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Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 2.5>

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:53 pm
by raitouazura
Chapter 2.5 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2.5 : Ambition

“For a trainee, She’s doing a pretty well job”.

One man saying that while revealing a nasty smirk, He dressed like a noble with everything he’s wearing is white. In his hand, there’s glass wine that still full. He sat on the chair in some elegant room, Far different from boys dormitory. Everything in his room is expensive, Even the room is ten times bigger than dormitory. The owner of this room is none other than Michael soulray.

He stand up and then facing the big window behind him watching the sunset, Then he sip the wine proudly while his vassal just standing silently behind him.

“Hayate, Your information isn’t wrong, right?”

He turn back and facing his vassal, He dressed like a ninja, with simple black clothes and scarf around his neck. His greenish hair is just like his sister, It was inherited from their mother.

“No mistake, My men saw it today. SekizawaYami in very wounded state, He’s using alleys around town to hide himself but my men notice him. And then he’s confirmed that after SekizawaYami come to his room, he’s immediately passed out. Right now, his humanoid should be tended him by now”.

“Fu…Fu…good, After all just simply killing him won’t able to ease my heart. I will make him suffer for making fun of me back then, Also, I will take his Humanoid”.

He licking his lip vulgarly. The rumor about Lili is spread quickly among MetariaStudents, She’s rumored as the most beautiful Humanoid that ever made. And she also have certain charm that not possessed by another Humanoid or even a Human female.

“Be careful, From my information, Sekizawa Yami also have close relationship with <<Two Goddess>>. From her report, He always eating lunch with them. If your plan is known by them, You will get destroyed...”.


Michael suddenly throwing his glass on the ground.Hayate that seeing that not show any reaction, He’s already get used to Michael attitude.

“Damn it!, Why did they choose to go that peasant side and not me!?”

Ever since a long time ago, Michael have an ambition to make <<Two Goddess>> to fall to his hand and added them to his collection. He already have many woman but it’s still not satisfy him until he also add them into it.

“Also, That Reira…”

When the Test is over and they been dismissed, After he comes out from hall, He realize he lost one of his key on his pocket, It must be in hall since it's still exist when he's performed on stage before. He come inside and walk toward stage. But he immediately hiding himself realizing there’s still people presence, He don’t need to do that if it’s the usual people. But it was Reira and Yami, They’re shaking hand just like a close friend. But what’s more shocking to him is Reira face at that time, She’s display a smile that he never saw it even he’s know her since still elementary student.

After seeing that, He left that place quietly while holding a tremendous rage toward Yami, And that when he decided to kill him.

“But, Tomorrow I will show them how unworthy of him to receive their affection”.

He say that with vulgar laugh, Then Hayate notice someone’s presence.

“There’s someone that walking near to this place”

“Ah, don’t worry. I called her”.

After Michael say that, There’s knock on the door. Hayate immediately hiding himself on the ceiling.

“Come in”

Then from the door appear a certain woman, From her calm expression she must be already know what kind of order she will take, But her hesiatation is dissappear beause of her pride that destroyed by Yami or should we say his Humanoid, Lili.

“Thanks for come here”.

Michael display a gentleman smile while he smirking thinking about tomorrow Sparring.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 2.5>

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:00 am
by Ghosty
Somehow this story keeps going up and down. It feels a bit inconsistent with stealing the show at the entrance ceremony to meeting a random girl that sings (though is something that you put there to be used later) and though you switched the pov to Rin/Hikari during the test you didn't give closure to it. I was half expecting for them to raid the room of the mc at night asking for questions about what happened. Instead it doesn't gets addressed and they just eat lunch as if it were routine? But since vol2 at least the story has been more consistent and concentrated on Fuuka so it has been fine. Still there's other stuff that needs to be fixed like the part where you wrote Yami has created 10 Immortal Arts which was pointed out previously. Anyway as I said before keep working on it like you had planned stuff can be refined later and the stuff i mentioned can be fixed without affecting the future of the story.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 2.5>

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:59 pm
by raitouazura
Ghosty wrote:Somehow this story keeps going up and down. It feels a bit inconsistent with stealing the show at the entrance ceremony to meeting a random girl that sings (though is something that you put there to be used later) and though you switched the pov to Rin/Hikari during the test you didn't give closure to it. I was half expecting for them to raid the room of the mc at night asking for questions about what happened. Instead it doesn't gets addressed and they just eat lunch as if it were routine? But since vol2 at least the story has been more consistent and concentrated on Fuuka so it has been fine. Still there's other stuff that needs to be fixed like the part where you wrote Yami has created 10 Immortal Arts which was pointed out previously. Anyway as I said before keep working on it like you had planned stuff can be refined later and the stuff i mentioned can be fixed without affecting the future of the story.
Thanks for pointing it out, I try to be more consistent next time. :)

Also about the The Raid, Don't worry. I already have an idea how to write the detail in other chapter later :mrgreen:

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 3>

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:55 am
by raitouazura
Chapter 3 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 3 ~ Explosive First Match

Part 1

"Did you know? I hear there's some malfunction in the <<Field>>"

"Are you serious!?, Then did the sparring get canceled?"

"I don't know..."

It was a morning after I captured Fuuka, Of course i already release her yesterday. Right now, i'm in dormitory's dining room, There's suddenly a talk about <<Field>> malfunction come out in our group. In dormitory, I always eat with five people include Lili and Arthur, The other three is Diego Townsend, Aria Blitz, and Iria Blitz.

Diego is Arthur first friend that he made after coming to Reinslan, He's actually also come from same country with Arthur, Regu he's also a <<Neutral>>. Aria and Iria is a 8th rank <<Hero>>. These two is twin sister with Aria as an elder sister, They're so similiar, From their appearance, voice, untiland the way they act. To distinct between them, They use different hairstyle, Aria using right side tail and Iria using left side tail. But since their hair color is also same, Dark Red. They sometimes using same hairstyles or exchange places and asking people can they guess who is who.

"No, I hear Soulray Family's engineers is called to repair it, So i guess we still do the sparring even though it's little delayed though".

The one that answer Diego question is Arthur that just come back with many food on his hand, He's the one that have to take all the food for our group since he lost in Janken.

"Where did you hear it?"

I ask that while taking my ordered food from him, I always eat a food that was prepared by Dining room staff as breakfast and Lili's cooking as dinner. I doing that because I know when Lili's cook something, she will be absorbed by it. She might be troubled other dining room staff, That's why i ask her to cook when they already done using the kitchen, That mean night. I don't mind to eat a little late than others.

"Just now, When the Cafetaria baa-chan talk about it when me order the food"

"I see..."

"Yami, did you already know about this?".

"You not even surprised about it"

Aria and Iria also looking at my face while they also take their food from Arthur.

"Well yeah, Something like that".

Rather than know, This is something that i planned beforehand. Well i must say i also don't expect it's exactly like what i predicted.

[Yami, Looks like he's really caught in your trap].

Thanatos Say that while smirking mischievously just like a kid that happy when his prank is success.

(Didn't i already told you?, 99% he will swallow it without second thought. Because our opponent is someone who sent an assassin so easily after all).

I can be so sure because yesterday i asking Arthur all he know about Michael, From his information, i can conclude that he is someone who don't want to dirty his own hand except he certain that his opponent is someone can't fight back.

(He's the type that enjoy torturing a person that can't fight back, like a person that already he's blackmailed OR injured).

After i hear about that from Arthur, I Immediately took an action. I dislocated my own arm and leg joint then wandering around dark alley while dragging my right foot and holding my right arm, Of course i don't forget adding some a liquid mixed of ketchup and sauce on my tattered uniform so from far it looks like i suffer heavy bleeding.

After i doing that for a while, I noticed someone's watching and tailing me, Different from Fuuka, he's using an excellent tailing technique that won't make him noticed by common people but...It's not a match againts my detection ability that i learned from Thanatos, At that time, After I learned to detect by using my eyes, Thanatos disabled my vision, Then telling me that i must using my ear from now on. After i also mastered it, my hearing also disabled along with my vision. That happen until I finally mastered Art of Detection by using my sixth sense only.

After i knew that, i walk slowly just like someone injured to my dorm. He's always right behind me, Sometimes hiding behind a trash bin, Crawling on the wall, or Watching from tall rooftop. I pretend not notice him. And Just as i expected, After i enter my room and pretend to passed out, His presence disappear. He can't see Fuuka because she's been placed on far right beside the window that only one in this room.

Well, After that i was scolded by Lili though "...Why did you do that without telling me first!? Are Yami-sama want me to be short-circuited!?" or something like that.

"I'm glad they can fix it, I want to see that technique again?"

"Yeah yeah, me too"

"What technique?"

Since Aria and Iria talking excitedly, i got curious and they look at me in unison.


The one that answer it is not just Aria and Iria but the whole group.

"You know, On the day of Test, The technique that split the <<Tester>> into eight".

"It just happen so fast and nobody expecting it, So i can't see it clearly back then. But in today Sparring i will watch it without blinking my eyes".

Aria and Iria emitting strange aura from them, They fired up.

"What that technique exactly? I never saw it before".

Arthur ask me, Well of course he never saw it. Because it's not technique that ever used by human, I learned it from Thanatos. Just remembering about that days still bring ache all over my body.

"I see, so you're curious about that".

"Well, of course. None that ever damage Tester before, let alone splitting it into eight".

"you're right! of course that's the one that people will ask first, right? I also though so"

"What's wrong, Yami? it's unusual for you to be agitated like this".

Arthur, No, Everyone watch me in confused expression.

[Yami, What's wrong?]

[Just like he said, It's pretty unusual for your to act like that]

(...nothing, never mind)

At the night after the Test, I was waken up by some people presence. Lili still on her sleeping mode, She sleeping on the bed while i sleep on the futon. At first she refuse but when i say i can't let a girl sleep on the futon while i'm on the bed, She obediently nodded her head while muttering "...a girl..." happily.

"This presence...It should be impossible for them to be here, but...".

Frankly speaking, i recognized this presence. It come from outside of dorm, exactly below my window. my room is on the second floor so they can't climb here that easily...Supposedly. But then one of presence suddenly standing straight outside my window.

Knock Knock

"Onii-chan, wake up..."

"What's wrong Hikari?, It's already late night"

I open the window and see Hikari standing on the air, on her legs there's something like smoke that make her floating. below i saw Rin waving her hand.

(I see, So Rin Using her fire element to make steam that strong enough to carry a person from surrounding air).

Hikari immediately jump to my room following by Rin by using same method.

"Good evening, nii-sama. Pardon the instrusion this late of night".

Rin bow deeply sound apologetic while Hikari looking at my room while saying "So this is Onii-chan'n room".

"Don't worry about that, also, Hikari are your feet okay?"

"hm?, ah. Your talking about that?"

After wondering for a while Hikari finally understand what i mean. Since Rin is Fire element, So she will be alright even surrounding by flame. But Hikari's feet should be feel hot because of that steam from before.

"I using my Light element to nullified the heat without erasing the steam, How about that? didn't i great?"

Hikari puff up her chest proudly.

"Yeah you great, So you already can use your element like that".

I patted her head and Hikari goes "ehe he he" shyly.

"E...Ehem! Nii-sama, didn't you know that to make a steam without burning anything except air is also pretty difficult? first, you need...".

Rin that coughed unnaturally starting to talking in fast paced voice.

"Yeah, Both of you really became amazing. I feel proud for you two".

When I patted Rin, She stopped talking and goes "funyaa...", I'm glad Thanatos already in <<Atom Sphere>> enjoying his fight with Metatron. If not, He definitely shout "MOEEEEEEEEEE!!!" just like always.

"R...Rather than talking about that, We came here to ask Onii-chan something".

Hikari suddenly change the topic.

"I think I already have an idea what you two want to ask".

It must be about that scene during Test, Only that came out from my mind.

"I see, So I will ask without reservation."

"Yeah, I answer anything".

Then both of them talk in same timing.

"What's your relationship with Reira-san?"

"Did Something happen with nii-sama and Mystil-sama?"


What they ask is something very different from what i expect.

"Don't "huh?" me, So Onii-chan!, answer!"

"wait wait wait, I though you want to ask about my doing on the stage".

"That's too, But this one is take the priority".

I never saw Hikari this pressing before, Looks like in the ten years, She learned something that i don't know.

"That's impossible, Usually they will ask about that before anything else".

"Maybe to others yes, But to us, This one is the most important".

"Rin...Even you..."

I don't know why they brought this with so much tension.

"We just meet when we still kid before, just that"

I try explain it to them...

""We can tell that just by looking""

But it's instantly thrown out.

"What we asking is, Did something happen on that time?"

"let's see...She always came to my house to challenge for a duel..."

" house"


Hikari and Rin muttering something, but i continue anyway.

"Also, We have a promise to meet again when we older to have a duel again".



Hikari suddenly raising her voice while Rin muttering something dumbstruck.

I don't know why but they look so shock yet scary in some way.

"Another great Rival appear..."

"Why i didn't make promise to meet again back then..."

Both of them walk toward window lifelessly.

"Did you two done with your question?"


"Pardon the instrusion nii sama, Good Night..."

Then Both of them jump of from window.

"In the end, They didn't even ask about that incident".

And on the next day, They suddenly came to my classroom boldly for a lunch. And for some reason, I feel that they boldness increase more than before.

Part 2

I, Kazemaru Fuuka has been captured yesterday by him and right now I’m hiding on the tree in the forest just outskirt of Reinslan, In this place there’s no other assassin that under my brother command. They all gone to guard Metaria School because of my brother’s command.

I look at the sun that almost right in middle.

“It’s almost midday, The repairing should be done by now, Time to go”.

I hear about it when there’s people that jogging this morning talking about there’s some malfunction in the <<Field>>. He only told me that the Sparring will get delayed but not tell the reason.

I jump from tree to tree until I reach the city, The residential area have less people because they all gone to watch the sparring, When Metaria host an event, Anyone can enter to watch no matter they <<Hero>>, <<Unnatural>>, or <<Neutral>>. Of course this rule only created after Silvarin Astraea became the queen.

“Hmm, As I though, there's so many security for guarding this place. Including assassins from my clan”.

I look from my position above the house rooftop and spotted some Assassins that surrounding Metaria School. They all well trained so it’s hard to get past them without being seen. They still don’t sense me since our distance is pretty far and their back on me.

“Under normal circumstances, I can just walk in without worries, but…Let’s just wait for the chance”.

I remember yesterday event.

Part 3

“I more interested why you acknowledge that person as your master”.

Suddenly his tone is changed, different from his earlier lay back attitude, I can tell that this is serious question. Why did he ask that?...I see, So that’s it.

“You think I was too unworthy to serve Michael-sama, right? It’s certainly with my current skill it will be impossible to Michael-sama to take me as his bodyguard like nii-san. But I definitely serve him by become stronger, but first…”.

In my hand I already gripped a needle that I hide within my arms gauntlet before,

(If you think I can’t release this kind of restrain, You’re too naïve)

Even when I wearing gloves right now, I can still grip this needle perfectly. This needle have edge that sharper than a blade, It can cut this kind of chain with ease.

I grip the needle’s hilt from behind my hand with caution so they won’t realize it.

(I just need to cut the chain on my wrist and then instantly throw this needle toward him, He won’t able to dodge).

Just when I about to cut the chain, He said…

“So that mean you not his vassal yet, right? Good. I don’t want you became someone’s vassal without knowing his true nature”.

My hand stopped, What is this person saying?

“What do you mean? Are you want to say that you now what kind of person he is?”

“No, How I can know a person’s true nature that easily. Especially the person that I know just a little”.

“Are you making fun of me!?”

I was really angry right now, Why did this person always making fun of me.

“I’m not making fun of you, Well then I want to ask. What kind of person is Michael Soulray?”

He ask while making a sign to make his Humanoid also sit and she sat on the chair beside him.

“There’s a mother that saying that he’s save his children when they about to get eaten by Eater, See, Didn’t he courageus?”


“There’s also some that say that he’s donate a great amount of money to the hospital to support the poor family so they will get free medical services”.


I told him everything I heard about Michael-sama, But he just silent while listening to me. I though he finally understand, but when I finished the last story he just sighed.

“How rude of you to sighing while hearing this kind of story”.

As I though, I should just kill him right now. When I readying my needle, once more my hand stopped by his words.

“say, The people that say all that to you, Are you close to them?”

“huh? What do you mean?”

“just answer”.

“Well, I hear most of it from nii-san’s subordinates and the rest is from people that working in Soulray’s family”.

I told him honestly, When I hear it, I decided I also want to serve him just like brother.

“As I Though, You not saw it yourself”.

“What do you mean? Do you want to say that they’re lying?”.

“No, It just that I’m not a person that will trust stranger easily. Well that’s just me though, I don’t know about other,but…”.


“I won’t let you doing something that you might regret later”.

“Why? I was the person that trying to kill you you know?”

I can’t understand his way of thinking, Usually it’s not weird if I get tortured or even killed on the spot when I fail at assassination and caught.

“It’s because you’re girl”

He say it as it was the most natural thing in the wordl. I was taken aback, It’s strange, What is this man thinking? Then the Humanoid beside him is sighing.

“…Yami-sama, If you still act like that here, You will get many trouble in the future”.

“Didn’t matter, I just face all the problems that come at me. For that purpose, I was gained power anyway”.

What he saying is ridiculous but how can he have that confident smile, Just by seeing it I know it’s not just an overconfidence.

“Well then…I going out for a while”

He stand from his bed and walk toward the door after whispering something to his Humanoid.

“Where are you going?”

I ask him.

“Is there even need to ask? Of course I will make you saw the truth yourself”.

With that, he leave the room. Now I alone with the Humanoid.

“Your master, just what is he doing?”

I never encounter a person with that strange attitude before.

“…He always like that,…He always meddle around with other people problem that he have taken interest especially…girls”.

Is it just me or there’s something different when she say “girls”, Is it jealousy? But that’s impossible, She’s a Humanoid.

“…I think it’s alright for you to cut the chain now”.

I surprised when she say that, Did she realize it? But why didn’t she say anything?.

“When did…You realize it?”

I ask carefully, preparing to evade if she suddenly attack me. But there’s no sign of her to attack me.

“…I already know you have a weapon that can cut the chain and I already told Yami-sama about that,…But he say that there’s no need to worry since you won’t attack him”.


So they already know about it, But if I think carefully it’s given that they know. If she search my clothes, of course she also search my gauntlet.

“…You made a wise decision not to attack him,…Because of his wish, I let it slide when you attack him in the alley, but…”

Then her voice suddenly became cold and I can feel strong pressure in it.

“…If you dare to attack him in front of my eyes,…I definitely…obliterate you”.

The needle that I gripped tightly slipped from my hand and let out falling sound in this small room. I feel cold sweat coming from my body when she stare at my eyes, It was a pure killing intent. Humanoid is always loyal to their master, But I never heard there’s humanoid that can release a killing intent.

“…Yami-sama told me not to harm you,…and since you also not attack him,… I won’t harm you”.

She released the chain and gloves, Her tone already back to normal. But the fear I feel still not faded, It’s the first time I ever feel fear after that incident.

“…Yami-sama already instructed before he leave to not let you near window,…So please refrain from doing it”.

“I understand”.

She walking toward small table in the center of room after say that and then she start to make a tea by using the hot water on the table.

“Why did you go that far for him? Is it because he’s your master?”

Even though I still scared a little, I can’t help to ask this.


She stop moving for a moment.

“Ah, If you don’t want to answer, it’s fine”.

I just realized that I just asking something personal casually, but she said whileshe walk to me to offering the tea.

“…He’s everything to me,…If not because of him…I won’t become what I am now”.

Her expression is changed into that of faint smile but it’s so dazzling even from my viewpoint as a girl.

"Is he really that great? So why did he always say something that only make me angry?"

Yeah, In the Alley back then and just before. From my viewpoint he's just a person that like to pick a fight. Even just thinking about it make me feel more irritated.

"...Kazemaru-sama, All this time, Didn't you always watch Yami-sama during lunchtime?".


So she also realize it, I was a little shock.

"Yes, since when did you realize it?"

"...From the beginning you watch Yami-sama,...Ever since the second lunchtime"

I was pretty in shock, So much for an assassin.

"...All that time, There's some sort of disorder in your heart rate, It's like you in some kind of pressur".

I was surprised she can even detect something like that, Did she get installed by something expensive? But She's right, I have a reason that have to make me become a person that won't get look down anymore.

Part 4

...I always been told myself to become a respectable assassin that will not make me to be made fun again, For that reason i train and train so someday i can achieve it.

And Finally the chance comes, It's even coming from Michael Soulray-sama that even among noble they're respected. If i can serve to that kind of family, No one can call me defect anymore, that's why i will do anything even a killing that i actually very hated.

At first i ignored their insult toward me that so weak but then they started to insult my mother too, My mother is my father's second wife and she also not from an Assassin clan. Different from brother's mother that also from kazemaru clan.

From the beginning, No one in village that like my mother to stay in their village. But they not dare to tell that openly since she's in my father, The current village chief protection. But ever since i was little, i always hear them talk bad about me and my mother secretly. I was so angry but can't do anything beside crying in my mother bosom.

"Why? why did they always talk bad about us? We don't do anything bad?"

My voice is waver because mixed with cry. I was so devastated and my mother pat my head gently and smile softly.

"Fuuka, You are my dearest daughter. You definitely not a defect, Can't you believe your mother's word?"

I shake my head strongly.

"I believe, I believe haha-ue From anybody else".

"Then there's no need for you to believe what they saying, Just pretend it's only a bad wind passing".

"But at least why chichi-ue don't tell them off? He also rarely come here to see us...Didn't chichi-ue don't care about us?".

The last time he came is six month ago. He also don't stay for even a hour.

"Fuuka, Your father is a busy man. He must look after entire clan so it's not like he don't care about us. Just believe in your father, He definitely not that kind of man. Just believe in our bond, After all he's the man that your mother love".

"umu, I believe in chichi-ue. I'm sorry to doubt him".

I apologize because i feel shamed for doubting my own father.

"Good, that's my daughter".

My mother say that while laughing softly. But at that time...i still don't know that was my mother last laugh.

On the next day i climb a mountain to find a present for my mother, After searching for a day, I finally found a stone <<Kinna>>. It was a white opal shaped stone with black line on it's edge, This stone is also called as a symbol of bonds.

I happily ran back, Can't wait to show this to my mother. But in my house there's many people gathering, Seeing that i suddenly have nasty feeling.

I run toward my mother room while ignoring all people that gathering.


I opened the door with all my strength and the door make loud sound but i can't hear it because i was frozen in front of door by seeing the scene in front of me. My mother that was smiling just this morning right now is lie down on her futon while a white cloth cover her beautiful face.

Even though i was a child, I actually understand what this mean but i can't accept it. If i accept it i would be...broken.

I was sitting silently beside my mother body that already cold, Right now it's already late night and in this room there's only me and my mother that already can't talk. The sound of people in another room can't enter my ear anymore. I just staring at my mother in this dark room, I'm the one that turn off the light. For the me right now, Even light is so painful because with that i would see my mother that won't move clearly.

My tear already dry, I don't know how long i cry. Even until now i can't see his appearance, My father that was trusted by my mother that much. Then my eyes fell on the stone that i just pick up this morning on the table near door, I stand up and approach it lifelessly. I pick up that stone with my right hand and stare at it with hollow eyes.

The stone floating right in front of my face and then wind split it into a countless fragment. And I talk with low voice that faded by the sound of the stone fragment that scattered into the floor.

"...In the end, Bonds is nothing before power".

Ever since that time, I stopped to trust another people. The only one that won't betray you is only yourself after all.

Part 6

After for about an hour he came back…covered by blood!. One of his arm and leg is broken,I can tell just by looking. Lili freaked out and immediately ran toward him to prevent him from falling. I also trying to help because of instinct but I was halted when i hear his low voice that told me not go near window.

After a while, He suddenly stood up like nothing happen and…


Sound of bone cracking is heard, but what I see is his bone that supposed broken now back to normal. He only move his broken arm and leg a little and they back to normal.

“Phew, Now It’s back to normal. It’s pretty hard to move while having your bones broken after all”.

I just stared blankly at this person in front of me, don’t know what to say.

“Lili, sorry I dirtied my clothing this badly by ketchup and sauce”.

Ketchup and sauce? Now if I see it carefully, it’s certainly seen that way. But from far away or seeing it without caution, It’s really looks like blood.

She staring at him with hollow eyes for a moment and then…


A loud sound can be heard in this room…no I think it should be heard to outside too.

“What are you doing, Yami-sama!? If you want to something like this, tell me first! If I get short-circuited, What are you gonna do!?”

I was amazed, Her speech suddenly changed from that of cold tone into aggressive one. It just like she became different person.

“Sorry, It was a sudden idea. I don’t have time to explain it”.

He make apologetic posture while touching his head that was hit by Lili.

“Anyway, You free to go now. But you mustn’t seen by anyone until tomorrow sparring is done especially by someone you know. If you do that, You will know the truth”.

He say that toward me.

“Why must I do as you say? I still not trust you and i don't intend to”

“I don’t tell you to trust me, I just say that if you want to know the truth do as I say”.


(What should I do? Doubting your master is a sin for a vassal, even though I still not Michael-sama’s vassal yet, but still…)

When I was thinking, I saw Lili’s face and her word.

…He’s everything to me,…If not because of him…I won’t become what I am now”.

(He is trusted by her to that extend, It's not that i trust him, i just doing this because i don't have a choice right now).

“Why must I hide anyway? I don’t see it’s necessary…”

“From their view point, You not able to kill me so you at least sacrificed yourself to injure me. It will be bad for you if they know you still alive despite fail to kill me”.

It’s certainly bad, If they know I alive despite failing a mission, My chance to serve a noble household will get more far.

“Okay, But how can I do that? You the one that saying that my hiding ability is bad, how can I hide from another assassin that have high detection ability?”

“I never say your hiding ability is bad, I just saying that you can’t hide your killing intent and that’s what makes you very noticeable. If you don’t have killing intent, I sure you can hide from them”.

Ugh, he pointed where is hurt.

“Okay, so I just hide until noon then?”

I say that since I know sparring always begin at morning until almost noon.

“No, If my plan worked. It should be delayed”.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I Can’t say anything yet, you must see it yourself”.

“…I Understand, I will wait until sparring it’s over then come to you”.

“Huh? You have to seen the sparring, if not, There’s no point”.

Now he saying something crazy.

“Didn’t you know? When Metaria School hosting an event, they will maximize the security and that mean nii-san and his subordinate will also be there, How you expect me to get past them?”.

When I say that he just smirking confidently.

“Don’t worry about that, When the sun is about right in middle, just hide in nearby place. You will see the chance to get past them”.

“…Okay, I leave it all to you”.

I give up trying to understand what he’s thinking.


I give him a shikigami for talking, With this it should be more easy.

“hmm…Is this a shikigami?”

He say that while carefully examined it.

“You know about shikigami?”

“Yeah, but it’s the first time I saw it”.

Well, It’s not strange thing to be known, Shikigami already known by public but only few clan can use it.

“I already put the spell there, So if you need contact me, just call my full name while holding it and it will connect”.

“How convenient”.

“Well then, excuse me”.

After that I jump from the window and immediately ran toward the forest where there’s no another assassin by jump from roof to roof carefully without being seen and then I spend the night on the tree.

Part 7

“Please help me find her”.

Around the residential area near Metaria School, Hikari ask one of guard to help her to find Rin.

Another guard that around also gathered to hear it.

“I was walking together with her around the town to buy something before the sparring is began but I lost her, please help me find her”.

Hikari ask that with puppy eyes, The guard that gathered loss for words. How can they resist? A pretty girl with long shining silver hair asking them with teary jade eyes.

“B.B…But we have to guard this area, how about if ask the castle security? I sure they will help Hikari-sama”.

One of guard that still have conscience trying to resist, but…

“But I want to ask you all the guard that responsible for this important event, I sure you will found her in no time. Ah I know, How about I will give my handkerchief to the one who find it? I know it’s not enough but…”


All of them immediately ran toward town and scatter to find Rin.

“Good work, Hikari”.

I came out from behind building and walk toward her.

“Is this alright, Onii-chan?”.

“Yeah, Now I’m only need to spread this news to another guard”.

Right now, I’m disguising as one of guard. I get this clothes from Rin.

“Onii-chan, Remember your promise later”.

“Don’t worry, I won’t break a promise. I will take you two to a walk around town later”.

“Umu, I will waiting, be careful”.

I nod before I walk away, After that I spread the news around the guard, And all of them leaving their post almost instantly. I know their feeling, A handkerchief of one of <<Two Goddess>> is not called rare anymore. Except that handkerchief is something that I buy today and give it Hikari, So it’s not exactly a lie.

Not long after that, Fuuka appear in the promised place in amazement.She’s wearing her middle school uniform to disguise, I can’t tell her that she really fit in it.

“To think the <<Two Goddess>> agreed to help you, As I though, you already “train” them”

“Didn’t I told you to stop think “Yami=Pervert” in your head? …anyway, you didn’t seen by one of guard right?”

“I think they won’t even seen me if I standing beside them while they have that kind of bloodshot eyes”.

“We lucky because most of guard is male, let’s go before they found Rin”.

“I can’t believe they searching like their life depended on it”.

Fuuka following me while muttering so.

I send a telepathic message to Lili so she told Rin that it’s alright to come out now, I already sent Lili to Rin’s side and hide with her so I can inform her when to come out.

When we already inside Metaria School, I hear two girl talking.

“Did you hear? There’s a brawl outside”.

“How scary, But the guard can take care of it, right?”

“But, I hear the one that having a brawl is the guards”.

“Eh? Why?”

“I also don’t know the detail, but I hear they’re fighting over one handkerchief”.

“…Sekizawa Yami”

Fuuka say it in low voice.

“Not our concern”

Part 8

"It's full of people..."

"Of you expect?...Battle event is always...the most...merrier...after all".

"As expected from the most advanced school...Or rather, Are you alright?"

I say that while facing Fuuka that still squeezed between crowd because her body is small.

"No...need, This kind of thing...I can handle it..."

She trying to act tough, But it's won't convince anybody if she say that while her eyes already spinning.

"We don't have much time, You have to get into safe place before the sparring is began".

I grab her hand and then walk between crowd. She don't resist, maybe she already feel exhausted. Until we get into the place where there less assassin i walking while holding her small hand, It was soft.

(Did every girls hand this soft?)

[Of course!! What kind of dumb question is that? Or rather i so envious, I also want to hold hand with some girls but why did i have to stuck with this Itsuki!?]

[That's my line, You think i enjoy being stuck with muscle brain like you!?]

(You two, You can argue but please don't forget to keep watch)

[I already scanned this whole building, and known all their position and their patrol route]

As expected from Metatron, He already done with his job.

(And? Which side that have most less guard?)

[Yes, The place where she can see the match without being seen is near the fountain on the right side, Mixed with a group middle school students].

With Fuuka wearing her middle school student, She won't get discovered if she mix with another middle school student and I already told those two to watch over her from afar.

I immediately go there and not forget to cover her hair with a hat that was sold in nearby stall.

"Now don't move too far from here, You just see the match from that screen".

I pointing at one of big screen that was installed in several place in this school, They Install them in several place so everyone can still watch if they can’t enter the stadium.

"I...I know, Who do you think i am? Just go already!"

She shove my hand and her face is red.

"Well then, I go".

Then my eyes matching with Hikari and Rin, there's also Lili near them. I already told them beforehand to watch over her and don't let any suspicious person approach her. Both of them nod their head and i also nod, Then i walk toward the room for participant since i already registered.

When i open the door to the room, It was full of people with different aura. I assume that they all is a <<Hero>> only me is different. I can feel they secretly staring at me, Curious, Sneer, Envy, It all mixed and focused into me.

I look at the clock that was installed on the wall above the door, It's still 12.50. The first match will begin in ten minutes. While i look at the clock one familiar presence approach me from behind.

"If you trying to surprise me, You need to make your presence smaller...Iria".

"hau, Looks like i still can't do it like nee-chan. Yahoo Yami!"

I turn back facing her and she make small salute jokingly.

"But Yami, You Amazing! not only you know i approach you, You also can tell that it was me without facing me".

"Didn't I told you two before? I can tell your two just by sensing yours presence"

When i talking with Iria, I can hear whisper.

"Didn't that one of <<Dragon Destroyer>> Iria Blitz? I never saw her participate in an event before, Why now?"

"<<Four Cards>> always been monopolized position first to fourth and only fifth can still be obtained by us, so if she also participate then that mean there's no chance for us anymore".

Looks like Iria also hearing that and she make wry smile.

"Looks like i'm not really welcomed here..."

"Ignore them, There's no sin in being strong".

She look at me and then laugh softly.

"Fu... You're right, Thanks".

"I don't think you need to thank for something like that, by the way, Did this is really your first time entering an event?".

"Yeah, I never entered before since i don't think it's necessary for me. I was already content with only watch everyone ability but...".


"Because i heard that you enter so i also enter".

She talk like it was a joke but her tone is serious.

"Remember the time when you split <<Tester>>? Just before you swing your sword, I feel an unspeakable pressure that i never feel before. I still remember that one second pressure is enough to make shiver, Not to brag but i actually not a girl that can easily terrified but the pressure that coming from you is more than enough to make me paralyzed".

She look at me with eyes of admiration.

"That's why! I want to have a duel with you even just once, To know how strong i become".

"...I'm glad you though of me that way, But please lower your voice".

"ups, Sorry about that, ehehe".

She make a cute apologetic voice.

"Alright! sorry to keep you all waiting".

Then one of staff come while carrying a rolled big paper.

"Now we will announce your sparring partner".

Then he paste it on the whiteboard, And the names of who fight who is revealed. I smile when i see my first opponent.

"Wow Yami, You suddenly have to fight the big shot from beginning. Are you alright?"

"Of course! It’s more exciting if the opponent is also strong".

I answer confidently while facing the whiteboard, to be exact, On the paper that write the third match where my name and my opponent written there.

Sekizawa Yami vs Erika Rosenberg

Part 9

“Winner, Reira Mystil! As expected from school strongest, it was overwhelming”.

The first match is decided almost instantly by Reira, It can’t even call a fight anymore.

The audience cheers is shaking the stadium, This stadium is even bigger than hall. The <<Field>> is on the center while the audience chairs filled around the <<Field>> from bottom to top. <<Field>> have protection wall on it’s every side and ceiling that prevent anything to in or out, So that mean you can only fight within it but because it’s every side is 15 meters so it’s that narrow.

Despite the audience cheering while calling her name, She just walk away immediately after come out from capsule that called <<Egg>> without even looking at them.

“Wow, so strong! Am I have to fight with her later?”

Beside me is Iria that made admiration comment, After this is her turn so if she win, automatically she have to fight with Reira. This sparring is actually just like usual tournament but when there’s only eight participant, There will be special rule that applied on the <<Field>> for each fight.

“Well then, I will go. Cheer on me”.

“good luck”

When she go out from waiting room for participant, The audience voice once again shaking the stadium. Iria waved to certain direction, She must be waving toward Aria that come to cheer on her.

“Now for the second match! The 6th rank <<Hero>> Rolland Tylor, He’s one of a few 6th rank <<Hero>> while he’s still a young and his opponent is the person that never enter an event before, Iria Blitz!! Even though she only 8th rank <<Hero>> don’t underestimate her! Because she’s a <<Dragon Destroyer>>”.

When the host introduce Iria, The audience shouting excitedly, I can hear “Amazing! <<Dragon Destroyer in action>>” and some comment that similar to that.

It’s not strange reaction, In this world there’s only two kind of people that dare to make dragon as their enemy. One is <<Dragon Slayer>>, They purposely tracking dragons by travel around town to town to gather information and if they found a dragon they will form a party and then go to slay the dragon. Different from <<Dragon Destroyer>> that won’t call or wait for reinforcement, The moment they found a dragon they will immediately fight it. That’s why watching them fight is a very rare scene because ordinary people usually afraid getting close to a dragon.

“Even if you’re a <<Dragon Destroyer>>, You still never fought a dragon before, right? So I have no reason to scared of you”.

I can hear his voice because anything in the <<Field>> can be seen or heard because there’s device that can make it happen. Rolland make provocative smile, But what he saying is right. Dragon is never sighted again for the past ten years.

“You’re right, I never fought a dragon before but…I already encountered one and I won’t forget about it…Ever!”

Rolland is take a step back instinctly, He must be terrified since Iria's Tone is suddenly changed on the last part while release a killing intent.

The spectator don’t realize that but I can feel it, Her usual friendly smile for an instant turned into a dark smile.


When the host give the signal, Rolland immediately shot a fireball but it easily evaded by Iria by sliding to the side by her skateboard from ice on her feet.

“So she’s a water user…and also a high level one”

I muttering while watch her sliding everywhere, Floor, Wall, and ceiling. She spinning in highspeed while Rolland continuously shot fireballs that never even grazed her.

“Stop running away! Are you afraid of me!?”

Rolland pissed off since none of his fireballs hit her, Then Iria suddenly stopped sliding and then stand on the ground while dispel her iceboard.

“You’re right, I also have something that I look forward into, Let’s get this over with…Give me your best shot”.

Iria make provocative pose. Seeing that, Rolland body shaking in anger.

“Okay then, If that’s what you want. I will make you regret for underestimating me”

Then Rolland body enveloped in bright red aura and on his palm a spiral fire is is formed, Different with Rolland that full of burning aura, Iria Don’t even release an aura, She only standing while closing her eyes and her lip muttering something in low voice.

Misunderstanding what’s happening, Rolland body even more enveloped with red aura. He must be thinking that she making fun of him.

“I won’t show you mercy anymore, Take this <<Flame Snake>>!!”.

He thrust his palm where the spiral flame located and then the spiral flame turned into a giant snake.

“OOHHH!! What’s this?? Participant Rolland suddenly summon a big snake flame, How participant Iria would respond to this?”

Despite in front of giant snake presence, Iria’s chant still undisturbed, It’s like she don’t even that snake exist.

“Now it’s over for you, Rip her apart!!”

Responding to Rolland’s command, The giant snake charge at Iria. But when it’s only a second until it’s fang can reach her, Iria’s chant is finish and the next moment…The <<Field>> that was filled with Rolland’s fire turned into blizzard field. The icicle appear from the floor everywhere and the protection wall is also freezed.

But the most surprising is Rolland and his giant flame snake also frozen, Iria’s Ice can even freeze the raging flame.

The audience is silent, and then one clapping can be heard followed by another clapping and every stadium is rumbling with excitement.

“How marvelous!! Winner, Iria Blitz!!”

The host declaration make the clapping and rumbling more harder.

[She’s pretty strong girl, Right Yami?]

“Yeah, I’m glad I enter this school that filled with strong people like her”.

Then I turn back from the screen and heading toward stage.

Part 10

When i passed the corridor, i meet Iria that going back from <<Field>>.

"Good fight there, I don't know that you're that strong".

"Of course! I won't be defeated that easily but...i don't know about the second round though".

Iria lower her shoulder but she immediately cheered up, This girl really full of energy.

"Anyway, I will watch your fight so don't lose to the <<Four Card>>. I rooting for you".

After saying that she walk away.

"<<Four Cards>> huh? Let me see your strength".

When I mutter that I hear the host voice introducing Erika.

“And right now it’s this person turn, No one that don’t know about her in this school…no in this country. The princess from Reginya country, Daughter from the <<Beast of War>> and also a 2nd rank <<Hero>>, Erika Rosenberg!!”.


The audience applause roaring, Erika walk while waving her hand toward them and then enter the <<Egg>> and after her conscience transferred into the doll, It’s finally my turn.

“And her opponent is a first year that despite being a <<Neutral>> able to destroy the <<Tester>> that can’t even scratched by a <<Hero>, Sekizawa Yami”.

When I came out the audience is whispering “Isn’t he that cheater?”, “Good, Let’s let Erika-sama punish him.

“Wow, How cold”.

It’s entirely different from previous reaction, Looks like they think my defeat already decided.

[Heh, I can’t wait to see their faces when this match over. Although that lady is pretty, don’t pull any punches, Yami].

(Of course, I won’t hold back against strong opponent).

Thanatos smiling when he hear my word.

I transform <<Silver>> from pendant into it’s sword form and placing it in the small capsule beside <<Egg>>, The small capsule is called <<Box>>, it’s only for a fighter that using weapon so their weapon is also can be transferred into <<Field>>.

After I done with that, I enter the <<Egg>> and then closing my eyes.

The next I open my eyes I already within the <<Field>> and I already carrying <<Silver>>, I open and close my palm because this is my first time like this. When I look behind I saw my own body is sleeping within <<Egg>>.

“Is this your first time using <<Field>>”.

Suddenly Erika talk to me.

“Yeah, It’s still feel strange”.

I say that while touching my body, It’s sensation is same like I really touching my own body since I can feel skin.

“Don’t worry, You get used sometime”.

“Yeah, This kind of thing won’t affect my ability so please don’t hold back”.

When I say that I can see the audience shouting something but because <<Field>> soundproof from within so outside voice can’t be heard.

“Now, Are both of you ready?”




Erika thrust her palm toward me and then two icicle appear from her hand and flying toward me, I dodge it just by siding my head left and right.

“To summon two icicle in very short time, as expected from 2nd rank Hero is amazing”.

“And you that able to evade it easily is more amazing I think”.

Erika answering while smiling with thrilling expression. Looks like this girl is similar to Thanatos, She’s also a battle mania.

“Then how about this!?”

From above, Giant cube of ice is falling.

(So she can also form that giant thing in short time, She must be cast it when she throw that earlier icicle. Amazing).

To cast another <<Art>> immediately after you finish an <<Art>>, one need very much concretation.

Then I feel cold on my feet, When I look at my feet, It’s already frozen...Or It’s more correct that the whole floor already turned into ice.

(Hmm, In very short time…)

“OOOH, three barrage of <<Art>> Is this it?”

The host shouted.

I unconsciously smiling, This is what I always yearned. A serious duel without holding back.

“Thank you, Erika Rosenberg”.


I spin <<Silver>> that I holding and changed into reverse grip.

“Shinigami sword style…Sixth form”.

<<Silver>> enveloped with black aura and then I pierce the floor strongly with it.

“<<Kaimei Bakujin >> {Dark Sword’s Explosion}”.

The moment before the explosion happen, I feel something out of place.

(Don’t tell me! This is bad!)



The floor exploded while let out very loud sound, The <<Field>> is filled with black smoke and black fire. They who watch the fight from the screen outside also can’t see anything.

“W…What’s going on? I can’t see what’s happening inside”.

The host and audience in stadium confused.

“Hey. Do something about this”.

“We can’t see”.

The audience starting to agitated and the staff trying to calm them down.

“Hey look, The smoke starting to fade”.

They all look toward the <<Field>> without blink an eye, waiting to smoke to clear. And when a part of <<Field>> is visible, Erika is seen standing uninjured.

The audience immediately roared but Erika then shout.

“What does this mean? Sekizawa”.

The audience that about to cheer is silenced, Because when smoke in front Erika is also gone, Yami is seen close in front of her while facing backward. It’s like he protecting her.

When the smoke is all cleared, everyone can see the state of <<Field>>, The ground that destroyed, The protection wall that also cracked. There’s not even a trace of the Ice, it’s like it never even exist before.

“There’s some malfunction, The damage you take will become tenfold and I think the <<Egg>> won’t protect your mind anymore”.

Yami calmly explaining but from his tone, he’s pretty mad.

“It’s impossible, Engineers! Please take a look immediately”.

When the host say that, several men that wearing engineer uniform came out and then they examine the <<Field>> and the <<Egg>>.

“It’s just like he said, Both the <<Field>> and <<Egg>> is broken. I think it’s already broken before the match is starting”.

When one of engineer report that, The ruckus in audience can be heard.

“Didn’t it will be very bad if the damage become tenfold and your mind isn’t protected anymore!?”

“Yeah, It can resulted brain dead”.

Then Erika realized it, She thought that Yami doing that to insult her but it’s actually to protect her , If she taken a damage from that explosion she can’t say that she would be able to resist it.

“A…Are you alright?”

Erika say that worriedly, She even almost crying. Yami that take it directly must be suffered great damage.

“Hm…Don’t worry, This kind of damage won’t be enough to break me”.

Yami’s clothes is torn apart and he bleed everywhere. Even a child can understand that this is critical.

“Don’t lie! I never see someone still alright with that kind of wound”.

Being say that by Reira, Yami scratch the back of his head.

“Then you better remember this scene, Because I still alright with this kind of wound”.

Yami say that with smile while stretch his body to prove it.

On the left side of Metaria, Fuuka that saw that is loss for word, Not only her but the whole middle school student is also in silence.


The silence is break by one voice, It was Hikari’s voice. She right now wearing disguise and no one recognize her but because she suddenly she suddenly shout, everyone attention directed toward her. Hikari that don’t care that she’s being watched is trying to run into stadium but she stopped by Lili that grab her hand.


Hikari is look toward Lili with puzzled expression.

“…It’s alright,…Yami-sama isn’t that weak. Right now we need to stay here”.

Even though she say that with emotionless tone, her hand is actually shaking.

“Lili is right, I’m sure nii-sama is alright”.

“…You’re right, Sorry Lili, Rin”.

“No need to apologize, I know how you feel”.

“…When Yami-sama back, I will give him a long scolding”.

“Ah, count me in. There’s something I want to say to him too”.

“me too”.

The group only watch without saying anything, They thinking that they’re Yami Family or something because they don’t know that the people that just watch the fight until now is actually the <<Two Goddess>>.

“Attention please”

All the glance turned into the direction of voice, The host in screen.

“Because of major malfunction and it’s dangerous if it’s continue, So the school staff is decided to cance this event”.

None that voiced a complain, It’s a right measure.

“It’s unfortunate that the event is cancelled but I’m glad Erika-sama is alright”.

“Yeah, And that Sekizawa-senpai also really cool, I also want someone protect me like that”.

“You also think so? I’m glad I’m not the only one”.

“I also think that”.

“Hey, let’s wait for him to came out”.

“Yeah, let’s go”.

The group of student starting to run toward stadium and Hikari, Rin, and Lili watch that in silence.

“…Let us also depart”.

Both of Hikari and Rin nod in silence while releasing scary aura.

“Let’s go Fuuka-san”.


Yami told her not to leave but she can’t say no because she scared what will happen if she not agree.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4>

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:00 pm
by raitouazura
Spoiler! :
Chapter 4 : Unexpected crisis

Part 1

Metaria School health office, Right now I’m alone in this room. I just finish an examination and now lie down on the bed. It’s not like I badly hurt but it just looks so from other people view, Of course I don’t like to be hurt but what can I say, These past ten years makes me get used to pain. I already told them I don’t need any examination but the staff insisted and Erika-san watching me with worried expression so I reluctantly agreed.

After they examine me a machine that have shape like a gun and scanning me from head to toe, They told me to wait here before they leave while bringing that machine, Erika also leave because there’s someone call her. She glance at me in hesitation so I just say ‘I’m fine, just go’ then she leave after a bow.

A small TV that turned on is showing news, and it’s all about today event. I can see the ruined <<Field>> is being swarmed by onlooker. Even though there’s security but it’s not enough to hold their curiosity.

“…looks like it’s impossible for me to wait for the rumors to be faded”

If only once, people can still think of it as coincidence or some sort of mistake but since it’s already the second time, It’s natural people curious and trying to find out.

[That’s why I told you it’s useless to hide your power, Just show them with confidence].

Thanatos say that while cleaning his ear with his little finger.

[I hate to admit but I agree with him, <<Immortal>> constitution is exactly same like normal human, As long as you not using your Immortal strength, people won’t find out].

Just like Metatron said, My body is actually same with other except I don’t have heartbeat and pulse. At first it’s hard to make people won’t find out, I have to be very careful from others to prevent them from touching my chest, neck or wrist. But now I can fake them by manipulating <<Essense>> within me, Even machine can’t detect anything unusual when I examined.

“…You’re right, There’s many thing that I need to do because I already in Reinslan, and staying hidden won’t help out”.

Find out more about <<Seal of God>>, Make much fortune, And also to become more and more stronger, I need to fight against strong people too. In Misas, Eater won’t appear anymore since their nest there is already destroyed, more like I destroy it as one of Thanatos’ trial before he teach me <<Shinigami-Ryuu>>. Of course that’s a good thing and helping many people but because of that I lost opponent that I can go all out.

When the news that Eater nest in Misas is now gone, many people started to moving in. Well that’s natural, Because In this world only a few city without Eater nest nearby. Misas that used to be a town for low profile citizen now it’s became an advanced city because many noble live there and developed it. Also since many noble need worker in their houses, office, and factory. Many jobs is open for common people, Even though it’s only just a helper but it’s drastically improved their living. Of course as for why did it suddenly destroyed, no one know except ones who involved.

The scene in TV changed to the reporter in middle of interviewing Shiina-san. She’s wearing a well-dressed suit with brown blazer, Despite swarmed by many question, her expression is calm and stern.

“We hear there’s some malfunction in the <<Field>>, But what part exactly is malfunction?”

“There’s two part that have fatal error, Damage calculation and brain protector”.

When Shiina-san say that, all the reporters nearby is murmuring by themselves. And she continue.

“From the result of examination, The damage calculation is became tenfold from it’s original, even more it’s happen while brain protector also disabled. This is very dangerous, fortunately there’s only one has been slightly injured and no one have mental shock but I am very sorry for this kind of thing to happened”.

Shiina-san bowed to everyone that watched the TV. Seeing that, I feel it's not fair for her. It’s not her that have to apologize and bow her head like that.

“Metatron, there’s no mistake it’s his doing, right?”.

The moment before the explosion happen, I can feel the atmosphere is changed but at that time I don’t have time to think, so I follow my instinct and stand in front of Erika and thrust me left palm that still have small darkness as a shield to reduce the damage.

[There’s no mistake, at that time I can feel the <<Field>> is changed by some sort of device that contain slight Mana. And It was come from…That Michael’s direction].

[Unforgivable! Not only he’s dare to sabotage a duel, He also trying to harm a girl. Absolutely unforgivable!!]

“He must using some sort of advanced device since the result say the malfunction happen just before the match’s begin”.

I was angry of course, Because he not only ruin my first duel but also trying to harm Erika that know nothing. But…

“Isn’t it strange…?”.

[What is strange].

“Well, there might be people that have too much pride and don’t hesitate to kill anybody that hurt their pride even a little but…no matter what isn’t it going to far to trying to kill uninvolved person together?”

Just this alone I still can’t figure out, If he just trying to target and kill me without dirtied his own hands, I can at least understand that.

[No matter what reason he had, It doesn’t change the fact that he’s doing something unforgivable!]

Thanatos is furious, I can understand why he’s this angry. To Thanatos, a duel is a sacred ritual that mustn’t be interfered especially in dirty way. From way back then we already agreed that when I’m in duel, No matter how much unfavorable disadvantage situation I’m in, They will only sit and watch.

“Well then, looks like there’s gonna change in plan”.

Just as I about to think a new plan…


The light and the TV is suddenly turn off. Since it still daylight so it’s not become totally dark

“This is…”

[Mana Interference!]

Metatron say that while looking right and left.

Mana Interference is something like hijacking the flow of Mana in one or some location, Every facility is most of them is filled with device that only work when they have Mana inside them. Every city have energy facility that maintain it’s stability, They have a device that can gathered Mana in the air and then spread them into the city. So of course trying to interfere with it is count as serious crime.

But in a short time, The light and the TV is turn on again.

“Is it just a slight malfunction…?”

But that though vanish instantly the moment I hear a voice.

“To every resident on Reinslan, We already take over Metaria School”.

That voice coming from the TV that still blurry, only the shadow can be saw. From the window I can see many armed people that anyone can tell it’s not security person in one glance entering from every entrance. They’re wearing masked helmed from steel that covering their whole face and they wearing protection vest.


Terrorizing act happen is not something that rare anymore, In this age where war still happen all the time, It's something that happen often no matter in which country.

"oh man, Why did a new problem come before the previous problem is over?"

Rather than doing this kind of thing, isn't it better to just stay at home. or if they want an action, just join the army. That way they won't get bored.

“To everyone who’s inside the school, please don’t make any strange movement. we don't want to use force for both of our sake,right?

I look at TV again, it’s starting to get clearer.


The moment when the screen is clear, I widened my eyes. From the screen, a person that I don’t know is smiling creepily. He have handsome face and like a noble but I think anyone can feel the eerie from his smile. But that’s not why I was so startled.

The background behind him, The wall’s pattern and also the structure of some object placed. I…Know that place.

Part 2

“This situation is really bad”.

Right now I, Kazemaru Fuuka in hall along with many students and their families that came to watch the event that unfortunately canceled and even worse we become some terrorist’s hostage. I sit near wall on the left side.

I sit on the floor just like everyone else, I watch the terrorist that checking everyone’s face. They must be searching for someone, I don’t know if they’re searching for <<Two Goddess>> or not but when the blackout happen I hiding them with ninjutsu because of my instinct.

They’re already checking my face but maybe because I’m not what they’re after, he’s leave to check other’s face immediately.

From the widescreen inside this hall, I can see disgusting man with creepy smile. He looks like really full of confidence.

“What’s your motive in doing this? Do you think you can get away with all of this?”

From the speaker, we can hear principal’s voice. The terrorist purposely letting us to hear it.

“Well well, isn’t this lady Shiina Diarama. You are a beauty just like what rumored say”.

“I feel disgusted hearing that compliment from you”.

Despite principal reveal her feeling in disgust, He just laughing in delight. This kind of talk happened for a while, He always say those vulgar word while principal responding calmly, She must be trying to stall the time.

(How can this kind of thing happen? What about the security? It’s impossible to fail to detect this kind of many people)

Since there’s also assassins from my village and I know well how strong they’re, I can’t believe they fail to detect them or beaten by terrorist.

“Ugh, why I can’t use my power?”

One of student near me say that with powerless voice.

“A device that can prevent us from using our power like this, it must be <<Anti-Mana>>”.

I also one opinion with that uncle that say that, Other than <<Vic>> that made to seal one individual strength, There’s also <<Anti-Mana>> that used for sealing many people at once.

(That thing must be somewhere within this school but where…?)

If can destroy it then it’s our win.

“It’s strange, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

When that terrorist say that, principal respond with question. I also don’t understand until his next word.

“Just looking how good you with word but strangely…your little sister here is completely different”.

The screen changed and displayed a girl that her eyes is closed sitting on the chair, She look frightened. I was surprised, I don’t know principal have little sister, Her feature is certainly similar to principal.

“O…Onee-chan, I’m sorry”.

“MINA!!, You Itsuki! What are you doing to her!?”

The principal that always been calm responding to his any disgusting word suddenly outbusts

“Ho Ho, you finally get serious, Despite being cold so you hide your nature as doting sister,huh?”

He stand in front of screen while laughing because he can made principal lost her calm, The girl is tied on the chair behind him. Just by seeing it from screen I was about to puke. Taking someone’s family as hostage, How Coward.

“How about if kiss her right now, Just what kind of reaction you have I wonder”.

Hearing that, The girl is even more frightened. But she can’t run because she is tied in the chair and that chair is holding by two big man.

“Stop! I do anything so please let her go”.

Hearing principal plead, He just laughing even harder. Then he move closer to that girl. Every one step he take is make the students and everyone here is told him to stop, I also shout even though I know he can’t hear me.


“Stop it! I beg you”.

The principal voice that mix with tear is ignored by him, and just before his dirty hand touch her…The girl shout while tears streaming from her closed eyes.


His hand stopped or should I say his entire body stopped and then started to waver, On his forehead many cold sweat is fall. He suddenly jump back in fright and crashed toward the camera behind him. That make the screen only displayed the lower area around the legs and it’s also not that clear since the camera must be broken when it’s fall, we can only saw the legs part.

“W…W…Who’s there!?”

He say that with wavered voice, What’s happen to him? It looks like he just saw a ghost or something.

The door is opened and a pair of legs showed walk into the room before the scene in screen totally gone.

Part 3

‘What happened?’ Many say that, That’s natural since I also confused.

Then suddenly I receive a signal, it was a call from him. The shikigami I gave him is a personal shikigami that can only used to call me. Personal Shikigami can work without using Mana but by blood of it’s owner so it still can be used even with <<Mana Interference>> here.

“The situation here is chaotic, where are you right now?”

I say it with whisper while closing my mouth, I take thinking pose so no one will get suspicious, Fortunately inside this hall is full of people who’s in confusion so they all always talking nervously so my low voice won’t be heard.

“I’m outside of school right now, how your and the other condition?”

Since when did he leave the school? Also I faintly can hear crying voice from other side, Where the hell is he!?

“We all fine, but I can’t say the situation here is that good though”.

I explained the detail roughly to him.

“I see, <<Mana Interference>> huh? They’re pretty well prepared”.

He analyzed calmly, and I was curious since then.

“Sekizawa Yami, Did you with someone right now? I can hear someone’s voice you know”

“Ah, That’s right. I’m with Mina right now, you might be don’t know, she’s principal’s little sister”.

Did this guy just say something serious with light tone? I just saw her become hostage a minute ago so…wait.

(just before that Itsuki about to touch her, didn’t she…)

I remembered the moment when she call out for him.

“Did you the one who enter through the door at that time?”

“So it still working after all, But you’re right it’s me. Rather than talking about that…”

It’s not ‘rather than talking about that’ level right? Just how is this guy…?

“Can you go to principal’s office without getting noticed? and also please take along those three too”.

Didn’t he just casually ask me to doing extreme job right now? He want me sneak from here to principal’s office without getting noticed? Moreover I have to take others too?

“You know what? The road from here to the principal’s office is pretty far and is swarmed by many terrorist. What should I do with them?”.

I throw sarcasm toward him but he just answer casually.

“Just subdue them. Or don’t tell me…You can’t do that? Then sorry, I though if you, you must be…”.

“I do it! I show you I can do it!“.

I don’t know why but I really pissed off when he say that. When I look at my surrounding I notice the nearby hostage looking at me. Because I suddenly stand and shout.

“cough…sorry about that”.

I sit again, I can tell my face is red right now. They immediately stop looking at me, Given this situation we in now, It’s not strange if there’s people that start to stressed over. They must be thinking I one of that people.

“How embarrassing”.

From the other side I can hear he’s holding his laugh, He’s know!!

(This guy…I can’t understand why <<Two Goddess>> is like this irritating guy).

“I call again when I reach principal’s office”.

With that I turn off the call immediately.

“I’m sorry but that guy told us to go to the principal’s office but you don’t need to force yourself, It was unreasonable request in the first place”.

I talk to the wall behind me without turning back, Yes I hiding them there all this time. I use mantle that especially made from giant charmeleon skin. Giant charmeleon is a reptile that very hard to notice because their skin allowed them to mix with any scene and also it even can make an illusion that make it’s even more harder to get noticed.

“No, Since this is Onii-chan’s request, I will do my best”

“I also go,Nii-sama won’t told us to go if there’s no reason”.

“…I also go”.

All of them agreed to go almost instantly. Just how much they trusted that person?

“Alright then, follow me closely”

I look at my surroundings first, There’s about fifteen guard in this room and they tightly guarded any entrance.

“What should we do, Fuuka-san? There’s so many of them…”

Hikari-sama ask me with worried expression.

“They certainly guarded all route entrance but…not the secret route”.

“There’s something like ‘secret route’ in Metaria School!?”

“Yes, in the first place Metaria School is already included this kind of possibilities to happen considering there’s many people that secretly opposed for this school to accept <<Neutral>>”.

Because Kumokiri Village is in close relationship with Reinslan, So they told us about that.

“Fortunately it’s close with our current location, please move slowly and always stick to the wall”.


I started to move to left slowly by sliding because walking will too stand out and they followme quietly while stick to the wall so not make the disguise revealed. After a while I stop and make sign so they also stop.

I look at my surrounding, there’s still too many of them close by.

(I need to do something to distract them but how…?)

I look at every side of this room, searching for something that useful for distraction then my eye fell on the lamplight that was hanged above the stage.

(No one nearby so it should be safe).

I reach my ribbon on my uniform and grab one shuriken that I hide before, after that I cross my hand to hide the shuriken in my right hand.

Without moving my another part except my right palm, I throw the shuriken to that lamplight chain the instant I saw my throwing route is escape from the guards view.



“What’s that?”

Everyone in the room is look at the stage and find the lamplight is fall and crashed. It’s splinter is fortunately injured no one because no one sit close to the stage.

“Why did it fall?”

One of guard is ask that to another guard that approach the crashed lamp to examine it.

“I think it’s because it’s already old, Here”

Then he show the rusted chain to his comrade.

“I thought Metaria School is perfect but they also have flaw after all”.

The other also laughing without realize the fours already escape from there.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:10 am
by Dyncharoth
Please update this awesome LN soon. :)

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:19 pm
by UndeadLord_Akat
Please update this awesome ONL soon I really like this.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:03 pm
by Lazyanon
please update soon

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:46 am
by onizuka-gto
under editorial-review. please leave a comment on what you think of it.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:30 am
by Tharin
Am i the only one that sometimes has problems comprehending what he is trying to write?
The Story flow is on a good level.
Althoug the English gives me headaches from time to time.

It still is a good piece of Art without doubt.
Waitig for a new Chapter.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:45 pm
by Hitomi
i've been reading this for a while now...
the problem with this novel: it contradicts itself way too often, making it feel inconsistent, especially in the later chapters.
while reading this i sometimes find myself wondering whether the author even proofreads his chapters before posting them
nevertheless, i liked the story so i closed an eye on that.
i think the author would do himself a favor if he'd edit and improve the whole novel from the beginning.
but seeing as their haven't been any updates in a while, i'm assuming that this novel was dropped.
therefore i will keep my critic short.