

"Come on Maya don't make a face like that, it makes me want to continue."

Shin walked out the door and passed by the two vice principals like they weren't even there.

Hikari walks into the room, followed by Belial. Maya watches them and looks like she was about it cry "don't tell you were peeking."

Secretly though she was extremely happy and the word "continue" ringed through her mind.

Part 5

Shin walks into classroom 1-F with triumphant smile. The boys shoot anger and jealous looks
at him, while the girls start gossiping.

Exia enters the room and everybody takes their seat. "Today everyone we have two new students joining our class."

The class boys hope it's a girl and girls wonder who it is. "First we have someone you guys already know."

Sion walks into the class were the school uniform. She looks stunning in the uniform. Many of the boys drool over her impressive body.

"Hello everyone my Name is Izanagi Sion and I am master Shin's Familar, What I like is Master and what I hate is anything that disturbs my time with masters. Also I'm a kyuubi."
She proceeds to cheerfully walk up to the boy sitting beside Shin and says "move or I'll kill you" in an emotionless tone."

The boy immediately rises and moves to the empty seat on the other side of the room.

Letting out a huge sigh she signal the second student in. The second student was also a girl. She had platinum blonde hair, black eyes, long slender legs and an enormous chest.

"Hello everyone my name is Sorakami Asuka. I'm come for a long line of goddesses. There's one thing I'd like to point out to all you, The only boy I'm interested in is my master Shin-sama. I have no interest in anyone else.”

She also walks up to the boy sitting in front of Shin and orders him to move. He also scurry's into another desk.

The murderous intent of the boys reached a new level as they stared at Shin. He was currently surrounded by four beauties and two of them expressed their love for him.

"On another note it seems like the pool is open today so were having swimming lessons today."

Exia's words expelled the hostile atmosphere.

The class now relocated to the pool enters the change rooms. The girls were already outside.

The boys rush out of the change room to watch their female classmates.

Shin was the last boy to leave the change room. When he walked out every bodies eyes were on him.

Even Exia stared at what was on his body. Shin was currently wearing swimming trunks and his upper body was exposed.

He had solid built in muscles and abs. The main reason for the stares were the gigantic tattoo's etched across his body.

On his arms and legs were two huge eastern dragons, the one on the right arm was black and the left one was red. On his back was huge tattoo of what appeared to be a demonic angel or a angelic demon.

The only people who weren't surprised were Sion and Asuka.

"Wow Shin you have so many cool tattoo's" Maria spoke in admiration.

"When did you get those Shin-kun."Rei Wondered.

"Oh these, hmmm I got these around 16 years ago I think." He answered pondering.

"Kurogane-kun exactly how old are you." Exia joins in on the conversation.


"Huh what do you mean by three."

"I have three different ages."

While they were conversing Arua and Yuuki accomplices by one other girl walk into the pool area.

All three of them stop and stare at Shin.

"Ah if it isn't Yuuki-chan."he says signaling out them out.

"Shin-dono please don't call that, I'm not a child anymore."

"Ahahahahaha you've really grown up Yuuki-chan, I miss the girl that would come crying to
calling me " nii-sama, nii-sama." He broke into laughter.

Yuuki went red from rage. The class could only stare blankly. The famous ice queen of Eden
had such a past was really shocking.

"Shut the hell up you stinkin old man." Yuuki snapped "you think you're all that don't ya. Ya forgetin all the things you did to me , think I'm a hav'in fun punk."

"Now that's the hot blooded Yuuki-chan I know, the ice queen image doesn't fit ya cause you're too tsun."

Yuuki caught up in her rage was about to attack. The girl behind her moved in front blocking her.

"Yuuki-san I need you to stop this unsightly display right now." Hearing these words Yuuki froze, her face looked like a child who's was being scolded by a parent.

The girl turned to face Shin now. She was a true Yamamoto Nadeshiko, she had short black hair and black eyes. She had a fine body but a but lacking in the chest. Shin assessed her from head to toe.

"Hmmmmm barely passes."that was Shin's assessment of her.

"Could you stop staring at me now you perverted first year."

"Naw I like admiring beauty Tochishin Rinzu head of the disciplinary committee." With a look of appreciation he bowed.

"Likewise it's nice to meet the new biggest problem child of Eden, you've surpassed Takagi in a week."

"Nice to meet you again as well Arua-kaichou." Shin greets all the seniors in a grandiose manner.

Arua turns to Yuuki and asks "You said something interesting Yuuki why did you call
Kurogane-kun over there an old man."

"Cause he would always say he loved yonger women. He even blabbers about how he is a teen, man and old at the same time."

"So you're saying he has three different ages. "

"Can you please elaborate what they are for this year." Rinzu cuts in, she seemed to be the
impatient type.

"Let's considering that was around six years ago the first one would be sixteen."

"That makes him a teen."

"The second one is thirty two."

This was the reason he treated everyone like a child.

"Thirty two huh but that doesn't make him an old man, what's the last one then a thousand or something." Arua was joking around.

"No it's a million." Was Yuuki's serious answer.

" no way you … have to be kidding!!"

Arua and Rinzu exclaimed.

Yuuki just nods and cast a fearful gaze at Shin. Noticing her gaze he replies "don't worry
Yukki-chan I'll let that go but not anything else, you'll ruin my fun." He was completely carefree.

'Smack' behind Shin Asuka was standing there with a slapstick in her hand.

"Shin-sama didn't you promise to stop toying with Yuuki-dono."

"I'm just joking there's no need to be so serious Asuka" he complained.

Looking over at Yuuki you could see how terrified she really was. There was a incurable fear in
her face and she was shivering non-stop.

This was 100% genuine fear at angering Shin. Arua tried to comfort her but to no avail. Rinzu cast a glance at Shin wondering why Yukki was so scared.

"The pact with the Hakaze family hmmmm … what to do with it."

"Please don't do anything I will keep the promise."

"I won't do something as cruel as your imagining, I will let this go."

"What are you planning, what do you want in exchange."

"What kind of person am I in your eyes." The baffled Shin asked.

"A million year old womanizing tyrant."

Shin just ignored that and continued to stare at Rinzu.

"Kurogane Shin I came to warn you you've already been registered with a black mark, cause
anymore problems and you'll be expelled." Rinzu made her declaration.

"Also having tattoo's is against school policy please remove them."

"If you keep fretting over rules like this you'll never get a boyfriend and its impossible for you to expel me." He picked up a tile on the floor and threw it at a wall.

"Isn't that right chairman Kyouya-san."

"Shin you always just get in my way."
He board chairman Kurosaki Kyouya was here. The students watched him with awe, this one of the strongest creatures alive.

kyaaaa! Many of the girls screamed in joy at the chance of meeting their idol. Only a few of them had a look of disdain, they were Rei, Maria, Sion and Asuka.

Kyouya was surrounded by girls in an instant. He was enjoying this situation.

"Kyouya-san you goddamn pervert, you came to peek at the girls didn't you." His face goes pale.

"I don't want to here that from you damn player." The hostile atmosphere remerged.

"Perverts should go die."

"Quiet player this time I got proof as well." Shin gets a little pale.

"Haha look at this everyone the true side to Shin." He hold a camera in his hand.
It boots up and a huge image of Shin kissing Maya stuns the room. "That's not all there's more."

Clicking a button more images appear.

There's now one of him with Rei, Maria, Sion and Asuka. The four girls were extremely embarrassed.

"So the rumours are true."

As the images cycle on those of the class girls show up. Kyouya has an ashen face as he looks up at his students.

"Know we have proof of you peeping Worlds greatest hentai-san."

Shin unleashes a full power punch at a pressure point beneath the sternum. Kyouya body slouches into an L shape.

Shin ties him up with rope throws him into the pool. Yuuki understanding his intent freezes this action of the pool.

Exia having already contacted Maya calls the class to wait for the sealing team to arrive.

Part 6:

It's been two weeks since school started. Right now Kurogane Shin is asleep in the classroom.

He ended up coming early and was waiting for Exia to show up.

Rumours about his relationships with Maya and the other girls have already spread. There was endless gossip about it.

A couple of minutes later Exia enters the room." Attention everyone I have an important announcement to make."

The class falls silent and everybody prepares to listen. "As you may have known there around ten schools like Eden around the world. It seems that the higher ups want to make an inter school tournament."

"Basically they want pit us against other schools for their enjoyment, what comical bunch of bastards." Shin spoke up.

"As much as I want to deny that I can't, it's true that they see these events as an opportunity.

Well leaving that aside hear are the rules and everybody has to enter." Exia handed out a sheet with rules and calmly waited for everyone to finish reading it.

The rules were the following it was a team based tournament, minimum player for a team is five and maximum is seven. Player will compete in random events such as K.O fights and battle royals, you will be disqualified for killing a player and you may only team up with students from your school and year.The rest of the rules were unimportant.

The boys wanted to team up with girls for obvious reasons. Shin's team was already set. On the registration sheet it was asking for name, race and who the leader was.

Shin's team consisted of a human, a vampire, a kyuubi and a goddess. He put himself down as a human and team leader.

It was decide for the tournament that all the time set for battles was to be now used for training.

Many teams were formed quite fast. While many boys came to beg Asuka and Sion to leave

Shin's team and join theirs, naturally they were instantly rejected. All the love letters they were given were all instantly destroyed. They truly had no interest in anyone else but Shin.
currently they were having a strategy council in the arena. Shin feeling sleepy was lying down in Asuka's lap pillow. The boys killing intent rose even more and the other girls looked quite jealous.

Lately Asuka has been rather aggressive in her advances on Shin.

"Shin-sama does it feel good."

"Mmmmmmm feels the best." Shin gave his assessment.

"Um Shin-kun aren't we supposed to be discussing a strategy and training." Rei asked in a angry voice.

"Yeah Shin lately you've been slacking off too much."

Shin pondered about this for a bit but went back to resting. Asuka stroked his head as he rested.

"Master, Sion wanted to ask are you going to give Rei-nee and Maria-nee a handmade weapon." Sion asked innocently.

"I was wondering about that for a while now, so those gauntlets were made by Shin. You have some real talent as a blacksmith."

"I made some weapons got you girls as well. Thinking back I finished those last week. Hmmmm do you even want them."

He turned to look at Rei's face, she clearly had a "give me, give me" look on her face. Maria mirrored her look with stars in her eyes.

"We'll their is a price to pay to use are you sure you want them."

Their answer remained unchanged. Shin letting out a sigh opened his [Gate] and pulled two storage cases for swords.

Opening the first case he pulled out a long katana. The katana's hilt was a dragons mouth, the blade extended from its mouth. The blade was about a meter and a half long, there was also a symbols on the blade.

Rei receives the katana. Shin now pulls out a short sword, like the katana the guard was a dragon head with a blade extending front the mouth. The blade was black with red lines oozing
through it. The blade measures 60cm long.

Maria accepts the sword. Both of the girls inspect their new weapons. As they focus more on the features the more they feel sucked in.

"Don't stare at it too much." Shin's voice brought them to reality. They looked up at him and saw his conflicted expression.

"I should've mentioned this first but these weapons may make you go berserk, the only one to master one is Asuka and one other." Asuka has a triumphant smile on her face.

"Shin-kun you mentioned a price, what did mean by that?"

"You can't use the weapons without it or something like that ,right Shin?"

"Yes exactly something like that." He gave a vague answer.

Confused they shot a glance at Sion and Asuka, their face were a little red. By the way Shin was now resting Sion's lap.

"To make full use of your equipment you will have to go through a certain ritual with Shin-sama, by the way I will be joining you guys."

Asuka gave a brief explanation hiding the important points.

"Aww this is so annoying Shin hurry up do what you have to right now!!!" Fed up Maria yelled.

"Really, who knew Maria was so bold. Well then Ikadakimus." Shin grabbed Maria gave her a big kiss.

Pulling her herself away from she yelled "w-wha wha wha what the hell are you doing." All the stares were on them.

"I only listened to what you said, it should kick in about now." Maria felt a slight headache and looked at the sword. It was glowing black; it felt it was resonating with her [Gate].

Asuka silently approaches Shin. With now hesitation she grabs his face and gives him a long kiss. Prior to this she hid her self with a barrier so no one could see this.

After finishing with Asuka he turns to Rei and asks "private or public."

"P-private" Rei responds frantically.

Shin erects a barrier and unleashes a kiss on Rei. She struggled a little but gradually gave up and accepted it .

"And that concludes the ritual." Shin announces as he dispels the barrier.

Rei, Maria and Asuka pretended nothing happened and watched their weapons. Asuka had two pistol in her hands.

" In order for you guys to grow with your equipment we shall spar, it's your choice if it 1 v 1 or 4 v 1." Shin intended to train them to an appropriate level.

"Master you already known it's impossible for any of us to spar solo with you, we go with the second option." Sion expresses the groups intention.

"Well come at me any time." He enters a enters a open stance.

Forming their plan the girls start their advance.

The plan was a four direction attack with Rei and Sion at direct combat. Asuka and Maria were the support.

Sion moves in with a punch to the gut and Rei goes in for a diagonal slash.

Shin lets out a sigh and does a stomp on the ground. The shock waves knocks Sion off balance.

Rei quickly switches to downward slash. Shin effortlessly catches the blade. "Scyronize your ki with sword to achieve balance." He whispers into her ears.

Asuka opens fire when Rei backs off. With great precision she shoots burst of bullets at Shin.

Maria using her shadows as a chain uses her sword at mid range. The sword goes for the stab at his back.

Shin acts in an instant as soon as the sword approached. In an instant he vanishes, when she finally found him he was already running across the shadow the bullets missed their mark.
Maria was stunned " t-t to think such move was possible."

Shin closes in on her, he already reached attack range.

"You need to focus more upon your opponents movements and prepare some close range counter attacks." Giving his council he does a back flip through the air.

Mid air he was an easy target for Asuka , as if waiting for this opportunity she opened for once more.

This time she unsealed the aura of the guns and combined her power with bullets.
"That's excellent growth Asuka, if had more training you'll reach a new level." Giving his praise he teleports out of the way.

He lands in front of Sion. Sion uses her kyuubi power and launched 9 small flames at Shin.
Igniting the gauntlets she goes for a dual punch to the chest. Shin pushes her arms out of the way and does a leg sweep knocking her down.

"Your schryonization is almost done, know just work on your ki distribution and control the kyuubi's energy."

Asuka again opened fire but all her attacks were dodged.

“Great job Asuka. Even though you were messing around you did pretty well.”

Defeating his last opponent he finished his spar.

The students and teachers present were filled with amazement. A large crowd even formed while they were sparing.

The girls started their own individual training. Everyone wondered what Shin was going to do, he was clearly going to do some amazing training. He walks over to Sion who is mediating and resumes his lap pillow.

Several hours pass and the girls start to head back to the dorm. Waiting outside is Yuuki and Rinzu, Yuuki looked depressed.

Rinzu turn toward Shin in an imposing manner. She had a look of disgust on her face.

"Kurogane-san is it true that you've been sharing a room with a girl and doing shameless things like sleeping together."

"What want to join me~."

"Please stop the sexual harassment. I'm here to bring you to the detention room." She pulls out a pair of handcuffs and restrains him.

Yuuki was warily watching Shin as he removed his handcuffs. Rinzu had turned around to call in transportion.

Silently Shin handcuffs her to the gate if the dorm she was standing beside.

Rinzu turns back around and faces the group completely oblivious to what Shin had done. She stared at laughing Shin and noticed his handcuffs were missing.

Walk forward she found her mobility impaired and spotted that she handcuffed to the gate.

With exploding rage she turns the handcuffs to dust. "You think you're funny don’t you."

Ignoring her outburst Shin was seriously thinking about something. " I got it, I'll call you Rin-chan from now on." He contemplating about a nickname.

"Kurogane-san can you please come with quietly or I will respond with lethal force." She prepares for combat.

A huge crowd of girls had formed in front. There were many different age groups present because this the dorm for high school, middle school, and elementary school.

The story spread from the early onlookers. Apparently some high school girls let a boy sleep with them.

Carefree as always Shin said "hey Yuuki-chan, Rin-chan how about we eat dinner."

"Kurogane-san please don't change the topic of the conversation."

"Then how about I leave you on the brink of death and go eat with the others." Shin was fed up with arguing with Rinzu.

"Shin-dono pleas don't do anything rash." As if appeasing him. "Now let's go eat." She signals everybody inside.

They enter the dorm dining area. It was huge room set with a small long table. Everyone sat in a neat line.

There was a wary atmosphere, majority of the girls were nervously glancing at Shin. He was the only boy in the room.

As if it was the most natural thing in the world Shin wolfed down all the food prepared for him, he even requested for more food after eating his tenth serving.

All the eyes were on this unknown glutton.The mood lightened up slightly.

Once he finished eating rested on Asuka's thighs.

"Kurogane-san how can you do such a shameless act in public." Rinzu was trying to scold him.

"Rin-chan if you're jealous just say so, I'll give you a turn soon." With the situation reversed on her Rinzu fell silent. She realized the danger of continuing this conversation.

A few moments of silent passed. When suddenly a school bag was thrown full force at Shin.

He deflected the bag but took a flying kick to the face. The girl attacking then kicked him on chin while jumping off his face.

She was a middle schooler with short brown hair. She had blue eyes and had a developing body. She gave a despising glare at Shin.

The first word that came out of her mouth were "Tou-san what are you doing here."

Everyone froze at the words tou-san , they couldn't seem to comprehend the words spoken.

They glanced at the now rising Shin.

"Ow Sui-chan what was that for."

Noticing the dumbfounded gazes she introduced herself. "Hello everyone my name is Kurogane Sui, daughter of Kurogane Shin, you can call me Sui."

"Ah we meet again Asuka-nee san." She greets Asuka, it appeared that they met already but only once or twice.

"What's the meaning of this Shin-kun."

"Yeah Shin do you mind explaining the situation here."

"Master is this really your daughter."

"Shin-sama you were hiding such a child."

"Kurogane-san please explain the situation."

"Shin-dono an explanation is in order."

They were all angry and cast a icy gaze at Shin. His annoyance showing on his face he turned to Sui.

"All right all right I will explain. Even though I say duaghter I am his adopted daughter. He raised me until I was eight and then sent me to this school." She explained the situation in a mature manner.

Looking at the group surrounding Shin she said " I can't believe tai-ouji san was telling the truth that tou-san is a huge player."

"…" he just stared blankly at her.

Sui then drops her domineering attitude and gives Shin a big hug, there were even tears in her eyes.

"I missed you so much, I wanted to meet you so badly." It turned into daughter being reunited with her father scene.

"Tou-san can you please answer my question."

"Yes what is it."

"What exactly happened 6 years ago."

"…" silence flooded the room.

"You came home with a scary expression and you were even bleeding a lot." She tried to remember even more.

"Ah you mean back then, I was in a fight with a divine king-class enemy." He answered leaving out many of the important details.

"Jeez tou-san you always do this." She pouting, it seemed Shin always had a need to be mysterious.

"I hate to break up you're reunion but Kurogane-san I hope you aren't forgetting why I am here."

"Why are you here?"

"To arrest you!"

"Naw that's impossible for you."

Shin examined Sui again, she had clearly grown up in many ways since they last met."Sui-chan do you still do your training."

"Yes, i do it everyday. Who knows when you are going to cause trouble again."

"I'm sleepy" Shin lets out a huge yawn. "I'm going to bed bye."

"Kurogane-san please stop what you're doing."

"Sorry Rin-chan you can join me next time." He continues walking.

Rinzu takes this as resistance and rises up to attack. She equips herself with tonfa's.

Rinzu goes clean hit to the back. She steadily close in on him, to her surprise no one moves to help him.

Her tonfa's strike home but Shin doesn't budge. The tonfa's were turned to dust. Shin turns around grabs her and delivers an instant K.O.

"Yuuki-chan take care of Rin-chan for the night."

"Right away Shin-dono."

"Hey Sui-chan want to sleep together like in the old days."

"Yes" was the energetic reply.

When they enter the room they enter their usual sleeping positions. Rei an Maria get on the beds and Shin sleeps with Asuka and Sion at his sides. This time Sui was replacing Asuka on his right side.

"Good night." They all entered dreamland.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Chapter 5:
Spoiler! :
Shin woke up early in the morning and took Sui to Maya's office.

Sui was really nervous, while looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Hey Maya you here?” Shin calls out to her as he enters the room.

He finds the three bosses in the room. Also Kyouya was in there as well.

Kyouya watches Sui intensely before nodding and looking away.

"Good morning Shin is there something you need."

"Looks like you brought another girl with you today." Belial added.

Sui glared at Shin. She was thinking so he really is a player.

"Oh yeah Sui-chan Maya is Tai's daughter."

"Really Tai-ouji san's?"

"You know my father?"

"Yes, Tai-ouji san really took care of me in the past."

"I see, so Shin what brings you here?"

"Just requesting permission for Sui-chan to join my team."

"I'm sorry Shin but I can't do that."

"What do we do Tou-san I knew this wouldn't work."

"T -Tou-san?!!."

"Sui-chan please introduce yourself."

"Please to meet all of you my name is Kurogane Sui, Daughter of Kurogane Shin."
Maya let out an evil laugh" So you've been playing with me all this time. Hiding such a cute daughter."

Maya was enraged, she wanted to pound Shin. Hikari and Belial were still too astounded to help. Kyouya was too busy laughing.

"Ah I forgot to add adopted daughter, sorry Tou-san I forgot despite you reminding me."

"Don't worry everybody makes mistakes."

Maya calmed down at the word adopted but she was still pretty angry. Shin told her the same story he told everyone else.

"Sui-chan I forgot to mention this but Maya and I are engaged."

"Ehhhhhh!! Seriously so that means your my Kaa-san."

Maya had a face like she was in bliss being called Kaa-san really moved her.

"Kyouya-san please stop staring at Sui-chan or I will rip eyes out." Shin showed his hostility to Kyouya.

"Kyouya, oh you mean the mega hentai demigod san." Sui grew wary of Kyouya's presence.

"So Maya, Kyouya I trust you will let Sui join my team."

"But she's still too young, won't the highschool students be too much for her."Maya asked worried. Hikari mirrored her worries.

"Ahahaha there's no need to worry Sui-chan is strong, I trained her since birth for 8 years straight. Her current strength probably surpasses the average high school student, even Arua-chan will have a hard time facing her. You shouldn't underestimate our daughter too much."

Maya blushed and acknowledged his words, probably because he doesn't lie.

"Fine I'll grant my approval, so will nii-san right"

Kyouya nods in approval.

"I'll repay you for this Maya don't worry about this , I got a fun trip planned for all of us." Shin and Sui leave the office.

Shin enters his classroom and he was met with looks of amazement. He was the boy he somehow got permission? To stay at the girls dorm.

The boys wore envious expressions while the girls had a concerned look.

Exia comes in and yet again makes an announcement to the class. "Good morning, I know this is a bit sudden but today all your parents will be visiting the class for parents day."

The class was stunned into silence. Many students act differently at school then at home. Many change on the way to school.

Like Rah who was humble at home but an ass at school. The shcool organized this to deal with these types of students.

"We kept it a secret on purpose to show parents how differently their kids act at school. Now dose anyone have any questions, what is it Kurogane-kun" she asks seeing his raised arm.

"Un yeah I kinda need to leave now."

"Why, you don't need to feel ashamed that you dont have parents" she said with a caring gaze.

"It's not that, it's because it's parents day I have to visit my daughter class."


"I said I have to go to my daughters class."

Exia and the students were bewildered. "Kurogane-kun you have a daughter.?!!"

"Yeah I do she's in her first year of middle school, we were reunited yesterday." He answers.

"But what about class?"She was about accept this outrageous statement.

"Don't worry about. We're just going to continue training right."

"Fine you can go." Receiving permission he left the classroom. As soon as he was gone "really what is with that kid." Exia couldn't deal with him.

Shin locates Sui's classroom and merely walks in. The teacher yells "why is a first year high school student here."

The parents and the student turn to stare at the first year high school boy.

"What at you doing here."

"Sup Sui-chan I came to visit."

A commotion was created. The teacher an the parents present gave Sui a scrutinizing gaze, they all thought she invited her boyfriend here.

"Kurogane-chan who is that, your boyfriend?"

"How bold to call your man for a class visit."

Ignoring her classmates she turned to Shin" seriously what are you doing here."

"Come on dont be so serious Sui-chan, I don't see anything wrong from watching my adorable daughter in class."

"Jeez Tou-san you're always like this."

The teacher thinks this a prank, the parents cast a disgusted gaze at Shin and the students are filled with amazement.

"Please stop joking around Kurogane-san. There's no way a first year highschool student could be your father."

"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend your too stuck up." Shin strikes at her weak point.

"I adopted her 12 years ago, naturally I'm her father. So how bout you continue your lesson."

"I still won't believe it!" She continues her lesson. Shin observes the class and their interactions with Sui.

It was now time for training session in the arena. The parents were given permission to join the training. "Kurogane-san you still need to pick a team and you aren't you supposed to training with yours."

Bullying was what Shin thought when he saw everyone avoiding Sui. Those arrogant brats probably thought she was too weak and the girls didn't like her lone wolf attitude.

A couple of them approached Shin" hey senpai what's your race"


"Like father like daughter so you're also a pathetic human. I bet I could take you on." He boasted his strength.

"Hey you little shit, shut the hell up I'm trying to watch my adorable daughter."

"That weakling, she can't even stand up for herself, it's to expected from her cowardly father."

"Mother fucker, that was the last straw. You will regret those words for the rest of your life."

His killing intent was released.

"Sui-chan kick this brat's ass before I make him regret living."

Shin called for a match between Sui and other kid.

His name was Shimizu Takeya, they were part of a side branch of Maria's family. He was a young vampire and was only at a middle school level.

"Sui-chan there's no need to hold back, beat him good." He pats her head before walking to the stands.

A couple Sui friends sit near him. The teacher also joins him. "You should forfeit the match.
Takeya-kun is too strong for Kurogane-san."

"Yeah, we don't want to see Kurogane-chan get hurt."

"She looks so fragile, there's now way she fight a violent boy like Takeya.

Shin opted to ignore them. They look directly at him, he was not worried in the least. He had full confidence I Sui's victory.

"Master I have a report" Sion appears behind him." The people around him are startled, a girl just appeared out of thin air.

"Looks like everything is going as scheduled."

"Ah looks like Sui is sparing I want to watch." Sion sits down beside Shin. Shin taking this opportunity rest his head in her laps . The middle school girls go"Kyaaaa so bold". The teacher has a disappointed look.

"guh he doing it again."Sui spots her father getting a lap pillow.

"Kurogane Shin please act with proper conduct within the school."

"I don't see any problems with my conduct."

"Let me rephrase myself please stop using your girlfriends lap as a pillow."

"Girlfri- girlfriend." Sion took it as a compliment.

Shin lifts his head and puts it in Asuka's lap. She also silently appeared."Shin-sama have you been enjoying yourself with Sui-chan." He nods as gets into his resting position.

The spar starts with Takeya drawing his sword. Sui enters her stance unarmed.

Takeya uses magic to enchant his blade, this a high level technique.

He rushes forward and goes for a jab. Sui stands completely still. He yells "die" as he lunges at her.

Sui take action, she dodges the sword and hits Takeya with a palm strike.

Taking the hit Takeya bends over. What monstrous strength. He quickly increase the distance between them.

Switching to long range tactics he summons his Familar, a pair of hell hounds. Also he starts casting magic.

The hell hounds were still immature like their master but were still quite formidable.

Sui takes in a deep breath and open here [Gate]. She draw out a large scythe.

She glances at Shin and he gives a nod of approval. The scythe was over 2 meters tall.

The hellhounds ran at her and Takeya launched a fireball at her. He planning a pincer attack.

She swings the scythe on a downward slash cutting the fireball in half. The hellhounds pounced
when the magic was destroyed.

Sui takes the scythe and does a spinning slash. Instantly killing both the hellhounds. Takeya's face twist with horror. Her classmate fill with surprise.

Sui starts her first actual offensive move in the match. She charges at Takeya, he enters a defensive stance in a attempt to intercept.

Sui jumps above Takeya and effortlessly swings the scythe downwards. His precious sword breaks like a toothpick, the scythes blade rest an inch over his head.

"I surrender" he admits his defeat."

"Take that shit head" Shin yells out.

"Hey Shin we came to pick you up" Rei and Maria sit down with him.

Sui energetically runs over too him "I won. I won!!!"

"Even though it was a foregone conclusion good job but why did you hold back." He praises her and complains at her.

"Cause I don't want to kill or cripple him Baka tou-san."

Takeya's father spots Maria and eagerly walks over and greets her."it's been a long time Maria-oujo san."

"Yes it has ouji san".

"I can't help but notice is Kurogane Shin you're servent"

"No he's my teammate and friend."

"Ah so he's part of your team."

"No it the other way around."

"Why, why would let this human be the leader."

"Because he stronger than all of us, his normal strength even surpasses yours ouji san."

"Just who the hell are you" He frown at Shin.

"It's a secret that being unraveled and don't talk to me I'm still pissed about your brat insulting my Sui-chan." He clearly expressed his displeasure.

"I take my leave now oujo san" he leaves glaring at Shin.

"That reminds me, yo teacher-san Sui part of my team already. Don't try to stick her anywhere else."

The group departed from the arena and headed towards the student council office. Shin said he had some business there.

The student council was currently in a meeting so they were told to wait outside. Shin being Shin just walks into the room.

"Don't mind me" Shin walks into the room, grabs a chair and sits down. The meeting was currently concluding.

The Seitokai was made up of all senior students. All these senpai's were watching Shin in bewilderment.

"Shin-san what business to you have here." Arua ask's him with a gentle smile.

"Hey first year answer her" a member lashes out at him.

"Sup Arua-kaichou just came to get permission for a school trip."

"Shin-san we don't -"

"An don't try to object I already got Kyouya-san's authorization."

"So you're saying you want to go on a trip with everyone in your year." The Vice President pointed out.

"Exactly right Shirosaki Akechi-san and you guys are all personally invited. "

"I heard from Arua you really do gather intelligence fast. So were's the trip to?"

"Let's say its to a resort that I have connections to."

"Okay, what's the transportation cost and time". He signaled the treasurer to get ready to start he calculations.

"The cost is zero, I have free transport set up and the time to get there will be five minutes give or take."

"You must have already set this up right. Finally what is the cost of renting the place and how long do you want to stay." The most important question was asked.

"Well with my connections it's absolutely free and I want to stay there at least a minimum of 3 weeks."

"I don't think a 3 week trip will be approved with tournament coming up."

"Already taken care of, there an excellent training ground nearby. I hear its were Kyouya-san trained."

"With things the way they are I have no choice but to allow you to go." Akechi signs the document.

"By the way Shin-san I heard an interesting rumour." Arua starts a conversation.

"Oh what is it."

"Nothing just that middle schooler is participating in the high school tournament and that she's your daughter." Arua wanted more info, she was also one the many people trying to uncover Shin's identity.

"You are talking about the one with Sui right and yes she is my daughter."

"Another thing tell Rin-chan I'm sorry for being to rough yesterday~" He leaves the room and heads back to the dorm.

Akechi glances at Arua with a look a approval "you're right about him he is really an interesting first year."

The trip was planned to start next week Monday. Today was Thursday.

During home room Shin walks to the front of the classrooms and announces the following " I may have forgot to mention this but for the next month the entire first year is going on a trip. It's all free and it s to a resort."

The class burst into cheers. " the purpose is for a change of location. R&R, training and most importantly cause I want to go. We leave this Monday so get ready."

The next couple days flew by. It was currently Monday morning. The gathering spot was in front of the school. All the first years, their teachers, the student council, Maya and Hikari and Sui all gathered.

"Let's go" Shin opens his [Gate] and walks in and motions everyone to follow.

Amazed and a bit scared they enter the [Gate].

Amazing is this some time wormhole Arua said examining the space.

"Kurogane-kun what are those" Exia points at he pile of stuff lying around.
there many weapons, books and various other item littered across the floor.

"Hey you can look but not touch and there's only like two-three minutes of walking left."

"Hey look at all the stuff" Every one present was admiring the all of Shin's possessions.

The light st he end if he tunnel apostates and as they ventured out they were in a beautiful plains. There were mountains in the background and even a lake to do some swimming.

Walking for another minute Shin says that's our resort. What he pointing at was not a normal resort it looked more like a castle.

"Hey I heard of this place before." Rei spoke up. "It's a famous luxury hotel that even kings get put on the waiting list.

The crowd was astounded. As they walked to the entrance of the hotel a group of body guards stopped.

"In sorry but I have to ask you to turn back. The resort has been booked and entry is not allowed."

"What do we do now Shin-kun."

"Guh" the sound of bodies collapsing to the floor were heard. Around twenty bodyguards lay knocked out on the floor. Shin walks inside, the crowd follows.

Shin's at the reception desk. "I'm sorry dear customer but he resort has been booked, please leave." The man at the desk told Shin.

"Call the damn manager here."

The manager comes walking in "I'm sorry dear customer but I have ask you to-" his speech was cut off when he saw Shin.

"Boss!!!!, you idiot why didn't you tell me boss was here." He admonishes the receptionist.

"Boss??!!!!!!" The crowd screams out.

"Yamakazi you got real guts to deny me access here".

"I'm sorry boss I didn't inform the new employes what you looked like."

"Give me my usual floors."

"Yes right away boss, ah Sui-ojou chan it meets to meet again."

"Nice to meet you again as well Yama-ouji san."

Shin was ordering around the manager of one of the best resorts In the world.

They crowd goes to the 10th floor from the top. "Okay listen up everyone were assigning rooms." Shin got everyone to sit down and listen. The 10th floor was a wide open space that looked like a training room.

"You guys will be staying in the VIP suites on the 11th floor." He address the first years. He turn to the staff and the Seitokai" you guys get the 12th floor."

"If I recall this place has 13 floors right who's staying there." Exia asks.

"The entire 13th floor is mine. But I will give you access to the roof if you want to go there."

"Shin-san there's something that's been bothering all of us."


"Why is the manager calling you boss?!"

"Oh that just cause I own the place and everything in a 100km radius."

Dumbfounded, astounded, shocked there were many descriptions of the faces of everybody here.

Asuka gets up and heads to the stairs leading up."Shin-sama I shall prepare your room." Sui follows Asuka" Tou-san I'm gonna go check out my room, haven't been their in years." "Master, Sion will go help Asuka." The three girls depart. Shin motions the others to follow and starts room assignment.

"Hey Rei, Maria you guys have permission to stay on the 13th floor.

"Really" exited they ascend the stairs. Many people complained to Shin about this special treatment, "It my damn Resort I can give whatever treatment I want."Was his answer.

Though they students had share rooms, there was too much free space. Each room had their own washrooms, 2 king size beds, an excellent view outside, etc.

Right now the teachers and the Seitokai were selecting rooms. They all got a room for themselves. The 12th floor was even more luxurious then the 11th. "Maya you can also stay on the floor above ." Everyone's curiosity was peaked about the wonders of the 13th floor. "Yuuki-chan, Rin-chan and Arua-chan can go as well. Exia-sensei you as go well, after all I been really exploiting you recently. Kyouya-san please go downstairs and pay your fee before your evicted.

The five girls ascended the stairs while Kyouya descended.

Shin going up to hi personal floor found Rei, Maria, Maya, Yuuki, Rinzu, Arua and Exia just standing there in shock and amazement.

The 13th floor looked like they were on an entirely different planet. It was filled with technology hundreds of generation ahead of what this world had.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back" came a rough voice.

"Oi Tai-san long time no see."

"Yeah Shin-shi, oh long time no see Maya-chan."

"Father why are you here."

Maya father Taizin the black dragon king. He sternly built old man with long black hair. "Oi
Tai-san could you stop freeloading in my house already."

Right now the well respected dragon king was lying down on a sofa. It seems he was living here for a while now. Well it to be expected the luxury of this one floor surpassed his entire castle.

The frozen girls start exploring the floor in interest. They found many unbelievable things lying around or mounted in the walls.

Shin started to give them a tour of the floor. First was the bedroom, there was only one massive futon on the floor, with it's size around twenty people could fit in.

"Don't tell me were all sleeping together" Rinzu inquires.

"No just in the same room unless that what you want." Was her answer.
Second was the bathrooms . Third the kitchen. Fourth the living room. The living room had three large sofa's. there also a huge variety of games lying around.

Last was what Shin called the shortcut. It was a series of slides leading to the hot springs, pool and the training grounds.

Leading them up to roof revealed a breath taking view. You could see the lush green forests, the azure blue lake, the indomitable mountains and the wide open plains.

"Shin-san you said you owned this land right?"

"Yeah. You're probably wondering were this is on the map right."He pulls out a world map.

"Let's see Eden is here, so we would be here." He pointing on the other side of the planet.

"So we are currently in the Musou Empire."

"That asshole!" Shin yelled out "he didn't change the map."

"Shin what are you talking about?"

"This land is not part of his damn empire ,its mine."

"This man you're talking about cant be the emperor!!!"

Shin looks up at the sky, the others wonder what he's looking at. An evil smile appeared on
Shin's face, an ominous premonition.

Part: 3

Two weeks pass by without any trouble but in the third week their premonition came true.

A representative from the Musou empire came to the resort.

Currently Shin, the staff, the Seitokai and envoy were in a meeting room in the second floor.

They were looking for Shin. The first years were sent off to explore the surrounding mountains. Only Shin's friends stayed behind.

The envoy introduced himself as Rak. "I presume you are Kurogane Shin, correct?"

"Sup did mu-chan send you guys?"

"Mu-chan???" Rak looked puzzled.

"You know your great emperor Mugetsu-chan." Shin was aquatinted with the empire.

"That confirms it you really are Kurogane Shin."

"Um Rak-san what is your reason for finding Shin?" Maya asked.

"This man is heinous criminal, not only did he insult the emperor he went as far as to conquer this land and proclaim it his, he even kidnapped our empress a few times."

"Mu-chan got really brazen now, looks like he want another round of war."

"Round of war???" Everyone including Rak were stunned.

Apparently there were conflicts before and even erupted into battles.

"Therefore Kurogane Shin please surrender yourself peacefully. We don't want to see the students of Eden getting hurt."

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha." Shin breaks into an incredibly evil laugh.

"Tell Mu-chan we meet in the regular place and under the same conditions as four years ago!"

He gave his reply and Rak departed to report back to his masters.

Shin looks extremely happy while everyone in the room is either impressed or shocked. Kyouya had pleased smile in his face.

"Shin did you just declare war on the Musou empire!!!!" Maya exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's become something like a tradition know." He was still the same old Shin, too carefree.

"But Shin-san didn't he threaten to harm the students. As part of the Seitokai and staff at Eden we can't allow our students to be harmed. Akechi interjected.

"No need to nervous I'm the only one fighting and before any of you say anything I'll tell you this once. Anybody that interferes dies." He took all the responsibility and answered in a voice devoid of emotions.

"Shin-sama shall I get everything in order for you?"

"I leave it in your hands Asuka. Well everyone lets enjoy the last event of the trip, I got a special seat prepared for everyone as well."

Based on these words he calculated that this trouble would occur. He know his presence would start a war so added fuel to the fire.

'This is one interesting and dangerous freshmen' this was thought running through Akech's head.

A couple of days passed , it was currently the second last day of the trip. The time was 8:00 am and the other side made its move.

A huge army that was estimated to be about 20000 elite soldiers rested on the plains.

The emperor even personally came to the battlefield.

Shin, the staff members of Eden , the Seitokai and his friends were resting on a hill on the opposite side of the plains.

The position they were in overlooked the entire battlefield. This was the special seat he prepared for them.

Shin casually walks towards the enemy army. When the distance is less then a hundred metered he comes to halt.

All the observers were anxious. Many wanted to help but were barred by the earlier death threat.

A kekkai was placed on the battlefield. The Mattaku shin barrier, the newest standards for war.

The Mattaku shin barrier was a barrier to prevent death. Even if you are killed within, you just feel the pain of dying and are transported outside the barrier unable to enter for the duration of the battle.

This was the newest method of waging war, it was created by the three factions in order to prevent any further loss if life.

"Hey Asuka-san is Shin really going to battle wearing that?"

"Yes Rei what's the problem?"

"Isn’t obvious Shin's just wearing a normal kimono!!!" Maya and Maria yelled.

"Master always does that, he says its more comfortable for him." Sion explains.

"Is he really going to be alright fight 20000 enemies without armor and a weapon.?" Arua asked concerned about Shin.

"Shin-sama has a weapon, this is one of the rare moments we'll get to see it." Asuka answered exited.
"That's true if it a weapon Shin-kun uses it must be amazing."

"But Himegami-san don't all of you have extremely powerful weapons as well, by the way were'd you get those?" Rinzu inquires.

"Those were personally made by Shin-sama, he gives one all those who he acknowledges. It seems he even has some prepared for you guys as well." Asuka informs them.

Shin manifests a great sword in his hand.There was an inscription of an angel and a devil carved into both sides of the hilt. The blade itself measure send around 4m, the handle was around 30cm long.

In the middle of the blade there's was an inscription of a dragon, other than those it looked like a pretty plain sword.

"There it is Shin's sword Meiya." Kyouya whispered.

The womanly name did not suit that sword. Shin was holding the incredibly heavy looking sword with one hand.

"Mu-chan lets begin."

"That exactly want I wanted Kurogane Shin. All forces charge."

The war started, the battle where one teen is facing 20000 elite soldiers. The emperor himself has appeared as the general, this could very well become a historic event.

The Musou army charged, they were like a huge wave crushing the vary land they stood on.
Shin also started a run.

He started a chant but a lot different from the one before.

"Hahahahahahah he going to release (pride)!!" Kyouya yells out.

"Pride?" Everybody wonders what he taking about.

[The fallen angel, the tyrant]

[Behold my power. I am Lucifer the angel who led the rebellion against god]

'Boom' There was an explosion in Shin's ki. He was clad in an insane level of demonic energy.
Six devil wings grew out of back. Two demonic horns came out from his forehead. His hair turned gold, even his skin darkened.

"Lucifer…" the word escaped Maya's mouth.

"Nii-san explain, what did Shin just do".

"Kyou tell her." Taizin commanded Kyouya to speak.

"Suppose I'll have to if you insist." He takes a deep breath. "Shin just released the Dai-maou lucifer's power."

Everyone was dumbfounded. They all looked confused. Kyouya seeing a further explanation was needed he continued "Right now Shin is able to use all of Lucifers powers and is equivalent with him in terms of strength. Basically he is at Maou-class power that almost reaches kami-class."

No one could respond, they could not even question the events in front of them.

Shin just swung his sword in a simple vertical slash. The entire Musou front line was demolished. He killed a hundred men in an instant.

"Art of destruction earth slayer". Shin stabs his sword into the earth. The ground in front of him disintegrates. He has literally slayed the earth.

Many of the soldiers fall in and perish. The army of 20000 was reduced to a mere 2000 in only 2 attacks.

"This … is Shin's power!"

The 2000 enemies left are the emperors guard and the emperor himself.

They are all holding bows infused with magic, they are currently using flight magic or riding griffins.

Shin spreads out his six wings and also takes flight. While he's ascending the enemies attacks.

They launch a rain of arrows.

Shin gets hit by a lot of them but still keeps the smile visible on his face.

"You god damn monster." The guards yelled out as half of them drew their swords while the other half prepare another volley.

Shin's sword rises into the air. "Art of destruction sky slayer."

Shin's strike split the very air itself, as the oxygen in the air ignited. A pale blue flame covered the sky. All the clouds were dispersed.

90% of the guard was wiped out. The remaining 10% were too injured to put up a challenge.

"Kurogane Shin … you how dare you do this to my soldiers!!!" The emperor roared out.

"I shall personally exterminate you, allow me to introduce my self I am the 50th emperor of Musou, Musou Mugetsu."

"Mu-chan you've really grown up, so much that you would rush to your own death."

"Don't underestimate me, I'm different from 6 years ago."

"Yes I can see you've really grown in a lot of places haven't you Mu-chan."

With his face turning red "quit making fun of me. I had the ultimate trump card prepared to defeat your devil transformation. Behold the sword with the same properties as the one used by saint Michael when he defeated lucifer." Mugetsu is holding a pure white short sword.

"True using that thing you can defeat lucifer but that not all is it."

"You are just as sharp as ever, it's time to use my ultimate trump card." With a snap of his fingers to objects rise out of the ground.

"Come forth the path to my victory, Rise majins." The two object form into two Asura like evil gods. They both have six arms and three heads.

"Hahahahahahahaha I will win, even if its you theirs no way you can beat 2 evil gods and me at the same time. You've also used up a lot of demonic energy, you're finished." He let out a triumphant laugh.

The situation was really bad for Shin yet he looked even more exited then before.

"This getting really hectic, right Kyou."

"I know tou-chan, it looks like he might release [wraith], [King] or [humility], maybe even [Apocalypse] or [Abyss] now."

Their conversation was not heard by the rest of the crowd.

"Looks like the situation is getting really out of control know." Akechi said.

"I never expected Shin to be this powerful or the emperor to use majins." Arua added.

"This is getting really exciting, Shin-sama might even go all out."

"Eh Shin-kun is not at full power yet."

Seeing Asuka 's serious nod Rinzu wide eyed asks "Then Kurogane-san is even more powerful then this?!!!!"

"Just watch and see, Master is just getting started." Sion answers them.

Shin lands on the ground and starts his next move. A new chant is heard, a new power was about to be released.

[I reset the worlds]

[I disintegrate the earth]

[I am the inferno that burns the gods]

[I am the shin no aka no ryujin]

[My name is Ragnarok, the embodiment of destruction]

Shin's six demon wings were covered by the colossal wings of a red dragon. His arms and legs also morph.

His hands and feet are replaced with dragon limbs. The limbs were the color of flames. The claws were black. His devil wings merged with the front side of his dragon wings.

The chants were heard yet again.

[I am the judge of god]

[I am the fallen angel]

[I am the tyrant ruling hell]

[I am the snake that tempted Adam]

[I also rebelled against god]

[I am the demon of wraith]

[I have tempted humanity into hell and proven their inferiority]

[I am Satan, the great demon of anger, the king of hell]

His demonic power doubled its original amount.

"Eh he's really getting serious using [wraith], [apocalypse] and [pride]."

"Who is [apocalypse]?" Arua asks completely confused.

"It the Shin no aka no ryujin. The true red dragon god. The great dragon of apocalypse, known as Ragnarok." Kyouya answered.

"Right now Shin-shi is using the powers of combining the powers of Lucifer, Ragnarok and Satan." Tai informed everyone.

"But still it pretty unbelievable right, that fact that he is only using half his strength." This statement was only heard by Taizin.

That power he was using was only 50% of it. That meant if he goes all out he has double this strength. That was totally insane, If that was true Kurogane Shin was surpassed even normal kami-class opponents.

Only divine king class or higher opponents could fight on par with him.

This conclusion was only reached by Taizin and Kyouya because everybody was to engrossed
with Shin to hear them talking.

The pair of majins made their move. One went for close range combat while the other provided support. Mugetsu just watched.

Shin;s sword morphed into a large shield like shape. He used it to defend against the incoming barrage of punches.

But as he defended against the punches he was hit by the others magic.

The majins executed the perfect pincer move. An eerie smile ram across Mugetsu's face.
Shin was slowly accumulating more and more damage.

Everyone grew worried, If this kept up Shin might lose. Despite their worries they couldn't help him.

At the next barrage of attacks shin does a backflip over the majin and lines the two of them up.

"Konton Ken-fû iai Zettai-tekina shi " He blade compresses into a katana and he does an iai attack.

He severs both the majins in two. Even the barrier was cut. Shin killed two majins with one attack.

Mugetsu was the only enemy left but Shin was still staring east. During the time he was defending against the majin he staring east as well.

He turns and faces Mugetsu , there is a sharp hostility in their eyes. "I don't know who you are but you did good kidnapping Mu-chan and manipulating his army."

"… What are you saying Kurogane Shin, you dare call me a fake." Mugetsu roared.

"You're a pressure good infiltrator, you could have fooled me if you hadn't made one fatal mistake."

"Mistake, what are you talking about?"

"There's no way Mu-chan would call me Kurogane Shin all the time, we were a lot closer then at."

"When did you figure out… never mind you probably already knew my plan from the start. But you're too late, soon an army of 100 majins we created will arrive. Kurogane Shin they will song the requiem for all the konton no kigen project members you killed. As the last survivor I will kill you. after all this is the limit of your strength." He showed his true appearance he was a short man with short brown hair.

"I remember you, you're Reinos's cousin. Totally forgot to kill you but don't underestimate me." Shin shouted.

"I am the Shōmatsu no Tenryū kami and I will awaken upon this earth." Shin yelled out loud.

"It's starting"

"Kyou, feast your eyes upon this, the new god arrives."

"Tou-chan what are whispering about with nii-san. More importantly shouldn't we be retreat?!!" Maya yells.

"No Maya-chan, this is just the beginning."

"Huh" confused she looks at Shin.

A savage smile is on his face, he wants the battle, he carves it. He won't leave until this is settled. He shouts to three more chants.

[I am the face of god]

[I am the angel of contacts]

[I am the lesser YHVH]

[I am the celestial scribe]

[I hold the highest position amongst the angels]

[I am one with god]

[I am the archangel Metatron, the king of angels with the largest body and 36 wings]

[I am the leader of the archangels]

[The saint who defeated Lucifer]

[I am the guardian of the church]

[The protector of man]

[I am the humility of god]

[I am a saint and angel, often depicted as Adam, My name is the Archangel Michael]

[ I am the devourer of worlds ]

[ I consume hope & shatter dreams]

[ I am The Lord of the Abyss]

[ The king darkness ]

[ I know awaken upon the earth]

[ And know that I am free from my shackles I will engulf all creation]

[I am darkness incarnate, named Zero]

'Thud' almost all of the spectators collapsed. The only ones who remained awake were Rei, Maria, Maya, Sui, Asuka, Sion, Arua, Kyouya, Taizin and Exia. Akechi was only half awake.
In Shin's hands were two floating balls, one was demonic energy while the other was holy energy.

He merged the two of them with a third red ball. Then he swallowed it.
A massive earthquake rang out. 100 5m giants landed in front of Shin. This was the majin army
Rein prepared to kill Shin with.

"Hahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahah". Shin was laughing maniacally.

"They've finally come! This is the battle I want, this I what I desire!"

Shin started to transform, he started to turn into a dragon.

"Here it comes the descending of the Shōmatsu no Tenryū kami." Said Kyouya

"The majestic yet evil dragon god shall be seen before us." Taizin spoke.

Shin turned into a fifty meter long dragon. He had four eyes with cross pupils. He had two large dragon wings extending out of his back, with angel and devil wings making up their interior. His wingspan was around 70 meters. He had a second mouth inside his first. Devil horns came out of the back of his head. A halo was engraved in his forehead. He had a long serpent like tail with a blade on the end. The inside of his second mouth was filled with flames, the first with darkness. He had majestic scales that were blackish red in color. His arms and legs were covered in chains.

The majins prepared to attack the giant dragon that is Shin. The man known as Rein stares at Shin.

There was a massive influx of power. The pressure emitted from Shin was almost enough kill to Rein where he stood. He realized he was going to die regardless of what he did.

Shin took flight and reached a position where he target the entire army at once. His mouths opened and a black ball of flames was formed in front of it.

The majins entered a defensive posture.

Front the ball of black flames shin fired a barrage of fourteen beams.
the fourteen beams pummeled pummeled two majins in to dust. All majins nearby were burned.
Shin then further increases his attitude. The remaining 98 majin all attack with long range magic.

Shin's voice was heard from the sky "Bōkyaku no kurohomura" a huge fireball of black flames was lobbed at the majins.

Seeing it was hopeless to defend or intercept the attack, they attempted to redirect it.

A huge chunk of the majin army was incinerated. Around 12 majins died from just two attack.

Shin begins to noise dive towards the ground. When he flapped his wings a sonic boom was heard.

Travelling at superonic speed he crashed into his enemies army.

The sheer impact of his crash sunk several majins into the ground.

Utilizing the cloud of dust created by his landing bit head off of the majin in front of him. He used the blade in his tail to stab several of them.

Regaining their senses the majins surround Shin. Their barrages upon by meteorites. This was the Armageddon spell uses by Lucifer and Satan.

Like a mad beast on a hunt he massacred. The majin army. He bit them, Mauled them, cut them
with his tail, burned them, barrages them with various magic, etc. it was a complete unadulterated violence.

The army of 100 high-level opponents were annihilated by one man.

Rein also died somewhere between the second and third attacks.

This could not even be considered man made, the amount of destruction surpassed natural disasters.

Everything in front of Shin became a barren wasteland. The beautiful planes the rolling hills, even the huge mountains were all erased.

Suprisingly the Musou army soldiers were all alive, just slightly injured.

Yamakazi the resort manager walked up to the petrified group.

"Looks like boss has done it again, he broke even more then he did four years ago." He nonchalantly spoke.

The huge 50m dragon that stood 10m high flew towards them.

A voice came form the heavens "Sup Yamakazi you got a a lot of work to do. But do you have to knock almost everyone out?”

"You hate holding back like always boss. So did you accomplish any of your objectives in this clash?"

He asked ignoring Shin's question.

"Yeah. All the researchers have been eliminated but I have yet to master this power."

"Seems so, that's why you went to Eden right. Boss remember our promise?"

"That I'll tell you my intentions right."

"Confess, why do you seek even more power. You've entered the realm of gods yet you try to
get stronger."

"Yamakazi remember when I told you I was human."

"Yeah but I hardly believe that."

"My goal is revenge. Revenge on everybody that killed my family, friends, the people I knew. The people who killed me 16 years ago. I will drag those guys into a hell worse then the one I went through. That's my goal, for now."

"Boss, when you seek revenge remember to dig two graves."

"A bit too late for that one of them was already filled 16 years ago and I have no intention of filling the other one with my body again."

"As long as you understand." Yamakazi walks toward the mountain.

He headed to restore the land and alter the memories of almost very witness.

Shin carried everyone back to the hotel. Nobody said anything, there was no way they could,
the battle they witnessed undoubtably surpassed everything they witnessed in their entire lives.

Everybody was resting in their respected floors except Akechi who was on the thirteenth floor.

They were sitting at the dinner table completely immobile. Nobody said anything and nobody moved. Shin being Shin disappeared off somewhere.

They sat in silence for a full hour. They were starting to recover from their shock but suddenly Shin burst out for the kitchen.

He walks over the table, everybody's eyes are on him. They were all wondering what he was going to say. They never expected to hear the words uttered out of his mouth.

"Sup beautiful ladies, we got a slight problem. I kinda, accidentally kidnapped the emperor of the Musou empire."

"You did whaaaaaaaaaaattttt!!!!!" They all yelled, forgetting everything that they were worrying about they yelled at him."

"How the hell to do you accidentally kidnap someone!!!!!!" They all yelled.

"I don't know? I just went with mood? I guess."

They all face palmed "What kind of mood makes you abduct someone."

"Anyway forgetting that problem for know, why the hell you guys depressed, you're in a damn resort have fun or something."


"That's the problem with young people these days, what he'll happened to enjoying your youth?
Look if you got questions I'll answer them but just so you know this incident is being censored." He informs them.

The mood became more relaxed, the depressing atmosphere was blown away.

"Since I got hungry, I made some food so dig in." He place a bunch of pots on the table.
They stare at the food, it was stuff that they've never seen before.

"Tou-san did you cook these?"

"Yes I did why?"

Hearing this Asuka, Sion and Sui grabbed as much food as they fill in their plates.

"…" the other state at them.

"You guys haven't had Tou-sans homecooking before but it's so good you could get addicted to it." Sui explains as she starts wolfing down her food.

The others try it and get hooked. They abandoned their manners to get more food. In less then 10 minutes the massive amount food had disappeared.

"That was delicious~."

"I never knew you such a great cook Shin-kun."

"…" Before they knew it Shin was gone. They scanned the room to find suiting on the sofa.

He was with Taizin and Kyouya, on the table in front of them is a lot of a sake and wine.

They were drinking merely. A lot of empty bottles lay before them.

Kyouya stumble towards the stairs and Taizin falls asleep.

The drunk Shin wobbles over to the table with a bottle in his hand.

Asuka quickly grabs him and starts to move him towards the bedroom.

"Crap, tou-san is drunk again!"

"This is a very dangerous situation."Sion responded.

The other girls wondered what they were talking about.

"Everyone listen this is an emergency." Sion gathers their attention.

"Whatever you do under no circumstance to anything that attracts attention. If tou-san notices you he will attack."

"Will Asuka-san be alright?"

"There's no need to worry about here."

"She's probably used to dealing with this right?"

"No she wants to be attacked."

The girls realized what kind of attack they were avoiding.

After a little while Asuka walks out of the bedroom her face was a little red. She looked extremely happy.

She signals that it is okay to enter.

The girls warily walk into the bedroom and go to sleep.

Waking up early Shin found himself swamped by girls. He was embracing Rei, Maria, Maya, Sui, Asuka, Sion, Arua and Exia.

He decided to slip out before the disaster occurred. He walked up to roof.

Mugetsu, who was kidnapped by him was also there.

"Mu-chan you get up early as usual."

"Why am here? You now what don't tell me."

"Ya let forget our troubles and eat." He brought Mugetsu down stairs and headed towards the kitchen.

The girls waking up sat at the table still half asleep. They didn't notice Mugetsu sitting their with them.

"Hey Mu-chan do the clothes for you alright?"

"A perfect fit but it's a tad bit embarrassing." Mugetsu replied a little red.

The girls finally fully awake noticed a petite black haired girl with black hair in a goth outfit.

She perfectly fit the description of a goth loli.

"Onii-chan does this dress fit me?" She asked in an a cute manner.

"Yeah just like in the past you look better in a dress instead of cross dressing."

Nobody was even surprised even more. All these crazy things were always happening around Shin.

What irritates them was that she called him onii-chan and didn't even mind that she has been kidnapped.

She didn't seem like a airhead but she was too careless to be someone who was kidnapped.

"Um Mugetsu-sama what is your relationship with Shin-kun?" Rei breaks the ice.

"He's my non blood related older brother, why?"

"Why are you calm after being kidnapped?!"

"Cause this happens all the time."

"Happens all the time!!"

"Yeah many times in the past on onii-chan would sneak me out of the castle or sneak in himself. For some reason the people in the palace didn't like that, so I just got kidnapped by him a lot." She explains her circumstances.

The conversation was immediately cut off, Shin entered the room with another huge meal.

All the girls have tasted this food before, they shuddered in anticipation at the thought of eating it again.

As soon as the food was put down they filled their plates and wolfed down the food.

It was the final day of their trip, they were leaving in an hour. The land destroyed by Shin was completely restored.

Not a single sign remained of the battle that occurred yesterday.

When questioned Shin told them that this was a sacred land and Yamakazi was its god.

When he came here 15 years ago he fought and defeated Yamakazi thus taking over the land.

None no one other then the girls remembered what happened yesterday. The first years never knew in the first place but the staff members present had their memories wiped.

“That Yamakazi made it his duty to keep me secret for some reason.”

The students and teacher of Eden's first year headed back to school completely oblivious to truth about Shin.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Chapter 6:
Spoiler! :
“Hey Exia What was that you needed to talk to me about?”
That was question Shin asked when he was called into the teacher office.
The other teachers, mostly the male teachers, who didn't teach Shin gave him a displeased look.
He was sitting way too close to her and was even speaking to her by first name and without honorifics.
Worst of all was Exia didn't seem to mind at all.
“Shin-kun it concerns the tournament…”
She looked at him a if she was pleading.
“Please don't use your full power during the tournament. This is request from me and Maya-san.”
“Please do it for me and Maya-san.”
“Okay. I'm pretty sure I told Maya before, but it too unfair for beautiful woman plead.”
When Shin agreed Exia's expression brightened up.
“I will say this though, I'm pretty sure only a select number of students can actually face me.”
Exia agreed with him wholeheartedly.
The only students who could even face Shin were probably his lovers and those he approved of. Basically anyone close to him.
“Honestly I have talent for attracting strong, beautiful woman.”
Shin muttered as he left the room.
Exia reaction as opposite to what a teachers should be. Her cheeks were slightly red.
She could have sworn Shin said “right Exia” before he walked out.
Shin headed straight to the training room.
Inside he went directly to were his team was waiting.
All the girls making up his teams lay on the floor in front of Asuka.
Sui and Sion were the only one who seemed fine.
“I can already guess what happened.”
Shin knelled down and placed his hands on Rei and Maria's head.
A light glow emitted from his palm.
All traces of injury and fatigue disappeared from the two girls.
“Feeling better?”
“Thank you Shin-kun.” “Thanks Shin.”
Shin now turned his gaze to Asuka.
“They challenged you to duel and you didn't hold back did you Asuka.”
Asuka just averted her head when questioned.
“You can't be doing that Asuka. As the strongest you have a responsibility to take care of them.”
Asuka looked as if she was silently pouting.
“… it's not my fault.”
Asuka said in a small voice.
“Asuka come over here.”
Shin waved her over. She complied and walked over.
“You guys continue following the schedule okay.”
Shin said that before teleporting away with Asuka.
Now Shin and Asuka were alone.
Shin had teleported them to an empty classroom.
“Shin-sama I-”
She was cut off because Shin had just slapped her.
“I can see they said something to provoke you but Asuka you can't injure them that badly. Accept this as your punishment.”
Tears formed in Asuka eyes hearing this.
“It's not fair! Why do you take their side Shin-sama! Recently all you do spend your time with others. Even though I'm always waiting for you!”
Asuka started crying as she yelled at him.
“I'm getting jealous -… mmh?!”
Before she could speak another word Shin sealed her lips.
“Asuka that was your reward.“
“You did really well defeating those four.”
Shin said as he embraced her tightly.
“If you are feeling like this just tell me.”
Her giant breasts were pressed against him.
“Remember what I told you all those years ago. If you are ever sad or lonely just call for me. I will always make time for you.”
He sweetly whispered into her ears.
“After I all I do love you after all.”
Asuka entire face turned red. It was so hot that you could melt ice on it.
“I also lo-”
Before she could finish speaking she sensed a bunch of presence waking towards the classroom. To be accurate it was the disciplinary committee.
Embarrassed she pushed Shin into a locker in the room and hid in their with him.
Due to her voluptuous body and the tight space, they were stuck in place.
Her face was centimeters away from Shin's.
She tried to scream but suppressed it.
She screamed because of the sudden surprise.
Shin hand was touching her chest.
He somehow managed to maneuver his right arm through cramped space and grabbed her chest
His left reached up her skirt and groped her butt.
Asuka could not even resist, not that she wanted to, as Shin continued.
They came out of hiding when the other students left the room.
“I really missed that softness.”
Shin whispered into her ear.
“Let me enjoy more in detail next time okay.”
Asuka only nodded with her entire face still red.
As they walked down the hall she held his hand.
“I'm sorry Shin-sama, I won't do something that rash again.”
“It's all right besides I already punished you didn't I.”
“… also thank you.”
Asuka said as she reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
With a lovely smile on her face she departed from Shin.
“I won't lose.”
She declared as she went back to the training room.
“I really attract wonderful woman. She is making harder and harder to hold back. Heh! That just like 'her' from the past, such a nostalgic memory.”
Shin muttered to himself before he wandered off again.
“Next time I won't let you off that lightly.”
Shin said as he touched his lips.
“This world is really fun.”
Part 2:
On the day of the tournament a special guest had arrived at Eden.
The founder of Eden academy Yasuri Ooshiro.
He was the man who was also responsible for creating the others schools and has the greatest authority in them.
Basically he was Kyouya's boss.
“Long time no see Maya.”
“Yes long time no see.”
Ooshiro took the seat right beside Maya.
The tournament was in a typical fighting tournament format.
There was also a preliminary test to decrease the member of participants.
As soon as Shin spotted Ooshiro he glared at him.
His attendant could barely holdback her anger.
“Kurosaki-san who is that insolent boy down there.”
Maya just sighed. Based Shin's look it seems that Ooshiro had done something to piss him off.
Shin continued to glare as he went up to the judging area.
“Is there something you want?”
Ooshiro asked unaffected by Shin's glare.
“Old man…”
“Old man?! How rude!”
His attendant exploded in anger.
“… what the hell do you think you are doing to my woman.”
Shin ignored the attended and continued to speak.
“Ho… so you call Maya your woman.”
Ooshiro looked at Maya for confirmation.
Her face was red and she had no idea how to respond.
“This is a surprise. Looks like the words you speak are true.”
“Don't try to laugh this off. Try to touch her again and I will rip your head off.”
“The weaker the dog the louder their bark.”
“Then lets put that to the test. I challenge you to duel. Don't refuse or is the legendary Yasuir Ooshiro afraid to face a student.”
“Fine I'll accept your provocation.”
Ooshiro accepted the duel for one reason. He was curious about the man Maya had chosen.
“Then may I have your name?”
“Kurogane Shin.”
Hearing his name Ooshiro's eyes opened wide.
“Hahahahahahahaha! I see, I see why you are so confident know. To meet the [star killer] in a school. It's an honor.”
[Star killer] was title given to a warrior of legend. This man had many achievements under his belt.
Maya was no longer phased by something of this level.
After all witnessing Shin using his true power was even more shocking.
“Kyouya-san I gonna beat up this old man here.”
“I got I'll set up an event right away for your fight.”
Shin and Ooshiro stood in the arena.
It wa already packed full of spectators.
A special event was taking place before the preliminary round.
A student was given the opportunity to fight with the founder Yasuri Ooshiro.
“Shin-san is really uncontrollable isn't he.”
Arua said sighing.
“Looks like that old man got master angry.”
“I wonder what he did to make Shin get that angry.”
“Yeah I want know that as well because I've never seen Shin-kun like that before.”
They looked at Asuka to ask her if she knew but she didn't hear them.
Ever since Shin had taken her away somewhere she had holding face with an expression of bliss.
She constantly whispered “Shin-sama” to herself.
The girls turned their attention away from because the match was starting.
Shin drew his greatsword immediately.
Ooshiro in response also drew his sword, a claymore.
Begin… as soon as the signal was given both of them rushed at each other.
They clashed together causing all the nearby land to crushed.
“Try to keep up old man.”
Shin kicked off the floor launching himself towards Ooshiro.
“Fire drive.”
Shin's balde became enveloped with golden flames as he attacked Ooshiro.
As Ooshiro blocked his attacks the golden flame began melting his sword.
“Those are the divine flames of heaven.”
“A perfect counter for your demon sword.”
Facing the onslaught from the greatsword clad in golden flames Ooshiro put distance between them.
“Warm ups over. Lets get serious.”
As he said this his old body suddenly became more muscular.
His power had clearly increased. Even his sword restored itself.
“I agree old man but you will regret this.”
Shin held his left arm up high.
“Black heavens lightning strike.”
Black lightning began raining down on Ooshiro.
It twisted and turned as it chased on Ooshiro every time he dodged.
Little by little the lightning was getting closer.
This time Shin held his sword up high as he chanted.

[The anti-planet sword]
[Meiya Unsheathe]!”
Transformation came in an instant.
The seemingly plains sword had changed into a different form then before.
The gray blade turned golden. On the golden blade ran many lines of sliver.
Oddly enough the majestic blade was wrapped in a thick black flame like aura.
“Y-you monster!”
Ooshiro yelled out as he looked at the new blade.
“I can see it… that sword in not something that should exist! No it something that should be impossible to create in this world!”
Shin just smiled in response.
“How did you create that thing?! It's a combination of a massive amount of legendary weapons and artifacts known to man!”
Shin's smile turned more and more mischievous as Ooshiro spoke.
“You are correct this blade is an abnormality in this world, just like me.”
The last part was said a lot more quietly.
“I created [Meiya] in an alternate dimension, which I also created. Since I am that dimensions creator, I could control all the rules laws and concepts applied to it. I created an environment for this sword. After that was more simple. I used a massive amount of research I ”found” to forge the blade. After that I travelled the world ever improving it and myself.”
Ooshiro and all the spectator were utterly speechless.
“Old man the time for words are over. Give me your all if you want keep your life.”
Shin tossed his sword up high.
The black aura surrounding the sword formed a sphere around it.
“Should you really be looking away right now?”
Shin says as he attacks him from his blind spot.
“Vulcan inferno.”
Shin uppercuts him, sending him flying up high in the sky. He appears above Ooshiro and kicks him back to the ground.
A crater forms where Ooshiro lands.
Shim continues his attack on the now rising Ooshiro.
His fist smack Ooshiro in the face, neck and stomach.
Then Shin's fist are covered in a vermillion flame.
The flame which was over ten meter high compress into one the size of his fist.
With this blazing fist, Shin punches Oosito with a full force uppercut.
As Shin punches a sonic boom could be heard. His that fist exceeded the speed of sound and was covered in a massive blaze which pierced Ooshiro sends Ooshiro to the heavens once more.
When Shin clenched his fist, a enermous explosion occurred on Ooshiro's body. The explosion blast radius was more then fifty meters.
Ooshiro's body, which was burnt a crisp could be seen falling to the floor.
“Che! Damn old man.”
Shin clicked his tongue in displeasure as Ooshiro once again stood before him.
He was injured but he did not receive any grave injuries.
“Time for round two!”
Part 3:
“I can't underestimate you can I?”
Ooshiro says playfully as he touches his wound.
“Old man I told you to stop holding back.”
“I can say the same thing to you as well.”
“So you noticed… I'm sorry I can't do that, I was pleaded to by a beautiful girl after all. If it was someone else I wouldn't care.”
Exia blushed when she heard that. This action was noticed by Ooshiro instantly.
“You are such an interesting kid. So you sunk your fangs in her as well.”
“Oh so you noticed. I can't help it if she is so honest with her feelings. The best thing you do is convince her or force me to break my promise.”
He glances at Exia who immediately understood his intention.
She gives him approval by nodding, she couldn't refuse the passionate yet savage look in his eyes.
“Old man now it is time for the finale. Try not to die!”
Shin yells as he begins to release a huge amount of power.
“[I am the Shōmatsu no Tenryū kami and I shall awaken upon the earth]
[Pride], [Wraith], [Humility], [King], [Apocalypse], [Abyss] release.”
A crater formed underneath Shin.
His very presence began to destroy the earth around him.

[The Shin no aka Ryūjin and the Shin no kuro ryūjin]
[A fusion between Maou, Archangel, Dragon god and Human]

[I am the new god, the crystallization of the infinite potential of humans, Kurogane Shin the Shōmatsu no Tenryū kami]!!!”
The same phenomenon as last time occurred but to those who have already seen it it felt different.
“Somehow… it seems more refined.”
Maya muttered as Shin began to unleash his true power.
The orb formed and he swallowed it.
“Asuka-san why does Shin-kun feel different from before?”
“Yeah it seems he's gotten even stronger.”
“Do you remember the reason why Shin-sama came to Eden?”
“He said it was to got stronger right, but still skeptical about that. I mean what could make Shin-san stronger in this school?”
“It's simple.”
Sion answers her.
“Master needed a controlled space to test his powers. Master also wanted to access the vast wealth of knowledge stored here.”
“That is not all. Shin-sama also said he needed more influence on his powers. So he came to an area where angels, demons and dragons roamed. By coming into their combined influence Shin-sama was able to get used to state of combining his power. Do you understand?”
The other girls nod in confirmation.
Maya was told the same thing by Kyouya.
“So that's means Shin's about to reveal the newest form of his strength?”
“Exactly Maya-tan. I'll have you now that Shin's dragon form has been constantly evolving over he years.”
Shin had finished his transformation.
Instead of turning into a four legged dragon like last time, who was now a dragon that seemed more humanoid.
All of the features were the exact same. Except now Shin had two legs and two arms.
His sword that was in the air was absorbed by his body.
“The arena is too small to be our battlefield. Allow me to give us new one.”
Shin voice came down from the heavens as the sky turned black.
Black, the color consumed everything around it.
In only a few seconds the entire world around the arena had turned black.
Shin had brought them into his <gate>.
“Simply astounding Kurogane Shin! To think you would be this interesting!”
Ooshiro shouted overjoyed.
“Allow me to go all out as well.”
Ooshiro's body also changed.
He grew younger. From an bold man his body turned to that of a young man.
“Let get this started.”
Ooshiro leaps off the ground. Mid air he forms a massive energy sphere in hands.
He throws it Shin, who deflects it with his wing.
The explosion from the sphere was large enough to engulf an entire city.
Shin fires his breath. A flame that was black and red. Made of darkness and magma.
Ooshiro quickly dodges by jumping to the side.
Shin took flight at supersonic speed.
The resulting sonic boom crushed the ground around him.
“Lightning drive.”
Shin fires his breath once again but this time instead of flames it as lightning.
Ooshiro tosses his sword in the air, he uses magic to make act as a lightning rod.
At least that was how it was supposed to have worked.
The lighting disintegrated the claymore.
Ooshiro dodges the lighting thank to the spilt second bought by his claymore.
Shin had already made his next move.
His body was covered in a thick reddish black aura.
It was obvious he was preparing something big.
Ooshiro in response prepared his own special attack.
He gathered all his ki into his hands and legs. He concentrated it there, unlike Shin who had his ki spread throughout his entire body.
“Trinity breath.”
Shin used his true dragons breath.
His breath attack now was filled with demonic and holy energy.
It was combination of all of different sources of power.
“Impenetrable Armored wall.”
Ooshiro stomps on the ground before bringing his hands together, as if he was praying.
The earth wraps around him and hardens. It becomes metallic as it continues hardening.
The dirt and rocks became a substance harder then diamonds.
He resolved to take Shin's breath head on.
The mix of holy demonic dragonic power smashed into Ooshiro.
“Thirteen great techniques!”
Shin used his breath attack just but time.
A gigantic magic circle formed behind him. It's was too complicated to be deciphered.
“That Itsuki he's doing it!”
Kyouya yelled excited.
“Shin is about to unleash his original magic!”
Kyouya tells Maya who looked curious.
“Fifth form: Infinite sword ouroboros execution.”
Countless wind blades formed around him.
All them crashed into Ooshiro, who was still facing the brunt of Shin's breath attack.
The two attacks connected and exploded.
The blast was large enough to wipe out an entire province.
Ooshiro could he seem in the smoke with his armor destroyed and his body covered in cuts.
He managed to survive…
Shin appeared behind him with his sword in hand.
The blade seemed to multiply infinitely as slashed out of existence.
Each wave of his sword had enough strength to sunder mountains.
Massive scars were engraved upon the ground. Each with a column of fire rising from it.
The greatsword moved so fast that the attacks could only be seen as afterimages.
It was truly a never ending attack.
Halfway shin even walked away but the attacks still continued.
“Okay that's enough.”
Shin looking satisfied snapped his fingers.
They were back at Eden and Ooshiro battered body lay before him.
“Winner Kurogane Shin.”
Maya announced as she let a another huge sigh.
“Hey Maya don't I get an award?”
“What could we possibly have in this school that could satisfy you?”
“I can think of few things.”
“If you know just ask. I'll provide anything in my power to give.”
“I'll take that as consent then.”
Shin nonchalantly walked up to Maya, he had mischievous look on his face again.
He pulls her into his embrace and locks his lips with hers.
In front of the entire school he kisses her.
Maya didn't even put up a second of resistance.
The girls screamed watching.
The boys on the other hand glared at him jealously.
“That was quite the satisfying reward Maya.”
Part 4:
When the normal tournament resumed Shin was barred from entering.
Only his team was allowed to enter and they out on a spectacular show.
Rei, Maria and Sion took out most of the famous third years.
Sui defeated Arua easily.
Finally the most breathtaking event was when Asuka challenged both Maya and Exia to a duel.
What's more she even defeated the two, displaying her supremacy.
One smaller thing was revealed in the midst of the tournament.
That being Arua had kissed Shin.
This truth was reached by everyone who knew the truth about his magic and his weapons.
Meanwhile Kyouya was lost in deep thought.
He entered this trance like state as Shin won his match.
Reaching a conclusion he could barely hold back his laughter.
"I see Shin, your planning on returning "home"." Kyouya thought.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Chapter 7:
Spoiler! :
It was a week after the tournament.

“So Shin is it true.”

“Yes it is Kyouya-san, the time has come.”

Shin and Kyouya both had serious looks on their face.

Kyouya and Shin laughed nefariously as they continued hatch some kind of plot.

Unbeknownst to the girls their lives would be changed forever.

Shin even went as far as contacting heaven and hell.

What ever they were doing it would affect every side in this world.

And so one of the strongest human born in the world and human turned god would start an event that would shake the world to its core.

“It finally time…”

Shin muttered as watched the moonless sky light up.

Part 2:

Shin was happy with all the progress he made after coming to Eden.

He watched the sun rise from Maya's room as he collected his thoughts.

Until recently Shin would always sleep in the girls dorm but now he was switching between there and Maya's room.

“Let me go!”

An angry female voice brought him out of his reminisce.

Before was woman who by appearance was in her mid twenties. She had silver-white hair and an ample size chest.

“Now now don't be so angry, it is our reunion after all.”

“Free me so I can kill you!”

The woman angrily yelled.

“All that anger is ruining your cute face.”

Shin said teasingly.

“Shut up… I am not cute or anything. Stop spouting nonsense…”

The woman looked away blushing.

“You really are cute Ortlinde.”

Shin said as petted her head.

“Ehehe… no wait! Shin release me!”

“What will you do then?”

“Simple I will kill you and then myself.”

“Ortlinde as I told you before, your way of thinking is too rigid.”

“Silence! You have no right to speak like that. After all you were the one who defiled my purity and ran away without taking responsibility!”

Ortlinde quickly grew teary eyed.

“We… were… supposed…… but you… you denied me… happiness.”

Orinde said in between her sobs.

Shin unable to see her like this any longer embraced her.

He held her tightly as he petted her head gently.

“Ortlinde first and foremost allow my to apologize. I'm sorry for all the suffering I brought you.”

Shin knew that an only apology at this point didn't amount to much.

“Second let me tell you that you are misunderstanding what happened.”

Her ears perked up hearing the word misunderstanding.

What was there to misunderstand?

She clearly remembered that Shin sexually assaulted her then fled.

“That night I was drunk.”

“Huh? What kind if excuse is that?!”

“It's no excuse but the truth. Odin got me drunk for the purpose if us having a "mistake". His plan was to trap me in Valhalla. But his plan had one major flaw… due to damnable circumstances the action he wanted to happen could not be done.”

Ortlinde was wide listening to his story. She could tell that he was telling the truth.

“So when he dumped me in your room all did was kiss you and grope your chest. But the next day I panicked waking up beside a naked woman so I ended up running.”

Shin looked slightly ashamed of himself as he finished speaking.

“So then we can…”

“Sure Ortlinde but I have to tell you that you will have company.”

Ortlinde smiled happily when she heard Shin's reply.

“Don't worry about that Shin. I already now that you're a man that will have multiple lovers.”

Hints of jealousy and anger could be seen on her face but she still smiled radiantly.

She embraced Shin tightly as they came to a reconciliation.

At this moment Maya walked into the room.

What she saw was an unknown women hugging her husband.

Her eyes turned dead as she stared at them in way that would shivers down anyone's spine.

Maya began turning into a yandere.

Part 3:

Shin left Maya and Ortlinde alone to settle their differences. (He left them to fight it out while he goes to play around).

Shin mood was extremely cheerful as he stared I'm the distant sky.

“It's almost time for them to arrive.”

Shin leapt off of the roof and walked towards the main entrance.

“Ignis, Serus long time no see.”

Shin greated the white and black haired girls that just landed in front of him.

Ignis had six pure white wings and a golden halo over her head.

Serus also had six wings but they were black and more bat-like, she also had horns growing out of her head.

An archangel and archdevil.

“It's greet to finally meet you again Nii-sama.”

“I happy to be reunited Onii-chan.”

Both of them clung to him happily.

Both of them addressed Shin like an older brother.

If the girls saw this they would be jealous or wonder just how many non blood related little sister does he have.

“Nii-sama keep your promise.”

“Or swallow a hundred needles.”

Ignis and Serus happily talked with Shin and accompanied him somewhere.

It was clear to anyone that they saw him as more then a brother.

Part 4:

“Hi Exia~ I came over to play~”

Shin declared as he barged into Exia's room.

Inside he found a very flustered Exia who was hugging her pillow.

“S-s-s-s-s-Shin-kun what are you doing here?!”

Shin looked at her current posture, looked at the stuff near the bed and turned around.

“I'm sorry of I am interrupting something.”

“Y-you're misunderstanding me, I wasn't… doing that. I-I most certainly wasn't sniffing what you left behind for your scent.”

She revealed everything as she panicked.


Shin smiled like he got a new toy.

“I am not a pervert!”

“Then what are you?”

“A woman who is in madly in love but unable to get together.”

Exia seemed to reveal almost all her cards when she was out under pressure.

“My I ask you this man is?”

“… Y-you.”

Exia face was red up to her ears.

Exia fell for Shin during the trip to the resort.

It was when he spoke a little about his past and what he wants to do in the future.

She found Shin to the opposite of all all the men who approached her in the past.

It was then that she grew jealous Maya.

“Exia I wish to ask you this, why is your romance impossible?”

“Eh? Shin you are aware you are engaged to Maya, right?”

Hearing this Shim burst into laughter.

“Exia here is my answer to your question.”

He placed a light kiss on her cheek.

“Nobody said anything about only having one wife.”

Shin soft touched her lips with his for a brief moment.

“Think about this okay, Exia.”

Shin left Exia who face was red as she held her head in her hands.

Her fingers were constantly touching her lips.

“You are to unfair Shi-kun...”

That was the nickname she rarely used to call Shin.

Even after he left her heart was stilling beating at full speed.

“Too unfair…”

Part 5:

Arua week after the tournament was hectic.

Since her secret with Shin was revealed she avoided the girls and Shin at any cost.

She wondered just how it had come to this.

“It's not like I love him, do I?”

Arua first became interested in Shin when she saw him fight for the first time.

After that fight she decided to look up who he was but got no leads.

Based on her research it was like he just appeared one day.

Though she did find many records and rumors of the stuff he did.

Most of them were like heroic tales were killed a certain creature or destroyed a certain country.

But some were more dark, like how a white haired boy with a baby in his hands was seen leaving a certain family's estate, where a a few hours later where all the people there were found all dead.

Soon Arua's interest became an obsession.

She went to great lengths to learn about his movements. She also searched up anything that was slightly related to him.

When they went to the resort everything changed.

She got more solid information from the resort staff.

Shin was their benefactor and employer, so they happily told her what she wanted to know.

The one biggest changes was seeing Shin fight seriously for the first time.

His dragon form completely changed her perspective of him. It also acted as proof to many of the rumors related to him.

But the biggest change was when they somehow got alone together.

Arua didn't know of it was what they talked about or the alcohol, but one thing lead to another and they ended up kissing.

Luckily for her no one figured out that was until now...

Now she had to face the embarrassment of her actions.

“Arua-chan did you have enough time to collect your thoughts.”

Shin voice came out from nowhere.

“Yes Shin-san…”

At this point she was no longer surprised by things like this.

“…I don't understand what I should do? Can you give me some advice?”

“Of course Arua-chan, I will even make it nice and simple.”

Shin knew exactly what to say to the uncertain Arua.

“Arua-chan you have two options, first is to accept you feelings and live your life without regrets. Second is to seal them away, an action I guarantee you will regret in the future.”

Shin spoke as of he was speaking from past experience.

“Shin-san have you ever regretted not confessing before?”

“Yes… it's a long but I will tell that I still regret it.”

Arua seemed to have decided her answer.

“Shin-san I love you...”

Arua took his advice and confessed.

“… will you accept my obsessive self as your lover?”

Shin wordlessly braced her and petted her head.

“I look forward to our future Arua.”

Shin stole Arua lips for the second time.

Part 6:

Kyouya and Shin secretly met up once again.

“How are the preparations on your end?”

“Almost done, how about you Shin?”

“I am also nearly done as well.”

Whatever they were plotting it would be finished soon.

Shin received a package from Kyouya before he left.

Kyouya, who hadn't left yet was smiling with glee.

“It will perfect, friend...”

Part 7:

Maria who was peacefully walking back to the dorm was abducted.

“Just what are you planning to do to me in a place like this, Shin.”

Her face was totally deadpan.

“Maria we are here to have a private conversation.”

“So what do you want to talk about.”

She immediately cut the chase.

“Maria do you like me?”


Was her instant answer.

“Do you want to stay by my side.”


She seemed kind annoyed that Shin asked these questions.

“Then Maria one final question… are you fine being in a harem.”

“When I chose to be with you I knew I would be in one.”

Shin was satisfied with her answer.

Then he made a cut on his neck.

The scent of the blood quickly reached Maria's nose.

The scent was do overwhelming that she nearly lost control of herself.

“Maria you can drink my blood if you want to.”

As soon as he gave his permission she pounced on him.

Her tongue licks any blood that spilt in her neck before she bites.

Even the taste of the blood was otherworldly.

Maria never knew that Shin's blood would taste that good.

Her entire body was in ecstasy from the taste and smell.

“Darling I love you!”

Maria declared happily as she licked the remaining amount of blood on his neck.

Part 7:

Shin found Rei practicing with her katana out back.

In the past few months her strength an skill level made massive leaps.

Rei even started to build some combat experience as well.

Shin watched over as she was engrossed with her training.

After can hour practice she sheathed her katana and sat down with Shin.

“Shin-kun how much have I improved?”

She asked with stars in her eyes.

“Based on your current strength you could probably take on your father and win.”


She happily clung to Shin's arm.

“Wait... Shin-kun how do you know how strong my father is?”

Rei easily noticed the familiar tone in his voice.

“I met Genzou-san sometime ago, but don't want to talk about it.”

Shin had met Rei's father twice the first time was a few years back and the second time was a few days ago.

“Rei you are really talented with the sword, it almost makes me envious.”

“Eh? Why would you be envious of me? Shin-kun you're clearly stronger!”

“I am talking about talent. I have no talent for combat or magic. I suppose my greatest talent was with woman.”

His answer caused Rei to get a little angry.

“In order to yet as strong as I am now I had to train and fight like there was no tomorrow. I felt the pain of death many times until I learned everything.”

Rei looked at him wide eyed. She never Shin had to go through some thing like that.

The Shin she knew was powerful and seemingly invincible.

Much to her ire this just proved to her how little she actually knew about him.

“Shin-kun please go out with me.”

Rei could feel that if she didn't make a move now she would be left behind.

She didn't mind that she nothing of his past or his intentions. Rei just wanted to be with him.

She was ever glad that they met.

Shin response was a light kiss on her lips.

Rei understood his answer and cried tears of happiness.

Part 8:

Shin had no need to talk to Sion and Asuka.

Both of them had already sworn to follow him till the end.

So Shin left with time on his hands went to Sui.

Or at least that was what he wanted to do.

Along the way he got attacked.

Heavy spears of fire flew at him. Along with that arrows of light dropped upon him.

Shin sighed as he knocked the spear to the ground and crushed the arrows with his fists.

With a wave of his hand chains shot out of the ground and grabbed his assailants.

“Belial-san, Hikari-san you know it is bad to attack a student.”

“Shut up Kurogane Shin!”

Hikari sounded pissed.

“Just what did you do to Metatron-sama?!”

“You've also done something to Lucifer-sama, didn't you?”

“Ah! So that's what this is about.”

Shin laughed when he found out the reason for their anger.

“Both of you need to calm down. I would never do something to my fathers.”

“Fathers? What do you mean?”

“Are you taking how about their blood runs through your veins?”

Hikari was completely lost. Only Belial knew what he meant.

“Both are just having family problems. Their daughter are engaged after all.”

“And let me guess you are their fiancé.”

“Yep, it was something they wanted. Ignis and Serus proposed to me not the the other way around.”

Shin left them dumbfounded as he decided it was time to meet Kyouya again.

Part 9:

It was finally time...

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice.”

Kyouya greeted all the angry stares.

Shin and Kyouya had kidnapped every world leader and brought them into one room.

Metatron, Satan, Michael and Lucifer were trapped in one room.

With them were all of Shin's woman and Sui.

“Now our host would like to say a few words.”

Kyouya handed the mic over to Shin.

“First let me say this, if you have any problems direct them to Kyouya-san.”

Shin joked around but he surrounded by a totally serious atmosphere.

“Then allow me to get to the point. Asuka, Sion, Rei, Maria, Ignis, Serus, Ortlinde, Maya, Exia, Arua I will tell you guys everything.”

“Michael, Metatron, Satan, Lucifer you guys are just sxtra's but I want you to listen as well. Besides the other guest deserve to know as well.”

Behind them the girls saw all of their parents.

Their parents either had bitter or wry smiles.

“I said before I will tell you everything who I am, where I am from, how I became a god and what plan to do next.”

Now everyone's gazes were directed at him. He could tell they were all interested.

“It all started July 4th 2106 the day my mother died. Ten years before my death.”
Spoiler! :
As Shin stared his story, Kyouya went to finalize their plan.

He went to the deepest part of Shin's <gate>. An area surrounded by perpetual darkness.

Only one object was found there, a massive black door.

There nothing behind or around the door but Kyouya did indeed feel that it went somewhere.

According to Shin it led to his home.

Kyouya began expanding his full strength to open it.

Shin and Kyouya plan in essence was to return to Shin's home.

A trip that would take them across worlds.

Shin's destination was Japan.

Shin's past was finally going to come to close.

His family would finally be avenged.

Thus Shin headed home with a fire burning in his heart. A fire so great that it would consume the world.

His revenge started here...
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Vol.2 Prologue:
Spoiler! :
“It all started July 4th 2106 the day my mother died. Ten years before my death.”

Shin spoke completely serious.

“Oct 18 2016 was day I died and also the day I came to this world. I am sorry for telling you but I come for a different world.”

Now everyone realized why he seemed so different.

Shin being from a different world explained many things about him.

“In my world I lived in Tokyo, Japan. The time period where human technology had reached untold frontiers.”

Behind Shin a screen came down.

“In the latter half of the twenty first century Humanity had solved its event problems. Many scientific breakthroughs occurred.”

On the screen where massive domes.

“The biggest change would be the space colonies built to support the ever growing population. For the first time history humans where born in space and lived there.”

The next thing on the screen were 5m tall mechs.

“Sadly peace is something not easily kept in my world. War broke out and new weapons were developed. We call them <hunters>.”

Shin looked little angry as he spoke.

“During the time of my childhood the world was consumed by war. But that was not the worst part... Those assholes killed my mother.”

Shin voice was filled with absolute rage.

“As I've said before this is my story.”
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Mikuru Bunny
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Vol.2 Chapter 1:

Warning contains scenes of torture
Spoiler! :
July 4th 2106...

Shin trembled under the bed as he watched his mother's body fall to the floor.

It's already been two days since the torture started.

Shin could do nothing but watch as he saw his precious mother being beat nonstop.

Her body was covered in wounds and he had to listen to her screams of pain for two days straight.

Without sleep, without food, without water all he could do was watch.

Today something different happened.

He couldn't see who but someone spike to his mother.

Judging by the voice it was young girl with an age similar to his.

He could make out a few words in their conversation but couldn't understand what it was about.

The next scene would haunt him for years upon end.

He heard a single gunshot... He was forced to watch as his mothers lifeless corpse fell to ground. He watched as her lifeless eyes looked right at him.

Shin felt true despair for the first time in his life.

Nonetheless that emotion only lasted for a moment. It was replaced by an even stronger emotion.

An endless abyss of rage...

The hellfire in his heart was so great that he went insane.

For one last night he remained trapped.

The next day the police found them and brought Shin outside of captivity.

“Can you give is your name?”

The police officer crouched down and looked him in the eye.

“Kurogane Shin...”

“Shin I'm sorry to say this but your mother won't be able to come back to you. She fallen asleep and will never wake up.”

The police officer felt really sorry for Shin.

“She's dead... I already knew that...”

Was Shin's emotionless reply.

“Listen Shin we called your father he should be here to pick you up soon. Is there anything you need before he arrives?”

“Can I have some food.”


Was the response.

After an hour Shin was picked up by his father but was never dropped off home.

Shin's father dropped him off at his friends house, his friend used to work at an asylum.

“Shin you need do what the doctor tells you. He us going to check if you're hurt. I'll come being you home once he is done.”

Shin stared at his father's eyes before nodding.

After running through a few routine test the doctor had reached a conclusion.

Shin was insane in the major degree.

But the report he wrote had said there was no problem with him.

A polite persuasion and a knife to the throat really did the trick.

'I will kill them, no matter what.'

Shin has hell bent on revenge.

“Come on Shin we have to go to the funeral.”

Shin's mothers funeral came a few days after.

'What a bunch of pathetic bastards.'

What use was there in crying in front of corpse? Why would do anything for the dead?

Shin just stared expressionlessly at the funeral procession.

“That boy is not normal...” “Look he hasn't even shed a single tear...” “What a monster, he doesn't even care that his mother has died...”

And so on and so on...

Shin heard how his relative and family friends slandered him.

'What the hell do they know! Those bastards can't possibly knew how much he loved her.'

The reson this blow effected Shin more then anyone was because he had a massive mother complex.

'First I have to get strong.'

Part 2:

Shin's desire was answered a month later.

He was walking down the streets of Tokyo searching for someone.

I'm the corner of his eye he saw someone being bullied.

On a whim he helped the teen who was much older then himself.

“Thank you very much! If there is anything I can do to repay you speak up.”

“Are the that super Yuki and programmer?”

“Oh you move heard of me! So what do you need?”

“I want you to change the setting for a certain console and configure the code on the way I want.”


The Yuki was really suspicious but still composed with his request.

A day later the capsule was ready for him.

“Hey are you sure you want to do this? What you want to do us really dangerous!”

“Don't worry about me.... Thank you for everything.”

Shin thanked him and entered the capsule.

He opened his eyes and saw the bal k world surrounding him.

Shin planned to use virtual reality to learn as he can to get his revenge.

The only catch was the way this capsule was set.

Instead of following normal time, 1 hour in reality was equal to 20,000 hour in VR.

Staying in the capsule for a single day was equivalent to over 1000 years in VR.

And that was exactly Shin did.

He lived for one thousand years in a single day.

During that time he did three things, learn, fight and kill.

Shin spent the next two years training his body to keep up with his mind.

Part 3:

Shin was now eight years old.

“I wonder if I should I go home today?”

Shin looked completely innocent as waked into the room of his apartment.

Inside there was a man strapped to a chair.

“Good morning~”

Shin walked up the man and punched him.

“No going to sleep. We still need to talk. Are you motivated enough now?”

The tied up man looked horrified.

For past two days he didn't get a second of sleep and zero food.

“I will ask you nicely... Why did you kill my mother?”

Shin still held the innocent smile, making the man even more horrified.

“I don't know what you are taking about? Little boy it is bad to lock people up like this. L-”

Beige he could finish Shin stabbed him in the right arm with a knife.

“Oops my hand skipped. What where you saying again?”

“I said I don't kn-.”

Another knife stabbed into his left arm.

“My my what should I do? I am really clumsy toady.”

“I said let me go you psych-”

Shin calmly stabbed him again in both of shoulders.

Seeing his pint not getting across Shin moved to more persuasive means.

He pulled out the pistol he looted off the man and shot him in both of his knee caps.

“I said answer my question, why did you kill my mother?”

Shin asked as he plunged a knife into the man's hand.

Then he used a hammer to pound the knife through his hand into the chair.

“You are really stubborn. Next I would have to cut of your hands or your legs.”

At this point the man wanted to complain.

He already gave in and was ready to speak but Shin ignored that and continued the torture.

“Feeling motivated now?”

“I'll tell you... So please stop...”

The man spilt his guts, he revealed everything.

Who he was working for, what they plan to do and most importantly why they killed his mother.

He even gave up info in where their hidden weapon caches and bases were.

Shin calmly listened to the end.

“Thank you for sharing everything. You are free to go...”

Shin happily cut loose all the restraints on the man.

She watched as he crawled towards the exit....

And just when he obtained freedom, shot and killed him.

“Free to rot in hell.”

Satisfied with what he learned Shin headed home.

“If I recall correctly father and that women had a child.”

This was also the year where his first little sister was born.

She was already one and had never met her brother once.

Mainly due to Shin not going home a lot.

He held resentment towards his father. He showed hatred towards his step mother, who hated him back.

With such thoughts Shin returned home. To the home were no one welcomed him.

Part 4:

“Guess no ones home...”

He reached this conclusion due to the silence in the house.

Shin went up to his inside room and fell asleep.

He was so tired he didn't even go over the information he acquired today.

The next day...

Shin woke up early in the morning like always.

He quickly got ready to leave and headed downstairs for breakfast.

After making his own food, like always, Shin took a peek at his little sisters brother heading out.

He found his one year old little sister to be cute.

Thinking about how he would play with her he went to work.

“It's already been two years....”

Shin went to one of the location he discovered yesterday.

“If I recall correctly.... Bingo!”

Shin removed a large gym bag from a coin locker.

Looking inside he saw that it was filled with guns.

'Japans regulation have really gotten soft.'

Shin thought to himself as he took a taxi to his secret base.

Which was an apartment building where he was the only tenant.

“Now to categorize these...”

Shin found that he acquired 10 pistols, 5 sub machine guns, 3 assault rifles, 1 sniper rifle, 4 tasers, a few knives and a strange data disk shaped key.

“This a great haul. I've got to really search all of those places before they catch on.”

For the next few weeks Shin looted every equipment cache he could find.

In a mere two years he possessed enough weapons to arm a small army.

In addition to that he completed a number of attacks on the organization known as [imperium].

[Imperium] was the one responsible for his mothers death.

So Shin made it a policy to kill all members, no questions asked.

He learned many thing about them, but the key goals and source of power still eluded him.

Also he learned what the keys were for. They were the keys to an experimental <HUNTER> unit.

He also learned that getting to it would be harder then he previously thought.

'If I get my hands on that unit I could cause some serious damage.'

Sinking deep into the thought for a moment he came to a conclusion.

“Yosh! Time to get me a giant robot!”

He declared to himself as he began planning out the operation.

This operation would price together all of the crucial information he has.

Shin was now ten years old and was about to enter a major crossroad in his life.

Part 5:

In a dark room, in an unidentified location.

“It's just like we suspected... Our forward operative was found dead. From his corpse we determined he was put under inhumane, mind breaking torture. That should explain why all of our equipment in Tokyo began disappearing. Furthermore we conclude that our enemy is a pro. We don't know who's payroll he on but he is to be considered highly dangerous. Lastly he should be arriving at this base soon, so I suggest we improve our defenses.”

And so the report went.

The commander listening, let out a tired sigh.

“I don't get paid enough for this.”

Little did they know that they have already been infiltrated.

“We have to at least try or [Imperium] will have my ass.”

The base commander was only a mere low ranking member of the organization but he knew whatever they were building here was something that should never be in the hands of man.

If only he knew that the target was a little boy, he may have been able to prevent Shin from obtaining that forbidden power.
I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by Lazyanon »

Vol.2 Chapter 2:

Even more torture!
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2:


That was the only word that could used to describe the scene in from of the base commander.

A sea of flames rampaged throughout the base.

He listened to his men screams as they burned to death.

The scene before was reminiscent of a picture of hell.

To make matters worse explosion could still be heard.

“What the hell is going on?!”

He screamed in confusion.


Shin appeared in front of the commander and shot him with a taser.

“We're gonna have so much fun together.”

Shin dragged the unconscious man into part of the base that wasn't burning.

Shin tied him up and waited for the commander to awaken.

“Wakey wakey sleepyhead.”

Shin poked the man's head with his pistol.

“Who the hell-”

“Ah, too loud.”

Shin nonchalantly shot the man in the kneecaps.

He gagged him afterwards to make him quiet down.

“Let's see, Major Eren... Oh! What a surprise! Your part of league's military force.”

The league referred to the faction that built their stronghold in space.

Their enemy would be the alliance, the faction that controlled major portions of the earth.

Both side gave been waging war on each other for twenty years do far.

Currently the war had turned into a stalemate.

“You look like you are going to be hard to crack.”

Shin smiled cheerfully as dropped his bag to the floor.

“Please make this as fun do me as possible.”

Shin out away his pistol and equipped his combat knife.

“I need to make you talk willingly.... What to do, what to do....”

Shin stabbed the man in the rotator cuff. He twisted the knife in full circles to create maximum pain.

Shin with the innocent face of a child proceeded to cut off every individual joint in Eren's fingers.

As a service he even cut off one of his ears.

“Your eyes have a nice color to them.”

So Shin ripped out one if his eyes.

“Feel like talking?”

“Mmmmmmmhhh! Mmmhhh!”

Was the muffled replies.

“That sounds like resistance~”

Shin ignored Eren's plea and literally began pouring salt in his wounds.

For insurance he hooked up Eren with life support and an endless supply of blood. The only catch was that the blood was HIV positive.

Shin looked at the wounds he inflicted at the man and nodded in satisfaction.

When he finally decided to remove the gag all he heard were screams of pain.

“Tell me where they are building the new <hunter> unit?”

“I can't-.”

As soon as he said that he was shot in the left foot.

“Where is the unit?”


“Too slow.”

Next he was shot in the right foot.

“I'll tell you... I'll tell you. So please stop.”


“It's in the third basement floor. To get there you need my key card and the entrance password.”

Shin had already taken the key card, all he needed as the password.

“The password for today is retribution.”

Eren knew he wasn't going to survive. So he wanted to beg Shin for a quick death.

“I have final question for you. We're you involved in the death of Kurogane Emi?”

This time Eren didn't answer. Shin got the answer from the look in his eye.

Shin wordlessly pulled out a needle and injected it into Eren's arm.

“I hope you suffer before you rot in hell.”

Shin gagged Eren again before he went to find a working elevator.

Eren on the other hand had an extremely potent cell breaking poison injected into his bloodstream.

The poison destroyed his body by wiping all of its cells.

And now it was headed towards his heart.

The pain Eren felt at that moment was beyond words.

He felt the sensation of having his entire body rot, while he was still alive.

Slowly and painfully he crawled towards the jaws of death, where he would temporarily escape the pain.

Just as death embraced him, Shin kicked his head strong enough to break his neck.

After having killed another target Shin had entered a good mood.

He happily walked towards the elevator while triggering explosives, as he hummed o to joy.

Plugging in the key card he played a recording of Eren's voice.

In a few moments Shin would be face to face with his new toy.

He walked out of elevator as casually as possible.

“Hey! You can't be in here!”

A man in a lab coat yelled at him.

Shin's response was an introduction to his assault rifle.

'There are about forty researchers.'

Shin causally walked forward as he gunned down every researcher in sight.

The researchers watched in horror as bullets tore through their comrades.

They regretted not bring any weapons into the lab.

Shin moved towards the last surviving scientist with a big grin on his face.

“I will ask you once, where is the <hunter> unit?”

The lack of emotions in his eyes sent chills down the scientist spine.

“I-it's over t-there...”

He pointed towards a large container that numerous wire running through it.

“Open it.”

Upon Shin's command the container was opened.

A dark golden giant emerged from within.

The <hunter> was 5.5m tall, .5m higher than average.

The body was a medium-heavy armor type and was heavily customized.

“Bring up all the schematics, plans, weapon details. Give every piece of information about this thing.”

Shin's cold voice and assist rifle gave plenty of reason for the scientist to cooperate.

'It doesn't matter what I do as long as I don't die.'

His brain had entered self-preservation mode.

He willing helped Shin from this point on.

“What the hell is this thing?!”

Even Shin was shocked when he saw those numbers.

The unit was years ahead of current technology.


“This <hunter> is the creation of the decade. A true fusion of science and the occult. I was skeptical at first but when I saw 'that' I could believe anything.”

As the explanation continued Shin realized that this project was related to his mother's death.

“I see, I see...”

Shin shot the scientist now that he was of no use to him.

“So this what they meant....”

His mother was killed because of her connections to unknown beings. It was not known when or how but Kurogane Emi was in contact with supernatural forces.

Once this was discovered [Imperium] sent over a proposal to work with them. When she refused they decided to eliminate her.

This was another cause for Shin's deep hated of the group.

'For such a petty reason...'

Calming his emotions Shin climbed into the cockpit.

-Systems online, weapons online.

Manipulating the controls Shin mastered the configuration for the <hunter>.

-<Izanagi> is operating at 100% capacity.

Eager for a test run Shin went to the testing area.

Currently <Izanagi> was equipped with very few weapons.

“Oh! <Izanagi> is truly versatile!”

Shin was amazed by the sheer number of configurations and weapons his <hunter> could equip and utilize.

Only now did Shin notice 'them'.

In two separate tubes were two people, one female and one male.

He understood instinctively that they were different. He felt they were not even human.

At first he felt fear and insignificance...

But in a few moments that was replaced by jealously and desire.

“First I have to plan ahead.”

Shin exited <Izanagi> and went through every document he could find about 'them'.

He was still in a good mood until he found a certain document that contained a certain message.

Shin's action were decided in an instant.

He took <Izanagi> the two tubes containing them and stole a transport ship.

“It's do or die from now on.”

Shin's destination was outer space.

As the transport ship left the base and out of the colony he infiltrated, Shin detonated the last of his explosives.

Part 2:

“So you're finally awake.”

Shin spoke to the boy from the container.

“You must really confused but that is not my problem.”

The blood red eyes looked at Shin in confusion.

“Human? Who are you? Where are the geezers? Where's onii-chan?”

“Eh? Why do you care about them. You have to play with me first.”

“Then human are you going to give me your soul as well?”

“Sure~ but you have to grant my wish.”

According to all the information he acquired the boy in from of him was an insanely powerful demon who could grant wishes.

At the cost of your soul you could have almost anything.

“Human what is your wish?”

“I want power.”

The demon boy looked confused by Shin's wish.

“Um can you be more descriptive. That wish was too vague.”

“Fine I'll make it easier for you. How about you turn the power I am currently thinking about into reality?”

“That works.”

The boy nodded innocently as he began to leak a black aura.

“Actually have a request, can I use the power a bit before you take my soul?”


The eerie black aura wrapped it around Shin and vanished.

“Done... I will give you can hour before I take your soul.”

Shin had maniacal smile on his face as he burst into laughter.

“I'm sorry but you will never able take my soul. Please die you filthy son of Mikuru.”

The shocked boy couldn't resist when he was sent flying out of the airlock.

As a bonus Shin aimed every gun the transport ship had at him and opened fire.

“You dare to trick you human!”

He could hear boys angry roar in his head.

“Normally I wouldn't have been able to kill you.”

Shin once again became very happy as he fired nonstop.

“I'm positive that even a demon like you won't survive crashing into the sun.”

Shin watched as the demon boy turned to ashes.

“At least he listens well, if he wasn't related to [Imperium] I wouldn't have killed him.”

Shin set course for earth now that he finished his mission.

He looked at the women, whose body was surrounded by some unknown crystal.

“She's innocent but what should I do with her?....... I could use her as something like a maid.”

Shin in an extremely happy mood decided to go back home.

Today he got the ultimate <hunter> unit <Izanagi>, gained inhumane power and got a prospective servant.

Part 3:

Shin flew into an unexpected battle when he was going home. More specifically he flew right into the middle of one.

It was between the league and unknown force.

From what Shin could tell they were not affiliated with the alliance.

Currently it was a battle between <hunters> and the two battleships.

“This is the perfect test site.”

Shin hid the transport behind some debris and sortied with <Izanagi>.

'The league has connection with [Imperium] so they all die. The other guys are lucky, I'll only disable them.'

Shin had <Izanagi> equipped with medium to close range weapons.

-Stealth mode active.

Activating his cloaking Shin flew right in front of the leagues battleship.

'The league has 50 hunters but the paramilitary 20 are more skilled.'

For Shin there was a total of 72 targets.

“Lets see if the description beyond human understanding is adept for this machine.”

Shin aimed at the command bridge for the league battleship and destroyed it.

“Boss unknown detected in front of the enemy ship!”

“Damn is it reinforcements?”

On the monitor appeared the dread dark gold <hunter> as it destroyed the enemy battleship.

“What the hell is that machine?!”

Someone cried out.

It's speed and manoeuvrability was out of this world.

The machines guns in his burned through enemy armor easily.

Shin flew in a linear motion to draw attention but used quick bursts of speed to avoid all incoming attacks.

His shoulder guns flared as he decimated the enemy with missiles and laser cannons.

“All units retreat.”

The boss of the paramilitary organization withdrew his soldiers based on instinct.

He felt if they stayed out any longer the unknown would bare it's fangs on them.

He watched interested as <Izanagi> shot down the last league soldier.

“Who are you people?”

A mismatched voice asked them.

“Boss he's hacked into our communication network.”

“Thank you for your assistance. My name is Aranami Takuto.”

“So then Takuto-san I have a question for you.”

The mismatched voice turned into a child's voice.

“Are you connected to the [Imperium] organization?”

“Why do you know that name?!”

Takuto was genuinely surprised by Shin's question.

“We are connected- but not as allies we are enemies!”

The latter half of his answer was more frantic. Seeing as Shin was ready to kill them.

It seemed he believed them, based on the fact he stopped aiming at them.

“So who are you guys?”

“We go by the name of the [Fallen].”

“That sounds cool. Okay I'm joining you guys.”

Forcing his decision on them Shin went into their hanger.

He waited for everyone to father in the hanger before he disembarked.

“Nice to meet you all, my name is Kurogane Shin.”

Shin greeted them politely with a bow.

He was pleased at seeing their shocked faces

“You... How old are you?”


Shin explained what he's been doing and what he planned to do, omitting many crucial details.

“Takuto-san I will work with you but you will have no authority over me. I will and always do whatever I want to do.”

Shin was really happy that got allies, happy enough to turn on them.

He even got reunited with the super Yuki from two years go.

“Lets get along as always Yami.”

“Right back at you Kurogane.”

Shin had already told he was going home. He left with little difficulty and headed back to his transport ship.

“Boss was it really a good idea to team up with that kid?”

“It certainly is better than dying here. Kurogane Shin probably could be the best <hunter> pilot of our time. His skill level is unprecedented.”

At this point Yami told them about what he did for Shin.

How long he had mentally aged was revealed to everyone.

“Oh great! We just recruited a psychopath!”

One of the senior members lamented.

“Hahahahaha the future will be fun from this now on.”

Takuto laughed happily as he ignored his subordinate's plight.

Part 4:

In dark room... In an unknown area...

“Aliester-sama... You're younger brother has been killed.”

A sad voices reached the white haired youth.

“Damn it! I was finally about give him a normal life! I was finally about to fix him!”

The youth lamented his powerlessness for awhile before he regained his composure.

“Find the assailant immediately, I will kill them with my own hands.”

Aliester glared at the night sky.

He received a message as he waited.

The sender was someone named Ilya.

She was Aliester's master.

I have been plagued with eternal boredom and never ending fatigue.
Made a blog where I post all the LN/WN pdfs I made: https://lazyanonpdf.blogspot.ca/
Mikuru's Master
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Re: Original LN Birth of Chaos

Post by superloner »

I liked what you've written so far and I hope you continue it.
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