Isekai Monogatari: Alchemist no Aielsiar

Project of creative fiction that can be related to light novels or of an original nature.

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Astral Realm

Isekai Monogatari: Alchemist no Aielsiar

Post by Eavi »

Backed by rabid non-existent group of fans I bring to you:

What if Magneto was Reincarnated into Another World?

*cough* *cough* I mean Isekai Monogatari: Alchemist no Aielsiar

-A true fantasy fusion that clashes the worlds of psionic powers and science with medieval swords and sorcery into one giant mess.
-A protagonist who tries to be funny but fails because no one gets his jokes and possibly suffers from MPD. Luckily (or unluckily) he does not suffer from a gender identity disorder as well.
-The pains of being born in the body of a baby where the protagonist... and realizes his powers through his constant exposure to boredom!
-A series of large and small misunderstanding that will shape the life of our fortunately unfortunate protagonist... who is also fortunate.

Spoiler! :
An MC too OP for the plot to have any sort of suspense until he (possibly) becomes *gasps* the villain!
Spoiler! :
My ears! AHHH!

The sound of yelling and screaming of a woman and several voices of panic were too loud as I was waking up.

As I was opening my eyes….

GAHH! It’s too bright!

Immediately I shut my eyes back and tried to use arms to cover them but….

What is this?

Instead of feeling my hands I felt something stubby hit my face a few times. Feeling the clamp of a vice on my side I was pulled out.

Ugh… I don’t like this feeling.

My eyes began to slowly acclimate to light and with that I saw a blur of the face of a giant. I could not make out its features but I could tell it resembled it had some feminine features.

Uh… is this a dr-- Whoa! Where are you touching me?!

My feet were feebly kicking and when I tried to let out a voice--


What the-

The cries of a baby was heard.


I felt both the warm and shake from the cry….

Did it come from me?


Why aren’t the words that I want to coming out?


I violently wriggled my body trying to wake up but it was to no avail.

There was nothing else I could do, it seemed like I didn’t have fine control over my own body.

What is this? This feeling… this isn’t my body!


Lets think back for a moment.


I think I began to realize the situation now.

But why?

With senses that are too real to be fake and a body that of a newborn.

It was that right?


I can understand a conversation was going on, it was clearly a language I could not follow.

While I was lost in thought eventually the voices around me seemed to die down.

I was placed on a warm soft surface that felt a bit silky to my skin.

Now feeling the stickiness and chills on my skin from a small breeze I was wrapped in cloth and dried.


However, I felt a bit off.

There was a curious feeling enveloped me….

What if….

Immediately I felt an impending sense of dread...

What gender am I?!


I tried lifting my head while I was held but it was useless, my body was too feeble, the only thing I had achieved was swaying my head side to side.


The immense psychological fear of being born into the wrong gender….


If you exist.

Please let me have my wee-wee.

I don’t think my mind can handle this if I also have to live as a girl….

Chapter 1: Boredom is ______'s Worst Enemy
Spoiler! :
“What a lively child,” said the midwife, “he’ll surely grow up to be strong and healthy.”

Even now the child was exuding a lively sense of vigor as his limbs were curiously flailing about.

A weak voice of a woman filled with exhaustion was heard, “Ahh, Ah… let me see him,” as she just given birth she felt a mix of relief and happiness at the sight of her child.

The midwife gently passed the child into the woman’s arms.

The child seems to have given up struggling around and was softly caressed by the arms of mother. She thought her child was obediently cute as he laid in the crevices of her arm, this child was truly precious to her she thought.

“How cute, what is his name?” said the midwife after seeing such a warming scene.

The mother had long discussed with her husband, his name was to be---



One might think the life of a baby is carefree… but for me no one understands my pain.

All you do is eat, shit, sleep, eat, sleep some more, and repeat.

If you lived tied to a bed, not being able to communicate, not being able to eat by yourself, not being able to control your own bodily releases…

For days….

For months….

For years….


Who would enjoy living their life in such a vegetative-like state?

If life was like this then I rather not have the ability to think at all.

Actually in reality it hasn’t been that long.

It has only been a couple of days after my birth but already unfortunately my mind felt as if the days went by as weeks.

There was nothing to do.

This idleness….

If only I was dumb and ignorant as any normal baby… what kind of mental fortitude do I need to live through this?


I had to endure.

Ahh… haha….


My mind was becoming my own enemy.

The feeling of my mind eating myself.

The feeling of helplessness.

Somebody save me please!

To add to my complaints I was also extremely displeased with the world I was exposed to.

For some reason I don’t see the same presence of technology in this world, everything seemed to be done by hand.

Are these people amish or something?

These were the thoughts I first had but then I realized that this may not even be the same world I once lived and was reborn into.

I understood that the language here was not one from my world however it did bore some semblances to it oddly enough.

I at least knew my name was Eldrin.

I was always address and called as such when they wanted my attention.

I had to endure the likes of my parents making goofy faces and babbling random words, some of which could have well been gibberish.

I was treated like an idiot after all.


Well I guess being treated as a baby would be more accurate to say.

When I showed an unamused face to my parents’ attempts at entertaining me they looked hurt and depressed from my cold expression and unresponsiveness.

Once it was even seen as me having an illness and I think something like a doctor or medicine man came to examined me.

Eventually I learned to clap like a retard and smile even if I didn’t want to.

It was for the best, even I didn’t enjoy the look of my parents when they worried.


Who knew it was this tiring to be a baby?

No wait… maybe it’s more because I have to pretend to be one that it is so.

For the time being there were too many things I didn’t understand.

I was not even brought out of the house yet so I do not know the state of this world.

I just have to endure it.

I’ll get used to it.

Anyways… there was another problem that popped up recently.

Even though I was relieved to find that I was a male after I had once release a stream of fluids into my mother’s clothes while she was changing my diapers I had been troubled by something else...

*Clink* *Clink* *Clank*

The sound of hammering resounded in the house giving me nothing more than a headache.

I wanted to sleep my days away but this incessant noise of hammering kept me awake.

My father or at least the man who I think is my father was a blacksmith.

Why does he have to work near the house?

My only oasis was through sleep.... at least I could have a pleasant dream.



What I needed was a fast-forward button.

Where was the time-skip when you needed one?

Chapter 2: Trivial Things are Truly Important
Spoiler! :
While waiting for a time-skip to happen that didn’t seem to occur I felt I’m truly glad I don’t recall the earliest days of my life.

These were days that no one can even recall.

Supposedly long-term memory takes the most rapid development in change from ages of 2-4 and the cognitive limits of a baby were rather… disappointing compared to an adult at least.

My mental capacities seemed to more or less was the same as before I was reincarnated.

It’s amazing that my small brain that was could fit should complex conscious thoughts when it was literally a quarter of the mass of an adult’s.

Really… what kind of freak of nature am I? I wonder how my mind will develop as I grew up.

Since I had too much time on my hands while having limited mobility all I could do was randomly muse about my situation.

Wait… How and when did my mind somehow transfer into this body?

It doesn’t make sense.

I was stumped by the most trivial things, but that’s how life was, it didn’t need to make sense.

Dealing with the most trivial things in life while thinking our problems were insurmountable, I laugh about how things weren’t so different between now and “then”.

It didn’t matter what world I was in.



Personal relationships.

Everyday necessities.

Everything we think that matters are just small things in life that we disproportionately blow up as long was it was centered around us.

If one can’t enjoy the trivial things in life then one can’t appreciate its worth.

Even the smallest things can bring about happiness to people, this is what I had honestly thought.

If you asked me if I wanted to return to my old world I’m not quite how to answer.

I suppose it depends on my mood?

I didn’t have any sort of burning conviction to return to my old life, this was in part because my previous life was the life of hardships.

It was a life swamped by responsibilities and obligations.

I held an accounting job in a bank, it was hardly something I could have said I enjoyed but l nevertheless fulfilled my role, otherwise I would be what society would call trash.

A leech that feeds off of others.

A disease that lingers around as a pestilence that was better off eradicated.

I know very well since I was once called such.

I had also once lived as a homeless person on the streets that fed off of the goodwill of others that had passed by but sometimes it wasn’t just the amount of goodwill that I had to worry about receiving.

I was shunned.

I was beaten.

I was stepped on.

More than once, my items were stolen from me as I slept on the streets. Whether it be other homeless people or children wanting to play a prank on me, even the smallest valuables I had were taken away.

I had no one that truly cared about me and for many times even I had hated myself.


I unwillingly recalled the last moments of my life.

I was killed.

The memory was still too fresh.

I was Lying around with my head smashed opened and brains spilling out, I wondered what mistake I had made.

With no other reason than I was an eyesore, that my life meant nothing to anyone, and that I pissed off a singled man who I dirtied the jacket of; I was killed.


The world was truly too absurd.

I was not a sinless man but to be killed off for such reason was pathetic.


Compared to that living such a carefree but somewhat boring life as a baby might not be bad.

In the very least it seems like my parents were a caring lot, something I wouldn’t have liked to call my previous parents.

Having the time to think things through was the only merit to me living such a life as this.

I oddly think that as soon as we are born we have lost.

We have to surrender ourselves to the laws of the world, the rules of society, the expectations of others, and our personal desires.

There was no escape from it.

I have lost.

However if I did have power… then I knew well what I would use it for.

Instead of wanting to return to my original world there was a desire that burned much more intensely than that.

A desire to crush the strong.

To triumph over those who think their actions were motivated by justice when all they do is abuse their own strength.

To those who think the world revolved around them and seek benefit for themselves at the cost of others….

To the possible existences known as god(s) that I had no choice but to submit myself under….

I promised myself, if I had the power then….


Chapter 3: What if ______ Was Reborned in Another World?
Spoiler! :

Chapter 4: The Ways of ______
Spoiler! :
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Astral Realm

Re: Isekai Monogatari: Alchemist no Aielsiar

Post by Eavi »

Chapter 3:
Spoiler! :
50% wip


Maybe I got carried away.

Of course I got carried away.

I was finally given a chance at another life (although I didn’t really ask for it) and it seems like I retained memories of my previous one (but if you have to ask me I would have simply preferred being without it).

That said, I was hoping for a development that magically became a character in a novel that gained a cheat-like ability through a random plot device.

I was mistaken.

I’m sorry.

If only reality wasn’t so harsh.

Oh well….

Since there wasn’t much else to do I decided to wiggle.

While wiggling around I found that it was quite the workout.

I wiggled like my life depended on it.

It’s been days and I still haven’t gotten a feel for my body yet.

I have to learn how to dextrously use my new body as it seems that even the simplest tasks were a jumbled mess.

Since help wasn’t going to come my way I might as get working to getting used to everything here.


Karena was looking anxiously at her child in his crib, for some reason he seemed like he was acting up in a fit.

Maybe he felt too cramped she thought as she picked him up and placed him in her arms.

She had more or less recovered from the majority of the after birth effects but still felt exhausted mentally and physically as a result of worrying for her child’s health.

He was strange.

Sometimes he seemed lifeless and despondent, almost as if his soul had left him as he stared at the ceiling of the house.

Tears in his eyes would form but he didn’t yell out or cry.

Something was wrong, she knew that much but she couldn’t understand what was off.

Calling a doctor proved to be of no use as he thought the child was just a normal healthy baby when he examined him.

When Alkin, the boy’s father tried to cheer the boy up by acting goofy and playfully try to coax him at first he didn’t respond too well.

It was a blank stare that was neither filled with curiosity or life, although now it seems like he was
he responds with anticipation and laughter it wasn’t always the case.

Something stirred inside Karena as she saw her child, his expressions almost seemed forced… it was like there was something that deeply troubled him.

His father, Alkin, seemed to think that there was nothing much to worry about and tried to convince her that her feelings were unfounded.

Karena had hopefully thought this was true, that she was simply over-thinking things and that her child was fine.

She felt a bit insecure bringing him outside but now she thought that maybe he’ll feel better if he was exposed to more wondrous things in the outside world.

The autumn festival began tomorrow.

She naturally thought of bringing him with her to watch the town in celebration, it was a rare occurrence for her husband to have a full week off so she hoped the festivities would lightened her child’s mood.

Although she wasn’t sure what was bothering her child, she knew one thing, he truly smiled when she held him in her arms.

It was a smile that couldn’t be faked, one that seemed to be filled with happiness and warmth.

At the very least she felt that the child trusted her so she took it up to try to understand what was wrong with her child.

Karena was right to feel that there was something but never in her mind would she think that her child held the memories of a previous life.

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Astral Realm

Re: Isekai Monogatari: Alchemist no Aielsiar

Post by codebuster »

I've read the prologue and the story is great and funny i dont know what you are planning for the book but it was just o good i had to say something i hope you conteniue the work becuase you havnt posted in about a week.
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