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Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:21 pm
by r2kordmaa
wikipedia link for the novel series:
there are 9 novels in the series, a manga and a anime is created based on that series
description of anime:
original books:
sry couldnt find a place to steal the raws from from, maybe someone can do a better job at looking for em

Tazusa Sakurano is a 16-year-old girl whose beauty is worth $10 billion -- or at least, that's how she describes herself. She is a skilled figure skater who represents Japan, and is working hard to earn a spot in the Olympics; but unfortunately, at the same time that she fumbled on her triple lux, a ghost possessed her body! His name is Pete Pumps, and he now sees all that Tazusa sees, and feels all that she feels -- especially hard falls. The two have no idea why Tazusa's body was chosen, and how to undo it. If things weren’t complicated enough, the media also hounds Tazusa for being a poor representative for Japanese women in the figure skating arena, and worst of all she has absolutely no privacy! Realizing that there's no way fight against the situation, Tazusa and Pete work together to give their best performance in figure skating.

well that goes about anime

i need to recheck but im pretty sure noone has lisenced it yet

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:20 am
by Zalthers
Well done on the summary, I personally saw it on the shelves of the bookstore, but I don't really like stories involving ghost possesion and stuff. And... The front cover gave me odd chills... You probably explained why I was having these chills. Ice skating, ghost possesion, guy in a girl body... mmm. that is actually quite the bundle I do not look forward to.

Regarding something, I'm going to a book fair, and intending to buy a book written by the author (or so, the book claims it was done by him) for the same author which wrote AIR, from KEY. According to my suspicions, it's a single shot story. I'll throw up the details of the novel up here later, and have someone verify that it isn't another "zomfg, it's several novels long" and if it lives up to expectations, I will translate it. Hey goddamn, it's by KEY, or i don't know, the same author of AIR, I gotta translate... This time I will go to the damn irc channel for help. lol. :twisted:

Oh yeah. the book cover reeks of yuri... There's the hot chance i might just change my mind in the end. BOOK FESSS, HERE I COOMMMMEEEE

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:27 am
by r2kordmaa
whoo, way too fancy, my request actually got some attention. if you have doubts bout story you can just watch the anime for starters. and no it desnt get yuri (atleast not in anime). anyway thank you.


er.. bout the
and have someone verify that it isn't another "zomfg, it's several novels long"
didnt i mention
there are 9 novels in the series, a manga and a anime is created based on that series
i really wanted to get the translated books to find out what happens next in the story

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:22 pm
by Zalthers
lololol, er cough cough splat splat. my second paragraph onwards is mentioning a different novel. it's not the one you are talking about. :) misled you i guess, sorry lol.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:04 pm
by r2kordmaa
er.. ok


oopsy that was pointless post
anyway to see the book translated would be way too fancy, contact me if i can help somehow (rkordmaa at hotmail dot com)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:07 pm
by ShApEsHiFt3r
As long as I can see a better ending than what was in the anime then I definitely want it translated :)
You probably explained why I was having these chills. Ice skating, ghost possesion, guy in a girl body... mmm. that is actually quite the bundle I do not look forward to.
Me too, but since a lot of people told me I should check it out, I did and it's really a great anime at the very least, don't know about the book. I'd give it a 7-8/10.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:05 am
by Lilith
Personally I don't really see the point, the story was if at best mediocre. The best part of the anime actually was the end as it was the only time it managed to actual suprise me a bit. I am pretty suprised that there are 9 volumes out... It didn't seem to have that much to tell.

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:44 pm
by Ensis
um.... hello. first time posting. anyway, i know that no one posted in this thread for like a year, but i also want to see this translated. the anime of the same name stopped its run in 2005, a year before the novel series ended. so i kind of would like to read the intended ending for the series... and sorry if posting in a year long dead thread is a nuisance.

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:00 am
by Darknemo2000
What you want and what we can are different things. If a reader wants to start a project he has to find one translator or at least one chapter translated with possibilities to get more, OUTSIDE B-T.

You cannot just post it and say - I want this, translate. You need to find a translator yourself (preferably outside B-T community as all our active translators are already busy). We are always ready to host a project. Just do not expect us to start translating projects, as most of our translators have hands full with work.

Oh and i chose "Yes". I would like it to see it translated but you have to start it yourself (find translators, or 'seduce" the ones from other projects, but other project fans will not be very happy,s o it is not recommended).

Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:17 pm
by Minimoto
I watched the anime and thought that it was good. I found out that there is a light novel and it immediately piqued my interest. I do not know where it can be found sadly; this is simply a suggestion.

This is the Wikipedia for the series.

This is a preview.

I hope someone is able to find it and willing to translate it.

-Thank you very much for your consideration.

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:35 pm
by quethiril
[double post, from when the threads were combined]

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:59 pm
by quethiril
Ooops, I posted in the other thread about the series, but I see that this one is more active (well, higher post count, at least).

In case people are curious about where the series goes, here is a rough idea:

Vols. 1-2 - Same story arc as the anime: Tazusa is possessed by Pete Pumps (Hikaru no Go style, not like Pete is actually controlling her body or anything) as she is gearing up for the Turin Olympics.

Vol. 3 - Tazusa decides to try pair skating.

Vol. 4 - Something about Tazusa's sister wanting to learn how to skate?

Vol. 5 - Tazusa goes to America and dukes it out with a pop idol skater.

Vol. 6 - Short episodes from the childhoods of Shitou Kyouko and Dominique Miller -- how they got into skating, and why they live in Tazusa's shadow. At the end, it covers the 2009 World Championships in New York.

Vols. 7-9 - The concluding arc, about the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

In conclusion, the series basically gives up the supernatural premise after the first 2 volumes. I think the first 2 volumes make a really nice stand-alone package. Vols. 3-5 looked like filler to me, so I didn't even buy them. But I guess hardcore fans will also want the last arc, because we desperately want to know whether Tazusa wins gold in 2010! :D

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:50 am
by quethiril
Okay, so after waffling about it for a while, I've decided to try my hand at translating this series. I have the prologue done and am working on chapter 1. I doubt I'll have it done within a week, so I guess the project's not ripe for its own page yet, but I thought I'd at least mention it here, so any other interested translators know to start with later chapters.

Also, it is waaaaaay ambitious of me to even think about this, but my plan is to do vols. 1 and 2 and then skip straight to 7 (which I just started reading for myself). My previous post should explain why.

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:22 am
by r2kordmaa
hehee, wonders never end, after year and a half someone picked the project up. muchos gracias, will be eagerly waiting to read it

Re: Ginban Kaleidoscope

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:09 pm
by quethiril
r2kordmaa wrote:hehee, wonders never end, after year and a half someone picked the project up.
Eheheh... um... Merry Christmas? ^^;;

BTW, I won't be able to do much as far as scanning or sharing raws. It'd be nice if we can get the novel illustrations up somehow... I'm too anal with my books to scan them very well. =/