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Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:02 pm
by Kokoru Asami
Anything development on this

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:41 am
by Darklor
abc2000 wrote:Anything development on this
Dont seems so...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:03 pm
by Tonia-Tan
Even trhough i loved the naime i felt it was incomplete and lackes so i would love to read the novel^_^

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:19 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Sadly, no1 working on it, and i have yet to start reading...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:21 am
by Darklor
I saw the first episodes of the anime, because I thought at first its a nice idea and interesting abilities for a story. Then I jumped to the last episode to see how it ends, because I wasnt happy how the story went. In the end I wasnt happy how it did end, so I never watched the episodes in between. - The end was to sad for my taste... (It reminds me to much of what happens with our dreams while living RL)

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:22 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Darklor wrote:I saw the first episodes of the anime, because I thought at first its a nice idea and interesting abilities for a story. Then I jumped to the last episode to see how it ends, because I wasnt happy how the story went. In the end I wasnt happy how it did end, so I never watched the episodes in between. - The end was to sad for my taste... (It reminds me to much of what happens with our dreams while living RL)
The story is really nice, even though the ending isnt a happy ending, but is very good...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:14 am
by Kokoru Asami
yea i cried at the ending but what upsets me the most is the fact that it doesn't end there and their is more to the story but i cant read it...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:21 am
by echimaru
I would personally say that this novel would be one of the best.
i cant read kanji but watching the anime was really good one, i was enticed the moment i watch the anime.
maybe if the translator watch the anime first they might interested on translating it.
I hope someone can also try to make it into teaser project so anyone can see how good it is.

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:42 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
echimaru wrote:I would personally say that this novel would be one of the best.
i cant read kanji but watching the anime was really good one, i was enticed the moment i watch the anime.
maybe if the translator watch the anime first they might interested on translating it.
I hope someone can also try to make it into teaser project so anyone can see how good it is.
i watched the anime, got the novel, just havent gotten to reading it...

Mind comparing it to some novel? i can get a better feel then perhaps...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:06 am
by Fei Wong
Hi, all. Any luck with Mushi-uta light novel translation in a near future? Say "yes", please! I strongly love Mushi-uta anime itself (even did a Russian softsub for it), and rather good in understanding of Japanese speech, but unfortunately, I don't know kanji and can't read books. But according to those Japanese readers opinions and reviews, it must be a really great creation. So please, can you give this project at least a try?

Oh, and I'm more then willing to do subsequent Eng-to-Rus translation afterwards (if anyone actually would start working on these light novels, of course).

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:25 am
by Akhorashaan
Fei Wong wrote:
Oh, and I'm more then willing to do subsequent Eng-to-Rus translation afterwards (if anyone actually would start working on these light novels, of course).
Я тоже...

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:31 pm
by Kokoru Asami
It would have been nice, if someone at least translated a teaser project to see if people liked it or not. I wish i could read japanese, its really a great story!

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:21 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Kokoru Asami wrote:It would have been nice, if someone at least translated a teaser project to see if people liked it or not. I wish i could read japanese, its really a great story!
A good teaser for Mushi Uta is really hard to find, reason being on how it builds on all its characters, as the story envelopes them.... So any single part may not be good enough to show its goodness

Its a fantastic story, up to where I read, it seems like its dragging too long in a sense, while rushing it a little... Hopefully the rest of the story goes well!

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:46 am
by Kokoru Asami
Oh i see, i never would have imagined it would be that hard. However it makes me glad to hear that because it means to me its a complex story. Just the anime itself kept me wanting more. I want to keep this thread alive in hopes that in the future a translator will come to our rescue.

So the series is good huh? What volume are you on?

Re: Mushi-uta Light novel/ Mushi-Uta Bug short story

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:55 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Kokoru Asami wrote:Oh i see, i never would have imagined it would be that hard. However it makes me glad to hear that because it means to me its a complex story. Just the anime itself kept me wanting more. I want to keep this thread alive in hopes that in the future a translator will come to our rescue.

So the series is good huh? What volume are you on?
Basically, Mushi-Uta is separated into two series. Mushi-Uta, and Mushi-Uta short stories. However, please do not view them as different series, as they are very much the same.

Let me explain. Mushi-Uta, starts similar to the anime, which basically ONLY COVERED VOLUME ONE of the entire series. I have read up to vol 8 of Mushi Uta. Whereas Mushi Uta Short Stories covers the story of Daisuke AND a girl that never appeared in Mushi Uta, but was mentioned several times in Mushi Uta, and it takes place several years prior to Mushi Uta.

In Mushi Uta, Daisuke tries his best to seek out and hunt the three, though so far, he has only managed to find and wound two of them.

In Mushi Uta short stories, it talks about a girl thats NOT possessed by a Mushi, yet possesses a Mushi of Daisuke's type, one which can fuse with its master. However, its master has died some time before the story starts. From the normal rules, the mushi should be dead too, but it is following this girl around... Thus, Daisuke is sent to observe and protect this girl to find out what's going on...

Some background spoilers for BOTH sides:
Spoiler! :
The previous owner of this Mushi has died, but is gradually taking the body of the girl as she uses the power of the Mushi. The previous owner hunts down a certain "Mushi that cannot die", for reasons unknown. However, it has been revealed that one of the great three, the most common one, the woman that appears to eat people's dreams as seen in the anime, has abilities of ALL the Mushis that she gave out, including this undying bug, making her unkillable, and our favorite "Snow of destruction"(Shiika's Mushi ability), I call it that at least, haha, anything that comes into contact with her snow gets destroyed. That power alone almost took out the entire organisation when they all went out to hunt this great one. This is one of the reasons Daisuke has been hunting bugs, to reduce her powers. It was revealed that he knew of this, but did not tell anyone about it, as it would cause the war to get even worse, as to kill that great one, they might have to hunt all the Mushis out there faster than she can give them out... Basically, Daisuke tried to take everything on his shoulders.
Spoiler about Mushi-Uta, Daisuke's story(personal story):
Spoiler! :
One of the volumes covered his sister, and how his sister converted him into a Host. This is probably one of the most cruel great one ideas out there. Basically, the third and weakest yet most powerful great one, that gives off Mushis that fuses with its owner, does not have a body of its own. By coming into contact with its form, this great one would enter the being's body, and hunt down on its prey, which is usually their closest one... Best friends, or in Daisuke's case, his loving sister. However, fortunately, or unfortunately, the one who is possessed by the great one, after consuming the "Dream" it seeks, will cause that person to forget not only what he/she did, but all about that person who possesses the "Dream". So in short, the poor Daisuke did not even know why his sister failed to recognise him at the end, or rather, the beginning, right after he got his Mushi.

After his sister got possessed, she found out that Daisuke is the one that the great one wants to consume. However, she uses her very own will to suppress her hunger and yearning for him. As the days grow, even the great one is impressed by how she tries to protect Daisuke. However, the long period has drawn the attention of yet another great one... The most famous great one comes over to try to steal Daisuke's dream from this other great three, seeing how long it has been, and how delicious it is getting. However, Daisuke's sister would naturally not allow it... So with the help of the great one inside her, she fought against this other great one. However, Daisuke enters the scene where his sister is about to get killed, and jumps in to take the hit... Dying, the great one tells his sister that the only possible way for him to come back to life, would be by making him a host... Unwilling, yet without a choice... His sister could only forget all about him, and has sworn that she will remember, and that she will seek out her new friend, the bodyless great one, once more...

Upon the recovery of her memories, she had but one wish "To die by Daisuke's hands" as she is the one that caused him much suffering... But just as the woman great one came as she had predicted during that fight, that she would come back when Daisuke's sister remembers what happened, Daisuke naturally tries to stop her, even at the expense of betraying the SEPB. People who trust him, people who hate him, all came together to hunt him, only to meet the great one. As his sister was about to tell of her "Dream", "To die by Daisuke's hands", Daisuke stops her, and tells her that he does not hate her, thus, causing her to wake up. She then refuses to tell of her "Dream", and the great one is made vulnerable for a short period, which caused Daisuke to be able to wound her. However, at the same time, the great one swears that she will hunt Daisuke down, for this is not the first time he has interrupted her "meal".

Yet... the expense of this is... Daisuke's Mushi getting so much nearer to its limit... He can't hold it back any further...
Latest volume of the original series, Mushi-Uta I read, volume 8. The love story of Momo, and Daisuke. Where two lives perished, just like a loving couple... Lovers not made to meet, thanks to Mushis, yet made to perish, just like Mushis with a short life span. Love that did not last long...

Anyways, if you really want a teaser, it probably wont be easy from the Mushi-Uta series, but short stories might make it possible. And judging from how one entire season of Mushi-Uta is based on almost a single volume(anime has extra content), you can easily see how hard a good teaser would be, for Mushi-Uta.