When does it start getting back on track?

General discussion related to these two novel series

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Astral Realm

When does it start getting back on track?

Post by Thors »

Well finished volume 1 and about half way done with 2 and i keep wondering when it gets back to the story? I want to know what happens to him in the real world not whats going on in the past T_T. Not saying the stories aren't interesting where every girl he meets falls for him but i want to get back to the important stuff. So can someone tell me where he starts going back to whats presently happening in the series? or give me quick summaries of the other volumes?(Without telling the ending) So i can start reading from someone else because while they are good im tired of the short stories in volume 2.
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Re: When does it start getting back on track?

Post by BeginnerXP »

Vol 3 is the direct continuation of the story in vol 1. But as one of the new character introduced in vol 2 played a major role in vol 3, I think skipping it might not be a good idea.
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