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Bokyaku no Gunshin to Soko Senki

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:56 am
by Mytsy
Original title:忘却の軍神と装甲戦姫
English title: ?
Author: Kagami Ginpachi (鏡銀鉢)
Illustrator: chocomori & mechanic design karamiso/lnw(メカデザイン)
Publisher: MF文庫J
Volumes Out: 3(?)
"Earths only male."The males haves been elimanated while women remained.It has been 1000 years from then.Kiryuu Asato had been frozen due to killing a person by accident in a training,being awoken by certain circumstances to help Japan in the tenth world war by training in a military school.Spending hectic days by being surrounded by girls and getting used to the futuristic weapons and being found that he has a distant relative Maika and that he will live with her.However,there is a shadow creeping in the war.The curtain for a battle to protect important people is rising!The opening to the winner of the rookie award of the year.
The Prologue
Spoiler! :
"It has been officially decided that earth's only man will be joining this class."
Half-April,In a class with nothing but girls,I was the concentration of the gunfire of gazes.
Next to me was one in charge Sakuma teacher and she was introducing my profile and all of the members LLG at once displayed Radius Nova with a shutter sound.
"How big are you?!That wide shoulder width!Limbs also robust!"
"Ultra-development came!"
"Quiet down brats!"
Sakuma Saori teacher who is known as a demon from the battlefield with a single roar the girls became flustered and the camera window closed.
One part of the pupils somehow had a face of being enraptured due to the scolding.
I see a person on guard due to fear.Another with curiosity staring at me.One feigning disinterested as she flutteringly keeps peeping at me.One striking the keyboard which looks like writing a memo.But one for certainly is completely shaken.
There are more better men than me,but considering they haven't seen a man it's not unusual.
"Asato,introduce yourself."
"Yes".Even though I said that,crossing over 170 centimeters overlooking on Sakuma teacher the girls haven't closed their mouths.
Probably due to the fact that in this school I am the biggest person.
"I am Kiryuu Asato.I am still inexperienced in some areas,lets all get along this year."
Quickly bowing my head then raising it,the girls again hurl hurtful gazes.
Even so while being a military school all the members are girls,I'm getting a feeling this can be mistaken for a girl school.
One more time while I was surveying the class I checked up the height of the levels.
In my wide of view there are only dozens of girl and nothing else.The cute group,comforting group,boyish group,popular beauty group,the princess group,older sister group,basically all kinds of girls jostled up together.
Those with the sense of beauty produced a feeling similiar to admiration.
I'm not particularly bad with women,even though I went to a school with nothing but men,but being stared by dozen of girls is embarrassing.
But from today and onwards I have no choice but to attend this academy with girls only.
The gazes from the girls hurt,going to sit behind Maika and turn my gaze to seek help,the thickheaded girl can't understand sympathy and simply cocked her head to the side with "What's wrong?".
Kiriu Maika.From today onwards I am in same room as her,due to being a relative to me and a guarantor.
Unfortunately in this school there isn't a boy's dormitory.
Even though there are beauties but Maika is especially cute,even though it was said to be in same room there is no bad feeling but as I thought antipathy wasn't erased.
"The result of the investigation,this guy is Maika's blood relative.Asato you will be a neighbour to Maika."
Sakuma teacher urged me to go towards my seat in the back.
There were classrooms in tiers,3 people had a long table in a line,on top of them a personal keyboard and a display projected Radius Nova was sleeping.
But the interior was a little futuristic.It looked like like a science fiction movie,will it be fine from now.But no matter where I look it is intense.
"Hey Maika,long time no see"
"You just met me yesterday it shouldn't be "long time no see"".
I couldn't match my eyes with hers.It seems she is still angry about that thing three days ago.
Before long mornings homeroom has finished,the teacher left the room and instantenously I was besieged by the girls.
"Are you really a man?Are you not cross-dressing?"
"What will you eat?Between cat food and dog food which one do you like the most?"
I was overwhelmed by questions in a storm asking me what I like and Maika had a humourous face.
"Yesterday we were together but that hasn't changed since from today onwards we will be living together."
Maika you pulled the trigger if you said it like that.
"Living together?Did you prepare the collar and chain?And things such as training are fine?"
"Was he injected properly?Did he get a castration?If he wasn't then I know a veterinarian to introduce you to."
Am I really going to live here,in the tumult of the girls I sigh unintentionally.
There behind the group a girl who lost in rock paper scissors was timidly approaching.
"Maika,is it fine to touch it?"
"It's fine."
Please listen to my opinion,a handshake cant hurt...and my groin is massaged.
It was touched.The girl with her slender white hands was touching my groin with all her might.
"How is it?How is it?"
"Somehow the Gunitte is soft and two solid round things!"
The girl that was touching from somewhere pulled out a spray.I wonder if it is against bacteria.
Her face has turned inflamed red with both hands pushing it and ignoring my swelling.And there is the boastful speech about Maika in the middle of this.With this my life as a rare beast has opened.
Aah,why have I came in this era I wonder.Ah thats right....
Every male on this earth has been wiped out by a virus...
The era is 3012.On this earth I am the only living male.

Re: Bokyaku no Gunshin to Soko Senki

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:18 am
by Tenzai
bit confused about one of the details, might be it hasn't been covered yet but does it say when the males were wiped out? was it just recently and thats why there are still women or do they have some new kind of reproduction ability?

Re: Bokyaku no Gunshin to Soko Senki

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:46 pm
by Mytsy
Tenzai wrote:bit confused about one of the details, might be it hasn't been covered yet but does it say when the males were wiped out? was it just recently and thats why there are still women or do they have some new kind of reproduction ability?
They were wiped out by a new Virus that was discovered by a scientist after the male birth rate was dropping and this virus was destroying the Y chromosone but when it was discovered it was already too late and how they are produced is due to artificial juice(you know what I mean) and females can marry each other(common sense). (as much as I understood)

Re: Bokyaku no Gunshin to Soko Senki

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:40 pm
by Darklor
Hm, this setting reminds me a little of the "Sonnensturm" manga (engl. The Tempest) by Yuiji Aniya where the males are gone too.