B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

Spoiler! :
"Noooo......wait, please!", screamed Oni. "I still haven't gotten to build a shrine for Haruhi Suzumiya-sama! Pl-"


TLG hit him hard enough so that he can wake up.

"Hey Oni...hang in there", said TLG gently. "It's only a dream, you were only in the 4D world."

"Sigh...thanks, TLG. I had a bad dream...Though I don't remember a part of my dream...only the part at the end when I was chased by some crazy alien...I think that I got asleep for an hour."

"Only five minutes."

"Huh?" Oni had a perplexed expression. "Why did I feel as if I was dreaming for an hour?"

"Simply because five minutes in reality is equal to one hour in reality", said TLG after thinking a bit.

As we all know, this theory will be proven a few years later. But let's return to our story.

Gs looked at Oni, who just had a traumatizing experience and whispered.

"It was really soft, you know? If you add to that the sleeping face, it made me excited..."


"Woah, woah, calm down. I was talking about the FA!"

"Oh, you touched me while I was asleep?"

The male FA came to them with a smile.

"I would've preferred that it was you, Oni." And with a smile, he added.

"Though I wouldn't really mind if we were three."

"Damn! Why are you guys thinking same thing?", said Gs with his patience at its limit. "Say something, TLG!"

TLG didn't think much this time, and replied.

"It isn't really surprising. Though I would like that you three stay away from me of a 5 meters radius."


"The female FA has arrived, by the way."

As TLG said, the female FA came to them. The moment she saw Oni, she blushed.

"O-Oni, wh-no, nothing. But--I wouldn't have mind if you said it to me..."

"What's that 360 degrees change of altitude!"

"Hum, Oni, you should've said 180, not 360."

"It's not my point, TLG!" He too, with his patience at it's limit, he continued turning towards the female FA. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Well..." The female FA was blushing. "You...touched me, didn't you? I have hand prints on my...you know...underwear."

TLG and Gs were looking at each other. During that time, Oni was trying to defend himself.

*****[ ] indicates the whispering.*****

[...Hey Gs, mind giving me an explanation about what did you do?], whispered TLG in a scary tone.

[Well, I was going to cop a feel.], answered Gs with a smirk. [But I suddenly stopped with my hands in mid-air, since I care for Oni. W-wait don't get away from me! It's not what you think! So, as I was saying, I didn't actually touch her! I swear!]

[Then who...]

Before TLG could say something, he, Gs, Oni, and the FAs heard the the previous old man say.

"It...felt great. The female FA is really something. Her chest is so--"

*Paf* *Bang* *Slap*

"Wh-Why did you hit me?" The old man asked.

TLG just hit the old man, to everyone's general surprise.

"Listen up, you pervert! The first one is because you did something perverted. The second one be use you wasted my time. An the third one BECAUSE YOU CAUSED MY ONI TROUBLE!"

For a rare time, TLG looked angry. He added.

"Look, Oni. I'll protect you from until the end of the world, even if it costs my life. I would be ready to defeat any of my opponents, be it the great Genghis Khan or George W. Bush! Your soul and mine are one, and I want to suffer as much as you do!"



Suddenly the male FA step between those two.

"Dude...I never thought that you would actually be..."

"Wait, wait sir." Gs said. TLG only said that so Oni could help him in Japan since he doesn't know Japan-

Gs got hit. We all know by who. And the others start arguing.

As for Oni, he intended to start a conversation with the female FA, but he was too tired even after the nap he had that he has fallen asleep. The female FA at his side smiled at his sleeping face and whispered.

[Heh, so you can't remember, can't you. It's like this no matter how hard I try...]

A sob came from here. She tried to get up, but she realized that her arm was held unconsciously by Oni. So she she whispered again...

[There are no such things as coincidences in this world. There is only the inevitable...And our encounter on this plane counts as one.]

She gently shove her arm off Oni's grip and a drip of salty water fell on Oni's sleeping head.


Thus, the female FA disappeared, and Oni was left sleeping. Destiny will make those two reunited again outside the plane, and it won't take long...

***6 hours remaining before arriving to Japan***
EDIT: Corrected the mistakes.

Edit2: Forgot the spoiler tag.

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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Poke2201 »

Well technically we don't know how this site was made. So yeah. Either way, Im presenting Oni as a smart straight man. Gs is a trickster and TLG is our brilliant, yet lazy, person so its not like were mocking them.

onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

Poke2201 wrote:Well technically we don't know how this site was made. So yeah. Either way, Im presenting Oni as a smart straight man. Gs is a trickster and TLG is our brilliant, yet lazy, person so its not like were mocking them.

I did...

Ok, then I'll continue it for a bit.

Counted the words on Google docs, it should be around 46k in BT format if we stick all we have written.

Here's my new part:
Spoiler! :

***4 hours remaining before arriving to Japan***

“Sigh, I slept again”, said Oni as he wakes up on his seat. “Hm? Where did the female FA go?”

“That woman?”, TLG asked. “I saw her leaving you while you were asleep...Though I didn’t bother waking you up. But you can check somewhere else, if you want.”

“Somehow, I get the feeling that I won’t see her”, said Oni to himself. He then raised his head and told TLG.

“Anyways, I’ll look for her in the plane. Tell Gs that I’m gone to the bathroom. What’s he doing?”


“Hum, TLG? I’m talking to you. So, what’s.he doing with his hands on his crouch?”



“Stay as you are right now. Here’s an example of a guy who’ll ruin his life. Anyway, did you sleep well?”

“Pretty much. . Though I dreamt about the anime market in Japan. Maybe my first love will be there.”

“Oni, please think about your future. IT LIES WITH A 3D WOMAN DAMNIT!”

“Woah, Gs! I thought that you weren’t listening. And why are your pants...”


“Oni, don’t say this in public”, calmly said TLG with the greatest smile possible. “There are things to be said and things that don’t need to be. What you just said belongs to the second category.”

“Yeah, fine, but you didn’t have to hit me, y’know.”

By the way, the one who has been hit and the one who just said this are the same guy. It was Gs, not Oni.The latter one has fallen down.

“Gs, I was only giving an example of--”

“Hey”, said the male FA who just barged in. “Why do I feel that this looks like a romantic com-”

Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to finish his sentence.

Since he saw something lewd.

So let’s think of the scene together.

First, there were three seats together. Since the tickets were cheap, these three didn’t travel in first class, so there seats weren’t too large. Secondly, Gs has just got up. He has the seat just beside the window and, obviously, his pants were still wet after what he did. Also, he is face to face against TLG. As for TLG, his seat is right between Gs’ and Oni’s since Gs wanted to do things without being watched. Thirdly, we have our Oni, who just got up and fell again when the male FA appeared. Consequently, he was on TLG’s legs and his head was at an inch from Gs’ crouch.

That explains a lot doesn’t it?

A huge scream could be heard throughout the plane when the three of them realized the position they were in.


***Two hours before arriving to Japan***

Setting: After that little incident, TLG changed place with Oni so that he could rest in peace beside the walkway. He was reading a game mag. In the center was Oni. He was reading a Anime&Manga mag. On the left was Gs - his pants weren’t wet anymore. He was reading a porn mag. They picked these from the old man who just got sick and who was in the washrooms due to the airplane’s food.

“Haaa~”, Gs sighed after finishing his mag.”It’s very boring here. Do you guys have some games to play with?”

It was at TLG’s turn to sigh.

“I don’t. But we could tell some stories to kill the time. OK, Oni, you’re first!”

“Me?”, said Oni, surprised. “But I don’t have much imagination...”

“No worries”, both replied, TLG and Gs. “We’re sure that you had fabulous experiences.”

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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by b0mb3r »

Short story:
Spoiler! :
Oni: I don't have any imagination but I have odd experiences in my life due to the 3-D weirdness that follows me around. Here’s an example.

When I was a senior in highschool I set up a ping-pong table at the physic lab. Normally is against the rule but then again it was a special school with special teachers. I tend to play ping-pong with my physic teacher but word spread around bringing in opponents. The worst was the tennis club. They apply all their learning in tennis and kick our behinds.

G: Kind of like how Tezuka killed the Dinosaurs?

Oni: Yes we were slaughtered but the oddest opponent I have ever fought was this freshmen boy. He is pretty cocky since he came from a junior Olympic ping-pong team representing USA. Naturally he was good and likes to toy with us. There is just one move I never quite get.

TLG: What?

Oni: He likes to wear shorts a lot. When he play his smash he shots his paddle hand through his shorts and out of one of the sockets. He aligns his arm with one of his legs and use his whole leg to smash me. Is the ultimate crotch shot and a blow towards my ego.

TLG and GMF: Whistles

Oni: Your turn.

Author Note: Based on a true experience except the crotch shot. That bast*rd does like to do smashes between his legs though.

baka baka baka
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

I'll take Gs' story. And maybe TLG's.

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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Poke2201 »

Go for it. I might take TLG's story.
onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

Poke2201 wrote:Go for it. I might take TLG's story.
Ok, then I'll continue after TLG's. Here is Gs' story; a little mention to a certain project in Baka-Tsuki LOL.
Spoiler! :
"Ok, it's my turn", said Gs. "Here is some 3D weird thing that happened."

--From here starts Gs' story:

"One day, at school, my classmates and I were playing chess together. Naturally, I loved to play, since I--"

"Didn't have any friends", interrupted TLG.



"OK. So I was playing chess. One day, a girl challenged me. I had no right to refuse since I wanted to keep my dignity. But afterwards, I actually won. The girl was very surprised, and started to like me."

"Illusion", said Oni.

"Fantasy", said TLG.

"Shut up you two! She was my second love! Well, anyways, do you what happened afterwards? She loved me so much that she decided to change herself in front of me when we went to the pool after!"

"Fantasy", said Oni.

"Illusion", said TLG.

"Would you guys please shut up? Anywys, she also started to follow me in the MEN bathroom."

"......" X2

"She has shared the same tent as me when we went camping at school!"

"......" X2

"And I bet she was very popular! Some people call her, for an unknown reason, Hidey*shi!"

"You obviously never knew about Baka T*st, didn't you", said TLG with a sigh.

"From what I hear, no he never knew abou this series", added Oni.

"What's up with you two?"

"Nothing, Gs", answered TLG with a warm smile.

"Then it's your turn, TLG", replied Gs.

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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Poke2201 »

Spoiler! :
Everyone looked at TLG.

"Alright so my story is about that time I went to Japan."

Oni glanced at TLG and asked, "When did you go?"

"Oh I went when I was 16. Basically I got on the plane with my Gameboy... and this weird girl showed me a freaking paper crane she made!"

Oni choked on those words.

"Anyway, she told me that this paper crane is a caricature of me. I wasn't listening though because she spoke Japanese, and I was trying to get Porygon."

*Hack* *Wheeze* "I thought you couldn't speak Japanese!!!!!"

"I'm lazy, give me a break. Anyway, I got bored pretty quickly in the plane ride, and I fell asleep. The crazy thing was, she was in my dream man!!!"

"Riiight..." Gs said. "I bet she was cute right?"

"Nah, she looks like Oni's type." TLG pointed at Oni. The flight attendant walked over.

"So who's my type again?" she asked.

"NO ONE! NO ONE AT ALL!" Oni said quickly, and tried to shoo her away.

"Wait a moment...." TLG said out loud.

Oni had an oh-crap moment!

"I didn't get mayo with this sandwich..." TLG said sadly.

"Continue... with... the... DAMN STORY!" Oni was near his limit.

"Fine, Fine. So anyway, after the plane ride, " TLG took a bite out of his sandwich.

*Recovered +5 hp!*

"After the plane ride, I went to Hokkaido. Man that Air was great! Then we traveled down to Aki for the anime! And I had the best time in the Cosplay cafes...."

"... What kind of cosplay cafes." Oni said.

"Oh the ones that sell omelets and garnish it with a special message. I think I saw a guy in the kitchen shouting at a girl."

" What kind of story is this?" Gs said, opening the porn magazine again.

"Oh I'm just getting to the good part." TLG winked.

"Never do that again." Gs said as he kept reading the magazine.

"Well anyway, I was in Akihabara. After I left that place, I decided to screw around until late at night. My parents had cell phones and they slept in the hotel, so I went down from Akihabara to some weird place. I found this girl making drawings on the ground. I hid in the bushes, and then I saw a guy come out. He looked pretty average."

"Wait you aren't telling me...." Oni looked at him.

"Yes, I saw a crazy-ass girl drawing on the ground to see aliens." TLG said as he leaned back.

"Thats H*ruhi you arse." Gs said exasperated.

TLG stared him down, "But I'm serious."

"I call BS on that story." Oni replied.

"Whatever, I saw what I saw." TLG said back.

TLG's story took almost 2 hours to tell. They bickered for an hour and 30 mins about it. The flight was getting closer to Japan.

"We're almost there. What are we doing here anyway?" Oni said.

"Dunno." Gs said while hiding the porn magazine in his briefcase.

"I have no idea what we are doing next." TLG said while "thinking" about it.

"You idiots... We need to get RAWS and Translators, remember?" Oni said quietly.

"Not at all." TLG said.

"... I GIVE UP!" Oni said, and placed a pillow in his face and fell asleep. Thankfully, this had no dream.
Well.. I hope this slowly segues us out of a plane.
onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

OK...I'll probably have to edit my version since there's an inconstancy, with me saying that Oni won't meet again the female FA in the plane.

Just tried to fix the story together, it makes something like this:
Spoiler! :
One day in a computer chat….
[Thelastguardian]: Hey, I got this great idea…
[Onizuka-gto]: Oh and what’s that?
[Thelastguardian]: Well… You know about anime and manga right? Well I was watching Haruhi one day, and tried to find a manga version of it, and I just found out ITS A LIGHT NOVEL!!!!!
[Onizuka-gto]: What’s your point?
[Thelastguardian]: Silly silly man, its in Japanese, how else am I going to read it?
[Onizuka-gto]: Aren’t there translation groups for that?
[Thelastguardian]: Nope.
[Onizuka-gto]: Dont tell me…
[Thelastguardian]: Oh yes…
[Onizuka-gto]: You don’t even know Japanese!
[Thelastguardian]: I can find people.
[Onizuka-gto]: Oh boy…

In the year 2004, an innovative idea came about, and what is this idea one would ask? Why, to create a light novel translation group of course! Never mind that they aren’t as easy as manga and anime to translate, it needed to be done! However, Thelastguardian, the creator of this group doesn’t know Japanese… Kind of important right? Well it took him a while to get his first translator.

The translator in mind was GDsMIDDLFNGR. However, he was a Haruhi fanatic.

“You know I’ll only help if we start with the Haruhi series.”, he said

“That’s what I said I’m going to start with.” , said Thelastguardian.

“Oh fine.”, he replied.

*GsMIDDLFNGR has joined the party!*

Now that he had his first translator, Thelastguardian set off to find himself a Haruhi novel. However, the path to the novel was a long journey, and Thelastguardian needed a party. So he called Onizuka.

“Hey Oni! Wanna help me find a Haruhi Novel?”

Onizuka started to laugh. “Hahahahahahahaha, we have something called the internet!”

“Where the hell do you expect me to look first?!” Thelastguardian shouted through the phone.

“Oh fine, Ill help you.”

*Onizuka-Gto has joined the party!*

“Now what?”, Onizuka said.

“Ummm….” Thelastguardian replied.

“You had no idea what the hell you are doing don’t you?” , Onizuka said.

Yes, Thelastguardian had no clue what to do next. Onizuka then called Velocity7.

“Hey Velocity, wanna help us get started on this translation group?”

He sighed, “Im a very busy man you know… I have 3 animes to translate within the week, now why are you calling me?”

“Oh, just to say Hi.” Onizuka snarked.

“Well, hello and goodbye my friend.”

“Wait, Wait! I was joking! How did you get the anime episodes?”

“Oh, I have a friend in Japan who gives this stuff for me.”

“Hmm… Thanks for the info.” Onizuka hung up.

As he walked back into the room, he saw Thelastguardian on the computer.

“Hey guys! We’re going to Japan!” Onizuka shouted.

GsMDDLFNGR shouted from the kitchen, “We have no money, no way to the airport, and no more bread for sandwiches!”

“Guardian are you listen-“ Onizuka turned and looked at the screen. “GET OFF 4CHAN!!!!!”

“Hmmm? Oh heres 3 tickets for JAL airlines, our flight is at 6:30.” Thelastguardian gave 3 tickets to Onizuka.

Then from the kitchen, GsMIDDLFNGR said, “By the way, its 4:30.”

Onizuka’s face turned white. “Get off the computer and take a shower.”

Thelastguardian sighed and pointed to the suitcases near the door. “You’re the last one…”

“Wait, even Gs did all that?”

From the kitchen Gs replied, “Yep.”

“How did you do all that in a 5 minute phone conversation?”

“Don’t ask.”

Onizuka walked to the bathroom quickly. There is no need to think about that subject any longer.

By the time he was done, it was 5:00 and the airport was an hour away.

At 6:00 they got to the airport.

“We have everything right?” Onizuka asked.

“Sure, sure we do.” Gs replied.

Thelastguardian gave the tickets to the ticket lady.

“Umm sir?”, she said. “This is KLM.”

The limits of failure have been broken.

“HOW DID YOU GET THE LETTERS WRONG?!??!?!” Onizuka shouted.

They ran to the JAL ticket booth and ran inside the airport.

“Well, we have to get past security now… and its 6:20 thanks to you.”

“At least it’s a short line oni!” guardian shouted.

By 6:25 they were on the plane.

“Please tell me this is the right plane and Im not flying to Seoul for some reason…”

The captain spoke on the speaker.

“Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. This flight will be going to Seoul.”

“@#$%&#%!!!!!!!!!!” Onizuka said.

The captain continued on, “This flight will be going to Seoul after a stop in Tokyo. Have a nice flight.”

Gs started to laugh, “You should have seen the look on your face Oni.”

“Shut up, Shut up, Shut up.”

Thelastguardian looked at Onizuka funny.

“I didn’t know you were a shana fan also!”

This is going to be a long flight…


The airport they have departed from was known as San Diego International Airport. From this location it should take 6 hours to arrive Tokyo. Oni, GMF, and TLG at seated on the left side plane in the emergency row. GMF is reading a Japanese guide book he picked up from a newsstand while Oni and TLG are talking buying the new Nintendo DS.

Oni: I like the cycle Nintendo follows

TLG: What do you mean.

Oni: Think about it all portable systems had been consoles on the go. Gameboy is like the NES, GBA is like Super Famicon, and now DS is the portable N64. Just imagine when we have a gamecube quality handheld in the future

Little did Oni know that the next handheld 3DS not only support gamecube quality but also 3D effect and Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater….on the go!

GMF: Hey guys want to hear something interesting?

Oni + TLG: What?

GMF: You guys ever heard of “soapland”


GMF: Basically is a massage salon. You know how in anime the protagonist, usually those lucky 2-D bastards that have sister, related or not!, have their back scrub in baths?
Well this is like that except is 3-D and is a paid service. You guys want to experience it during the trip?

TLG: That kinds of defeats my fantasy. 3-D girls do not have the traits of a 2-D girls does and I prefer a childhood friend, not a sister no less a stranger you sis-con.

GMF: Hey I resent that! Anyway I left out an important detail. According to this book prostitution is illegal in Japan, at least anything the law considered “penetrative sexual acts.” They have other methods that doesn’t involve them and under different names.

Oni: Wait what are you implying?

GMF: I’m saying under “health” or “massage” service is actually oral sex!

Oni + TLG banged their heads in front of their tray, waking up an old Japanese man.


GMF: Hey as this party’s leader I should lead the team in experiencing the fine side of Japanese culture. We will go beyond what the Genshiken guys does!

TLG: Those Gen guys are fictional and only studied the visual part of culture! And who made you leader? Shouldn’t I be the leader since I started this group?!

GMF waving his finger: But you don’t know Japanese do you?

Oni pats the depressed TLG back on this comment.

Oni: But I agreed with TLG, I wanna reserve my *censored* for someone I care about, hopefully 2-D.

GMF: You might as well stick to those gal games then. I understand the weight when it comes to facing the 3-D world but we live in it. Is foolish not to take what the world offer us: Like “Health Girls” ^_^

Oni sweat drop….

Oni: You are asking for divine punishment aren’t ya? What you want to do is like driving a dangerous car named “Herpes.” Well excuse me nature is calling me, even at 1000 feet in the air.

As Oni walks out of seat and goes to the back of the plane. Walking down the aisle through the curtains he sees the space empty. Luckily there doesn’t seem to be a line and the bathroom is green. Mindlessly he opens toilet door to reveal a naked girl in the bathroom. In a one second analysis he observed:

Blue aquamarine eyes whose depths are unfathomable
Fair, long, black hair with blue dye at the tip towards her breast line
Breasts small and round, like two meatbuns but less of a foot apart from each other
Wonderous abdomen, evidently have been shown care with signs of tone abs
Hips that are geometrically impressive in an angle that even Pythagoras will be in envy.
And she’s shaven too.

Blushed and mind racing he quickly slam the door. This caused a small ruckus as some flight attendants came with some concern. Oni apologize for his actions and give a white lie convincing enough for them to go away.

Oni Thoughts: Wait a moment, wait a moment, wait a moment. This only happens in anime not real life. The law of physics does not just allow me to see a naked girl in a plane no less. Wahh why is there a naked girl in the bathroom? Is she the type to pee without cloth on? I have seen something similar before.

Flashback Freshmen year in Highschool.

Oni walks into the boys bathroom only to see a senior with his pants all the down peeing at an urinal stand. Obligated he turn around to leave and forget this little incident.

Oni Thoughts: In anime, usually today’s industry with tsundere, I would have at least get some punch or dere or both in my situation. Why hasn’t the girl scream or anything? Is she a “Shy Blue Haired Girl”? Maybe this all of my imagination.

Oni Opens the door again to see the naked girl and stare a bit longer thinking than intended.

Oni Thoughts: Heaven or Hell, Heaven or Hell, Heaven or Hell

The Girl smiles and said: Is a bit chilly are you going to come in or what?

Oni thoughts flashback to GMF words: “Is foolish not to take what the world offer us” Wahh which choice?!

A. Walk in and see what happens
B. Just walk away like I did years ago

Oni's flashback comes from personal experience

Author’s Note: Oni's flashback comes from personal experience

As oni stared at the naked girl, it was apparent that she was sleeping. He sighed and propped her onto the table and looked away...

"How the hell am I supposed to explain this." he said.

He finished his business and sat back down. There shall be no mile high club membership for him today. However, he does gain +5 morality points.

"Anyone else need to use the bathroom?" he asked.

Gs stood up and said, "I'll go next. TLG is sleeping."

"Have fun..." Oni said. Then he sat back up. "OH SHIT!"

Oni ran back to the bathroom on the plane.


Needless to say, everyone was staring at Oni as he returned to his seat.

Thelastguardian work up from his nap and asked, "Well, what the hell were you and Gs doing in the Bathroom?"

Oni smacked him upside the head and muttered, "Nothing important at all."

"Sheesh just asking." he said, and returned back to his nap.

"Well... that was interesting." Oni said as Gs came back to his seat.

"I don't want to know." he said.

Gs started reading his magazine again.

"Hey wait a moment, where did you get that? I never saw that on the plane..." Oni said.

"Well, I went to Japan a couple of summers ago. Went around Sapporo and bought a few books."

Oni's eyes twitched. "What kind of books?"

Gs looked away. "Just books."

"Let me see..." Oni reached out for the book.

"Nope." Gs kept the book away from Oni's reach.

"Please don't tell me-" Oni began.

"Boobs." Thelastguardian said. The magazine was perched perfectly on his face.

"Of all the things you bring Gs... a porn mag?!" Oni said in a hushed voice.

"Wait what?! I never brought on..." Gs looked at the magazine. He grabbed it and then pulled out the 2nd magazine hidden inside.

The guys heard laughing in front of them. "Fufufufufufufu..." They leaned forward and saw the old man laughing his ass off.

"I believe this is yours sir..." Gs gave the magazine back to him. However his wife saw it also.

"What the hell is this dear?"

The scenes after that saying are too graphic to explain.

"Well... that... was amusing." Gs said cautiously.

"Go figure." Oni said.

The captain came on the intercom. "We are about 10 hours away from Japan. Please enjoy your flight with this movie."

"Hello everyone, I'm your flight attendant this evening! Today we will be watching Godzilla!"

Oni's eyes bulged out. "Oh god..."

TLG looked at Oni. "Whats wrong."

"I saw her in the bathroom... Naked."

Gs smacked him in the back of the head and said, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I thought it was my imagination!"

"Does she LOOK FAKE?" Gs said.

"Sir could you please be quiet? The movie is start-... Oh its you."

"Hello again." Oni said while his head hurt from all the confusion.

Author’s note: None of these characters in character. This is all fictional.

Airplane omake ZERO.

Oni: Drools

TLG: What are you fantasizing about?

Oni: No hardware is hack-proof, not even the DS.

TLG: so?

Oni: If this machine can mimic N64 graphics I wonder what else it can do.

TLG: What do you have in mind?

Oni eyes sparks: a hacked ps1 game. Lara Croft: Boob Raider

The attendant stared at Oni suspiciously.
"I hope you're not planning on doing anything with this many people around.. Or are you?"

"Ah, no no no... That was j-just a..." Oni was stuttering not knowing what to say when suddenly the attendant noticed the book and said

"Oh! you also have this magazine! I'm actually a big fan of this author. Although I wasn't able to buy it once because the very last copy was snatch from me a couple of years ago. And to think they only published a limited number of copies...."

What the hell?! Is it even possible that she actually likes to read books?! This is some kind of a sick joke right?! Like.. like some sort of fan fiction made by crazy translators who has a lot of time in some forum?? This just can't be real.. Ah.. At least she forgot the topic at hand.. Oni thought

"... So you could probably imagine the trouble i did to look for a copy but I just can't seem to find one. Do you mind if I borrow it for a while? I'm a fast reader, I'll return it as soon as possible." She said with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Ah! Uhm.. yeah.. Okay.."

"You idiot!" Gs whispered as he elbowed Oni.

"Oh sorry, i haven't finished reading it yet.. So, err.. maybe next time?"

"Awww.. Alright then. " They both sighed in relief when she suddenly continued this time with a glint in her eyes "However, as you are bringing material that is not provided by the airline, we have the authority to confiscate it until further notice. Please be assured that should it pass the assessment, you will receive it upon landing."

"Huh?! Was there such a rule?"

"I'm sorry sir but ignorance is not an excuse, and you are bothering the other passengers watching the movie. Therefore, I'll be.. uhm.. keeping this book for a while" she left with a pleased smile.

"You did remember not to return the magazine back into the book.. Right?" TLG asked the both of them



"... ... ..."

"Right?" repeated TLG as he looked at both of them.

They were frantically searching in their seats and it was nowhere to be found..

"Yep, it's officially confirmed.. This is definitely going to be a long flight"

"I guess that will probably serve as a payback for peeking at me.. Although he probably didn't mean any harm intentionally.. Oh well, I'll be returning the book to them anyway so i guess it'll be alright. I mean, it's not like they were crazy enough to hide a porno mag inside a book right?" said the flight attendant convincing herself.

"Now the, since we're in the middle of the flight and I have already seen this movie a dozen times, I might as well read the book."

As she opened the book, a magazine fell off..

"I believe this is yours sir..." Gs gave the magazine back to him. However his wife saw it also.

"What the hell is this dear?"

"This... This... This..."

"Your 'These' is not going to explain itself. Now what the hell is this??"

"This.. uh... I... was.. hoping to use this as research material?" the old man replied weakly. It was a poor excuse but blame "Someone" for making old folks have bad memory. Regardless, the fuel was spilled next to the fire.

"Is that so, then let me borrow you for my experiment. I'm sure you wouldn't mind right D-E-A-R?" asked the wife spelling out the letters in the last word in ice cold tone with a smile. If looks could kill within five seconds like having your name written in Dea*h N*te, this would certainly be such a sight only worse.

Gs realizing that his action will cost the life of one of the passengers on board, stealthily returned to his seat.

"What the hell, you didn't really have to show it to his wife you know?" TLG said after seeing the incident.

"Yeah, you could've at least used your kagebunsh*n no jutsu to replace it back to his pocket and poof out before they realized that they actually saw you."

"In my defense, I didn't really intended that to happen, and besides, I haven't stolen the scroll from the 2D to actually do it yet. Hell, I haven't even mastered chakra control" replied Gs.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped.." Oni admitted. Then he thought What if I can do the kageb*nshin no jutsu... Then he remembered the girl in the bathroom...

He was unfortunately and prematurely brought back to reality when Gs accidentally bumped him.

"What the hell? I was just getting to the good part." Oni said annoyed.

"Good part?"

"... ... ... Nevermind. So what's happening?" Apparently, a ruckus was being made from the seat in front of them where the chairs were shaking violently.

"... ... it is... as you can see..."

"The old man is getting pawned is he not?"

Both TLG and Gs sadly shook their heads as done in funerals. "He was a great perverted old man..."

"Yeah, and he also dropped the cause of the fiasco.. Look!" Gs said seeing the magazine drop from the chair in front of them. Thinking that returning it back to the old man will prove that he's heartless, he just held onto the magazine for the time being.

"Why did you pick it up??" TLG asked surprised.

"Ah.. But have you forgotten what I just told you earlier?"

A blank stare from TLG.

"Is foolish not to take what the world has to offer us.."

Just then, a flight attendant passed them by. Gs quickly hid the magazine from sight inside the book.

The flight steward then stopped the wife from turning her husband into minced meat. It took a while and a hell lot of noise before the fiasco was finished. Apparently there were other passengers who was being disturbed by the ruckus and called the flight crew for help. After that, the flight steward assisted some other passengers in their need for drinks and other trivial services and went back.

"Well... that... was amusing." Gs said cautiously.

Suspiciously looking at the mag on the floor, she picked it up and was shocked by the content. A hidden smile curls up as she flips through the pages.


TLG: Bakas! I swear if I didn’t know you guys I would have guess you live on a Tsuki or something!

G: Well living on the moon would be awesome, I already bought some properties on it in case we build a base.

Oni: You can buy land on the moon? Either that’s illegal or that’s the biggest scam you got yourself in. Whose the buyer?

G: Who else? The government.

Oni: * Sigh * Official or not, the gov’t always desperate for money. Can I at least say TLG G’s the big baka of the two.

G: HEY! You never know when we’ll need the moon, especially when 2012 hits!

Oni: The Mayan couldn’t predict the Spanish conquistadors and the end of their civilization what makes you think they can predict the end of the world?


TLG: *eyeroll* Back on topic what are we going to do with the mag?

G: Hope for the best she doesn’t see it?

Oni: The possibility of her not seeing that porn mag in that book is approximately 3,720 to 1.

TLG: So what are we just gonna leave it in her hands? She could pull out another rule like she did earlier and sue us, arguing we harass her mind with sexual implications or something! I am not going to Japan to be imprisoned! One of you must ask that book back and apologize!

G: I’ll go! I can pretend to run up to her embarrassed, snatch the book away, and run back!

While I am at it I can even try the “trip and face flat fall into her breasts” tactic and pull the apologetic head scratch. These Japanese are too shy and too ashamed to tell others these types of stories leaving me in the safe!

TLG: Okay forget G, you go Oni since you have 5+ morality points.

G: @_@ Wait, when can we read each other’s thoughts?! That’s an invasion of piracy!

TLG: Only when you get perverted like that I can read it and shame on you too Oni.

sweatdrops…..Oni: um I’ll talk with her.

As Oni leaves G complained and jumps up!

G: Hold up I’m the leader here since I am the man with the Japanese I should go up and talk to her.

TLG: And I can read your perverted thoughts you sis-con. Doesn’t matter if you even think in Japanese as I can hear little girl moans from your head.

G slowly sits down. G: 1 TLG: 1 Tied


Oni approaches near the same restroom he encountered that flight attendant. Every plane has two exits and two emergency exits. The exit at the end of the plane has a turn-table seat near it where our flight attendant is attending. As Oni converge near her he notice that she in focus reading the book but no sign of the mag.

Was my calculation wrong? I swear that anybody with 20/20 vision can spot that magazine, even at 2475 meters. Maybe TLG was over-reacting. I guess I’ll walk back before she notices me.


Oni steps stops. Usually a book closing that aloud is deliberated. Meaning he is caught within her AT Field.

Flight Attendant = FA

FA: You know what I enjoy about books?

Oni:…..because they’re portable?

FA: No, books are innovative. They are messagers that leave contents for the readers to pick up. The contents, simply letters and words, allows us to fill in the gaps of their world. Books are the blueprint and we are the builders, creating worlds to roam around in.

Oni: That’s pretty romantic coming from a flight atte…

Interrupted, FA: But. Sometimes the sentences of the worlds are too difficult to understand. Either the architect made a poor design or we the builders are inefficient in imagining those worlds. Sometimes we need references.

Suddenly she pulls out porn mag, crystal clear with a nude female whose cups are D and censored by tape. Damn those police tapes…wait why am I imagining this? Back to Oni as he gulps the meaning behind her actions.

Damn I was right but what to do? Follow TLG’s advice and just apologize for being a man, since all men can’t help but be perverted idiots? No I will not belittle myself like that! I represent men and I best represent them best!

Sadly we bark (or think) bigger then we can chew.

Embarrassed Oni: Anno… can I….

Suddenly the FA opens the mag and Oni was petrified. Two muscled, oil men were doing you know what and thrusting into you know whater!

A gay mag within a porn mag within a book?! No wonder that old man got beating of life if the wife thinks young, oil, steamy, hot, muscle men are better than her frail bones! Did I step on the third wire trap?!

A grinned FA: While reality’s can be a Mikuru, references aren’t. So…. are you a bottom or top Oni?

Oni: How the hell you know my name? Is it true what they say about women?! That only woman can read the mind of men? ESP?!

FA: Your name is in the book.

What the hell? Why’s my name in the book, no less japaense? I can’t even read Japanese?!


TLG: Why did you wrote oni’s name in your book?

G: Just practicing kanji and thought what oni’s name is spelled like.

TLG:…….are you sure you’re not doing that thing where you write the name of the person you like?

G: Haruhi NO! First you made me a sis-con, now gay?


TLG: I’m hearing something from your head.

G: no, nO, NO! AHHHH Because of your comment I am getting mental pictures! I can’t stop seeing it now!

The flight attendant looked back at the book.

She said, "You don't need to answer, I can see that you like Hot dogs."

Oni thought, Wait a moment....

He blurted out, "IM NOT GAY!!!!"

A male flight attendant fell out of the bathroom. He looked at Oni sadly and said, "Damn, and your a hot piece of ass yourself."

Oni looked at him incredulously. "GO AWAY!!!"

"Oh hes a feisty one. Meeeeoooww..." The man walked away.

In the background Oni heard Gs shout, " You go get him tiger!"

"Are tigers even cats?!" Oni said.

The flight attendant looked up from her magazine. "Yeah, they are. They are predators too."

"..." Oni just stared at her. "Can I get the book back?"

"Uhhh.... No." She smiled and placed the magazine in her bag and put it in the locker. "I need to serve food now, please return to your seat."

Oni returned to his seat. "Gs... You idiot...."

"What? I was just-"

Oni smacked him. "Shut it."

TLG called a flight attendant over. "What are you selling?"

The man said, "Well for that guy next to the aisle you can any thing you want baby."

TLG thought about it for a moment. (When I mean for a moment, he starts meditating.) "Ummmmmmmmm...."





"Sir?!" The flight attendant got annoyed.

"Wait a moment, IS HE SERIOUS?!" Oni shouted.

"Well, I kinda need him..." TLG said at last...

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Gs laughed out loud.

"Oh so hes taken...." The fight attendant said. He looked sadly at Oni.

"IM NOT TAKEN!" Oni replied.

"I want a sandwich please!" TLG said happily.

"10 dollars please." The flight attendant replied. TLG gave him the money. He got his sandwich.

"Ill make you another sandwich TLG..." Oni said quietly.

"Theres a kitchen in the back and an apron that says 'Housewife' if you want to cook." the attendant replied.

"No, no thanks." Oni said. The flight attendant Walked away. "When will this flight be over?!"

The captain came on the radio again. "We are now 8 hours from our destination."

"You have GOT to be kidding me." Oni said as his head hit the tray in front of him.

Gs shouted, "You go get him tiger!"

TLG looked at Gs and said, "What do you think about this? We have a scary guy paired with a small girl named Taiga? She would have a personality like a tiger, yet be so small she looks like she fit on a palmtop!"

A woman walked by. "Hmm.... Thank you for the Idea!"

Gs looked at the woman go back to her seat. "Who was she?"

TLG replied, "I dunno."

After the Godzilla movie ended, the male flight attendant came in front and introduced the next movie going to be screened.

"Ladies and gentlemen of this flight. As it would take us another 8hrs to Japan, we shall be showing another movie to help pass the time by. We normally have a scheduled movie to be showing throughout the flight. However..." he gave a secret wink at Oni "certain.. circumstances caused the change in our movies to show. Therefore, as a token of apology to our dear passenger.. " another subtle wink at Oni "we shall be showing this movie instead.. Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the crew, may I present the next movie.. Brokeback Mountain"

Oni actually groaned in frustration. "Why can't we just teleport to Japan and be done with all the hassle of traveling in a plane?"

"Hm... Good question.. But I really think that it has something to do with a teleporter not yet being developed." replied TLG with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Suddenly a soft hand was resting on his shoulder patting him a bit. It gives a sort of soothing feeling and it helped cool Oni's head.

"Now now.. Should a teleporter actually be invented and the need for plane rides are eliminated, we would lose our job wouldn't we?"

Oh shit.. It's the female flight attendant from before.. Oni realized suddenly tensing up.

The flight attendant sensing Oni stiffening, quickly said..

"Don't worry.. I dont.." then she muttered in a very soft voice.. "... normally ..." and returning to normal speaking volume "...bite people. So loosen up a bit." followed by an innocent smile.

"Normally?" Oni muttered unsure of whether he heard it correctly or not.

"So what made you want to go to Japan?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, my friend's friend in Japan apparently has access to these awesome anime." Oni replied.

"Yeah and we're going to start a translating group so that we can spread the Japanese love to the rest of the world" Gs replied proudly.

"... Yeah... What they said." TLG replied.

All three looked at him anti-climatically.

"What? You guys already said pretty much the good parts, what else am i supposed to say??" TLG replied quickly in his defense from the disappointed eyes staring at him.

"If it helps, I started the idea to get a translation group.." TLG added.

"But you don't even know Japanese.." Gs muttered loudly.

"You idiot!" TLG smacked Gs "You're supposed to say something to liven up my predicament not make it worse.. It's written one of those unspoken, universally accepted rules of the men.."

"As if there's really such a thing.." Gs said massaging the spot where TLG hit him.

"Sorry about them.. they.. errr... uhmm... they are... them i guess." Oni apologized to the flight attendant who merely waved it off.

"It'll probably make this flight more interesting so I don't really mind that much... for now atleast.." replied the FA then with a sly smile, she added.

"I guess I finally understand why you.. "hang out" with them.."

"What?! No-no!! I don't swing that way.. I assure you that I don't!!" Oni blurted out starting to get annoyed.

"If you say so..." said the FA as she shrugged simply it off. Then with a very mysterious smile, she muttered in a voice so sexy that it was enough to give Oni a raging boner..

"Pervert..." and she strode off to the back of the plane.

Oni froze in his seat with his mouth gaping open. Apparently he was still processing what the hell just happened but was interrupted once more by Gs who noticed his state of being.

"What's up with you? And shut your mouth. You're making other passengers think you're some kind of a goldfish or something."

"... ..."

"Oni you still there?"

"Gs! The female FA, she was real right?? I mean, we sort of had a conversation just earlier right?!" Oni asked frantically. TLG could hear other passengers whispering about Oni.

"Quiet! You're making too much of ruckus!"

"Yeah she was.. What about it?"

"Did you hear what she said before she left??" Oni asked frantically.

"Huh? Didn't she just shrug and went off?" replied Gs starting to get curious.

"Nah.. She whispered something perverted to Oni.." TLG said.

Oni suddenly turned to TLG with his face lighting up with hope. "You also heard it??"

"Heard what?? I was joking around. Oni you better get yourself together! You're becoming Gs!"

"What the hell did I do now??" Gs asked defensively

"Well, Oni's starting to develop your habit of imagining perverted stuff.." TLG explained

I was definitely imagining things.. Oni thought. This was more of trying to convince himself though as it doesn't really register as an imagination though.

Soon, Oni was finding it harder and harder to think that it was an imagination.. Well, no other choice.. I guess I'll just have to ask he myself.. If it was an imagination.. I'll just have to live with it.. Oni thought and readied himself for his assault.

Oni went to the back of the plane and saw the female FA in there reading the book.


"Uhm.. I.. err.. I think I'm imagining things.. So... err.. Uhm.. Nevermind.. I guess I just want to know how is the book fairing.."

"Did you know that the imagination is a fascinating thing."

"Oh?" Oni was confused unable to see where this is going.

"Yes, imaginations are often produced from one's inner most desires.." she paused "And some are from personal experience so shocking that one's mind tends to reject the idea as an imagination. This is quite common to most people. Say for example, I whispered something you just couldn't believe, your mind will think that you were just imagining it." She finished with a devious smile.

"Are you saying that.. that actually happened?" Oni asked almost speechless.

"Maybe.. or maybe it was just your imagination.."

Oni froze utterly speechless.. and she had a mysterious glint in her eyes.

She walked away from Oni.

"I will not remember this, I will not remember this, I will not remember this ever again." Oni repeated over and over.

TLG looked at Oni, "Hey Shinji, how about you fall asleep and you forget about what just happened. Here have this, its a sedative."

Oni looked at TLG gratefully. *Falls Asleep*

He never actually dreams, but sometimes something can nag him so much that he can actually be stuck in his own dream.

Oni opened his eyes. The room was white and empty.

"Oni, I need to say, you have a really boring mind..." a voice said

He turned to face the voice. "YOU! How did you get in here?!" Oni shouted.

The flight attendant flicked her hair, "Im just your subconscious projection of me. You can't get me out of your mind..."

He sat down on a chair that materialized in an instant. "Well, isn't it your fault, I mean leaving me with an ambiguous ending."

She stood behind him, "Well I like ya. Unlike your stooges over next to you, you can see me as a person, and you know I am hiding something."

Oni responded, "Why are you doing this?"

She leaned on the chair, "Sometimes, the direct route isn't the best way to tell things."

He closed his eyes, "But muttering something like that... Why would my body act like that?"

She pushed the chair back into the white floor and walked a few steps forward. She stared into the blank dream. "You haven't changed... So boring, yet so interesting...."

Oni opened his eyes and leaned back. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She smiled wryly and started to walk. Her footsteps were quiet, and Oni did not notice. She said, "Once you find out what I have been hiding, you will understand." The voice resonated within the dream.

A wind blew on his back. He turned around. She was gone. He turned back in his chair again. She stood in front of him. "But what are you hiding exactly..."

"Well... Isn't that for you to find out?" She walked away and the background began to shimmer.

"Wait a moment, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" Oni shouted, but it echoed back. He fell over in the chair.

The background began to change color, and a brilliant flash of light appeared. Before Oni knew it, the dream world had changed into a medieval scene.

Oni struggled to get up. He noticed the new clothes he was wearing. Then he looked in hands an saw a sword and a shield.

"I'm a knight now?!" Oni exclaimed, surprised at the costume change.

*Oni gained +20 Defense and +10 Attack!*

"What is going on?! Hang on, this isn't a dream now!" Oni said and tried to wake up.

"Its futile. You won't wake. I won't let you sleep until you understand why I am in your mind." a voice echoed through out the dream.

"Hey you get out here and speak to me this instant!" Oni angrily stabbed the sword into the ground.

"If you wish." The dream slowly started to change. The sun started to set, and night quickly came.

"Stop playing games with me!" Oni awaited the woman's reappearance from anywhere. The air became electrified with tension.

She appeared. However, it was something that wasn't he expected.

"Well.. I'm here." She said, seeing a look on Oni's face that made her laugh inside.

Oni stumbled back trying to gain distance.

"Y-Y-YOU'RE A DAMN DRAGON!!!!!" Oni shouted.

"That's right. And if you don't defeat me, you will never understand what I said..." She attacked with her fire breath.

As he scrambled out of the way of the fire, Oni pulled out the sword in the ground. "If this gets me out of this dream faster, I sure as hell will fight you!"

"Good then! If you lose... YOUR SANITY IS MINE!!!!!" the dragon screamed.

"I won't hold back." Oni said. A blue aura started to form around his back.

"Neither will I. I won't let you understand easily, for you know me." The world started to change quickly. The dragon's form also started to change. A red aura surrounded the dragon.

A flash of light blinded Oni for a second.

She appeared in front of Oni. Oni looked deep into her eyes as she said, "I HAVE RETURNED."

His eyes became wide. All he could say was, "Its you..."

TLG saw Oni fall asleep.

Gs returned from the bathroom. "That flight attendant is asleep."

TLG looked at Gs and said, "Tell me you didn't cop a feel."

Gs smirked. TLG eyes widened.


Gs slid in his seat. "You are scaring the passengers..."

TLG facefaulted into the seat.

"How is that possible?!" Gs said.

Oni whisper in his sleep “Paper crane”

Gs and TLG look at him eye brows raising.

Gs: Cranes? Is he imaging himself eating cranes! Man he is one step closer to being an asian!

TLG: Baka you don’t become asian by eating cranes. I think he was talking about origami.

Gs: Origami? Well yes the kanjis for “ori” means folding while “kami” is paper but why is he saying that?

TLG: Well I could only read his mind if it was perverted but I am hearing nothing. Maybe Freud would have been the better recipient.

TLG went back seeing Godzilla again while Gs put his face back to his book


Oni: Paper crane…

Oni recalled a Japanese exchange student that stayed one year in his middle school when he was 7th grade. She had short black hair held up be a red head-band and she wore red-frame glasses. Her fashion style is little odd as she is the only girl in school who wore a long skirt to school. Is an old habit back in her home since they wore uniform. He had an interest in her so he bettered himself by studying the Japanese culture a bit which lead to his obsession of anime. He never really know how to pronounce her name so he nick-named her PC. Blamed for his childish ways for having difficulties in saying her name or her hobbies in folding paper cranes he only known her as PC. His blunt ways attracted PC’s attention and they became friends. She was also reason why he was a bit paranoia of girls reading his mind.

PC and Oni are eating their mother-made lunches in the school’s woods.

Oni: It creeps me out a bit when you read my mind like that.

PC: I can’t read your mind Oni-kun. I can only talk directly in your mind like having a conversation. Is like what we are doing right now except in air we’re in your head instead.

Oni: If all the girls in the world does that boys will literally never hear the end of it. I still don’t understand how you do it.

PC: I have explained it before Oni-kun.

She pulled out a square paper on her lunch box.

PC: In the 2 dimensional world anything that lives in it only view it 2-D, meaning they perceive everything flat. We are 3-D beings who have the power to manipulate the reality of the 2-D world.

She started folding the paper.

PC: 2-D and 3-D are interconnected, the same as we belong to our eco-system as mammals. I transform this plane of reality into our own.

Oni: I still don’t understand how making cranes allows you to talk in my mind PC.

PC: Every 3-D things that exist has molecules. We are all constantly vibrating and interacting with all the molecules in this world. There isn’t a single part of you that isn’t doing that.

Oni makes a confused face

PC: For example our heart still beats without our will, it not only plays the role of allowing us to live but also interacting with all other organs in our body. We are constantly in motion even standing. The point being is that we too also have 2-D attributes in our existence. All I did was found yours.

Oni: 2-D attributes?

PC: Through my paper I tuned in your 2-D molecules and focus it as I fold each 2-D page into a 3-D reciprocator. This paper crane acts as a mediator between us, allowing me to talk to you through 2 dimensionally. In other words whoever hold this crane can talk to your mind Oni-kun. Anyone can do it, even you can.

Oni: But isn’t that too pinpointed and accurate? How can you specifically talk to the mind, especially?

PC: How do you think tree talks to each other then? Is because we can. Then again there is still psychic traits left in this paper back when it was a tree.

Oni makes another confused look as he looked at the finished crane. A little creep out as he heard her voice in his head.

Just do me a favor. If you forget me at least don’t forget the truth I told you of our world okay Oni-kun?


Oni: PC…

PC: I am a little shock you forgotten a cute little girl. You really miss out my growth development.

PC giggles a bit.

Oni: Well same to you too. You didn’t seem to recognize me either. How did you happen to remember me now?

PC: I still make your paper crane out of habit. I just happen to carry it today and it resonates. A feeling I haven’t felt in a long time, like meeting an old friend again. To confirm it was you I spoken in your mind and saw your reaction.

PC smiles with that in thought.

Oni: No wonder my friends didn’t hear what you say! I wasn’t imagining those things! But I thought we are only limited to speaking each other in my mind when we are awake?

PC: Well I learn how much power we have over the 2-D world. For example I didn’t learn I can interact with other people in dream until I learn even dreams exist 2-Dimensionally. But for it to work I need to sleep to and focus on you as I hold your crane.

Oni: I know you love folding cranes but why am I a crane?

PC: Oni-kun when were kids I saw you in the library studying my culture. I thought to do the same by studying you using my origami ability. I tried many different methods but crane just suits you the best. Again each crane is different as many people in this world are cranes. You just happen to be the strongest in tune of the crane. As I said before anyone can do it if they just listen. Like your friend next you.

Oni: TLG?

PC: Yes he happens to have a paper on him that focus on perverted thoughts. But only males hmmm maybe he’s a top?

PC giggles again as Oni frowns.

PC: My ability and his are different as he can hear male’s perverted thoughts while I need to tune mine through origami. As I told you before you have no idea how powerful and wide the 2-D world is.

Oni: Oh I do know about that.

As Oni thinks about anime and manga.

PC: Well I have to wake up soon. You would want your peanuts and orange soda wouldn’t ya?

Oni: Wait I still can’t pronounce your name. What is it?!

The dream is collapsing minusculing into white. The figure of PC is disappearing but he tried his best to focus his ears on her lips. All he heard was a whisper


"Noooo......wait, please!", screamed Oni. "I still haven't gotten to build a shrine for Haruhi Suzumiya-sama! Pl-"


TLG hit him hard enough so that he can wake up.

"Hey Oni...hang in there", said TLG gently. "It's only a dream, you were only in the 4D world."

"Sigh...thanks, TLG. I had a bad dream...Though I don't remember a part of my dream...only the part at the end when I was chased by some crazy alien...I think that I got asleep for an hour."

"Only five minutes."

"Huh?" Oni had a perplexed expression. "Why did I feel as if I was dreaming for an hour?"

"Simply because five minutes in reality is equal to one hour in reality", said TLG after thinking a bit.

As we all know, this theory will be proven a few years later. But let's return to our story.

Gs looked at Oni, who just had a traumatizing experience and whispered.

"It was really soft, you know? If you add to that the sleeping face, it made me excited..."


"Woah, woah, calm down. I was talking about the FA!"

"Oh, you touched me while I was asleep?"

The male FA came to them with a smile.

"I would've preferred that it was you, Oni." And with a smile, he added.

"Though I wouldn't really mind if we were three."

"Damn! Why are you guys thinking same thing?", said Gs with his patience at its limit. "Say something, TLG!"

TLG didn't think much this time, and replied.

"It isn't really surprising. Though I would like that you three stay away from me of a 5 meters radius."


"The female FA has arrived, by the way."

As TLG said, the female FA came to them. The moment she saw Oni, she blushed.

"O-Oni, wh-no, nothing. But--I wouldn't have mind if you said it to me..."

"What's that 360 degrees change of altitude!"

"Hum, Oni, you should've said 180, not 360."

"It's not my point, TLG!" He too, with his patience at it's limit, he continued turning towards the female FA. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Well..." The female FA was blushing. "You...touched me, didn't you? I have hand prints on my...you know...underwear."

TLG and Gs were looking at each other. During that time, Oni was trying to defend himself.

*****[ ] indicates the whispering.*****

[...Hey Gs, mind giving me an explanation about what did you do?], whispered TLG in a scary tone.

[Well, I was going to cop a feel.], answered Gs with a smirk. [But I suddenly stopped with my hands in mid-air, since I care for Oni. W-wait don't get away from me! It's not what you think! So, as I was saying, I didn't actually touch her! I swear!]

[Then who...]

Before TLG could say something, he, Gs, Oni, and the FAs heard the the previous old man say.

"It...felt great. The female FA is really something. Her chest is so--"

*Paf* *Bang* *Slap*

"Wh-Why did you hit me?" The old man asked.

TLG just hit the old man, to everyone's general surprise.

"Listen up, you pervert! The first one is because you did something perverted. The second one be use you wasted my time. An the third one BECAUSE YOU CAUSED MY ONI TROUBLE!"

For a rare time, TLG looked angry. He added.

"Look, Oni. I'll protect you from until the end of the world, even if it costs my life. I would be ready to defeat any of my opponents, be it the great Genghis Khan or George W. Bush! Your soul and mine are one, and I want to suffer as much as you do!"



Suddenly the male FA step between those two.

"Dude...I never thought that you would actually be..."

"Wait, wait sir." Gs said. TLG only said that so Oni could help him in Japan since he doesn't know Japan-

Gs got hit. We all know by who. And the others start arguing.

As for Oni, he intended to start a conversation with the female FA, but he was too tired even after the nap he had that he has fallen asleep. The female FA at his side smiled at his sleeping face and whispered.

[Heh, so you can't remember, can't you. It's like this no matter how hard I try...]

A sob came from here. She tried to get up, but she realized that her arm was held unconsciously by Oni. So she she whispered again...

[There are no such things as coincidences in this world. There is only the inevitable...And our encounter on this plane counts as one.]

She gently shove her arm off Oni's grip and a drip of salty water fell on Oni's sleeping head.


Thus, the female FA disappeared, and Oni was left sleeping. He won't see her on the plane afterwards. But destiny will make those two reunited again.

***6 hours remaining before arriving to Japan***


***4 hours remaining before arriving to Japan***

“Sigh, I slept again”, said Oni as he wakes up on his seat. “Hm? Where did the female FA go?”

“That woman?”, TLG asked. “I saw her leaving you while you were asleep...Though I didn’t bother waking you up. But you can check somewhere else, if you want.”

“Somehow, I get the feeling that I won’t see her”, said Oni to himself. He then raised his head and told TLG.

“Anyways, I’ll look for her in the plane. Tell Gs that I’m gone to the bathroom. What’s he doing?”


“Hum, TLG? I’m talking to you. So, what’s.he doing with his hands on his crouch?”



“Stay as you are right now. Here’s an example of a guy who’ll ruin his life. Anyway, did you sleep well?”

“Pretty much. . Though I dreamt about the anime market in Japan. Maybe my first love will be there.”

“Oni, please think about your future. IT LIES WITH A 3D WOMAN DAMNIT!”

“Woah, Gs! I thought that you weren’t listening. And why are your pants...”


“Oni, don’t say this in public”, calmly said TLG with the greatest smile possible. “There are things to be said and things that don’t need to be. What you just said belongs to the second category.”

“Yeah, fine, but you didn’t have to hit me, y’know.”

By the way, the one who has been hit and the one who just said this are the same guy. It was Gs, not Oni.The latter one has fallen down.

“Gs, I was only giving an example of--”

“Hey”, said the male FA who just barged in. “Why do I feel that this looks like a romantic com-”

Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to finish his sentence.

Since he saw something lewd.

So let’s think of the scene together.

First, there were three seats together. Since the tickets were cheap, these three didn’t travel in first class, so there seats weren’t too large. Secondly, Gs has just got up. He has the seat just beside the window and, obviously, his pants were still wet after what he did. Also, he is face to face against TLG. As for TLG, his seat is right between Gs’ and Oni’s since Gs wanted to do things without being watched. Thirdly, we have our Oni, who just got up and fell again when the male FA appeared. Consequently, he was on TLG’s legs and his head was at an inch from Gs’ crouch.

That explains a lot doesn’t it?

A huge scream could be heard throughout the plane when the three of them realized the position they were in.


***Two hours before arriving to Japan***

Setting: After that little incident, TLG changed place with Oni so that he could rest in peace beside the walkway. He was reading a game mag. In the center was Oni. He was reading a Anime&Manga mag. On the left was Gs - his pants weren’t wet anymore. He was reading a porn mag. They picked these from the old man who just got sick and who was in the washrooms due to the airplane’s food.

“Haaa~”, Gs sighed after finishing his mag.”It’s very boring here. Do you guys have some games to play with?”

It was at TLG’s turn to sigh.

“I don’t. But we could tell some stories to kill the time. OK, Oni, you’re first!”

“Me?”, said Oni, surprised. “But I don’t have much imagination...”

“No worries”, both replied, TLG and Gs. “We’re sure that you had fabulous experiences.”

Oni: I don't have any imagination but I have odd experiences in my life due to the 3-D weirdness that follows me around. Here’s an example.

When I was a senior in highschool I set up a ping-pong table at the physic lab. Normally is against the rule but then again it was a special school with special teachers. I tend to play ping-pong with my physic teacher but word spread around bringing in opponents. The worst was the tennis club. They apply all their learning in tennis and kick our behinds.

G: Kind of like how Tezuka killed the Dinosaurs?

Oni: Yes we were slaughtered but the oddest opponent I have ever fought was this freshmen boy. He is pretty cocky since he came from a junior Olympic ping-pong team representing USA. Naturally he was good and likes to toy with us. There is just one move I never quite get.

TLG: What?

Oni: He likes to wear shorts a lot. When he play his smash he shots his paddle hand through his shorts and out of one of the sockets. He aligns his arm with one of his legs and use his whole leg to smash me. Is the ultimate crotch shot and a blow towards my ego.

TLG and GMF: Whistles

Oni: Your turn.

Author Note: Based on a true experience except the crotch shot. That bast*rd does like to do smashes between his legs though.

"Ok, it's my turn", said Gs. "Here is some 3D weird thing that happened."

--From here starts Gs' story:

"One day, at school, my classmates and I were playing chess together. Naturally, I loved to play, since I--"

"Didn't have any friends", interrupted TLG.



"OK. So I was playing chess. One day, a girl challenged me. I had no right to refuse since I wanted to keep my dignity. But afterwards, I actually won. The girl was very surprised, and started to like me."

"Illusion", said Oni.

"Fantasy", said TLG.

"Shut up you two! She was my second love! Well, anyways, do you what happened afterwards? She loved me so much that she decided to change herself in front of me when we went to the pool after!"

"Fantasy", said Oni.

"Illusion", said TLG.

"Would you guys please shut up? Anywys, she also started to follow me in the MEN bathroom."

"......" X2

"She has shared the same tent as me when we went camping at school!"

"......" X2

"And I bet she was very popular! Some people call her, for an unknown reason, Hidey*shi!"

"You obviously never knew about Baka T*st, didn't you", said TLG with a sigh.

"From what I hear, no he never knew abou this series", added Oni.

"What's up with you two?"

"Nothing, Gs", answered TLG with a warm smile.

"Then it's your turn, TLG", replied Gs.

Everyone looked at TLG.

"Alright so my story is about that time I went to Japan."

Oni glanced at TLG and asked, "When did you go?"

"Oh I went when I was 16. Basically I got on the plane with my Gameboy... and this weird girl showed me a freaking paper crane she made!"

Oni choked on those words.

"Anyway, she told me that this paper crane is a caricature of me. I wasn't listening though because she spoke Japanese, and I was trying to get Porygon."

*Hack* *Wheeze* "I thought you couldn't speak Japanese!!!!!"

"I'm lazy, give me a break. Anyway, I got bored pretty quickly in the plane ride, and I fell asleep. The crazy thing was, she was in my dream man!!!"

"Riiight..." Gs said. "I bet she was cute right?"

"Nah, she looks like Oni's type." TLG pointed at Oni. The flight attendant walked over.

"So who's my type again?" she asked.

"NO ONE! NO ONE AT ALL!" Oni said quickly, and tried to shoo her away.

"Wait a moment...." TLG said out loud.

Oni had an oh-crap moment!

"I didn't get mayo with this sandwich..." TLG said sadly.

"Continue... with... the... DAMN STORY!" Oni was near his limit.

"Fine, Fine. So anyway, after the plane ride, " TLG took a bite out of his sandwich.

*Recovered +5 hp!*

"After the plane ride, I went to Hokkaido. Man that Air was great! Then we traveled down to Aki for the anime! And I had the best time in the Cosplay cafes...."

"... What kind of cosplay cafes." Oni said.

"Oh the ones that sell omelets and garnish it with a special message. I think I saw a guy in the kitchen shouting at a girl."

" What kind of story is this?" Gs said, opening the porn magazine again.

"Oh I'm just getting to the good part." TLG winked.

"Never do that again." Gs said as he kept reading the magazine.

"Well anyway, I was in Akihabara. After I left that place, I decided to screw around until late at night. My parents had cell phones and they slept in the hotel, so I went down from Akihabara to some weird place. I found this girl making drawings on the ground. I hid in the bushes, and then I saw a guy come out. He looked pretty average."

"Wait you aren't telling me...." Oni looked at him.

"Yes, I saw a crazy-ass girl drawing on the ground to see aliens." TLG said as he leaned back.

"Thats H*ruhi you arse." Gs said exasperated.

TLG stared him down, "But I'm serious."

"I call BS on that story." Oni replied.

"Whatever, I saw what I saw." TLG said back.

TLG's story took almost 2 hours to tell. They bickered for an hour and 30 mins about it. The flight was getting closer to Japan.

"We're almost there. What are we doing here anyway?" Oni said.

"Dunno." Gs said while hiding the porn magazine in his briefcase.

"I have no idea what we are doing next." TLG said while "thinking" about it.

"You idiots... We need to get RAWS and Translators, remember?" Oni said quietly.

"Not at all." TLG said.

"... I GIVE UP!" Oni said, and placed a pillow in his face and fell asleep. Thankfully, this had no dream.
If you want, I can send to all of you the google docs link by PM.

#campione at rizon for some #campione discussions~~ And other stuffs.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Poke2201 »

Split the chapters up. I'll edit my chapter a bit though. So don't make any changes to your chapter.
onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by b0mb3r »

^ lol we written quite a bit this past month. My only complaint is how poke handle my FA during the beginning saying she's asleep! Anyway This is either the prologue or the 1st chapter "Airplane"

baka baka baka
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Poke2201 »

Actually.... Ill split it up into 2 or 3 chapters.

My chapter does make sense with Kira's a bit though.
Spoiler! :
He can't/won't remember her and so shes sad about that. But she still has to put up this friendly front so Oni doesn't notice. Obviously, Oni remembers somewhat, but he won't admit it.
onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Mystes »

How about this: The prologue is before the airplane, chapter 1 is during the airplane and ch2 is after. We'll decide after when will ch2 end.

EDIT: Her's Chapter 2, part 1.
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2

Somehow, after the airplane landed at the Kansai International Airport, in Osaka, our protagonists, TLG, Oni and Gs have found the way to get lost in the airport. Even if there were English panels all across the hall.

“What the heck are you guys doing? The exit is there!”, said an angry Gs as the three of them walked through the busy airport.

“Hum, Gs?”, replied Oni. “That’s...the emergency exit. If you push that door...”


Something rang as soon as Gs pushed the door open.

“You guys...”, said a more-than-angry TLG.

They started to run away while an angry security guard was chasing after them.

“Hey, it’s Oni’s fault. He didn’t warn me in time!”

“What! It’s Gs’ fault. He didn’t even see the letter ‘EMERGENCY EXIT’ written in ENGLISH”

“Can you guys shut up and RUN!”

As if they were in an anime or some kind of thing like that, they succeeded in shaking off the guard who was chasing after them.

“We’re not in the 2-D world! We cannot expect to shake off anyone who follows us because we did something bad!”

While saying this, TLG was leading the way out of the airport towards the GOOD exit.

“So, where do we go now? I don’t know where Velocity’s friend is at.”, asked Oni.

“But wasn’t you the one who contacted him?”, replied Gs with another question.

“Well, let’s contact Velocity again”, said TLG as he stepped into the conversation. “Oni, call him.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re good with men. Look what have you done to the male FA.”

“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU NO-JAPANESE-SPEAKER”, screamed Oni, as he made the ultimate insult towards TLG.

*Smack*. It didn’t take long before Oni was hit. Oni could only dial up Velocity’s number from a public phone.

*Tuut* *Tuut* *Tuut* *Tuut*

After four rings, Velocity finally answers.

“Hello?” Velocity’s voice came through the phone. “Is it you, my little kitten?”

“...” Oni couldn’t answer.

“Yeah, I know that I didn’t have time to spend with you yesterday, so please, let’s do ‘that’ right now.”

Somthing appereared in the head of Oni.

A) Mimic a girl voice and talk with him.

B) Hang the phone.

C) Say it’s Oni.

Oni thought for a little bit.

(If i choose A, Velocity might discover that it’s me. If I choose B, I’ll waste 100 yen for calling there. Then the only option is C.)

*Save data slot 2* (Author’s note: The first one was loaded by the girl-naked-in-the-bathroom scene.)

“...It’s Oni”, he said timidly.


“I was just wondering if you could tell me the adress of--”

“Erase what I just said in your mind. Right now.”

“You mean the little kit-”


“OK, calm down.”

“Anyways, why are you calling for late at night?”

“What, it’s only - Oni checks the clock beside the public phone - 10:00 a.m.”

“It’s 2:00 in the morning here, you MORON!”

“Wow, sorry, so about the address?.”

Velocity gives the address to Oni.

“Thanks”, said Oni. “Also--”

“Why are you on the phone, my son!” Oni heard a woman’s voice through the phone. “I already said that you shouldn’t be too obsessed with your GIRLFRIEND!”

By the way, the other two (TLG and Gs) could hear the conversation since they were very close to the phone, which has the loudspeaker on.

The phone suddenly hung up.

“You see, I was right”, said TLG. “Oni’s good with men.”

“Yeah”, added Gs. “Though the woman could’ve said ‘boyfriend’ instead.”

“...” Oni couldn’t say anything.

“By the way”, said TLG with a very serious tone. “Where’s Shibuya?”, he asked, looking at the the paper on which Oni wrote the address.

The two others looked at it and were stunned.

“So?”, TLG asked again.


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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by Fushichou »

Spoiler! :

Everyone: Oh, hi Fushichou! You're the god of cognitive dissonance!
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Re: B-T fanfic(As Requested by b0mb3r)

Post by b0mb3r »

Fushichou wrote:
Spoiler! :

Everyone: Oh, hi Fushichou! You're the god of cognitive dissonance!
In a fake Chinese ascent "Sorrei come again next time in year 2007, right now is 2004."

baka baka baka
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