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Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:13 am
by FNX
Akirasav wrote: Got to learn Japanese now, or I'll be waiting decades to see the translated version of Volume 10 :mrgreen:
That isnt off limits since its not licensed am I wrong? (if its ever published...)

One last question before the waves of anguish take over me. Does the other laguages are going to be hosted here even if the english version is down? (in Haruhis case the spanish version is done already so there is no need of a text to translate and i hope it could be useful for the languages that are not finished yet as a guide to the text)

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:40 am
by Sirey
As long as it's not a 1:1 translation (which it can never be because of style and localisations) it should be counted fanfiction. Also, as long as your country does not translate the novels, they cannot claim Copyright-Infridgement at all.

Or do I err? Since the german version is on a good way as well.

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:56 am
by AuraTwilight
It's funny because we've had like nearly three years of absolute NO PROGRESS anyway. Mister Late Tenth Volume and all...

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:04 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey
FNX wrote:
Akirasav wrote: Got to learn Japanese now, or I'll be waiting decades to see the translated version of Volume 10 :mrgreen:
That isnt off limits since its not licensed am I wrong? (if its ever published...)

One last question before the waves of anguish take over me. Does the other laguages are going to be hosted here even if the english version is down? (in Haruhis case the spanish version is done already so there is no need of a text to translate and i hope it could be useful for the languages that are not finished yet as a guide to the text)
I've sent a PM to thelastguardian inquiring about the finer points of the C&D and how it will effect each part of the project. I haven't heard back yet, but it's likely we'll be keeping all the non-English projects up.

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:21 pm
by FNX
Thanks, ill be waiting before feeling the eternal despair

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:34 pm
by shichinanatsu
well, considering its a US company (i think..) with the rights to haruhi, i'll be guessing countries like my own could get access around next year. problem is with other countries though.. besides, i HIGHLY doubt that the contents of the C&D are a blanket description for all volumes - not that i've seen the letter yet. UNLESS Hachette bought the rights for ALL 9 volumes, which i highly doubt - methinks there could still be a way out of this..

sure, haruhi is now legal in the anglo-american world.. but it came at a time when most of the series' pull has significantly weakened; 3+yr delay and the folly that is s2.. at this point SHnY doesn't have as much market value as it did back in '06-'07, even if KyoAni does manage to redeem the series with v4's movie..

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:46 pm
by joay_b
I think the issue here is not language the data uses but the location of the data in question. Consider these points first before thinking that the latest C&D letter would be the last for now and its safe to put up non-English versions:

(1) the wiki is in a location where US lawyers can reach
(2) the work at the wiki in question is readable by US lawyers (assume that if they can't read it, they'll make someone to translate it back to English)

P.S. If we do something about (1), then at best the US lawyers can only do (2) and resort to dirty tactics like what they've done to the Pirate Bay. In a worst case scenario, God forbid, a blanket block on ALL IPs assigned to the US might be imposed to preserve the free flow of information in the wiki, like some Japanese eroge sites do right now ...

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:42 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Considering how the projects are taken down entirely, i highly believe they copyright the SERIES, meaning we cannot host anything of the series at all, so no, translations will probably stop there and then.

Other languages, as long as they are not based off the english one, and is not copyrighted, can carry on, if i read the other post correctly.

Though i am interested to find out what happens if they decide to drop the project eventually or something...

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:43 pm
by Muffinman
I doubt blocking U.S sites would solve the problem. It would only lower the views on the site and it wouldn't be long before the novel comes to other countries.

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:47 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
The idea of B-T is to spread the love of Japanese light novels, since they are being recognized by the English community, there is not much reason for us to challenge them or to find loopholes that may 1 - threaten the well-being of Japanese light novels being translated into English, 2 - threaten the site itself. B-T got a C&D letter already, if we continue to defy or find loopholes, the site may be forced to go down, is that what you guys would prefer?

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:10 pm
by Beware the talking cat
shichinanatsu wrote:well, considering its a US company (i think..) with the rights to haruhi, i'll be guessing countries like my own could get access around next year. problem is with other countries though.. besides, i HIGHLY doubt that the contents of the C&D are a blanket description for all volumes - not that i've seen the letter yet. UNLESS Hachette bought the rights for ALL 9 volumes, which i highly doubt - methinks there could still be a way out of this..

sure, haruhi is now legal in the anglo-american world.. but it came at a time when most of the series' pull has significantly weakened; 3+yr delay and the folly that is s2.. at this point SHnY doesn't have as much market value as it did back in '06-'07, even if KyoAni does manage to redeem the series with v4's movie..
Yes, they bought the rights for the first 9. They announced this when the original deal broke.

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:02 pm
by InfiniteFreedom
Well there isn't much we can do about it, but the good thing is that they only bought the rights for the first 9, so we can still translate, post, edit or do whatever we want with the 10th volume (if it ever comes out).

Also you can torrent the first 9 volumes of Haruhi including the anime season 1+2 if you want. The volumes are in PDF too so it isn't that bad if you think about it since you can just torrent the 9 volumes if you want.

I'll go move onto ZnT now =P

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:07 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
InfiniteFreedom wrote:Well there isn't much we can do about it, but the good thing is that they only bought the rights for the first 9, so we can still translate, post, edit or do whatever we want with the 10th volume (if it ever comes out).

Also you can torrent the first 9 volumes of Haruhi including the anime season 1+2 if you want. The volumes are in PDF too so it isn't that bad if you think about it since you can just torrent the 9 volumes if you want.

I'll go move onto ZnT now =P
*A-hem* Sorry, but I must say that B-T will not be hosting or torrenting any volumes or illegal anime transfers. Even if somehow something very similar to B-T works go around through the internet, it is not B-T that is spreading it. B-T may not be capable of stopping the spread, but please refrain from using the wrong words that may cause B-T to be targetted in any way please, InfiniteFreedom.

Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:22 pm
by thelastguardian
The copyright of any derivatives of a work (literature or not, including translated works) belongs to the original work's copyright holder.

It doesn't matter where the site is hosted.

Berne Convention ... wo001.html

Take a look at it, it's not hard to understand (unlike most legal documents) .

Anyway, 2 things.

1. Stop emailing me for the translated scripts. I can't do this unless you have the actual book, sorry.
2. All translators for the affected series, please contact me.

Finally, some thoughts-
I remember when I was young, I often throw a tantrum whenever an anime I like get licensed. I would swore and bang on the table. But you know, as I grew older and created my own works, I realized that publishers and authors need to eat too. So my anger gradually subsided.

I suppose you can say I sold out to the real world, but for me I see it as giving everyone their fair share.

Finally, to all the people involved in these two series-

Job well done, people.


Re: C&D letter from Hachette Book Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:34 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
thelastguardian wrote: Anyway, 2 things.

1. Stop emailing me for the translated scripts. I can't do this unless you have the actual book, sorry.
2. All translators for the affected series, please contact me.
Regarding point 1, i would say, do not go around asking for the scripts. And tlg, even if they own the actual book, you shouldnt be passing them around, soft copies and hard copies are very different things...