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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:46 am
by Doraneko
Title: Another
Author: Yukito Ayatsuji / 綾辻行人
Genre: Mystery, horror

PA works will be working on Another and the anime adaptation will be available in the coming season. Frankly I find this novel more interesting than the one Kyoani has picked, and I very much look forward to the anime. Anyway here is a teaser for you guys. :)

Synopsis adapted from ANN with minor amendments:
The 2009 novel centers around a school class that has a curse, and the string of unavoidable deaths that befall the boys and girls in that class.

26 years ago, in a third-year classroom of a middle school, there was a student named Misaki. As an honors student who was also good at sports, the student was popular in the class. When Misaki suddenly died, everyone in the class decided to carry on as if Misaki was still alive until graduation. Then, in the spring of 1998, a boy named Kōichi Sakakibara transfers to that classroom, and he grows suspicious of the fearful atmosphere in that classroom. In particular, there is a beautiful, aloof girl named Misaki Mei who wears an eyepatch and is always alone drawing pictures.


... Do you know Misaki? Misaki, from Class 3 of Year Three. The story about Misaki.

Misaki... Is that a name of a person?

Yeah. I am not sure of the kanji writing. Since it could be the last name, Misaki may not necessarily be a girl. Anyhow there was a certain student called Misaki Whatever or Whatever Misaki. It was twenty-six years ago.

Twenty-six years ago... It was such a long time ago. Wasn't it the Showa Era?

1972. Or the 47th Year of Showa. The year of the Okinawa handover.

Okinawa was returned? From where?

Are you a fool? It had been occupied by the United States after the war.

I see. So that is why there is a base there.

By the way, it was also the year of the Winter Olympics in Sapporo. The year of the Asama Sansou Incident as well.

"Asama Sansou"?

Man... Anyway, twenty-six years ago, there was a student called Misaki in Class 3 of Year Three in our school. Do you really have no idea of this story?

Uh... wait. Wasn't that Masaki instead of Misaki? If that was so then I have heard of the story before.

Masaki? Umm... It could be so. From whom did you hear about that?

The seniors in my club.

How is the story?

I am not sure if it was twenty-six years ago or not. In the past there was someone called Masaki in Year Three. From what I have heard it seemed to be a boy. Somehow in that year in the particular class of Masaki, there was a very strange incident. Nonetheless it is a secret and I am not allowed to talk freely with the others about it. This is why this is all I can say.

Only that much?

Yeah. If one talks about it just for fun, it has been said that... something unlucky will happen. It must be, yeah, one of the the "Seven Mysteries" in our school.

Do you really think so?

Piccolo sounds from the music room during the midnight... Or a bloody hand sticking out of the lotus pond in the middle court... Maybe this story is the seventh of these mysteries.

Oh yeah, a real, beating heart in the anatomical model in the science room. Isn't it also one of those?

Indeed, indeed.

There are other mysteries as well. In fact I know nine to ten of the "Seven Mysteries" in our school. Still, as for the one about Misaki or Masaki... After all, its nature is quite different from the common Seven Mysteries.

Heh. So you know more about that?


Tell me then.

Is it alright if something bad happens?

That is just superstitious.

Yeah. Maybe that is true.

Then tell me about it.

Still, it is...

Pretty please! It is my greatest wish in my life!

How many time have you made such greatest wishes in your life?


Man... Don't babble about it to the others.

I promise not to talk about it with anyone else.

Umm... okay then...


Misaki or Masaki... Anyway just make it Misaki. Misaki was a star in the class ever since year one. Excellent academic achievement, perfect in sports, great at drawing, even talented in music. On top of that Misaki was a beauty. If Misaki had been a boy then he must have been handsome. Anyhow Misaki was a perfect person without one single defect...

Sounds nasty. Doesn't it?

Nah. Misaki's personality was said to be great. Never arrogant or obnoxious and kind to everyone. With a healthy degree of casualness, Misaki was likeable by everyone, including both the students and the teachers. All in all Misaki was a popular person.

Hmph... There are people like that.

However, in year three, Misaki who was allocated to Class 3 suddenly died.


It was still the first semester. When Misaki was about to turn fifteen.

Why... Accident? Illness?

From what I have heard it was a plane crash. Misaki was travelling to Sapporo in a family trip. There were also rumours about other causes.


Suddenly learning about this piece of sad news, everyone in the class was at a shock.

That was understandable.

Everyone screamed, "Unbelievable!". There were even some who cried, "It must be a lie!" Many students broke down crying. Even the homeroom teacher could not utter a word. It was in such an atmosphere where someone said something. "Misaki hasn't died. See, Misaki is still here."


Pointing at the table used by Misaki, that person said, "See! Misaki is there. Misaki is really there. Misaki is alive and is right there." Immediately after, more and more student agreed with that. "That's true. Misaki hasn't died. Misaki is alive. Misaki is there."

How come?

Maybe no one was willing to believe that the star in the class had died. Maybe no one was willing to admit that. Still, it did not end like that. Even after that time, the whole class continued like that.

What do you mean?

Everyone in the class continued to pretend that Misaki was alive. It was said that even the teachers fully cooperated. "Right. Just as everyone says Misaki is not dead. At least in this classroom, Misaki is part of the class. From now on we will continue to work hard together. Let's graduate together." Something along this line.

Sounds like a good story. Although it is a bit eerie.

Eventually, everyone in Class 3 went on with their school life like that. Misaki's desk was also left as it had been. From time to time the students would chat with Misaki who was supposed to be there, play together, return home together, etc. But of course these were only a pretence. Even in the graduation ceremony, by the special permission of the headmaster there was a seat for Misaki.

Hmph... Still a good story. Maybe.

Yeah. Basically it is kind of a heartwarming tale. Except in the end there was a chilly twist.

Eh? What was that?

After the graduation ceremony, there was a commemorative shot taken in the classroom. Later, upon looking at the processed photo, everyone realized something was wrong. At the corner of the group photo, Misaki, who shouldn't be there was shown. With a face as white as a corpse, Misaki was smiling like everyone else...

Re: Another

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:51 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Just wondering, so Another was a novel first? I only know of its manga, didn't know it started off as a novel...

Re: Another

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:14 pm
by Doraneko
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:Just wondering, so Another was a novel first? I only know of its manga, didn't know it started off as a novel...
The novel's serialization started in 2006 and was first published in 2009, whereas the manga's serialization started in 2010.

Ayatsuji is an extremely well-known mystery writer with numerous awards. I am sure many of his works have official translations in Taiwan.

The whole media-mix project is only riding on his fame anyway. So far the manga has been doing a good job, but it definitely pales in comparison with the novel in terms of flow and impact.

Re: Another

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:49 pm
by j112
oh this looks awesome, im all for its translation

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:03 am
by rock96
Oh, boy. The last sentence... It was chilling.
Need to take a look at manga and coming anime.

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:15 am
by Doraneko
Just comparing the prologue, the novel version is definitely more effective than the manga in sending chills to my spine :) . I think I will read the manga after the novel to experience the full horror impact without spoiling myself in advance.

The good news is that the publisher has released a priced-down version of the novel last week. But the bad news is that it has been sold out in the vendor that I frequent to. Anyway as long as I can get it before the anime starts it should be fine. :P

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:26 am
by Doraneko

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:03 pm
by Mystes
Holy, I thought it was a manga.

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:40 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Doraneko wrote:
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:Just wondering, so Another was a novel first? I only know of its manga, didn't know it started off as a novel...
The novel's serialization started in 2006 and was first published in 2009, whereas the manga's serialization started in 2010.

Ayatsuji is an extremely well-known mystery writer with numerous awards. I am sure many of his works have official translations in Taiwan.

The whole media-mix project is only riding on his fame anyway. So far the manga has been doing a good job, but it definitely pales in comparison with the novel in terms of flow and impact.
Just wondering, since you mentioned its a serialization, that means it has more than one novel right? Most novels usually end with what they started at the end of each volume, I assume this is not the case, but creating more suspense? Another question would be if the novel has ended yet, if so, how many volumes are there?

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:54 pm
by rock96
Doraneko, you don't mind if I will translate this teaser into Russian and upload it on English teaser page (Don't want to create another page only for teaser)?
If you don't mind, please, say, are the narrators girls or boys? In Russian it's important fact...

Re: Another

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:32 pm
by Doraneko
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:Just wondering, since you mentioned its a serialization, that means it has more than one novel right? Most novels usually end with what they started at the end of each volume, I assume this is not the case, but creating more suspense?
It was a serialization in the sense that new chapters had been published at regular intervals in a certain magazine since 2006. The magazine serialization ended in 2009, and a standalone version of the novel was published in the same year.
Another question would be if the novel has ended yet, if so, how many volumes are there?
The original hard-cover release in 2009 is one big volume (~700 pages). The new 2011 priced-down version split it into two paperbacks (~400 pages each) that are slightly thicker than conventional light novels.

rock96 wrote:Doraneko, you don't mind if I will translate this teaser into Russian and upload it on English teaser page (Don't want to create another page only for teaser)?
No problem. Please go ahead. :)
If you don't mind, please, say, are the narrators girls or boys? In Russian it's important fact...
It hasn't been spelled out in the novel, but from the speech patterns of the two of them, there is a good chance that the one who says "Ehehe!" is a girl and the one who starts the conversation and tells the story is a boy. A pity that speech patterns are hard to be preserved in JE translations.

Re: Another

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:58 pm
by rock96
Thanks a lot, Doraneko. Russian teaser uploaded. Now, need to wait anime...

Re: Another

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:30 pm
by Doraneko
rock96 wrote:Thanks a lot, Doraneko. Russian teaser uploaded. Now, need to wait anime...
Great. Thanks for your work on the Russian teaser. :D

OT: Just curious, is there any official light novel localizations in Russia?

Re: Another

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:26 pm
by rock96
You're welcome.

OT: I'm from Kazakhstan, not from Russia :wink: Yes, there are some light novels that were licensed in Russia. I found only three normal licenses... Don't ask me what were other series...

Re: Another

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:02 am
by Darklor
Which were that?