Prototype Novel: Valkyrie City: Night of the Attack

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Astral Realm

Prototype Novel: Valkyrie City: Night of the Attack

Post by fadedroots »

((This is first part of an intro story about my story and the main character! Hope you like it! Also, illustrations coming very soon!!)
Spoiler! :
Opus 1: The Day We Were Born

This is my story of the night of the attack, a night I’ll never forget, because that was when I found ‘her’, and in a smaller way, I sort of re-found myself. It would be accurate to say that my life will be forever changed because of this event…

It was shortly after I had just finished downloading this game everyone is playing. It’s called “Rendezvous Online” and it’s literally played by hundreds of millions of players from around the globe. We are all hooked up to a special helmet that sends a slight prick in your neck that activates your brains electro-waves. It could signal pain for when you are hurt, lust for when you get horny, or in my case, the feeling of ecstasy from game-world ‘party favors’. No game has ever been as immersive or activated by all 5 senses before!

Because of those reasons, this game is really, really fun. I spent my first night here just walking up and down the streets of this city: smelling the food, watching the people, listening to others have conversations… I never experienced anything like it! Of course, I’m not from a big city in real life, so it’s no surprise that this was all such a huge culture shock to me.

The game itself is made of up five giant planets, each with different landscapes and species, and all have huge cities that house twenty million or more people. I’m on the planet Valkyrie, which resembles a coastal city like Los Angeles or New York. Outside the city are mountains and forest land.

It’s currently night time right now and the stars are absolutely amazing. Even though they aren’t real, they are still the most beautiful stars I’ve ever seen. They litter the sky along with huge skyscrapers, blending in with their dark surfaces and lights from the rooms.

You wonder how many people are living in that skyscraper or doing something interesting? Wow…this game is just too real!

Even besides the domestic aspects, you also have the traditional dungeons and unsafe Wildes outside the cities, where people go with their futuristic weapons and equipment, and wage huge battles for treasure. Some people even hunt and prey on fellow players! Even so, as a general rule, most players don’t carry weapons or have any combat experience. Most players just want to explore the social realms without ever having to engage in a fight.

And then you have people like me, who aren’t interested in anything except wandering around and trying out the food and the drugs.

What’s that ahead of me? It looks like some kind of pillar that goes into the clouds…

It’s huge! No wonder this game was three terabytes…

This pillar must be a Central Center, or place where I can get a job/quest. According to the manual, there are smaller pillars on each planet but this is the one major pillar that controls the rest. All of it is run by players and computer AI, it’s a vast network of openings for jobs, quests, problems, complaints, or whatever else you want to find out about the game. It even has a huge library!

Inside, past the glass doors and sparkling columns of brass, there are a bunch of desks that have people at them. There was one that was open with a pretty girl wearing glasses and dressed like a secretary. From the look of her, she is probably around 16 years old. She is busy typing away on her keyboard.

Me: *Cough*: “Excuse me…”

She looks at me, seventeen year old male, six feet tall, jet black hair, brown eyes and wearing jeans and a loose white shirt.

She leans forward, her shirt drooping down and her black lace bra showing her twin busts. It doesn’t look like pixels to me, it looks so real! I can even see the small, soft hairs around her breasts…!!

“They’re 36 double C’s…,” She says as her serious face softens to a playful smile.

Me: “Uh…I…I was looking…at something else! I’m so-sorry!”

I’m so shy around women. I hate it… I want to be assertive and be a true straight talker! Please game world, teach me to be more confident!!

“I’m not wearing a name tag.” She starts sucking on her pen.

She’s absolutely right! Why did I even think of that! Stupid!

Secretary: “What’s your name?”

Me: “Tallis. My name is Tallis Strauss.”

“Hi Tallis, I’m G-spot lover69, but you can call me Erica. Are you here for a job?” She asks. “Hmm…Tallis Strauss…are you??”

Me: “Yes I am related to that person, no need to mention my father…and um, yes, a job please!”

What was up with her name??! Oh well, just pretend I didn’t hear that…

Erica: “Really?! That’s interesting…well then, do you have any combat experience?”

Me: “Nope.”

Erica: “Can you cook?”

Me: “No.”

Erica: “Can you create crafts or heal or cure illnesses?”

Me: “No...”

Erica: “Can you build anything?”

Me: “…no….”

Her look is now painful, the look of a vagabond of society! It’s true I don’t have any special skills but I just started playing this game a week ago!! I’m not some kid of a famous father who is a spoiled brat! I’ll definitely make my own way out here!

Erica: “What can you do?”

Me- I can…play…the piano. And I want to get closer to women!!

Her left eye raises itself.

What the hell am I saying!? Closer to women? Oh God…

“Well…” She says slowly. “That’s no surprise that you can play piano… it is what you guys’ are famous for, right?”

Wait, does this mean she’s interested in something?


Erica: I have just the right job for you. Here…

She hands me a paper/plastic flyer. (Paper AND plastic have become the wave of the future).

Erica: Go there, play the piano, make money and get women to pleasure yourself with.

Me: “Yes, that’s all I wanted in the first place…wait, what!?”

Erica: “It’s obvious you have an obsession with the female body. Your player profile says you are brand new to this game, so you might not know that you can have sex in this game…”

Me: “S…s…sex?!”

Of course I knew that! Am I not a young man who knows a thing or two about games?! But still, to hear her say it was a nice shock.

Erica: “Yes... Hot, steamy “stick your *%&*# in my wet @*!*#&” kind of kinky sex. It feels like the real thing and it’s completely safe; no diseases and no pregnancy! No…holding back…”

Erica unbuttons her top shirt as she bites on her lip.

Erica: “Oh my, talking about this got me all hot…*Huff Huff*”

She looks at me and takes off her glasses. She shining blue eyes are reflected on my iris...

Erica: “You’re kind of cute…”

My face twitches…I’m at my limit…

Me: “Well, thank you very much! I have to go to that job now!”

It’s embarrassing to admit, but I turned around and ran out the door. I know it seems odd, but you have to understand where I am coming from first!

Ahem…I have only gone to all male schools, because my domineering father believes men should be separated from women until they marry, which of course is an arranged marriage! As oddball as my dad is, he is not alone in that thinking! I hate my school! I’m not a chauvinist like my dad, I think men and women are both special in their own ways…or at least I want to believe that. That’s why I need to find a girl here I can talk with!

For once, the future is looking good for me!

The sidewalk in front of me is flanked by giant buildings that take up entire blocks, with people bicycling in the street and people flying personal spaceships above. Occasionally, you see the giant battleships in the air, but most are in what’s called “ES” or ‘Extended Space’, far out in the space system.

Because it’s dark on this planet for more than half a day, it has street lamps that hover over the walkways and give out luminescent light with their LED lasers.

Oh yeah! The flyer!

It shows a club house that has giant neon letters saying “Tango’s Go Go Juice Bomb”. “All Night Live Music!” “Battle of the Bands.”

…this doesn’t sound like a place to play classical music…I hope they like me……

Well, there it is anyways, right in front of me: Tango’s Go Go Juice Bomb. It doesn’t look as nice and modern as the rest of the city though. Still, from the outside looking in, the place seems packed!

There…there’s no reason to be nervous. I’ve played in front of lots of people before, this time is no different…

My watch says it’s still a little too early to head in, so I’ll hang out in the alleyway next to Tango’s. It’s pretty mellow tonight, not a lot of people out on the streets. I wonder why…

“Digital News,” that’s all I have to say and this really cool pop up screen appears in front of me with the latest in-game news. All together, there are more then ten huge newspaper companies in the game along with countless bloggers and aficionados. That’s why “Rendezvous Online” was the first game ever to have 24/7 in-game news coverage with live anchors and reporters patrolling areas.

Me: “Latest Headlines”

I take two small little liquid gel caps.

Happy Thoughts’ Liquid Gels! +5 soothing of mind and presence! (strong!)

Jenny, the really hot and young News Girl comes on the floating flat screen. She is an actual live person who will act as my own personal news reporter and tell me everything I want to know. I used her help once before…

She has dark red hair, medium bust, cute light freckles and a ponytail. She is wearing her company’s news jacket along with a beige mini skirt.

Jenny: “Hey Tallis Strauss! Long time no see!”

Me: “I’m surprised you remember me, even though it was only yesterday…you must deal with hundreds of people a day…”

Jenny: “Thousands, actually! But I cheat and use a little info screen that tells me your name. <3 “

Me: “How is it being a news girl to all of those people?”

Jenny is surprised. Why did I just randomly blurt that out!?

Jenny*sad*: “Look, I know what you mean, you mean I must have a boyfriend and he must be jealous of me doing this, right?? Well it’s just a job! I don’t even have a boyfriend or someone to get jealous towards me! Now are you going to ask me something or not??”

She’s… right!… People probably call her up thousands of times a week and some guys hit on her and harass her because she is a good looking female. Damnit, I don’t want to be one of those guys!

Me: “Look, I’m really sorry for saying a dumb thing like that. You’re right, I can’t even begin to imagine how stressful of a job it is and you get little appreciation for what you are doing.”

Jenny- …really? …you do?,,,,

Me: “Yeah, I think that’s what makes you even more amazing! Because you do such a good job with the news and you know so much! I think you are really cool, Jenny! Smart, sophisticated, and beautiful!”

She is starting to blush.

Jenny is covering her red embarrassed face.

I feel like I’m on a roll here!

Me: “Now please tell me the latest news!!”

Jenny: “Y…yes Tallis!!”

Jenny regains her composure, primps her hair, takes a sip of water and with a flat-screen TV behind her face, she can show pictures and videos of what she is talking about during the news cycle.

Jenny: “The latest news is the capture of an artifact from the Deep Space Impact Region.”

Me: “Capture? Artifact? What the hell is all of this!?”

Jenny: “Hey Tallis!! Calm down, you have the best news reporter in-game with you, I’ll explain it all!”

<3 <3 <3

I have to smile at such an adorable REAL girl whose duty is to give me the news. This game is awesome!

Jenny: “It seems yesterday afternoon around 2:45pm, in-game time, a search vessel space ship from some unknown guild or clan was fired upon by another clans search vessel, killing the crew and destroying the ship. That attracted the interest of the Planetary States Council, the five heads of the game planets.”

*Camera footage shows two squat, solid black rectangular spaceships firing at each other in the blue and red ‘Ellipses Nebula’.*

Me: “Why would the PSC be interested in some pirates skirmish?”

Jenny: “Through my personal contacts, I have been able to find out the real reason for that interest; it’s not because of the fight itself, but that it happened in an area that just prior to the fight, an unknown distress call came in claiming to have found some kind of rare treasure.”

Me: “Treasure!? What kind of treasure??”

Jenny: “Nobody knows for sure, but they think it’s some kind of a weapon! A lot of people are traveling into Deep Space right now to try and recover it. Apparently, the weapon has escaped and no one knows where it is!”

Me: “Do you know what the weapon is?”

Jenny: “Something that could do this!”

The picture screen behind her shows a giant moon that has had the lower half completely blown away, leaving a giant, gaping hole in it.

Me: “…!!... Why would the game company do this?”

Jenny: “No one knows. You see, in order for a user to contribute anything to the game, like building a house, a new potion, a new gun or sword, it has to be approved by the game company. It is said that they are extremely strict because of game balance issues and the integrity of the design. This has to have been a mistake or a deliberate attempt by hackers to plant it, but if they did that and had that much control over where it was, they wouldn’t have lost it…”

Me: “So that’s where everyone went…Good thing it’s in the Deep Space Region. Well, thank you Jenny for all the news you gave me. I thought…you did a great job.”

I smile awkwardly toward her.

Jenny: “Tallis… You’re kind of nice. Want to…um… grab dinner sometime? I just reviewed this amazing new French/Beijing restaurant. The waiting list for a table is five months, but I can get us in in under an hour….if you want, I mean…”

Me: “M-meet…Jenny…the news girl…?! <3 <3 <3”


Jenny: “Sorry, I have to go, work is calling me!! I’ll keep in touch with you. There, you’re now on my super special friends list, so I’ll be able to see where you are at at all times. Bye Tallis!!”

Friends list? I don’t appear to have anyone on my friends list…

*BOP* Friend Invite Request- Jenny The News Girl—KRLC AM 430


Her profile picture for the game is her giving the peace sign while winking at the camera and sticking out her thumb… 22.2million friends?! Crap! She…must have been joking about dinner and stuff…

Look, Jenny just came on the general news show with the TV anchors…

Jenny: “This is Jenny and breaking news is I just got asked out by a fan and I said yes!! Details at 11!!”

“Close News!!!!”

And…she asked me out!

That potion of calm mind is really feeling good now. I know I say it a lot, but I love this game…

I mean… artifacts? City leveling weapons? Deep Space that takes five real days to even get to the border of it? Tons of cute girls?

It’s like…I never know when I’ll run into something else!


Me- OW!!

Something just fell on me! But…wait a minute…!! It wasn’t heavy! It just startled me and I accidently fell back and hit my head, but whatever it is is now on my chest. And it’s so light, I can barely feel it.

*Heavy Breathing*

Me: “I wonder who’s dumping their trash…”

What?! It’s a girl!! A CUTE GIRL!
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Re: Prototype Novel: Valkyrie City: Night of the Attack

Post by Poke2201 »

Its a good start. I would say put in a Content Warning, but I doubt theres people reading the fan fiction projects that isnt over 13.
onizuka-gto wrote:Big Boss was playing with the cosmic forces and forgot to switch the blog database back on.
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Astral Realm

Re: Prototype Novel: Valkyrie City: Night of the Attack

Post by Flowen »

Poke2201 wrote:Its a good start. I would say put in a Content Warning, but I doubt theres people reading the fan fiction projects that isnt over 13.
I totally agree with that.
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