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Anonymous Editing Disable on Main Articles

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:12 pm
by onizuka-gto
Unfortunately, do to some serious vandalism to the main pages, i have been forced to disable anonymous editing for them.

Please accept my apologies to all the helpful one-time readers who have done no wrong but has now been excluded from contributing to the project.

However you can still help in the latest chapters, so please continue to do so.

If you do find it troublesome, all you have to do is register, which is free.

This is simply so that we can identify who made the contibution. We give credit where credit is due.


Thank you for your co-operation, and on behalf of the Boss thelastguardian and all staffs at Baka-Tsuki, we wish you all a merry merry winter holiday.


Onizuka-GTO & Co.

edited by BaKaFiSh - I think it's quite weird how an editor has typos in a News announcement....