Spring Anime 2009

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Spring Anime 2009

Post by b0mb3r »

Okay i decided to be not like an idiot and make a thread for each anime i watch and instead make a list i am watching now and reaction:

K-ON!- enjoy the 1st two episode. it has a strange atmsophere i haven't grasp....or is because they still not doing widescreen until later!

Saki- 1st two episode are okay. introduction are slow and mahjong is confusing. still gonna watch a few more. still moe and taco rocks

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood- umimpressed by 1st episode since is an original episode, op and ed takes time to get used to. episode two blew my mind away with pacing and camera angle. stick for now

Basquash- mecha and basketball. i am getting a gurren vibe (and i haven't even watch the series yet i am getting a vibe from it? sorry guys i will watch it when in the summer to participate GARing with you soon). still amazing quality and character design are awesome (reminds of avatar:last airbender). op and ed lacking.

Crossgame- hmm an old drawing style manga drawn today adapted into an anime series. i enjoy its pacing. ending really touch my heart but people complained that it went the manga too fast, question how much material is gonna cover since is manga is still going.

Guin Saga- fact: over 120 novels and finally an anime is made. quality. eh....is okay. maybe cause satellite is focusing on basquash? still god damn 120 novels. if someone has trillions of dollars and free time, just imagine how many lord of the ring quality and time to make these series into a movie.

Eden of the East- let me see naked dude with a gun saves a girl near a white house? sold. IG nailed the detail background down. maybe because i came back the inauguration three months ago that DC seems still fresh in my mind. god the pacing is great. it felt so long yet so short. similar to lucky star but different. though i still trying to adjust to the honey and clover character design. by the way they have great english voice actors cause they are english, not engrish. that reminds me OP with kinetic typography sang using OASIS as their OP. wow very impressed, wish american animations would step their game up. ed is a great papermantion similar to the Honey and Clover OP (sadly she passed away)

Hatsukoi Limited- JC Staff and Mizuki Kawashita equals very fine. i hear complaints how alot of these shots are bit panel and still. i can understand that and the overuse of white. still the character quality is refined and i love how the situations are drawn out. good thing the manga didn't last as long as ichigio 100 and it did got canceled a bit so staff shouldn't f*cked this up.

Asura Crying- downloading and waiting

Possibility: since i can't watch so many since i am in college.

valkyrie chronicles- debating whether to buy it or watch it

basara- six sword samurai.....GAR.

pandora hearts- PV looks cool

now what are you watching?

baka baka baka
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Astral Realm

Re: Spring Anime 2009

Post by Muffinman »

Here is what I am watching and/or taken a look at:

Eden of the East Naked men, Missile Attacks, and jokes about being a Terrorist. What can't you love about this series? Anyways, after watching the first episode I am hooked. Story is intriguing, Background art is enjoyable, and character design is done well. Also, the OP and ED are also very well put together and I like the songs. I will definitely be following this series.

Shangri-La When I first heard of this series it grabbed my attention. The art looked beautiful and it seemed like it would have a great or at least decent storyline. A month later when I finally watched the first two episodes, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. To keep it short, the whole show was a mess and instead of a well made story line, I got a plot based on carbon tax, a Lizard that affects it all, and a group of acrobatic transvestites. This show I will never watch again.

K-On! Overall this series isn't bad but it is not my thing.

Basquash! Usually sports animes don't interest me, but Basquash was the one exception. This anime has neat designs throughout the first episode, and I never once found myself bored or wanting the show to end. This is another series I will watch this season.

Fullmetal Alchemist Not much to say on this one except that it has it's ups and downs. I will continue to watch this one for now.

Asura Cryin' Although the title of this anime makes it sound like a romance, it is anything but. This series includes ghosts, Mechs, and a interesting but sometimes confusing plot. If you have free time, this is one anime I recommend.

Overall series I will probably stick with this season are Eden of the East, Asura Cryin', Basquash!, and, if i have time, Fullmetal Alchemist

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