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Fallback Point

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:48 am
by onizuka-gto
hello everyone!

if for some reason the Wiki, forum or both are done, you can still keep in touch with Baka-Tsuki staff and regulars on the forum.

Specifically you can leave a message at our social group page at:

Oh, and there is that irc thing....hmm...yeah.

anyway, if you know another place that we should fall back to if is also down, please feel free to drop us the location in the comment below.


Re: Fallback Point

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:36 am
by fiendmaw
Alright I registered and applied to the group,and maybe I'll post on animesuki,maybe...

Re: Fallback Point

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:24 am
by Const2k
onizuka-gto wrote:if for some reason the Wiki, forum or both are done, you can still keep in touch with Baka-Tsuki staff and regulars on the forum.
Generally, I don't like that forum, but it's okay for that kind of "special circumstances".
onizuka-gto wrote:anyway, if you know another place that we should fall back to if is also down, please feel free to drop us the location in the comment below.
It's nice to have a place where people can meet, but what to do about content? Let's say officials arrest B-T server... No, asteroid falls on Dreamhost datacenter destroying half of Brea along the way - where from (and to) will translations - countless hours of work - go?
It would be nice to have a backup/secondary server outside of US, "just in case"... I'd recommend Moscow: it's highly unlikely to experience any US copyright-related problems here, especially if you're Russian (hosting prices are comparable to US, though).
Anyway, I'll make sure I'm available on animesuki under the same nickname if anything goes very wrong way.

Re: Fallback Point

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:37 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Maybe that is true, a back-up area... but would cost be a problem?
Anyways, i am not sure if that is the case for everyone, but I keep my translations in my com at the moment, they are like 300kb per chapter only... so i would be keeping them i guess, though it is uneditted... so perhaps if the day comes if everything really crashes, i can still have my own hard copy =X

Of course, if someone volunteers, maybe we can have our own tiny webby to store all these data... but that is for everyone else to decide.

Re: Fallback Point

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:32 pm
by Beware the talking cat
Many people have copies stashed away. Like me. Sure, they may not be the most recent edition, but it's not like everything would be lost for all time.