Wa ga Ya no O-Inari-Sama

Have an idea on improving Baka-Tsuki?
Know a great light novel series that should be translated? Tell us here.

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Wa ga Ya no O-Inari-Sama

Post by kwok »

Hello. I am 'suggesting' this light novel for a new project. It's an excellent one still going on in dengeki hp, and it involves a fox youkai who serves as a guardian spirit for two guys, with a big focus on how old gods adapt to new ways (kind of like American Gods, but not really either). If you want to know more, I have a review of the first volume right here

My real interest is in getting the soft copy of the raws for this light novel series. I own the hard copies myself, but it would be infinitely easier if I had the soft copy as well. I would be happy to work on this myself, but I wouldn't mind working under Baka-Tsuki if the group provides the raws. In short, I just need the raws to translate it myself. haha gg.

License-wise, I have no idea how to find out. I only know that Kadokawa Taiwan does it in Chinese.
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Favourite Light Novel: Ahouka!

Post by the_naming_game »

Soft copy as in scan, or text or both? Note that I'm not sure I can get either... only volume 5 and 6 scans seem readily available through my ... usual channels. But something may turn up.

But... instead of Kitsune-mimi .... how about Inu-mimi? Wan wan! I have raws too!
Baka-Tsuki, suki! Yuki, suki!
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Astral Realm

Post by kwok »

Hey I wanted to buy Inukami! too! But it's like... 12 volumes or something.

I would prefer soft text, but then again scans would also be needed for the awesome, awesome illustrations.
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Post by onizuka-gto »

sounds interesting kwok, it certainly helps that your the translator yourself, but we will still need some information that this is has not been licenced.

As for obtain the softscan, well unfortunately i have very little time these days to dive into the IRC-net so you have to hope some other helpful soul will hear your suffering.

But as soon as you can fulfil the new request requirements, please p.m. any of the mods, and we will help set it up.

it's as simple as that.

so, good luck kwok.



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