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Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:26 pm
by Rohan123
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Progress will be really slow... not the greatest at Chinese, so I'll have to get help from friends for some parts.
Well, good luck then.

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:15 pm
by MyProjectAlicization
Here's a little bit. Brackets are notes from me

It seems like everyone was waiting for Ai to get back.
When Ai saw this, she unhappily moved her lower lip, but stopped to great them nonetheless.
She bowed, lifted her shovel, and recited the lines of a Grave Keeper.
“Good evening everyone, today I have upheld the dignity of a Grave Keeper: helping you get through your sublime lives…”
But she only got up to here before her voice was drowned out by the villagers.
“Why are you this late? Didn’t we say you needed to come back before dark?
“Are you hungry?” (is your stomach hungry)(childish)
“That’s right, we still have left over snacks! Eat up!”
“Oh, we still have lemonade as well!”
She couldn’t maintain her dignity for even a moment. The villagers casually rubbed her hair while a grandma/old lady (slightly informal) handed out snacks one by one and the old men eagerly looked to talk with Ai.
Ai sighed while in the middle of this crowd.
“I don’t want snacks or lemonade! All the food I need for today has already been prepared at home! Please don’t mind me and just happily live your lives!”
A strongly expressed the Grave Keeper’s attitude (don’t really know what word to use here so I just went with attitude), but the villagers only nodded their heads politely, ignoring her words and not willing to release her.
“You people!” (don’t know if people is the right choice of words here)

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:07 pm
by cramped
I forgot to mention that I did this part already and forgot to post it. Anyway if it is fine with you you can start on ch.1 and I will finish up the prologue.XD

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:41 am
by MyProjectAlicization
-_- lol ok... This would've been nice to know earlier.... But whatever XD

Also, is it just me or is the Chinese used in this book weird... I mean a lot of the vocab and sentences are phrased awkwardly.... Well probably cuz it was translated from Japanese

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:42 pm
by MyProjectAlicization
Ok, here's the days of the week for chapter 1, no idea what the title means also very confused bout alot of it. Brackets are notes from me.

Chapter 1 - front half – ”为了热爱神话的人” (no idea wtf this is supposed to mean in any language)
On Monday, God created the world.
God created “nothing” in a place where even the concept of nothing did not exist.
On Tuesday, God separated the order and the chaos.
God defined freedom and liberty, thus making a decision in which direction the world would travel in.
On Wednesday, God sorted the order of every number.
His tedious work brought about beautiful diversity.
On Thursday, God allowed for time to flow.
Numbers grew explosively, giving birth to the first humans. (I think this is what it is telling me, although I don’t know.)
On Friday, God looked at every corner of the Earth.
Over millions of years of search, God found this world to be ideal and had come to love it.
On Saturday, God rested.
Billions of years passed. (This says billions of light years passed, at least I think it does… but that is a measure of distance and makes no sense)
Then, on Sunday God abandoned the world.

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:31 am
by MyProjectAlicization
So apparently the chapter name is "For Those Who Love Legends" although I believe "为了" is the complete wrong choice of words for this title...

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:49 pm
by chancs
You both can compare the work and... can rectify

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:21 am
by pygmalion
Just returned to the forum and sees that MPA already posted a lot here :)
Hey MPA ^^

Just want to state one thing, when this volume is up later on, we surely will need some editors to review it, since the current editor that helps MPA on finishing the translation, mostly are not native speakers :D

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:04 am
by MyProjectAlicization
Ok here's the first little bit of chapter 1. just gonna repost the bit I have already posted because why not. I know it's probably not great, I'm sorry D:
Also, yeah hey Ethrundr! You should check this more often, after all, you're the one who introduced me to the series!!

Chapter 1 - front half – ”为了热爱神话的人” "For Those Who Love Legends"
On Monday, God created the world.
God created “nothing” in a place where even the concept of nothing did not exist.
On Tuesday, God separated the order and the chaos.
God defined freedom and liberty, thus making a decision in which direction the world would travel in.
On Wednesday, God sorted the order of every number.
His tedious work brought about beautiful diversity.
On Thursday, God allowed for time to flow.
Numbers grew explosively, giving birth to the first humans. (I think this is what it is telling me, although I don’t know.)
On Friday, God looked at every corner of the Earth.
Over millions of years of search, God found this world to be ideal and had come to love it.
On Saturday, God rested.
Billions of years passed. (This says billions of light years passed, at least I think it does… but that is a measure of distance and makes no sense)
Then, on Sunday God abandoned the world.
Fifteen years ago, God suddenly appeared in front of people and told them:
“Heaven is too crowded with people and this world will come to its end very quickly. Ah, I’ve made a mistake.” (hmmmmmm screwed up is probably more accurate here… but I don’t really think God would say that.)
God just left behind these words before vanishing into thin air. However the humans only wanted to sing and rejoice for spring while nature around them trembled in fear. Though humans had only existed in this world for less than a million years, this was their first time meeting God, but God was certainly already saying farewell.
From that day onward, humans no longer died.
Even if their heart stops beating, and their body festers, the dead will still continue on with their activities.
From that day onward, humans were not born.
It was as if the factory that made humans stopped production, never to make another human being.
So far, in the time after God left the Earth, people started screaming and vomiting blood – living on the verge of death.
The number of the living people quickly and suddenly decreased; the whole world filled up with dead corpses.
Later, the Grave Keepers appeared.
God sent the Grave Keepers to mankind as one last miracle.
Grave Keepers do not grow old and nor do they know fatigue.
God gave them the most perfect bodies beyond man’s wildest imaginations. He told them to build tombs, bury the dead that after still wandering around the world and avoid disturbing people’s everyday lives. It was only at this time that people could peacefully sleep.

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:45 am
by pygmalion
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Ok here's the first little bit of chapter 1. just gonna repost the bit I have already posted because why not. I know it's probably not great, I'm sorry D:
Also, yeah hey Ethrundr! You should check this more often, after all, you're the one who introduced me to the series!!

Chapter 1 - front half – ”为了热爱神话的人” "For Those Who Love Legends"
On Monday, God created the world.
God created “nothing” in a place where even the concept of nothing did not exist.
On Tuesday, God separated the order and the chaos.
God defined freedom and liberty, thus making a decision in which direction the world would travel in.
On Wednesday, God sorted the order of every number.
His tedious work brought about beautiful diversity.
On Thursday, God allowed for time to flow.
Numbers grew explosively, giving birth to the first humans. (I think this is what it is telling me, although I don’t know.)
On Friday, God looked at every corner of the Earth.
Over millions of years of search, God found this world to be ideal and had come to love it.
On Saturday, God rested.
Billions of years passed. (This says billions of light years passed, at least I think it does… but that is a measure of distance and makes no sense)
Then, on Sunday God abandoned the world.
Fifteen years ago, God suddenly appeared in front of people and told them:
“Heaven is too crowded with people and this world will come to its end very quickly. Ah, I’ve made a mistake.” (hmmmmmm screwed up is probably more accurate here… but I don’t really think God would say that.)
God just left behind these words before vanishing into thin air. However the humans only wanted to sing and rejoice for spring while nature around them trembled in fear. Though humans had only existed in this world for less than a million years, this was their first time meeting God, but God was certainly already saying farewell.
From that day onward, humans no longer died.
Even if their heart stops beating, and their body festers, the dead will still continue on with their activities.
From that day onward, humans were not born.
It was as if the factory that made humans stopped production, never to make another human being.
So far, in the time after God left the Earth, people started screaming and vomiting blood – living on the verge of death.
The number of the living people quickly and suddenly decreased; the whole world filled up with dead corpses.
Later, the Grave Keepers appeared.
God sent the Grave Keepers to mankind as one last miracle.
Grave Keepers do not grow old and nor do they know fatigue.
God gave them the most perfect bodies beyond man’s wildest imaginations. He told them to build tombs, bury the dead that after still wandering around the world and avoid disturbing people’s everyday lives. It was only at this time that people could peacefully sleep.
Just one edit I found:
last two lines, isn't the word "after" is not needed? it's sound quite weird for me....

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:48 am
by MyProjectAlicization
I think I meant to write "are" there... I'm pretty sure at least

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:50 am
Hmmm, just a couple suggestions, to keep tenses aligned, and to probably fit a rhythm, I guess.
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Even if their heart stops beating, and their body festers, the dead will still continue on with their activities.
I would change this to,
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Even if their hearts stopped, and their bodies festered, the dead would continue on with their activities.
MyProjectAlicization wrote:So far, in the time after God left the Earth, people started screaming and vomiting blood – living on the verge of death.
The number of the living people quickly and suddenly decreased; the whole world filled up with dead corpses.
Later, the Grave Keepers appeared.
I suggest changing it to,
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Soon, in the time after God left the Earth, people began screaming and vomiting blood - living on the verge of death.
The number of living quickly and suddenly decreased; the whole world filled with dead corpses.
Eventually, the Grave Keepers appeared.
And this,
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Grave Keepers do not grow old and nor do they know fatigue.
God gave them the most perfect bodies beyond man’s wildest imaginations. He told them to build tombs, bury the dead that after still wandering around the world and avoid disturbing people’s everyday lives. It was only at this time that people could peacefully sleep.
To this,
MyProjectAlicization wrote:Grave Keepers did not grow old and nor did they know fatigue.
God gave them perfect bodies beyond man’s wildest imaginations. He instructed them to build tombs, and bury the dead that still wandered the world, to avoid disturbing people’s everyday lives. It was only after this, that people could peacefully sleep.
These are my thoughts.

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:56 am
by Rohan123
^ I don't think there is a need to write "dead corpses" since corpses mean dead bodies, so "dead corpses" becomes redundant.

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:59 am
by MyProjectAlicization
Rohan123 wrote:^ I don't think there is a need to write "dead corpses" since corpses mean dead bodies, so "dead corpses" becomes redundant.
Yeah, I thought this as well, but corpses sounded weird to me by itself, if it sounds fine to you I'll change it along with all the other stuff TUSF said tomorrow.

Also hi TUSF! I know how much fun you had signing up! So thanks for proof reading my crappy translations. So many errors <_<

Re: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:12 am
MyProjectAlicization wrote:
Rohan123 wrote:^ I don't think there is a need to write "dead corpses" since corpses mean dead bodies, so "dead corpses" becomes redundant.
Yeah, I thought this as well, but corpses sounded weird to me by itself, if it sounds fine to you I'll change it along with all the other stuff TUSF said tomorrow.

Also hi TUSF! I know how much fun you had signing up! So thanks for proof reading my crappy translations. So many errors <_<
Hmmm, yeah, it's difficult to get it to "click" right, without being redundant.

And hahah. Well I got that out of the way. May as well try to do something around the forum. Your "crappy translations" is a fine excuse xP