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Edits by the masses [Lone Island Syndrome]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:15 am
by Omio
I didn't say anything, and had that little thought buried deep within my heart. I'll ask him later when I see him.

"I see, so there are permanent and contractual servants, I've really learnt something new today."
Shouldn't that be 'learned'? :/

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:01 am
by onizuka-gto

My American Spell checkers says its a-ok.

but then again, it says "color" is ok too.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:02 pm
by Jumpyshoes
You and your stupid British English. :roll:

Color is color you fools! I'm not to sure about "learnt" though...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:24 am
by Omio
Jumpyshoes wrote:You and your stupid British English. :roll:

Color is color you fools! I'm not to sure about "learnt" though...
I'm not British! I'm Canadian!
'color' is Colour. learnt is learned.

I think the latter edit is needed for pronounciation/announciation. (both, really.)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:46 am
by Smidge204
Too bad we standardized on American English. Make it "learned."


Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:04 am
by Setherzam
I thought we were standardized on British spelling?...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:07 pm
by quigonkenny
It states in the editing guidelines to stick to American English, but speaking as an American and considering how many of the editors appear to be Commonwealth residents or have been taught British English, and how most of the American editors appear to have a passing familiarity with the Queen's English, if you guys want to change it to British, by all means do. I've often found the writing to be stylistically British as it is (although that may be due to the translators and editors, admittedly), and Kyon's narration in particular has always reminded me of Douglas Adams, so it might even work out better that way. I don't think most Americans are going to have a problem figuring out what "colour" means, and those that would are unlikely to visit this site as it is. Just try to keep the slang to a minimum, in case Kyon ever picks up smoking and finds reason to ask Itsuki for a light (just think about it that one for a sec...).

And "learnt" should be wrong whichever side of the Atlantic you read it on. That spelling hasn't been in common usage for ages. While I'm sure Tanigawa would love his work being compared to Shakespeare, that doesn't necessarily mean we should be using the Bard's vocabulary in its translation...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:16 am
by Omio
To condense...
'Color' Remains.
'learnt'? kthxbai.

Lock please. I've moved on to Volume 5.