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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:25 pm
by Feka
Haruhi already put his coat over him, the later one could be from Mikuru or Yuki. But Mikuru give him the scarf so... (sry, my english sucks...)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:12 pm
by FNX
Dan wrote:The closest person I can think of is Mikoto from Love Hina, and even she was really a shy girl at her core. I just don't have anyone to compare her actions to, so it's difficult for me to tell where she is protecting Kyon and where she is being kind to him.
The remake of Kanon shows Mai who is quite similar to how yuki interacts with everyone (kyon also resemble Yuuichi in more than a way).

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:22 pm
by Dragoon
Same voice actor, aren't they?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:43 pm
by bicube
Yep, Kyon and Yuiichi are voiced by the same seiyuu. I can't recall his name right now, but it's the same person. I remember in the beginning episodes of Kanon (the recent one), Yuuichi was saying how he was a normal transfer student, and the floored me. There were some other Haruhi references as well, but I can't remember them right now. >_>

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:08 pm
by Guest lol
When I first saw the remake of Kanon, I thought: "WTF? Kyon is in Kanon now..?" They carry a similar appearance as well as same voice xD. I'd say that Yuuichi would be something like Kyon if he actually spoke his mind.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:35 am
by Garstansinilliam
Bicube wrote:Yep, Kyon and Yuiichi are voiced by the same seiyuu. I can't recall his name right now, but it's the same person. I remember in the beginning episodes of Kanon (the recent one), Yuuichi was saying how he was a normal transfer student, and the floored me. There were some other Haruhi references as well, but I can't remember them right now. >_>
He asks Shiori to call him 'Oni-chan'

Kaori asks him why he keeps commenting on everything that's happening.

I'm sure there's more...


Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:47 am
by ellimist

Just got back from holiday, and i wanna wish everyone here a Happy New Year!!! May this be a great year for everyone yeah? :D

A few references from the light novels (translated, cos i can't read jap...yet) which i think shows that yuki likes kyon:

[What was this reaction... similar to a normal person's?

Nagato's eyes were tightly shut, and a blush of red began spreading on her ceramic-like pale cheek. Moans, like faint sighs, escaped from her slightly parted lips, and I finally noticed the quivering of her delicate shoulders under my hands, like a puppy under chilling air. A shivering voice reached my ears.

"Stop it..."

I recollected. For some time now, Nagato's back was stuck against the wall. In other words, I had forced Nagato against the wall without noticing.

[Nagato, still plastered to the wall, fixed her ebony-like eyes on me. Her glasses were slightly tilted. My only thanks to the heavens were that Nagato's eyes did not show fear or horror, but glistened like those of a sister who was reunited with her supposedly-dead brother on a downtown street by chance. At least it didn't seem she was going to report the incident. In the midst of such panic, this was the only tiny source of relief. ]

-I think that for any normal girl, even if she's terribly shy, she won't react in such a manner unless she's secretly attracted to that guy...

["Is it all right for me to come back?"

Her small head nodded firmly. However, her eyes were more interested in the book spread in front of her, and she did not even lift her head.

I put my bag over there and darted my eyes around for the next thing I should do. However, in this nondescript room, there weren't many small gadgets I could fiddle with. So without choice my eyes landed on the bookshelf.

All of the shelves were jammed to the brim with books of all sizes. There were more hardcovers than paperbacks or novels, which was probably an indication of Nagato's preference for heavy reading.


I should have already been accustomed to Nagato's silence, but today in this room it was quite painful. I would be on the edge of my seat if I did not say anything.

"Are all of these books yours?"

Immediately came the response.

"Some were here before I came."

[With a sudden interest I turned my head in a diagonal direction, and there was the motionless Nagato, as if she was taking a snooze. Probably it was just me, but she was staying on the same page without progress. However, as counter-evidence that she was not taking an afternoon nap, her cheeks began to get a brush of red as she took notice of my absent-minded gaze. This Nagato the Literature Club member was either terribly shy in nature, or unaccustomed to others' attention.

On the outside she looked exactly the same, but she kept reacting in an unfamiliar way that stimulated my interest. Deliberately, I fixed my eyes on her in observation.


Though her eyes' focus was on the pages, it was clear she was not reading a single word. Nagato gasped silently with her lips slightly apart, and her chest's subtle heaving rhythm became gradually visible. The faint blush around her cheeks became redder by the minute. To tell the truth, this Nagato was quite -- no, very cute.

- Haha, i really like this part, it's so...endearing. Lol. Well, it's obvious from the first part "immediately the response came.." that she wasn't reading (or is it couldn't? :wink: ) once kyon entered the clubroom, and for the rest...well, it's pretty obvious :P

["I am leaving. Sorry for intruding. See you."

I was about to walk off, when I sensed a tug as soft as a feather on my arm.


Nagato was pulling my sleeve with her fingers. The tug was very soft, just like how much force one might use to pick up a newborn baby hamster.

- This is just speculation on my part, but i think she wanted to talk to him a while longer, or she doesn't want him to leave so soon, which might be another indication that she likes him. It's not a very solid case since it can be intepreted in other ways, like how kyon thinks she doesn't want to be left alone with Asakura [Was it that she felt suffocated being alone with Asakura?].

[It didn't take me long to make up my mind.

I took out a crumpled piece of paper from my jacket...

"I'm sorry, Nagato, but you can have it back."

Nagato's pale fingers slowly reached out to receive the blank club application form. Once I let go, the application form flickered about, though there was hardly any wind in here. After missing her grip once, she finally grabbed hold of it the second time around.


Nagato's voice was even shaking, her eyes concealed by her eyelashes.

- I might be reading too much here, but i think she's crying at this point. :( Lol.

Yep, that's some examples so far, I think there's more, but i wanna keep it short and sweet. Comments, anyone? :D

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:56 am
by Garstansinilliam
Well, I'd say it's pretty definate that alt-Yuki has a thing for Kyon, as for 'real' Yuki, try Volume Seven for some real KyonxYuki feeligns!

Plus, in Snow Mountain Syndrome, even Haruhi suspects it!


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:09 am
by ellimist
Hey Garstansinilliam,

Sorry for forgetting to include this, but what i was trying to imply was that the real Yuki had a thing going on for Kyon (i.e. her "accumulation of errors" in her system), hence she changed the world that night, and put herself in such a position that she and kyon could get a chance of knowing each other better. Yet, in the end, she decided to leave a "back arrow" (i.e. the escape program, keeping his memories intact) for kyon, letting him choose which world he would rather prefer to have, instead of forcing him to adapt to the world she would rather live in - which, i think, is really sweet of her :). So, to conclude, i believe that if the real Yuki doesn't have any feelings for him at all, she is unlikely to do any of these in the first place. Thanks for your comment!!! :D

Re: Hmm...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:22 am
by Garstansinilliam
ellimist wrote:Hey Garstansinilliam,

Sorry for forgetting to include this, but what i was trying to imply was that the real Yuki had a thing going on for Kyon (i.e. her "accumulation of errors" in her system), hence she changed the world that night, and put herself in such a position that she and kyon could get a chance of knowing each other better. Yet, in the end, she decided to leave a "back arrow" (i.e. the escape program, keeping his memories intact) for kyon, letting him choose which world he would rather prefer to have, instead of forcing him to adapt to the world she would rather live in - which, i think, is really sweet of her :). So, to conclude, i believe that if the real Yuki doesn't have any feelings for him at all, she is unlikely to do any of these in the first place. Thanks for your comment!!! :D
Oh yeah, I totally agree with you. And I think Kyon notices as well, all his talk of her 'emotions'.

And like I say, Volume 7 is perfect for this sort of thinking. I mean really, it's Yuki-heaven!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:06 am
by HolyCow
Volume 7? So far all I've read is a bunch of Mikuru related antics... Unless you count the dinner scene as Yuki Heaven.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:53 am
by Garstansinilliam
HolyCow wrote:Volume 7? So far all I've read is a bunch of Mikuru related antics... Unless you count the dinner scene as Yuki Heaven.
**gasp**, spoilers ahoy!!

Well, there's Yuki not even letting Kyon talk to the alt-Yuki,

'Request synchronisation'
'Because I don't want to.'

Yuki conciouslly making herself less alien, feeling she's free to carve out her place in the world, showing emotions and talking

'It's your future too'

The implication that the reason Yuki seems so detached in the past is becuase Kyon keeps going back in time three years and telling her what's about to happen. This is first time she doesn't know what's coming, and can be herself.

Curtains! She put up curtains! She's starting to make her apartment an actual home, rather than work station!

It's a very Yuki-rich story, and this is only the first chapter!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:35 pm
by HolyCow
Er, I don't really think so. The dinner scene had quite some Yuki related stuff, but from what I've seen in the later chapters the author tends to focus on Mikuru.

But the curry scene was priceles ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:16 am
by Garstansinilliam
HolyCow wrote:Er, I don't really think so. The dinner scene had quite some Yuki related stuff, but from what I've seen in the later chapters the author tends to focus on Mikuru.

But the curry scene was priceles ;)
Ah, I've only read the first chapter and the prolouge, and it seemed to be pretty heavy on Yuki-development.
Still waiting with baited breath to see what else happens, though...

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:42 am
by ellimist
haha...damn, there's this really nice part found in chapter 2 - it's actually an opinion of Mikuru's regarding Yuki's behaviour, so it's not 100% reliable (i'm not being biased, rather, just reminding myself the fact that even the characters within the story might be wrong sometimes), however, it gives a HUGE hint that she (Yuki) likes Kyon, lol. Unfortunately, I can't quote it up here yet since it'll spoil de story for Garstansinilliam :wink:

Oh, and this is a personal opinion...does anyone feel that the last quarter of the yet-to-be-completely-translated-chapter-2 (for those who have read it, anyway) needs a lot more editing? Quite a number of sentences seems to be translated word-for-word, resulting in quite a number of grammatical and sentence-structure errors... :( plus there were several portions that sounded really confusing... :( i'm not complaining (i don't really have the right to, since i'm only reading de story), just merely voicing out my opinion :D . Ah well, perhaps I've just gotta wait a while more till everything is translated and sorted out? But...I can't really wait, cos de story's getting more and more fun and interesting:!::!::!: :( Argh...i'm seriously getting addicted to the brigade. :shock: