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Haruhi Theater - General Thread

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:32 am
by an Engrish speaker
A side story of Haruhi series --Haruhi Theater act.2.
this story is romp and a sequel of Haruhi Theater (Haruhi Theater was translated by Strato).
In the story, members of SOS brigade have a boisterous space adventure.
It is a funny and exciting story though it's short and unfinished.

If it is translated, non-Japanese/Chinese speakers can also share this fun.:D
(If you need some access to Japanese or Chinese version, post a reply. 8) )

Edit: Thread updated ~ oni

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:44 am
by HolyCow
Hell yes!

The original Haruhi theater was amusing, and it'd be awesome to see this translated.

Are you going to be doing it, an Engrish Speaker?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:51 am
by onizuka-gto
i always wonder about that.

would be nice to read up on it.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:14 am
by an Engrish speaker
maybe no... :(
I know my English is lack of vocabulary and not as skilled as to express the mood.
I know also translating a story is much more difficult than translating an interview because translaters have to convey emotions and mood as well as meanings. 8)
If no one will take it, i might go for it as i'd like you, non-Japanese speakers to share the fun.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:20 am
by HolyCow
We'd really appreciate it if you'd translate this. Most people here have read the 1st Haruhi Theater and the sequel would be nice.

Please? :P

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:29 am
by Setherzam
=/ I haven't even read the first haruhi theater

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:41 am
by the_naming_game
an Engrish speaker:
Even though I haven't read it yet. thanks for translating the Tanigawa Nagaru interview.

As for Haruhi Theater Act 2,

If you have trouble expressing a certain mood in English, perhaps you can include notes. The notes would say what mood you felt upon reading the corresponding passage. Then someone else would be able to adjust your English to fit that mood. (Hopefully without changing the meaning!)

By the way, there is supposed to be an Act 3 as well, right? Or has it been canceled?


Actually, his volume one is thewordfoundundersuperiorinthedictionary to ours in many respects. You might want to read his version if you have time.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:42 am
by an Engrish speaker
the_naming_game : It's supposed to be but there is no announcement.
Considering that Haruhi Theater is just a side show and the 10th novel is delayed, it will be long before the 3rd gets released.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:59 am
by BaKaFiSh
I have raws if you need them.


It's extremely entertaining, to say the least~ XD

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:47 am
by an Engrish speaker
I gave it a try and translated some parts(only 2% of whole text and it took me 1.5 hour)
This is it.
Spoiler! :
As no one seems to remember the previous episode, I'd make a brief summary of the episode:

We, the members of the SOS Brigade, suddenly came, or I should say, we found ourselves to be taken, to a cheesy fantasy-RPG world. With the King's request to retrieve the prince and the princess, we took off for the demon lord's castle. As soon as we arrived at the castle because of Haruhi's headlongness, who always rushes straight ahead, a super-dreadnaught level spell via Asahina-san blown away the demon lord along with the prince, the princess, even the castle. Then, as the mission seemed to be failed, we were dropped into the world like shown in some cheap space operas set in a galay. And while thinking "What's going on?", we got imposed a new mission with nothing was understood. But the mission content was the same as the previous--retrieving the kidnapped prince and princess...

End of briefing.
Does it make sense? How's the flow?

BaKaFiSh :
Do you have raw TEXTs? I have raw images but they are incovenient.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:36 pm
by bicube
It makes sense. The flow is a bit bumpy on some parts, but can be fixed easily. You did a good job translating it into an understandable English.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:15 pm
by BaKaFiSh

I have the images, I think

And a .txt

I think it's all of it, but I can't be completely sure.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:23 am
by the_naming_game
an Engrish speaker:
This may or may not help you with speed. (I often use this when translating Japanese to English, to help me with Japanese words I don't know, though it may be equally useful for helping you with English words you don't know.)

I did a not-so-quick edit of your passage. The parts in red are the ones that change meaning; therefore there might be problems.
Spoiler! :
As no one seems to have remembered the previous episode, I'll make a brief summary of the episode:

We, the members of the SOS Brigade, suddenly arrived, or I should say, we found ourselves taken, to a cheesy fantasy-RPG world. With the King's request to retrieve the prince and the princess, we took off for the demon lord's castle. As soon as we arrived at the castle, somehow, in the confusion due to Haruhi's headlongness (I can't think of a good word right now), who always rushes straight ahead, Asahina-san blew away the demon lord along with the prince, the princess, even the castle, with a super-dreadnaught level spell. Then, as the mission had apparently failed, we were dropped into a world like you'd see in some cheap space opera set in a galaxy. And while wondering "What's going on?", and still not understanding anything, we got a new mission imposed upon us. But the mission content was the same as the previous--retrieving the kidnapped prince and princess...

End of briefing.
First red section:
  • "何だか解らないうちに" ... I changed the English to "somehow, in the confusion"
    In other words, it was confusing then, causing the castle to be destroyed?
Second red section:
  • "事情を何一つ理解できないまま" ... I changed the English to "and still not understanding anything" (I am not happy with my wording though)
    つまり、事情が何一つ理解できないということ? それとも指令は何一つ理解できないということ?
    In other words, it was the situation that was confusing? Or was it the orders that were confusing?
(Maybe my Japanese is more confusing than my English...)

Also, I have sent you a PM with a link to the sjis txt. Good luck with the translation!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:25 am
by Setherzam
just wondering, just how much time do you spend to color code your post?...

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:37 am
by the_naming_game
I have a macro (I use vim, and I have a mapping that automatically inserts a color open and close block for things. Not to mention, I know a lot of vim shortcuts; it's a really efficient editor. In conclusion, emacs sucks, vim rocks.) that inserts things like color and list tags. What makes it especially fast is that I only have to type, and it sees that I have typed a "[c" and it automatically replaces that with the color tag, and so on. So it's not like I have to Ctrl-X-T-Z or something. I just have to type.

The real bottleneck isn't the formatting anyway... it's the humanoid interface.