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paragraph help


Here's a part that I really need some help on:

「心という部分にですよ。ああ見えて涼宮さんは、ギリギリのラインがどこにあるのかをちゃんと解っている人 です。無意識でしょうが、だとしたらなおのこと素晴らしく鋭敏な感覚だと言えますね。現に彼女は、僕たちの 心に土足で踏み入るような真似を決してしません。少なくとも僕はされたことがない。まあ、逆に僕は少々涼宮 さんの精神の中に入れさせてもらったりしてましたが」




Every way I tried to put it made it look awkward, so any input would be appreciated :D
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Astral Realm

Post by typhonsentra »

So can we expect an update soon after this is translated? :D
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This part has already been translated, but either I'm understanding it totally wrong, or there's a figure of speech that I don't recognize. This is the part that starts with "It's in that part we call the heart."

In a sense, though, I'm leaving this behind so I can continue with the rest of the story 8)
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Kyonite - The Haruhi Pacifier
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Post by Felin »

I think other translators left you to solve this on your own...
no one answered to your request for quite some time.

so my advice carry on...maximum there is always editors afterwards
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Someone in AnimeSuki gave me this rendition:
Spoiler! :
"It's in her heart. Suzumiya-san is a person who knows just where to draw that thin line. It may be an unconcious understanding on her part, and if that's the case, then we could say that her intuition is incredibly sharp. In actuality, she would never enter our hearts with her shoes on, so to speak, and trample all over our feelings. She's never behaved that way towards me. Well, I've only peered into Suzumiya-san's heart for a moment, but I did take away something from the experience."

I've only been in there about twice, now that you mention it.

"Yeah, but I'd still say that she completely lacks any restraint. I won't let you disagree with that," I said. I at least had to offer this much resistance.
Thanks to FatPianoBoy :D

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