Original LN: "Errata"

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Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

Ummm idk if i'm doin this in the right place but here goes nothing.
This is my first attempt at writing a LN.
All of it is str8 outta my head, if its somehow similar to other peoples work. That'd be just sad oTL

Title: Errata
Well Heres the first chapter: "Page 1 Paragraph 1 Self-introduction"
Spoiler! :
A fleeting dream...

"Watch your step Rook, its gonna get dangerous"
A man grabs my hand.

"Yea, if you get injured its trouble for ME ya know"
A woman sez as she walks ahead of us,arms crossed.

"Isn't that fine maam? I mean thats what your here for right?"
A girl behind me says.


"Okay.......,lets notify the bureau and leave. .........set up....." The man orders.
Their voices grow softer...
"It looks so familiar...." The girl sez as she approaches an old looking book,dazed.
"Oy,don't just touch................................" The woman exclaims as she
tries to stop the girl. I can't hear anything.
A bright, blinding light shines from them, whiting everything out.

I wake up sweating and panting. What was that dream? That was the clearest so far.
Oh I forgot to say, I'm Mitsuko Aki, (weird dreams aside)your regular highschool girl
with big dreams(pun intended). Ever since I was born, I've had weird dreaAAAaaahhh
This is such a pain, shoo shoo lemme sleep!
I cover my head up with my blanket.
*Brrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Brrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing*
damni~t, dream woke me up early again. sha' up, damned clock....
"Aki~ wake up,its time for school," My mom shouts up the stairs.
The door opens and my mom peeks her head in.
"Your teacher called last night,saying your grades aren't improving." Not that they
aren't good in the first place.
"I can get better grades if I can stay awake more." I say as I try to bargain for
more sleep.
I peek to see if she's still...ugh, shes giving me her 'can you really?'-_- look.
"Get up." She says in her commanding voice.
Haaa~~ Time to get up.

I stand in front of my mirror preped for school. My hair is finally starting to
grow out!( can almost say good bye to the tomboy look ^^ ) I must say, with my hair let
down like this I look nice in the schools uniform. Hmhmm~ The boys won't be be able to
take their eyes off me!! X3 Though the blouse does hugs my chest a bit(I forgot to buy
my uniform and by the time I did get it, they ran out of my size :P), thank god they
have jackets(or is it called a blazer?). Then again, its kinda hot out...meh, i'll just
tie it round my waist.
I touch my breasts, thinking of my somewhat *ahem* flatchested mom....must be from
my dads side,or did my mom's boobs shrink(can that happen?)? Nah. I toss the thoughts
aside and make my way to school.

The streets are still quiet, a few people here and there, setting up shop, going to
work or school.
Haa~ I really got up early today, no one I know in sight. That being said, I hardly
ever run in to anyone anyway. The thing about where I live, is that its not so far from
school that I have to take a bus or train, but its far enough to make walking
to school a pain. This means that I have to walk alone for some distance before I run
into anybody I know.
Gives me time to think about stuff at least....
I mean seriously, what is up with those weird dreams? They used to be entertaining,
like any other dream, some fantasy world a dream should be like. In the dreams, I had
super powers or something!!(Some of the people in the dream had powers too, but not
half as cool as mine) It was AWESOO~ME!! I could like create stuff out of thin air!!
I could make an endless supply of sweets and munchies. XD Oh and I was like, some
upcoming newbie in some government agency or something, pretty close to rolling in
money too. That about tops any other dream you or anyone else would ever have huh?
Not to mention I can pretty much remember most of them(something that rarely ever
happens with dreams, for other people that is)
But now the dreams are getting out of hand. Their getting more vivid, seriously,
like HD TV. And the stuff i'm feeling there aren't staying there and are starting to
affect me in real life. I remember burning my hand in the dream one time, and when I
woke up, I could still feel the pain.(I couldn't write anything but scribbles dat
I've talked to my best friend about it, she said something about "if you think
something is real, like really real or is actually happening or going to happen,
it'll manifest itself" or something like that. I googled it, and found a video of some
blind-folded guy being told over and over that his arm was being twisted. It actually
twisted by itself!! Though minutely, but it still twisted ON ITS OWN.
But I'm not that gullible as to be affected by words. And I'm not such a kid that I
can't differentiate between reality and fiction. The dreams are more...like memories...
This is getting me no where!! Theres no way those dreams could ever happen! I've
gotten hungry in class loads of times and NOTHING ever poofed in front of me to eat.
I need to see a shrink.... -_-"

As I walk leisurely approaching the school gates, I notice a girl with another
school's uniform talking to the school guard. Huh, must be a transfer,mid-semester too.
Wait a sec. I take a second look at her, can't be, shes the girl in my
dream last night. I rub my eyes just in case....still there! Am i going crazy?...
I run up to her, grabbing her shoulder.
"Hey,you there." She turns around surpised.
I open my mouth to say something-
"....." O__O -and shut it immediately
What do i say now?! 'I saw you in a dream last nite. Lets be friends.'?!? I smile
stupidly while the awkward atmosphere hangs.
"......" Shes looking at me like i'm a wierdo...
"W-Welcome to our school..." I say with the dumb smile still there.
"T-Thank you?" The girl says.
Oh awkwardness....I feel like an idiot.
"Umm..." Thats the security guard and my cue to escape with dignity!! While the
guard has her attention, I flee inside the school and to my classroom as quick as
"The students sure are friendly here aren't they?"

I cry with my head on the table embarassed, sleepy, out of breath and stomach
eating me inside out. What a horrible way to start the day....so embarassing. Just then
, a wild-haired(why does she even bother with the hair pins?) girl puts a paper bag
in front of me.
"Aki~, your daily breakfast" My beloved best friend, my saviour and primary FOOD
PROVIDER, Takeda Maeko, with my breakfast that she brings for me everyday.
;3 Chocolate bun, chocolate milk and chocolate eclairs and chocolate crackers and
chocolate......... Oh, her grandpa runs a sweet shop and Takeda is nice enough to sneak
some out for me, I get free chocolates Hiihii ^^ Itadakimasu.
"O~y" Takeda gives me a 'And?' face.
"Ah! Arigatou Takeda-san!"
"Uh uh, -sempai, I want to be called Takeda-sempai this time." :3
"I saw what happened at the gate from my classroom. Muhihihi, that was priceless
I close my eyes, pouting as I start to eat my breakfast.
"I waited for 5 minutes for you to come up to get your breakfast, but you
didn't show, I figured you were too embarassed to show your face."
*munch munch* -_-#
"I had to leave the comfort of my nice and breezey seat upstairs to bring you
this breakfast that I sneaked out ya know. All out of the kindness of my heart. Plus
it'd just melt if I held on to it till lunch."
Playing on my guilt and love for the confectionary genius that is chocolate,
....she knows how to push my buttons alright.
"Arigatou Takeda-sempai! Hmph! Your such an ass. Why do you enjoy doing that?"
"Cause Aki is so ki~ute when shes grumpy." She saya as she pinches my cheeks...
Let me explain, we were in the same grade during junior high, but I got held back
for failing my final exams.
"Because you what? Forgot the exam date. HEHAHAHAHA~"
In other words, shes in her second high school year now, while I'm still in my
first, which shes like to rub in my face.
"Hmph. I'll do so well this year that they'll beg me to skip grades."
"Hnnn? This coming from someone who forgets her wallet on a regular basis?"
That being said, she might be right, its more likely that I'll forget something
important and be held back again....NO! I can't think like that, if I don't think
positive, I might as well quit now. I'm only forgetful, not stupid!
"Whats with the serious look? Hurry up and eat....I still don't get why you don't
get fat from eating so much junk."

At this point of time the class was full of chatter, meaning that the whole class
was there plus some students from other classes. It also meant that-
-homeroom was starting soon. No time to talk to Maeko about last nights dream and
the girl.
The front door slides open and my homeroom teacher walks in. Ah, here he is,
Yakikawa Toshi sensei. Tall, greying and bespectacled, nothing remarkable about this
pervert. At the start of the year, he asked for only the girls in the class to
introduce themselves(handphone numbers included!?!),choosing to completely ignore the
male population. Though the some of the guys were dissapointed that they couldn't
introduce theselves, they were ALL completely for the sexist and pigheaded demand.
Needless to say, questions were raised by the girls, but all the faculty staff
say thats his way of getting close to his class. Apparently he doesn't make any real
moves on any of his students(though he still flirts with the girls), and all his past
students adore him(even though he openly talks about his imaginary harem of school
girls). Impossible harem talk aside, hes' harmless.
"All students not from this class please return to your own class please."
?? Thats weird.
Usually at this point he'd be saying something like: "Hmm? Takeda-san, I understand
that you can't resist my overwhelming manliness, dashing good looks and charming
personality, but you are no longer part of my harem. So return to your classroom
"I do NOT speak like that!!"
Thats the only thing I do like about him, you can make fun of him openly and not
get in trouble, something everyone takes advantage of('specially me ;3). Hes the
basically everyones favourite idiotic, perverted teacher.
But on rare occasions, I catch him giving me a really weird look, like hes
expecting me to do something...damned perv. -_-#
"Ahem. Anyway Takeda-san please leave."
"I'll join ya for lunch kay." Maeko whispers to me before she joins the rest of
the leaving students.
Yakikawa-sensei sets down his stuff and announces, "Today we'll be welcoming a new
transfer student. Please come in."
Transfer student? Is that why hes so serious? Must be some high-class kid with
parents in...high...places...OH MY F@#$!*& GAWD, ITS THAT GIRLS AT THE GATE!!!!!!!!!
C-Can't let 'er.Can't le er SEEEEE MEEEEEE!! NUUUUUUUUUU!! Gotta hide gotta hide
gotta hIIIDE!!! GyaAaAah if I panick and make a ruckus shes sure to notice me, why'd I
hafta be seated right smack in the middle??!!! Calm down play it cool, just rest your
head on your hand and look out the window. Yea thats it, pretend not to care. Fuuu~
"Mitsuko-san, are you done causing a scene?"
Agh. They noticed me anyway.... ~><~ I creak my head slowly towards them.
"Ah! Your the weirdo at the gate!" The girl exclaims.
Straight to the head.
~><~ *sigh*

"Hello, I'm Motomori Yua. I'll be in your care the rest of the year." A generic
self-introduction... Well whatever, warm ditzy aura, check, looks, check. Yup, it'll be
no problem getting herself a fanbase here. (I hope shes not an oujo type, though I
can't picture her with guys groveling at her feet...)
Damn, I'm good! I turned to check and shes got, as I estimated, a good bit of the
class going googly eyed over her. That includes a few of the girls mind you, and that
really says something.
And now comes the heartbreaker. The persons interests and hobbies.
"In my spare time, I enjoy reading manga and watching anime heheh~<3 ^^ But I do
not cosplay, though i do try to help my friend write doujins once in a while."
Didn't see that one coming. I think I heard someone bang their head on the table.
With that you can strike off the anti-otaku part of the class. Most (not all)of the
guy'll mind(in fact encourage it I think), but the girls? Yea, thats where you lost
your votes.
Long, black plaited hair, warm brown eyes half hidden behind spectacles, curvy
(almost as shapely as me ;3). And she looks smart to boot.
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Mystes »

Will you continue it?

#campione at rizon for some #campione discussions~~ And other stuffs.
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

Finally got registered, AND of course I will
This was written completely in notepad so copy and paste won't do (and the spaces for the paragraphs...)
in other words I have to edit....and please forgive any typos...and this IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND MAYBE SUBJECT TO CHANGE

well then here is Errata
Page 1 Paragraph 2 "Simple mistake"
Spoiler! :
With her introduction over, classes proceded as per normal, and she was seated, as
luck would have it, right in front of me. That seat was supposed to be taken but the
dumbass which sat there is apparently sick. And since the Yakikawa-sensei thought that
we knew each other, he thought it would be nice for her to sit near a familiar face.
Though I want her to completely forget my face if possible....*sigh* =_="
Whats really eating me though(hmhmm~^^ ma stomach hash bin appeased), is why she
appeared in my dream last night. Have I seen her before? Nah can't be, or did I just
forget again? The only memory I have of ever seeing her is from last night. Thinking
about it, I can only come up with four reasons as to why she appeared in the dream:
1. Simple coincidence
2. She looks like someone I forgot in real life
(...isn't that kinda the same as 1?)
3. I saw HER in real life before but forgot
4. I'M TOTALLY GOING CRAZY, and shes actually a figment of my imagination.
Uuuu~ I pray that its one of reasons 1-3. I hope i'm overthinking. QQ
Well, the best way to find out is to ask her myself. I've gotta get to her before
lunch break starts, otherwise she'll be swarmed by the curious, the overly friendly
and the stupidly blunt and then I'll never get my chance to talk to her.
A few of the boys were already giving each other death glares across the classroom,
namely the two idiots beside me, Minaguchi and Takamoto. I'm damned sure the math
teacher saw, but all he did was give ME a pitifully, sorry look. Spineless baldy. -_-#
Minaguchis' the pushy, OVERly friendly sort, him I can understand. But whys
Takamoto so into her? O~h yea~, I almost forgot, he got dumped in public last week,
hard and harsh too. The guy ended up kneeling in front of the girl while she gave a
sermon as to why he was so pathetic. Probably trying to get over that terrifying EX.
(But why the new girl?! I'm available and have been here longer too hello?)
Hmph, morons, rather than have a stare down with each other, they should be aiming
that energy towards the girl herself...though their more likely to scare the poor girl
right now.
The school bell system chimes. And the knuckle heads immediately swoop in.
"Hello Motomori-san, I'm the class rep', Minaguchi Daisuke. If you'd allow me, I
can show you 'round the school? I can tell you which vending machines to avoid and
whats good at the cafeteria." Even I could do that, and btw there aren't any decent
sweets here.
"Takamoto Hideki. Pleased to meet your acquitance" Trying to act suave, and failing.
Huu~ With those idiots there plus the rest of the class already converging, I'll
never get to talk her.
"Umm, Mr class rep?" Motomori, fidgeting, blushes while saying this.
Takamoto was taken aback apparently(his expression was priceless). He looks back
and forth between the new girl and class rep. (probably thinks the girl fell for
"Yes Motomori-san?" He snipes an "I win" look at Takamoto.
"Wheres the girls bathroom?"
.....(a goddess moe <3)
Wow. Pretty sure she said it loud enough for everyone to hear(otherwise I wouldn't
be seeing this still picture. I think that was more embarassing than what I did, heck I
feel embarassed just heaving heard it. I mean, a GIRL asking a GUY where the GIRLS
toilet is? While fidgeting like that?!
The class rep stuttered the directions to her, avoiding eye contact the whole time.
Poor guy.
Well, time for lunch~<3

Oka~y, now where is she?....found ya!
"Ma~e-chan! Mae-chan!"
Ah, Maekos with her 2nd year friends. I grab her wrist and pull her away running.
"I'll return her soo~n."
I run towards the gym storage dragging Maeko behind me.
"Let go Aki, your hurting my wrist. Just tell me why we're running."
"Behind the gym storage. Theres someone I want you to meet."
"Oh, ok then." With that Maeko suddenly sped up, breaking away from me. Is she
challenging me? I tried my best to keep up, we both had track experience in junior high
,but she had more than a years worth of high school Track team training....
Even if shes got more training, I KNOW I can win if I try!
We arrived behind the gym storage in no time. Me on all fours, hopelessly out
of breath. Maeko smiling triumphantly, messed clothes aside, totally composed.
"You gave me a run for my money there huh? If you hadn't jumped those flights of
stairs I would've gotten a clear win."
*pant* *pant* "You" *pant* "cheated" *pant* *pant*
"Catch your breath first." I did, with her cheeky gaze on me the whole time.
"You cheated!! You took shortcuts!!" DX
"Since when were there rules? Not my fault you went the long way. I'm surprized you
could ALMOST keep up."
-_-# "How do you think I'm almost never late? My house to school, under 5 minutes."
>:3 She knows how far my home is, 5 minutes is no joke.
"Your only ever late cuz you forget to set your alarm." She got me there.
"But you realize I wasn't serious right? I woulda still won if I went the
long way."
! We hear a chuckle to the side, its the transfer student.
Aki: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot why we ran here in the first place. She-"
Maeko: "You wanna embarass yourself in front of her again?"
A: ^_^# "Motomori Yua, she transferred into my class. Anyway you shoulda seen
what SHE did earlier!"
Yua: "Umm, Mitsuko-san? I only did that cause you said in the note you slipped to
me that you wanted to speak in private, they'd have followed me here otherwise."
M: "What'd she do?"
I gave a brief description of what went down in the classroom. She had a look of
disbelief on her face.
M: "You told her to do that?!"
A: "NO I DIDN'T! I only told her to meet me here!"
M: Turning to Yua. "Why'd you go so far just to meet in private?"
Y: "Cause shes wierder than me."
Sh-She.She ju-j-just. *tearing up* A wierd girl just said im wierder than her.
I'm already starting to think i'm crazy, so *hic*
A: "Ma~e, I'm" *hic* "not w-wierd right?" *hic*
M: "N-no," *pfft* "of course not....PWAHAHAHAHA"
A: *shaking Maeko violently while tearing up* "Im not wierd!! I'm not crazy!"
Y: "I didn't mean it that way. Mitsu-chan."
M: "Ahaha~ I'm so sorry I, haha, couldn't help it." Huuu~ "Here."
Maeko pulls something out.
*Sniffle* *sniff* !! I smell *sniff* chocolate *sniff* white chocolate. BAR!!
*bites* Ah Shiawase ~<3
A: "Waju kall mm? Mishu-chan? Ya, kang kalli mm da." Choc first, everything else
Y: 0_0 "My. Shes quite, delicate, isn't she?"
M: =w= *pets my head* "Yup. Very."

M: "Shes easy to handle once you know how. As long as shes got sweets in 'er mouth,
she'll forget anything. Course choc'lates her favourite, she takes her time wid
Y: "I see..." Pets my head. Still eating so don care =w= "There there, I'm sorry
M: "But that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want ya know. Why'd ya hafta call
her that?"
Y: "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with other girls. In my past schools, most of them...
avoided me...once I mentioned my hobbies."
M: "...."
A: Om nom nom
Y: "So I was really glad when Mitsuko-san called me out. Not once, but twice, even
after she heard about my hobbies." :)
M: "Don't do it again."
Y: "...."
A: "Mae-shan don be mii da her, she di' mii it." Almost done ~<3
M: "Yea yea I got it."
A: *gulp* "Anyway, Mae you remember those weird dreams I've been having? She appeared
last night!"
M: "!"
Y: "My, you ARE weird."
A: "I'm not crazy right? You see her too right? I'm not imagining her right?"
M: "'course I do, shes right there." Points to an empty space.
A: *tearing up*
M: "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Waves a chocolate ball in front of my face before
popping it in the air for me to catch in my mouth. "I see her fine ok."
A: "Ok, that proves I'm not crazy. Then, Motomori-chan, have I met you some where
before? Maybe thats why I dreamt about you."
Y: "I don't believe I have. Umm, could you explain to me whats going on?"
M: "See shes been having really weird dreams since forever. Her experiences in the
dreams have been affecting her body lately as if she actually did experience them.
And that has her thinking shes going crazy." She turns to me. "Right?"
A: "Yea yea, then when you showed up I thought that I'd finally cracked and was seeing
Y: "I see. Is that why you were so sensitive? Well, that girl in your dream, did she
look exactly like me?"
A: "Well, you've got her face. But she had her hair down and I'm pretty sure she was a
bit older...oh and her boobs! Her boobs were huge! Way bigger than yours." cupping
my hands in front of my chest to show the size.
Y: ^^# "I see. I don't have COW TITS, so how can that possibly be me?"
M: "Calm down, Yua, was it? She simply mistook you for someone else, simple mistake."
Y: "But my breasts are CLEARLY not THAT big!" Points to me still cupping my hands.
M: "Hahahaha I think you two'll get along just fine. I mean she does remember your
name afterall, and she NEVER remembers anyones name on the first day she meets
Ah, Maekos right on that part. This is the first time I've actually memorised
someones name so fast. Maybe it's cause she appeared in my dreams? Well, at least I
finally have someone from my own class I can talk to while Mae is away.
After that we gave her a quick tour of the school before settling down in the
cafeteria for a bite. The whole time, Yua kept asking about my weird dreams, she was
quite interested in them, saying it reminded her of some of the manga shes read.
Maybe its cause of the dreams again but, I told her everything. Well, everything I
could remember that is. She kept calling me weird the whole way through though -_- . I
didn't mind it, it felt more like we were long time friends reminiscing. Maeko on the
other hand was asleep the whole time...

On the way back up to class.
"Wow, I never knew a person could dream such crazy dreams so often."
"You really like the fact that I'm weird huh?"
"Uh huh." :)
Just then, a girl with pigtails runs up to us(If you can even call it running, she
looked more like she was spazzing out), before falling flat on her face right at our
"Glasses. Still. In. One piece." She says as she tries to pick herself up.
"Sugiura Haku, nice to meet you." Your nose is bleeding!!!
"Huh? Oh It's fine, happens all the time." Isn't that worse?!
"Motomori-san! Whats your favourite manga? What genre do you read? Shoujo? Shounen?
Romance? Yuri? Don't tell me...guro?!"
Shes totally ignoring my presence....whats guro?
"Hey who are you anyway?" She was visibly taken aback by that.
"....ible. Your horrible Mitsuko-chan! I sit right behind you!! AND I JUST
"....I think I remember seeing a pigtail out of the corner of my eye...."
"You came to my birthday party remember?"
Hmmmmmm Have I been to any parties this year? I think I remember a chocolate cake...
T^T "Am I that forgetable?" oTL
"Don't take it too hard, Aki-chan forgets easily." :)
"She does? I thought that was just a rumor...." She looks at me, still trying to
"I like KHR by the way."
"Oh? What do read it for? The action or...?"
The two otakus almost left me behind fantasizing about cake! "Hey don't leave me
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

Yea so due to the forum format(im either not doing it right or) the format of my novel isn't coming out right.
So spaces for the paragraphs aren't there....and I have to do some adjustments to the original format...which is gonna push back when I upload the chapters....
Please be patient with me, and if you DO like my work pls PM me

Here is "Errata"
Page 1 Paragraph 3 "Friends with Benefit" (Incidently,page=arc & parapraph=arc chapter)
Spoiler! :
Back in the classroom.
"I don't get it. Whats it matter whos name is first?"

"The one whos in front is the dominant one!" The two otakus say.

"Dominant in WHAT?!"

"....." The two of them look at me red faced.


"...Nevermind, the teachers here anyway."

....I swear I still don't remember those pigtails ever being in my class.

A few days later. Yeah the dreams still play in my head at night, think I'm chasingcriminals now... Nothing much happens in real life huh? *sigh* I KNOW it'll get more exciting soon okay, I hope...

"Hey Mitsuko-san? Who was that girl who came to your seat yesterday?" pigtails is asking me questions.(Still can't remember her,wazz hur name again?)

"Takeda? Shes my best friend, we went to the same junior high together. Have you seen Yua-chan?"

"Wait, Takeda? As in Track team 2nd year Takeda?" Ignored my question huh?

I nod. "Yea shes in Track, so wud?"

"Waddya mean 'wud'? Smart, stylish, reliable and talented. Shes the biggest Onee-chan figure in the school!!"

"Shes got THAT kind of image goin? Huh." I can only imagine her with choc'lates in hand.

"Uh yea, I do." Maeko says as she hangs a bag *sniff* choc'lates! in front of my face.
Just as I reach up for the bag, a pair of hands reach out and start fondling my boobs from behind me!! :oops:
"...Yup 2nd year material..." a voice behind me says. :wink:
As my mind recovers from the brief shock of being...groped :x ...I turn around and threw my fist towards the voice, only to have it stopped by a

"GORILLAAAAAA-gugh *cough* *cough*" I was in the process of lifting up my desk when Maeko threw a choc'late ball down my throat. Tasty but traumatic.

"Thats no way to address your senpai Aki." :)

"I've told you before we're th-"

"I'm not refering to me." She says as she gestures towards the gori-, scratch that, amazoness. She was dark skinned and (0_0) HUGE , taller than most of the guys in class. (Isn't it natural to mistake that kind of person for a gorilla? :P )

"Nah 'sokay, 'm used ta it. 'member me fom track Aki?"

"....I think I remember seeing a monkey doing shotputt....SCREW THAT!! WHY THE HELL WERE YOU GROPING ME!!" :evil: I scream as I cover my chest.

"NUHAHAHA, you called me a monkey da firs' time ya saw me tu NUHAHAHA. I didn' bulieve it when Mae here tol' me you were a firs' year."


Maeko interrupts before I start throwing a tantrum "Just let it slide this once mkay. Trick shot."

"Huh? Trick wha-?" A choc'late ball flies up from behind Maeko(My eyes see all...chocolate), and before I realised it, I caught it mid-air in my mouth.

"Mae thats mean!! *gulp* Your keepin teh choc'late to yourself!!"

"S-She really is friends with Takeda-san." Is what Haku was thinking as she saw the two upperclassmen approach. Till I screamed *ahem*Gorilla, Haku(Maeko fan apparently -_-) was frozen to the spot. Afterwhich she panicked and slipped out of the classroom.
"Who was that giant?"
It was then that she saw a friend being lead away by a pair of students.

"NUHAHAHA Ya really do like sweets huh? Den ur gonna love this, you know dat supa high-class...."

"Pâtisserie" Maeko filled in.

"cake shop tha' opened up in town? Da teams gonna go there ta celebrate sum'n, wanna come? It'll be on us."

"YES PUREASE GORI-SAMA!!" I've never been to that cake shop before, but I have seen shows talking about its cake. And where theres cake theres bound to be choc'late cakes right? CHOCOLATE FTW!! \(-_-)

Maeko: "Kay after school, at the gate. We got stuff to do now so see ya then. Oh and why don't you bring Yua along, it'll be good for her to get to know people."

The moment the two upperclassmen left, a girl with pigtails starts talking to me.

"Hey Aki, I think I just saw Yua talking to the student council...." Me sa givin her a 'hua u' look.

"You forgot me again huh?" QQ

Crazy girl aside, I wonder whats the student council want with Yua. Wait, this school has a student council?

Well, turns out it was nothing serious. Yua returned in the middle of the first lesson. She said they just sort of asked if shes adjusted to the school and about her daily life. Aside from that they argued among themselves apparently(THATS our student coucil? -_-")
Well forget that! On to the choc'late cakes!!!
"Yua! Stop readin ur manga, today we're piggin out on cake!" :D

I had to rip the manga out of her hands, but she she came around eventually. I guess it was kinda awkward for her to join a group of complete strangers, but the ditz
still managed to make a few friends....I think.
I was too busy fantasizing about the cakes to actually pay attention to what the people around me.(Pretty sure I was being lead around by Maeko carrot-and-stick style,in my case choc-and-stick)
Some of the Track members did talk to me, though I can't remember ANY of them from my brief Track team stint. I just pretended to know them anyway. Maeko had to save me from embarassment a few times when I had to explicitly name a person.....though I still got the feeling they already knew about my memory problems.....

My suspicions were confirmed at the cafe when Gori-chan(My nickname for that Amazoness), asked me in a very discreet fashion-
"Do ya really not 'member ANY of us from those two weeks?"
-for everone to hear. One of them dropped their utensils in the stunning silence. ...ruined the cake for me. TT
With such a blunt accusation and the silence implying they already knew, lying now would just make it plain awkward. So I guess the actions I took were the best choice I guess. If someone else hadn't taken my choice from me that is.

Yua: "Yes! Its true she can't remember any of you." *stands* "But you shouldn't just ignore her just because she can't remember you, thats just wrong."

Yeah, the people around me usually do that, they never stay around long enough for their names to stick....

Y: "Shes a regular person like the rest of us, a person with feelings. And I am damned sure she doesn't want to be treated like shes wierd!"

Again with the wierd.

"...If you want to treat someone wierd then treat ME wierd. I will be her memory, even if SHE forgets, I WON'T."
Those mangas must have messed with her head. Because of her hero speech the guilty silence now spread throughout the whole cafe.
I think the gorilla was about to say something, but was cut off by the chair beside me being pushed back loudly, by Maeko. Standing up, she walks over to Gori-chan,
whispers something in her ear, then she makes her way to Yua and whispers to her.

Y: 0_0 "......." wonder what she said.

Giving the cheesiest smile you'll never see, Maeko puts her hand on Yua's shoulder and says in a funny man-ish voice, "I knew you'd make a great friend, but you'll never be good enough for my daughter!" while giving her a thumbs up.
Laughter broke out all around. (And I swear they were more...lively)
Maeko, holding an air-mike, then announces-
"Well then lets have the guests of honor sit at the center table so we can begin the, wait for it...NAMING CEREMONY!!"
Yua and I were then moved to the center. And by move I mean lifted, chair and all.
Maeko bringing her own chair over says, "Hey scootch over, you two are only VIPs #2 and #3, I'M #1." Still blur from the way things were playing out, I moved without objection.

From what I gathered, the party was intended to celebrate Maeko's winning gold at an inter-school Track meet as well as to welcome the new first years joining(me
included). Apparently the coach saw potential in me during my short stint in the 100m dash, and is..."waiting in excitement" for me to come back.(Feels more like he wants to sacrifice me to some cult)
The team had long since known about my phenomanal memory from Maeko, and were planning to let me skip the usual weirdness and let me give nicknames that I might actually remember. Hence Yua's interuption was completely unanticipated, and Maeko had to step in when nobody had the guts to make a move(I mean seriously, she was off on a tangent there, would YOU try to stop her?)
Yua was made VIP #3 to welcome her to school? No, I brought her remember? Maeko probably did it as a way of congradulation or thanks I think, for trying to stand up for me.
Great friends huh? Sometimes real life is better than dreaming. Sure wish it could've stayed that way longer.

Evening, in the Student Council room.
"Report your findings." A mysterious shadowed figure orders.

"Didn't see anything. The girls a regular otaku, totally normal." A girl, the council president declares.

"Hmph. You on the other hand, are a criminal. My dad told me you got arrested for breaking into her neighbours house." The vice-president accuses.

"What? I couldn't get a good view. And besides, they said it was fine the second time I went in. Anyway what'd YOU find then?"

"Idiot," The vice-president rubs his temples as he reports. "Nothing weird about the other one as well, talks an awful lot in her sleep though. Nothing more."

"Question the other one as well."

Just as the girl speaks-
"I still don't trust don't you." The young man announces, glaring coldly at the figure.

With rigid movements, the figure steps out from the shadows, revealing a pale expressionless face, a mannequine.
The voice emanating from the mannequine replies, "You just haven't seen the big picture Rook."
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

My poly semester is starting soon, in other words once I finish with this volume, it'll take awhile 4 me to finish the next
And please go ahead and give me pointers on how to improve if you want to
(no flaming here pls,just PM me all the flames if you hate it that much)

So enjoy(I hope you do that is...) while you can
Page 1 Paragraph 4 "Council"
Spoiler! :
I sit up wide awake. What time is it?! Shit, I'm late for class!!! Half an hour till homeroom starts, I can still make it!!!
I run out of the house at full speed, while brushing my hair, a slice of bread in my mouth and book bag under my arm. Fuu~ Up and ready in only ten minutes. How'd I
get so good at rushing to school? Experience. ;D

*trip* *crash*
AAAOOOOOWW!!! That hurt!!! Rubbing my scraped knees, I sit up and looking for whatI tripped on. O_O Th-Theres a g-guy there, sprawled out on the ground. Then I notice the gleaming object in his hand, a knife. UUUU~ This is bad news, lets leave before anyone sees me here.
Before I have the time to pick myself up, *chk* 0_0 another knife plants itself in the ground to my side. I look up in time to see a huge man being thrown (judo?)by a boy
half his size. As he hits the ground, a hard crunch is heard.
The boy(I think hes about my age) whips out his cellphone.

"Hey dad, those thugs that've been bothering the neighbourhood? think I just got them. And I roughed them up a bit so send a medic or something. ... I know, self-defence as usual." He tells whoevers on the other end his location and hangs up. Who is this kid?

He ignores me, dragging the two men over to a nearby lamppost and handcuffs them to it(in a weird way too. He cuffed their hands to the each others leg). He turns and
walks over to me. And I know this is kinda late to notice now but, HE LOOKS PISSED!X.X"
I close my eyes, putting up my arms in self-defence(Like that'll help, but what else can I do).

"Here. For your leg." Something drops onto my head.

A hankerchief? Leg? Oh its bleeding.
He suddenly squats down, bringing his eye level down to mine and says: "You didn't see anything, got it." His eyes, I think I see Death!
OxO I quickly nod, afraid of the consequences. Once he got my nod, he immediately stands up and walked away casually. Stopping some distance away and he turns.

"Hey! Isn't today the schools founding day?"

Now that he mentions it, I think it is....I totally forgot about it, theres no school today. *facepalm*
...how'd he know? I look to him to ask...hes gone. Was he a student at my school?

The next day, lunch break on the roof with Maeko and Yua.
Mmmm~ -_- "Regular choc'late doesn't cut it for me anymore." I say as I eat my regular lunch.

"Hey, Yua wanna go to that cake shop we went the day before?"

o.o? "We've never been to a cake shop together before." She says looking up from her manga with a puzzled look.

"Heh? Maybe she wants to forget that embarassing Hero speech she made for you." Maeko says elbowing me lightly, hotdog in hand.

"I'm serious," she says closing her manga "I don't remember ever going to a cake shop with you."

Aki: "I'm supposed to be the forgetful one here!" D:< (And how could you forget your speech?! As stupid as it was I still liked it.) I didn't say it but it kinda hurt
when she said she didn't remember...

Maeko: "Getting proud of that are we?" e_e' Turns to Yua "Well maybe a trip there will jog your memory."

Yua: "Today? mmmm I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I promised my friend that i'd help her with her doujin script via chat today. Can't we go some other time?"
A: "NOOOOO! I want it TODAY!" DX Choc'late Priority!!
M: "Then go by yourself!"
A: "Come on, it's no fun going alone. And besides I can't remember the way there."
Y&M: e_e"
M: *sigh* "Fine fine I'll bring you there later kay."
Y: "If SHE wants their cake that badly the cake must be good...."
A: "Tell ya what, I'll bring some for you t'morrow kay." (Then I'll accidentally
eat it in my sleep d(^^)b , or maybe I'll say I forgot it was for her...)
M: "Kay then same thing, school gate after school alright."
YES! All according to plan. MUHAHAHAHA!!

On to class~
OKAY, now lets skip all of that boring stuff shall we? (Don'cha just wish life had a fast forward button as well?) Besides, I couldn't take my mind off the delicious
choc'late cakes. (cake cake cake cake ehehe*drools*)
*school chime*

"Okay donch forget to do jur humwark krass"

Hope she 'donch' mind,(HATE that accent) I couldn't wait so I rushed out of class the moment class was dismissed. Argh, still have to wait for Maeko.(You'd think i'd
remember the way to a source of choc'late right?)
Eh? Shes already there...isn't her class on the top floor? How'd she get down so fast? Hmmm? Her expressions changed and shes now pointing...behind me?

"oy" *pant* "stop" *pant* *pant* A pineapples with legs was chasing me?(I really am going crazy...)

The pineapple regains composure and stands up.(Oh, its a girl,her ponytail looks like a pineapple though...) "I need to talk to you."

"T'morrow kay." I say as I pull Maeko away. But before I can get even 10m away-
A tree ahead of us is struck by lightning, small crimson flames flickering to life.

"I think it'll be safer indoors for now yes?" :) The girl behind us says, her smile...unsettling. The chill down my spine says its best to do as she says.

"Why do we gotta follow you? Can't we just talk near the entrance?"
"....." Shes just ignoring me! And Maekos just going along with this?! Maeko noticing my...displeasure in all this, then gestures behind us.
Huh? Turning behin... O_O
I face forward immediately. I SAW DEATH AGAIN!!!! Th-The guy from yesterday w-whys HE following us?! Hes tailing us some distance away, I hope hes simply going the same way as us. (fat chance! its after school, everyone should be gone TT)
"Ow! Hey~" Whoops, I stepped on her heel. The girl notices our pale faces and the guy following us. *sigh* Maybe now she'll speed up and get us away from that serial
killer.(What else can I describe him as?!)
"OOoo~h" Huh? O_o Whats with that smile?...
The girl sniggers and-
"Shi Shi", shoos him away like a pest.
The guy behind, veins popping from his temple, shakes his fist pissed beyond reason.(thats a clear understatement trust me)
"Relax we're already here. Get in." The girl says holding the door open. The sign above says 'Student Council'... I feel cold. QQ
The guy behind(WHEN DID HE GET SO CLOSE?!) follows up, "Well?".
I'm doomed. QQ (The ca~ke noooooooo~ \(TAT)/ )

"Oh you can stay outside. Don't worry it'll be quick." What'll be quick?! Why can't Mae come in? Their gonna kill me aren't they!?! X_X
With that I was pushed, scratch that, threatened into the room and seated in the
center of a U-shaped arrangement of tables.
"Cage, lights." Did she say what I think she said?
With a "Tch" somewhere behind me, the lights went out. TT

"So? Hows school?" The pineapple girl's smiling face is illuminated eerily, interrogation room style at the table in front of me. The dark weather visible through
the windows behind her and sound of thunder outside don't match her cheery tone at all...(I think it makes it all the more scarier T.T)

"O-Okay." I feel eyes, boring into the back of my head.

"The homework okay?" Shes starting to relax, sitting back into her chair, putting her feet on the table.

"Yes maam."

She looks out the window, "What about after school? Go anywhere nice lately?" (Don't look away TT It feels like your trying to avoid watching the kill scene...)

"C-Cake shop."

"How was it?"


The girl sits forward slowly, interlacing her fingers like one would do when thinking or hiding their mouth.
With a stare that feels like it could slit my throut, she asks,

"Read any good books lately?" The sound of thunder rolls in the distance.

*gulp* I swear shes scarier than the psycho behind me. QQ It feels like shes got her hands around my throat, wringing.
All I dare do is shake my head.
The questions stop coming and she simply stares. straight. at. me.

"..............." My heartbeat, I sweart its loud enough for her to hear.(I think the beats are becoming irregular...)

"Go." The suddenly lights come on.
And I run for my life, grabbing a surprised Maeko by the collar on the way out.
TT I don't ever wanna go there again. TT

"HiiHii That was so~ much fun." The pineapple girl says as she laughs, hammering the table. "Didju see her face? HAHAHA~" XD


"Ho~? YOUR ever terrifying mug did most of it."

-_-# *grinds teeth* "I swear I'll end up KIlling you one ov these days."

The girl ignores his death threat and swings around her swivel chair. "Shoo, my shows gonna start soon."

*pachi* The windows behind her suddenly change from stormy weather to the opening theme of 'Detective **nan'.

"What the! WHEN THE poke DIJU GET THAT IN 'ERE?"

"Awesome huh? Its like your watching the real thing! And in WIDE screen! Haha~", the girl shrieks in excitement.

The boy leaves the room with a- *BANG* -and the girl continues her show. Slowly, the smile on her face fades.

"You were listening the whole time weren't you?" The girls says.
"Still not gonna tell us?"
".....You did something unnecessary."
The girl goes silent.

At the cake shop.(or Pâtisserie sheesh XP)
'After you've faced a life or death situation, you learn to savour everything~ ' I think as I slurp down my vanilla milk shake. TAT

Maeko: "Was it really that scary in there?"

Aki: "You didn't feel any demonic energy or evil aura?!"

M:-_-" "They can't be THAT bad."
A: *slurp* "How the hell would you know? You weren't ther-"
M: "They got on the Council LAST YEAR." e_e
A: "O~h." (Eheh I forgot)
M: "That, and the fact that the President tried to coach the Track team."
A: "Which demon coaching?"
M: "I suggest you don't call HER a demon." (I thought the dude was the Prez srsly)
"Kamimori Nariko a.k.a. the Kaminari Princess, thinks herself as, how should I put it...divine."
A: -_-" (You can't be serious...inflated ego much) "Whats with the nickname?"
M: "See anyone who goes against her, gets struck by lightning." A chill goes down my spine as I recall the lightning eariler.
M: "Its just a rumor. Anyway, she wanted the team to study WHILE we train, as in with books in hand." My jaw dropped at that one.
A: "Who the hell could do that?! And why the hell'd she make you do that in the first place?!"
M: "Cuz SOMEBODY was failing tests." *stare*
A: (Hey pudding! They have pudding here. :) )
M: "Once she found out the FAILURE wasn't there she gave up." That failure comment
almost got to me.
A: "Oh oh, the cakes here! Cakes here!" XD
M: "Don't you wanna hear about theses guys?"
A: "Hell NO! The dreams I get are enough thank you very much!" Om nom nom~<3
M: "Aww come on. The readers won't know otherwise." ;D(Author: Breaking the 4th wall like a boss. AWWW YEAH)
A: "Hmm? Ju shay shum'in?"
Author: "Maybe we can just put his info in the omake?"
M: "But that'd be just plain mean. And being introduced in an omake is NEVER a
good thing for us characters."
Author: "But the dialogues gone for quite abit already. Any more and the readers'll get
bored, no, irritated."
M: "Sometimes you gotta favor the characters over the readers."
Author: "You know what, I have a better idea. I'll just push it to the next chapter."
M: "Mmmmm~ Good idea, leave 'em hanging. Always leave em wanting more."
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

This chapters a bit of a mess cause of the spacings I used in the original.....I SWEAR it looks better and less confusing with the spaces in the original format
no use bitching I guess.
I'm gonna hafta start on the illustrations soon....unless theres an artist here who likes my work and wants to help, I'll have to take time after finishing the volume to draw out some scenes and characters....

Heres "Errata"
Page 1 Paragraph 5 "GOing insaNE"
Spoiler! :
Maeko shows me a peace sign, "Masanori Keiji, in two words. Guard Dog."

"Hee~ So thats his name, Keiji..." (Oh so I just misheard her, when she said 'Cage' I thought they were gonna put me in one.)

"Yea and guard dog applies to him in more ways than you think. Hes completely anal about rules and his dads a cop."

(Ho~ Thats explains that morning incident)! "Which reminds me.." I say as I take out his hankerchief. O_O
"This is...his." QQ "What do I do with it?!" TAT

"Rest in peace."


"Oh relax, just stuff it in his locker."

I breath a sigh of relief, "Thank god I don't have to see him."

"He doesn't look that bad. Kinda cute actually..." Maeko says as she rests her head on her hand.

o_O "Your funeral."

"ugh, I just think theres....something more to him." Yea, a bloody knife and muddy shovel. Meh whatever, I've got cake to attend to~.

"Don't forget we gotta get some for Yua too." Oh yea ;3

"I'll be the one to bring it. I know what goes through your head." >:)


"Stop making that face, I'll get you take-away alright." HiiHi According to plan. >:3

That night....

A circle filled with symbols....then...

"I don't remember ever going to a cake shop with you."


"Read any good books lately?"


how could you forget your speech?! As stupid as it was I still liked it.


"I'll be the one to bring it. I know what goes through your head."


"Relax we're already here. Get in."


I gasp awake, coughing. *Snrk* Guh, nose is stuffed. Half awake. walking along the walls.
*click* Ugh, dam ligh
Theres a gurl lookin thru da windo, her eyes red from cryin. ztill cryin. Her snotz drippin dow. Cry else whr Mikuru.... Hungry.
Fridge. Hmmhm, cake. Where'd it come from?
..... cake is cake in ma stomach.
Blegh. tastes worse the more I eat. So Salty. Duzbin.
Bed. ZZzzzzz

Feel like trash. I look at my clock, not late for school, not that early either. *sigh* Wadevur, lets go. Passing the kitchen, I notice the cake in the trash and recall the taste. Blaegh.

Arrived in class just in time for homeroom. The teacher's droning lectures, as boring as ever....
*school chime*
Finally. Lunch.
"....ki...ey AKI!" Huh? Oh, Yua was calling me, guess I was still out of it. Feel so....empty....today.
Yua: "Well?" She asks frustrated.
Aki: "Well what?"
Y: "Wheres my cake?" [dustbin]
A: "What cake?" No, that was mine.
Mae: "Haha, too bad Yua, she probably ate it. Never trust her with sweets." [She has it]
A: "You brought it home didn't you?" [Thats right, she did]
M: "What are you talking about?" [She forgot as well]
Their voices start becoming distant. as well?
[Yua forgot the speech she made for me as well] My chest hurt from that.
Speech? [At the cake shop]
When was I at a cake shop? [The celebration]
No, some other time. [Yesterday] Now my head feels like its splitting
Yesterday? [What was I doing yesterday?]
They forgot as well
[Whys everyone forgetting] THEY did it
They made everybody forget [Everyone who met them forgot]
[The demons] That 'Princess'
[The 'Dog'] They did it
They erased their memories [They erased MY memories]
They're erasing my memories. [Precious memories] it hurts
...of my friends... [...of ME...] My chest hurts so bad

I wake up in a cold sweat. Breathing heavily. Looking around, i'm in the infirmary.
How'd I get here? mgh My heads killing me.
I can't rest here.
Not while they're around. I've gotta find them.
Yeah thats right. They're the cause of all this.
The pain in my chest and the loss of everyones memories of me.

Slamming open all the classrooms in the 3rd year building, I search for the student
council. The fourth classroom, one of them had better be here, the teachers are coming.
I slam open the back door and- Hes right there! The table closest to me. Those
fierce eyes, piercing.
Rather than back down, I glare right back and appro...? Why do I feel so heavy?
When did breathing get so hard? Ignoring it all, I approach him, grabbing him by the
But before I even get a word out, everything starts swirling and swimming and
eventually goes black...

The infirmary again. So tired...

"What do want?" Sounds annoyed. I turn my head- No, h-hes here! I-I have to stop h-

"Your in no condition to move. Just lie back down and tell me what you want."

Ignoring his words, I try get up, only to fall off the bed. *step* *step* Face down
I can only hear his footsteps. I can't- won't let him erase me... I try to force my
body up.
Eh? I can get up? No, somethings pulling my collar... WOAH!! I'm pulled roughly
back onto the bed.

"Lie still." He says in a soft threatening tone. O_O

He turns his back to me, walking over to the sink. *squeak* *shhhhh*

"What do you want that you gotta kill yourself over?"

"....shouldn't you be glad that i'm killing myself?"

Still washing his hands, he turns his head, "HAH?"

He turns off the faucet and walks over to me. "....you know I've been getting that
for a really long time....DO I LOOK LIKE A FRICKIN' GANGSTER TO YOU HUH?!"

"...then why..."



"What are you babblin-"

"You erased our memories DIDN'T YOU!"

"I have no idea wha-"


".....stop crying." Crying? I'm crying...

*door opening* All the way from the door, he looks straight at me and says,

"Whatever it is, it wasn't me." and he leaves. "But I do have a hunch who did do it."

That look of his as he left, cause of the tears I couldn't see clearly but,it
wasn't fierce or scary...it was more like...cool determination.
'Can I trust him?' Are the last thoughts that surface as I fall back onto the
pillow, tired and exhausted....
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

No comments from any1? I would still like some opinion....
Wish I had more time to write....or at least improve

Page 1 Paragraph 6 "Whos the bad guy?"
Spoiler! :
.....I wake up.
Its night time...same day I hope.
I'm in my bedroom? Oh yeah, Maeko and my friends helped me home. Heh, Gorilla had to carry me the whole way cause Yua didn't like the idea of boys touching me...
I don't want to forget them. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. I don't want to be forgotten...
Ironic coming from the one whos always forgetting.
I want to remember.
As I lie in bed I recall, "Whatever it is, it wasn't me.", That determined silhouette of Keiji said that. Heh, sounded straight out of a drama where the hero goes to the final fight without telling anyone.
Is he helping me?

Did I fall asleep?...
I'm drifting again...again? Something like this happened last night... Yeah it did.
Next comes that magic circle...
A circle just like the last time starts to take shape. Right on cue. Was this the thing thats erasing memories?
Like a movie, I can only watch as memories, sounds, images and thoughts of my already short day begin to appear and seem to shatter right before my eyes.
What more do they want to erase.....watching the process happen only makes my chest hurt more.
But something feels different this time round, the pain feels dulled. Then I notice a small light far behind the circle, a rectangle of sorts? A panel?
The shattered fragments of my memories are going to it...and seem to...bounce right off it, good as new...
Before the process finishes(or be described properly for that matter), i'm pulled out of the dream-like state, and back into reality.

I'm sitting straight up in my bed, wide awake. Light peeping through the curtains of my window.
I can still recall that circle as though it happened seconds ago. Does that mean the memory wipe failed? The thought of that only fills me with short lived glee-
How can I be so sure it failed?! For all I know I might be forgetting something but haven't realised it! *sigh*
Whatever the case, I feel WAY better than I did the day before. Seriously, it feels like yesterday never happened! Wait, it WAS yesterday right? How long have I been asleep?
Sitting on the side of my bed, I reach for my handphone on the bedside table to check the date.... TT I slept through the weekend, its MONDAAAAAAY! DX !! Or did I forget the weekend?.... oTL This is going nowhere...

"I know my presence is magnificent and all but, nobodies ever kneeled before me before."

!! That voice, its the evil pineapple girl! At the opposite end of my room, sitting right there on my windowsill dressed in the school uniform, Kamimori Nariko!
Jumping into an action/self-defence pose(I'm sorry, its a bluff, I know nothing about proper fighting styles at all TAT) I shout, "I won't let you!" If it wasn't the Vice-prez who erased my memories, it could only be the President herself!
Hopping off the windowsill she says, "Relax-"

"Like hell I will!" Cutting her off I lunge straight at her in hopes of pushing her out the window (This is self-preservation! I can't just let her do me in!)

But just before I can lay a finger on her, she sidesteps me, clearing a path STRAIGHT OUT MY SECOND STOREY WINDOW!!
*BONg* She closed the window as she sidestepped me....I don't know if I should hate her or be thankful, but FAAAH-CK THAT HURT!!!! DX

"I'm here to check on your wellbeing you know, not make make it worse." She says in a matter of fact tone as she looks down on me. Shes got a soft smile on her face...

"If you have the energy to run and jump hurry up and get dressed for school. We have matters to discuss you and I." As if that wasn't confusing enough, she climbs out the window and walks over to the neighbouring window.
Wait walks?! What the poke? O_O Theres a ladder bridging the two houses! Theres a suspicious mafia looking buff dude holding it steady on the other end!!

"Quit gawking and get dressed!!" D:< She shouts across as the buff dudes slide the ladder back in.

As I get ready for school, I can only think THIS ISN'T HOW A NORMAL TEENAGE LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE!!! The weird dreams at night were bad enough, I don't need to be worrying about whether I'll be killed or have my memories erased!!
!! What about mom? Is she okay? I race to her room. Its empty! As I fly down the stairs, I hear-


-my mom's signature snore coming from the living room... -_-
God! I can't believe I was worried about her!(Daddy lives away so I don't care XP)
Rummaging through the storage room I take out- da daDAAAH -a golf club. If she wants a talk, I'll give her a good talk. C:<
At the door...This is it do or die.
Get ready...Now!
I turn the door knob quickly pulling the door open and jumping aside(in case theres a hailstorm of bullets waiting duh)
Instead, Nariko is standing right there with a >:| look. Rolling her eyes she leans forward and says,

"Greeting earthling, I mean you no harm and have no intent to invade..." in a monotone robot voice.

Noticing the golf club she continues, "and put away that driver or 'beefcake' here WILL mean you harm.", slapping the chest of what seems to be- 0:
A giant.big daddy.gorilla. (I had to bend down a bit to see his head through the doorway...)
I drop the club as she says.
Turning her back to me, "Lets go.", and walks towards the front gate where a black car with tinted windows I assume to be hers is parked. All the way from there she shouts, "Get in."
You can't be serious.

"I'm no-"

"Well?" This feels so familiar.

In the stationary car.
Other than the giant in the front passenger seat, its just the two of us, Nariko and me, side by side in the back seat. Nariko just sits there quietly not even looking in my direction, but out the window on her side.

"Lets get straight to the point." !! The atmosphere is tense and stifling. She noticed me jump a bit.

"...were your memories really erased?"
?? It wasn't her either?

"ANSWER ME!!" Her hand squeezes down on her crossed arm.

Squeezing my knees, I muster the courage to speak.
"My friends don't remember going to a cake shop with me."

"And why is it that YOU remember?"
Why IS IT that I remember? Oh, the cake.

"I had cake from the shop as a midnight snack after my memories were erased...I think."

"Think?" !! She sounded furious on that one...

"I don't know when my memories were erased...probably when I was asleep...l-last night too."

"Last night?"

"I saw the same circle as the first time."

".....what proof do you have?" I don't have any....

Kicking the chair in front of her where the giant is sitting, she screams, "THE CAKE!" The giant gets out and enters my house.(Didn't I lock that...O_O)
Reappearing, the giant goes around to the window on Nariko's side. The window winds down and he says, "A cake box in the dustbin, along with this", handing her a crumpled piece of paper. A receipt?
Nariko looks at the paper, crushes it and throws it past the giant, who then returns to his seat in front.

"....I know who did it." Her voice...is she...crying?
Turning her head slightly, she speaks, "He was the one who taught me to control-"
She shows me her open right palm, "-this."
Sparks. ...This...can't be real...
Bright blue arcs of electricity are dancing slowly across her palm.
Across and between her fingers, the electricity arcs all over her palm like it was some sort of circuitboard. Faster and faster, the electricity begins to jump more violently and with shorter pauses. The crackling sound from it all begins to fill the car.
Thunder begins to roll in the skies above, but the sparks on her palm warrant more attention. The sparks get more violent, arcing to various metal objects in the car. The seat belt. The cigerette lighter. The light. The door lock. And just as it seems most dangerous, she suddenly closes her palm stopping it all. A flash and long second later-


The loudest fastest thunderclap I've ever heard in my life deafens the area, causing birds to fly up from various areas around. (Not to mention it made my heart skip a beat)
Shocked beyond reason I dare not speak. (No pun intended I swear)
A crushing stillness fills the now silent car.

"If neither me nor Keiji call you tomorrow morning," She taps the giant's shoulder, and he hands me a card with only a phone number on it. "then and only then can you call that number...and run."

"You never saw me here." Spy shit huh? With that she drove away, in what I noticed was the opposite direction of school.(It is a school day right?)
She wouldn't even tell me who the perpetrator was. And she tells me to pretend like the second wipe worked? I don't even know how much the second wipe was supposed to
Its for everyones safety right?
Its only for a day, and its not like I haven't forgotten things on purpose before. (say a really bad date with a pushy weirdo.)
Plus...that power of hers...its not human. She really is a demon in terms of both power AND money. (I assume shes rich from that...chauffeur) Shes even setting it up such that if she fails I can disappear safely....
Wasn't that what I was trying to avoid this whole entire time?
Was she the one pulling the strings all along? Since she couldn't deal with me directly, is this her going the round about way?
But why would she wait till tomorrow to get rid of me? Maybe she really is trying to help me. Or maybe the wait is a ploy to make me trust her... No, that moment when she said she knew who did it...it sounded like she wanted to cry...
But if shes genuinely trying to......
AAAAHHHHHHH~ This is so confusing!!!!
Take a deep breath HAAA~ Breath out Huuuuu~
A-1 Shes actually a good guy and she manages to solve everything(Best scenario)
A-2 Shes a good guy, but fails. I can still get away...but what about my friends?

B-1 Shes actually the bad guy, I call the number and she gets rid of me(worst scenario)
B-2 Shes the bad guy...and what? Still gets rid of me. -_- Oh yea, I can NOT call...and
she still knows where I live,so I gotta disappear anyways...

OKAY slash B-1 and 2

A-1 Shes actually a good guy and she manages to solve everything(Best scenario)
A-2 Shes a good guy, but fails. I can still get away...but what about my friends?


I can't decide....
Bwaaah!! Somethings pulling me by the hand!
"Hurry up or you'll be late!!" Yua says as she pulls me along.
Eh? I'm at the school gate?! Did I walk here out of habit?!(Thats why i hate school)
Whatever the case may be, whether I should trust Nariko or not...I have until tomorrow morning to decide what to do...
Hnnnn~ I want Maeko's choc'lates like the old days... T^T
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

*sigh* No comments from the few readers I have? :(
Nothing constructive? Then could you at least try to get other people reading? Much appreciated
If only I had more time....I'd at least be able to begin drawing the illustrations....

I hope whoevers reading this likes my work....still wondering how in the world im gonna get it serialized...then again, I'd rather have a few volumes written out before that. This is still the first volume, and if you've kept with the chapters, you'd be able to tell its nearing the climax of the arc.
Well enough of my lonely monologue......

Page 1 Paragraph 7 "Can't Run Away..."
Spoiler! :
So now i'm stuck in school...middle of class....
And I still don't know what to believe. Pretty sure I could've stayed at home, pretend to still be sick. That way I'd be able to think about this mess in peace. Ugh, this is so depressing.
Can I trust her? That Nariko girl...
And even if I do, can she really help me? She did say that the one who erased my memories was the one who taught her...that.
That...power...it was something right out of my dreams. I thought it was cool in the dreams, but in real life...it was...even more terrifying. The one who TAUGHT HER that, shes gonna stop a person who taught her THAT?
How in the world is she gonna do it?
The more I think about it the more hopeless I feel. She could never stop someone potentially scarier than her.
Maybe it WOULD be best to just disappear...But what about my friends and family?
They can run with me right? ...right?
So it all comes down to me disappearing huh?
Leaving behind everything I want to keep?
All my friends and family, I may not remember much cause i'm so forgetful...but thats EXACTLY why I don't want to leave!! THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!! THATS EXACTLY WHY THEY'RE PRECIOUS!!!
Resting my head on my desk, I hide my tears with crossed arms...

"...Aki...Aki..." mmmmmm~

"Wake up Aki...." ...huh? Oh...I fell asleep. Yua shook me awake.

"Its lunch time. Lets go eat kay?"

As we walk in silence to our usual rooftop spot, Yua asks, "You look terrible Aki, should you be coming to school?" Huh? Oh yea...play dumb right? Forget on purpose...

"Yea, i'm fine."


Just as we sit down on the bench Maeko arrives, "Yo Aki~ You feeling better?"

"I'm good."

"...." She doesn't look convinced...

"...why'd you go to the 3rd year building that time? Did you fall in love with the Guard Dog or something?", She says, trying to tease a reaction out of me.

"....hell no." Thats not even funny.
Maeko looks at Yua, who just shrugs and shakes her head.
"....." I can't bear to look them in the face.

"I'm gonna stop beating round the bush now okay. Whats wrong?"
I bite my lip.

"Look we're your friends and we love you okay. Whatever it is, you can tell us."
The taste of blood spreads slowly in my mouth.

"Please?" Yuas gonna pry too? How am I supposed to play dumb like this? I don't want to lie to them.

"This is exactly what happened before you passed out the last time you know. If your not gonna tell us whats going on then i'll knock you out myself." Maekos eyes are tearing up....
A: "I'll be leaving this school alright..." why do they have to care so much...
Y: "WHAT?! W-Why?! When?!" why do they gotta care so friggin much?
M: Her mouth flounders for the right words. "....Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"...." Stop it....
Maeko grabs both mine and Yua's hands and pulls us both up. "Then we've got no time to waste, lets go!", she says while smiling. A fake but brilliant smile...for me...
...I can't stand it.
I pull my hand out of her grip and scream, scream from the hurting pit of my heart,



Something hit my forehead....
The object falls onto the floor, rolling away.
A ball of chocolate.

"WHERES MY BEST FRIEND THAT ONLY CARED ABOUT CHOC'LATE?! The stupid girl that would've caught that by reflex. SHE would've totally forgotten about leaving and would've spent the day in idiotic bliss with her friends!"

Her hand tightens around the paper bag of chocolates. Turning her back to us, she
walks back to the staircase.
At the landing, she looks back over her shoulder and shouts, "THAT idiot would never run away, she'd run forward blindly. AND YOUR NOT THAT IDIOT."

After saying her piece, Maeko descends the stairs out of sight.
Me? I can only grit my teeth and curse my circumstances. Retaking my place on the bench, I bury my face in my hands.
The sprinkler system turns on and soaks the ground.
Yua's hand hovers, her mouth slightly agape, not knowing what to say or do.
Eventually she settles down and finally speaks,

"I'm not leaving.... Your side that is....or your heart. :? *sigh* cheesy again..." :)
And we stayed there on the bench until lunch break ended.

I got Yua to tell the teachers that I wasn't feeling well and headed to the infirmary. In the end I just couldn't face my friends...
I lay down on the bed for the 'whatever'th time. Its starting to become my home away from home here. I shuddered at that thought.
To tell you the truth, I seriously didn't feel well. My mind is a total mess at the moment trying to figure out what to do. The fact that I haven't eaten at all but felt like hurling didn't help either.
Maybe what Maeko said was right. Maybe I should just run forward blindly. Heck it sounds a lot more fun than thinking my brain to mush. But run forward where?
I don't even know why my lifes in danger...but...whatever it takes, I don't want to leave or disappear. You saw how much they cared about me...I CAN'T leave.
With that in mind, I hop off the bed, and make my way to the 3rd year building intent on striking a deal with the devil. With Kamimori Nariko, the person who could potentially be the one trying to get rid of me...or she could truly be my one and only hope of getting out of this mess.....
Either way doesn't seem to look too good for me huh? Heres hoping for the best....

Instead of storming the 3rd year building like I did last time, (Can't believe I did that, really wasn't feeling like myself that time) I peeped into the first classroom and asked which class the Council President's was in. (All I had to say was that I was doing something for a teacher)
With her class info in hand(or head or wadever. I found out where her class was okay), I headed to her class.
Okay, deep breath. ...I can't believe i'm doing this.(beyond desperation here)
Lets hope she doesn't try to kill me on sight.
With my trembling hand, I slide open the door. All the eyes and attention is immediately turned onto me...(damn some of these 3rd years look like real rebels, and the rest of em staring don't help either)

"Umm I'm here for Kamimori Nariko-"

Nariko stands up from her seat, "Sensei if you'll excuse me."

"...Make it quick." From his tone to the way he turned back to the board, I get the feeling the teacher doesn't like her very much.

Once she shut the door, "We should't be-"

"I still don't trust you." My voice was slightly shaky, but she went silent from that.
The tense atmosphere between us *guuuuuUUUuuuuuuRrrr* is interupted by my stomach.(I haven't even eaten breakfast whaddya expect?!)
Aki: "Lets discuss this in the canteen."
Nariko: :| "Lets."

In the canteen.
While I slurped up my noodles(she looked at the way I ate like I was...idk snorting the noodles?), Nariko continues our conversation.

"We shouldn't be seen togethe-"

"Like I said, I still don't trust you. For all I know, you could be the one behind all this."

:| "You're awfully friendly with someone who you think could kill you, eating in front of them. But I honestly AM trying to help you."

Ignoring her I start negotiating, "I'm here to strike a deal with you. Just let me stay....if you leave me and my friends alone...I'll do anything you want...."
She stares back at me blankly.(slightly irritated I think...)

"First of all, you suck at making deals. You have nothing over me nor do I need your services. If I WAS the one after you, I would have dealt with you earlier this morning while you slept."
That last thing she said...gave me the same chill as the first time we met, that I should do as she said, to believe her....

"....so you're really not the one after me?" So theres no ending this quickly...

"You know it kinda hurts that one of the fellow students that i'm trying to protect doesn't even trust me." Her expression was...well, she still looked stuck up a bit but she looked like I actually did hurt her feelings.

"Is that all?" She asks, before standing up and-

"Wait!" Wait what? What can 'I' do?
Stopping in her tracks, she turns back around, expecting me to say something.

".....I-I want to help....somehow...anyhow...please..."

She walks back up to me and looks me in the eye, and in a soft voice,
"You're better off staying out of this as much as possible. You'll just be in the way if you do anything else."

"....." So all I can do is just wait? ...so much for running forward...
She shakes her head and walks away.

So my hopes of ending this nightmare early were dashed...all I can do is just wait huh? For somebody else to save me... I still want, NO! NEED to a least tknow whos the asshole trying to screw my life over. I have to know why...I...had to be the one...
Even if I can't control my own fate(makes me feel so...pathetic), at least let me know whos forcing my life down this road to hell.
I may not be able to run forward like I want to, but I sure as hell can follow her from the shadows. Plus, I want to know how in the world shes gonna deal with a supernatural criminal.(Now kids, I know what you're thinking. Violence should only be used as a last resort. You don't rule the world by killing everyone, you rule the world by making everyone worship you(not by force) and making them grovel at your feet.)
So I sneak up onto the roof top, making sure I don't run into any teachers. From the 1st and 2nd year building roof I have a clear view of Nariko's classroom. This way I can watch her every move, and find out who the culprit is! (I mean she could snuff em out anytime right?)
Shes such a nerd...shes actually taking notes...ALL SHES DOING IS TAKING NOTES!!!
GAWD This is boring! Oh! I know, how 'bout I scout out the cute 3rd years eheh~<3
I mean all the cute guys ALWAYS sit near the window right?
They.are.all. GIRLS!!! Either that or just rejects!
How the hells that possible?!
Aki: "Hey AUTHOR! Why the hell aren't there any cute guys by the window?" DX
Author: "Cause the HANDSOME guys sitting by the window are usually main characters."
Aki: "SO?!"
Author: "All the main characters of other stories sit at the window, I thought it would be refre-"
Aki: "Speaking of main characters..."
Author: "....What?"
Aki: "When am I getting my power?" ^^
Author: "Not this chapter."
Aki: "Aw come on!! Nariko already got to show off!! Just lemme go Bankai!! or Sage mode on the bad guys ass!!"
Author: "Your NOT a ninja nor are you DEAD!"
Aki: "Come on!! I'm sick of being the powerless wimp!!"
Author: "And you know I was thinking maybe you could stay powerless till the last chapter..."
Author: *rolls eyes* "Should you even be talking to me?"
Aki: "How else am I supposed to waste time?! There is NUH-THING to do."
Author: "Other people SKIPPING CLASS like you will only hear your voice. In other words your talking to yourself."
Aki: "Then help me out here!"
Aki: "Oh! Oh! Thanks for the fast forward. Saved my ass from boredom there." XD

OKAY, back to being serious.
Lets see where she goes from here...the student council room. HEH?! The curtains just closed!(in the room, not the chap...nvm) I can't see anything like this. Guess I've gotta get up close somehow....
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Re: Original LN: "Errata"

Post by Pseudo-fella »

Ha~ Really no time to continue writing, assignments coming in....
At least this is the last chapter of the volume.
Much more to come....

Page 1 Paragraph 8 "Is it over?"
Spoiler! :
I've somehow managed to get into the room neighbouring the Student Council room, the Science lab, without being seen by anyone.
Hers the plan. The only way to get to the StudCo room(lets keep it short shall we) is by walking past the Science Lab. So all I have to do is wait for someone to walk past and see if they walk into the StudCo.
Getting this close...makes me jittery. Do I seriously have to see whos' doing this? I mean getting this close to the culprit is dangerous isn't it? If he sees me i'm dead for sure. But now that I AM this close theres no turning back now is there? I'm dead if he sees me leaving.
Still waiting at a standstill, unable to do anything. I can't stand this.

Inside the StudCo room.
Nariko is doing her homework while watching the giant flatscreen covering the windows. Distracting for some people, but Nairko is not 'some people'. The TV shows are like soft background music to the soon to be valedictorian of her year.
What a Mikuru huh? Shes got money, smarts, athletic to some extent, and is quite good looking. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She lords over people like a princess, thinking she was superior.
But thats just what people think.
On the contrary, its because she sees everyone as equal to HER that she seems to act superior. Which is why she tried to force the track team to train while running. Meaning she CAN study while running.(stupendously and ridiculously)
Soon after she finishes her homework, Keiji enters the room.

"What took you so long?"

"Head-hunting.", he replies curtly.



"Don't know who do you? Thats just like you doing stuff on your own."

"Like you would know."
A smile spread across her face upon hearing that.

In this case, she DOES know. Keiji told her himself. That day Aki stumbled into his classroom, he told Nariko what he was going to do in hopes of her helping put away the criminal.
She refused to believe him, thinking they're boss would never do such a thing. Keiji knew she wouldn't believe it, but told her as a back-up plan anyways. Always thinking ahead, precocious boy.
It kept nagging at her the whole weekend, so she contacted Keiji to see if he tried anything. True enough, he didn't remember anything about going after they're boss, confirming that he was in fact telling the truth about the memory wipes.
To banish all doubts she had she went to see Aki. Which is why she bought(invaded) the house neighbouring Aki Mitsuko's, when she found out she was out cold. Kind of extreme but she wanted to know the truth as soon as possible.

Her smile vanishes, and she asks him, "You still want HIM gone?"

The smile moves to Keiji's face and he asks "Whats with the change of attitude?"

"Hes been doing something behind our backs, wiping memories. Including yours."
Keiji's goes silent, stupified.

"I don't even want to begin thinking about what else he could have done.... Before he does any more, we're gonna stop him."

"Who do you plan on stopping?"
The mannequine in the corner of the room begins to speak.
The mannequine falls to the ground, bullet holes in the chest and head.
Lowering the smoking gun in his hand, Keiji asks, "So? Wheres the real asshole?"

Back in the science lab.
*BANG* *BANG* and something hits the ground...
I couldn't hear what they were saying but, I understood those sounds alright.
Did they just...but who?
I wanted to live yeah but...I never expected them to...actually kill the culprit, whoever it was. I mean this is just...unreal.
This whole situatiion shouldn't even be happening!
He tried to kill me right? In that case should I care if they kill him?! I mean...GODAMMIT! I don't know what to think! I want continue to live my life normally yeah but ...I never even thought of wanting the guy...dead...
Doesn't that mean I more or less killed him? I didn't do it myself but they did it FOR ME right. poke! Doesn't that mean I could be charged with murder or something? I need to get out of here, I....
I run back home, hoping that it all ends there.

The mannequine continues to speak, "What do you think you're doing?"
N: "We promised not to interfere with you, but if you're going to lay a hand on the students of our school...we're not going to be courteous. Explain yourself."

?: "I have no need to explain myself to the likes of you two."
Keiji raises his gun again, taking aim at the voice.

?: "Hmph, Stupid brats. You know you're just going to attract the police here right?"

N: "We're going to find you and we WILL stop you."

?: "I thought you were more than brats previously, I misjudged. You don't even know what what i'm doing in the first place!"

K: "Whatever it is, if you gotta erase the memories of your allies, you're no good guy."

?: "Ignorance. You couldn't stop me even if 'I' wanted you to!"

N: "Try us. Lets go Keiji, we're wasting time here. He could get away."

?: "You think I need to run? From you? You really are a bunch of brats."
As the voice finishes his last statement, the Student Council duo leave the room.

Back in Aki's room.
Aki sits curled up on her bed.
I never thought I'd be going insane not from the dreams but from....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHH.
GOD DAMN IT, this can't be happening!!
I SHOULDN'T be in this kind of world where there are people killing people!! I just want it all to go away.
But I don't have to worry any more right? They got him right? Its over?
An image of a person being shot dead comes up in my mind.
I don't want to think about it, but the image won't go. No matter what I try to distract myself with, the fact that i'm still alive makes me think of that scene. My life in exchange for his...
The image of someone being killed. Who was that someone?...
No... more 'what-ifs' are coming.

[What if the killer was the one shooting?] No, the StudCo should have shot him.
[What if the killer WAS one of the StudCo?] Can't be,they both tried to help me, they...
[WHat if they were acting?] No...it can't be, they looked...his back, his determination...her feelings, those tears...
[?ACTING?] NO NO NO, its over isn't it?!
Thats right, its over! No more forgetting, no more circles, no more dissappearing. Yeah, thats right, its over...its over...
Its over...
Its over...
Its over...
Its over...
As I replay the self-assuring thoughts in my head again and again, I soon drift into unconciousness.

Another dream again....(Authors note: The dreams are non-linear, no apparent order)
heh, at least its not that damned circle.....

"It seems we've been assigned to the same........"
Its that girl who looks like Yua...
The voices are all still muffled.....

"......nice to meet you, the names....."
Like all the other dreams, I can't control what I say or do, only watch.

"HEY! Yo....two! This ain't s......ate mixer! ......ere!"
Its that woman again.(From chapter 1...should I describe her?...nah)

Suddenly, my heart clenches as the dream is interrupted by....the circle. The dream world begins to fade and flicker like an old TV struggling to stay on. It eventually loses out and breaks down into small grains of light all around me.
This means the killer is still....Why doesn't he just kill me already...
Like the last time, the rectangle of light appears again, and restores my surroundings to that of the dream....
What is that thing? Why is it restoring my memories?
As the dream pieces itself together, another, single thought comes up-

Can I live here instead?

The real world is....I don't want to go back....
The dream continues...hopefully....forever.

'Yua' and me are following the the woman through a(n office?) building now.
"Pick up the pace! Theres a mission coming in today, we have no time to be lollygagging!"
This is weird, the dream is totally undistorted now. Their faces and voices clearer than

We enter a room.
-Recovery Squad Capt.-
-Ryou Ishikawa-

"Yossu Ishikawa-sensei! Found them.", the woman says musically.
The man from chapter 1 is sitting in a swivel chair behind a work desk.
"I told you to stop calling me that! Only the cute girls get to call me that!"

The man suddenly drops, chair and all, downwards behind his desk.
The air between Ishikawa and the woman shimmers and an 'opening' appears in mid air.
Ishikawa and his chair drop out of the opening sideways, landing painfully in front of
the woman.

"So you're saying i'm not cute?", the woman asks as she cracks her knuckles.
"STOP! STOP! I meant that you were more beautiful than them 'kay."
"Thats better.", she says as she steps on his hand walking pass him.
Hes the head honcho of this place? -_-"

The dream ends with the help of my cellphone's ringtone....
Wait a minute, didn't the pineapple prez say she'd call if all was good?
I scramble to pick up my phone, an unknown number.
Nothing. No breathing. Not a single sound from the other end.
My grip on my cellphone tightens, hurting my knuckles, hoping its the StudCo.
"..........." Still no reply.....
And my grip only tightens as the silence holds. Eventually I change hands. But the pain in my hand doesn't stop, and thats when I notice it.
The source of the inceasant pain, a mark on the palm of my hand. A red outline of an eye has been branded just at the base of my thumb. As I look at it stunned, it blinks right at me, revealing a real eye looking back at me.
I drop my phone in horror. Just as my phone drops, I hear the person on the other end finally speak. Though the voice was soft, to me it was the loudest thing I've ever heard(Next to the prez's thunder).
It said just two words,

*To be Continued*

Aki: "Hey WTF! Wheres my power damit?! At least lemme see the fuggers face so I can hit
Maeko: "There there Aki, at least you consistently show up every chapter. I'm one of the
main cast and I still don't get in every chapter. The same with Yua."
A: "Eh? Yuas a main cast character? Not just a supporting character?"
M: "Well yea, her part just hasn't come up yet. The author told me so."
A: "Why doesn't he talk TO ME about these things?"
M: "Favouritism?"
And I made a facebook page for this(can't believe I did it...)
Just search "errata"
Please comment or like it there....I still want critique...and an artist(with my level of drawing, it'll take forever)
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