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Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:58 am
by ainsoph9
Poke2201 wrote:What is that supposed to mean?
YoakeNoHikari gave a literal translation for the Japanese word, which was caught by the word filter here. What the editor is critiquing him for is giving that translation, although it is correct. It is not politically correct though. :roll:

YoakeNoHikari is correct for a "literal" translation. If you put the word into hiragana, it might translate it. The term in question is often translated into a rainbow of other curse words and phrases, which I find funny because Japanese is not that dirty of a language relatively speaking. Politeness is held in high esteem. My Japanese professor ranked Japan as the most polite country in the world behind England. The only other language that I am aware of that is more polite than Japanese is Hebrew, which natively contains no swear words whatsoever. About the worst one can do in Hebrew is a "s'licha" (the "ch" sound is said as in "Bach"), which means "excuse me" in modern Hebrew but can become the equivalent of "F.U." if used sarcastically and in an angry tone with the proper body language.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:59 am
by Poke2201
Well if its on the wiki then do it. One of us will patrol to make sure that editor doesnt censor it. FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTIONS!!!!!

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:19 am
by onizuka-gto
Poke2201 wrote:Well if its on the wiki then do it. One of us will patrol to make sure that editor doesnt censor it. FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTIONS!!!!!
There is no "First amendments" in the Wikicommunist state. :]
Dorneko wrote:As former colonies, Singapore and Hong Kong are equally good examples of having Western culture forced down their throats and having their local culture suppressed.
Also, i pretty much disagree, regarding Hong Kong (and in a limited capacity, towards Singapore as well) .

In my opinion, we assimilate what worked and disregarded what didn't. Efficiency was always a trade mark of HK and let me remind you that, when Hong Kong & Singapore was established the island had only a few fishing villages of ethnic Yue Chinese, while the majority of the peninsula mainland were colonisation of Hakka/Puntis people. So what custom they did had for the majority, were as much "local" as what the British brought. The same could be applied to Singapore, from bare rock to thriving hubs of the Far/south East Asia region.

And to be honest what of the local custom survived, were not due to suppression by the a western imperial authority, but simply the by product of an evolving era.

My mothers clan no long farm for salt/crop/fish and my fathers clan no longer operate brothels, drugs and Freemason societies.

I'm sure those local customs are not sorely missed.... :roll:

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:32 am
by Mystes
Reminds me that I went also to Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Neither of them were very welcoming towards Chineses. Maybe Singapore, but that was because I didn't go to the "non-tourist" places.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:30 am
by ainsoph9
And how does this relate to Japan?

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:46 am
by Mystes
ainsoph9 wrote:And how does this relate to Japan?
Just wanted to say that it isn't only Japan, but all Asia.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:16 am
by ainsoph9
What is just as fascinating is that despite the geographical separation, many Asian cultures hold so many similarities. I know this is partly because of the Silk Road and the various empires in the past, but one would think that the effect would die down after a while.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:26 am
by Mystes
ainsoph9 wrote:What is just as fascinating is that despite the geographical separation, many Asian cultures hold so many similarities. I know this is partly because of the Silk Road and the various empires in the past, but one would think that the effect would die down after a while.
Well, the eastern Asia looks pretty alike with each other. But compare India and CHina, and you se big differences.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:19 pm
by ainsoph9
Well, historically speaking, India was rather isolated because of the mountains surrounding it. So, like in Japan and China, a separation occurred culturally and linguistically.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:33 pm
by Poke2201
Well then what is Philippines? The language itself is a mix of spanish/native tribal words, American grammar, and Japanese way of speaking

But China and Japan were seperated by sea, yet their languages are quite similar, however Korea is separated from Japan and is connected to China by land. If you look at their spoken and written language, its quite different to those 2 countries

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:48 pm
by Mystes
Poke2201 wrote:Well then what is Philippines? The language itself is a mix of spanish/native tribal words, American grammar, and Japanese way of speaking

But China and Japan were seperated by sea, yet their languages are quite similar, however Korea is separated from Japan and is connected to China by land. If you look at their spoken and written language, its quite different to those 2 countries
Here's what I know. From what I learnt in China, not here, so don't get me wrong fo the prejuces.

I was told that the writing and the speech were bought by the Chineses. Then, during Heian, Japan had a lot of influence from China cauz China was strong at that time. However, the relationship became bad after a Japanese prince told China that Japan was the 'rising sun' and that China was the 'falling sun' (y'know, when the sun falls during evening). As fo. Korea, the Koreans first spoke Chinese. Though it got conquered by Japaneses during the XX century. After that, when Japan fell after WWII, Koreans got their own alphabet and language, while they were using mostly Chinese or Japanese before for writing.

Again, it's from what I learnt from Mainland China.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:44 pm
by ainsoph9
The origins of the Koreans and the Japanese are both quite hotly debated in certain circles. Nobody is quite sure where they came from. We do know that it is most likely that neither are the original people there. This is a definite for the Japanese, but we do not know about the Koreans. (I have heard various theories about the Koreans with nothing exactly concrete to date.) Linguistically speaking, Japanese and Korean are kind of oddball languages for the region. They do not fit into any particular family of languages, at least easily. There is one European language that comes close to Japanese, but that is about it. Interestingly enough though, some have noted that Japanese shares some commonalities with Hebrew of all things. Here is a video about that more or less. While I personally have no opinion of whether it is true or not, I think that it is interesting to say the least.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:08 pm
by Poke2201
Hmm, thats interesting. Wonder if Israeli people arent discriminated against in Japan.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:24 pm
by Mystes
Poke2201 wrote:Hmm, thats interesting. Wonder if Israeli people arent discriminated against in Japan.
LOL, I don't think so.

Though I'm sure kanjis come from China at 100%.

Re: Japan discrimination?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:51 pm
by Poke2201
Oh yeah, kanjis are chinese in origin big time.