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Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:02 pm
by gamerbaki
Hmm... regarding my later post, I began to re-tweak again the earlier parts of the first volume because I lately realized that my reader is right. I have to edit some of the scenes in order to attract more readers. Although most of my edits there are all about sentence and thought construction.

Anyway, I recently edited the prologue and maybe I'll do the same thing up to Chapter 1

UPDATE: I finally finished editing Chapter 1 of Volume 1. Man, it is a hell of a work checking and rewriting some of my faulty parts but I think, it is lot better than the old one! :D

And... it seems that I'll be editing Chapter 2 as well... (ugh...what a pain in the ass... -_-)

Done parts 1-3

ANOTHER UPDATE, OCTOBER 10: I won't be posting Chapter 8 for now, as long I'm not finished settling with the earlier volume. I should be focusing on the consistency of my work more than uploading my story every now and then. But by the time I'm finish with the stuffs on the Volume 1, I'll resume updating the story as well.

After all, my long agony of fight scenes will begin there :D

UPDATE: OCTOBER 26: done with editing Part 4 of the Chapter 2 of Volume 1

With the sembreak already in my grasp, I can manage to finish proofreading the first parts of the Volume :3

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:06 pm
by gamerbaki

I finally got a thousand views?

Nothing's changed anyway. /lol/

I haven't touched this thread for the past days nor even wrote new parts. (I feel so left out :()

Maybe, I'll begin to post the next chapter by this week :)

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:12 am
by gamerbaki

I can finally feel the essence of sembreak!

That means...I can focus more on my novel! //lol

As a primer, let me post the next chapter :D

Chapter 8: The Minotaur's Comeback - Unfinished Business

Part 1
Spoiler! :
June 18, Monday


"Onii-chan, could you open this thing for me?" said the black haired twin-tailed girl while pushing a jar of mayonnaise onto my face.
"Eh? Why?"
"I want to eat sandwich! I want you to open this for me!"
"Why do I even need to do that, Nanami? Can't you see I'm eating here? My hands are oily from the hotdog anyway."
"I'm hungry!"

Her small lips tries to make a curve similar to a pout as she felt powerless against the eating me.

"(She's really bossy.)"

I continued to eat my snack on the plate.
On my plate were three jumbo hotdogs in which I used to eat them with my hands for an afternoon snack. My little sister, Nanami whose age is five on the other hand, has a pair of loaf bread on her plate which is supposed to be filled with mayonnaise.


"I can't open it..."

She said it to me while giving me a sad face.


. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .


I leaked a sigh. I grabbed the jar of mayonnaise from her hand.

"Be grateful that I am going to do this for your--huh?"

I can't open the lid of the jar either.
The lid became slippery all of a sudden.

I attempted to open the jar of mayonnaise for indefinite times but I still failed on opening it. The lid is just too slippery to be opened to make the long story short.

"Onii-chan, are you okay?"

From my little sister's question, I finally gave up on the mayonnaise and put it down with a bit of force in it.

"I can't do it either..." I muttered.
"Kotaro-kun, Nana-chan, what was that?"

A female voice came from the kitchen beside us. That was our Mom, Ayumi.

Suddenly, Nanami took the jar of mayonnaise and ran towards Mom.

"Mom, could you open this? Onii-chan is too weak to handle a simple mayonnaise."
"Hey!" I shouted in response.
"Nanami, don't such things to him. He is still your older brother. Here, I'll open this."

Mom took the jar of mayonnaise where she successfully opened it after a few seconds.
Mom also added that the lid is slippery with oil and the possible course is that I tried to open it first with my both hands full of oil coming from the hotdog.
In fact, the lid isn't really that slippery not to be opened by a little kid. It only got worse when I tried to open it with my oily hands.

Nanami said her thanks to Mom followed by an "I love you," before running back to the table.

Eventually, the evening will strike where Dad will come home from work and we will happily eat dinner together.

These peaceful routines continues to loop, causing those kinds of days become my daily living. I can easily say that I have a very happy family right now.

However, this scene is now a memory to me.

It was the time where I am still eight years old and also the time where things are going well the way it should be.

Where I once belonged to a certain group called a “family”.

For some reasons, that was running in my mind not until it was interrupted by my ringing phone.

With my eyes still close and my thoughts still fuzzy due to my previous thoughts being interrupted, I slowly picked my phone from my pocket and lazily put it in front of my ear.


It is Yunihara-san who is calling.

Come to think of it, she isn't here in the classroom. Perhaps, she already went home.
And also, I just realized that those memories earlier were just my dream, just like how I dreamed of that scenario I once wrote in my notepad.

"Yea-ooo..." I made a half hearted reply to her while having a big yawn.

"Are you still sleeping?"
"Yeah. Good night."
"Kotaro-kun! Don't hang up the phone yet!"
"Just kidding..."

To be honest--over the past few days, I'm starting to lack in sleep.


It is because I always have a bad feeling that Yuichi is watching at me at all times, even in the middle of the night

And that is not only happening to me, Johann too is also suffering from the same thing.

Johann also said that ever since that incident with him, Yuichi is always attending classes with his eyes only onto him.
In fact, we both receive an e-mail from Yuichi in the middle of the night saying that we must watch our backs or else, we're dead.

That incident alone scared the crap out of us, making us paranoid upon everything.

After all, we've come in contact with one of the most known killers in Japan with killing intents still rising against us.

"Sorry. I'm just lacking from sleep over these days."

I gave my honest reason to her.

"No reason."

Then I heard of a sighing from the other side of the line.

"Kotaro-kun, could you please carry my bag to my home?"
"Your bag?"
"Yes. It is on top of my desk."

Indeed, there is really a bag place on top of the desk beside me.

"Why did you leave your bag here?" I asked.
"It wasn't on purpose, Kotaro-kun. It happens that there is an immediate errand I need to do earlier so I went to the shrine right after the class end, leaving my bag behind."
"Oh, I see."

She explained that to me in a apologetic tone.

"Then why didn’t I notice you going out? If I noticed you going out that time, I've might reminded you that you had left your bag here." I added.

We're seatmates so one's doing is easily noticed by the other, just like how she warned me every time I was about to fall asleep.

"But, you are sleeping that time remember?" However, she answered me with a question.

Oh yeah, I got bored with the last subject that I easily fell asleep, dragging my thoughts into that dream of the past.

"Haha, my bad."

While leaking a fake laugh on the phone, I hanged up the call from her.

Honestly, I was a bit humiliated there.

Right after I cut the call from her, she instantly sent me a mail where a map with a series of instructions is showed there as an attachment.

"Here's the way to the shrine. Just follow the instructions and you will reach here. Thank you and also, sorry."

That is what Yunihara-san said on a post-script.

"Seems like that I will have a long afternoon, huh?"

Since Yunihara-san is right and her home is built on the other side of the island, I called Nee-san for permission for going home a little bit late. After all, her house is very far from the dormitory.

I packed up all of my stuff along with Yunihara-san's bag and left the classroom afterwards.

As I passed Class 2-A's classroom in which Johann belonged to, I can't help but to take a look at it only to know that...

"Nobody's here."

I muttered my impression on the room of a comrade.
It means that Johann went into somewhere or perhaps, went home already.

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Johann once said to me that ever since the incident at the rooftop some days ago, Yuichi started to attend classes. As a matter of fact, Yuichi and Johann belonged to the same class where for some occasions; Johann is always being glared by Yuichi from a distance.

When I heard it for the first time, I was partly surprised of it. Maybe because I already thought that he is actually watching for us and it is an inevitable thing.

Anyway, it doesn't matter for right now.

I made permission to Nee-san so there shouldn't be any problems in the future.

Outside the school, I went to a nearby bus that would bring me to East Ibuki City where Yunihara-san is living.

They said that place is also the same as suburbs I am currently living.
Actually, according to the map Yunihara-san mailed me, the east part and the west part of the island is only connected by a small mountain in the middle. That means if I want to go to the east part of the island without going around the island itself, I must hike my way up to the mountain in order to reach the east side.

Maybe I should give it a try with one of these days.


I don't know whether the bus I just rode is comfortable or I am just sleepy enough to fall asleep throughout the entire trip. The only thing I'm sure of is that I already arrived at the exact place where Yunihara-san lives.

I went down on the bus on the actual mountainside where a long staircase with an arc naming "Ibuki Shrine" is built above the staircase in the middle of all the trees that were planted here.


I gulped my saliva in as I became astounded by the height of the actual stairs.

Of course, I used to climb these kinds of stairs in order to go to the shrine itself and offer a prayer. But simply looking at the stairs in front of me makes me want to give up and go home already.

(What are you hesitating for? Don't you have something to give right now?)
"Shut up. I'm just meditating myself."
"Yeah. This will be a hell of work. By the way, it's been a long time."

I became surprised as someone--no something spoke after me.

Obviously, it is the Fire God, Icarus-sama who just spoke to me.

(It's been a while, lad. I had to reserve my strength in order to assist you in the future battles so I did not attempt to disturb you.)
"I see."

That might be the reason why Icarus-sama didn't showed its presence to me over the past few days.

It didn't even made a reaction when we found out about Ryuji and Death Eye. Perhaps it wants to have a rest even for a moment.

"Then, what do you mean by future battles? Is there a fight nearby?" I asked out of curiosity.

(Fortunately, there is no threat waiting for you at this moment. However, you should pay more attention to what are you doing.)
(I've been sensing several powerful presences on this island. I still don't know whether are all hostile or not. Just move with caution, I'm telling you.)

Several powerful presences, huh?

"(Are they that powerful for the Fire God to give warning to me?)"

Still, if Icarus-sama wants me to move with extra care then...

"I understood. Thanks for the warning, anyway."

I gave a half-hearted thanks to Icarus-sama.

(Being my servant in the price of ensuring your safety is our entire contract. Giving you a warning is a part of that. The rest is up to you.)
"Ah, I really appreciate your kindness to me by warning me against these kinds of things but..."

I pointed my index finger on the highest part of the stairs I could possible see.

"...I'm just going to give a bag to my classmate, away from a battle you would always want! What could possibly go wrong?"

Icarus-sama leaked a sound similar to a sigh.

(I'm saying these things in order for you to get aware of everything. It's already up to you what is going to happen next.)

Hey...what's with those words, dear Fire God?

"Hey! It is not my intention to joke with your words. I mean, I'm going to a classmate's house. Nothing's wrong with that, right?"
(I hope so. Just be aware, lad.)
"Eh? What do you mean?"

However, Icarus-sama did not respond to my question.

"And, it's gone."

I murmured into an empty space as I can't feel Icarus-sama's presence again.

Maybe, it suddenly spoke to me just to warn me for real. If that is the case, then I'm going to take those words seriously.

But first of all, I must give this to Yunihara-san before anything else happens.

"Okay, I'm off."

I made a shout to myself as I took my first step towards the shrine above. Somehow, I gained a determination to climb these stairs.

I wonder if the stairway to Heaven is as long and high as this. Hahahahaha, don't be silly. Of course, what lies beyond the stairs is my actual goalpost--Yunihara-san's house.

. . . . . .

. . .

" exhausting..."

Once again, my stamina failed to impress me.

I don't know how long I am walking through these hellish stairs.

I even starting to think whether these stairs I'm walking on leads me to Heaven...or Hell perhaps. I'm very tired and I don't know how long am I going to last if I continued to walk for a few more minutes.

In the worse case, I might collapse here and roll all the way down to the mountainside.

Slowly, I’m starting to see some light at the far end of the stairs.

Maybe this is heaven after all.

I should shake away my will to give up and continue to go forth.

After all, for every hardship you do is another pleasure waiting for you.

And it seems that I'm getting closer to that pleasure because...

" really came, Kotaro-kun-eh!"

A familiar voice entered my ears as it gave me an instant relief the exact moment I heard it.


I called on the person who appeared before me soon as I reached the top of the shrine with all the remaining strength I had.

"Kotaro-kun?! What happened to you?"

Yunihara-san came to me in a hurry with worry.

In contrast to her usual school uniform I used to see her at school, she is now wearing a white haori and a red hakama with her purple hair tied in a white ribbon. To put this in a single but brief idea, she is now wearing a miko outfit.

Well, she is in fact a miko and she must wear that outfit during her job so I guess, it can't be help.


On the other hand, I made a thumbs-up to her while wearing the best possible smile I could possible wear.

"Ha? I don't understand you. What happened to you? You looked pale."
"Haaa...don't worry .*cough* I just passed the test of...willpower..."
"What are you talking about? Come on, let me help you walk."

Against my will and perhaps having insufficient energy to resist, I accepted Yunihara-san's aid and helped me walk away from the steps behind me.

This is really embarrassing.

. . . . . .


"Thank for the food."

I gladly said my thanks to the food Yunihara-san gave me as a token of appreciation.

She said that since I went all the way here just to bring her bag to her home is a big hassle to me, she insisted on treating me on a snack at least.

In fact, she even offered me to stay at her place just for tonight. I just refused that offer with all of my might.
Of course, there is no way that I would do something dirty to her if I happen to accept her offer and stay for a night at her house.

The problem is, whether I do something to Yunihara-san or not, Nee-san is going to kill me for good for not going home early. So in order to save myself, I have to say "NO" to her offer.

"I see. I'm glad that you appreciated the food I gave to you."
"It's no big deal. It's a matter of give and take here." I replied.

Right now, I'm sitting on the edge of the steps where in front of me is a large view of the sea along with the setting sun in the horizon.

It is a great view that I starting to feel relaxed here.
Also, it is also quiet here creating a somewhat peaceful environment.

Well, it is a shrine and it should be relaxing and peaceful or else, people won't come here to offer their prayers and wishes.

Meanwhile, Yunihara-san who is currently sweeping the ground behind opened her mouth.

"Kotaro-kun. What exactly happened to you a while ago?"


She asked that question again.

The way she saw me climbing that hellish stairs is enough for me to get embarrassed. Maybe she is already thinking that I am just a pathetic guy.

Anyway, the fatigue I accumulated from that long walk slowly disappeared, thanks to the snack Yunihara-san gave me and as well to this peaceful place.

"Is there something you can't say to me?"
"! No! It's not like I can't say this to you but rather..."

. . . . . .

In the end, I told her that I became tired on walking on the quarter part of the stairs and what made me climb the rest of it is my will to reach this place alone.

"Oh, is that so? I'm sorry if I caused you trouble this time."

Hearing my entire experience on walking on the long stairs, she immediately made an apology to me.

I turned my head to her.

"Don't mind about it. I'm okay right now, so don't worry."

Then I stand up and lifted up her bag as I slowly approached Yunihara-san.

"Here's your bag."

I showed her bag right in front of Yunihara-san.

"Thank you."

She answered me with a bow before taking her bag from me.

"Then, I'll be leaving now."

I said soon as I turned my back to her.

"Are you sure you won't be staying here?" she asked.
"Of course not! There are some people waiting for me at home."

Too bad, I won't be enjoying this beautiful sunset a little longer.

But, this is for the best.

For the safety of my life, I'll gladly reject her offer of staying here tonight no matter what.

"I see."

Then she smiled at me and started to weakly wave at me.

"Then, have a safe trip."

I already made my few steps on the shrine and was about to descend the long stairs when my cellphone rang for the second time.


I said on the microphone of my cellphone.

"Kotaro? Good thing it's finally connected!"
"Jo--I mean, Kaito! What are you talking about?"

Why did Johann call me all of a sudden? And what's with this "it's finally connected" thing?

I was about to say the name Johann out of reflex but since I am still at Ibuki Shrine not to mention that Yunihara-san is still behind me, I was forced to use Kaito for a while.

"Kotaro, the minotaurs are here again at school! Where are you right now? I've been looking for you all this time!"

What? Johann did not left the classroom all that time? What is he doing in the school at that time?

"Minotaurs? What do you mean? Is Magnus there as well?"

"Not yet, but it seemed that Magnus swarmed this place with minotaurs. As a matter of fact, you might not be aware of this but I already casted a Space Shift on this entire island although the point of activity is still at the school. I am also hiding in one of the restrooms just to make a call to you?"

Space Shift.

That is what Johann called to his spell.

It creates a duplicate of the entire area and it separates itself from the reality meaning that whatever wild things you have done in that place, it wouldn't affect the actual place at the real world.

And because minotaurs started to swarm all over the place, Johann has no choice but to activate it on the entire island.


Does it mean--I'm all alone in this place?

"Uhm... Is there something wrong, Kotaro-kun?"

Suddenly, I heard Yunihara-san asking me from behind.


If that is the case, then why is she still here?

"If that is the case, then why is she still here?"
"Ah, by some chance--is has something to do with me, right?"

With worry on her face, Yunihara-san continues to attack me with questions.

Is this thing the same as what happened on the fifth of June?

" is not what I meant." I answered.
"I mean, it doesn't have something to do with you."

Truly, it hasn't something to do with Yunihara-san.

"(Damn it!)"

She is just a civilian which is brought again in this mess.

By any chance, I won't let her go to school right now. Who knows what might happen to her if she went there with me.

"(It might be better if she stayed here.)"

That is my resolution to myself as I began to descend on the stairs.

But for some reasons...

"Wait. I'll go with you."

...Yunihara-san held the sleeve of my uniform as she attempts to go with me.

"Yunihara-san, it's nothing. It happens that Johann left something at the school and he needs my help to find that thing."

I gave a light smile to her.

"Don't worry. Except that I might fall down the steps, nothing will happen to me."

Upon my words, she answered with a nod and slowly looses her grip on my sleeve.

On the other hand, as soon as she releases her hand from my sleeve, I started to run down the stairs.

"Take care!" I shouted.

However, not long after I started to run; a spell circle appeared on my feet with an outline of a clock in the middle which glowed in white light in a matter of seconds.

The next thing I saw is nothingness.
Not even having a chance of uttering a word, I was sent here against my will.

What follows is a blast of red light that covers my entire being as well as disabling my sight even though my eyes are both close.

This is pretty nostalgic but on that process alone, I already concluded that a danger is coming, perhaps coming from those three powerful presences Icarus-sama once said to me.
Part 2
Spoiler! :
Aaand the next thing I knew--is that my face already hit the ground.


I think, I just broke my nose.

"Kotaro, are you alright?"

Oh, Johann's still on the line huh?
I put the phone on my left ear once more.


I was trailed off from what I am going to say, because of some strange things around me.

Various kinds trees that were planted in all directions; numerous steel poles built as a fence; and an old abandoned building which was built ahead of that fence--these three things made me realized of a certain place in an instant.
This is the small forest which is used to be a part of the school property, isn't it?

Not getting what I meant? Here, I'll make it simpler--the building where Johann and I met Yuichi, also known as Death Eye.

"Eh? How did I get here?"

Obviously, I was surprised at the sudden change around me. I was about to go downstairs from the Ibuki Shrine and then afterwards, I have an intimate moment with the ground. If we are about to switch places, you will immediately understand what I am feeling today.

Speaking of Ibuki Shrine...

"Uhmm... Kotaro-kun?"

I heard a certain female voice in which I am not expecting to hear in the first place. As a matter of fact, the origin of the said voice should be back at Ibuki Shrine, bidding me a goodbye.



Yunihara-san who still wears her miko outfit is kneeling in front of me with a worried expression on her face.

In addition to that, she suddenly grabbed my hand with her both hands.

"(Why is she here?)"

Didn't I leave her behind at the shrine?
Why is she kneeling in front of me?

"Did you say something?"

Johann, who is still on the other side of the line, suddenly asked a question that brought me back to my senses.

"N-no, that was nothing. I was just surprised how I came back here."
"But I just heard of a female's voice right now."
"Ah...hahaha. It's just your hallucination, man."
"Hmm... I hope so."

Recovering from the surprise I just experienced, I slowly get myself up and placed my straightened index finger in front of my lips.
Maybe because Yunihara-san figured out what I just meant now, she made a nod to me and remained silent.

"All of a sudden, I'm back at the building where we met Yuichi. I was wondering if you are behind what happening to us--I mean me."

I nearly slipped to Johann that Yunihara-san is here as well.

Johann still doesn't know about her, and I won’t expect for something good if happened that I told him the truth about Yunihara-san. Anyway, I am really wondering why am here at Yuichi's place, just like the question I asked right now.

"I planned to use a bit my remaining soulforce to teleport you at my place. But it seems that I have some issues with my soulforce right now."
"There is really issue in that since no one except from you ever teleported a person before!"

In fact, if you sold yourself to the researchers right now; Stephen Hawking will be kicked out of his wheel--I mean his throne for real!
I really want to give Johann an honest retort but it seemed that it won’t give any clarity to our recent situation, so I later decided not to say it further.


On the other side of the line, I can hear banging sounds coming from nowhere.

"Hey, are you okay there?"
"Yes. These guys outside are just banging on any object they noticed. Fortunately, the door behind me is strong leaving me safe from them."

You are referring “them” as the minotaurs, aren't you?

"I see. Then let get this straight:"

I now made a firm tone on the line.

"You teleported me in this place, didn't you?"

In a single word with three letters, he answered me with a simplest response he could possibly say to me.

Johann had teleported me back to school.

What he doesn't know is that he also dragged an innocent girl along with me in this place--no, innocent girl isn't the right term for that.

Yunihara-san isn't an innocent girl anymore.

She once attacked by minotaurs and then later on being saved by me.

I even told her everything about me and Johann despite of the possibility that what just happen with her is purely coincidence and won't happen ever again.

However, for some unknown reason--she is still here with me.

I know that Johann didn’t do that to her on purpose since he himself did not notice Yunihara-san's presence before.


I am very confused!

Someday, I must tell Johann about her.

Speaking of her, Yunihara-san has her left hand on her chest while still showing a worried expression to me.

I spoke again at the phone.

"Hey, where exactly are you?"
"Hmm...well... I'm inside of a restroom on the second floor of the freshman's building."

He is just hiding nearby, huh?

Forget about the minotaurs swarming the place, this could be a minute of running.

"I see. Then, can you hold them off for a while? I am planning to go there. And besides, there is something I want you to see."
"What is it?"
"Just wait and see!"

I could still hear roars and crashes coming from my cellphone but the person on other line himself did not utter a word.


"Do that and I'll shoot you on the spot."

Another familiar voice who interjected to the conversation threatened me all of a sudden.

"Could this be..."

Johann, who seemed to be surprised at the mysterious caller showed that expression on the phone.

"Quit the talk. He's going with me for the time being."
"Hey! Yu--"

Somehow, Johann did not able to continue what he is about to say. Moreover, he what replaced his voice were beeping sounds.

Johann was suddenly cut off from the line.

Judging from the voice that shows threat, I already realized who that caller is.


I muttered that caller's name.

Of course, he is the only one I know that can threaten both Johann and me of our lives.
But for him to intrude to someone's conversation and then suddenly cut the one's line off, I don’t know if I consider his latter actions, imaginable or not.

"Yusuke Kotaro, I want to talk to you right now."
"What's with your demanding tone? And how did you managed to intercept our call?"
"That's a waste of time. Just come here with your girlfriend."

I feel agitated from the last statement Yuichi said.

Luckily, she did not hear what Yuichi said right now.
Speaking of her again, when Yunihara-san hear me screaming at my phone; she leaned her head closer to my cellphone.

Anyway, leaving the statement aside, how did Yuichi know that I'm with a girl--wait...

"Wait, you can see us?"

At a sudden realization, I asked the recent person at the other side of the line if he can see us--just for proving a certain hypothesis.

"Do I need to shoot you for some proof?"

I knew it...

By those words alone--I therefore conclude that Yuichi definitely sees us, perhaps inside of his sniper scope.

"You can shoot me to death tomorrow; just tell me what do you want to say?"

I brushed off his previous threat to me and asked me directly at the point however...

"It is better to show it to you than having a crappy talk here."

Yuichi answered an almost similar reply I once did to Johann.
I leaked out a sigh in my response.

"Yeah yeah, we’ll be coming there only after I come to pick up--"
"You can leave him to me. After all, my bullets are lot faster than you. Just go the building we lastly fought. Also, go there the same way you went there. *beep*"


And the call suddenly ended.

"Go there the same way we once got there..."
"What is with that call?"

Hearing my mumbling, Yunihara-san asked me about the call itself but I ignored her for the time being and surveyed the entire place for a moment.
Lucky for us, we don't need to search for that abandoned old building anymore, because few yards ahead of us is the actual building where Death Eye Yuichi hides.

"(Come to think of it, we just fell near that building.)"

I put my phone back on my pocket and faced Yunihara-san.

"Yunihara-san, please come with me for a while."
"Why? Is this place dangerous?"
"Not for now. But later, it will be."

She went pale from my answer.

"Yeah. You know the one who attacked you at that classroom; they are coming for us as we speak."

Hearing my scary reply, Yunihara-san suddenly holds onto the sleeve of my uniform.

"Hey, don't worry."

I said that to her. Then I pointed my index finger on the abandoned building.

"We will go on top of that building. There is someone who wants me there."
"I see."

Just as Yunihara-san nods her head, I felt that a speeding object just smashed the ground beside me as I heard a soft impact sound; only to know that the ground beside me is giving off some dust and dirt.

I lately realized that it was a sniper bullet stuck on the ground.

It looks like that it came from Yuichi himself.

"(Maybe he wants us to hurry up.)"

Realizing Yuichi's actions as well as loving my own life, I began to run on the dirty ground while pulling Yunihara-san by her arm.

I also explained to her about the earlier call.

Along the way, I will continue on self-proofreading and self-editing parts I think are inconsistent.
If there are something you feel as odd--feel free to tell me :)

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:51 pm
by Swordstriker21
Hi kababayan. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm mainly doing the work to polish up my English. I've always loved LNs involving games so I wanted to try doing one for myself :D I'll check out your story too. Good luck to the both of us.

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:46 am
by gamerbaki
I have a short update regarding my story:

I am performing a huge revision on the last part of the story because I feel that I didn't express the last events more clearly, not to mention that I am having trouble in writing for days.
I really thought that I can manage to write throughout my vacation. Unfortunately, what happened is the opposite of it.

Perhaps I might be able to write again only after I come to school next week.

Anyway, enjoy this latest update of mine!

Part 3
Spoiler! :
"What is the meaning of this?"

These were the words Yuichi aka the Death Eye asked me right after I've reached the rooftop of the abandoned building.

By the way, I am currently being pinned by Yuichi on the floor with the barrel of his pistol placed inside my mouth.


On the other hand, Yunihara-san yelled my name in a terrified tone with her body trembling in fear.

To be honest, just having a gun inside of my mouth is simply enough to scare the crap out of me. I don’t even have to include whether the wielder of the said gun will pull the trigger or not. But I know the most that he can both kill me and Yunihara-san if he wants to.

However, I also know that he can't do it because right now--he is in the same trouble with us.

Anyway, let me tell what exactly happened before we caught up in this situation.

. . . . . .

When I and Yunihara-san began to run towards the abandoned building, we started to hear loud gunshots along the way, similar to a roaring thunderstorm.

"It looks like he finally started it."
"Nothing. Let's go as fast as we could."

Of course, when Yunihara-san heard the gunshots for the first time, her face became worried and asked me, "What are with those gunshots?" to the running me. I just replied that those came from someone I knew just to calm her down.

Going back to the topic, it looks like Yuichi kept his words and maybe covering Johann the same time we are running towards him.

After a few moments, we already reached the abandoned building.
All we need to do is climb to the rooftop the same way Johann and I went there for the first time.

However, just as I am about to reach the last handle bar of the ladder, something unexpected happened.

A minotaur, maybe an eight footer one flew off the rooftop before turning into dust.

"What the--"

While being flabbergasted to what just happened...

"Get off that ladder. Hurry!"

A man with an eyepatch on his right eye appeared at the end of the ladder as he spat out those words with a tinge of both seriousness and anger in it.

That was Yuichi looking down on me.


Getting surprised from the falling minotaur, my limbs are acting slow to the point that...

"Get out of that ladder."

…he grabbed my left arm with his right hand--and tossed me into the rooftop, towards a minotaur whose element of surprise is also written on its bull-like face.


With my whole body airborne following the law of inertia, I can only do nothing but to swear at Yuichi.


I crashed into the minotaur's mid-section causing for it to writhe in pain. But it didn't stop us from flying away until I and the minotaur crashed into a concrete wall of the staircase.

. . . . . .


Damn Yuichi...

I didn't expect him to be that strong.

He wasn't that muscular at all--in fact, his body is just like mine; only a little bit thinner than me.

To think that he managed to throw me out of that ladder towards that minotaur in front of me, I--Yusuke Kotaro tasted again the strength of the Death Eye.

Right now, I'm on top of the unconscious minotaur whose body is now stuck on the wall.

But despite of the fact that the minotaur received the maximum amount of damage from the wall, it still gave me some damage in which from my head down to toe, they are now screaming in pain.

Meanwhile, Yuichi who is still at the end of the ladder silently reached for Yunihara-san who is still on the ladder as he slowly assisted her until she got out of the ladder.

Afterwards, he shifted his gaze to me as he slowly walks towards my place.

On his way, he picked up a pistol somewhere on the concrete floor and locks it before slowly aiming it at the minotaur's head.

With a sound of a BANG!--Yuichi shot the minotaur at the head causing it to turn into dust.

The next I knew is--he gagged me with the barrel of his gun.

. . . . . .

"What is the meaning of this?"

Going back to the reality, I'm still on the floor with Yuichi's on top of me with his gun placed in my mouth.


Because my mouth is filled with the barrel of Yuichi's pistol, obviously I won't be able to speak.

Seemingly to realized that, he slowly removed his gun from my mouth.

"MORON! How do you think I am going to answer with your gun's in my mouth?!"

Also, don't point a dangerous weapon into someone while asking. You can already kill someone by cardiac arrest!


Suddenly, he fired his gun in the air which created an echo that reverberated throughout the place.

And then Yuichi retorted:

"I didn't remove my gun from your mouth just to hear your retorts."
"Then don't point your gun into someone's mouth while asking a question!"
"You want to end your life, don't you?"

Yuichi again pointed his gun on me but this time, he placed it on my forehead.

"Do you really want to kill me that bad?"
"What do you think?"

He made a smirk on me as he replied those words on me.

Aaaarghh... He's hard to talk with, damn it!

"I get it. I get it. I only need to answer right?"

Thinking that it would end nowhere if it this continues, I ended all of this stuff with a submissive response to Yuichi.

Hearing that from me, he helped me to get back on my both feet. Yunihara-san, on the other hand, who just saw everything in her eyes and did nothing was snapped back to her senses and help me as well.

. . . . . .

"Say, what are you looking for me? What do you want me to see?"

Just as I got up, I immediately asked Yuichi who has his back facing us.

"They’re already gone."
"Yeah. Just about they are going to die, they would only turn into dust and disappear."

Away from the killing intent he always showing, Yuichi made a calm reply.

"Did you see that thing earlier?" he asked.

He's referring about that minotaur, right?

"You mean, the minotaur?"
"Yeah. It is impossible for them to exist in the real world since they only appeared in myths, but still they started to appear all over the place. They even breached through my series of traps I installed on the lower floors, damn it."
"Breached? There are traps below here?"
"Yes. In fact, if you guys forced yourself to open that door to the fifth floor; you are already dead before you knew it."

So that's why the door on the fourth floor is locked tightly.

Hey, I just realized something...

"You already knew that?"

With a surprised tone, I asked that to Yuichi.

And then with a face that shows disinterest, he answered:

"Of course, my name Death Eye would come to a waste if I did not realize that you were coming that day."

Suddenly, Yunihara-san who is just listening to our conversation raised her hand.

"So that are...Death Eye, right?"

Yuichi made a sigh.

"Haaa... I guess there is no sense denying it further."

Yuichi turned around, showing his face to the two of us.

"Yes. My name is Death Eye. I am the mysterious killer who is being reported on the news recently for killing several b*stards days ago. Since you guys are standing on my ground, please take care of your words since that will depend whether you guys will leave this place alive or not."

Yunihara-san became speechless at Yuichi's introduction as she slowly walked backward with her trembling feet.

Seeing her scared, I opened my mouth to Yuichi.

"Hey, can you be at least not rude to her? She is not related to our issue, right?"
"I cannot promise that. You guys already knew my face. I cannot afford my identity to be at a greater risk."
"I guess you won't say anything further. Now, depending on your answer, I might spare your lives."

After saying his answer, Yuichi grabs a pistol from a holster from his waist and pointed it again at me.

"Now. What is the meaning of this?"

Yuichi asked the same question for the third time.

He's also pointing a gun at me while asking a question for the third time.

Haaa... I guess I'm going to deal with it this time.

"What do you mean?" I said.
"Everything. The sudden disappearance of all people here, the appearance of those creatures, also...this."

He picked a glowing blue ball from his pocket and showed in front.

"Is that..."

Hey, that is the Water Orb right? Why is it glowing?

"This is the object Yusuke Kaito gave to me. Ever since, I've been experiencing weird situations that seemed to be unexplainable." he said.

Damn, he's also experiencing some weird events just like Ryuji and I.
Does that mean that one sign that I am appointed as a Servant is that I must experience weird things beforehand?

"I've been thinking if it has something to do with you twins. Are you even a human?"

Right after I retorted, we just heard a loud banging sound coming from the steel door of the rooftop.

"Tch... They're here again." Yuichi clicked his tongue.

Suddenly, the door blasted out from its position before falling off the building.

What was in front of us is a life sized minotaur with a wooden staff on its hand.

As it waved its staff, the concrete floor started to tremble as cracks starts to form from there and groups of dust, pebble and concrete started to float in the air.

I am sensing a great danger on that creature in front of us.

"(I must do something right away!)"

But just as I formed that resolution on my mind...


…Yuichi's shooting at the minotaur with his handgun while wearing his usual killing intent face.


Damn, he reacts too fast.
But still, I must take action as well.

However, the minotaur in front of us did not sustain any damage or to be exact, the bullets coming from Yuichi's gun did not reached him.


It is because all of them suspend in the air before reaching the minotaur's body, just like the dust and rubble floating in front of it.

Seeing that happening, Yuichi gritted his teeth.


I looked at Yuichi who is already on the floor with Yunihara-san being covered with his uniform.


I looked back at the minotaur in front of us, but it already happened.

The minotaur who just mysteriously blocked the incoming bullets swung his staff downwards launching rubble, dust and even the bullets back at us.

And I was too late to realize that.

I was too late to notice it and respond just like everyone else. Even so, I need to deal with it.

"Sword of Icarus!"

Surprisingly, just as I called for a certain object I need, it is already on my right hand as well as the red gloves with the Fire Orb in the middle.

The Sword of Icarus.

A mysterious magical sword which was given to me by Johann which happened to have the Fire God, Icarus of the Blessed Flame inside of it. It has a reputation for having flames that surrounds itself every time I needed it.

And for the third time around, I will place my life on the line by using this weapon.

The Fire Orb released a bright red light as flames started to cover the blade of my sword. My arms started to move on its own as they hold the sword with two hands before entering a forward stance.

"Flame Safeguard!"

The incoming debris in which the minotaur threw against us at high speed is now about to reach us.

But before they managed to reach all of us, a red magic circle appeared in front of me and when the debris started to hit the circle, it became a sphere of flames large enough to swallow the three of us.

That same sphere of flames burnt all the debris into dust leaving us totally unscathed.

Eventually, the sphere slowly expands in which after a few moments, it collapsed violently burning everything it reaches, including the minotaur who had attacked us.

. . . . . .

"It's gone." I muttered.

The minotaur is gone for good.
It is still surprising that I'm still alive after all of that ruckus; although from the bottom of my heart, I really wanted to wish that this is the last time I'll cheat death.

Anyway, I should check Yuichi and Yunihara-san if they are okay.

"Is everyone okay?"

Leaving the sword on the floor, I slowly walked towards them.
But the shock from the incident made a huge impact on them--especially on Yuichi.

He is already got back on his feet but his face is showing an expression as if it was saying; "It's impossible," or "Unbelievable," or something similar to that.

He did not utter a single word as he just glared at me hostility.

Well, he is already hostile to me to begin with so there is no point considering it further.

I just ignored his piercing gaze and slowly approaches Yunihara-san who is having a hard time standing up.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

I slowly pulled Yunihara-san with my both hands until she is back on her feet.

Right after I helped her stand up...

"Yusuke Kotaro."

Yuichi called me by my full name which caught my attention and looked back at him.

"What is it?"
"What are you?"

On those three words, my facial expression became frozen as that question came to me like an ambush strike.

"Um...well... It's kinda hard to explain..."


He's just glaring me at the eye with extreme suspicion.

Am I that suspicious in that sniper's eye?

I'm already lost from my words not knowing what to say let alone where to start explaining.

However, just as our very hot one on one manly talk is about to begun, something is happening to the artificial sky above us, enough for the two of us to both look there.

There were ten circles with unknown characters around it slowly forming in air in a yellow outline.


Yuichi and Yunihara-san were just staring the circles forming in the artificial sky although Yunihara-san is slowly taking her steps downwards. As for myself, I leaked out a surprised tone while my eyes still stuck on those circles.

When the circles completely formed, they duplicate a copy of that circle in which slowly moved downwards until they've reached the concrete floor.

Then from the sky, a bright yellowish light beamed from the circle above; to the circle on the floor followed by familiar roars that shook the entire building.

What follows that are loud footsteps that you can also consider as stomps.

After a few moments, the first minotaur showed up.


It made a mighty roar proclaiming his grand entrance.

But just like earlier...


Yuichi is now shooting the minotaur in the head with a large pistol.


However, the minotaur did not bear any damage or even flinch and the bullets just falling on the ground right after hitting its head, causing Yuichi to clicked his tongue and reloads his gun with an another magazine.

Despite being hit by a bullet in the head, the minotaur simply ignored it and with a scimitar, it started to charge at us.

I picked up the Sword of Icarus from the floor with my right hand and shove Yunihara-san back to the ladder with the other one.

"Stay away. Just get out of the building if things get worse."

I really acted like a hero this time.

But that is the least of my care for now...

Because Yuichi and I will defeat it before the horde comes!

"Leave this one to me!"

I said that to Yuichi before sprinting towards the minotaur.

(Soul Link!)

Just as I heard that sound coming from the Fire Orb, my body feels lighter than usual. Also, I feel that my body already knows what to do.

The only thing I need to do is to just follow it.

As I get closer and closer to the minotaur, it made a downward swing towards me using its scimitar but the Sword of Icarus catches the enemy's weapon, parrying the attack.

"Okay. Here I go!"

With the scimitar only inches away from my sword (and my head) seemingly to continuous trying to take me down, I started to run again by slipping under the scimitar just like in a zipline.


When I reached the end of the blade, I push it up with all of my strength pushing back the minotaur by a few feet.

"(You're wide open now!)"

Using my two hands, I thrust the Sword of Icarus into the minotaur's mid-section.

"Go away!"

At my yell, the Sword of Icarus begins to cover itself in flames, along with the minotaur.


The minotaur had nothing to do but to cry in pain as it continued to be swallowed by flames until its crying stopped and disappeared completely from my sight.

Seeing that the first minotaur gone made my heart fall into relief.

But it was too late for that...

Because more minotaurs with different weapons continue to show up from the light coming from the spell circles in front of us.

"What the..."

We are all frozen at our place as we can't do nothing to stop the minotaurs from swarming the rooftop.

(This will be a lot harder.)
"I know that!"

I retorted to Icarus-sama who had just spoken to me all of a sudden.
Suddenly, Yuichi spoke to me.

"Give me a minute."
"Ha? Why all of a sudden?"
"Just give me a minute. I'll be fighting after that."

Fight huh?

I looked at the scene in front of us.

"Isn't it better if we run away? And besides; gunshots seem to be ineffective against them."
"Just do it!"

From Yuichi's sudden demand, I suddenly have a desire to look what is on his mind--only if I could.

His gun won't work at the minotaurs. I already realized that just the time Yuichi first shot the minotaur with staff. Yuichi should have known that more than anyone else here, right?

Then why does he demands me a minute?


I just need to give him a minute, right?



About ten minotaurs who just made a mighty roar is now running towards our direction--with their weapons fully brandished, of course.


As for myself, I started to run towards them with the intention of buying time, no matter what.


With the Fire Orb glowing, I moved toward the entire horde with an endless chain of parrying and slashing towards them.

It's a 1 vs 10 disadvantage with me on the losing side, but I can't afford to lose.

"(I need to buy more time for Yuichi but I can't afford to die as well!)"

That is what I thought to myself as I continue to fend the minotaurs off.

And then I looked again at both Yuichi and Yunihara-san behind me.

"Damn, they are taking too long!"

They are now detaching a mounted sniper rifle on top of the roof fence.
By the way, when I begin to run like hell towards the minotaurs, I think I heard Yuichi saying something like "You there, help me with this" to Yunihara-san. I lately realized that he was referring to a mounted sniper rifle.

"What's taking them too long?"

I really wanted to ask him "Why?" of all things. He already knew that bullet won't stop them from attacking and still he wants to use a gun to fight.

He should have his reasons for this, I guess.

By the mean time, I wouldn't mind what the Death Eye wants to do.

After all, my job is not done yet!

All of a sudden...


A loud explosive yet roaring sound shook the entire place as both the horde of minotaurs and I are startled by the sound.

What follows that is a minotaur with a large hole on its forehead falling on its feet before turning into dust.

The sound itself is very familiar to me--in fact, I once heard it before. And there is only one person I knew right now who could make that same sound.


I looked back at them while yelling Yuichi's pseudo-name only to know that...


He's already holding that gun, the gun that started our entire search for him--the Arctic Warfare Magnum.

A large rifle painted in army green which has a long barrel and a thick butt. It also has a magnified scope for aiming enemies from a distance. It is well known to the soldiers and FPS players around the world for its excellent stopping power.

A dangerous weapon only military should handle but for some reasons, a high school student has his hands on it--and he is now firing that at the minotaur's in front of me.

There is also Yunihara-san breathing heavily behind me.

He did give her a hard job, didn't he?

Miraculously, that gun does damage--no...death to its targets ignoring the fact that the same projectile did not penetrated the same target for the first time.

With every load of a bullet and a pull of its trigger, Yuichi managed to kill the minotaurs one by one. I can't help myself but to watch in amusement.

"So this is Death Eye, huh?"

I made a wry smile to myself as I said those words.

"Watch out!"

Yunihara-san suddenly shouted at me with fear shown on her face.

When I turned around, one of them is now getting closer to me--so close that I can finally see the minotaurs detailed characteristics. In fact, by the time I saw the incoming minotaur, it was about to throw a punch on me.

And I did not manage to notice that incoming attack--no... I was so amazed at Yuichi that I forgot that I should be fighting too.


Too late to either dodge or fight back, I crossed my arms in front of my face bracing for the incoming impact.


Being accompanied by a mighty roar, the minotaur finally threw the punch at the defending me.



I gritted my teeth as sudden pain jolted out from the nerves of my both arms.

It's so painful that I wanted to cry.

Even so I can't do it yet, because the minotaur's fist continues to drive towards me while slowly changing its course.

And before I knew it--I am already knocked out from the floor and now flying towards Yuichi at great speed.


I lately realized, the minotaur just performed a strong left hook in order to knock me to the right where Yuichi and Yunihara-san are there. But just like what I told earlier, I lately realized it--meaning, it is too late for me to do something about it.

Yuichi also saw me coming but he was surprised about it that he did not manage to react for the time being.

The result is...

I slammed into Yuichi and Yuichi slammed against the concrete part of the roof fence. Yunihara-san managed to move away at the last second avoiding the major hit.

Because of that, Yuichi's gun was knocked away from him as well as the Sword of Icarus from me.

Damn it! Becoming a projectile after receiving a punch and then slamming into other people sucks!
My arms are painful; my body is screaming in pain; I can't even move my fingers.

I'm totally in an awful position and as for Yuichi...


...he's out cold, putting it simply.


Yunihara-san immediately came to help us up.

She helped me get up first and when I am already standing on a knee with my newly picked sword as a support, I shove her arm away.

"I'm fine. Just wake that guy up."

I looked back at Yuichi who is still not moving.

With a nod, she now went to Yuichi to assist him.

"(F*ck... This is so bad...)"

My body is still recovering from that blow and now, I need to protect the two of them until Yuichi wakes up.

With my trembling legs and shaking arms, I still brandished the Sword of Icarus in front of the minotaurs with the intention of not defeating my enemies but to protect my allies.

"(Even so, I won't give everything up!)"

(Soul Link!)

I let out a cry as I started to run towards my enemies with letting God make the way for me.

Meanwhile, Yuichi slowly opened his eyes as he was being shaken by Yunihara-san.

"Thank goodness, you finally woke up!" she cried.

Seeing her relieved face, Yuichi tried to stand up; only for his weakened arms to collapse and fall to the ground for the second time.

"Shit! That idiot... He even dragged me in this!"
"W-wait. Please take a rest for--"
"Don't touch me!"

At his words, Yunihara-san took a few steps backwards while watching Yuichi.

Afterwards, he started to crawl for his gun that is now several inches away from him.

"Move, you stupid body!"

He just kept on swearing as he continues to crawl for his gun.

However, one of the minotaurs who happens to be I'm fighting now has a war hammer on its hand slammed it on the ground creating a large shockwave from there.

That shockwave made me fall on a knee for a moment but I quickly recovered from that, but for Yuichi who's crawling for the gun.


The shockwave blasted him back at the steel fence knocking the Water Orb from his pocket of his uniform.


Screaming in pain, Yunihara-san went into him for aid.

To make the matters worse, there is a minotaur walking towards them. It has a long rusty spear and a buckler attached on its hand.

"Yunihara-san!" I yelled.

Shit! I can't do anything to help them.

Right now, I'm dealing with three minotaurs including the one with a war hammer and there is no way that I can slip away from my enemies just to help them.


On my yell, he lifted up his head and looked at me.
Suddenly, his face became grimaced and now looking at me with hostility in his eyes.

"F*ck you." he spat before slowly moving to his dropped gun.

There, between him and the gun something is slowly blinking in bluish-white light. A small glass ball with the size of a baseball is slowly blinking.

"That thing..."

He looked at the Water Orb.
After giving it a hard look, he gritted his teeth and continued to make his way to pick his gun up.

However, the minotaur continues to walk towards them with his gun about few inches from it. Eventually, the minotaur stepped on the sniper rifle breaking it into pieces. It made Yuichi angry that he started to bit his own lips.

On the other hand, the Water Orb is only inches away from him. Only a little effort is needed to pick it up.

"It all started with that thing. Damn those twins!"

He is really mad at us. I really thought he's mad at the minotaur who broke his gun.

Even so, Yuichi might believe that this stuff happened just because Johann gave him the Water Orb.

I wouldn't be surprised if after this, he suddenly snipe me one day. Of course, I don't want for that thought to become a reality.

Regarding that, Yuichi closed his eyes for a moment maybe for a little meditation.

Then after a few seconds, he yelled loud enough to create an echo and reverberate around...

"Yusuke Kotaro! Yusuke Kaito! Someday, I'm going to kill both of you!"

...before grabbing the Water Orb with all of his strength.


Even though there are still enemies in front of me, I can't help myself but to look back at him who just had the guts to threaten me in his unbelievable situation.
As the Water Orb became in contact with Yuichi's hand, it shone a very bright bluish-white light where all of us here can't do anything but to cover our eyes.

Then, I heard series of high-pitched ear piercing sounds in which I don't have an idea where it came from.

A few moments later after the Water Orb glowed, I opened my eyes once more.

Although my sight is still in a fuzzy state, I must bear with it in order to fight these minotaurs in front of me.

However as my sight slowly became clearer, there is a brand new scene in this very place.

There were minotaurs froze at their place as if they were statues.
These same creatures have large holes on their body. Some of them are on the stomach; some of them are in the chest; and some of them are on the head.
There were also minotaurs whose body parts are missing and now crying in pain.

Those who can move are now standing back at us, seemingly to be intimidated but still ready to fight. Even the ones I'm fighting before are now taking distance from the rest of us.

Speaking of us, obviously I'm fine since I can describe everything I'm seeing right now.
As for Yunihara-san...

"Uuuu... My eyes are still hazy..."

She is sitting on the floor while rubbing her eyes.
There is a high chance that she was totally blinded by the light coming from the Water Orb.

Then I checked on Yuichi...


His gaze is blank as if he is looking into nothingness.

His face, compare to the killing intent he always show; his face now is giving a serious expression that it gives its target the creeps. Also his body is now on a prone, a basic position for a sniper where a gun is placed along with him, resting its butt on his right shoulder.

The gun itself looks like an AWM he earlier used but if you looked at it closely, there were bluish white outlines around the gun and a small blue glass ball on the middle of a gun. The Water Orb is also nowhere to be found.

Having a sense of familiarity on the gun, I tried to call on Yuichi.

But before I manage to say a single word...


...Yuichi mumbled in a cold tone in which the minotaurs that were froze at their positions instantly became dust.

"Whoa... (Awesome!)"

So this is what Yuichi the Death Eye can do.

Wait, I just realized: I saw Yuichi's gun being stepped by a minotaur causing it to crush into pieces.

Right now, he is now holding a gun which characteristics being similar to the one that was crushed before. There is also a blue glass ball being placed in the middle of that gun which is similar to the Water Orb.

"H-hey...does that mean Yuichi's a Servant now?"

I asked Icarus-sama for an answer but I only got nothing.
I really want to hear an answer regarding that as soon as possible. But right now, I must help them while the enemy is still like this.

"Are you guys alright?"
"Yeah, my sight is getting clearer right now."

Yunihara-san answered me while still rubbing her eyes.

"You'll be fine, don't worry."

I said that to her as I pat her on the head before moving on to Yuichi.

"Hey, are you alright?"
"Don't talk to me..."

He answered me with his usual tone of hostility towards me.

"Then at least let me help you get up."
"Don't bother doing it. I'm fine with this."
"Fine. Have it your way."

Ah...Yuichi's fine as well.

Despite of his words, he should be fine at this moment.

Since we are all still in one piece, there is no reason not to fight them, isn't it? We don't have a choice but to fight anyway.

I slowly brandished the Sword of Icarus in front of the minotaurs while looking at them with seriousness.

"Don't fail me." I said.
(It's up to your will whether you fail or not. I'm just here to give you strength.)
"Yeah yeah. I got it."

The sword slowly covers itself in flames as I mutter the words: "I can do this," for numerous times. And when the sword is completely covered in flames and well as having enough courage to go again for a fight, I started to run towards them while uttering a loud "I CAN DO THIS!!!" followed by a bright glow coming from the Fire Orb.

Just as I started to run towards the minotaurs, Yuichi behind me started to pull the trigger of his gun as high-pitched sounds I earlier heard echoed throughout the building.
And when the time I enter my sword's attacking range, the minotaurs in front me started to have large holes which in an instant, killing its targets one by one before disappearing.

Those large holes were made by his high caliber bullets and a squirt of water jet ejecting from the barrel of his rifle which happens to be travelling as fast as the speeding bullet.
The bullet pierces through the flesh of the target followed by the high speed water jet which enlarges the bullet hole bringing a sure kill to the target--that is what Yuichi told me a few minutes later; or at least, that is what he noticed while using the gun.

Anyway, he is already attacking them so I guess; I should the same to those scumbags.

. . . . . .

. . .

And the battle is finally over...

Although the word "finally" seemed to be hyperbolic despite that it all happened a while ago, it still gives me the feeling that I'm already fighting for an eternity.

The minotaurs kept on appearing and we kept on attacking them without any hesitation.
I already felt that time that we are just equalizing the numbers, resulting in an endless stalemate where if ever one of us groups makes a mistake, they will lose or to be exact; will die.

But we don't have to worry about that since we already won the fight and now resting against the concrete part of the fence as a prize. The Sword of Icarus I earlier wielded is nowhere to be found now.

"Haaa, this thing is over..."

I said to Yuichi while surrendering my back against the wall, trying to make myself relaxed. However, he did not said a word and instead, he kept on staring on the gun in front of him.

The AWM-like gun that shoots bullets and water to its targets.

I already realized during the earlier battle that the gun in front of us might be the former Water Orb. Maybe he is thinking the same thing, as he opens his mouth after a long time of staring.

"Tell me..."
"Tell me what?"

I shifted my gaze at Yuichi who is sitting at the left side (by the way, we are now sitting at the pavement with our backs resting against the concrete; Yunihara-san's on my right and Yuichi's on my left making me the middle man).

"What are you? Why are we in this place? Are you even a human?"
"Hey, throw those fastballs at me one at a time--"

I really want to yell, "I AM A HUMAN!!!" at him for those sudden questions. But it looks like Yuichi doesn't have time with jokes since he's already glaring at me.
So with a calm expression I rarely wear, I gave my answer to Yuichi.

"I mean, things here are harder to explain than it looks."
"I don't care. Just give me your answer."

Haaa... I guess I have to explain this complicated situation we are now facing.

I gulped in some air before answering Yuichi's fastballs.

"First of all, I am a human. You, me, Yunihara-san and even Johann are still human."
"Kaito's real name. Also, we are not blood-related although he always said that he and I are the same person."
"It doesn't have any sense."
"Deal with that, I know it better than you. Secondly, we are now Servants of some certain gods, appointed by Johann using that thing in the middle of that rifle."
"There's no way that thing will ever be this lethal. That's ridiculous!"

He looked down at his rifle or more exactly, at the bluish-white glass ball in the middle of it.

When he realized what it really was, Yuichi shouted as he stood up and now pointing a pistol he picked somewhere in front of my face. Seeing me being pointed by a gun made Yunihara-san who is listening at me grabbed at my sleeve tightly.

Even I trembled a little on that, but I did not let Yuichi see though my trembling and instead continued on explaining.

"I know it's ridiculous. Even I, who just become a Servant some days ago can't believe what I am doing right now."
"Yeah. It's too embarrassing to admit this but I still think that everything here is far too ridiculous. I think I don't have the right to say this to you but right now, we are now in the same shoes."

I blurted out those words out of the blue but for some reasons, what I just said to him reflects to what am I actually feeling.

Being unable to enjoy your normal days since some extraordinary event ended it followed by numerous weird things--that is me to be exact.
Being attacked by a wanted criminal then revived by person who proclaimed to be me in some faraway place, those ended my normal with numerous fights and ridiculous things as a replacement.

That is might be the same case with Yuichi.

"So that guy really has something to do with everything here." he muttered.
"Let Johann explain that to you more. As for why are we here--"

Just to where I exactly paused my statement, a loud jolting sound echoed through the swirly sky followed by a thunderclap.

A lightning strike followed by a thunderclap...
That could be Johann's doing, couldn't he?

After all, he's the only person I knew who could create electricity from his fingertips.

Hearing that loud sound from the sky, Yuichi moved his gaze from me into nowhere. His eyes suddenly narrowed as if he was looking at something very far from here.

"What are you looking there?"

Maybe because I don't have the will to get up again, I simply asked Yuichi only to be ignored.

He walked away from the fence as he approaches a green chest similar to an ammo stash nearby. There, he picked a pair of binoculars before walking back at us. He puts the binoculars at his eyes as he tries to look for something with that thing on him.

After a few moments of looking, while still using his binoculars he said this to me:

"Get out from my building."
"Hey, what's the big idea here?"
"You don't know how to listen, do you?"
"Why do I have to listen to you? Why are you even saying these things?"

I can't help myself but to raise my voice due to Yuichi's lack of explanation.

"What do you mean by that? I can't understand you."
"Yusuke Kotaro, I'm going to say this once: trouble."
"Do I have to say that again?"
"N-no. It's not like that."

I quickly waved my hands to Yuichi who had just pointed me (again) with a gun.

"I mean, what kind of trouble are you saying?"
"Just get out of here. Yusuke Kaito needs you."
"If you had just said that to me ear--wait...WHAT?!"

I gave a wonderful retort in answer to Yuichi's "wonderful" statement.

"Johann's in trouble?"
"Do I even need to repeat that?"

He said that with a tinge of annoyance in his face. Also, Yuichi did not point his gun at my face.

"N-no. I already understand everything."

He did not say anything beyond that. Perhaps, that is my cue to leave.
Oh yeah, I'll should go down through the ladder again since Yuichi said earlier that there were traps installed on the lower floors.

I slowly approached the rusty old ladder when Yunihara-san hesitantly called at me.


Based on her worried expression, I instantly found out what she is about to say next. So before she managed to say that, I have to say no to her.

But as I am about to give her an answer...

"Leave that to him. It is much safer if you are here."

...Yuichi beat me to it.

"I'm in need for people anyway." he added.
"(I knew it!)"

He's insisting on making Yunihara-san stay just to make her work. I really don't know what to say.


Surprisingly, Yunihara-san nodded at him although she still looked at me with worry at her face.

"Nothing will happen if you just worry. Yuichi's right anyway. You can't come with me."

Yunihara-san did not say anything and only stared at me.


Now, I'm bothered by her gaze.
But like what I just said earlier, nothing will happen if I worry too much. I must see what Johann is doing with my own eyes. I continued to walk to the ladder when Yuichi called me.

"Use the stairs."

He answered while pointing his index finger at the staircase not too far from us.

"Why would I do that? There still might be traps in there."
"Nothing will happen if you just worry."

He threw me the same answer I said to Yunihara-san causing to me to get pissed.

"Outside this building are the same creatures. I can provide you cover along the way. His location is on--"

In his continuous spitting out of directions, I can't help but to listen especially to the part he's going to tell Johann's location.

As he suddenly paused on his latter staement, I can feel that my senses are more active than before. Maybe this is the true meaning of being attentive.

"--the school grounds."

Finally, Yuichi said the words I'm waiting for.

Johann's latest location.

Come to think of it; after the call, Johann didn't call me back although his line was forcibly cut off.

Who knows what already happened to him down there.


I almost forgot something important.

During the call, Yuichi said that he will cover Johann. The question is--did he do it?
Although I heard several gunshots as we run towards this building, I still don't know if those shots are meant for Johann's protection.

Because of that, I should ask Yuichi about that matter before I leave.

"Hey. Before I leave you here, I would like to ask something."
"What is it?"
"Did you really help Johann?"
"I see."

I am about to go now when suddenly, Yuichi called me again.

"What is it this time?"

Looking back at Yuichi once more while slowly walking to me, he took out something from the pocket of his pants.

"Here. Take this."

In his right hand is a piece of headphone with a clip intended for the ears. Also, there is a small microphone extending from the headphone itself.

"What is this?" I asked.
"Communication device. Just in case your girlfriend worries about you."
"She is not my girlfriend!"

Why is he thinking that Yunihara-san is my girlfriend?

"Anyway, I'll talk to you through that thing later on." he added.
"I understand. And thanks."

After saying my honest thanks to Yuichi, I finally left the rooftop.

"(So Johann's should be alive by this moment.)"

It is the first thing that entered my mind while taking downstairs. Yuichi did really keep his word and covered him with gunshots. The rest of it...well, I can imagine what happens next.

"I should get going too."

Bit by bit, my feet continues on gaining speed as I continue to go down and before I know it, I am already running through the stairs while skipping some steps.

We already had a bad time with the minotaurs up there. Johann might be having a bad time as well, or even worse.

The only difference between us is that I, Yunihara-san and Yuichi managed to win against the wave of minotaurs.

And as for Johann, whose situation is still unknown; seeing him personally is the best thing I can only do for now.

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:59 am
by gamerbaki
I noticed that the recent chapters are quite longer than the former ones, causing me to consume one reply per part.
Also, I recently started making my own website for this OLN. Although, school stuffs are continuously pestering me, I still believe that I could finish the site as soon as possible.

By the mean time, have this recent update of the story for you guys!

Part 4
Spoiler! :
"Hey! Yuichi! Kotaro!"

I lost communication with Kotaro right after Yuichi mysteriously interfered with the call.

Despite of that, I re-dialed Kotaro's number in order to continue our interrupted conversation or at the best case scenario, to Yuichi as well. After all, our situation is a serious one--a very serious situation that I need continuous communication with them.


"The number you have dialed is busy at the moment. Please try your call later."

An unfamiliar woman's voice spoke to my phone on Kotaro's behalf.

"Great. Now I can't call him."

I have no choice but to hang the phone up.

That earlier call was the luckiest one since that was the only time it connected to Kotaro and yet, it was cut off against my will.

I don't even know how long I am hiding in this place called a "restroom" just to contact him.

The only good thing I currently have is that those minotaurs outside still did not notice that I'm here. However, there will come a time that the creatures outside might notice that I am here. Thus, I must get out of this place and meet up with Kotaro when I still have the time.

I don't expect Kotaro to come after me after Yuichi intervened in the call anyway.

Instead, I must go to the old building where we first saw Yuichi. There is a high possibility that Kotaro is going to his place considering the fact that the call disconnected right after he joined in.

"Oh yeah, I just thought about it. Yuichi's here as well."

He won't interfere in the call if he isn't here, will he? I am confident at the least that, the Death Eye--Yuichi is one of us for now.

I slowly focused my remaining soulforce on my right hand.

"Lightning Blade."

Upon my call, a small lightning bolt was formed from my palm in which it slowly took the shape of a sword until it materializes.

"I guess I'll have to deal everything with you."

I spoke to the sword I held.
I barely have any soulforce left since I spent almost all of it just to teleport Kotaro here.

Of course, converting my lifeforce into soulforce is a risky thing since it temporarily shortens my lifespan; not to mention that I might die and disappear from this world, if ever I lost all of my remaining lifeforce.
It even took me several days just to recover the little soulforce I had earlier. What more if I have to regain my lifeforce as well.

I don't have a choice but to make my way to that building and try to regroup with them.

With the Lightning Blade on my right hand, I sliced the steel door in front of me in half showing myself to my enemies.

And they seemed to anticipate my sudden arrival.

The minotaurs which filled the entire hallway are now glaring at me with hostility as they slowly brandished their own weapons; starting from swords, axes, maces and anything you might think of.

Just from their looks, there is no doubt--they won't leave a single one alive here. And I am right with my observation because...


They began to charge the instant they roared in front of me.

"Kh... They're so many."

I am now stuck in a corner--that is how I express my situation in another way.
And because of that, I don't have a choice but to fight and get myself out of here.

I lowered my sword onto my right side while my left hand is in front of them.

In situations like this, counterattacks are the most ideal things to do.
Not only I can bring damage to my enemies as they let their guard down in order to attack, it also allows me to spend energy less. I can only rely to this tactic if I want to stay longer and eventually slip past through them.

Although getting out completely unscathed from these monsters is something I can't assure myself.

"I'm ready!"

I braced myself for an inevitable fight when suddenly...


A loud thunderous sound came from nowhere followed by a sound of a crumbling earth.

"What was that?"

In response to the incoming sound while fending off an incoming minotaur, I turned my gaze to the origin of the sound--the restroom I earlier took refuge.

I noticed that there was a hole in the wall which is originally free from any scratches, let alone holes.


Another loud round echoed from outside, creating another small hole on the wall followed by a weak moan nearby.

The massive force coming from the minotaur in front of me suddenly lost, enabling me to push it away from my body. Noticing this unusual phenomenon, I face again the enemy in front of me only to know that...

"What the..." has an unusual round hole on its forehead. After a few seconds, it became pile of dust scattering through the air.

"Ahaha...haha... It all makes sense to me now."

I finally realized what just happened right now.

If I analyzed carefully the time I heard the sound and the time the wall had a hole, the sound coming from outside and the time the hole was created are happened simultaneously; meaning that the hole was created right after I heard the sound.

And as for the sound itself--that isn't just an ordinary sound.

It is a familiar sound coming from a weapon I knew at the very least, a gun. It is a highly powerful weapon that can attack enemies even from a distance.

And only one person who I know might be responsible for all of this...

"I really appreciate the support, Yuichi."

Having someone that will help you when you are in need is something I have to thanked for, although it is quite unimaginable for a person who is hostile to us at the beginning like him to give me his aid at this moment. Smiling at this moment is something I can't help.

"I hate to admit this but, I owe this one to you!"

Thus, I engaged myself to the group of minotaurs with the expectation that Yuichi would lend me his assistance even for a while.

A minotaur swung its short axe vertically, trying to make a quick kill with a big blow from my head to toe.

I twisted my body to the right while my legs swiftly went sideways slipping through the minotaur and going to its back.


Moving towards its back successfully, I swiftly swung the sword in an upward diagonal manner into the minotaur's back using only my right hand. With a small but surely accurate swing, the minotaur was sliced into half before turning into dust not giving it a chance to even moan.

Then I quickly turned counterclockwise in order to face my enemy who is currently on my back. And with the sword is currently raised up in the air due to my recent attack, I swung it downwards diagonally to the left with all of my might in order to defeat the minotaur that is about to attack me.

With those few movements, I instantly defeated two minotaurs.

But two kills aren't enough if I want to escape this place alive, or even reach Kotaro therefore; I must continue fighting like this.

A minotaur with a long spear engaged me in a combat next.
As it attempts to impale me with the tip of its spear, I used my left hand to grab a knife from my pocket and slid it at the incoming tip, grazing the attack.

With its incoming sharp tip missing its target, I ran straight towards the third minotaur with the blade of my knife sliding through the spear itself. And by the timeI am close enough to it, I took the knife away from the spear and gave it an elbow to its midsection before stabbing the knife to its chest.

On that same moment; shards of ice, fireballs and rocks were falling in front of me with great speed. Luckily, I managed to survive that maelstrom--thanks to the minotaur I just stabbed, which apparently did not died after that strike and only disappeared after the elemental barrage.

In front of me were five minotaurs with a wand that were raised in the air. Numerous spell circles are slowly forming into the air waiting for its completion.

However none of these circles become active again because...


...series of gunshots reverberated throughout the hallway in which the five minotaurs in front of me fell down on the floor before turning into dust.

"(Yuichi Mizuki... This could be your doing as well, am I right?)"

His skills are truly remarkable, I admit it.

His ability to kill enemies from a distance not to mention that there is a wall separating him from the rest of us; he is really a person to be feared of.

A person rightful of his title. Death Eye.

And that is not the end of it.
Because after a short moment, numerous minotaurs are starting to die every time a I hear a gunshot. I really wondering, how is he doing this.

"If this continues, I'll be able to get away from this place."

I said that to myself, refueling my determination to defeat my enemies with least energy as possible.

But eventually, the rates of gunshots are slowly decreasing as well as some of the shots are starting to miss.

"(Is he finally at his limit?)"

Although Yuichi's attacks are starting to miss, it didn't mean that I should stop attacking and retreat. Instead, I should continue what I am doing with a faster pace. After all, I can finally see the main lobby of the building ahead of me.

I'm almost there.

Suddenly, the rate of gunshot became fast--no, rapid may be the appropriate description for that.

But nothing's happening to the minotaurs in front of me.

Does that mean--he is now engaging himself in a battle?

If that is the case, then this matter is a very serious one. Hence, starting from this point, I should everything in my arsenal in order to reach Kotaro.

Then, I lately realized...

It is easier to say it than to do it.


Because one of the minotaurs broke through my guard and managed to caught me in the neck.

"Ack! Damn it!"

The minotaur just caught me in the neck and raised me up to the ceiling. I already feel that something even worse will happen to me next.

With his full strength, he tossed me through a window launching me out of the hallway itself and into the school grounds.

If I thought of it carefully, I should have done this beforehand.

It is easier to get away from them if I go through the window than facing them all at once.

However, I didn't realize that idea when they started to attack me altogether and let my instinct do the fight.


I'm just away from Mysidia for several weeks and then I became like this?

I am such an idiot...

In my current state, I can only do nothing but to wait for my body to violently reach the ground and pray that I won’t die.

. . . . . .

. . .

"Damn it... My back hurts..."

Luckily, I did not passed out even after that violent toss; although my body is now experiencing great pain especially on my arms, my back, and on my face.

Simply speaking, I need some additional time to recover and get back on my feet. To make the matters worse, a fireball is approaching my direction at great speed.


Thanks to my natural instinct, despite having a great pain on my body I managed to roll away from danger and get back from my feet at a shorter time.

And then I saw the minotaurs, slowly swarming the vicinity.

"That Magnus. He managed to fill this place with his minions at a short time."

That's right. These are all Magnus' doing.

An Earth Elementalist who possibly followed me into this world, in order to fulfill an unknown client's request—to kill me, Kotaro, and maybe all the possible Servants.

I really hate to admit this but, his minions are giving me a hard fight.

Maybe he really did the same thing to Dad and--no, there's no way that he'll die that easily. I'm still going to believe he is still alive not until I see it personally.

Still, I must get back on my feet and continue fighting.

However as this battle continues, more and more minotaurs are just spawning through magic circles right in front of my eyes.

Even so, I still continued to attack them with everything I had.

But they kept on appearing as if it was nothing to them until to the point that I’m already surrounded by those minotaurs which are about to launch their attack on me.

"This isn't going well," I muttered.



A loud male voice coming from nowhere catches my attention. I tried to find where the voice came from, but I failed to find it out.

The minotaurs on the other hand, who are about attack me all at once, stopped on they are about to do and tries to find the origin of that voice as well.


I finally understand what is already happening in here.

We all got surprised at that sudden loud voice from nowhere.


Is he referring me as that "fake Kotaro?"

I definitely looked like him so it cannot be helped if the mysterious voice called me a fake.

That call catches my attention even more and tried to look at the second year building--the building we are now currently entering.


Being called "stupid" by an unknown guy, I turned my gaze on the top part of the building.

There is a brown haired person standing in one of the windowpanes with his arms crossed.

He is wearing clothing Kotaro usually referred as "school uniform." His face is a little bit pale but his eyes gave a striking gaze that could make an enemy get intimidated by him.


The person above me is very familiar to me. As a matter of fact, I also get a short talk to him every after school.

"Himura Ryuji at your service!" he shouted while making a thumbs-up with a grin on his face.

"(When did he wake up?)"

Kotaro had told me that Ryuji is in an unconscious state after he had been hit by a deadly poison.

Ever since that time, we did not see Ryuji either at school or at the dormitory. And now, he is standing on a windowpane with a grin on his face.

"Just wait for me there. I have some business with you."

He points his index finger on me.

"Haha. Be my guest."

Hearing my approval, Ryuji popped his both fist and with a confident smile written on his face...

"Then let the climax begin!"

...he yelled at us with a tone of pure confidence before jumping off the building.


I didn't hesitate to run at Ryuji's direction despite of the huge amount of enemies in front of me.


However, his fall was faster than me causing Ryuji to reach the ground the same time I made my first step towards him.

Right after Ryuji jumped from the second floor, the minotaurs who seemed to recover from that surprise encounter continued their assault causing me to get stuck at my current position.

"Get away from me!" I yelled.

After Ryuji jumped off the building and fell on the horde of minotaurs, I did not hear any single word from him, not until...


Ryuji's voice echoed through the school ground as a brown outline suddenly appeared among all the minotaurs in front of me. Around that brown outline are some minotaurs that are flying around him.

"Why are you me? Just wait...for me...there!"

A human voice came from the place where the brown outline was there.

"(That was...Ryuji?)"

It was Ryuji who said those words to me. But still, I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing right now.

Obviously, none of my enemies can talk let alone speak human language. And since he is the only person who is around me at this moment, I can conclude that the one who can say those words to me right now is Himura Ryuji himself.

Hearing his message, I continued to attack the minotaurs around me in order to maintain buy him some time.

He, on other hand seems to get closer and closer to me while yelling words like, "TAKE THIS!" "AND THIS!" "HIYAAAAHHH!!!" and many more that some of them are very hard to understand.

If I turn the perspective into the part where Ryuji is about to get closer to my position, I will say that he is doing very well. As a matter of fact, I didn't even expect for him to survive not only the fall but the attack of the minotaurs with nothing but bare hands.

If only I am the Earth God, I will definitely appoint him as a Servant due to his bravery.

However, if I take consider of this very moment, I can only say nothing but, "This isn't going well..."

Yes, Ryuji did come to help me but it doesn't mean that we can now turn the table around. In fact, it only keeps on getting worse.

Even so, I'm very glad that Ryuji and I are still alive at this moment.

But the question is, "Can we get out of this place alive?" or worse; the question might change into, "How long are we going to live?"

At this very moment, whoever among of us two let our guard down--death will be his guarantee prize. Therefore, I must perform an action before the earlier paragraph even became a reality.

"I have no choice but to do this..."

Holding the Lightning Blade in my right hand, I tossed it up in the air.

As the sword slowly spins in the air in a circular motion, I slowly concentrated my mind on the spinning sword attempting to destroy it into pieces.

And when I realized it is the right time to destroy the sword, I shouted loudly in the air.

"Return to your simplest form: Lightning!"

The spinning sword starts to spin rapidly as it creates a large spell circle above me.

Eventually, the spinning sword blasted into pieces where each shard coming from the destroyed sword became lightning bolts falling to the ground.

Let me explain what I just done: Since I don't have enough soulforce to create even a single lightning bolt; using my concentration, I returned my sword into its original state in order to give damage to the horde around us.
In other words, I returned the Lightning Blade (which was formed out of a lightning bolt) back to its original form which is the actual lightning bolt in order to attack nearby enemies all at once.

Yes. This is the only choice I can do to get ourselves out of this place.


Numerous lightning bolts struck the ground, delivering its targets (mainly the minotaurs) to their death.


Ryuji became motionless as he only watches the lightning bolts hitting the ground in the speed of light.

"Hey! Let's get out of here while we can!"

I yelled at the startled Ryuji who had just snapped out of his trance before running towards the direction of Yuichi's building.

"O-Oi! Don't you think you're getting away from me!"

Seeing me running away from me, he shouted back at me before chasing my footsteps.

In amidst of a lightning storm I earlier made, Ryuji and I--Johann Valliere are now running away from a battle that seemed to last forever.
Part 5
Spoiler! :
"Hey, are you really sure that this is the safest route to take? I'm already listening to you for God knows how long, and yet we can't still reach the school territory."
"Are questioning my skills? In the first place, it is not my fault if there are bunch of monsters running behind you. In fact, if it wasn't to my words, you're already a dead meat before you had crossed the halfway mark."
"Well, you have a point the--wait...hey, that is not what I meant!"

I continued to argue with Yuichi just like that, while making my way to the vicinity of a certain commotion in the school grounds--thanks to the communication device he gave to me a while ago.

Through this thing, which is now currently stuffed on my right ear, he simultaneously gave me instructions to where should I go, or what lies ahead of me.
Of course, when Yuichi does say that there will be enemies on my way, I instantly defeat them through the help of the Sword of Icarus within my right hand.

To put it simple, things are going well for now.

Yuichi is continuously telling me the safest routes I can take, in order to fulfill my only objective for this moment--to take a look at the commotion Yuichi saw through his binoculars, as well as to look for Johann.

However, it has been a long time since the time I went out of Yuichi's hideout; and I've been chased by a bunch of minotaurs who I ran away from for I don't know how long, leading to the earlier conversation.

"Anyway, turn right at the next large tree ahead of you. It will lead you directly to the steel barrier of the school. So be ready for anything."
"Turn right at the next large it."

With the unknown number of minotaurs chasing my footsteps, I continued to run away from them while following Yuichi's instruction.

As I approached the next large tree, I turned right and now planning to run straight towards the steel barrier of the school, just like what Yuichi had said.



Ahead of me are minotaurs, whose height is about same as mine, and armed with various weapons like swords, mace, axes and many more.

To make the matters worse, the minotaurs are still chasing me and they seemed to double in number.

"Wha-what the hell is this?!"

I yelled at the microphone placed near my mouth.

"I told you to prepare for anything, right?"
"Then why you led me here? Are you trying to kill me?"
"If I really want to kill you, I could have done that earlier."
"So, you are telling that this isn't on purpose?"
"Do you want to get shot along with those scumbags around you?"
"No. Please spare me, I beg you."

I ended up getting pathetic even though we are talking through the communication device.

But it did really looks like Yuichi didn't do this on purpose.

"Listen, the entire area is packed with minotaurs faster than what I expected. Although I still believe that Yusuke Kaito might be in this place, I don't think that he can stay here for long, considering also the fact that I saw him there all by himself."
"So in other words, Johann is alone in this place, am I right?"
"Yeah, that was some moments ago, though."

Is his situation really that bad that you can't find him through your binoculars?

Well, things here are already bad anyway, and weird things such as this place getting packed with hostile minotaurs are some things that could not be helped.

Even so, I firmed up my voice on the microphone and said:

"Maybe you are right with the fact that he might not stay long in this place under this condition. Even so, I still believe that Johann might be hiding somewhere, trying to slip his way to your building."
"Is that what you think?" Yuichi asked.
"Yeah. Perhaps, even after you cut off the communication from him, he is already thinking that I'm going to your place. Therefore, there is a possibility that Johann is already doing his move towards your place."

Yuichi did not reply after hearing my explanation.
On the other hand, I tightly gripped the Sword of Icarus which instantly appeared the moment I imagined it in my right hand.

Yuichi is absolutely right regarding on making me prepare for anything.

(Soul Link!)

By the time I performed my half-baked fighting stance, Yuichi suddenly spoke to the communication device.

"I'm turning the transmission off for a certain reason. You're on your own for this time."
"HEY! What are you talking about?"
"Shut your mouth. I'm turning off my presence for a while."

He's going to turn off his presence?
For what reason?

"But before I turn this thing off, there is someone who wants to say something for you."

Before I ask Yuichi, "Why?" he instantly told me that there is someone who wants to talk with me.


I gave my sound of approval to him in which he muttered to someone, "Here, take this." as his response.

I think I already knew who might that person is.

That is because...

"Um... Kotaro-kun, are you still there?"

...Yunihara-san spoke to me the instant Yuichi finished talking.

"Yeah, I'm still here." I answered.
"Um... You see, I want to wish a good luck for finding Yusuke-kun, also for your safety."

Just look at this girl. She worries about everything very much.

"Ah...well, thanks."

She really doesn't have to worry about us, in the first place. Therefore, I said these words to her in addition.

"You don't need to worry about me or Johann. Just do what Yuichi told you to do. He might not treat you as bad as us guys, as long as you follow him."

That's right. Yuichi even said to her awhile ago that it is safer if she is with him.
Then, I have no choice but to hold on Yuichi's words and ask for Yunihara-san's safety.

"Okay. Thanks for everything." she said.
"Don't mention it. It is not a big deal anyway."
"Just remember this: YOU OWE ME THIS TIME."
"Yeah yeah. Just keep her safe."

I gave a half-hearten reply to Yuichi who suddenly appeared in my conversation with Yunihara-san.

With a "Then from now on, you're on your own," as his final words to me, he finally cut off the communication between us, creating a short static through my right ear.

At that same moment, the minotaurs around me and I began our own battle with each other.

"Soul Link!"

Without any second getting wasted, I ran towards the horde of minotaurs in front of me.
Because there are enemies both in front and behind me, I don't have a choice but to move forward and fight.

With my body which seemed to know what it is exactly doing, I attacked my enemies with a single strike while evading any incoming attacks.

Some of them will try to hack me with a sword, and I parry it before hitting them in their mid section.
Some of them will try to stab me with a spear, and I reply at them with a stab at the gut before they manage to do the same thing to me.
Some will throw arrows, spears, fireball, ice, and even large boulders at me and Icarus-sama will cover me with Flame Safeguard.

It is a vicious fight between me and the minotaurs. And surprisingly, despite of their huge number, I still manage to survive against their attacks.

And before I know it, I am already within the school grounds.

Suddenly, I heard voices coming from nowhere.

"Let's go on a faster pace. It is only a matter of time before our path becomes completely blocked again by the minotaurs."
"I already know that. Why are we running at this direction anyway?"
"At the end of this path is a large abandoned building where I hope, someone is there--waiting for us."
"Hey, is Kotaro also included to those "someone" you are saying?"
"Yes. Although I am still hoping that he is still there. The other person is someone who I admit, a person who you don't want to mess with."
"It looks like an interesting person to me. I wonder if I can spar with that person, one day."

Did those voices say my name?

If that is the case, then chances are that those voices came from the people I knew.

(Behind you.)

Behind me are three minotaurs armed with a sword, a hammer, and a mace respectively launching their own attacks on me.


I just looked at my back seeing that their attacks are fastly approaching and I don't have enough time to react, let alone raising my sword in front of me.

"(Damn it! Do something, you stupid body of mine!)"

If those three objects hit me all at once--I'm dead, no questions asked.

All Johann's effort will fall in vain.

Yunihara-san will get sad as well.

I don't want to ruin the second chance Johann gave me.

I don't want to ruin Yunihara-san as well as Yuichi's trust in me.

I don't want for everything to end like this.

Now that I have been given a second chance to live, a second chance to rewrite everything in my life, a second chance to prove myself that I can be at my best--there is no way that I'll accept what will happen to me right now.

Because of that, I can't afford to die now...


I shouted out my innermost feelings as I closed my eyes, hoping for a miracle to happen.

And then...

(Very well...)

. . . . . .


As I heard Icarus-sama's loud voice coming from the Fire Orb on my right hand, I felt a warm sensation suddenly covering my entire body, causing me to open my eyes.

And then I saw the three minotaurs, who had just attacked me with a sword, a hammer and a mace taking a several steps backwards with their trembling feet.


It is because that the weapons they used are now stuck on my body--in fact, they already reached my head that there is already a blood slowly flowing from my forehead.

Even so, they seemed that they couldn't go any deeper than the simple contact with my head.

I also noticed that just above my skin, flames continue to slowly fuse into a thin film that covered my entire body.

And then my mouth said:

"Go back to where you come from!"

The red film in my body suddenly transformed into a large fireball that swallowed me up before launching itself into the artificial sky.

Soon, the fireball lost its lift and a large red spell circle appeared beneath me.

And then all of a sudden, the fireball started to fall including me inside of it.

"What is happening to me?"

Everything that I had done right now is beyond my control, as if there is someone controlling me from a distance.

. . . . . .

. . .

Ah, I finally remember this same feeling.
This is the same feeling I once experienced, when I tried to run at the minotaur as a suicidal act.

Back then, instead of throwing a punch directly at the axe-wielding minotaur, my body moved on itself and dodged the attack before going on to the actual punch.

That is the first time I've been affected by Blazing Willpower.

"(That's right. This is another doing of Icarus-sama. I am such an idiot.)"

I tried to laugh about what just happened to my body but my whole body refuses to do so because it is now cowering in the fear of falling in the mid-air.


Haaa... It's useless to do anything right now.

Forget it...

I will just hope for the best...
Part 6
Spoiler! :
In amidst of all of the minotaurs surrounding us, We—Johann Valliere, along with Himura Ryuji,are now trying to make our way out of the school grounds.

Frankly speaking, our situation right now is getting worse.

Although I theoretically expect this to happen, seeing this personally surely defies everything which was already on my mind.

Minotaurs kept on appearing all over the place.

I already lost my sword, as well as my available soulforce. Of course, I can still cast a spell, but doing so will deplete my remaining lifeforce, delivering my entire life in a grave danger.

I only planned do that measure, once I finally met someone else like Kotaro or Yuichi; or a situation where I don't have a choice but to use a spell.

On the other hand, I can't afford Ryuji to fight them all alone since the Earth Orb is not with him.

Letting him to do the fights all by himself will put not only my objective in this world, but also his life at risk.

In other words--not until we met someone else in this place, we should keep on running away.

"Let's go on a faster pace. It is only a matter of time before our path becomes completely blocked again by the minotaurs."

I said that to Ryuji who is running behind me.

"I already know that. Why are we running at this direction anyway?"
"At the end of this path is a large abandoned building where I hope, someone is there--waiting for us."
"Hey, is Kotaro also included to those "someone" you are saying?"
"Yes he is. Although if I analyze our situation right now, I doubt that he will just sit there and do nothing. The other person is someone who I admit, a person I can’t afford to mess with."
"It looks like an interesting person to me. I wonder if I can spar with that person, one day."

At this moment, it is already too late to warn him about Yuichi.

Ryuji is so excited about him that he doesn't care about the possible risk with him.

Truly, Ryuji is someone I can't predict.

Compare to Kotaro, who will only fight when needed; Ryuji on the other hand is a person who will fight if he wants.

What Kotaro told about him on that day was true after all...

It is so true that I can only leak a sigh as a response.


"Go back to where you come from!"

That was Kotaro's voice, wasn't it?

"Kotaro!" I yelled.

In front of us is a large fireball that is slowly ascending in the air.

As it slowly ascends, a large spell circle is slowly formed beneath the fireball which when its formation has been completed, it rapidly fell on the surface creating a bright red light.


We were frozen at our positions as we watched the fireball's descent.

But when the fireball finally reached the ground, Ryuji's face became stiff.

Soon, his expression became hostile, one that showing a danger is approaching.


And I was right.

Just as he yelled those words, a shockwave of fire coming from a distance (probably from the vicinity of the impact) is now approaching us at high speed.

I immediately followed Ryuji's warning and went on a prone with my both hands in front of my head.

Then the shockwave came at us, faster than what we think.

If I think of this very carefully, everything began when we heard Kotaro's cry.

Starting from the large fireball, followed by a large spell circle, up to the shockwave; no one could ever do that powerful fire attack—neither me, nor Yuichi, nor even the minotaurs around us.

"(It should be Kotaro's doing!)"

I firmly concluded that thought on my mind as the shockwave passed through my body.

. . . . . .

. . .

"Ugh... What the hell was that?"

I can hear Ryuji voice, groaning about what just happened.

Perhaps it is now already safe to move.

I slowly went up from the ground thanks to Ryuji's assistance.

"Thanks," I said.
"Don't thank me yet. We still need to help Kotaro."
"Just look behind you."

I look back to the direction of the impact only to see that...


Just like Ryuji had said—Kotaro was there, lying on the ground with his back on top. Furthermore, there were no body movements coming from him.

But that is not the only thing I just saw there.

The minotaurs, who survived not only the impact but also the shockwave, is now approaching my motionless partner.

Then I saw Ryuji's image running past me.

"What are you waiting for? Let’s go."
"Wait a second!"

Ryuji is already running towards him.

But the enemies approaching are huge in number.

Maybe he could defend himself from their attacks despite of his barehanded state but one or two attacks will surely hit my defenseless partner.

I have no other choice but help them both!

"In the name of Four Sacred Gods who had made everything..."

I summoned a small knife out of a small lightning bolt on my hand.

"...please accept my blood as a sacrifice..."

In my right hand which is now holding a small knife, I made a cut on my left index finger using its tip and let the blood flowed through its blade.

"...and let my wish be granted!"

"Forbidden Time and Space Art: Bloody Spacetime Shift!"

I threw the knife on the ground as I yelled those words.

From the knife's epicenter, a small red spell circle appeared on the ground which rapidly expanded even beyond Kotaro.

In an instant, except from me, Ryuji and Kotaro--everything else froze on their positions.

"What the--"

Ryuji, who is unaware of what I am doing at his back, became surprised as the minotaurs in front of him stopped moving.

What I just unleashed is a forbidden Time and Space Art my father taught me some time ago.

It allows me to cast another Space Shift inside of another Space Shift where except for the caster and his allies, all will be frozen in time.

Hehe... Ryuji's reaction is something that can't be helped, especially to someone who hasn't seen a real spell.

Even so, the price for using such kind of spell—is my lifeforce.

The longer I kept this field, the greater the lifeforce that will be drained from me; meaning that if I kept this spell active for a long time, it might use up my entire lifeforce and kill me.

But I think, it is a worth using it.
That is because, even for a brief period of time, we can help Kotaro without worrying about anything.

"Hey you. Did you do this?"

Suddenly stopped on running, Ryuji asked at me with suspicious eyes.


I gave him my honest answer.

"For a fake person like you, you are doing a great job."
"I'll take that as a compliment."

Inside of a time freezing spell I made, we slowly walked towards Kotaro after our very short conversation.

. . . . . .

. . .

"Kotaro. Are you alright?"

Tapping his cheek with my hand, I tried to wake Kotaro up.


It looks like he's starting to gain consciousness.

"If you can hear me, please open your eyes."

I continued my attempt on waking him up but I can only hear moans coming from him.

"That attack really made him out of action. What do you think?"

I turned to Ryuji as I ask that question.

"I did hear Kotaro's voice from here. But I still doubt that he made the ruckus all by himself."

When we came here, Kotaro is on the middle of a large crater where there were various markings from all over the place.

These markings might be the remains of the minotaur around him.

"I assure to you—Kotaro made that large fireball to burn down the minotaurs around him, thanks to the Fire Orb he currently possessed."
"Fire Orb? What is that? Is this the same kind as this "Earth Orb" you are talking about?"
"Yes. I'll tell you more about that, only after we wake him up."

Speaking of waking Kotaro up, I became impatient of him because no matter how I try to wake him up, his eyes still won't open nor his body make any response.

Also, I can still feel that my lifeforce is slowly draining from my body.

If this continues, I might not be able to maintain this field or at the worst case, the entire battlefield in general (that includes the large scale Space Shift I casted before).

"I can't wake him up. I can't afford to consume any more lifeforce."

I told Ryuji who is behind me, watching my recent actions.

"Then leave it to me!"

Getting in front of me, he gave me his confident reply while slamming his chest with his fist.

"Fine. Give it a shot."
"Not just a shot. I'll give him a foot!"

Upon my dumbfounded reaction, I can see Ryuji stomping on Kotaro's back.

"HEY! How long are you going to show your pathetic side to me?"
"Do you think stomping on his back would help either?"

I gave my curious yet honest question to Ryuji who seemed to enjoy what he is doing.

"Trust me. If we really want to wake Kotaro up, this is the only way."
"But could you wake him up other than what you are doing?"
"Nope. I already started it so there is no turning back. Look! He's starting to wake up!"

So Ryuji prefers the violent way to save his friend—I suddenly pitied Kotaro for that. But regarding on what he just said, I saw Kotaro's eyes twitching in pain.

"You're right. Keep up what are you doing!"

Looking back at me with a face full of glee, I just felt that Ryuji stomped on Kotaro's back really hard that the sole of his shoe sank on Kotaro's back.

There was also a crushing sound coming from his body.

But that is not the end of that...

...that is because...


With the maximum strength he can muster on his legs, he kicked Kotaro's gut, launching him in the mid air before crashing into the ground.

"Ooops... My bad."
"Are you really his friend?"

Ryuji is really unpredictable.

As Kotaro's partner in our quest for Servants, I can only feel sympathetic for him.

For an ordinary human who is dealing with a person like him—Kotaro is surely doing a great job.

Speaking of that person himself...

" the hell..."

With his body twitching in pain, Kotaro let out a moan.

Suddenly, he turned his entire body towards us with his eyes darted on us.

And then...



He ran at Ryuji at an amazing speed, charging him face to face.

As his hands finally reached Ryuji's shoulder, Kotaro pushed him down on the ground.

"RYUUUJI... How dare you kick me in the gut? I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR REAL!"

In a deep and terrifying voice, he said all of those words to Ryuji who is now as pale as snow.

"C-calm down! Don't you recognize me? It's your most important bestfriend, Ryuji!"

To make the matters worse, Kotaro has unleashed a punch towards Ryuji's face with his fist concentrated in flames.

Ryuji can't help but to turn his face to his right with his both eyes close, waiting for the inevitable.

Even I shifted my gaze away from them.

But suddenly...


Kotaro's fiery right fist never reached Ryuji's face or more exactly, his fist froze just a finger away from Ryuji's cheek.

And with a dumbfounded face, Kotaro said:

"Why are you on the ground, Ryuji?"


"Well, you stomped and insulted him for several times before you kicked him in the air."

I can't help but to retort at him.

He did that one-sided beating to him without any consideration to the victim.

In my honest opinion—Kotaro has now the right to get mad.

And then Ryuji started to glare at me.

"Hey, we don't have any choice that time, do we?"
"We have. You simply didn't listen to me that time, and did everything according to your desire."
"Just apologize to him, damn it!"


In answer to Ryuji's yelling at me, he received a solid punch in the face from Kotaro.

"YOU! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" Ryuji cried, despite of the great pain he felt on his left cheek.


Kotaro continued to release numerous punches to Ryuji's face because of what his friend had done to him.

In amidst of his suffering, Ryuji released all of the air inside him in one yell.




Hearing his apologetic answer, Kotaro's right fist hit the ground beside him.

He never said anything and just struggled to keep him on his feet.

"(He was really hurt back there...)"

I thought that while looking at my staggering comrade.

. . . . . . .

. . .

"Well, what is going on in here?"

Kotaro, who is barely standing on the ground with his battered body, asked a straightforwarded question to me.

"About that..."
"Be sure to say it fast. I'm worried that some parts of your body are slowly disappearing."

Before I can make an answer, he quickly added that worried statement.

"Thanks. I'll deactivate this spell once everything is clear for all of us."
"Spell?" He asked.
"Let me explain this clearly..."

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .

In a brief yet most understandable way, I explained to Kotaro about this spell I just used, and our recent objective which apparently has been completed.

I'm also glad that he reminded me of my situation, and also kept silent as I explain everything to him.

"I see. I just came from that abandoned building, and on my way to find you," he answered.
"Is Yuichi there too?"
"Yeah. In fact, we also got caught in the same situation as yours but thankfully, we managed to survive that."
"Quite hard for you, huh?"
"Hehe... You're right."

Kotaro made a brief smile. But at the same time he made that, he collapsed again at the ground.


Thankfully, Ryuji already made his way to him and carried him on his shoulders.

"Thanks Ryuji, although I still don't forgive you for your cruel treatment."
"Don't mention it. That's what friends are for, you know?" Ryuji replied.
"Right now, from the bottom of my heart—I really wanted to regret the fact that I met you."

Kotaro leaked out a sigh as he said those words to his friend.

"Oh yeah, how did you met Johann?"
"I was discharged from the hospital and about to visit you at school when I saw the same creatures at the gym. I hurriedly ran towards our classroom only to see that guy being surrounded by those creatures. After that, I became a hero."
"Yeah, you became a hero by jumping off the building." I retorted.

Hearing us speaking, Kotaro can't help himself but to chuckle.

"You are still stupidly brave as ever, aren't you?" Kotaro said.
"That is one of the assets to become popular, you know?"
"If stupidity is one of that "assets" you are telling me, I prefer to be an unpopular guy forever."
"Shut up."

Looking at those two guys talking and laughing like that, I can't resist smiling at them as well.

Eventually, he inserted his left hand on a pocket of his pants.

When he took his hand out, he is now holding the Earth Orb. Then he showed it to Ryuji and said.

"Take this."
"What is this?"
"This is the Earth Orb."
"Is this the thing that guy telling me either?"
As he asked Kotaro about the Earth Orb, I could see his index finger pointing onto me.

"I don't know what Johann told you about this thing, but—yes. This is the Earth Orb he once told you. I don't want to believe this either but this thing has selected you to be a Servant, to be like me."

I saw Ryuji's right hand grasping the Earth Orb.

"Hey. Before I take this from you, I have a question to ask. A question I failed to ask you on that day."
"Okay. Bring it."
"Thanks. Why you didn't say about your situation to me? I could have helped you at an earlier time if you just said that to me."

Hearing his question, Kotaro made a sigh.

"Yeah, you could have helped me back then. But I can't help but to doubt that you are going to help me if I tell you everything about this. As a matter of fact, not until you discovered the truth about my death; I'm always thinking of the opposite scenario with you."

Hearing Kotaro's reply, it was Ryuji's turn to sigh but lately, he started to laugh.

"Hahaha. That could be my best reaction if you just told me about your situation before. In fact—if you just told me that at an earlier time, I already teased you to death."


"But, here we are; inside of this ugly place. I guess starting from today; we are all in this thing together."

After he said those words to Kotaro, he finally picked the Earth Orb up.

At that same moment, Kotaro started to move away from him.

"We're good now, Johann." He said these words to me.

"Okay. I'm starting to deactivate the spell. Get in your positions."

Hearing my words, they went into their fighting stance: Kotaro, with the Sword of Icarus he recently summoned on his both hands; and Ryuji on his own stance with the Earth Orb on his right hand.

I started to concentrate my lifeforce onto the knife's handle when Kotaro spoke to me.

"Hey, are you sure you will be okay after this?"

"Don't worry. Even in this state, I can still fight them."

I still have the blood-stained knife on the ground and I'm confident to myself that I can still give them a fight even with only a knife.

"Then do it now." he answered.

I started again to concentrate my lifeforce on the knife's handle in order to lift it up from the ground.

"Okay. In the count of three, I'll deactivate this spell by lifting this knife from the ground. At the same time, start attacking them as many and as fast as you can."



They gave me their enthusiastic reply as they readied their positions.

"Here I go. ONE!"

Everyone became silent.


I can feel their fighting intent just by looking at their faces. I can also feel the enormous power from the knife.

At any moment, I can now pull the knife off the ground.


As I yelled that word, the knife was launched back to my hand causing the temporary field spell I earlier used to disappear in an instant.

From that period of time, we finally came back to the place I first temporarily made—where everything will be reverted to a second before.

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:44 am
by gamerbaki
No update of Tales of Mysidia for this week (this Sunday, GMT +8).

I'm doing some stuff at Wordpress in which, I'm constructing my own blog site there.
If that blog is finished, I could gain a chance to spread my story to everyone else!!! *insert evil laugh here*

Anyway, please bear with me until that site's half done.
After all, my brain cells begins to wear out as I keep on messing the things in the blog site. (And it seems that the tutorial there didn't helped at all *sniff*)

Once again, there will be no update this week and I will apologize in advance.

UPDATE: DECEMBER 7 - Sorry for the late update. I just had a very busy week which left me no time for updating my thread, let alone finishing my novel which is about 3-4 scenes left (that includes the epilogue). Anyway, I had updated my story a while ago. Just check my earlier post above for the latest update of my story.

Have a great week guys! Wish me for a safe week this time. :)
(There is a rampaging typhoon in our country FYI)

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:10 am
by gamerbaki
Part 6 is already up!

Sorry for the delayed update. I had some personal matters I need to settle for the past few days.
Maybe I could go back to my usual pacing by next week.

Anyway, check the reply box above for the latest update :D

UPDATE: DECEMBER 24 -Tomorrow will be Christmas Day, and I will be out throughout the holiday season because of some stuff that I have to settle before the year ends—including this novel.

Some days ago, I became upset of something, causing my "morale" on writing this novel to dramatically dropped. Thankfully, I got back to my usual self again because of some happy events.

Anyway, this part of the story will be the last one (probably) that I will post for this year.
The reason is, I have to finish the long long fight scene (although it only involves killing Magnus) before school resumes on January.
It also gave me the sense of deja vu while doing these last scenes.

Okay, without further ado, I bring you the seventh part of Chapter 8

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
I hope that you guys would keep up to me until the end of this novel. :)

Part 7
Spoiler! :
"Here I go. ONE!"

As Johann started the countdown for the deactivation of this special field, I firmly grasped the Sword of Icarus while lowering it down to my waist level.

My body is still aching in pain because of what happened a while ago, and it kept on telling me to have some rest. However, I can’t simply tell Johann to hold this field for a couple more minutes; not to mention the severity of our situation—there is no way that I should take a break.

He even sacrificed his present condition just to wake me up.

Although Johann added that he can still fight despite of his bad condition, it is really obvious for me (or even Ryuji) that he is in his worst shape to continue fighting.

Thus, I should get my butt moving even if my body says “NO” to me.

I briefly glanced at Ryuji who is several inches behind me.


With the Earth Orb in his right hand, he is currently doing an orthodox stance—a stance which is commonly used in boxing.

"(He's going to fight for real, huh?)"

During our streetfights; when Ryuji is entering that stance, it means that he is going to fight seriously.

("But, here we are; inside of this ugly place. I guess starting from today; we are all in this thing together.")

That was Ryuji's last statement before he took the Earth Orb from me.

Hearing those words coming from him, relief came right into my mind. Not only because he accepted his fate as a Servant, but also I don't even have to hide my current situation to him.


As Johann counts for two, I shifted back my gaze to my front, where two minotaurs, wielding a battle axe and a mace respectively, are standing in front of us.

I guess that those two were the survivors from that crazy attack earlier.

I can still feel that my skin is burning from that earlier fireball.
It also scared the crap out of me because I thought that I am going to die along with them.
Whatever happens, I won’t allow Icarus-sama to do that crazy attack again.

I slowly waited for Johann for "three" while tightly holding the Sword of Icarus.

"Let's defeat them!" I muttered those words to the sword.

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .


By the time Johann finally counts for three, the knife that was stabbed to the ground was launched back to his hand.

At that exact time, the perception of time around which was earlier came into a halt, suddenly resumed causing for the minotaurs' attacks to continue as well.

And as for us...


Johann yelled those words, raising the curtains for our counterattack.

"HERE I GO!!!"
(Blazing Willpower!)

Even I can't resist the urge for a battlecry as I began to sprint towards my mythical enemies.

The minotaur on my right waved its mace in front of me. Suddenly, its mace's blunt tip separated from its handle and is now heading directly at me.


Following the Fire God’s control over my body, I tumbled down to my left, avoiding that ranged attack.

"That was a retractable one!"
(In front of you!)

I just completed my self-commentary about the retractable mace which the earlier minotaur used , when another minotaur with its battle axe raised in the air is now running towards me.


Still on my knees, I horizontally raised the Sword of Icarus above my head whereas...


...a sound of two clashing metals creating a screech that is very painful to my ears.

Even though I successfully parried its attack, the downward force due to the hard impact of the battle axe begins to push me down along with the sword.

"Damn it!"

I gritted my teeth as I continue to resist the downward force brought by the minotaur in front of me.

"(I can't hold this any longer!)"

I must shake this axe away from me as fast as possible!


I slowly increased the strength in my both legs as I attempt to stand.

"You… I already beat your relatives, and still you don’t learn a thing…”

Slowly, my knees are having contact with the ground one at the time.

"Damn it! Stay away from me!”

Using all the strength I mustered in my both legs, I stood up straight causing the minotaur in front of me to become startled and pull its axe away from me.


With the Sword of Icarus getting freed from the battle axe, I made a short sprint in front of it and stabbed the sword to its chest.


The minotaur leaked a weak dying sound before it became dust.

Not giving me the time to recover, a certain mace's blunt tip is approaching my body at fast speed.

"What the--"

The mace itself did not reach for my head and instead, its connecting chains coiled around the Sword of Icarus.

Then the minotaur began to apply force on the handle of the mace, trying to pull the sword away from me.

"Kh... It’s trying to take the sword away from me."

Refusing to lose the only weapon I have, I exerted more effort on pulling back my sword. As a result, our fight became a tug-of-war.

And then suddenly...

"Leave that to me!"

Ryuji, whose upper body is lowered, is now running to the minotaur I'm currently fighting.

"You're going down as well!"

As the distance between him and the minotaur begins to decrease, his both hands begins to glow with yellow light.
And when he is about to throw a straight right fist on to the minotaur's face, Ryuji's fist is completely covered in yellow light.


An ear-piercing explosive sound was created as Ryuji's right fist caught in contact with the minotaur's face.

What happens next is--the minotaur is already flying away from us, along with its retractable mace whose chains still connected to the Sword of Icarus.

Out of reflex, I loosened the grip on the sword causing it to slip away from my hands.
But the massive force which sent the minotaur away from here is so enormous that I was briefly dragged by it before I manage to let go of the sword.

The result is: I fall face first on the ground in a spectacular manner.

"Ow..." I groaned.
"Are you okay?" Ryuji asked.
"Do you think I'm fine?"
"Yeah yeah. Just take my--huh?"
"What is it?"

Getting surprised by Ryuji's sudden change of reaction, I lifted my head up towards him. The first thing I saw on Ryuji is his hands itself.

"Your hands..."
"My hands?"

Ryuji seemed to be unaware of what is happening in his own hand because when he looked down on his hand.


Ryuji leaked a sound of admiration upon what he found out. His both hands are still covered in a strong yellow aura.

"What is going on with my hand? Also, where is that orb?"


But before I could make an answer, Johann's body suddenly crashes between us.


In spite of our astonishment, we immediately raised Johann back to his feet.

"Tch... They got me off-guarded.” he groaned.
"Your body is slowly becoming transparent, are you sure you're going to be fine?" Ryuji asked.
"Yeah, as long as I don't die, I’ll be fine."

When Johann is finally on his feet, he added:
"And it seems that you can also see my slowly disappearing body now."

"Don't be ridiculous! You're blinking just like a Christmas light, you know?"

Upon Ryuji's words, Johann face became relieved.

"Your reaction is as same as Kotaro," he muttered.

Then his face shifted back to his usual serious expression.

"Listen. We need to stay together in this fight. If we engaged ourselves into a battle of our own, chances that we might receive fatal injuries from the enemies will drastically increase."
"You don't need to tell the obvious thing, do you?" retorted Ryuji.
"Still, do as I say. Magnus could be hiding somewhere, waiting for the right time that we are wide open. And if that thing comes, things will be a lot more dangerous."

Ryuji didn't answered immediately and only gave an "Okay," right after he surveyed the area.

"Don't worry. Thanks to Kotaro's earlier attack, the number of enemies that we should defeat is less than the time we met. Compare to what it is earlier and what it is today, I'm pretty confident that we can defeat these minotaurs even only at this place."

We returned our gaze to the minotaurs which are slowly approaching us.

"I got it. We only need to beat those things in front us, right Kotaro?"
"Don't ask a question with an obvious answer," I retorted.

I then looked at Ryuji's hands which are still glowing with yellow light.

"Ryuji, do your hands bother you?”
"Don't worry about them. Aside from they are glowing in a weird way, I can feel nothing from it."

Then he began to run towards our enemies in front of us.

"I'm going!" he yelled.

With Ryuji on the battlefield, I tightened my grip on the Sword of Icarus.

"Let's go as well."
"Indeed." Johann answered.

And so, the three of us agreed to our objective as we engaged ourselves towards enemies for the second time—to eradicate the minotaurs in this place and probably, to make Magnus show himself.

Yes, maybe we are only a three-man party with no one from outside we can rely on. But at this moment, with our backs stuck to each other, we managed to synchronously defeat every mintour we met.

Even Ryuj,i whose hands is glowing for unknown reason; and Johann, whose body is slowly disappearing, still manage to fight back and slay every minotaur they are engaging.

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .

It didn't take a while before we noticed the effect of our effort.

The minotaurs all around the place begins to decrease in their number. Some are being slain by either three of us (by the way, Ryuji always hits his enemies either on the head or on its chest going for a killing blow.). And some of them are running away from us.

"Great! I'd never thought fighting these monsters could be this awesome!"

Ryuji said those words in a joyful manner while delivering a blow in the minotaur's head below him.

"Thanks for the help, Ryuji. I really appreciated it," said Johann as he pulls out his blood-soaked knife from a minotaur's chest.

If we continue to fight like this, we can possibly liberate this place away from those minotaurs.

But as we celebrate the excellent progress we had made, a large object that came out from the sky is now falling with an ear-piercing sound.


We kept on staring at the falling projectile until...

"Oh shit..."
"Everyone, run!"

...we finally realize the danger it will bring to us.

We started to run away from the falling projectile, looking for something to cover us from the impact.

But, the projectile is faster than us as it impacted the ground nearby.

It made a tremendous impact to the ground along with an ear-deafening explosive sound as its fragments bombarded throughout the area.

Lucky for us that we weren't directly hit by that object, and managed to run away from the crash site at the final second.

However, that same impact made a powerful shockwave which blasted us out with huge force.

We can only do nothing but to brace ourselves. And also, pray to God that nothing worse could happen to us.

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .

" back..."

After the powerful shockwave, I found myself lying beside a large tree with my back screaming in pain. The Sword of Icarus is nowhere to be found as well.

It seems that by the time I was blown away by the shockwave, I hit the tree behind me, leading me up in this very painful situation.

I slowly stood up while holding my battered back and approached Johann and Ryuji who happened to be on the ground as well.

"Ugggh... What was...that?"

As I slowly approach Ryuji, he started to lift his body up while groaning in pain.

"Is it over now?"

I can also see Johann whose body is still in a disappearing state slowly standing up on the ground.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, apparently."

They both answered at the same time. And it looks like that I'm the only one who suffered the greatest damage from that shockwave.

I look at the vicinity of the impact where it is still filled with dust.

The site where the projectile fell is already a barren wasteland.

Almost everything in this place is wiped out thanks to that "impact-and-shockwave" combo. And the tree where I crashed into, that is one of the few things that remained in this place. In fact, if that tree weren't there; I might have been blown away by the shockwave several meters away.

Even so, it is still painful when your back hits a tree with so much force.

Going back to the crash site, I can see a long yet slim silhouette at the center of the said place.

When all of us saw that unknown silhouette, I heard Johann from behind saying: "He's here" in a firm tone.

At first, I can't understand what he is talking about.

But as the dust slowly disappears, a human silhouette slowly appeared from the impact area.
Seeing that thing slowly appears, I can't help but to show hostility against the objects currently being surrounded by dust.

"It's nice to see the two of you, Fire Servant, and the Sacred Guardian..."

The human voice coming from those two silhouettes spoke at us as it slowly approaches the stationary silhouette.

"...and, oh...the Earth Servant is here as well. What a lucky creature I am!"

As the silhouette proclaimed those words, all the dust surrounding the area fell on the ground.

Who lies ahead of us is the same middle aged man who wears an old brown coat over his white longsleeved polo, and a pair of old pants. I also had the impression before of ripping a chocolate bar only with his mouth, and rumored to be the strictest teacher of our school.

If the Servant thing didn't happen in reality, he is supposed to be my teacher. However, the person in front of us isn't really the same person like the others would think.

In fact, my real teacher would never wield and point a halberd to his student. Although I already encountered him in a battle once, I am still curious on what he actually looks like since he only used Sagawara Maguro's overall appearance as his disguise.

But as far as I know—he is a dangerous person that came from Johann's world, who is going after our lives.
And just like the last time he appeared, he is holding a long halberd with its center resting on his shoulder.


Our enemy, the Collapsing Ground Magnus, who also takes the figure of my late teacher Sagawara Maguro—finally showed himself to us.

Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:58 am
by gamerbaki
Let me take back what I had said before...

This will be the last post I'll be making for this year :v

And while it is noisy outside, let me share this to you the last part of Chapter 8 :D

Part 8 NEW!!!
Spoiler! :

Johann and I called the person who appeared in front of us by its name.

"I did tell you before that I will come back, right?"

Holding the halberd with his right hand while resting it on his right shoulder, Magnus declared those words with a confident smile.

"And expect that by time of my return..."

He moved his halberd away from his shoulder and lowered it with its spear-tip touching the ground.

"I will return to Gregoria along with your heads!"

In a split second that Magnus cried those words in the air, he suddenly disappeared along with dusts around him.

The next thing I saw is...


...a small axehead that is falling on top of my head.


I raised the Sword of Icarus horizontally above my head to protect it from the attack. Then I saw Magnus' wrinkled face changed into a crazy smile.

"(That old man...he's so fast!)"

My teeth can't help but to grit as I continue resist the downward force from Magnus' attack.

"You're going down now!"

Johann and Ryuji, who seemed to recover from being startled by his sudden attack against me, are now engaging him from both sides.

But before either Johann's bloody knife or Ryuji's glowing fist reaches his body; Magnus, along with his halberd, jumped up in the air, and now performing a forward flip towards my back.
Seeing Magnus doing an acrobat-like flip, I hastily turned around, and saw Magnus, who just landed on his two feet, skidding his right foot against the ground.

Then, a cloud of dust was created from his foot in which it became volley of rocks after a few seconds. These same rocks are now flying to our direction hence; we crossed our arms to protect our heads from the barrage of rocks.

"You cheater! Fight us fair and square!" yelled Ryuji while in pain from getting hit by the incoming rocks.
"Heh! I had enough of dealing everything in a nice way. And besides, since I'm going to kill all of you, why should I go easy on you?"
"Oh, really?"

Despite of the assault of numerous rocks on us, Ryuji began to sprint towards Magnus who is just several meters away from us.

"Ryuji! Arrggh...tch...damn it!"

Having my actions being suppressed by these rocks, I can only swear while looking at Ryuji engaging the enemy on his own.

"Don't stop me! I have a score to settle from this old man!"

Just as he angrily replied those words, Ryuji began to run towards Magnus despite of the continuous volley of rocks.
Seeing Ryuji, who is now about to throw a right jab, Magnus moved his halberd to his right as he prepare for a preemptive strike.


Magnus finally swung his halberd to Ryuji, who is continuously narrowing his distance from him, causing for a powerful shockwave to occur upon the impact.

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .

The said shockwave covered everything with dust, enough for us to not see anything.


Inside of cloud of dust that is slowly dissipating, I can hear Ryuji's voice coming from afar. When the dust from the shockwave faded, I can finally see what is happening ahead of us...


...and I was greatly surprised with the scene in front of me.

Magnus’ attack did reach Ryuji, but what just hit him was only its pole part. Moreover, it only hits Ryuji’s left hand, which is now covered in a golden armor-like object. Perhaps, he intended to raise his left hand, in order to protect the left part of his head that was supposed to be the halberd’s target.

"He finally made it."

Even Johann, who also recovered from the earlier attack, is just as surprised as me. But at the same time, I became curious of what he just said.

"He finally made what?" I asked.
"He finally unleashed what is in the Earth Orb."
"You mean: the thing on his left…wait—he has that thing on his right arm as well!"

I just noticed it right now; but his right arm, specifically from his right fist up to his right elbow is covered in a golden armor-like thing as well.

"Yes. It seems that the power of the Gaia of Divine Land transformed itself into something he can wear."

Hearing Johann's additional statement, I looked at both Magnus and Ryuji.


Ryuji spoke again in a hostile tone.

"Are you the one who messed up with us that time?"

Magnus, whose attack was unexpectedly blocked by Ryuji made a deathly grin as he heard Ryuji's question.

"Ah, you mean the time I attacked the two of you? Yes, I did it."

Magnus just said those words in front of the glaring Ryuji as if it is nothing to him. Of course, I already knew that those were Magnus' doing even if he doesn't tell the truth.


But for Ryuji, whose life became in danger during that attack, he remained silent and kept his hostile glare.

"Honestly, I didn't expect for you to live even after you received a deadly poison from one of my minions. I mean, I had my entire pride on creating such a toxic poison just for the two of you.”

Ryuji kept silent as he only glared at Magnus, who is continuously carrying his speech. Somehow, I can feel that Ryuji will explode any time soon.

“But you know; I can’t imagine that you are facing me head to head despite that you have no chance of winning. Perhaps everyone else in the school is right in their impression about you. You are such a idi—"


I knew it…
Not allowing to finish what he is saying, Ryuji threw a right fist on Magnus' gut, causing him to heavily cough.


For the second time around, Magnus did not manage to finish what is saying, because Ryuji already gave him an uppercut to the chin.

Receiving the sudden blow, Magnus was taken aback and glared at Ryuji with hostility. Ryuji took Magnus’ response as an opportunity and began to charge towards the stunned enemy.

"Hey punk! Listen to what I am going to say!"


Ryuji ran towards Magnus, and bent his body, before throwing a right jab at his gut.

"You don't have the right to judge a match that is not yet starting!"


Then he threw a straight left at his gut.

“You don't also have the right to say that you will win just because you are far more superior than me!"


After his second statement, Ryuji kept on punching Magnus who on the other hand, is helplessly receiving all of his attacks. He even dropped his halberd in the process.



Ryuji finally threw a powerful straight right at Magnus whereas cracking sounds can be heard from both Ryuji's armor covered fist, and Magnus face. However, it wasn’t enough for him to put him down as he only did several staggering steps behind.


Taking several steps backwards after hitting Magnus in the face, Ryuji suddenly yelled at us.

"We're on our way!"
"You don't need to tell us that!"

Both of us yelled back to him as we stood up again from the ground.

To be honest, there is no need for Ryuji to inform us that Magnus is open for attacks.


Because by the time he is beating Magnus single-handedly, we are currently recovering ourselves from Magnus’ earlier attack.
Tightening my right hand’s grip on the Sword of Icarus, I began to sprint forward along with Johann towards the fight scene.

Seeing us who are coming for him, Ryuji faced again our beaten enemy. However, Magnus took this split-second delay to distance himself from him.

"If you are thinking that you have the potential to kill me, think again!”

He called again his halberd and struck the ground with its pole, causing large rocks to launch themselves into the mid-air. Then he spun counterclockwise, before batting the boulders with the pole.

Although the incoming boulders are large and seem dangerous, Johann and I still manage to dodge them all. As for Ryuji, he simply crossed his armored arms in front of his face to protect it from direct impact.

"Don't you think that we'll be hit by the same attack twice either!"

Upon my retort, I ran past Ryuji and now reaching my sword's attacking range.

(Soul Link!)

My body becomes light again as I gave Magnus a heavy slash on his shoulder with my both hands.
Although he manage to parry it with the axehead of his halberd at the final second, Magnus still took a few steps backwards in order to fully defend himself from my attack.

"I'm not done yet!" I shouted.

I shove him away by pushing the Sword of Icarus against his halberd. After that, I finally closed in the distance between me and him.

“Take this!”

I punched him in the chest with my bare left fist causing him to fall on his one knee.

"Fire Servant!”

Wearing a face full of anger, Magnus performed a powerful thrust against me.


I became excited at beating the crap out of Magnus that I also left myself wide open.

I was about to get hit by the incoming spearhead when…

"I won't let you do that!"

...Johann slid between me and Magnus in order to deflect it away from me.

"Valliere!!!" Magnus growled.

Everything happened in a split-second in which on that time period, I was unable to do anything. But thanks to Johann's support, I can now again fully react to the battle, not to mention that my life has been spared once more.


I gave my thanks to Johann before running towards Magnus' back. As for Johann himself, he tightly grasps on his knife with his right hand…

"Just like what I told you before—I won't let you lay a finger on anyone here!"

...before stabbing it into Magnus' body.

At the same time, I performed a large swing at his back, causing Magnus to leak several pained moans.

"Take this!"

I continue to perform several wild swings on his back where dark red blood begins to flow from its wounds. It also seems that Johann is still attacking him, based on the stabbing sound I’m hearing from the other side of Magnus.

And then...


Somehow, I can hear Ryuji’s voice growling in front of us. When I peeked over Magnus' shoulder, Ryuji is already running towards us with his both arms shining in golden light.


I think that he’s referring those words to us, considering our position from Magnus. But Johann seems hesitant.

"Move away, Kotaro."

In the end, Johann still shoves the beaten Magnus away from him.

In response to what Johann just did, I took few steps behind to maintain my distance from the enemy.


Ryuji yelled those words to me with determination.


But somehow, I feel that something weird is going to happen with Magnus.
I mean, all this beating we gave to him, he seldom gave response to our attacks like creating a huge duststorm to disorient us or even just a single parry to create an opening on us.

"I'm getting uneasy with this."
(Maintain your focus.)
"(I know.)"

Shifting back my focus to the fight through Ryuji's command, I tightened my grip on the Sword of Icarus with both hands while lowering it down to my waist level.
I’m starting to feel the strength coming out from both my body, and the sword.

(Soul Link!)
(Blazing Willpower!)



Ryuji’s glowing fist finally connects with Magnus' face causing him to involuntarily take several staggering steps behind in order to equalize the force he received from him.

And at that exact timing, I raised the sword equal to my head level while pointing its tip on his body.

“You’re going down!”

I performed a stationary thrust in which it will damage Magnus’ chest. However, just before the tip of the sword reaches his back.

"All of you will still die--UGHHH!!!"

Magnus spoke his threatening last words before it was interrupted by a dying moan.


Let me assess what just happened right now.

I just stabbed Magnus right at the back of his chest, causing the target to vomit blood at first, before losing his entire strength and become a dead load.


The Sword of Icarus again disappeared from my hand, following by a dead sound of Magnus' body falling to the ground.

I glanced at the dead body in front of me.

An old man, who wears a white longsleeved polo under his brown coat, has a small straight lined hole on his chest where blood continuously flows from it.
His eyes remained dilated even after he dies, and his facial expression is similar to those who are killed by surprise. Just by looking at his face, I am already having goosebumps.

"That was easy..."
"I never thought that we will easily win against him just because of number advantage."

I said those words while staring at the body in front of me which was followed by Ryuji, and Johann's remarks.
We all agreed to the same fact that we finally defeated Magnus, based on his dead body alone.

But somehow, Johann is also right with his latter statement.

"Yeah. I mean, we barely survived the last time we fought him right?" I added.
"Indeed. It is so easy that I don’t feel good about this."

Ryuji and I both shifted our gaze to Johann who just expressed his own feeling regarding this incident.

"Kotaro. I know that you are also feeling the same thing about Magnus, don't you?"

Hitting the bulls-eye of my recent thoughts regarding Magnus, I answered him a "Yes," in a serious tone.

"To be honest with you, I became bothered at what he lastly said before he dies."

"Huh? Did he say something before that?"

Ryuji asked the unexpected out of curiosity.

"You didn't hear it?"
"I never heard any last words from him either." Johann answered in Ryuji's behalf.

Does it mean that the "All of you will still die" statement, in which Magnus last words to me, is all upon my imagination?

"Also, don't you guys notice that before he died, he never gave a counterattack on us?"
"That is already on purpose. Don't you remember? Offense is the greatest defense."
"It is not what I meant! You can understand what I am trying to say right, Johann?"

While adding a short retort on Ryuji’s answer, I looked at Johann, hoping that he will agree.


See? Johann agreed to what I had said a while ago.


"Go to the rooftop ASAP."

A familiar voice came from the communication device attached on my ear.

"Yuichi? Are you there?"

Unfortunately, there were no further answers coming from him. It has been a while since he last talked to this communication device. I wonder if he is done hiding his presence.

"Yuichi? Did he contact you there?"

Johann asked me regarding to my sudden change in my expression.

"He said that we should go to the abandoned building." I answered.
"Abandoned building? Is there is something like that here?"
"Yeah, and you will be coming with us."

I gave a quick reply to Ryuji which was followed by a non-refusable demand from me.

"Also—bring Yusuke Kaito to me."

Out of nowhere, Yuichi spoke again to the communication device.

"Yeah. He's still breathing as we speak."

I said that to Yuichi while taking a glance at Johann in which he answered me with a nod. Then he began to walk away from the rest of us.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Seeing Johann walking away from us, Ryuji followed his lead maybe because he doesn't want to take his eyes off of him.

As they began to walk their way to the abandoned building where Yuichi and Yunihara-san are; I also began to walk away from Magnus’ dead body, despite of the uneasiness I'm feeling from his dead body.

"Good. Then—"

Suddenly, Yuichi's voice became static. The earth begins to shake violently as well.

"An earthquake! Stay wherever you are!" Johann yelled.

As the quake continues to shake the ground, cracks begins to shatter causing the earth to slowly crumble into pieces.

His easy death had bothered me a lot even now.
My first encounter with Magnus wasn't that easy since he fought the two of us with ease even with Icarus-sama's power.

Johann is absolutely right with his intuition about him.


Magnus let out a painful scream before it was replaced by a monstrous yell.

By the time that the yelling comes into a halt, the earth stops shaking and the dust begins to dissipate once more. We slowly stand up from the ground while getting attentive to our surroundings.

"Frankly speaking, not until you’d stabbed me in the chest; my host's lifeforce is resisting my entire existence here, blocking almost all of my abilities to finish you off."

In a deep, hoarse and monstrous voice, Magnus began to speak from afar.

"To be honest with you, I greatly appreciated to what you had done with that body."
"What do you mean?" Johann bravely asked.
"Didn't you forget what I just said about this body some time ago? This is isn’t my real body to begin with!”

True, Magnus once said those words to us since he is the one who killed the real Sagawara-sensei in order to use his body.

"Thanks to that fatal blow to the heart, you just gave me the controls to this damned body."

The dust around us continues to disappear at a faster rate causing to have more visuals to what happened to our enemy.
One by one, I can see his appearance after he "died."

His old human-like legs were replaced by oversized legs with fur growing throughout that part. His feet that are once inside his shoes transformed to the point that the feet can’t be considered as “feet’ anymore but a pair of “hooves” instead.

As the dust slowly disappears, it shows that the fur covering his two legs also covered his lower body starting from his hips.
He is still wearing that white polo under his brown coat but because he increased in size, its sleeves only reached before its two elbows. His two arms are still human-like except that its muscles became ridiculously huge.

From those descriptions alone, I can assume that Magnus now reaches between ten to around fifteen feet.

As I continuously stared at Magnus' body behind the cloud of dust which was slowly disappearing, I can feel a chill running through my back. Finally, the cloud of dust showed his deformed human face with bull-like horns on the both sides of his head.

His eyes were pitch-black, similar to bulls. Although the rest of his face were still human, but it is hardly distinguished as a human face anymore. That same deformed human face made a grin causing for my knees to tremble in place.

"Because of that, let me show all of you why I attained the name, the Collapsing Ground!"

At this point, our enemy Magnus became one of those enemies we earlier took care of—a minotaur.

I'll be prepping the last chapter for this volume within the next couple of days. By the mean time, sit back, and enjoy the novel while celebrating the upcoming 2015.


Re: Original Light Novel - Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:22 am
by gamerbaki
Hi hi!

This is gamerbaki speaking!
It has been almost a month, and a half since the last time I posted here (Based on my post, my last post was during New Year's Eve, wasn't it?).

Anyway, I have some good news, and bad news to those who are browsing past this thread.

The good news is that I am taking English class again!
Although it is not so a good news for me since I have to go back to the basics once again, it is better than not taking it because I begin to learn more about some basic aspects in grammar (ie. subject-verb agreement, parallelism, etc), in which I'm confident that my story has still room for minor edits. Nonetheless, this is for the good of this story.

The bad news is--I'm still not done with the last chapter of this story.
Although its first part is already done, the second part (which also serves as the last part) however, is about halfway done.
I could post the first part, but I prefer to post them altogether to wrap everything up.

Also, I want to apologize for my very long inactivity here. My studies are taking away most of my time that I only managed to continue writing down the story for at least one hour, once a week.

I also feel that things became different here.

Anyway, I'll becoming active in this forum despite of my tight schedule, and I hope you guys would read my story.
