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Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:17 am
by Kinny Riddle
Smidge204 wrote:I'd be careful using a thesaurus. Remember that english words can have several different meanings depending on context, and a thesaurus will not take that into consideration. What you end up with will have a different significance in the meaning, for better or worse.

Changing the order of the words, especially adjectives, rarely makes any difference in meaning.

And I think you're still leaving out the 帯 :D In order to provide the proper balancing force in this discussion, I'm going to insist that it be included somehow. (Hey, things are boring when everyone agrees!)
What are you talking about? I've already included the 帯.

Here's the original term.

Universal - 帯
Expansive - 広域
Spatial - 宇宙
Existence - 存在

I don't see what I've missed.

And also, a thesaurus is better than none. Of course I'm aware that some synonyms can have totally different meanings if not used properly, why do think I spend a lot of time translating just to pick the suitable synonym? Better than having to use the same word used sentence after sentence.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:48 am
by Smidge204
Kinny Riddle wrote: Here's the original term.

Universal - 帯
Expansive - 広域
Spatial - 宇宙
Existence - 存在

I don't see what I've missed.
If you're using a dictionary, which one? Apparently the one I'm using disagrees a little. No use being on the same page if we're using different books!

帯 is "Band," as in a range of values (as opposed to a group of people or something that is wrapped around another object).

広域 is literally "Wide area" (Close enough to "expansive" that I won't nitpick over it, but I still like "Vast")

宇宙 is Universe/Cosmos/Space, as in the void between planets and stars... which is nowhere near "Spatial"

存在 is Existance (100% agreed here)

This is why it didn't seem to me that you included the (帯) - I can't see any way to manipulate the wording to get what you got.

Actually, looking at it again I think "cosmic existance" is spot-on. Maybe, combining the first three kanji, we can get "Wideband cosmic existance" which can be thesaurus-ised into "Broad-spectrum cosmic existance."

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:17 pm
by cotton
This is one of those situations where democracy is not particularly useful.

The correct answer is "Macrozonal Cosmic Existence", no other answers are acceptable.

Perhaps it's time to institute some kind of revolution here.

Who's with me?

Viva la Macrozonal Cosmic Existence!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:59 pm
by dod13
I think Macrozonal would go well. It's wordy, lengthy, incomprehensible, and memorable.

Or you could do the Arcana thing and go "Macrozonal Cosmic Existance (temporary name)".
What? It's going to be wordy and lenghty anyway. And the last thing we want is to make it incomprehensible. That's why there's a debate here. 'Macrozonal' is not incomprehensible here, it's nonsensical.

Smidge: 帯 can mean belt or band, but those two words don't convey the entirety of its meaning in Chinese, and for that matter, Japanese. On the other hand, your inclusion of 'quantum' into the translation, I like. It definitely fits with the type of thing the term conjures up, although combining the idea of 'macroscopic' with 'quantum' in the same phrase does provide us with a little bit of a quandary. Maybe it's one huge Bose-Einstein condensate? Haha, j/k... Regardless, Vast/Dispersed (Quantum) Cosmic Existence is OK with me.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:08 pm
by Umiman
cotton wrote:This is one of those situations where democracy is not particularly useful.

The correct answer is "Macrozonal Cosmic Existence", no other answers are acceptable.

Perhaps it's time to institute some kind of revolution here.

Who's with me?

Viva la Macrozonal Cosmic Existence!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:33 pm
by Xellos00
Vast Quantum Cosmic Presence

Is what I choose!

Macrozonal sounds wrong considering zonal means 'an area divided by zones' or
'nature of a zone'. Also it sound weird when saying :twisted: .
...not even a word..... :roll:

anyway that my opinion! Cheers! 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:14 pm
by Kinny Riddle
I guess I need to go back to the drawing board then. :o

How about the "Broadband Cosmic Existence"? :lol: :lol:

One interpretation would be Comprehensive Spherical Cosmic Existence (though this would lead people to think "sphere" in terms of a shape rather than "sphere of influence", the Existence itself is shapeless).

Another one would be Comprehensive Zonal Cosmic Existence. Sounds elegant no? 4 syllables, followed by 2, 2, and 3 syllables.

Because our own interpretation of the Integrated Data Sentient Entity is 4-2-3-3, which isn't too far off.

The first 4 syllable word gives the impression that it is an abstract being, but it still sounds right because the other words that follow aren't really that "cluttered" with syllables.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:46 pm
by Haiyami
what about Vast Quantum Cosmic Existance?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:55 am
by nook_21
To break the terms down:

広域 - broad, vast, dispersed
帯 - band, spectrum, quantum
宇宙 - universe, cosmic
存在 - existence, presence

Broad Spectrum Cosmic Existence?
Dispersed Quantum Cosmic Existence? (personal fav as it sounds like the opposite of Integrated Entity)
or Vast Quantum Cosmic Existence? (sounds good too)

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:48 am
by velocity7
How about...

The Twilight Zone?


Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:54 am
by Guest lol
Ohhh twilight zone! xD *creepy music*

just read it

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:10 pm
by higher entity
Some idea : major entity of macrocosmic unity

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:20 pm
by Dan
I think the translators are trying to shy away from using the word "entity". The author doesn't seem to use it, and to help the translation stay true in some sense, the name of these new aliens should be different.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:14 am
by Armanewb
Multispectral Cosmic Presence

don't laugh :oops:

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:29 am
by foxfire79
I voted for the macrospacial-whatsy-doovy - it sounded pretty awesome, and hey! it's actually the winning answer at the moment too!

though I am kinda leaning towards the 'Viva la Macrozonal Cosmic Existence' group, hehehe :)