The Big List of Anime

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Guest lol
Astral Realm

The Big List of Anime

Post by Guest lol »

Here's a list of some of the anime that I finished watching! I have a rating, short intro summary, and thoughts on the anime (without spoilers) to each anime.

Please feel free to post any anime (of a genre that you like ONLY, don't
give it a bad score because you hate that type of anime) with a rating,
intro summary (if multiple posts I'll average it out), and thoughts on it.

(things with no rated by things were rated by me)
NOTE: There are still anime that I have watched to be added to this
list, I will get to them in time.

Added must watch list! It'll be on the 4th and final beginning post





The List of Anime that are inside the review list!

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi)
Naruto the Movie: Snow Princess' Book of Ninja Arts
Naruto the Movie 2: Great Clash! The Illusionary Ruins at the Depths of the Earth
Bleach (still going)
AIR Rated by HolyCow
Full Metal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa
Ah! My Goddess
Ah! My Goddess Everybody has Wings
Trigun Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Outlaw Star Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Gantz Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Kiddy Grade Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Full Metal Panic! Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Rated by Ben1234
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Rated by Ben1234
Mai-Hime Rated by Ben1234
Azumanga Daioh Rated by Ben1234
Mai Otome
Ninin ga Shinobuden (2X2=The Legend of Shinobu ~The Kunikida Kunoichi Fiction) Rated by Ben
Mahoraba ~Heartful Days~ Rated by Ben
Futakoi (Twin Love) Rated by Ben
Futakoi Alternative (Twin Love Alternative) Rated by Ben
Soul Link Rated by Ben
Tsuyokiss - Cool×Sweet Rated by Ben
Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na (Brighter than dawning blue) Rated by Ben
Memories Off 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5 Rated by Ben
Green Green TV & OVA Rated by Ben
Paniponi Dash!
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Rated by Holycow
Elfen Lied
Nodame Contabile By Nutcase
Ah My Goddess the movie By KublaiKhan (uploaded by HolyCow since GuestLol's too lazy -.-)
Ai Yori Aoshi By KublaiKhan
Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ By KublaiKhan
Burn Up! W By KublaiKhan
Fate/Stay Night By KublaiKhan
G Gundam By KublaiKhan
Gunslinger Girls By KublaiKhan
Mahoromatic: Automatic maiden By KublaiKhan
Mahoromatic: Something more beautiful By KublaiKhan
Shakugan no Shana By KublaiKhan
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo By Ben
Last edited by Guest lol on Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:29 pm, edited 39 times in total.
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Guest lol
Astral Realm

Post by Guest lol »

The Reviews
Spoiler! :
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi)
Rating: 12/10
Genre: Comedy, Sci-fi, Philosophical, Post Modern, Psychological, Supernatural, Seinen
Note from Haruhi:"I'm here to create a totally new genre! Trying to place me in a specific genre, are you retarded or something?" - Suzumiya Haruhi.

Summary: Kyon, a high school student entering his first year of high school, and has recently departed his fantasies of espers, time travelers, and aliens as he left middle school decides to talk to the most peculiar girl you could probably find on the planet (whom is sitting behind him). Accidentally, he unleashes a chain of events that may threaten the world, or risk having it remade into a more interesting anfun new world.

Thoughts: WOW! Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu is definitely up on my #1 of animes ever slot. When I first saw this anime, I was thinking okay... is this for real? WTF?! I was compelled to stop watching the anime the moment I set eyes on the weird introduction (on the Mikuru ep) but something compelled me to. It was so ridiculous that it was awesome! Coupled with a cast of some of the most amazing characters ever, amazing artwork, and some of the most amazing storyline (follow the books for the majority of the great storyline, but they still accomplish a great story for 14 episodes). The only thing that's wrong with this anime is that it's a short 14 episodes lone (I would've given it a 15 if it spanned for 26). This is definitely a must watch and if you don't like this anime you seriously should go eat a bag of hell.

8.5/10 (until fillers, the fillers get a 5/10)
Genre: Action, romance (kinda), NINJAZ LAWL, comedy, drama, fantasy, shonen

Intro Summary: Naruto is about a boy from a ninja village training to become a powerful ninja some day.

Thoughts: Up until the filler segment, I felt that this anime was one of those must see animes if you love action. The action was great, and storyline was good. everything was pretty good, but not excellent. The animations aren't on par with animes like SHnY but its still okay. I like the intro songs too xD (except the first one).

Naruto the Movie: Snow Princess' Book of Ninja Arts
Genre: Action, romance, ninjas :D, fantasy, drama, shonen

Summary: Naruto and the rest of team 7 are sent on a mission to protect an actress and the filming team as they go up into the snow country to film a new movie. But behind all of this, a evil ruler is there searching for a mysterious power hidden within the Snow Nation.

Thoughts: Much like the Naruto series, theres action in this; and lots of it! Although the action and animations were good in this movie, I felt that it lacked something. For long periods in the movie, I thought "When will this crappy movie end! Lets get it over with". The plot is kinda corny, and the movie leaves something to be desired.

Naruto the Movie 2: Great Clash! The Illusionary Ruins at the Depths of the Earth
Genre: Action, Romance, Ninjas, drama, fantasy, shonen

Summary: Based after the main segment (and during the filler era), Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura are sent on a mission to catch a animal (a ferret I think... I'm not sure). Anyways, on their mission, they're ambushed by a mysterious boy and a group of powerful suits of armor looking for a powerful gem, that threatens the world.

Thoughts: Thoughts are same as the first movie, corny and leaves something to be desired.

Bleach (still going)
Genre: Action, Romance, comedy, drama, fantasy, shonen, supernatural

Short Summary: Ichigo, a young high school student with the ability to see spirits one day gets caught within a mess. A shinigami gets injured in a battle with a hollow while protecting Ichigo, and makes a contract that will forever change Ichigo's life.

Thoughts: This series can often be compared with Naruto due to the popularity and length (as well as both sharing segments of fillers >.<). But on the other hand, the fillers don't suck (not quite as exciting as the original segments though). Bleach is definitely one of those must see animes out there. It's a great anime to get yourself into the anime scene with. Bleach has an excellent story, and amazing action.

AIR Rated by HolyCow
Score: 9/10
Genre: Supernatural, Drama, Melancholy

Not meant for: Drama haters, slice-of-lifers, Big eye haters
Plot: Kunisaki Yukito is a person wandering around Japan in search of a "Girl with wings". One day, he meets a girl named Kamio Misuzu who claims to have dreams about a girl in the sky. Yukito thinks its her until he encounters more girls in her town which share similar memories, including one that claims her ribbon will grant her magical powers and one that believes that broken wings are useless because they can no longer fly...

Review: This is one of the only few anime that had me crying. The story was so touching that I was moved to the verge of tears. Add in the fact that KyoAni animated this and you have a truly great masterpiece. A beautifully done anime, this is recommended to anyone who wants a real tear-jerker.

Full Metal Alchemist
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, fantasy, drama, shonen

Summary: Edward and Alphonse Elric were children living in the rural village of Resembool in the country of Amestris. Their father, a talented alchemist, had left home when Edward was very young and Alphonse was still an infant. Years later, their mother, Trisha Elric, died of a terminal illness. After their mother's death, the two boys decided to attempt to revive their deceased mother using alchemy. Not knowing the true dangers of alchemy yet, they foolishly attempt to recreate her, accepting all the risks of this task unknowingly.

Thoughts: FMA is once again, one of those must see animes. The anime combines action, with a near tear dripping drama at times. The anime can be considered as one of the greater animes on any anime list and anybody who wants to see a great story with great action should definitely watch this.

Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Shonen, drama, fantasy

Summary: Several years after the incident at the Underground City, Al is now living a life in our world. Now a scientist, Al wishes to develop rockets with a young man named Alfons with a striking resemblance to Ed's brother Al. But Ed, still residing in the world of alchemy, has yet to have given up on his search for his brother.

Ah! My Goddes (correct spelling turns into Yuki)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Summary: Keichii Morisato, he was one of those overly nice guys that always gets screwed over for doing the right thing. One day, after those many years of assisting people at his own cost, a goddess enters his life out of no where granting him one wish that he desires.

Thoughts: Well, I can't say this show is crappy since I enjoyed it quite a bit. But the main female protagonist lacks development. This show got a high score because I enjoyed watching it, can't say much more then that. Check it out some time, it's not too bad.

Ah! My Goddes Everybody has Wings
Genre: Comedy, fantasy, romance

Summary: This is a sequel to the 1st season, and I'm kinda not feeling like writing a real summary at the moment, so take reference to the original 1st season summary, this just continues after it ends.

Thoughts: Man! This show has turned sour so horribly in this season. After watching around episode 13 I think (when Peorth leaves), the show gets so boring. Basically, this season is everything we've seen already but slightly different. Like most sequels (in North America at least) it sucks. The main female protagonist lacks any development at all, that's the major turn off in this anime.

Trigun Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Comedy, slight Romance

Intro Summary: Vash the Stampede is a wanted outlaw for supposedly having committed terrible crimes such as leveling entire cities. Meryl and Milly are two girls from an insurance agency sent out to find and if possible stop him. When they end up meeting the strange fellow neither can actually believe him to be the notorious mass murderer but always seem to end up meeting him again at the next disaster.

Thoughts: The first half of the anime is a more calm and light-hearted story touching base with multiple characters and letting you get to know them a bit. Around halfway into the series the past starts to unfold and you learn about Vash's pretty dark past and where he came from. As well as his evil counterpart. I loved the series especially the second half! Cool

Outlaw Star Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Romance

Overview: Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking run a salvage and repair company as well as collect small bounties on the side to make it on the backwater planet of Sentinel 3. Their world is suddenly flipped upside down and shot into space when they accept a bodyguard contract from a strange outlaw by the name of Hilda.

Thoughts: Great story and action sequences. This is one of the animes where the English dubbing is fairly well done. As the story progresses they meet more allies and travel to interesting places. (Hot springs planet ftw!) All the characters fit the story well and bring out some pretty deep emotions near the end especially Gene. A must watch, at least once.

Gantz Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Suspense

Overview: Kei Kurono was just your normal everyday high school student. One day on his way home from school he witnesses a homeless man fall on the tracks. Masaru Kato, a forgotten childhood Tsuruya of Kei's, suddenly jumped on the tracks to heroically save the man. Calling Kei's name he reluctantly went down and helped. Shortly after they helped the man up the express train arrived and killed them. That is where their horrifying journey began.

Thoughts: Insane story! I kinda wonder what goes through the writer's mind at points but other than being a bit out of this world the animation is beautiful. Action scenes are smooth and well done. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 10 is because of the way they end the anime compared to how the manga continues. That and the very very annoying hesitation from the characters early in the series.

Kiddy Grade Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Overview: Eclair and Lumiere are partners in the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT). They are part of a universal police force for hire. Working for the ES branch they are one of the secretive specialized units dealing with high risk jobs. As you learn later in the series these two girls aren't normal humans.

Thoughts: Watching this anime kinda rattled my brain a little. The story was very twisted and confusing but still enjoyable to watch. Definitely one of the most unique animes I've seen yet though. It really digs into some issues like social castes and politics. Very amusing series with a light hearted feel but still hits home on certain points. Must watch at least once!

Full Metal Panic! Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Mecha

Overview: Sosuke Sagara has only known war ever since the age of 8. Being brought up as a gorilla fighter he later joins the group Mithril as a mercenary. He is assigned a bodyguard job to protect Kaname Chidori and needs to lead a normal high school kids life. This will be his most difficult mission yet...

Thoughts: I fell in love with the series on the first episode. It has a beautiful mix of action and comedy. While the comedy remains light-hearted and fun, the realism of battle injures and kills many of the characters. The writer keeps this mecha anime down to earth and fairly realistic. This is definitely in my top 5.

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Overview: Continuation of the FMP! series focusing on the high school romance tension between Sagara and Chidori. Short stories without much relevance to the rest of the series.

Thoughts: Hilarious! This is straight up comedy at its best. A nice breather in the middle of the storyline of FMP! It also builds upon the relationship between the two lead characters and reveals a bit more about supporting character romances.

Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, slight Comedy, slight Romance, Mecha

Overview: A new enemy has appeared and his target is Sagara and the Arbalest. Sosuke, despising the Arbalest and its Lambda Driver technology, must come to terms and fight to save everyone.

Thoughts: Great ending to the anime. Action by the truckloads while still retaining its comedy and romance factors. Don't forget to watch the OVA Tessa's Uneventful Day.

Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team Rated by TheGiftedMonkey
Genre: Action, Romance, Mecha

Overview: Shiro Amada is the newly named commander of the 08th Mobile Suit Team on Earth. On his transport down from the space colony he witnesses a fight between a damaged Gundam and a modified Zaku. After going out in a "Ball" repair vehicle the Gundam escapes. The Zaku and Ball were destroyed and the pilots forced to help each other survive. That is when Shiro met Aina Sahalin and fell in love.

Thoughts: My favorite Gundam series evar! The love story in this is very touching and pronounced. Torn apart by opposite factions in the war, they are forced to face each other time and time again, strengthening the feelings for each other. This series is very down to earth whereas the Gundams are nowhere near invincible. This has excellent moments of battle and storytelling. Even if you don't care for the rest of the Gundam series, watch this. Its unlike any other!

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Rated by Ben1234
Genre: Magic, Action, Sci-Fi

Summary: Starring Takamachi Nanoha, a normal 3rd grader who has some extraordinary magic. By virtue of chance, she saves a mage from another dimension named Yuuno Scraia has ventured into her world (but for the meantime he is a ferret), and needed her help in gathering the 21 "Jewel Seeds", an ancient magical relic that may destory both of their worlds, if fallen into the wrong hands. As a mage, she will eventually meet up with another mage, Fate Testarossa, who is also after the Jewel Seeds. As rivals, they will clash and fight together, but Nanoha (being the good girl she is) would try to open this girl's heart, and try to be friends with her.

Thoughts: Unlike what the name implies, there's nothing lyrical about it. In fact, this feels more like "Mahou Bishoujo Nanoha". Nanoha is when magic meets advanced A.I. technology. It basically had action scenes that were very well done and fast paced, an average story for this type of genre, characters that get a little development and the OP/ED and music were done very well. Definitely worth a look.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Rated by Ben1234
Genre: Magic, Action

Summary: 6 months have passed since the end of the first season. Nanoha is now starting her training as a mage. Fate is about to be released from the Space/Time Administration Bureau. Unfortunately, their reunion is not a happy one as Nanoha is attacked by a new threat.

Thoughts: Like the first season, I failed to see what's so "lyrical" about it, though it's definitely better than the prequel. The best part of Nanoha A's were the fight scenes, but they slowly died in quality as the series went on.

Mai-Hime Rated by Ben1234
Genre: Action, Comedy, Magic, Romance, School Life, Super Natural, Drama

Summary: Tokiha Mai and her sickly younger brother, Takumi, have received a scholarship to attend the prestigious Fuuka Academy. On the way, the ferry they are travelling on becomes the site of a destructive battle between two girls wielding apparently supernatural powers. This is only the beginning of their troubles, as Mai learns that she herself possesses these powers - the powers of a HiME.

Thoughts: I would reccommend watching this before watching Mai-Otome to fully enjoy Otome and its HiME references. This anime actually surprised me by having such a huge number of casualties and then having about 20 of said casualties come back to life. The endind also left me with a feeling for more.

Azumanga Daioh Rated by Ben1234
Genre: Comedy, School Life, Slice of Life

Summary: Azumanga Daioh is about high school life through the eyes of six girls with unusual personalities: Chiyo (the 10-year-old genius), Osaka (the resident airhead), Sakaki (the shy one prone to cat bites), Tomo (the loose cannon), Yomi (the short-tempered one) and Kagura (the resident jock). (Taken from ANN)

Thoughts: I rarely give a 10 (I gave a 10 to Suzumiya, Ouran, Paniponi and Futakoi Alternative too), but this show is made so well, it doesn't even need a story. The characters are very well designed and very funny too. It's a must watch.

Mai Otome

Genre: Action, Comedy, Shonen (kinda), drama, romance

Summary: In the distant future, mankind has left Earth. On one planet named Earl, some of the "old technology" has survived in the form of nanomachines that allow young female virgins to take the role of Meister(Pronounced Mai-Star) Otomes - bodyguards and warriors that serve the royalty of various kingdoms. However, not everyone is content to allow the old technology to fade away or go so unused, and there are those who seek it for their own ends, both nefarious and benevolent. This is the setting of My-Otome.
Into this volatile situation comes the main character: Arika Yumemiya, a spunky 14-year-old girl who has been raised in the rural countryside by her grandmother. She has come to the Windbloom Kingdom in search of her mother, who is said to have been a legendary Meister Otome. On her arrival to Windbloom, Arika witnesses the Meister Otome Shizuru Viola ("the Graceful Amethyst") in combat against a sinister monster called a Slave, and decides to become an Otome herself. The series follows her progress as a student at Garderobe academy, the machinations of those who seek to overthrow the Windbloom Kingdom, and the ensuing events

Thoughts: After watching this... I felt that my manhood was being sucked away, none-the-less! I felt content. Mai Otome is one of the greatest shows in 06 and is definitely something you should check out. In most cases, the action is really good, and well animated (animated by Sunrise). And the wide range of characters are truly phenomenal. Every episode, I would always want to see characters like that crazy turning girl (Shiho) @_@, and Juliet because she pairs well with the Headmaster (you know what I mean ;D ). This show is definitely one of those great shows and everybody should check it out some time.

Ninin ga Shinobuden (2X2=The Legend of Shinobu ~The Kunikida Kunoichi Fiction) Rated by Ben
Genre: Comedy, A Bit of Parody, Ninjas XD, Ecchi, A Bit of Yuri

Summary: This story is about the "Super-handsome boy", Onsokumaru, and the beautiful women surrounding him. This anime is fully loaded with love, lust, and youthful indiscretion... Actually, it's more about Shinobu, a ninja apprentice trying to pass a ninja exam and Kaede, a normal schoolgirl studying for a school exam. Their paths cross when Shinobu tries to sneak into Kaede's room to steal her panties as part of an exam assigned to Shinobu by her perverted master, Onsokumaru, a perverted yellow ball thing with no morals, who identifies himself as a "hawk". However, Shinobu is a terrible ninja and gets caught by Kaede. It is only when Shinobu starts to cry about her failed life does Kaede decide to let Shinobu take back one pair, beginning their friendship.

Thoughts: I loved ufotable for making Futakoi Alternative and I love them even more for making Shinobu. The anime mainly consists of Shinobu, kaede, Onsokumaru and the other ninja apprentices. There is no real story, each "episode" has two 15 minute stories. The episodes can range from playing baseball to throwing shurikens (ninja stars) for the first time to spending Christmas Eve for the first time. One of the things I liked the most was how Onsokumaru messes with his ninja students using physiological, and sometimes physical attacks like, "Whoever thinks he has the biggest weewee, come out and fight me!". Another thing I liked was how the ninjas spent half of the last episode complaining there was no story. This anime could have gotten a 10 if they developed the characters a bit more (Shinobu's and Onsokumaru's past, please~) and actually had a real story. Yuri wise, we have an implied kiss and Shinobu imagining weird stuff. Animation wise, the ED animation is done in claymation like all the other ufotable shows, though the OP animation implied a villain we never get to see. Anyway, watch this... NOW!

Mahoraba ~Heartful Days~ Rated by Ben
Genre: Comedy, A Bit of Slice of Life, Romance (according to ANN), School Life (according to Anidb), Harem (arguable), Drama (arguable)

Summary: Shiratori Ryuji wants to become a picture book writer, and he moves to an apartment, Narutaki-So, in order to go to an art school in Tokyo. Narutaki-so is an old Japanese style one-story house which doesn’t fit in urban scenery. It is owned by the cousin of his mother, and the manager of the apartment is Aoba Kozue. She is his second cousin, and they met with each other when they were children although he doesn’t remember her much. She is in the second grader of a high school attached to Aoba Junior Collage. There are five people living in Narutaki-So. First, Chanohata Kotomi is living in the room #1. She is a best friend of Kozue. Then, the resident of the room #3 is Momono Megumi. She is a kind of person who goes her own way. In the room #5, Kurosaki Sayoko and her daughter Asami are living. Asami is in the first grade of a junior high. Finally, in the room #6, Haibara Yukio is living with his puppet, “Johnny”. They are all characteristic and eccentric persons. However, in fact, the most eccentric person is Kozue. She has a secret; when she is shocked at something, she changes her personality. Not knowing this, Shiratori moves to Narutaki-So to realize his dream. What kind of a new life will be waiting for him? (Taken from AnimeNfo)

Thoughts: A light hearted anime by J.C. Staff from 2005 and in my opinion, it's the best of 2005, second to only Futakoi Altenative. The characters (especially Kozue's 4 personalities) are all unique and creative while keeping everything at an enjoyable and hilarious level. Of course, Shiratori, being the main character in an almost harem anime, needed to grow some balls but that's one of the reasons that make Mahoraba so fun. A real story does appear around 20 by the way but it's not like it needed one. A light hearted, heartwarming story for all ages!

Futakoi (Twin Love) Rated by Ben
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Twins Razz, Fantasy

Summary: With his mother dead and his father working abroad, Futami Nozomu returns to the town where he lived as a child, to attend high school and work part-time at a local shrine. He learns about a local legend of a pair of twins who loved the same man ending in disaster. And as luck would have it, there are many twin girls in this town....

Thoughts: Feel free to add the words "every heterosexual man's" after that fantasy genre Razz. Normal harems usually have 5 girls going after the same guy right? Well in Futakoi, there's actually 4 PAIRS OF FEMALE TWINS after Nozomu *cough*luckyguy*cough. The show suffered a case of the "too much characters, too little episodes" syndrome which can have deadly effects on a 13 episode series. The open ending, although it made me want more, didn't save it from its own freshly dug grave. Watch if you have a lot of time to spend.

Futakoi Alternative (Twin Love Alternative) Rated by Ben
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Randomness, Shounen, Harem (according to AnimeNFo), A Bit of Sci-fi

Summary: Taken from AnimeNFo: Futaba "Nidaime" Rentaro inherits a detective agency from his late father, a legendary figure amongst the colorful inhabitants of the Nikotamagawa shopping district. With no family and no ambitions, Rentaro is reluctant to take up the legacy of a second generation detective, until identical twins Souju and Sara show up on his doorstep with a job request that changes his life forever. Two years later at the age of 21, Rentaro's carefree day by day life with the twins is disrupted by events that forces him to redefine himself once again. Join the fun as Sara manages to blow up Rentaro's detective office, which doubles as his home, whilst trying to shake off the Chinese mafia and Rentarou himself is held hostage by the friendly neighborhood Yakuza crime syndicate for an incident involving his cat and the boss' bird.

Thoughts: Way before the crap that was Coyote Ragtime Show and half a year after the awesomeness that was Shinobu, ufotable made anime Futakoi Alternative (I sometimes call it FA for short). FA was, without a doubt, the surprise (and in my opinion, the best) anime of 2005, just like Suzumiya Haruhi was the surprise (and in my opinion, the best) anime of 2006. It was based on a show with nearly the same name and characters, Futakoi, was a failure of a harem show with no resolution and left a bad taste on many people’s mouth. When Futakoi Alternative was announced, not many people were excited about it, especially since the characters are changed a bit with a different male lead and packing lots of gun. Even though I was happy the Shirogane twins will be the main twins, I wasn’t expecting much, until I watched the 1st episode. Instead of focusing on the early part of the relationship with the building up of trust and etc, we start off where the three are already in love to point they don’t need to go around saying ‘I love you’ to remind each other. Instead, just the idle days they spent, whether it is waiting for a phone call that never comes, deciding who’s cooking, watching for UFOs, or walking on the beach, are enough evidence of how they feel toward each other. The plot focuses on the "three of us" foundation and does it well too, adding a twist near the middle, for only a little foreshadowing. In the words of Rentarou: "This is a love story". And remember kids, to be a good detective, you need to be able to: 1) Find lost objects before the client does. 2) Stalk people without getting caught. 3) Take out mutant squids using electric, aluminum bats, while dropping from a plane to kick the behind of a giant mutant squid.

Soul Link Rated by Ben
Genre: Sci-fi, Romance, Ecchi, Military, Adventure

Summary: Taken from ANN: Aizawa Ryota was in the 3rd grade of the preparatory course of Central Military Academy. AD 2045, he went to a space station, Aries, for the training with his classmates including Nagase Saka and Nittak Kazuhiko. However, the station was attacked by a terrorist group, Hallarax. Now they must find a way back to earth.

Thoughts: As I said in the IRC channel: "Failure of an anime, don't watch". And even though the OP and ED aren't that bad, it's not something I'll set on repeat in my playlist.

Tsuyokiss - Cool×Sweet Rated by Ben
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life (according to ANN), Harem

Summary: Sunao Konoe starts her first day at a new school and is surprised to find that there is no theater club. So, she decides to make one of her own. But between a childhood friend showing up, the crazy student body, and the arrogant student council president blocking her at every turn, it seems that actually creating the club is going to be more difficult than she thought.

Thoughts: The average harem. The episodes got way too random, to the point where it made little sense. In short, they spent too much time in a short series of 12 to waste the fillers in the beginning, develop the girls in the middle and started the ending arc a bit too late. Sound wise, the voice actors were alright, the OP sucked and I kinda liked the ED, but again, I wouldn't set it on repeat in my playlist. Not worth watching.

Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na (Brighter than dawning blue) Rated by Ben
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen (according to ANN), Slice of Life (according to ANN), A bit of Sci-fi

Summary: Long ago people settled down on the moon and established a kingdom there, the Sphere Kingdom. However, relations to the earth cooled down and were finally broken off since a war was fought hundreds of years ago. There isn`t any business between the two races and travelling isn`t allowed. The only link between them is to be found in the Mitsurugasaki Central Port City. However, one day the princess of the moon kingdom, Feena Fam Earthlight, is sent on a "homestay" to the earth. She gets to stay at Asagiri Tatsuya`s house. And this is where her task of learning the customs and lifestyle of the earth begins.

Thoughts: It wasted all the fillers and quickly did some character development at the beginning and middle, which is good for a short, 12 episode series. Around episode 9 or so, the main arc begins, that is if you're still awake and not bored out of your mind yet. The main arc isn't anything special and the writers seem to think the audience can't remember Feena is the princess.

Memories Off 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5 Rated by Ben
Genres: Romance, Drama, Slice of Life, School Life

Summaries: To be written

Thoughts: To be written

Green Green TV & OVA Rated by Ben
Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School Life

Summary: Kanenone Academy was an all-boys high school isolated from the world by mountains and hills. Takasaki Yusuke, the average 11th grader, led a normal life in the academy until the academy announced attempting for co-ed, and high-school girls were being transferred for the summer semester.

Thoughts: It felt like you can pretty much skip episodes 3 to 9 since it's all stupid randomness, but it's those episodes that made up the good parts of the show. The serie's ending, itself wasn't anything special. The OVA gave a more fitting end to the show but it felt like I was watching something like heavily censored hentai while watching it.

Paniponi Dash!
Genres: School Life, Comedy, Parodies

Summary: The 11 year old prodigy, Miyamoto Rebecca or "Becky" for short, just became the new teacher of a classroom full of weirdos. Despite her cute looks, she's a little beast that can be pretty sarcastic and offensive. The school is not safe anymore now that she's in charge of a class. Join Becky, her students: Himeko Katagiri, Ichijou-san, Rei, Tachibana, Miyako Uehara, Kurumi Momose, Sayaka "Rokugo" Suzuki, and a white snow rabbit, Mesousa, who serves as Becky's slave, as they turn the school upside down!

Thoughts: Man, I love this show. It's got action, mecha, comedy, parodies, aliens, characters randomly doing Adult Mikuru poses and more. The characters are awesome, the music and seiyus are awesome and the animation... not as awesome. Though, the only thing I find weird is why someone like Becky teaching a high school class she clearly hates, when she can do something else, like curing diseases or solving world hunger.

Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Rated by Holycow
Genre: Psychological, Thriller, Horror, Supernatural.
Final Rating: 9/10

Plot: Maebara Keiichi is a boy who just moved into the small quiet village of Hinamizawa. He attends the local school and befriends four girls: Ryuuga Rena who also just moved in a year ago, Sonozaki Mion, heir to the mysteriously influential Sonozaki clan, Furude Rika, sole daughter of the deceased village priest, and Houjou Satoko, a girl who lives together with Rika. He soon learns that there is more to the village that meets the eye, though, as strange events begin to take place...

Thoughts: One word: Brilliant. I don't think I've ever felt so amazed any anime before. At first glance, Higurashi seems like your average psychopath-horror anime, but upon entering the second episode, everything changed instantly. This series totally took me by surprise, something that only 3 anime have managed to do so before: Suzumiya Haruhi (that horribly bad first episode that was just pure gold), AIR (the emotional impact I felt in each girl's arc) and DEATH NOTE (having not read the manga, L's brilliance took me by storm). Higurashi is very similar in the fact that each episode gives you hints of what's truly happening, while at the same time presenting to you more questions. By the end of Meakashi hen, I was already willing to worship Ryukishi07 as a God for laying out such a complex plot that seemed so brilliantly simple after all was revealed. Having one of the most intriguing, bloody and WTF? plot ever, Higurashi would have gotten a PERFECT 10 if not for a very glaring hole: The Artwork.

Although artwork got visibly better towards the end of the series, it still leaves much to desire for. It's hard to believe that this is the same studio that did the marvelously stunning Archer VS Berserker fight in Fate/Stay Night. It's the only thing that bothers me in the whole series. If only KyoAni had done this, I would have it up on my number 1 spot. But since it's not, it'll clearly have to enjoy sitting on number 4 instead.

Pros: Insanely engaging and interesting plot, Good use of music, Artful blend of comedy/light-hearted moments with dark horror, isn't stingy when it comes to gore.
Cons: Pretty lousy drawings, doesn't really have a resolution but that's to be expected with a 2nd Season coming out later this year.

Elfen Lied
Genre: Shonen, action, romance, psychological, seinen, super natural, horror, science fiction GORE (yes that's right I'm making a gore genre just for this anime)
Rating: 9.8

Summary: The story begins with a naked young girl named Lucy escaping under odd circumstances from an insular research facility off the coast of Kamakura in the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. Lucy manages to nonchalantly dismember and slay 14 (23 in the anime) of the staff and guards with some form of seemingly supernatural power and gets outside. A sniper is seen trying to shoot her, only managing to ricochet a bullet off her metal helmet. Lucy then falls off a cliff into the sea, never to be found by the research staff.

Thoughts: This anime is amazing! I love the story, the action, the romance, the everything. This anime contains INTENSE gore (hence the reason why it's under the gore genre). While watching through this anime, it brings up many things about the nature of humans. It shows the cruelty of people, which is part of the reason of the anime. The author of the manga partly wanted to show the cruelty of everyday ordinary people (which isn't quite uncommon) to other people through this story. During the anime, your feelings grow so strong towards the characters and you feel as if you actually know them. You can learn to hate them, and learn to love them. Although this anime brings about an abrupt ending, I'd definitely put this on my must watch list.

Name: Nodame Contabile By Nutcase

Warning: This anime is not complete. Out of 23 episodes planned, 8 have aired in Japan and 6 have been fansubbed. Unless another went up today. Fingers drumming...looking at my watch...

Genre: Romantic college comedy

Rating: 8.5/10

Summary (adapted from the Wikipedia)

:Shin'ichi Chiaki is the top piano student at his university and an excellent violinist, but dreams of someday being a conductor. He has the raw material of talent, arrogance and charisma, but it's not that simple. At a crisis point with his neuroses obstructing his ambitions, he meets Nodame, or Megumi Noda. Nodame is a free — and filthy (messy) — spirit who reminds Chiaki that music can be fun and what drew him to be a conductor in the first place. In learning how to deal with Nodame, Chiaki learns how to deal with others.

Drawn together in a turbulent relationship, Chiaki's perfectionism and Nodame's untamed nature end up completing each other. As the story progresses, they mature as individuals, as musicians and as a couple.


Out of the gate, this anime is seriously funny. I've watched the first two episodes at least five times, and they are still hilarious.

The main characters are well conceived and engaging, on a level that compares with, say, Honey and Clover. The music and the incidental education on music appreciation (and team leadership) is good. The plot and character development are good. The character design is good. The voice actors are good.

Insofar as this show has a weak spot, it would be in the animation, which sometimes seems a bit thin. Budget constraints, not capability. There are high points in the animation quality along with the thin spots. The comedy at moments tests my somewhat low tolerance for slapstick - but taking a broad view, this is like a bit of char on a generally very nice steak, i.e. the nature of the beast when cooked like that.

The heart of this anime is in relationships between people around a shared endeavor. If you love SHnY, it's hard to imagine that you might not at least very much like this show too.

Ah! My Goddess: The Movie
Score: 8/10
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Summary: After three years of living with each other, Keiichi and Belldandy are interrupted by her mentor, Celestine. After casting a spell on Belldandy that causes her to lose the memories of three years prior, Keiichi, Urd, and Skuld work to help Belldandy regain her memories and defeat Celestine once again.

Thoughts: I really enjoyed this movie, and it's one of the DVDs I watch more regularly than others. I had no experience with A!MG before this movie, and I was quite surprised how understandable it was. The final scene with the Tree of Life was powerful, and Morgan Le Fay was a great character addition, even though you can tell she was a bad person from the beginning.

Ai Yori Aoshi
Score: 8/10
Genre: Harem, Comedy, Romance

Summary: Aoi Sakuraba and Kaoru Hanabishi were two children engaged to each other through an arranged marriage, but when Kaoru left his family due to certain circumstances, the engagement was nullified. Aoi, still wanting to find her love, leaves her family in search for him, and after some debating with her mother, she is allowed to stay at another house of the Sakuraba group, thus opening a dormitory of sorts. Antics and romance ensue.

Thoughts: Fantastic series. While a harem, it is the only one I've seen where the male actually has a relationship from the beginning with one of the females and keeps it till the end. Many great episodes. In fact, I was watching this last night!

Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~
Score: 7.5/10
Genre: Harem, Comedy, Romance

Summary: Two years have gone by since the end of the first series, and Kaoru and Aoi still have not told anyone about their relationship. Kaoru is now in grad school and both he and Aoi find it hard to keep the secret.

Thoughts: A good sequel, except that it focuses more on Tina than on Kaoru and Aoi. And I wish they would've told everyone about their relationship.

Burn Up! W
Score: 6/10
Genre: Comedy, Police

Summary: Rio and several of her police officer friends are secretly an anti-terrorist team called Warrior. They thwart terrorists groups, retrieve stolen cyber idols, and even fight interal spies that want to take down the government!

Thoughts: One of my first anime DVD purchases. It wasn't very good, and it ended abruptly. I wish they would've had more.

Fate/Stay Night:
Score: 9/10
Genre: Fantasy, Action

Summary: Shirou Emiya was a normal high school student, until one day he saw a battle going on at the school yard. Not being allowed to see this battle, he was chased back to his home, where he inadvertantly summoned a "Servent" named Saber and was entered in the Fifth Holy Grail War. Now it's up to Shirou and Saber to defeat the other servents.

Thoughts: I was a really big fan of this anime. Saber and Rin just ruled, but from what I hear and from what I've read, it hardly covers much of the actual game story. Of course, it would be really hard to cover all of these paths, since storyline wise you can only take one (usually). The ending made me a little sad, with Saber choosing not to stay and all, but I guess it's a little better than the typical "I love you" happily ever after ending (even though I really like those).

G Gundam
Score: 6/10
Genre: Science Fiction, Mecha, Action

Summary: Domon Kashuu battles in the Gundam fight, which is held every four years so the colonies determine who obtains control, without war, of the Earth. Along the way, he runs into many obstacles but also makes many friends.

Thoughts: Yeah, it was bad. Maybe one of the worst Gundam series, but I enjoyed it. Some of the stuff was ridiculous (like the Gundams hanging onto rockets to fly into space), but I thought the story was pretty good.

Gunslinger Girl
Score: 9/10
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Drama

Summary: The Social Welfare Agency is a front for an Italian Special Ops Group that gives second chances to dying little girls in exchange for the services of assassins. These girls are given new bodies in every sense of the world and trained to kill for the government.

Thoughts: One of my favorites. It's The Professional, with little girls doing the shooting. Yet the ending makes me sad, and while some will debate it, I believe Angelica dies. The manga says otherwise, though, but I'm basing this off of the anime. This is another one of my repeats on my DVD player.

Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
Score: 9.5/10
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction, Ecchi, Romance

Summary: V1046-R Mahoro, a combat android from VESPER, has been decommissioned and allowed to choose any job she wants to live out the remainder of her lifespan. She chooses to be a maid for Suguru Misato, with reasons later answered. Her past quickly catches up to her, and with such a short lifespan, how will Mahoro and Suguru make it?

Thoughts: Probably my most favorite series of all time, and definitely one I watch a lot. The series ending was good for this one, and the beach episode was awesome. The end scene is very touching, as we can see the love between Mahoro and Suguru, even though they won't admit it to each other.

Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful
Score: 9.5/10
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction, Ecchi, Romance

Summary: Continuing from where the first series led off, Mahoro and Suguru continue to live their lives with Suguru's classmates, until a new threat appears with involves the entire world.

Thoughts: The series was spectacular, except for the ending. The ending made me pick up the manga, which I tell you has a much better ending. I like these two series so much, though, that I don't even want to tell you the endings of either the manga or the anime. Just don't get your hopes up for the ending of the anime, though.

Shakugan no Shana
Score: 9/10
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Romance

Summary: Yuji Sakai realizes one day that he's dead; he's just a thing called a 'torch' that is made up of his memories, and he will soon fade away. A Flame Haze, which he names Shana, saves him from a being called a Tomogara, and afterwards they fight together to beat the Tomogara.

Thoughts: Another one of my recent favorites. Tsundere Shana is awesome, and while I didn't like Margery at first, she turns out to kick ass in the end. Same goes for Wilhelmina, which I liked at first, then didn't like, then liked again. I'm hoping for a second season. I would've read the novels, but no one has translated them online, and I don't think they will be since they've been licensed.

Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Genres: School, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Slice of Life

ANN Summary: When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realises that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of her and her friends.
AniDB summary: “Toki wo Kakeru Shojo” is a juvenile novel written by Tsutsui Yasutaka. It became TV drama, movie, and Manga several times. However, this is the first time to become anime. The main character, Konno Makoto, is brighter and more easygoing than any other characters in movie or TV drama made before. At once she knows she acquires the power of “time leap”. She uses it without hesitation to satisfy her own desire.

Thoughts: Wow, just, wow. The story is amazing, it constantly reminds us to treasure or time, because unlike Makoto, we can't "leap" through time. If I didn't know any better, I'd have mistaken this for a Ghibli or a Shinkai Makoto movie. It was that good. The characters are developed even if they are affected by the time "leaps". Makoto is very likable and some of the stuff she does is funny. The drama in this is amazing, the suspense builds up to the bittersweet moment at the end. It's memorable, and way better than most endings. The animation is just awesome, at more than one point I was wondering what this would look like if I watched it from the big screen. The voice actors did a wonderful job with their voices, it doesn't feel like they were reading from a script and it feels like a real school. I think we have another successor to Miyazaki on our hands.
Last edited by Guest lol on Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:30 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Umiman's random WTF reviews
I have made umiman's own review section because... since his reviews don't follow my format, and nobody else is reviewing them. I'm going to place them here. Feel free to make a review of these in the real format!
Spoiler! :
This anime is:
- funny as hell
- has a super awesome "combined-beam-of-death" scene in the intro
- fragging disgusting
- pretty in art

This anime is not:
- perfect in the VA department
- intelligent
- meant to be taken seriously
- Yuki

1. This anime has an all-star cast of VA's. Including... THE VA FOR CELL DOING HIS EVIL TALK!!!! <3 <3 <3 (Cell and that crazy scientist from FMP are two of my favorite anime villians)
2. It gets better and stupider.


It's about super powerful fungi of God. No, seriously! The premise might sound stupid but it works really well.


I'm sure a lot of you have already watched this series, as it's quite popular, but really, if you haven't: You really should take a look at this one.

Although, I don't really recommend this for the younger members of the audience (There's no violence or sex that I know of) merely because they probably won't be able to understand the themes each episode discusses.

This one is meant to be taken seriously and you would watch it as you would read heavy literature. There is a lot to take in and those inexperienced in dealing with symbolism-heavy literature would only find themselves disliking this.

However, the art is really beautiful and every scene looks like it was painted by watercolour. The music isn't exactly outstanding, but it isn't shabby either. The characters are very well developed, though you're not going to find your dumbass, half-witted shounen hero or half-aware, clumsy, going-to-save-the-world heroine. Instead, you're going to find deep, melancholic characters (all the girls seem the same though.)

If I were to compare this to other media... it would be something along the lines of Lone Wolf and Cub, works out of Hemingway's mind, or possibly Salad Days in terms of storytelling.

Green Green
Girl wants to change fate by being with the one she loves

Right. The story of this show sucks. It's stupid. It doesn't make sense. And it was as if the writer was jacking off to loli porn while writing it. On a side note, the scenes where the three hentais do their thing is always stupidly funny. So, it's worth skipping through all the crap to watch the three stooges in action.





There's really no reason why I should give a synopsis for this. The synopsii given for this show really doesn't give a good idea about what it is really about. Sort of like the synopsii of SHnY.

Nevertheless, it is worth watching. There are many nice scenes which may draw tears. Be warned though, if you are one of those that hates those corny anime scenes where a certain object or skill (i.e: cooking) can work super duper miracles, this really isn't for you.

I do have a complaint. The series on a whole lacked direction and this was plainly obvious with the ending, or lack thereof. There was no point to the show, no central theme to bind everything together. In the end, all he did was help some people. That's it.

The art direction isn't great, but it isn't bad either. Also, the storytelling is very nice with the transitions between characters.

Anyway, it is worth a watch. Just keep in mind that this series is actually a secret propaganda plan made by the Bartender's Union of Japan to either: Lure more customers into bars; or make more people into bartenders. Trust me, there's no way you can watch the last episode without thinking of this.
Last edited by Guest lol on Sat May 05, 2007 10:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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GuestLol's Must watch list!

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Code Geass
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid
Naruto (up to fillers)
Gantz (heavy gore)
Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories
Gundam Zeta
Gundam ZZ
Gundam 08th MS Team
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Nominated by Holycow
AIR. Nominated by Holycow
NHK ni Youkoso. Nominated by Umiman
Everything Below picked by Ben
Ninin Shinobuden (2x2=Shinobu)
Futakoi Alternative
Azumanga Daioh
Mahoraba ~Heartful Days~
Paniponi Dash!
Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho (The Place Promised in Our Early Days/Beyond The Clouds, The Promised Place)
Ouran Koukou Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club)
Kanon 2006
Furi Kuri (FLCL)
GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Ichigo Mashimaro (Strawberry Marshmallow)
Last edited by Guest lol on Sat May 05, 2007 10:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Dan »

You sure plan on watching alot of anime.

The Naruto filler just plain suck. I warned my bro not to waste his time with them but he didn't listen to me, thankfully they are gonna end soon. And about my bro, he just started watching them last month, he's seen episodes 1-215 plus the movies in about two and a half weeks...insane. :shock:
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Post by Umiman »

See if you can beat my highscore of watching Advent Children 93 times!
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by HolyCow »

My friend watched the entire FMP anime (1st + Fumoffu + TSR) in one day @.@

Here's a review I'm going to write: AIR
Spoiler! :
Score: 9/10
Genre: Supernatural, Drama, Melancholy
Not meant for: Drama haters, slice-of-lifers, Big eye haters
Plot: Kunisaki Yukito is a person wandering around Japan in search of a "Girl with wings". One day, he meets a girl named Kamio Misuzu who claims to have dreams about a girl in the sky. Yukito thinks its her until he encounters more girls in her town which share similar memories, including one that claims her ribbon will grant her magical powers and one that believes that broken wings are useless because they can no longer fly...

Review: This is one of the only few anime that had me crying. The story was so touching that I was moved to the verge of tears. Add in the fact that KyoAni animated this and you have a truly great masterpiece. A beautifully done anime, this is recommended to anyone who wants a real tear-jerker.
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by Umiman »

See! See! It does make you cry! Then in the last episode, they go through the whole series again! It's horrid! So saddening!!!! And they do the same thing in the movie!
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by HolyCow »

I really did cry at the end of episode 11. Curse the animators at KyoAni for doing such a great job! And curse LiA for making her Aozora fit that scene so well... sniff...

Poor Misuzu... That really is one touching scene... How could I possibly cry over a bunch of moving pixels? T.T

/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Umi I'm pretty sure I broke 100 times of watching Advent Children. I worked at a game store and had it playing on the PSP continuously for a couple months straight. Got kinda bored of it but there was nothing better to watch. :?

And as for anime sprees. I watched all 112 episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho and its movie in 3 1/2 days.
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Post by HolyCow »

I didn't even finish 1 ep of YuYuHakusho @.@

IMO the drawings are equivalent of Initial D....

My record was probably watching the entire AIR series (TV + OVA + Movie) in a single day, but that's not even close enough to compare ;P
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by ArGus »

TheGiftedMonkey wrote:Umi I'm pretty sure I broke 100 times of watching Advent Children. I worked at a game store and had it playing on the PSP continuously for a couple months straight. Got kinda bored of it but there was nothing better to watch. :?

And as for anime sprees. I watched all 112 episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho and its movie in 3 1/2 days.
Wow, that it insane. :shock: The most I've probably watched is Last Exile in about half of a day.
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Post by Dan »

I watched three episodes of Berserk in one day when I first got it. How can all of you have so much free time?! :shock:
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Post by Umiman »

Well... since we're on the topic of continuity...

I've played one full British campaign in Medieval 2 with every battle done real time. That's 40 something hours of nonstop playing with one bathroom break.

I've also done 30 something hours of Twilight Princess but had to stop because my Wiimotes ran out of batteries.

In the realm of anime, not that impressive. Best was FMP, FMP: Fumoffu, and FMP: The Second Raid in a row.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by Guest lol »

I once played WoW for 22 hours during summer and started to hallucinate.
I tried to click my coke instead of picking it up to drink. I also tried to use my mouse to look behind me IRL.

My other record was playing Halo 2 for 4 days straight (with bathroom breaks, meals, and occasional moments of sleep) with my frien.d. We beat normal, hard, and legendary through all those days ;) We kinda sucked back then so it took a long time. on the 4th day, I thought I saw a cross hair in my vision, and I swear I went to the menu to pause, and the world stopped :shock:. I also tried to go into the menu and hit quit after I finished dinner. I also thought that my family were saying wort wort wort >_>.

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