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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:40 pm
by Enigma
Author: Nimaru Shuuichi
Illustrator: Ryou@Ryou


Gifted is a word to describe a genius with extraordinary intelligence. Teshimine, the most prominent corporation in the world, has gathered dozens of these gifted people. Some of the ones gathered include L, an elementary school girl always able to guess the correct answer. Koumyouji Ayame, a high school girl who posses an unnatural amount of flawless beauty and intelligence. And the protagonist merely trying to escape boredom, Kanoh Yasuke. They and others were gathered to bet their lives on a game.

The summary was basically just the cover's summary reworded and trimmed down. The cover also explains Gifted as "one who is extremely intelligent, passionate, emotional, tragic." I hope it's accurate enough, since my Japanese is terrible. Gifted seems to be a one-shot novel, so it's only one novel long, but comes to 349 pages. As my Japanese stinks, I could only skim through it and catch some of the events. So far, I really like the interactions with the grade school genius, Elm (黒田 枝流夢 (くろだ えるむ). I have no basis of translating her name as L (her nickname is エル) other than not liking El or Eru, as it just feels like a kid-like moniker. My only basis for translating Erumu as Elm was the kanji composing her name, and it seems rather un-Japanese-like; it might be further explained in the parts I couldn't read well.

The story seems to be told from Yasuke's point of view. If anyone has any more information to add, please do so. My only hope is the novel sells well enough to warrant more from the author, or even a second volume.

Re: Gifted

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:43 pm
by EusthEnoptEron
Gifted is a good read and I really liked it, but what bothered me a little was that the protagonists were always praised to be geniuses, even though I couldn't get what was so special about them.

A second volume is coming out in May.