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[Original - Pending] Crimson Hound

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:33 am
by Lord_crisis
Title: Crimson Hound
Author: Me
Illustrator: N/A - None available yet
Themes: Action, Comedy, Demons, Magic, School Life, Shounen, Supernatural

Synopsis: Todai Academy, a high school famous for its academic prestige but more known for the way the students are ranked internally. Of the six hundred students enrolled at the school each of them are ranked on their fight prowess by a system known as Judgement. Among them are the ten strongest students known as the 'Rounds', each of which are rumoured to possess supernatural abilities. This is the story of a first year, Tanaka, Kai who aims to stand at the top and become the school's strongest.
Spoiler! :
Crimson Hound - Chapter 1: A New Stage [Yokai Arc]

Todai Academy, a high school famous for its academic prestige but more known for the way the students are ranked internally. Of the six hundred students enrolled at the school each of them are ranked on their fight prowess by a system known as Judgement. Among them are the ten strongest students known as the 'Rounds', each of which are rumoured to possess supernatural abilities. This is the story of a first year, Tanaka, Kai who aims to stand at the top and become the school's strongest.

The morning bell chimed and with it came the sound of excessive chatter and footsteps as students made their way into the school building. Today was the first day of the new school year, an air of eagerness, nervousness and naivety could be felt, particularly around one first year student. It was clear he was the most nervous of them all, his facial expression showed it. His eyes darted from one place to another and his hands were clasped on his stomach, he was clearly nervous, but for some reason he seemed to radiate some form of confidence and excitement. The name of this first year was Tanaka, Kai.

Kai: I've finally made it in.... My new stage! I can't help but feel like everyone here is strong. I'm gonna become the strongest, no matter how long it takes.

Despite Kai's confident words his figure didn't really match what one would usually think a strong person looked like. He was a 5'4" shorty with a lean body shape with no outstanding features with the exception of his short black hair, his 'vicious-looking' eyes and loud mouth. Kai may not have looked strong but he knew first-hand that appearances meant nothing. He came to Todai Academy in the hopes of becoming the strongest, if anyone underestimated him he'd make sure they suffered a humiliating loss.

All first years were required to make their way towards the assembly hall where the welcoming ceremony would begin and an acceptance speech would be given by the Principal. Of all the things said by the Principal there was one thing that stuck in his head. 'Exceed your limitations and aim for the top'.

A smirk began to form on his face as he left the assembly hall and made his way towards his classroom.

Kai: Where to sit.... Where to sit.... I guess all the cool kids will be sitting at the back. After all, the more important you are in an anime the closer you sit to the back.

There really was no other option, Kai's mind was already made up. He'd walk towards the back taking the seat next to the window. Closing his eyes he'd begin to think about what sort of action the school had in store for him, except that moment of peace only lasted for a short time before being cut short by the arrival of some unknown male.

Thug: Get the hell out of my seat
Kai: Who the hell are you? In fact, since when was this your seat? I arri-
Thug: Didn't you hear me, kid? Do as I say
Kai: K-Kid?! Just who do you think you are?!

Both Kai and the Thug grabbed each other's collar, ready to swing their fists at any moment. This wasn't the sort of fight Kai had in mind when he joined, he wanted to face strong individuals not high school thugs, but that didn't matter. He wouldn't turn down an opportunity to make a name for himself as the strongest first year. Just as the two were about to throw their first punches they were stopped instantly by the sound of a loud voice coming from one of their classmates.

Classmate: What?! Sensei is coming?!

Both Kai and the Thug let go of one another's collars but their eyes did not avert elsewhere. As the thug sighed annoyingly taking a seat at the front of the class, Kai would sit down. His facial expression showed that he was fuming, he was looking forward to beating the thug down.

Classmate: Sorry about that. I lied. Sensei isn't coming but I had to do something to stop a fight from breaking out on the first day.
Kai: It had nothing to do with you.... Although I guess I would've gotten into quite a bit of trouble if I was caught fighting, especially on my first day. So thanks!
Classmate: No problem. That guy you were just about to fight with is Mori, he and I went to the same junior high school so I know how violent he can be. It isn't everyday you meet a 'textbook thug'

What the male said was correct. Mori was the classic textbook thug, he was tall, quite built, had a biker hairdo and wore his school blazer unbuttoned with nothing but a vest underneath it.

Classmate: Nice to meet you by the way, I'm Kageyama Junpei but everyone calls me Joe
Kai: Joe, eh? It's nice to meet ya too. I'm Tanaka, Kai. Call me Kai though.
Joe: So Kai, if you were planning on fighting Mori then that must mean you're strong.... or at least confident in your strength. What rank are you?
Kai: Rank?
Joe: The rank that determines your strength amongst the students.
Kai: Oh.... I don't know. What I do know though is that I'll be number one soon enough. What rank are you, Joe?
Joe: I'm unranked, you see, I'm not a fighter, I don't do fights. I'm an encyclopedia.
Kai: E-Encyclopedia?
Joe: I store information. Think of me as another version of the ranking system used to rank strength. Except.... Instead of ranking students on their strength.... I rate them on their hotness. Why rank people on how strong they are when I can rank all the hotties. There are so many top notch girls in this school that I don't even know where to start!
Kai: T-That sounds great.... So how do I find out my rank?
Joe: Gee were you even listening to what I said? The underground website run by the student council should tell you.

Joe took out his phone from his pocket and began searching once he entered the underground website. After searching for quite some time, Joe was finally able to find Kai's name on the list, however, it wasn't what Kai was expecting.

Kai: I-I'm last?!

Next time: The system, Judgement is explained - Kai finds out how the ranking system works as well as an appearance of one of the Rounds
Chapter One
Chapter Two

This isn't a fan fiction of other works and is an original novel by me which I'd like to get published on the wiki under the original light novel section. Since this is an original work and English is my native language I won't need a translator. I've placed the first chapter in the spoiler tag so please have a look and I hope you'll enjoy it.


Re: [Original - Pending] Crimson Hound

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:39 am
by Misogi
... Okay, before someone asks why this thread is here, I should make an explanation.

Oni requested Lord_crisis to make a poll if he wants to get his work listed in the Original Light Novels section. To increase its visibility, I took the initiative to move it here.

I'll put a minimal deadline of two weeks. If there's a clear result, then the poll will be closed. A negative answer or a lack of votes will send this topic back to the Fan Fiction sub-forum, with a cooldown before that request can be done again.

Thanks for your attention.

Re: [Original - Pending] Crimson Hound

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:45 am
by BitterSugar
I've voted 'not really' because the dialogues are, to bluntly put it, 'unnatural'.
There are no description of how they are said, making it sound quite lifeless and mundane.
Plus, the way the dialogues are written is like a script, which isn't typical (actually, is there any novels like this?) for a light novel.

Another thing to note is that the sentence structures are quite repetitive. Almost all of your sentences begin with a subject, which doesn't make it sound fluid and hence would make a reader lose interest as he/she continues reading.
Oh, and there are also tiny errors like a missing punctuation. Perhaps you should ask someone to proof-read/edit your work?

With that said, if you changed small yet critical elements like these, I believe the OLN could turn out quite successful if you put a lot of effort into it.

Re: [Original - Pending] Crimson Hound

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:42 am
by Darklor
So what was the result of the vote? Can it now move back into Fan fiction section?