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High School DxD (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:59 am
by Simon
Hello and first of all big thanks to the translators and editors of HSDxD.

Here are the ePUB and MOBI and PDF formats for this series.

Generate ePUB here: BTE-GEN :D

ePUB (Mike43110 helped out):
Spoiler! :
ePUB by Antflep:
Spoiler! :
MOBI (Mike43110 helped out):
Spoiler! :
MOBI by i1111991:
Spoiler! :

PDF by 13man18:
Spoiler! :
PDF by silvertone
Spoiler! :
13man18s' UPDATES:
Spoiler! :
Fixed pages, headings, and certain notes
Added Volume 3 and the name of the volumes
Added Volume 4
Added Volume 11 and 3 & 4 have been redone
Volume 1 & 2 have been redone
Added Volume 12
"Fixed" Volume 2-4 and 12 (I have changed them, so the front pages don't have anything else other than the artwork.)
Added Volume 6

If there are problems with ePUB, MOBI or PDF, plese tell us so we can fix them.

Have Fun.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:53 pm
by blissfulyoshi
Thanks for making the books in these formats.

The one thing that is slightly annoying me right now is that the cover is being stretched so the dimensions look weird. (Edit: Rechecked the book with another reader, it seems like the cover automatically stretches to the size to the screen without regards to the actual picture dimensions, so I guess it needs a different method of implementation.)

If you have the time, it would be nice if you centered the pictures instead of leaving as left alignment.

Edit2: I decided to look into the things I asked about, and I found what code is needed to fix it. For the title you should replace preserveAspectRatio="none" with preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", so the code for that line is. (Note the current title page looks a little pixelated on my tablet, so you might to switch to a higher quality cover picture)

Code: Select all

<svg xmlns="" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 519 751" width="100%" xmlns:xlink="">
As for the centering the images, they use a code very similar to the one above. (The image below is a higher quality of the first image after the cover obtained from the illustration section, and not sure about the frame size. The code below works for me when I tried loading the book on my tablet.) (Credits to for teaching me about this code)

Code: Select all

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 592 900"  preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
	<image width="592" height="900" xlink:href="../Images/HSDxD_vol_01_004.jpg" />
Note: you might also need

Code: Select all

div.sgc-1 {text-align: center;}
in your css to make it completely center (I centered all the pictures first before adding in the code above.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:23 am
by Simon

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:32 am
by Simon
Because of the changed code please re-download the files.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:31 am
by blissfulyoshi
Sorry for having to post again, but some of the fixes introduced more errors. (Only checked book 1 for now)
  • On 5th page of illistrations (6th page) there is a duplicate of the 1st illistration, so could you please remove it.
  • I also noticed now that you have new formatting for the titles. It looks nice except that with all the indents below it, it looks like it is not aligned or something (probably the best solution is to remove those indents since the book looks a little weird with more than half of the lines receiving indentations that Calibre automatically adds)
  • In the Afterward, the Japanese characters don't appear correctly
  • What I meant to say earlier about the resolution was that since my tablet has a resolution of 768 x 1024, the current pictures on the ebook look pixelated when I see them
  • Wonder if the 2nd and 3rd picture can be viewed as a 2 page spread somehow because they look a little weird if both of them are displayed on separate pages.
Not sure if you want me to contact you by pm next time, so tell me what your preference is.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:08 am
by Simon
The more posts the better.
  • Fixed. Overlooked that <div>
  • Please more or better the place where it is to find. If you mean the space between the Titles and the text, there are no "&nbsp;". If I understand right what you mean I just added them in Vol 1, just give a reply and I will add to the second.
  • Found, Fixed. I always overlook them, somehow. So as of now it's up to the software.
  • Jup, they are(516x751 24bit). Because i work on ePUBs for PRS-T1 so I don't realy care but for people with tablets its a problem. I will change them to the correct ones if there are no problems with ePUB. But be ready the ePUB will get bigger and there is a sceond problem "software scaling", I can't do anything about it.
  • Like I said PRS-T1 and the other like them. As I see it, the image gats realy small even in landscape mode. So this is one thing I will not change. Sorry. But it's possible.
  • Forum is better. Someone might find usefull information like you did before.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:14 pm
by blissfulyoshi
Finally had the chance to look through volume 2. I mostly did a quick scan but I didn't find any bugs at all, so great job there. Here is just a list of minor suggestions.
  • Since everytime you reach a new chapter, you only see the chapter name before you need to flip the page again, it might look better to have the text be in the center of the page to give a different feel than just another part.
  • I am not sure if you want to implement this, but if you want translation notes to be in your text itself instead of being online, you should check out the sample code here: ... ostcount=4 (I tried it on the Infinite Stratos ePUB so far, and it turned out okay, but I need to learn how to format it better (my knowledge of CSS is pretty shallow))
On another note, did you write any scripts to help you out in making these files because editing the code in Sigil was not exactly a fast process xD (Will probably need to write some of my own if I want to move faster)

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:28 pm
by Simon
blissfulyoshi wrote:Since everytime you reach a new chapter, you only see the chapter name before you need to flip the page again
Oh, this. It's more like to say "This chapter has many parts.". And if I would make it like "Chapter One, Part One" it would look little strange. And novels have most of the time an extra site/page for the "Chapter One Whatever", so I do it only with chapters that have more than one part.
blissfulyoshi wrote:I am not sure if you want to implement this, but if you want translation notes to be in your text itself instead of being online
I thought about it already. But, ... I'm prety lazy at the moment. I will do it in a week or two.

And I looked what they done there. They just used Anchors. It's pretty easy to do so. And the only way to go the needed part of the text. And I think you know it, but just in case if you want to jump to other part that is on another .xhtml, use "[name_of_the_file].xhtml#[anchor/id_]". Calibre uses it to create a TOC.
blissfulyoshi wrote:On another note, did you write any scripts
No. I make everything in normal editor like "LibreOffice" or "Word" than save it as .odt (Word has big problems with .odt, so if you do it with word, better convert the .doc with Libre to .odt). Caliber >>> ePUB.
And after that I edit them with Sigil. Be aware if you looked into HSDxD then you will see that it creates pretty much unnecessary code. And if you have any problems than "Have Fun". But after 1 hour or two you will understand how Calibre does everything.

But if you want to make it esear for you to create them in Sigil just go to the full text page of a novel, right mouse click and choose "view source code" or something like that.
there it is clean code with some links that you can remove pretty easily. And after that make in the css something like

Code: Select all

p {
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 1em;
    line-height: 1.2;
    margin-bottom: 0.212cm;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-top: 0.169cm
to format the text in <p></p>. I hope that is the code is right.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:36 pm
by DragoZERO
Thank you for making MOBI files. I love my Kindle but not doing ePubs and being a poor PDF reader is disappointing sometimes.

I will report back with any errors I find.

PS - Should put (ePUB/MOBI) on the front page and in the topic title. I almost overlooked this.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:27 pm
by Simon
If there is a new complete volume that was already edited and I still haven't done the ePUB just PM me or write it here. Same goes for any problems with ePUB or MOBI. Thanks ^^

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:10 pm
by RYO
I Just read 3 volumes within a day,..I seriously got addicted to it..i cant wait for Vol 4 to be translated!! *part removed acording to the forums rules*

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:21 am
by i1111991
I made the mobi version for the NOT Completed vol 4.
so it's only containing the translated ones.

enjoy :D

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:43 am
by silvertone
For anyone who want to have translated volume 11, you could download it on I already compiled it and added some missing parts plus do a little picture insertion etc.. The format is pdf..
all translation credit goes to Code-Zero and Baka-Tsuki, where it belong..
@Code-Zero, I hope i don't offend you in any way with this. Just wanna share your work

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:11 am
by Simon
Pelase repair the link.

Re: High School DxD (ePUB,MOBI)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:59 pm
by silvertone
@simon, sorry for the inconvenience, mediafire should be alright, right?

Done, it's fixed. Truly sorry.