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[Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:43 pm
by ShioAkino
The End of a Pure Illusion

One discerns an illusion by the means of its consistency with the standard set on the most dense illusion known by human, reality.
It is said that one must confront reality. However, through what medium can that statement be followed if reality, an infinite mass of illusions, cannot be discerned?

一 Prelusive Illusion
Spoiler! :
“I am there, therefore also here.
I am here inasmuch as I am there.”

Those were the terrifying words that were scripted on that particular coffin, in that particular cemetery, that found itself specifically in that small village.

Walking down this mountain had really took its toll on me.

How long has it been, four hours?

Well, I know that thinking about it won't make the sun cooler, but at least if I had the precise directions...

Traversing the mountains up and down doesn't do much either since all I can see after that is, guess what? Even more mountains.

They look the same and the street doesn't even have the standard signs for drivers.

The last time I saw a sign was at least two hours ago, and it pointed toward the heavens.

Yes, that's the absolute destination of every single poor soul who ever tried to travel this forgotten piece of a map.

Such an interesting location must also have an interesting name. Oh, the inspiration!!!

With the authority of my grand- grandfather, I shall name it “The Valley of Randomness!”.

Indeed, a befitting name for this giant piece of puzzle.

Wait, did I say that aloud?

Must have been walking for too long...

Dear kids, this is the reason why your parents keep bugging you about not going out and about between 12:00 and 16:00 during the summer. Here's a perfect example.

“...the Valley of Randomness?”

Huh? So this is how it must feel like when you start hearing voices. Not an unpleasant feeling, I must say.


It seemed like my sanity wasn't shaken. - is what I thought when I caught glimpse of the actual source of that voice.

I was at a street cross, and the heiress of the voice who called upon me happened to be staying on a random tree. No, hanging would be the correct way of describing that action.
Her legs were entwined with one of the branches which resulted in the swinging- motion of that person’s upper-body.

There was not much that my brain could process at the time. There were two major choices at hand:

1. Speak
2. Stare

Of course, I resulted to the latter.

Hmm, staring is a bit rude if I were to think about it deeply (not that I was), so I decided to etiquette it as something a human being cannot live without, namely analysing.

While scrutinizing everything my eyes could dare to look at, I ultimately summed up the outcome.


The owner and its body disappeared in the blink of an eye, thus the result of my analysing was a good pail of nothing.

As the passing wind stroked my hair to the side I instinctively turned to the right.

The shadows of the abundant forest may have tried to hide it, but I saw.. The frail smile of a girl who stood on the old wood fence beside the road, and her black hair dancing according to the symphony sung by the summer wind.

How could someone call this anything other than enticing?

I wished I could have stayed like that just a bit longer but the silence broke right after the trails of this thought.

“That sure is an interesting name.”

“ think so?”

“Yes. You were right and wrong at the same time since the adjectives you place with something depend on the meaning held by the person, or the user of that word. In other words, if you call it random then it will surely be so, but it also depends on the influence given by a third party.
Let us say I would told you now that this valley was not random, and that it had a special order created by the people who made these roads long ago.”

“I see. So it does have an order. Hard to see if you were to ask me...”

This conversation was just...weird.

“Haha, see? Influence is all it takes for a persons opinion to change, and related to what I said earlier, the answer is no, the roads have no special order, or they may have one that I don't know of.”

I didn't know if I could keep on with this dialogue but I decided to get my head back on the shoulders and ask something that made logic for a change.

She looked at me in a questioning manner as I started to ruffle inside my backpack.

After a two-minutes-long-search, taking a map out of the backpack with a red spot circled around it, I asked while handing her this particular item.

“Do you happen to know where this place could be situated?”

It wouldn't be a joke if I had to turn back to the last station and then take the whole "game" from scratch...

Even if I told myself that, this person doesn't seem to have any traveling gear or the sort with her, which means that even if I couldn't reach my destination there should still be some civilization around.

She took the map from my hand and stared closely as if trying to remember something.

May have been just my imagination but her face seemed to have darkened a bit, even if just more than a bit until her melancholic smile dropped into an emotionless expression.

Something similar to a mourn came out of the girls mouth after another two minutes.

"...what is the reason you need to go to such a place for...?"

Answering would probably not turn into a benefit, but I guess that is the human nature, to ask questions.

"It's quite a long story but to keep it short I'm in a kind of a move right now so if I don't reach that place there would be no definite roof above my head." - I said while scratching my head like one of those troubled old geezers.

That emotionless expression broke in a kind smile at the end of my last sentence. I was now fascinated by the girl who started to skip alongside the thin shadows of the trees.

She came to a stop and pointed her index finger towards a path which was following straight ahead from the sight of the path I previously came from.

"Keep walking and you will eventually reach the land you are looking for♪"

Looks like she had the knowledge I was searching.

There was another something I had to point out and that was the school uniform she was wearing. I think I saw something alike in one of aunts old photo albums, but again, I'm not sure enough as to make my fantasy run ad hoc because of it.

Guess I will just give my thanks and fly away before I get a heat stroke.

"Thanks, I'll be on my way then."

That should settle...

"Oh my, how impolite. May I have your name?"

"Umm, sorry but I really am in a hurry." - I dashed out in a sprint after leaving those words and the girl who adjusted an ever-changing personality behind.

You see, there would be a problem if someone were to discover my name...

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:27 pm
by Calculatrix
Would've liked to

Also, I think you should put a summary of some sort so people don't just start reading without any idea about the story. However, you can do whatever you want.

I have no idea what the title means, but, I just wish that there was more to read.:)

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:31 am
by ShioAkino
The translation of the title would be "The End of a Pure Illusion", and thank you for the tip. I will try putting up a summary and I also plan to finalize the first part of the story today. I don't even know why I didn't do that to begin with... ^^"

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:16 pm
by superloner
It looks like it could be interesting.

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 2:12 pm
by ShioAkino
二 Deceiving Illusion
Spoiler! :
An answer.
Even if clouded by the illusions of life, this is what an intelligent being would usually seek.

An answer?
Even if puzzled by the complexity of that meaning, that is what a human would usually follow.



Numerous lights flashed all over my body at once.

The shock made my eyes wander through the available space. They were looking for information.

Up- A plain white ceiling.

Front- A wide monitor. On the screen, a circular pattern keept spinning on the apparently white background.

Left- Right- Walls, seemed to have the same color and material as the ceiling.

I had no visual confirmation but the feeling told me that my movement was restricted by a certain something.

Those were all thoughts of my subconscious, I myself was totally panicked.

My heart started to beat faster and faster without letting room for any actions other than shaking, which added more frustration with each passing second.

The room was engulfed by silence for another period of time that I couldn’t confirm.


A weird, smooth sound came from...the front wall.

It appeared that the specified wall had took on a transparent color, letting the shadows of three persons to be seen.

My direction was immediately drawn to another angle of the room, namely the monitor.

The pattern from before disappeared, letting in place a text.

Your name?

I obviously couldn’t type in anything since there was no keyboard, and even if there was something of the type, that would also prove as not possible considering that I couldn’t move to begin with.


My irrelevant question sunk into space.

What was this supposed to mean? I couldn’t understand any of what I saw…

I can’t recall anything. I know there should be more memories on something that happened before I was brought here but...wait...was I really brought here?

My mind was flooded with thoughts which had no basis. I knew nothing…

Blinking, I came back to the two words aligned on the screen.

- Your name?

Ah, yes, I was about to enter my name…

Seeing no manual ways of answering the question, I gulped and spoke.


The eyes that had fixated themselves on the screen went wide-open instantaneously.

...what?...why? name?...what?...

Another extent of time passed just like that until I remembered.

“K...Koizumi Shun”

The name was written automatically by the program in roman letters.

Right after, a text scribed itself on the monitor.

The following content will consist of questions.
Every question will have the certainty of valid/false answers.
Valid answers will be confirmed with the color green.
They will affirm the safety of the individual.
False answers will be confirmed with the color red.
They will warrant the standard punishment.

Warning: A majority of false answers might influence the health of the individual.

Simple, short and cold sentences which compelled me to act in their favour.

This was unexpected, but they had close to no effect on my simile state. How could that be?

The answer was that I didn’t have them, I didn’t have the necessary answers.

The transparency of the frontal wall faded back in the plain, matte white together with the disappearance of the three shadows which probably served as observers.

I had somehow regained my freedom of movement, and by the time I realized it, the screen had already altered its former display into a green color.

Scanning the room from this perspective, without the cover of the screen, provided me with consciousness. I was now aware of the truth behind this hazy charade, aware of the illusion.

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:52 pm
by Calculatrix
ShioAkino wrote:
Spoiler! :
Front- A wide monitor situated in front of me. On the screen, a circular pattern keeped spinning on the apparently white background.

My mind was flooded in thoughts which had no basis. I knew nothing…
Spoiler! :
I have two corrections to make regarding these two sentences.

1. When you are using the word 'keep' in past tense you use 'kept'.

2. "My mind was flooded in thoughts..." should be "My mind was flooded with thoughts..."
I'm assuming you're a native English speaker, because you write really well. I understand that sometimes we make mistakes, because I've made several mistakes on my story. Just need someone there to correct those mistakes.:)

--- Waiting for next part :D ---

Re: [Original] 純粋な幻想の終わり - Junsui na Gensou no Owari

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:02 pm
by ShioAkino
Calculatrix wrote:
ShioAkino wrote:
Spoiler! :
Front- A wide monitor situated in front of me. On the screen, a circular pattern keeped spinning on the apparently white background.

My mind was flooded in thoughts which had no basis. I knew nothing…
Spoiler! :
I have two corrections to make regarding these two sentences.

1. When you are using the word 'keep' in past tense you use 'kept'.

2. "My mind was flooded in thoughts..." should be "My mind was flooded with thoughts..."
I'm assuming you're a native English speaker, because you write really well. I understand that sometimes we make mistakes, because I've made several mistakes on my story. Just need someone there to correct those mistakes.:)

--- Waiting for next part :D ---
Thank you very much for the corrections. Will surely keep them in mind.
Regarding the other thing, no, I am not a native speaker. ^^"