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Re: Golden Time

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:30 am
by amrul
rpapo wrote:
amrul wrote:hopefully they released the digital book on the same release date, as that the only option for me to get my hands on the book now :roll:
Why? I just ordered from Amazon JP myself...
The shipping cost of the physical book is too much for me (twice the cost of the book), let alone the shipping time. If the book was released a couple of weeks earlier then I would have bought it in Japan myself. But now I'm back in my country.

fortunately dengeki has online shop selling digitized version of their publications for mobile gadget users

so this is a much cheaper option for me for now :lol:

besides for me it's easier to read them on tablets as I can look up the unfamiliar kanjis straight away :D

episode 21:

Somehow feels impressive that the production team is able to compress that whole volume into 3 episodes. Now the 7th book is covered, it'll be the unknown for a while (at least 'till tomorrow) :lol:

The anime preview of eps 22 doesn't seem convincing, especially with what happened at the end of volume 7, the events leading to it, and banri's thought at the end of the story. At least it's not what I expected :roll:

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:56 am
by rpapo
Episode 21: Ends precisely where volume 7 ends, with precisely the same words. I am left as mystified as the guys in Japan (were, before today perhaps) about why Kouko suddenly decided to leave. Though, granted, there are more pieces out there to the puzzle now.

It appears that "Kouko" is the magic word which brings back his current memories. Twice now, in successive episodes, it has brought him out of his trance, even though the one speaking the word was Linda.

Well, Banri has loyal friends, Linda being one of those. Going the other way, Linda is a person Banri very much relies on, especially when he regresses, but it has become clear (as if it were ever truly in doubt) the real romance is with Kouko.

FWIW, Amazon JP confirmed shipment of volume 8 to me, so I should have it Monday. Let's see if we can get some spoilers out before next week's anime episode. Just the final results, not necessarily any details as to how it winds up that way.

EDIT: And that preview???

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:31 am
by l.kostas
rpapo wrote:FWIW, Amazon JP confirmed shipment of volume 8 to me, so I should have it Monday. Let's see if we can get some spoilers out before next week's anime episode. Just the final results, not necessarily any details as to how it winds up that way.
This time we just might have spoilers from Japan earlier that we had with the previous volumes. Someone commented in a Japanese forum because it is the last volume and he is really curious like everyone:
"Tomorrow I intend to camp out in front of the store before it opens" :D

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 pm
by amrul
Looks like rpapo got the book already. The illustrations are up. The ending looks nice, don't know how's the road towards there though :lol:

It feels unusual to see that it's nana-senpai the one who lend him a shoulder. I would have thought it would be linda again, probably he met nana-senpai first after the rejection. Seems somebody is withdrawing from the omaken too, from the looks of it it's probably banri.

Too bad the e-book doesn't come out at the same time the paper book. I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer :roll:

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:19 am
by rpapo
amrul wrote:Looks like rpapo got the book already. The illustrations are up. The ending looks nice, don't know how's the road towards there though :lol:

It feels unusual to see that it's nana-senpai the one who lend him a shoulder. I would have thought it would be linda again, probably he met nana-senpai first after the rejection. Seems somebody is withdrawing from the omaken too, from the looks of it it's probably banri.

Too bad the e-book doesn't come out at the same time the paper book. I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer :roll:
I understood the picture on page 75 as Linda being consoled by NANA.

I am currently transcribing the last few pages to translate them. Some observations so far:
Spoiler! :
(1) The only person whose name I haven't seen yet is Linda's.
(2) Mitsuo and Chinami seem to be together.
(3) Banri and Kouko are together, of course.
(4) Banri's mental voice as narrator now is a mixture of his old mental voice, and that of Banri's Ghost. It's hard to explain the effect, which does not translate into English at all.

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:07 am
by amrul
rpapo wrote:
amrul wrote:Looks like rpapo got the book already. The illustrations are up. The ending looks nice, don't know how's the road towards there though :lol:

It feels unusual to see that it's nana-senpai the one who lend him a shoulder. I would have thought it would be linda again, probably he met nana-senpai first after the rejection. Seems somebody is withdrawing from the omaken too, from the looks of it it's probably banri.

Too bad the e-book doesn't come out at the same time the paper book. I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer :roll:
I understood the picture on page 75 as Linda being consoled by NANA.
It's clearly banri. The day he confessed his past while being recorded by chinami is the same day as the day he went to meet kouko. You can see the same jumper in the illustrations. So obviously it's also the same day he met nana-senpai to get consoled

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:20 am
by rpapo
Could well be. I don't have the time, nor the ability, to attempt to read volume 8 in its entirety right now. I will have to rely on spoilers from people like you until I actually translate that stuff . . . a few years from now. Remember: this project is to help me improve my reading comprehension in Japanese. If I were good enough to be fast, I wouldn't need to do it.

In any case, the translation of volume 8 pages 377-384 proceeds. It starts out on New Year's Eve, at the Kaga household. Banri and Kouko, the Kaga parents and Kouko's younger brother are all there in the living room, huddled around the kotatsu. Kouko's father and brother just happen to be seated on either side of Kouko, but Banri reminds himself to just have patience. Then Banri's thoughts then go into a quick flashback and summary of what happened not long ago.

In these pages, it is quite plain that the "old" Banri is back, but equally plain that he loves Kouko.

UPDATE: You might ask, "Why aren't you any better at translating, if you've been working on it since 2008?" Especially after hearing me say how I became fluent in Spanish in less than six months. Two reasons: I was a lot younger then (24 years old versus 55), and had more spare neurons, and I was totally immersed in the Spanish language, living in Peru and having to interact with people all my waking hours. Unfortunately, by the constraints imposed by my current life (family, work, etc), I am unable to take six months or more off to go live in Japan and learn the language the same way I did Spanish. Unless my employers send me there (very unlikely), I won't be going there anytime soon.

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:17 pm
by rpapo
Episode 22: I kicked myself and saw it quicker this time, in spite of the fact that it delayed my translation of the very end of volume 8 just a little bit more (I'm only at 3 pages out of 8 so far).

Anyway, the episode in a nutshell: a massive case of whiplash, and of wondering just what is going on in Kouko's head.

Now we know what the illustrations on pages 75 and 165 are all about. Yes, that was NANA & Banri in the first picture.

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:24 pm
by amrul
Couldn't resist the temptation to check out eps 22, since I couldn't get my hands on the novel yet :lol:

Wonder if it's because I haven't read these parts that I actually got quite emotional while watching it. I didn't get this emotional when I watched episode 12 and 16 before, probably because I know what to expect.

And it was totally unexpected, a bit of a twist, not as what I thought :lol:

I think this time I might be able to change my perspective on kouko, still couldn't figure out what's with her. At least that's not the development I expected to be...

By the way, nana-senpai has quite a soft side on her. No wonder she's able to lend him a shoulder like that. And the history of banri and linda is finally out for the rest

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:44 am
by l.kostas
アニメの終わり時期に無理矢理合わせたようないきなりな終わらせ方。 駆け足すぎて最後の方ついていけなかった。

There are a few comments like that here and there in the Japanese forums. Some get the impression Takemiya might have rushed a bit to finish the novel together with the anime. Not that they find the volume bad. They were satisfied but they mention a quick pace and that it could have another one volume to adapt more the events leading to the end instead of one bigger volume.

About the illustration on page 165:

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:34 am
by rpapo
Somebody over at AnimeSuki also made the comparison between Minori and Linda. Both were self-sacrificing, though Minori was absolutely, 100%, more the nut-case on the outside.

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:49 am
by amrul
rpapo wrote:Somebody over at AnimeSuki also made the comparison between Minori and Linda. Both were self-sacrificing, though Minori was absolutely, 100%, more the nut-case on the outside.
Minori is far more pitying than linda. I actually felt more pity towards minori compared to linda. As for linda, the similarities with minori didn't even come to my mind if somebody didn't mention about it :lol:

but in a bigger picture, they do have a bit of similarity

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:51 am
by l.kostas
They added this summary ofepisode 23 at the official anime site:


Re: Golden Time

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:10 pm
by rpapo
Episode 23: I'm surprised that Takemiya decided to portray Banri as returning entirely to his former self, crybaby and all, without retaining his new memories. But what that means is that the next episode has to restore them somehow. Otherwise how would he know Kouko anymore?

But if his new self had to disappear, even temporarily, at least it was on a good note.

So in next week's final episode his mother takes him back to Shizuoka and the rest of the gang convinces Kouko into going there to retrieve him. I expect that that will somehow restore his newer memories. Mostly. We know already, from what I translated of the end of volume 8, that the restoration is not entirely complete, and now the "new" Banri exists in the back of his mind, following him around like a ghost...

Or so things seem.

Other people's theories are welcome.

Re: Golden Time

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:01 pm
by amrul
Finally got myself a copy of the book. Thanks to l.kostas for the link. To be honest I'm a bit lost with the flow of events in episode 23. So in the end he really reverted to his self before the accident. It's quite strange, considering all the stories that I've read or watched never really went with this kind of scenario. Besides, if the past memories returned, the latest memories should also retained.

I'm starting to feel it's all in his head, about the thing with disappearing latter self. That's why kouko comes to his place to straighten things up (better check that out later).

At least now I can skip the final episode for a while, until I've finish the book :lol: