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Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:39 pm
by Oasis
Hello, I would like to request/suggest Scrapped Princess written by Ichiro Sakaki. It's a complete Japanese novel series consisting of 13 novels for the main story. (There are also five supplementary volumes, but I can take or leave those)

It was licensed by Tokyopop -- they released the first three volumes in English -- but as the company has now folded, the series is now unlicensed. Please consider it! =)

(I have raws to provide for all volumes)


The story takes place in a fantasy world and revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Pacifica Casull, the sister in a pair of twins born to the royal family of a kingdom called Leinwan who is, literally, thrown away. The 5111th Mauser Prophecy predicts that she will be the "poison that will destroy the world" if she reaches her sixteenth birthday. To prevent this she is dropped off a cliff as an infant ("scrapped"). Believed to be dead, her survival remains no more than a rumour until she is already 15 years old.

Pacifica is rescued by a court wizard and adopted by the commoner Casull family. Her foster siblings, Shannon, a swordsman, and Raquel, a wizard, become her protectors. At every step of the way, however, someone is constantly trying to kill Pacifica, hoping to somehow avert the catastrophe that is supposed to befall the world on her 16th birthday

Affectionately nicknamed "SutePri" in Japan, Scrapped Princess was also adapted into a very popular 24 episode anime series, that had been licensed to English speaking audiences by Bandai Entertainment.

Image (a fansite for the series that focuses on the anime adaptation)

For translators, here are two random pages of the first volume to get an idea of the reading level. (Please keep in mind that the Photobucket image messes with the quality. The acual pages are clearer to read) ... ie/005.jpg ... ie/050.jpg
I'm going to be away for two weeks as of the 8th. Here is the entire first volume if you want to take a look or so you can get a jump on it if you decide to take on this project while I'm gone.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:28 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Oasis wrote:Hello, I would like to request/suggest Scrapped Princess written by Ichiro Sakaki. It's a complete Japanese novel series consisting of 13 novels for the main story. (There are also five supplementary volumes, but I can take or leave those)

It was licensed by Tokyopop -- they released the first three volumes in English -- but as the company has now folded, the series is now unlicensed. Please consider it! =)

(I have raws to provide for all volumes)
Did tokyopop fold? I thought they merely closed a branch? Lost touch with such news, sorry.

And please do a proper request, this includes summary or synopsis of the story, so as to attract possible translators. Details and comments can be added to boost the effect. Please edit your first post to add such information.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:49 pm
by Oasis
The North America branch (meaning their entire English company) has shut down entirely. All English licenses they held have been completely cancelled. Even their imprint, BLU Manga, is no more. Save for the European branch (which is German mind you, no English) Tokyopop is completely gone now. Meaning Scrapped Princess is up for grabs.

But since the anime is almost completely forgotten now (well, for newcomers anyway) and out of print and the fact that Tokyopop didn't release another of the novels since 2007, the chances of it getting licensed again are slim to none, leaving a lot of the fans following them in the dust. =/

Believe me, I'd much prefer having books over reading it on the internet (please do not take offense. I mean nothing bad about translations found here, I'm just the sort of person who'd rather hold a book in hands and feel the pages and whatnot rather than read it digitally), so I wouldn't request it if I thought there was a chance it'd ever get finished being published in English.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:59 pm
by Hiyono
Yeah, anime/manga licensing in America isn't exactly a growth industry. It's quite a shame because light novels practically stand no chance of making their way here (the few attempts that have been made have been horrible failures.) There's just no opportunity for profit.
Makes me glad the Chinese love the Japanese so much :/ I haven't been left entirely to twist in the wind.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:22 pm
by Oasis
Hiyono wrote:Yeah, anime/manga licensing in America isn't exactly a growth industry. It's quite a shame because light novels practically stand no chance of making their way here (the few attempts that have been made have been horrible failures.) There's just no opportunity for profit.
Makes me glad the Chinese love the Japanese so much :/ I haven't been left entirely to twist in the wind.
I know. D: There are actually many light novels I would love to have in English, but this is the one I want the most. (What makes it more painful is that I had the hope of it dangled in my face by having the first three volumes published in English. *heart ache for the rest*) Thankfully though with the popularity of Haruhi and Spice&Wolf, light novels might begin to make more of a splash here in North America. Spice&Wolf managed to attract attention without the anime to fall back on. Afterall, I had heard of Spice&Wolf and wanted to read it myself before I realized it was a Japanse novel series that had an anime adaptation and everything. xD (And I have come across a few other people like that too, so that's a good sign)

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:13 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Actually... I wanna read Scrapped Princess too... Sigh, but when I joined the light novel reading, it seems the entire series is out in Chinese and I don't see any signs of it in my store... I kinda prefer reading hard-copy, but still...

The anime was great, personally, I am interested in this project too.

That aside, so anyone knows how the S&W is being received by the community? We know its a good novel series for the Japanese, but it doesnt mean that it will be that readily accepted. I am wondering if it did well? And how is Haruhi for that issue, as well?

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:55 am
by Oasis
Edited top post. =)

Glad to hear there's some interest~ I'm dying to read this series. <3

As for S+W, I'm pretty sure it's doing well. For one it's one of the few light novels that didn't get canned after two or three volumes, and for another when you see lots of reviews for it on sites such as Amazon, that's a good sign too. (Most people simply buy and don't review) Plus I keep coming across people talking about how they're reading it, whereas I don't typically see people discussing light novels outside of sites such as these. So I think that means it's doing fairly well. =D And Haruhi is doing quite well. Pretty much every Haruhi fan (which is a loooooot) are buying them up. Plus they've been releasing two different versions of each book thus far, which is a good sign. If they were just barely making sales, they wouldn't publish two versions of each book. They'd stick with one and hope that they can scrounge up enough sales.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:05 pm
by Scrapped
It seems this thread hasn't been updated in awhile but I just wanted to say that I have read the 3 volumes tokyopop put out for Scrapped Princess and I love them and I really really want to read more! Please please consider it >_< I doubt I'd be very useful, but I'd be willing to help- I've taken 2 semesters of college Japanese and I'm going into my third soon.

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:48 pm
by Wyrtt
Scrapped wrote:It seems this thread hasn't been updated in awhile but I just wanted to say that I have read the 3 volumes tokyopop put out for Scrapped Princess and I love them and I really really want to read more! Please please consider it >_< I doubt I'd be very useful, but I'd be willing to help- I've taken 2 semesters of college Japanese and I'm going into my third soon.
Yep. sadly this is another series i will never have chance to read. I would even pay for translation as much as i can but people lost interest in LN quite fast

Re: Scrapped Princess by Ichiro Sakaki

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 1:05 pm
by dailyplix
Hope someone considers picking this up because it's an outstanding series. It's dead in the states and no longer sold by any of the major bookstores (might be able to find it used from 3rd parties). According to Toykopop's marketing department, Scrapped Princess was not licensed past 3rd volume (1st arc).