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OLN: Ages of Grandeurs

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:52 am
by ji9999
Good day to of all of you, I am planning to write and to complete an intended story/novel for you to enjoy. Our story was meant to be submitted to a pro contest looking for a new young writers about a decade ago, sadly my close friend, editor and illustrator rolled in one passed away even before the story even materialized. So after a decade, after establishing a job and some makeshift stability; it's about time to try writing again. Please have mercy on my work since it's been a long time since the last time that I write and please enjoy. Good day!!

Genre: dark fantasy, action, romance

Everything will crumble, everything will be destroyed end everything will end. Burdened by immortality, duty, powers and endless goodbye; one of the 3 lords of the Era of Grandeurs decided to end everything and and carried a plan to usher the dawn of humanity rather than to let the grandeurs slowly eats and destroy the world he loves.

Fast forward after 3 millenia; The modern world is now a place where one's fate will never be toyed like the gods of the past but with the likes of men. A young woman who is about to be devoured by the unfairness and wickedness by finding a relic from ages of where gods walked among men and men can stand tall among the gods. Filled by despair, regrets and wanting a final chance for redemption, she heard a voice; " Offer yourself to me and I will give you your heart's true desire". By her saying yes, the lock to the door of the forgotten era will be opened anew. The cogwheel of fate that will shake the heaven and will usher or destroy an era have started spinning again....

That would be all for now. And thanks for the time reading this and thanks lot!!!! I'm planning to add some terms which will be added to lessen the hassles of explaining them

Re: OLN: Ages of Grandeurs

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:01 pm
by ji9999

800 feet below the freezing Tundra of the Frigid South, here lies a towering monolith which have an appearance of a great pillar with an entrance of a gigantic door. The word majestic is not enough to describe due to its elaborate etchings that covered it from base to its summit and how it remains intact in the onslaught of time. It resembles a tomb with a heavy air of solemnity standing in the middle of a plains almost frozen in time. Upon its 150 feet door with majestic carvings of some unknown writings lies numerous surreal cracks with seeping eerie glow which signals an incoming foreboding.

A grim expression is drawn to a face of a stoic watcher after hearing a loud cracking sound and seeing another surreal light seeping from cracks added on the door then his myriad of strange trinkets which are placed on his left arms starts to resonates.

" The gate is in its limits... It is only a matter of a year or two... It will be almost the end for this era of tranquility... Those slumbering demons will be waking by now... If there is truly God in heaven, please help us if all hell break loose on earth!!!! Deliver that message at once to the elder"