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Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:17 pm
by Mystes
If not the musical side, what kind of novel is it?

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:01 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
kira0802 wrote:If not the musical side, what kind of novel is it?
Exciting? Quite at least. Despite my lack of musical touch, I can sorta understand the heartbeat they shared when they played that tune in volume 1. Emotionally, I can understand the words, but its hard to make it click without a good image in my mind, especially since i have to ponder about those words. It was descriptive and cool, emotional and simple. Or at least that is my opinion of it.

That scene(the two playing together) was the best in the entire volume imo, even better than that last part, which seems too cliche to me. If that scene or alike was more common, i would give it a much higher rating. But that may make it lose its charm too? Hard to say given a single volume.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:36 am
by Darklor
larethian wrote: November 15, 2011 - C.E. Light Novels Translations picked this up
We dont have any relations with them or? Also is there no chance, that they will add their translation to our wiki or?

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:34 pm
by Gwilthyunman
Darklor wrote:
larethian wrote: November 15, 2011 - C.E. Light Novels Translations picked this up
We dont have any relations with them or? Also is there no chance, that they will add their translation to our wiki or?
I've asked them and they said: "I have no intention of adding Sayonara Piano Sonata to Baka Tsuki, because that will defeat the purpose of me starting a blog on my own." :|

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:27 am
by Cosmic Eagle
Darklor wrote:
larethian wrote: November 15, 2011 - C.E. Light Novels Translations picked this up
We dont have any relations with them or? Also is there no chance, that they will add their translation to our wiki or?
Does it really matter, what they do and what this site does?

Them is them and BT is BT....doesn't mean there's some kind of licensed title style prohibition now is there?

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:03 pm
by zensunni
True, but it seems a waste of effort to have dueling translations. Though it would be nice to be able to read it through the baka-reader. (The CE translation is pretty well done BTW.)

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:35 pm
by ben1234
It's usually frowned upon by the community to work on a series that someone else is already working on.

Why can't we compromise like we'll put the project on the side bar as an affiliation and have each chapter link to his site?

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:15 am
by Cosmic Eagle
zensunni wrote:True, but it seems a waste of effort to have dueling translations. Though it would be nice to be able to read it through the baka-reader. (The CE translation is pretty well done BTW.)
it's not dueling if the source is different (they use mandarin sources right) and if no undue publicity is given to the project which would make it appear as if BT were competing with them.

There's no monopoly on these things after all....

Having an affilation makes no sense since putting this title on our site is not the point; and it's not for such a shallow goal either.

It's getting a translation of it out.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:17 am
by Mystes
Cosmic Eagle wrote:There's no monopoly on these things after all....
Hope so. After anime groups fights and manga groups fights, a Light Novel translation fight would cause the heck of a headache.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:25 am
by Cosmic Eagle
Kira0802 wrote:
Cosmic Eagle wrote:There's no monopoly on these things after all....
Hope so. After anime groups fights and manga groups fights, a Light Novel translation fight would cause the heck of a headache.

That's why I say keep it low key.

If we don't announce it to the whole damned net, it wouldn't seem so obnoxiously rude

Plus if the translation source is different, what does it matter, the translations are obviously different

Also, the idea of having a monopoly on pirating something (even if we give them free advertising in return) is laughably ironic

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:24 pm
by zensunni
Of course, from the sounds of the discussion here, it doesn't look like anybody is jumping to pick this one up here, with all the musical jargon and such, so it probably doesn't matter in any case.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by Mystes
zensunni wrote:Of course, from the sounds of the discussion here, it doesn't look like anybody is jumping to pick this one up here, with all the musical jargon and such, so it probably doesn't matter in any case.
Though it's quite a great novel and entertaining to read.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:51 pm
by Cosmic Eagle
zensunni wrote:Of course, from the sounds of the discussion here, it doesn't look like anybody is jumping to pick this one up here, with all the musical jargon and such, so it probably doesn't matter in any case.
I might. Coz some of my friends asked me to as a special request...all musicians so they're interested.

That's why I asked

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:06 pm
by zgmfx09a
Cosmic Eagle wrote:
zensunni wrote:Of course, from the sounds of the discussion here, it doesn't look like anybody is jumping to pick this one up here, with all the musical jargon and such, so it probably doesn't matter in any case.
I might. Coz some of my friends asked me to as a special request...all musicians so they're interested.

That's why I asked
I don't particularly care. It's silly to claim a monopoly on the translations.

What I didn't want is for BT to host my translations of this title for now, that's all.

Re: Sayonara Piano Sonata

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:07 am
by Cosmic Eagle
I understand the latter. Of course it's only right and proper that you host your work on the site of your choosing.

Thanks for the reply