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Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:40 pm
by Vmb
Man I hope some one picks this up the anime so far is pretty good and I Want to read the novels too!

Re: Another

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:55 am
by Kinny Riddle
I breezed through the whole thing in two weeks. Ayatsuji's style is easy to comprehend, should not be too hard to translate if I do this.

OTOH, I just went and bought the first two volumes of the "Kotenbu" series (AKA "Hyoka" to be adapted by Kyo-Ani soon), I wanna see how interesting and how much I could comprehend this title compared to "Another" is to see if we can get B-T to ride on the wave of the upcoming anime much like we have done with that other more famous Kyo-Ani adaptation that started it all.

Re: Another

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:10 am
by rock96
Don't anyone mind telling me if Akazawa's appearance in anime was the same as in ranobe? Because some forumites on other site tend to use manga as reference since the ranobe isn't translated into English.

Re: Another

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:33 pm
by Zell_ff8
No. Akazawa was a if not tertiary a late secondary character. She had just 2 scenes in all the novel, she is just named from other students two or three times in the first half, and her first words are on the latter half.

In the manga, they turned her completely into a secondary character. She speaks, one death is changed to be his brother, and plays a major role in the ending.
Spoiler! :
In the manga they turned Akazawa as the assassin (not really, they removed the assassin and made her try to kill Mei), while in the novel the assassin was someone else.
In the anime, they seem to follow the path of the manga but enhanced. From the very start she appeared in the hospital to visit Kouichi and shaked hands (in the novel and manga, she wasn't there, and in her place was Kazami).
But the anime also breaks with the manga, in the last scenes, from episode 7, after Kubodera's suicide, she talks normally to Kouichi. The scene at Inoya, it's almost a romance flag. While in the manga, after Kubodera's suicide she gets crazy and starts yelling at Kouichi and Mei blaming them for all, and she follows to give serious assassin stares to them the rest of the story (in the novel, not even that. no news of her until her *only significant* scene at the summer camp)

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:20 am
by rock96
Oh, I see. Thank you very much for information. It really helps.

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:45 am
by Kinny Riddle
Akazawa's role in the anime has been greatly expanded.

In the novel, she hardly even appears. Kouichi, being a boy, interacts more with two other boys Teshigawara and Mochizuki. Leaving Mei as the only prominent girl in the whole narrative as she is the female lead.
Spoiler! :
And she even gets killed off afterwards without much fanfare

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:29 am
by Zell_ff8
Now that you mention it I find poor Tomohiko being put aside in the anime. :cry:
Not even a pan to his shocked reaction after Kubodera's death (just a background still image).

I don't dislike it, in the novel Akazawa was nothing, if it weren't for the scene at the camp's dinning room she isn't more than that random hikikomori guy killed.
But after reading the manga, Akazawa could turn into a great character. The anime took that. Now she's my favourite character in the anime.

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:36 am
by rock96
Oh, thanks again.

But, now there are two more questions from forumites and one mine:
1) Is the Another the same in ranobe and manga? By the way, please, avoid spoilers.
2) In which adaptation the atmosphere is closer to ranobe's one? In manga or in anime?
3) Which Akazawa's words from the scenes, where she appeared, but wasn't supposed to be originally, can we trust? I just wonder if all talk about cold hands and their meeting in childhood is nothing but filler.

Thanks in advance. I hope that you aren't devastated from answering the questions. :roll:

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:01 am
by Doraneko
1) Yes

2) Well if you are talking about the atmosphere alone, so far both the manga and the anime have done a pretty good job in preserving it (maybe the coming beach episode will change my mind :lol: ). If you concern about the plot, apart from the reduced quantity of the details there are deliberate changes made by the manga artist and the anime staff regarding certain characters.

3) Spoiling stuff kills the fun of the mystery. :wink:

Re: Another

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:38 am
by Zell_ff8
1) Yes, in the manga is the same as the novel.
2) The first half is practically the same in all. It was in the latter where more things changed. To me the atmosphere changed a bit; the manga was more driven by emotions, the novel was more cold and distant. In the anime first half was pretty much the same, but it started changing, that scene with Akazawa in Inoya? beach episode? I don't know where this is going...
3) The anime gave her plenty of lines and "character development" that she didn't have originally. The role of "counter measures-kakari" is not the big thing either, is more like a kids game trying to do something futile. But haven't strayed from the original plot. Half of his lines were stolen from Tomohiko (poor Tomohiko). The one at the hospital, the one of shaking hands, the one who questioned him about his past was Tomohiko.
The rest of the chat at Inoya, yes I think they will messing things from now on.

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:00 am
by rock96
Thank you very much for answers. :)
It really, really helps.

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:50 am
by Kinny Riddle
As this book is written by an author more known for writing "serious" fiction, is sold alongside other "serious" fiction section in bookstores rather than the usual manga section, and most importantly, does not have any illustrations whatsoever, strictly speaking, this should not be called a "light" novel at all, but a "proper" novel.

Ayatsuji's writing style may be easy to comprehend, but his works are hardly "light". The same goes for Nishio Isshin's "Monogatari" series novels, Fate Zero novels and Kara no Kyoukai novels. In Japan, nobody refers to them as "light" novels.

You'd also be surprised to find out that Gosick is also considered "serious" fiction". Don't ask me why.

I apologize for this interruption into pedantic definitions and return to our regular discussion. 8)

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:08 am
by larethian
This may be news for some of you, but "Another" is going to have its light novel version in March, under Sneaker label. ... 1109000161 ... 1109000160

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:20 pm
by Zell_ff8
I don't see the reason. Just a new print to include 4 or 5 pictures of ito noichi? I don't like his drawing style. I prefer Kiyohara's (manga), or Ento Shiho (novel cover).

Anyway, the point is that they just released the bunkobon version, now they're going to print another bunkobon with pictures? Or does the content change for being "light"?

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:11 pm
by larethian
^ The content normally doesn't change. The only changes would probably be, cover illustration, color pages, and non-colored illustrations in between, and maybe more furigana (not too sure about this).

The reason is marketing. To make it more appealing to young adult/teenage readers, and it will be located in a different section in bookstores.