Blood Fury / OLN

Project of creative fiction that can be related to light novels or of an original nature.

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Literature Club Member
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:30 pm
Favourite Light Novel:

Blood Fury / OLN

Post by DOL »

Ive been thinking awhile about a new project now and thought of this.

Spoiler! :
A boy who has been bred to be a slave and doesnt know the word of Freedome gets pushed into a new Life.
Jeopordized by this feeling he gets lead into a also very dark quest to retrieve something precious which was lost to this world for countless centurys.
Having companions who he doesnt know how to deal with and new images of the world streaming in to him , will he succed or will he break down on this mission?
Will he emerge victorious and restore some virtue to this defiled world? Or will he defile the world even more?
Literature Club Member
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:30 pm
Favourite Light Novel:

Ch 1

Post by DOL »

Chapter 1
Spoiler! :
" Is he ready for it yet? " did a voice rumble from beneath a hood pulled down into the figures face.
" How ready can one be , for what lies before him?" did another hooded figure reply.
Both looking through the clear surface of a water farsee spell agreed to let it rest and left the room which only contained the basin full of water.

Still unsure of his surroundings he sat in the corner of the pub sipping on his drink observing every one who went in through the door or out.
It was a old habit he had from the times he was in the mines.
Looking out for potentional trouble or even men with weapons became so natural to him he couldnt loose this habit as many others.
The entrance door opened again and the person entering caught his full attention.
Long cape extending to his ankles , hood drawn deep into the figures face only revealing the lower chin and the cape unnaturally extending at the hips giving the impression a sword or another weapon was hidden beneath.
This person strode directly towards the table the boy was sitting at.
Seating himself without a word opposite of him made the boy touch the mace which was stored at his lower back.
Lifting up his hands and retracting the hood a man of about 40 winters came into view.
Unshaved for at least a weak , some traces of dirt and a few minor cut scars on his face were traits that left in impression on the people who looked at him.
" Greetings , Trysdan as ive been told i will be giving u your first mission." did the unshaved men whisper towards the boy.
" Hail , Lord Graven , very well i am prepared. " the boy whispered back.
Reaching into his robes , Trysdan reached for his dagger hidden in his boots , another one of the old habits he just couldnt shake even after a few years.
Lord Graven pulled out a Sealed scroll .
Stealthly sliding it across the wooden table Trysdan retrieved it and let it dissapear in his own cape.
The unshaved men departed quickly and Trysdan payed for his drink and also left.
He was looking forward to opening this scroll and made haste towards his lodging.

Standing infront of a 3 story House he looked at it in disbelief every time he came here.
The Timber- framed walls were neatly aligned and always clean as he could see.
Windows without one speck of dust on them and brightly illuminated by the setting sun.
A wooden plate hung above the entrance door displayin a half risen Sun.
This was the lodging for the > Rising Sun < order.
The Rising sun was a order of justice striving Knights and chivalarious deed commiting people.
Trysdan was a recrut of this order so he opened the door and made his way towards the stairs eager to open the sealed Letter.
As he was touching the handrails he heard a familiar voice calling out.
" Trysdan , where have u been all day long?" did he hear the familiar voice calling.
He turned around to see a Girl with long curly red hair standing behind of him with arms crossed before her ample bossom.
Her body would be described as curvy all over.
She surely had some meat to her but as her waist was rather slim she gave off a aura of full confidence coming from the knowledge that she still had to cross a male who didnt steal a glance or two at her.
Her emerald green eyes and fair skin made her stand out even more.
" ... Buisness ...." was the boys reply.
" What buisness would a thieving little slave rat such as u have in this city of Haven?" her words cut like a dagger into his conciousness.
Every time she came across him remarks like this would be made.
Coming from a distinguished family of Knights she couldnt accept what he has done before he became a Rising Sun Recrut.
Assesing the possibilities he had he decieded for the one which would spare him from trouble.
" Order buisness."
" What kind of buisness , malicious spawn of Evil." the cold voice replied again.
" ... Nothing of your concern...." did the boy whisper sofly.
Nonetheless she picked the phrase up.
Snipping with her fingers 2 figures appeared from behind her and went to grab Trysdan.
They held him by each arm rendering him unable to retaliate.
" Lets see what he is hiding from us." were her cheerfull words reaching him.
Struggling against the 2 Brutes of remarkable height and built was a futile effort so he refrained from doing so.
Those 2 were a little bit taller then 6 foot and he was about 5 foot 4 and off a thin built.
He didnt struggle as the Girl rummaged through his belongings stored inside of his Cape.
Taking out the scroll she eyed the seal which was embedded in the rolled up parchment.
" Look here , he was telling the truth the 8 Spiking Sun as a seal , HA it really was buisness from our Order." the girls voice said mockingly.
She threw the seal into a nearby trash bin and gave a nodge of her head for the 2 brutes to release him.
As the one on the right let go the left one gave Trysdan a punch in the middle of his stomach.
Air vanishing out of his lungs the small boy coughed uncontrollably and fell to his knees.
The Trio left the House and were laughing mockingly.
" Are you alright?" did another familiar voice reach him but this time it was filled with a warm undertone.
He looked up only to see a cute small face outlined with golden velvet like Blonde hair.
Every time he stared into those clear blue eyes he forgot his surroundings.
Blinking a few times he came back to his senses and stood up.
" ... Yeah ..." he said.
Still a little shaky he walked over to the trash bin fetched the scroll and hurried up the steps not even glancing back at the blonde girl.
SHe was left standing there looking after him and giving off a long sigh.

Tears rolling out of the corners of his eyes he slid down the locked door his back was leaning on.
" She has seen me in THAT kind of state again ..." did he say to himself as he was the only one in the small room.
A Desk a chair and a Bed were the only things located inside of this room.
After picking himself up after his self pity and whiping his tears away he stood up.
The crumpled parchment in hands he sat down infront of the desk and broke the seal with his dagger located in his boot.
Reading through the scroll slowly he couldnt believe its contents.
" Trysdan , the Order of the Sun gives u this oppurtunity to serve the greater cause. We hearby ask of u to recover the Globe of Transcription. The before named Object is in Baron Draves estate. Retrieve this object immediatly , use any deed u see fit. Everything sin u may have to commit is for the greater cause of righteousness and will be pardoned by his great Lord Ebon of the Rose.
Signed Council of the Sun Chairman Lord Ebon. "
" This has to be a mistake ... The Order would never drop so low ..." did Trysdan reminiscence over the scroll.
Standing up he held the scroll infront of the candle light illuminating the room.
Through the light shining at the back of the scroll he saw what he was looking for.
A Rose in the middle of a Sun.
The sign of verification he needed.
" Not fake...." were the words he whisperd to himself.
He never heard of anything like this task before but even though the scroll contained a task which he was asked to do he was forced to do it.
This was one of the Rules of the Codex of the Rising sun.
Any task given should be considered as a chance to better the world and cant be revoked.
Seeing the verification sign magically imprinted on the inside of the scroll and the seal on it there was no chance it could be a fake.
Another rule of this codex was : Never question a task u were given.
With fright pouring out of his small body he headed out the Inns door with heavy feet.
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