Original LN: Rise and fall.

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Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

Ok, I already tried to do something like that in Russian but I quickly realized that my first project was way too global for only nine chapters for the first part. Therefore I took down that idiotic dream from the forum, but I never let go of my idea. And right now I'm trying to create something good using some of my concepts. I'm not satisfied with title, but I needed it for start.
Enjoy prologue if you would be able to, comment and criticise. I have a long way to go, after all.
Spoiler! :
0/It's not my introduction.

Hey, have you ever thought that you’re just a point in one grand line which is made from billions of people?

That you’re nothing special, and you have nothing to be proud at?

That you can’t do anything to improve this filthy and stinky world?

I have. That’s the curse of having too much intellect. You’re starting to think of things which you shouldn’t touch yet, which you cannot accept with your childish mind. And because of that you need to run away from the cruel reality.

I wanted to change the world. And I knew that I couldn’t do anything.

I wanted to save, yet I could only hurt people.

I wanted a power, but I knew that I didn’t have any special abilities to begin with, and I decided to give up on training my body.

It was frustrating to know that you have no power to change something. I was on the verge of breaking down. I even seriously thought of suicide, but I was too clever for that and thought that it was nothing but meaningless escapism.

And so, I lived on. I created a nutshell where I can hide in and proceeded to exist. I forgot the concept of friends and decided to keep people away from me.

Who knew that new step in the real life would be so painful? My nutshell cracked. I wanted to make friends anew, but my last train was lost in the past.

Heh. It’s really a stupid story of mine. People call such characters like me a ‘Marty Sue’, right. They’re usually not wrong. Yet, they’re not right, either. It’s like the stupid view of the things when you think that half-filled and half-empty bottles aren’t the same. Isn’t it ridiculous?

Don’t bother to answer, it was a rhetoric question. I know that I’m harsh and unreasonable but I can’t do anything about it. It’s my style, after all. And I just like jumping from one topic to another without answering any of your questions.

No misunderstanding, please. I’m still acting like I’m a normal person in real life. I’m one despite the fact that I’m only an empty shell of a human. And I hate it.

Such a banal story is my life. You're not bored yet? In any case, I can only go on.

Listen to the sound. If you’re not able to, just imagine it.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The clocks stopped,

Yet, the pendulum has only begun swaying,

And Paradox is beginning its game.

The story’s starting.
And a chapter one is making its appearance. I do not feel like doing long chapters at the moment but the next must be more than pitiful 1,7k words, I hope.
Spoiler! :
1/The dream isn’t kind.

There are some people in the world who claim they are able to control their dreams. They are enjoying their meaningless and worthless imaginary worlds. It’s their own safe haven where no one can harm them or spoil their fun. I’m not one of them.

Personally, I think it’s a ridiculous theory. The brain needs a rest, not some half-assed euphoria. And if they are really bending the imaginary rules then their brain would just wear out in a few years. However, there’s one ‘but’ which I cannot deny. You might be able to realize that your dream is just a dream, and it isn’t reality.

Let's talk about REM sleep aka Rapid Eye Movement sleep phase. You know, the sleep structure is rather complicated, but, if you put it simply, it can be divided on two main parts which are NREM and REM. The first one consists of four more parts, but I don’t want to stray off the topic. It would be both tiring and boring, and I don’t have all the time in the world.

REM sleep phase is more interesting. Your body isn’t moving at that part of sleep, yet your brain’s working like you’re wide awake. Funny paradox, isn’t it? You see, REM sleep is also very important for your psychic and transportation of information. If you would be constantly woken up by somebody at this stage you might become paranoid. And it’s not fun at all.

However, it isn’t the main part of my explanation. I cannot take more time to explain my problem, though, since it’s simply too weird for me who is currently standing on the hot plain ground in the ragged clothes to think about sleep structure.

Let me depict the scene before me. The sun is high in the sky and its ultraviolet rays are way too bright to my liking. There are no clouds right now and it’s hot. So hot that heated, hard ground, full of cracks, is just like a frying pan for my bare legs. There are no trees whatsoever around, and the water seems to be far away from me. Certainly, you couldn’t find more fitting place for your archenemy from the North.

“It would have been a funny joke if I wasn’t here instead of my non-existing archenemy.” Grumbling, I jumped high in the air letting my legs cool off. It was such a pity that there wasn’t any wind now, but it still was better than having your legs roasted. However, cruel and merciless gravity returned me on the ground making me wince from the heat. Because of that I automatically jumped once again despite knowing that I cannot just change the climate by wishing so. And after soft landing I started running.

There's one simple reason to explain my strange actions. I dislike pain which is messing up with my mind at the moment. Also, it's more clever to find some water instead of wasting my time. By the way, I have one more thing to say about my current situation, but I'm afraid that explanation would only bring me misfortune.

While I’m on the tiring stroll in the desert I’d prefer to continue my interrupted thought about dreams. You see, this strange activity of our brain allows me to understand that everything around me right now is a complicated dream. And it’s not something that every human can realize before he or she is woken up. Really, most people think that their dream is reality and because of that a mere nightmare is so frightening for them. It’s ridiculous if you think about it but that’s how human’s brain works. It uses and compiles from every bit of information you’ve seen, heard or felt a realistic picture. You cannot dream about something you’ve never known; that’s the reality.

But allow me tell you one thing which is bound to be said by every teacher in your school. ‘Every rule has an exception.’ I bet, you already know what I’m talking about. That’s it; it’s all nothing, but a dream about something which I’ve never seen in my life.

It’s a bit difficult to explain, but- oh, have you ever seen a mirage in your dream? I do right now.

Yep, there is a small waterhole surrounded by palm trees. It looks like it’s right in my hand, yet it’s quite far away from me because of refraction of sunlight in the atmosphere. Neverthless, it’s a tempting illusion that tries and drills its way to my brain, and I nearly lost my control over my crazy mind although I understood that it isn’t real. Just like everything around me.

Hey, you don’t think that some random man who never runs for more than ten seconds per day can keep blabbering about his dream-related problems without any signs of tiredness, do you? I’m a bookworm, not some athlete. And that’s exactly why this is a dream. I can do here whatever I want to so long as it doesn’t defy laws of this world. For example, I cannot fly or send supersonic punches via the air like a certain martial artist from one rather famous anime. But, running without any restrictions on my body doesn’t bend the rules so I can pull it off.

Yet, my mind is making my small exercise a bit hard. My breath is hot and erratic, my legs are not listening to my commands, and my head is dizzy. It’s related to the dry air which made my back wet from the unpleasant sweat, but the main reason is my damned mind. Ahh, it annoys me to no end. My imagination is restricted by my rationality and fake sense of reality, so, while it’s not a problem for me to run, my psychic is suffering. And the feeling that something bad might happen right the next moment is making me tense.

“C’mon, it’s just my imagination.” I tried to encourage myself but my half-hearted attempt failed miserably. My legs are heavy like somebody filled them with hot iron, but they aren’t stopping. If I trip and fall on the ground I won’t be able to stand up again. This realization made my heart race from the possibility of such stupid death which would surely be nominated for the Darwin Awards. “My. Death. Won’t. Be. Stupid!”

Sudden burst of adrenaline in my blood let me continue my idiotic run. Don’t be mistaken, though. I’m not so stupid as to be energized because of some silly words. I’m not interested in saving my life for a more fitting death, either. I just noticed one thing which was the worst kind of situation I could be in the desert, alone, without any weapon in my hands. You see, a dozen of horsemen were too close to my liking. Long story short, before I noticed it they were hot on my tail, shouting some nonsense with anger in their voices.

“Rae jou loe gih!”

“Fui nye kio hyn!”

I can only guess what they are trying to order me, sorry. It’s one more nail in the coffin of a theory which was something along with this line ‘You can understand every word in your dream’. As you can see in my case, it’s not entirely true.

My legs are touching the ground only for a mere moment, and I’m almost floating in the air, trying to shake off my pursuers. Sadly, I’m not faster than their pure-blooded horses, so I eventulaly ended up being in the range of their arrows. ‘Uh-oh, it’s not good at all…’

The whistle of the arrow surprised me, while the arrow itself pierced my thigh. I immediately fell on the ground face-first. It was painful landing, but I was more bothered by the arrow which seriously restricted my movements.

“Damn it…” I moaned in pain and quickly broke the arrow in my leg in two, rolling to the side. I bit my lip, trying to bear the pain from the wound, but the final result was more than just satisfying. All other arrows got stuck in the ground near me. Yet, I wasn’t able to run away anymore, so I could only wait for my death and take a look at my killer.

My wandering gaze finally caught the sight of the bow woman who shot me down. It was a beautiful girl whose face left me speechless. I could easily tell that she had Caucasian origin, but there was something Asian in her features. Her eyes were light blue (their color reminded me about the sky high above me), her fair hair was long and beautiful. Her clothes (red and golden dress with zoomorphic ornament on it hinted that she was a warrior and had quite a high standing in her tribe) were light and pretty good, but it was made out of fur which was quite shocking. Yet, my knowledge quickly told me that nomads wore the fur for millennia and it was quite effecting in the steppe. It was the substitute for the lack of air conditioning which was saving their skin from the heat and cold. Her hair dress was pointy like a hood but it was much more fitting a princess.

“Can I consider it as a lucky death?” I muttered under my breath, trying to deceive myself with foolish bravado. Alas, no death was lucky; its cold hands always turned my ride to one end in the suffering. Damn it. Why I couldn’t live even a half an hour here?

“Tye poe Jui kae,” The princess said in bell-like voice pointing her now unsheathed sword at me. Her comrades, or rather bodyguards, didn't risk to steal her prey, so they simply started circling around us. “Ry fiu dea kae.”

It was my death sentence. I could only nod my head and look in her deep eyes, as her blade pierced my heart. In my head was spinning only one thought, ‘Why all my dreams must be ended with my own death?’ before my mind eventually shut down and sent me in the real world.
Last edited by rock96 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Tried to improve some details.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Firstly, I did a check, and its not "Marty Sue", but "Mary Sue" it seems?

About the prologue, its rather dull, but it seems to be your point, so its perfectly fine, except this line.
Such a banal story is my life. Want to read it? I know you do, and I wouldn’t make you suffer from the wait.
If your life is that banal and dull, why would people want to read it? Its a contradiction. Instead you might want to say that the introduction is all boring and all, so you will head right into the story etc?
The clocks are stopping.
If the clocks are stopping, it is time coming to a halt. However, the tick tock and pendulum swaying are both indicating the motion of time, which again leads to a strange situation, Time move -> Time stop -> Time move. I believe you were trying to make another phrase to indicate the motion of time but accidentally made a mistake?

Chapter 1:

I am not sure if you intended it that way, but you are a farmer, yet you are in a place where the ground is heated and full of cracks, which seriously seems unsuitable for farming. (Reading further lets me believe that it is because it is a dream)

Why would the dry air make your back wet with cold sweat...?
(red and golden dress with zoomorphic ornament on it hinted that in her veins was royal blood)
Probably someone of high status, but usually you won't link that with royal blood, unless it shows some emblem. Even so, you probably won't consider royalty at such a time and place on such short notice.

The idea seems a little like Yumekui Merry, but its no problem. However, a great emphasis is placed on "Me" which may cause some discomfort for the reader. This is further enhanced due to you making some descriptions that are hard to absorb or imagine. (Imagine yourself chatting with someone who keeps boasting/talking about himself. How fun/enjoyable is that?)The later part of the story is just fine, starting from the "Yet, my mind is making my small exercise a bit hard" part.

I would believe your story is something perhaps similar to Avatar or Inception? Gradually losing track of reality or dream, or in another world? But I do not know, just a simple guess.

P.S. I personally like the vocabulary you used, some of the words I don't even know, and I had to check them up. No, I am not saying its bad, I am just saying I just learnt some new words! ^^
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

Firstly, I did a check, and its not "Marty Sue", but "Mary Sue" it seems?
Oh, I just remembered that it was in use only on Russian forums. Marty Stu, that is.
About the prologue, its rather dull, but it seems to be your point, so its perfectly fine, except this line.
Yep, it wasn't written to be interesting.
If your life is that banal and dull, why would people want to read it? Its a contradiction. Instead you might want to say that the introduction is all boring and all, so you will head right into the story etc?
Sorry, didn't check prologue. I will correct it, since it ruins the flow.
If the clocks are stopping, it is time coming to a halt. However, the tick tock and pendulum swaying are both indicating the motion of time, which again leads to a strange situation, Time move -> Time stop -> Time move. I believe you were trying to make another phrase to indicate the motion of time but accidentally made a mistake?
The phrases appeared like that, Pendulum -> Wait, I need clocks to justify Tick-Tock! -> Current order of sentences.
Add lack of editor, and there we are, a number of silly mistakes appeared in the story. Need to correct it.
I am not sure if you intended it that way, but you are a farmer, yet you are in a place where the ground is heated and full of cracks, which seriously seems unsuitable for farming. (Reading further lets me believe that it is because it is a dream)
Oops, my bad. It simply escaped my gaze.
Why would the dry air make your back wet with cold sweat...?
Dunno. :roll: It would be hell of editing, I guess.
Probably someone of high status, but usually you won't link that with royal blood, unless it shows some emblem. Even so, you probably won't consider royalty at such a time and place on such short notice.
Let me explain. Red color implies that she is a warrior and golden color is only for someone from ruler's family. It's hard to understand in the first chapter, though. I would try to make it more realistic to explain in the actual story.
The idea seems a little like Yumekui Merry, but its no problem. However, a great emphasis is placed on "Me" which may cause some discomfort for the reader. This is further enhanced due to you making some descriptions that are hard to absorb or imagine. (Imagine yourself chatting with someone who keeps boasting/talking about himself. How fun/enjoyable is that?)The later part of the story is just fine, starting from the "Yet, my mind is making my small exercise a bit hard" part.
For me, it looked like I copied Richard Long Hands and it troubles me. Hopefully, I know that it wouldn't be like that mainstream story, since this novel isn't gonna be series.
Well, I can only hug my head and try and improve the flow. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do at the moment.
I would believe your story is something perhaps similar to Avatar or Inception? Gradually losing track of reality or dream, or in another world? But I do not know, just a simple guess.
Dream part is somewhat close to Inception. About your guess, I can only shrug my shoulders and keep silence, since it's hard to not spoil the fun.
P.S. I personally like the vocabulary you used, some of the words I don't even know, and I had to check them up. No, I am not saying its bad, I am just saying I just learnt some new words! ^^
Yay, that's good to hear. Thank you very much for the detailed review.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

rock96 wrote:
Probably someone of high status, but usually you won't link that with royal blood, unless it shows some emblem. Even so, you probably won't consider royalty at such a time and place on such short notice.
Let me explain. Red color implies that she is a warrior and golden color is only for someone from ruler's family. It's hard to understand in the first chapter, though. I would try to make it more realistic to explain in the actual story.
I agree that it is possible to judge a person's status from clothes (such as high quality silk etc etc), so I have no issues with that. However, the description given is a little too general. Zoomorphic ornament probably indicates tribes, but "royal blood" usually meant kings and princesses, which is usually not associated with tribes, which is why I made that point.

Also, if it is such important description/details, you might spend a little more time to describe it nicely, perhaps talk about her beauty, and how her clothes are a perfect fit for someone like her etc etc? Describe her clothes a little, talk about how they seem to imply she is of a high status? Giving those details makes people get into the story more, as well as let them understand how things really are. Unless you have illustrations or pictures, just general words may not win you much support.

Sorry if you think I offend you in any way, just sharing my thoughts on the story >"<
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

Made some edits in the first post, adding missed spaces, fixing some mistakes and trying to improve the flow.
ShadowZeroHeart wrote: I agree that it is possible to judge a person's status from clothes (such as high quality silk etc etc), so I have no issues with that. However, the description given is a little too general. Zoomorphic ornament probably indicates tribes, but "royal blood" usually meant kings and princesses, which is usually not associated with tribes, which is why I made that point.

Also, if it is such important description/details, you might spend a little more time to describe it nicely, perhaps talk about her beauty, and how her clothes are a perfect fit for someone like her etc etc? Describe her clothes a little, talk about how they seem to imply she is of a high status? Giving those details makes people get into the story more, as well as let them understand how things really are. Unless you have illustrations or pictures, just general words may not win you much support.

Sorry if you think I offend you in any way, just sharing my thoughts on the story >"<
Oh. Description is a pain. Would work on it a bit later.

That's it. It's a minor detail at this point so I'd rather describe it further in next chapters.

None taken, don't worry.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

Second chapter's going to be a pain, regarding depicting locations. Anyway, there's small first part for start.
Spoiler! :
2/Is it a normal day?

Part 1.

“Fuh… That was a dream, right…” I started talking even before I opened my eyes. It was the aftereffect of my abnormally realistic nightmare; I needed to let my body realize that it didn’t die and it was still functioning. And self-hypnosis was just an additional means to achieving my current goal.

‘Inhale. Exhale. Hold your breath for ten seconds then start again.’

My dry cough broke the silence of the room. This breathing exercise made me suffocate because I lacked the precious oxygen in my lungs. Yet, my objective was accomplished; my body started functioning again rejecting the strange, eerie feeling of death.

‘Good grief. It’s harder this morning…’ With this thought in my heavy head I opened my eyes. Bright sunlight slipped through a track blind, which reacted on my slight movement and started opening, effectively piercing the darkness in my messy room. My eyes could only see white ceiling, though, my head didn’t want to move from my soft rectangular pillow which was filled by some artificial substitute of natural material. I curled up, almost overwhelmed by the strong call of the Orpheus’s kingdom. But the possibility of another absurd dream has woken me up completely; I didn’t want to be ‘killed’ the second time in row.

I slowly sat up on the sofa, stretching my body up. The sofa wasn’t hard but it had a serious problem with its width, so my back hurt. With a long yawn I stood up and my left leg immediately slipped on the wet floor pulling my body towards the floor. My hands somewhat softened my abrupt meeting with floor but it still hurt. Really, is the world against me this morning? Am I some unfortunate boy who would meet nun in the white and golden robe who fell on his balcony? By the way, I have no balcony so it’s out of question.

I stared at the wooden floor and slowly got up, making sure that I won’t fall again. Now I wasn’t sleepy at all, since even my furniture wanted to hurt me in one way or another. Just joking, I simply changed the schedule of my personal cleaning robot so it would leave the floor in the living room clean and wet just before I woke up. My house had a bedroom but I never felt any need in it since I was living here alone.

When I stood up, what greeted my eyes were light green walls, small round glass table and set of standard furniture – three chairs and a cupboard, no more, no less, if I would count out my comfortable sofa. The source of light wasn’t on the ceiling; it was installed right in the walls. Because of that there weren’t any dark corners in the living room, so each and every child who comes here would be disappointed by this fact.

I made my first step, and then, after confirming that my footing was stable and my balance wasn’t off, I went to the bathroom. The floor once again offered me its cold and hard embrace on my way, though, but I turned out its offer by regaining balance after stumbling on the flat place.

“Liz, cold water.” I said to the empty and dry air of the bathroom, opening the door in the bathroom, and walked to the washstand. The water came out from the faucet and I started to wash my hands.

If I left someone wondering what happened just now, then I’ll explain a little bit. I live in a smart house where you only need to change some configurations and your voice or movements would be enough to activate some things with help of supporting artificial intellect. Quite convenient, when you live alone, without any spirit to clean after yourself, isn’t it? There is one thing which annoys me, though. Sometimes artificial intellect doesn’t like to silently serve its master.

“Good morning, Grey. Was your dream pleasant?” Feminine voice rang overlapping with sounds of water. It seems that she was annoyed by my lack of manners. True woman, even though she is just an AI.

I just sighed and started to thoroughly wash my face. The water immediately stopped.

“Morning, Liz. Your jokes are cruel as usual.” I exaggeratedly waved my hands. The drops of water flew in every direction.

“Stop it, Grey. Or I’ll make your life here so ‘comfortable’ that you’d want to go right to hell!” Liz always used this warning to prevent me from destroying her fragile insides. They were able to continue their work even in Siberia but she didn’t care.

“My surname is Black, and I don’t remember you using this lame joke before.” I wiped my hands and face dry using the small towel. Then I stared at my reflection in the mirror which was hung above the faucet.

My tired, pale from the lack of sunbath face wasn’t something that would make girls squirm in admiration. I have high cheekbones which made people wondering if I’m really descendant of these conquerors of America from England, sharp features, light green eyes, thin brown brows, straight nose and small lips, their ends were always curved downwards (this detail made my face pretty grim); it’s your usual image of the boy who seldom walks on the street under the sunlight.

Since I preferred reading interesting books over building muscles, my body was lacking in its fitness. Because of that I wore sleeveless shirts only at home while walking in polo necks or hoodies on the street. It was comfortable for walking, but policemen always tried to interrogate me. Last time I almost ended up being beaten to the pulp by angered policeman who clearly needed to cool off. Luckily, I, at least, was able to run off with pretty good speed.

“Stop day-dreaming, Tom.” Liz softly scolded me, and water came out from the faucet again. She was too playful for an artificial intellect, but I don’t know what I would without her. And it’s hard to accept that I cannot return her some favors. Jeez, I need to make sure that I wouldn’t be so soft when I’ll be on the street.

“Isn’t it better than listening to my heartless remarks?” I attempted to lighten the atmosphere, widening my mouth in faint smile. Receiving no response, I picked up my toothbrush from plastic can and started cleaning my teeth from microbes and other unpleasant things. This procedure took me two minutes and twenty seconds; then I slowly and carefully rinsed my mouth. And only after I spat all water from my mouth, Liz spoke.

“Are you alright? You have the nightmares fourteen days in row already, after all.” Her voice was caring and tender. I was slightly surprised by her sign of care but I quickly recovered. What else could I expect from my personal caretaker? However, she didn’t need to worry so long as my mind is in the right place.

“I’m fine. Thanks for consideration, but no need to worry. I’m not that weak to be down just because of some silly dream-“ Suddenly, the tiles under my legs heated up forcing me jump like a crazy rabbit.

“You’re idiot.” Satisfied with my punishment, Liz turned off the heater. Unfortunately, laws of thermodynamics wouldn’t let the floor to be cooled down instantly, so I continued my strange step dance for a minute. Well, people could walk to and fro on the heated coal, but it’s not like it’s an easy trick. They need to control their balance, pacing, and no one would be so crazy as to jump on it right after the wood was burned down. You need to wait until the temperature is stable, otherwise you risk having your legs roasted. And then, imagine that the temperature of the floor under your legs suddenly rose up while you’re not ready. It’s no laughing matter, yeah. Especially, when your nightmare had the very same problem with heat.

While I was trying to busy my mind, the floor slowly cooled down. I exasperatedly sighed and wiped the sweat from my forehead. The warm-up was hotter than I could expect.

“Don’t be angry. I’m just trying to wash away your worries.” I finally put my toothbrush into the can and sighed again. “Liz?”

“Yes?” Liz asked me with slightly agitated voice. And when she became that good in expressing her emotions?

“I need some privacy.” I answered in a serious manner. After a long pause Liz sighed and turned off the cameras in the bathroom.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Not bad, nothing to comment on really, though personally I dont like the index pun, and the idea of naming your house. But thats no big deal. Keep up the good work?

P.S. you might not need some of the long descriptions:
My eyes could only see white ceiling, though, my head didn’t want to move from my soft rectangular pillow which was filled by some artificial substitute of natural material.
You don't really need to describe the material of the pillow etc unless it serves a purpose in the story.

P.S.2 I am not sure why, but this guy sleeps on the sofa in his own house. But I think that was intended? So its not a big issue.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

ShadowZeroHeart wrote:Not bad, nothing to comment on really, though personally I dont like the index pun, and the idea of naming your house. But thats no big deal. Keep up the good work?
Well, Index pun... It just slipped from my mind.
About smart house. I didn't make up the name for house. Such kind of houses are called 'smart houses', so I simply used it.
Thanks, I'll try to keep up.
P.S. you might not need some of the long descriptions:
My eyes could only see white ceiling, though, my head didn’t want to move from my soft rectangular pillow which was filled by some artificial substitute of natural material.
You don't really need to describe the material of the pillow etc unless it serves a purpose in the story.
Oh, right. Need to add something later in description. Or just erase something from text, eh.
P.S.2 I am not sure why, but this guy sleeps on the sofa in his own house. But I think that was intended? So its not a big issue.
Yes, it was intended. He's damned hikkikomori when he's not working. And, to top it off, he's lazy hikkikomory. :)

In next part would be featured another character, so... Wait for it?
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

rock96 wrote: Well, Index pun... It just slipped from my mind.
About smart house. I didn't make up the name for house. Such kind of houses are called 'smart houses', so I simply used it.
Thanks, I'll try to keep up.
P.S.2 I am not sure why, but this guy sleeps on the sofa in his own house. But I think that was intended? So its not a big issue.
Yes, it was intended. He's damned hikkikomori when he's not working. And, to top it off, he's lazy hikkikomory. :)

In next part would be featured another character, so... Wait for it?
I didn't mean smart house, I meant giving the house a name Liz. Its not impossible, but in some ways strange. For example the way you mentioned the house can kick the master out? But you can keep it, its just personal preference anyway.

As for hikkikomori or not, that does answer why a sofa. He should have a bed at home. Guess that will be revealed later I guess?
You need not forgive me.
For those I love,
The violence brought about by sinful men
Shall now be used once more.
If you were created to save this world,
If there is a single shred of hope left for the future of mankind,
I am very sorry, but, please begone!
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

ShadowZeroHeart wrote: I didn't mean smart house, I meant giving the house a name Liz. Its not impossible, but in some ways strange. For example the way you mentioned the house can kick the master out? But you can keep it, its just personal preference anyway.

As for hikkikomori or not, that does answer why a sofa. He should have a bed at home. Guess that will be revealed later I guess?
Oh, I see. It's not exactly for house, the name was specially given to AI. The reasoning... wait, a bit closer and you could uncover one part of my foreshadowing :) .

I'll explain it a bit later.
Kadi - hero we don't deserve.
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Re: Original LN: Rise and fall.

Post by rock96 »

...I'll bump this thread just to show that I'm not dead as an author.

Outline for dreams is already done, while I'm struggling with making it for RL parts. But I'll do it somehow.
The problem is, I need an editor, who can point out my mistakes and remind me that I need to write down my thoughts. Does anybody want to help me with that problem?

BTW, if you remember that I said it won't be series... Well, that was a lie. I think I'll write approximately five more volumes before I start working on my project which is on hold now. Hopefully, I won't put this project aside. I guess, I'll release new chapters as soon as I have permission from big boss to put it on the wiki.
Kadi - hero we don't deserve.
Honorable mention for moderating and translating Campione, editing Gekkou and Hakomari.
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