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So what is Volume 7 about anyway?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:58 am
by Naked Coffee 54
So what is Volume 7 about? Of the four full novels book seven is the only one I'm not sure of the plot. I tried babelfishing the product descriptions from its page, but that was as useless as always. Funny to read though. If any of you folk who've already read it could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.

Oh, the aforementioned descriptions:
出版社 / 著者からの内容紹介
残りわずかな高一生活をのんびりと過ごすはずだった俺の前に現れたのは、8日後の未来から来た朝比奈さん!? しかもこの時間へ行くように指示したのは俺だというのだ。8日後の俺よ、いったい何を企んでるんだ!?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:00 am
by Coffee 54
By the way, the above post is mine, I just forgot to long in. :oops: