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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:24 pm
by Guest lol

Yuki does not have the ability to create data, nor does the data thought entity. Haruhi does though.

The Data thought entities manipulate the data around them to do things like moving back in time, or changing an object. For example, when Kyon requests Yuki to create a large rain shower on the day of that baseball game, Yuki tells Kyon that causing a rain storm would cause a large environmental disaster in the eco system. This is because to create the rain, Yuki has to turn something into the water, which would cause an imbalance. Secondly, Yuki has not reconstructed reality, there's a large differece from what you call reality and what's going around in the novel.

Yuki has caused events in the past to not occur preventing
Spoiler! :
haruhi from gaining her powers from kyon
leading up to a large chain of events that prevents the rest of the SOS dan from ever discovering her. Reality, as we percieve would be the dimension we live in, and the path of time that we are partaking in. Within our dimension would be our stream of time, within this time is probability and an infinite amount events that could and will happen. Yuki has just changed the path of events in the time.

Also, Yuki obtained the power to manipulate data from the Data Thought Entity. I'm guessing that with a certain amount of brain power, you should be able to manipulate "data". Also, I believe that circumstances must also be met to manipulate data.

It'd be a blatant lie if I said that I understand 100% of what I just spewed out :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:17 am
by GrimaH
ooooooooo :o
And how did
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Haruhi gain her powers from Kyon? Does that mean Kyon is the Creator of God? :roll:

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:09 am
by Guest lol
Haruhi technically isn't god, god would be an all powerful, being with infinite power and knowledge. Which Haruhi really isn't. I'd say she is something more of a deity. If this is the case, then Kyon isn't god also, they're just super power post humans.