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More Haruhi?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:51 pm
by Darklor
How good or bad are the Haruhi games and drama CD's storywise? Could their stories be converted into the written form with/in a similar style like the original Haruhi stories of Tanigawa Nagaru. Would it be worthwhile? Or can their stories already be found somewhere?

Re: More Haruhi?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:37 pm
by shichinanatsu
can't say much about the games, but the drama CD's fine if you ask me.
Spoiler! :
on the surface it looks more original than anything, but as you get to the meat of the story you might get the feeling that its a literal redo of Mysterique Sign, particularly the fight with the kamadouma/cave cricket.
i remember seeing subbed videos of the drama CD in youtube, around a year ago, so i'm not really sure if its still there. but if you can listen to japanese and make sense of it, i'd suggest looking for the nipponsei torrents of the drama CD in mininova (Nipponsei also does character song albums and OP and ED themes..)

Re: More Haruhi?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:12 pm
by Kaisos Erranon
The Drama CD has some of the best lines EVER.

And it's not entirely a literal redo of Mysterique Sign. The monster is way cooler. And they defeat it with THE POWAH OF ROCK.

So awesome.

Also, I still have the subbed videos if anyone wants them. Though I'm not exactly sure if offering them is legal here, but it's not licensed so it should be okay.

Re: More Haruhi?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:57 pm
by Darklor
Ah found it, at least Sound Around - not bad. - but I have no idea what is with the other CD's. The story wouldnt in a pure written form work as good as on the CD, but maybe with some musicnotes placed at the right places a written form could get an similar effect. ;)

As for the games: with the infos I found it didnt look like as if they havent had a real story at all besides the PSP game. At least it looks like one didnt lose much of a story without own and playing one of the games besides some pictures.

As for this the Itsuki promise ark of the PSP-game would be the right ark for what did happen in the books right?