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Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:54 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Okays!!! Heres the news!!
I finished reading up to book 8, that is where the Inukami anime ended!
There are minor differences from my poor memory between the anime and novel, like how the evil spirit never exactly devoured Kaoru? and stuff like that...
The good news: This means that book 9~16 are either about the future, or some new story?
The bad news: I have no idea, coz it is translated in chinese up to 8 for what i know now...

So interested parties, please sound off!

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:34 am
by Krikit
SOUND OFF! 1,2,3,4! I don't know what I've been told, (i dont know what i've been told) But this series seems mighty fine! (but this series seems mighty fine).....SOUND OFF! 1!2!3!4! Break it on Down!.....

Anyway, I am interested in seeing this translated then....but really I kind of want the translation to start on Volume 9, kinda like how Spice and Wolf really started on Volume 3, to pick up where the anime ended. though that's just me, because I know how long it would take to translate from V1....^_^ However, the only person available seems to be you Shadow, but you have the Chinese books which go up to Volume we can't start at 9 anyway....hmmm

Anyway, even if we start at the beginning, I'd like to see this project get underway =). Just knowing that Volumes 9-16...7 Volumes!!! Is more stuff, makes me want to read it =). So I'm a yes for it =)

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:39 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Errr... It is 8volumes from 9 to 16? anyways, i forgot to mention, but something the anime did not tell...
Spoiler! :
Kaoru is a real person, but he is not Kaoru. Kaoru is the twin sister of the fake Kaoru. Both his twin sister and his father are trapped in the ice coffins. There are curses that do not allow others to see the coffins, to not let him tell others about the coffins etc etc... That is why the fake Kaoru had to be so evil to do all the things. In the novel, the big machine grants wishes, not just one. Keita made the following wishes... Return me to my original state(he was turned into a baby, but not getting younger and disappearing, and Yuuko is trapped in a golden sphere made by her father.) and send me back to the battlefield (against the robot with a drill at you know where, it betrayed its master), try to settle the two people in the ice coffins(Real Kaoru and their father), cure everyone who got injured in this incident(not sure how effective) and just fix everything. The machine malfunctioned half way, or even earlier, no one knows what happened to Kaoru(fake) and Nadeoshiko disappeared(she used a skill that would kill her, not sure if recovered?). That is very similar to the anime, but the main difference is... YES Kaoru and her dad are REVIVED!! That means Kaoru lives! and that may be her story from vol 9 on, or she might get to like Keita too ^^

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:02 am
by Krikit
8 volumes.......... :shock: wow....and I'm trying to learn Japanese with this brain :mrgreen:

Read the spoiler...I'm going to have to watch the anime again to get that...^_^ can't remember who "kaoru"'s on the tip of my consience, but it's been a while =)

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:44 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Fake Kaoru is the master of the ten inukamis ^^"
The anime never talked much about the ice coffins, the novel did...

If you ever learnt jap by heart, may you translate Inukami series for me haha

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:19 am
by Krikit there anyway you could give me a huge recap from the novels point of view?? ^_^, I really can't remember too much about the story....just bits and pieces of the adventures from the anime.

So when my Japanese gets masterful enough, I plan on working on Spice and Wolf, and I suppose Inukami too =) (I can get the books cheap at Book Off ^_^) I'll start gathering other books and making a collection (kinda like how you have your user page up) and then if someone wants a book translated, they only need ask =).

Inukami huh.....^_^

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:42 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
hehex >"<
You noticed that page?
It is not up to date, but at least it shows what i have then... Anyways, the translation work isnt easy, it is long, so hopefully more people like you will join in the projects ^^

The novel and anime is largely similar...
Spoiler! :
Keita is a child abandoned by his family due to the lack of Inukamis willing to work under him. One day he was given a call back and was told that there is an inukami that is willing to follow him. He meets Yuuko, his Inukami. He begins his new life with Yuuko, who loves Keita and seduces+plays with Keita all the while. Later, Keita begins interaction with some other Inukamis, from Kaoru(fake). He works on some cases with these Inukamis, and Karina Shiro, a police official. They get into a lot of funny and troublesome situations, such as the cat Tomekichi seeking buddha statues, fighting a shinigami and becoming homeless...

Eventually, Keita, Kaoru(fake) and Karina Shiro came across Shiro's ancestor, Sekidosai. They fail to capture him, and Kaoru(fake) later approached him for mutual benefits. Meanwhile, Yuuko's father, Dai Yoko breaks from his seal. Dai Yoko and Sekidosai fought once in the past, and Sekidosai lost. Thus they went for a rematch. Unexpectedly, Sekidosai's robot Xanthippe went beserk and modified Daisakkai and betrayed its master. The inukamis were overwhelmed by the might at first, but thanks to Keita, they eventually pulled through...
I guess this is a summary of what happened? it is hard to put everything in detail ^^"

TGM - Spoiler tagged. :P

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:24 am
by jeromemmm
i voted "yes"...
i watched the anime seiries.
And yep, me want to read novel.

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:10 am
by Guest
the anime was nice besides the occasional nudity. but i dont see any season 2 or so coming out.

it'll be nice if people take up this project.

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:19 pm
by jeromemmm
Guest wrote:the anime was nice besides the occasional nudity. but i dont see any season 2 or so coming out.

it'll be nice if people take up this project.

LoL what nudity?... you onLy see the "elephant"
"look mom its at eLephant!"... lol... ahaha... i laugh when the kid says that...

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:34 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Inukami book 9, short stories about all the times they had before the final fight... zzz no idea whether they will continue the story... must wait for 10?

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:47 am
by Minimoto
I say yes because the anime was downright hilarious. This has made me feel like going and re-watching it. *heads off to crunchyroll and watches the whole series again.*

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:21 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
The novel is officially licensed and the first volume should be out in oct... according to Krikit...
And no i dont think i can work that fast to complete one volume with sch, Ayano's Enraiha and Shana's flaming hair and eyes at me...
I would say either get me some help or wait for the official release... ... san-novels

from the thread here ... 863#p38863

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:18 am
by sterling01
Just so you know it's the manga that's licensed not the novels

Re: Novel:Inukami!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:16 pm
by ainsoph9
I thought that it sounded odd that the novels were supposedly licensed...