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Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:46 am
by shichinanatsu
so yeah, i've been sitting on this one for quite some time now, been doing a bit of modifications here and there.. INITIALLY the concept was supposed to be in light novel/novel format, but along the way it kinda transformed into something more like a VN script. :? so i kinda thought, why not just make into a full-fledged branching story? 8)

存在の花 (sonzai no hana) // Flower of Existence

protag: gendou kyouji
1st heroine: otoshima aika

sub-character: morizawa yuuto

setting: *** gakuen (supposed to be a combination of middle school and high school), *** town/city, japan

without further ado, i present to you a preview of chapter 1
Spoiler! :

March 4, Friday

[???] “Hey, wake up! Classes ended thirty minutes ago!”

A young woman’s voice, followed by gentle shaking. If it were like this then I would not mind sleeping a bit longer…

[???] “Yuuto’s already waiting, you know? We’ll go ahead without you if you don’t wake up.”

The shaking got a bit rougher… Earthquake, maybe?

[Kyouji] “… Mmm, just a bit longer… It feels so good sleeping in your arms, Aika…”

[Aika] “Wha…!? What are you dreaming about, you ***!?”


A harisen to the back of the head, REALLY hurts.

[Kyouji] “You didn’t have to wake me up so harshly, after all you were embracing me so tenderly just minutes ago…”


Another harisen to the cheek does not hurt so much, if I did not risk whiplash that is.

[Kyouji] “I wouldn’t mind if you end up killing me by accident, just as long as you bid me farewell with a night of pleasure…”

This here is Otoshima Aika, one of the few people I consider friends.

She has been on the receiving end of my pranks since pre-school; it is actually one of the biggest mysteries in this world how she has not managed to kill me yet, or at least break ties.

But I guess ever since the beginning, we were kind of aware that we were in it for the long haul, however long that is.

By the way, that harisen of hers is currently winding up for a home run swing… I am not going to be decapitated, am I…?

[Aika] “Let me send that lecherous spirit of yours to hell right now!”

Right now, I think I just saw the Hand of Salvation from up high…

Correction, Yuuto’s hand just prevented Aika from making the home run of the season.

[Yuuto] “You’ll probably hate me for saying this, but from the looks of it Otoshima, you’re slowly becoming the S to Kyouji’s M. You wouldn’t want that, right?”

[Kyouji] “Tch, did you really have to spoil my plans Yuuto? It’s taken me almost a decade to get here, how do you plan to compensate me for my time and efforts!?”

[Yuuto] “Like I care. But hey, do something about Otoshima, she’s going to fade to nothing at this rate.”

Morizawa Yuuto. Since we are on first-name basis with each other that makes us more or less friends as well.

Unlike Aika however, we do not go that far back.

All throughout middle school, there have been quite a lot of guys who took notice of Aika’s charms – whatever those are.

Consequently, I have received quite a lot of summonses from guys who thought I was also pursuing Aika, probably to size their up “rival” or something.

So when I also received a summons from Yuuto during 2nd year, I figured I have had enough of it, and was about to give this dude an idea of what it means to waste my time…

… which didn’t happen. Turned out his little sister in 1st year is somewhat interested in me, and as such, she asked a favor of him to scout me out, so to say.

That one is another story that would take longer to reminisce. Besides, I have a more pressing issue at hand, cheering Aika up.

[Aika] “SM… black leather… whip… candles… rope… gag…”

Saying all those things with a dark expression… Wait, do you even know what those are for!? You’re supposed to be a “maiden” right!? (Self-proclaimed though…)

I guess this needs to be a knees-to-the-ground apology.

[Kyouji] “Do forgive this lowly soul’s transgressions, Mistress. As appeasement please accept a daily dessert set for a week, at the White Lace Café.”

[Yuuto] “Seriously Kyouji, bribing her with sugar? Even if we’re talking high-end desserts and such, can’t you be a bit more sincere?”

[Aika] “MAKE THAT TWO WEEKS. Understood, slave?”

[Kyouji] “As you wish, Mistress.”

[Yuuto] “I don’t even know what to say anymore…”
Spoiler! :

As such, we are now seated inside the White Lace.

It opened up a couple years ago near the station, making it a high-visibility store and a common meeting place.

Its brand of sweetness has always struck that perfect balance according to the town’s female population, so it quickly became a household name favored by women of all ages.

As for the other side of the gender equation, recently the crew chief decided to do her own take of the maid café theme, so the (female) service crew’s uniforms ended up giving the store name a whole new meaning. (Read: white lace goes well with skin)

I think the storeowner planned this all along. Not that I mind, men are easier deceived after all.

[Yuuto] “So, to what honor do Otoshima and I owe this free meal from Gendou Kyouji-dono?”

[Kyouji] “Who said anything about me paying for all of us!?”

[Aika] “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t go have those naughty dreams of yours.”

[Kyouji] “What’s so wrong with a naughty dream once in a while? They do feel good after all.”


I should really learn how to block or avoid that. I almost landed face-flat on my blueberry cheesecake.

[Yuuto] “Cut it out you two, I don’t want to end up getting banned from the premises along with you guys.”

[Aika] “That’s because…!”

[Kyouji] “I know, I know, no more adult humor for now. To answer your question Morizawa-dono, I’ve been losing sleep the past few days, that’s why I was out cold through last period and cleaning duty earlier.”

[Aika] “Knowing you, you probably just pulled all-nighters watching those a-a-adult videos of yours, right?”


[Kyouji] “Would you please not hit me with your harisen while I’m enjoying my espresso? Besides, didn’t I just say that I wouldn’t be using adult-themed humor for now?”

[Aika] “Hmph.”

[Yuuto] “……”

[Kyouji] “Anyway, back on topic. The reason I’ve been losing sleep recently is because I’ve been studying for the finals next week, aside from cleaning my room and packing my stuff that is.”

[Aika] “… !?”

[Yuuto] “A reasonable explanation then, but I think you just let slip something outrageous. You’re thinking of leaving the dorms?”

[Kyouji] “I guess I have not told you guys then. Ever since the start of 3rd year I have been thinking of leaving the dorms after graduation, try my luck with living alone all throughout high school.”

[Yuuto] “Sounds like you’ve been through some heavy decision-making. But wouldn’t that be a lot more difficult financially? Never mind the lifestyle since the school dorm pretty much enforces self-reliance, but rent’s going to be quite the expense for regular housing.”

[Kyouji] “Rent’s actually the least of my worries. I’m not really comfortable with discussing family issues since there are a lot of complicated factors behind my decision, but it looks like my primary option’s going to be board and lodgings free of charge.”

[Aika] “… You’re moving back to the Gendou estate?”

[Kyouji] “As expected from a childhood friend, you figured out that much.”

[Yuuto] “You mean that large piece of prime real estate near the shrine? I thought nobody lived there since, I don’t know, a decade ago?”

[Aika] “……”

[Kyouji] “One and the same, and you’re partially correct Yuuto. The estate was vacated close to nine years ago, save for a team of family servants who maintain the place weekly, all-year-round. You’ve probably also heard by now that there’s major construction work about to be completed on the estate, right?”

[Yuuto] “I thought that was for demolishing the main house and erecting a new housing unit of sorts, or did I hear wrong?”

[Kyouji] “The veracity of town gossip… Anyway, again you are partially correct. There has been no talk of demolishment, nor will there be. What has been discussed is to redo the compound landscaping, and to renovate the main building.”

[Yuuto] “You seem mighty well-informed, is it because you’re a Gendou?”

[Aika] “……”

I take the last sip of my espresso. Aika’s been awfully silent since this conversation started. I guess she is being considerate in her own way…

[Yuuto] “Let me rephrase my question, because there’s one thing I think needs to be answered before I can really wrap my head around this… Who are you, Gendou Kyouji?”

[Kyouji] “What a nice way to phrase your question. You address me by name, yet you wish to know more regarding my identity.”

[Aika] “… are you sure, Kyouji? This might change everything.”

One of those sad smiles of hers again. Every time I see her like this I remember, and imagine, many things…

As I said, we are in it for the long haul…

[Kyouji] “Allow me to re-introduce myself. As you know, I am Gendou Kyouji. Beyond that, I am firstborn to the current Gendou patriarch, and as such am first-in-line as successor to Clan Head.”

[Aika] “……”

[Yuuto] “……”

One of those times when I wish a server would come by and ask for coffee refills. Better yet, let me hide my face while sipping hot black bitterness…

Until Yuuto decided to break out in laughter, the kind that makes you think he just heard the gag of the year.

[Yuuto] “Dude, you should’ve seen your face moments ago. Rather than ‘Young Master’, you would have fit the description of ‘Master’ instead. Do they teach how to do that kind of regal face somewhere?”

Aika gently relaxes into a smile, and I guess I am tempted to do the same.

OK, just a little smile.

[Yuuto] “Then again, this lecherous geezer disguised as a stud is supposed to be the next Gendou patriarch? I pity your ancestors man.”

[Aika] “Now you have a faint idea of what I’ve had to go through for years.”

[Kyouji] “You two just have to be so casual in your rudeness, don’t you?”

… Glad that is over with…
Spoiler! :

After the usual nonsensical chatter and that one-off serious discussion, we left the White Lace. However, having to pay for three people is a bit too much… For this to go on for two weeks, even if it’s just Aika’s share, my monthly allowance is going to hate me for this.

[Yuuto] “Very well then. Young Master, might I be indulged the honor of escorting ‘tis fair maiden to her Lord’s abode?”

[Kyouji] “Don’t get so full of yourself, commoner.”

[Aika] “Isn’t it about time for your part-time job Morizawa-kun?”

[Yuuto] “Just about. Guess it’s just the two of you then. See you tomorrow.”

[Aika] “Then see you tomorrow as well, Morizawa-kun.”

[Kyouji] “Cut back on trying to pick up the ladies OK?”

[Yuuto] “Like hell I would. You’re just envious of my looks.”

[Kyouji] “And I have a supermodel mistress. Now get to work.”

[Aika] “You men and your repartee…”

[Kyouji] “Why? I think it’s pretty normal like this…”

[Aika] “Never mind.”

[Kyouji] “Say, don’t you have to buy stuff for dinner or something?”

[Aika] “Nope, I got a message from Mom earlier saying it’s her turn tonight. So just shut up and escort me home.”

[Kyouji] “… roger that.”
Spoiler! :

Three-fourths of the way to her home, Aika decided to take a detour to the neighborhood park. The sun will soon be setting behind us, pretty soon it will be dark.

[Aika] “……”

Yet here she is, sitting on a swing plank, waiting for the streetlights to turn on.

And here I am, standing in wait.

[Aika] “… hey, Kyouji.”

[Kyouji] “Hm?”

[Aika] “Did you feel… hesitant, saying all that to Morizawa-kun?”

[Kyouji] “Of course I did. Did I come across as seeming otherwise?”

[Aika] “……”

[Kyouji] “Besides, you know the background, right?”

[Aika] “Were you ever afraid of Morizawa-kun treating you differently if ever he found out the truth from another source?”

[Kyouji] “I’d be lying if I said I weren’t. Then again, we have been with each other for the longest time. Was there ever a time when I came across as lonely, with or without you?”

[Aika] “… No. And I will probably never understand how you can be that way.”

For a short eternity, we stayed there. Looking up, the first few stars began lighting up the firmament, seconds before the streetlights came on in a procession from east to west.

Silence, but not of the uncomfortable kind… For me, at least.

[Aika] “… Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

[Kyouji] “About my deciding to move out of the dorms?”

[Aika] “……”

[Kyouji] “Because I figured you would misunderstand, that I had thought of moving away, transferring to a different school or something.”

[Aika] “… Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

[Kyouji] “Because I figured you would have understood by then, that I hadn’t taken any other admissions exams aside from the one to our high school, which I passed comfortably I might add.”

[Aika] “……”

[Kyouji] “Sorry…”

[Kyouji] “In some ways, I guess we never really grew up since that day, five years ago…”

[Aika] “……”

[Aika] “… I guess so.”


[Kyouji] “……”

[Aika] “It probably…”

[Kyouji] “… Hm?”

[Aika] “It probably isn’t my place to choose where you get to live for the next three years. But…”

[Kyouji] “……”

[Aika] “… But just for now… Until I get home, can I ask of you to hold my hand?”

[Kyouji] “… Shall we go?”

Sometimes, the smallest nod of assent is all that is needed.
Spoiler! :

I wonder when was the last time I held Aika’s hand, or for that matter, someone else’s hand.

I think I read somewhere that the Western custom of shaking hands as either greeting, or a symbol of sealing a transaction or agreement, came from the civil euphemism of ensuring that the other party did not have any concealed weaponry. If ever that were true, that is…

However, as for holding hands, I do not think I have ever come across any definitive origins to the gesture during my readings. For that matter, the nature of holding hands carries quite the variety of emotional significance.


The moment we reached Aika’s home, it just happened.

Both our hands just relaxed, releasing the hold simultaneously. Nobody asked in advance, nobody agreed in reply.

Just a sad smile for a sad smile.


[Aika] “Would you like to come in? I’m pretty sure Mom and Dad would be delighted to have you over for dinner.”

How about you? Would you be delighted?

[Kyouji] “I think I’ll pass. I think you know that your parents would be too delighted that your father might try and get me drunk, and then your mother might try and get me to sleep over for the night.”

[Aika] “… Touché.”

How about you? What would you want?


[Kyouji] “Why don’t you try and invite me some other time?”

[Aika] “… Sure.”

One more sad smile…

[Kyouji] “When we’re neighbors again that is.”

[Aika] “…!?”

… that somehow turned into a happy smile.

[Aika] “… Sure.”

Not if, but when.
constructive criticisms are most welcome.. 8)

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:45 am
by shichinanatsu
after shamelessly dumping that preview here without any thought for presentation, i kinda regretted not having refined it at all.. :?

a few tinkering here and there, and i think it's better than before, somewhat.. 8) now let's see if i can rush-edit through the rest of ch01, before continuing to ch02. writing on a whim is fun, but it does hell for polishing later. :?

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:57 am
by Rinona
So far it seems like a typical VN, but that's not a bad thing. The level of comedy was just right (for me), it was pleasant to read, and the characters were fun from the start. Though not much happened yet you dropped enough hints/foreshadowing that I want to read more and see what's going on.

There are a few moments where the English is awkward, but it was all understandable and didn't really break the flow. For instance:
[Yuuto] “Very well then. Young Master, might I be indulged the honor of escorting ‘tis fair maiden to her Lord’s abode?”
Yuuto's supposed to be imitating a medieval-style English, right? But "tis" means "it is," not "this." So that part sounded off. Unless Yuuto himself made a mistake. XD

Other random thoughts:
Spoiler! :
"Right now, I think I just saw the Hand of Salvation from up high… Correction, Yuuto’s hand just prevented Aika from making the home run of the season."
Rofl. Yuuto seems like he could be bamf.
Spoiler! :
Though clearly this is also a hint that there will be a Yuuto route.... /jk
Yay for S!

Aika's parents scare me...

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:01 pm
by shichinanatsu
@Rinona: with risk of sounding like i'm trolling/whoring for reviews, FINALLY someone responded.. :shock: :lol:

that little phrase from Yuuto was partially intended to be messed-up. in a way, i was thinking of how japs use their engrish, while on the other side i kind of rusted after not reading my classics for so long. (i should've re-read romeo&juliet or othello.. :? )

i'm not sure if there will be a yuuto route. for the meantime i have routes for 3 planned heroines (aika's already up), and a "True End" route, but of course that may change. (since you mentioned it though, i might use yuuto for a Bad End, or something resembling the Sunohara route of Clannad 8) )

for aika's parents, well, i was aiming to portray them as wacky, with possibility for serious maturity later on. they won't be the only parents i'll feature, that's for sure.

the main issue i have while writing this, is the fact that the imagery is all in my head. i mean, with a VN more than half the story is told by backdrops, CG and music. so i'm picturing this VN in my head with the characters and locations, and i'm writing the dialogue down as i "read" it. of course there's the factor that i'm thinking along the lines of a typical jap VN whose dialogue i'm translating into english, but since i'm not a native jap that poses problems with accuracy and realism. i'm gonna try and see if i can inject more imagery into the wording, see if that gives off a more rounded feel.

anyway, since i'm currently tied down by Da Capo 3, i won't be able to touch this anytime soon. but i'll be posting the continuation of ch01 in a bit. 8)

thanks for reading! :D

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:33 pm
by shichinanatsu
being the stickler for story timelines that i am, i'm actually quite embarrassed that i messed up the date to the first section of ch01. anyway, fixed it.

moving on, here's the next part of ch01. i'm currently preoccupied with Da Capo 3 so i won't be able to give more than a few minutes a day to this baby, likely for a couple more weeks. :?

Segawa Naru: dorm mom
Gendou Kyousuke: protag's father
Spoiler! :
March 5, Saturday

Late afternoon.

Doing the laundry, waiting for it to dry while juggling studies and other housework, then folding and some ironing. This is pretty much how the first half of this weekend is spent by most of the dorm’s residents.

As a result, I feel tired and restless. Or maybe it’s because I feel like I’m living out of a suitcase, what with practically all my worldly possessions now packed and ready for the big move.

Let’s just burn the jitters with a stroll, then have dinner out.


[Kyouji] “Ah, Naru-san.”

Rounding the stairs, on the way to the front door, I come across the dorm mom, Segawa Naru. And it sounds like she’s just about to end a phone conversation.

[Naru] “… then, I’m hanging up now.”

[Kyouji] “Who was that just now?”

[Naru] “From the school. They’re asking if the prep work on the vacant rooms is moving smoothly.”

[Kyouji] “Ahh, for the incoming first-years then. So, how is it? Do we need to pitch in too?”

[Naru] “Can’t really ask that from you guys, finals and all. Besides, my husband and I will get it done before spring break, when the school expects the new students to start moving in. And before I forget, your room should also be ready by then, or I’ll throw your stuff out the front yard.”

[Kyouji] “… You do not have to be so gung-ho about booting me out of here. Anyway, I am ready to go at a moment’s notice. I’ll probably head out the day after graduation.”

[Naru] “… Is that so?”

[Naru] “You going on a date or something?”

[Kyouji] “Only by myself. Probably kill time by the riverbank, and then eat out. If somebody calls or looks for me, ring me.”

[Naru] “You better have a full charge then.”

[Kyouji] “Like I’d forget. Then, I’ll probably be back before 8.”

[Naru] “Right, I’ll make sure to lock you out.”

[Kyouji] “… and there goes the parting gift of calzone and Chianti.”

[Naru] “I heard that… Wait, how did you…!?”



Let’s see… Headset fully charged and snug on my right ear, no chance of rain, watch battery is still good, phone on left jeans pocket, handkerchief on right.

Clothes and shoes with no sign of damage, and in case of emergencies, enough bills and coins to last me a night and a day.

[Kyouji] “… What am I doing? Downtown’s just thirty minutes from here.”

Byakuya-sou. Population: 30-40 (varies per year, max. capacity 50)

The dorm I currently use as my address, and quite the spartan residence. Or maybe it is just the couple who owns and runs it, Segawa Keita and Segawa Naru.

For starters, the student boarders are expected to pull their own weight around here: cleaning and maintaining the premises and facilities, and of course laundry.

Not that we mind, given that the rent’s dirt cheap, besides the husband-wife combo have their respective professions; Keita-san’s an archaeology professor at some university, and Naru-san’s a primary school teacher.

Probably for this reason – both dorm parents down with fatigue all week – the Byakuya-sou came to be quite notorious for its deficiency in the dietary department.

Basically, we get breakfast and dinner Mondays through Fridays, and only breakfasts on Saturdays and Sundays.

A dieter’s heaven. A gourmand’s hell.

All is not lost however. Once a month the school’s Cooking Club drops by to have us as test sub-er, judges for their dishes. Of course, we residents front the bill.

Barring hell or high water (and holidays…), like clockwork we are freed from instant noodles and microwave cuisine for one meal.

[Kyouji] “… Guess that’ll be the last of those times as well too…”

Spoiler! :

[Shop staff]”Thank you for coming!”

Gyudon once a week, yet another of those simple joys.


Just as I was about to dig in, my left pocket started vibrating, along with a familiar melody to my right ear.

[Kyouji] “… phone call?”


[Kyouji] “Yes, Gendou speaking.”

[???] “That you Gendou?”

[Kyouji] “Naru-san? What’s up?”

[Naru] “Your father just called. Didn’t exactly ask for you, just wanted to check if your account’s up-to-date and how much would be due to close it before next month.”

[Kyouji] “That old man, sudden with the thoroughness as always. Anything else?”

[Naru] “He asked if you could call him back on this number, either on the way or once you get here. You ready?”

[Kyouji] “Sure.”


[Kyouji] “Got it. Can I hang up now? My dinner’s getting cold.”

[Naru] “That’s all. Make sure I don’t end up locking you out.”


That woman, always like this when her man is not around.
Spoiler! :

Let’s see, the number… doesn’t look like it’s for anywhere within the country. Oh right, the old man did mention he would be on a business trip.

He sure has confidence in his wallet, asking me to call him on an international number. Good thing my service bill goes straight to his bank account.

[Kyouji] “Now to look for somewhere reasonable with the best reception…”


[Kyouji] “……”


[Kyouji] “Old man, you don’t have to shout on the mouthpiece… Good thing my headset has auto-volume.”

Ouch, my right ear is still ringing though.

Gendou Kyousuke. He does not mind me calling him “Old man”, but in reality he’s just a few years more than double my age.

Barely legal when he got married to my mother, and atop of that, the marriage was registered less than nine months before my birthday.

Textbook example of a shotgun wedding.

[Kyouji] “So, old man. For what reason would you be willing to spend so much on an international long-distance cellular phone call?”

[Kyousuke] “Come on Kyouji. Can’t I be indulged with some father-son bonding every so often? Even if for the sake of family, having to work overseas gets very lonely, you know?”

[Kyouji] “Who’s the one who doesn’t want to do online video calls, when it would obviously be cheaper?”

[Kyousuke] “… It is?”

[Kyouji] “……”

Stupid old man.

[Kyousuke] “A-anyway, one of the reasons I asked you to call. I would like to know if you’ve made up your mind regarding where you’ll be moving to after graduation.”

[Kyouji] “Just yesterday I came up with my answer. I’m moving back in.”

[Kyousuke] “… Is that so?”

[Kyouji] “… Yeah.”


[Kyousuke] “Then I guess I have to thank Aika-chan for granting the favor I never asked of her.”

[Kyouji] “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

[Kyousuke] “So, my son, will I be meeting my first grandkid after nine months?”

Lecherous old man.

[Kyouji] “You want to experience a full-volume cop whistle right next to your ear?”

[Kyousuke] “They haven’t been able to clone or transplant eardrums yet, right?”


“The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree,” huh…

A long time ago, I remember my old man telling me to do everything within my power to exceed him. As young as I was back then, I never could understand what he was trying to tell me.

Physically, a kid has nothing to hold against a full-grown man. Same with intellect, and probably emotional faculties.

This from an old man who used to have his son sit on his right shoulder while walking through town, and who read to the same son chapters from Sophie’s World night after night, the same way mothers read Grimm’s Fairy Tales to their daughters.

This from an old man who willingly took on the high wire act of work and family, after losing his wife and love.


[Kyouji] “You said earlier, that this was only one of the reasons you asked me to call.”

[Kyousuke] “……”

[Kyouji] “That bad, huh?”

[Kyousuke] “This kind of discussion should best be done mano a mano, which is why I’m thinking of flying back to Japan sometime Saturday and Sunday next week.”

[Kyouji] “Does your contract even allow for that?”

[Kyousuke] “Two days’ emergency leave is within reason. Besides, you’re talking to a company president.”

[Kyouji] “……”

Abuse of power, way to go for setting an example to your employees.

[Kyousuke] “Do you remember what I told you about the family council and your role as successor?”

[Kyouji] “When I turned twelve, right? That I’ll be required to show up in family gatherings once I turn fifteen.”

[Kyousuke] “That’s only if there are multiple candidates for successor, say the firstborn being twins or more, obviously an emergency clause. Since you’re the only one, we probably won't require you to show up until you turn eighteen.”

[Kyousuke] “There will be an emergency council meeting this Golden Week, regarding the other concern I wanted to talk to you about. I need to you to be there.”

[Kyouji] “Adults and their politics… So what you’re trying to say is, the council is split in half regarding a contentious issue, and even with your influence you can’t break the dead-heat.”

[Kyousuke] “You’re still naïve with your worst-case scenarios son. Actually, I am the only dissenting voice preventing a unanimous vote. But as you said it, if I veto the resolution, we come nowhere closer to getting out of this crisis.”

[Kyouji] “So, you want me to participate in the arguments? See if I can get a few of them to change sides?”

[Kyousuke] “I already considered that, but it’s a no-go. Eventually they will attack the angle that I might have unduly influenced your opinions. But there is one last option that I can use, and that rests with you.”

[Kyouji] “I gather that I’m to be your trump card, and I’m cool with that. But are you sure you want to show them that you’re willing to use me?”

[Kyousuke] “Tch tch, not ‘use’, not enough finesse. I’m willing to ‘bet’ on you, to gamble on your decision.”

[Kyouji] “Surrender the veto power to the successor, thus handing over the undecided issue to the next council. Therefore, the successor’s decision becomes absolute, until such time when the successor and his peers are duly inducted as the new council. Then the issue that was put on hold can be reopened.”

[Kyouji] “Even if you’re my old man, I never would have expected you to be this sleazy.”

[Kyousuke] “It is one of the clan’s dirty secrets after all. I am in charge of the family archives, and according to my research, no successor was granted this privilege in the last few generations. Hell, if not for the research itself I would not even be able to come up with a way out of this. What’s more, we’ll be dragging your generation into the same problem even after we’re dead.”

[Kyouji] “Since the firstborn to the youngest council member is still in diapers, it’ll be close to twenty years before the new council is inducted. Old man, you’re betting too much.”

[Kyousuke] “My son, Kyouji, people gamble for the thrill.”

[Kyouji] “Guess you should stay away from casinos then.”

[Kyousuke] “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

[Kyouji] “Who’s the one who sent me a deck of MGM Grand playing cards?”

[Kyousuke] “……”

[Kyouji] “I know you’re still in your thirties old man, so I won’t meddle with your leisure or your romance, but please don’t do anything that’ll get you a rap sheet or bad publicity, OK?”

[Kyousuke] “… Do you mean that?”

[Kyouji] “Mean what?”

[Kyousuke] “Do I have your go-signal for dating and getting married again?”

[Kyouji] “Do you even have to ask me that? Besides, there are other people you should break that question to before me.”

[Kyousuke] “……”

[Kyouji] “… As long as it is someone you’d be proud to introduce to us, that’s fine. But please, no jailbait OK?”

[Kyousuke] “Fine, you’re on. It’s a race.”

[Kyouji] “What race?”

[Kyousuke] “Whichever comes first: your new sibling or my first grandkid. Deal?”

[Kyouji] “……”

Family… you never get to choose them.

[Kyouji] “AFTER the marriage, then I might take you on.”


[Kyousuke] “So, see you next Saturday.”

[Kyouji] “Make sure your flight doesn’t crash, and then we might see each other.”

[Kyousuke] “How am I even supposed to do that?”

[Kyouji] “I don’t know. You’re the one with the bodyguard.”

[Kyousuke] “……”

[Kyousuke] “I’m betting on you, Kyouji.”

[Kyouji] “I heard you once, old man. Besides, I have not heard the rest of the details yet. Save the pressure for next week.”

[Kyousuke] “Say hello to Aika-chan and your siblings for me.”

[Kyouji] “I can bring over Aika if you’d like. But you’ll be here for the weekend right? Why not visit them?”

[Kyousuke] “… You know the story, it isn’t that easy.”

[Kyouji] “……”

[Kyousuke] “But I guess, the longer it stays like this, the harsher it’ll be.”

[Kyouji] “You already figured it out then. Fine, I will call Grandma, tell her to make plans for next weekend. You’re not getting away from this one.”

[Kyousuke] “Since when are you my conscience?”

[Kyouji] “Since when have you not asked your son for parental advice?”

[Kyousuke] “……”

[Kyouji] “I’m not the one paying for this phone call.”


[Kyouji] “……”

I did. I also told you not to shout on the mouthpiece, senile old man.

[Kyouji] “If that’s all then I’m hanging up now.”

[Kyousuke] “That’s all for now. See you next weekend.”

[Kyouji] “Sure, I won’t be waiting.”

I won’t be waiting, because you will be there.

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:31 am
by Rinona
Yeah, I was thinking of Sunohara too... also because of the part about his imouto...

"No jailbait ok?"
pahaha :D

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:55 am
by shichinanatsu
.. and i'm back from my trip/s to 2072 hatsunejima and 1950-1951 london. 8)

given a couple more hours/days i'll come up with more of ch01 for the 3rd heroine, then hopefully start with the meat of the story. so until then, my thanks to all who have dropped by. :)

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:46 pm
by shichinanatsu
i'm actually well into what comes after this one, but probably because of the stream-of-consciousness-style typing, i spent more time editing than writing.. :?

anyway, info and status updates (names go in jap format, surname first):
Spoiler! :
protag: gendou kyousuke
1st heroine: otoshima aika
2nd heroine: ???
3rd heroine: houno ouka
4th heroine: ???

morizawa yuuto (shinyuu)
segawa naru (dorm mom)
gendou kyousuke (protag's dad)

kousaka gakuen (6yrs, middle school + high school)

kousaka gakuen student council
mayday brigade
shin zen omega (abbreviated as "szo")
moving on, here's yet another section of ch01. probably another 5-8 sections - i'm not really sure, depends on how the story develops - before the intro ends. then we get to the real meat with ch02 and beyond.. 8)
Spoiler! :
March 6, Sunday


… I shouldn’t have studied for the finals so early. Same with clearing all the school assignments.

Why? Because I’m bored, first thing in the morning. Insult to injury, despite intending to sleep in last night, I still manage to wake up with the sunrise.

I am sure maintaining such a schedule is a sign of good health, but I guess angst is pretty much the norm for this age group.

What unread manga and light novels I have left quickly devoured, I guess I am pushed into a corner with no options… Except maybe have an early lunch.

1100. Okay, not exactly an early lunch. Might as well drop by the arcade afterwards.


Eating out on a regular basis can be expensive, no doubt about that. Still, I guess I cannot help but be ill at ease with all this upcoming change to my lifestyle.

You get so used to weekend lunches at a family restaurant that you cannot imagine having a full-course dinner without thinking of the bill.

But I guess the thought of having a meal without the noise of peak hours is something I’d love to get for free.

[Kyouji] “Let’s see, since its almost twelve sharp that guy ought to be on break.”


[Yuuto] “Kyouji? What’s up?”

[Kyouji] “Yo, you up for a one-on-one?”

[Yuuto] “Again with the fight games? You never really learn, do you?”

[Kyouji] “Says the weakling who has never defeated me in years. You’re on break right? I only asked for a yes or a no.”

[Yuuto] “Yes, I’m on break, but that’s not what I’m talking about… It is the damn weekend, right? You should have seen this coming and asked someone out on a date beforehand.”

[Yuuto] “Oh wait, if you do ask, Aika might end up murdering you.”

This guy. Is misunderstanding something. Big-time.

[Kyouji] “… Aika’s weekends are either for helping out at the shrine as a miko, or given the current schedule, studying for the finals.”

[Yuuto] “Tch tch tch. After all the flags you triggered for her scenario, you think she still stands a chance at refusing you? Come on man, you’re wasting the springtime that is youth!”

Like I said. Big-time misunderstanding.

[Kyouji] “We’re wasting time here… Mine for bothering to call you, and yours for not flirting with the lady customers.”

[Yuuto] “So true. And that’s what I was doing when you decided to–”

All of a sudden I heard glass breaking, shortly followed by a blunt, somewhat wet sound, and what seemed like something hard breaking. After which came loud, piercing screams.

[Yuuto] “Oi Kyouji, what was that?”

[Kyouji] “I’m not sure…”

Somehow, with only my unoccupied left ear, I caught the general direction of where the sounds came from… Needless to say, the sight was not something you’d expect on a noontime stroll.

Across the street, I saw what looked to be a teenage girl, impaled by the top part of a light post, right around her upper torso.

Probably ruptured a major artery or vein in the process, because the rest of the light post turned blood red.

The worst part? Said “presumed teenage girl” was wearing the high school uniform of Kousaka Gakuen.

The school I attend.

Spoiler! :
I kinda hoped, no, expected a more normal response to this kind of stimulus. Say, going weak at the knees, gripped with shock, probably even the urge to display what I ate just minutes ago.

But no, there I was watching it all objectively. Not a change to breathing, heart, pulse rates.

[Kyouji] “… Someone fell from a building, and ended up impaled by a light post. I’ll give you the details later; right now I have to call 110 and 119.”

[Yuuto] “Wai–”


As it turned out, I was the first to report the incident to the authorities. Why so?

While people physically closer to the scene were able to get their phones quicker than I did, the irony of it all was that they scrambled to get pictures of the gore.

Maybe they thought there was no point in calling for an ambulance; maybe they were too surprised or shocked to act within reason.

At any rate, there is something I have to do, and probably a futile attempt at that. Still, death should never be a travesty like this.




The sizable crowd immediately took notice, and fortunately, none seemed to have taken offense to my rather loud volume; I would not have been able to keep them within reasonable distances otherwise.

If this incident is a crime, any evidence might be compromised, hence the precautionary measure.

Turning away from the crowds, I look back at the dead – or barely alive, I wouldn’t know – young woman.

Being unable to come any closer than a few meters to preserve the evidence, I make do with normal vision and my cell phone’s camera zoom.

After taking the best pictures I could of her face – for presenting to the school authorities and the student council – I caught sight of a familiar armband on the girl’s left arm.

An armband adorned with a phrase that connoted tragedy some 27 years ago…

[Kyouji] “… Shin Zen Omega…”

It was only when I felt my right arm going weak, that I realize I had been clenching my right hand tight enough to draw blood.


Has it been an hour? Thirty minutes? Or maybe my perception of time’s just messed since it could as well have been mere seconds later, that I caught wind of a fragrance.

An exquisite scent that I might have come across a long time ago, yet for some reason memory does not reveal any details.

It is a sensation that would probably inspire a poet to come up with something about beauty, a calming embrace, and heart-rending sadness.

But what struck me most was that it seemed as if no one else noticed the fragrance. What’s more, even with a constant slight breeze, the fragrance did not seem to get any stronger or weaker… as if it were evenly distributed in all directions.

Soon after, I heard a singing voice. No words, just a flowing melody. And the same ideas of beauty, calm and sadness. Like the fragrance, the sound seemed to come from all directions, yet something only I can sense.

Either that, or the shock of seeing a real person impaled by a light post has actually compromised my sanity.

Probably a feeble gesture, but just to verify if I still have my wits, I tried looking all over the place: anyone else who noticed the fragrance or the song, or by a long shot the origin of said phenomena.

Not finding anything out of the ordinary, I gave up and sighed, turning my gaze to the sky, still in wait for the police and ambulance sirens.

That was either the moment I finally lost it, or the first time I laid eyes on something more outrageous than the scene before me.


Someone was high up in the sky, floating right above the light post, looking down on the likely dead young girl.

I couldn’t make out a face due to the noontime sun, but from what I can see, whatever it is that’s floating in the sky looks to be wearing flowing robes, either a toga or a stola, I’m not sure which.

Arms wide open, as if beckoning or welcoming an embrace, he/she/it seemed to be responsible for the song, and quite possibly the fragrance as well.

That was when my left arm started moving on its own, cell phone in hand, probably to take pictures… when I finally heard sirens approaching.

I ended up blinking, and just like that, said floating figure disappeared, along with fragrance and song.
Spoiler! :

[Kyouji] “Very well then officers, I will be taking my leave. Good afternoon to everyone.”

Setting a slow pace, I put distance between myself and the police station.

After the noontime fiasco I found myself in, it took quite a couple of minutes before the authorities started arriving. First were the police and forensics teams, to properly cordon off the area and start gathering evidence.

But when it was realized that removing the body from the light post wasn’t going to be easy, the fire department was called upon to assist.

Statements from witnesses were also taken on-site, with one glaring exception. Apparently my actions as “member of Kousaka Gakuen’s Student Council” were either appreciated or found odd, the officers politely asked me to come with them to the station for further questioning.

Which I didn’t mind, or rather was happy to take part in. The moment I got in the police cruiser, the press started swarming the scene.

Given the situation, I would rather avoid crossing paths with the media for the time being; let the school authorities deal with the publicity while I sit back and welcome my high school life.

Going to the actual interrogation, it wasn’t like what you usually see in police dramas: sun setting, blinds drawn in an office, alone with the inspector/detective, your choice of good cop or bad cop, one-sided mirror optional.

The station I was led to was actually a neat outfit that could easily be mistaken for a regular company office, sans police paraphernalia.

My statement/debriefing was taken with handwritten notes, a voice recorder, and a keyboard pecking away at a corner for transcribing.

One request from me that the officers found odd, but did agree to, was for me to maintain a phone call with our Student Council President while on loudspeakers to listen in, and for me to record the conversation as well.

Not the same as having legal counsel present, but it would help with not repeating the same words for any possible school admin summons and/or hearings.

I did notice amongst the officers a slight hardening around the eyes, and a wrinkle or two around the foreheads, when I mentioned the unidentified subject’s Shin Zen Omega armband.

A bit more focus on listening, and time spent on note taking is a slight giveaway; guessing by the officers’ ages, they were probably either middle school or high school students during that infamous incident of chemical warfare against unsuspecting civilians.

Wrapping things up, we agreed on exchanging contact details in case of further developments, mainly on the issue of press involvement and security.

Oddly enough, not one of them mentioned, or showed any signs of associating my name to the Gendou Clan. Guess that helps a lot with keeping a low profile.

Still, an abomination from the past is something this country could live better without…


An hour or two later and still left with nothing better to spend time on, I idled on a park bench not far from the station, nursing an ice-cold can of latte when…

[???] “Seriously, as my slave you sure are too predictable with your movements. How am I even supposed to keep you off the press’ eyes then?”

… I heard the one voice I would rather spend my weekends without.

[Kyouji] “Though you say that, you sure took your time getting here, Houno Ouka-senpai.”

That’s right, Houno Ouka. Currently in her second year of high school, and for some reason – Moe? Coercion? Both?? – is the incumbent Student Council President.

What's more, this age-defying Lolita-wannabe somehow aced the elections for two years in a row. Our prestigious academy’s student populace might not be so smart after all…

[Ouka] “Didn’t even break a sweat. I always know where you are because of the red leash of fate.”

I almost forgot. Ever since crossing paths with this creature, she has since persisted on this fixation of me being her pet, familiar, servant, whatever she wants to call me for a few hours.

And wait, did I just get demoted from “slave” to “dog”?

[Ouka] “Anyway, you sure have some nerve, naming yourself as ‘member of Kousaka Gakuen’s Student Council.’ I could have you on detention or suspension for that.”

[Kyouji] “Says the mouth who appointed me as ‘Honorary Student Council Member’, WITHOUT the approval of the rest of the officers.”

[Ouka] “Good work on the interview with the police though, no facts overlooked. You just gave the Student Council a splendid reason for me to cement MY reign of terror, and the faculty and Board will have nothing against me!”

Selective hearing as well? And what do you mean ‘reign of terror’? Since when did you become a dictator!?

[Kyouji] “So? Just how do you plan to establish this Reign of Terror of yours? Assuming that we can get the faculty and the Board to grant the Student Council emergency powers.”

[Ouka] “Elementary, my dear Kyouji. I already handed over the pictures you sent me to an acquaintance with access to facial recognition software.”

[Ouka] “Using the database of enrolled students over the last five years, it is only a question of expanding the search parameters if we do not get a hit.”

[Ouka] “However, my intuition tells me this unidentified subject is not a student from our school in the first place. Diversion, perhaps…”

I could already report on you for violating various privacy statutes. And just what kind of acquaintances do you have!?

[Kyouji] “Setting aside the possibility of Shin Zen Omega acquiring a complete set of our academy’s female high school uniform outside normal channels, how do you plan to keep the students away from their recruitment efforts?”

[Kyouji] “Or, if they’ve successfully infiltrated the populace, how will you manage to find them?”

[Ouka] “That’s where you come in.”

[Kyouji] “Oh no… please don’t tell me you really plan to use the Mayday Brigade.”

[Ouka] “The rest of Student Council is already more or less aware of your unsanctioned club’s existence. What’s more, from how I see it you have quite the number of success stories amongst our ranks.”

[Ouka] “Besides, numbers-wise your guys are more than all the student committees combined.”

[Kyouji] “How convenient of you to forget that we NEVER conduct our activities in public. Besides, we are a horizontal organization. You expect me to earn a majority from approximately 10% of the student population?”

[Ouka] “All student committees will be primarily tasked with keeping anyone unrelated to the academy from breaching the premises. That means the press, and obviously SZO and their sympathizers.”

[Ouka] “It also entails keeping eyes and ears up on student opinion regarding said organization, and the possibility of infiltration and/or recruitment.”

[Ouka] “However, such activities are likely to drive any SZO elements into hiding, whether already inside or planning to get in. This is where the Mayday Brigade comes in.”

[Ouka] “I want you to update your profiles on all students, flag anyone with sufficient cause for suspicion. Afterwards, it’s your discretion whether to salvage them from SZO influence, or to hand over the details to the Student Council.”

This woman, is way over her head…

But what’s worse is, she’s making sense.

[Kyouji] “As always, I am nowhere closer to figuring out how your mind works. Also, doesn’t the possibility of witch hunts even bother you?”

[Ouka] “I’m talking in behalf of your success story; of course I can be this confident.”

That grin again, that which knows not the impossible…

… That grin of pride born from gratitude.

[Kyouji] “However it falls, I still have to get the word across to everyone. I can begin the process tomorrow lunch break, and it probably will not be 100% coverage until Wednesday noon. I’ll give you the consensus Friday morning.”

[Ouka] “Fine by me; no matter how we cut it the real problems begin after the new term starts. But can’t you do something about Mayday's efficiency? Doing it covertly takes too long, damn it.”

[Kyouji] “… This from someone who’s asking for a big-time favor?”

[Ouka] “I don’t ask for favors, low-life. I give orders.”

Someone, anyone will do. Hurry up and take my place in dealing with this… whatever she is.
Spoiler! :

[Ouka] “Dealing with a slave’s complaints led to unnecessary calorie waste. Therefore, take a detour to White Lace!”

[Kyouji] “No can do. If you stay a half-hour longer outside of your butler’s line-of-sight, he might just butcher me for real. By the way, what are you even doing outside without that Bentley of yours?”

[Ouka] “I’m out on personal affairs; I don’t need a valet and a bullet-proof ride all the time now, do I? Besides, you make for a much better ride than any limousine.”

[Kyouji] “Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that…”

[Ouka] “???”

[Kyouji] “How exactly did you end up sitting on my left shoulder???”

[Ouka] “Why do you even bother asking questions? Answer them! You can stop and let me off at the nearest love hotel.”

[Kyouji] “……”

[Kyouji] “Which would you rather experience right now? A backdrop or a pile driver?”

[Ouka] “Pile driver. Knowing you it might actually be a painful pleasure.”

[Kyouji] “……”

This woman’s… too much for me to handle…

[Kyouji] “That’s it. I’m taking you home, RIGHT NOW.”

[Ouka] “… Fine, fine. I’d settle for a platinum wedding band and a Hawaii honeymoon.”

[Kyouji] “WILL. YOU. JUST. SHUT. UP.”

[Ouka] “Hmm… maybe I could. AFTER I call attention to an ongoing, suspected abduction.”

[Kyouji] “……”

[Ouka] “All you have to do is say yes, you know?”


Hook, line, and sinker.
while writing this section, all the while i was thinking.. WTF!? :?
i mean, i had slight inklings that i'd fallback to this idea, but still, having to commit it to writing is another matter entirely..

anyway, as long as my muse is with me i can keep writing.. thanks for all the readers so far, but comments/reviews/constructive criticisms will be more than welcome. 8)

- gunning for 200+ views, and 1k posts -

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:45 am
by shichinanatsu
this one felt like it took quite a while, probably because i was multi-tasking it with clearing FA and damamuko, and starting Tsukumonotsuki.. all this while waiting for may 25 and another batch of eroge (FR, SoraKumo, kazoku-bu, Sakura no Reply, KamiCross), and going back to school first half of june.. :?
Spoiler! :
March 7, Monday


Six in the morning, with the sun putting the paces on its more-or-less 12-hour trek through the heavens, and birdsong drifting from all directions.

Normally it would be a nice greeting to start the day with, or more of a relaxed atmosphere to bask in while having breakfast…

… Is what my typical routine ought to be, if I was not here on my throne, waiting for my subjects to gather their wits and catch their breaths.

I cannot blame them though, having to wake up at 5am and somehow manage to get to the Student Council Room before their lord and master does.

Damn those religious fanatics for cutting into my beauty sleep!

[Ouka] “Good morning, everyone. Firstly, let me apologize for calling this emergency meeting into order on such short notice, and at so early a time. Thank you for everyone’s efforts in making it here.”

All the officers are present, and close to 75% of the remaining members.

[Ouka] “Before we begin, Secretary Shirakawa, please prepare a full audio record of the meeting, a full-length transcription, and of course the minutes.”

[Ouka] “I will need a copy of each for the meeting with the faculty and the Board of Directors after classes.”

[SC Sec] “Understood, Ms. President.”

[Ouka] “Vice-President Tendouji, will you do the honors? Also, everyone, please speak clearly and with a loud voice, and introduce yourselves before beginning your statements.”

[SC VP] “Certainly, President Houno.”

[SC VP] “This is Tendouji, Vice-President of Kousaka Gakuen’s Student Council. Today is March 7, 6:15 AM. This emergency meeting is now officially in session.”

The recorder’s running, let’s just get this over with.

[Ouka] “Houno Ouka, Student Council President. My fellow council members, I have called this emergency meeting into order due to some extenuating circumstances.”

[Ouka] “Some of you might already have heard of it on last night’s news or on today’s papers, but allow me to indulge those yet to be informed.”

[Ouka] “Yesterday noon, there was an incident involving a young woman near the commercial district.”

[Ouka] “Said young woman appears to have fallen from a window on the seventh floor of ___ Building, and unfortunately was impaled in the upper torso by the top part of a light post on the streets below. She was declared dead on the spot.”

Saying all that with a flat expression, I can already see some of them with hardened faces, while others are already looking green at the gills. No mercy, gotta keep movin’.

[Ouka] “As of the moment this young woman is still unidentified. However, what caught the authorities’ attention was that said victim wore the female high school uniform of our school – Kousaka Gakuen – as well as an armband bearing Shin Zen Omega’s logo.”

I more or less expected sharp intakes of breath, but unanimously? Did it really have that much shock value?

[Ouka] “As I said earlier, the victim has yet to be identified. Furthermore, following standard operating procedures, the police are tight-lipped on whether this incident is being treated as a mere accident, a homicide, suicide, or a murder.”

[Ouka] “This brings us to the 2 core agendas of this emergency meeting. First, we must somehow – as allowed by the Student Council’s mandate – determine how this victim is connected to Kousaka Gakuen.”

[Ouka] “How did she obtain our school’s uniform? Is she a current or former student? If not, then perhaps a family member, relative, or acquaintance of a graduate or anyone presently enrolled?”

[Ouka] “Second, whether or not this victim is connected to Kousaka Gakuen, SZO’s presence in the matter is not to be taken lightly. You have all watched news reports about the group’s activities and reputation.”

[Ouka] “Could there be ongoing recruitment efforts amongst the student populace? If so, what course of action should we take as representatives of the student body?”

Taking pause to catch my breath, I make a quick glance at everyone in the room. There are hints of fear, apprehension, uncertainty, but everyone looks to be taking it seriously, willing to step up to the challenge.

At least, it was worth the effort training them for the unexpected.

[Ouka] “We are now facing events that have no precedent in the long history of this educational institution.”

[Ouka] “Whether or not you pay attention to history class, SZO has not shown any inclinations of recruiting from the underage since its founding some three decades ago. At best, they targeted college students, ronin, dropouts, even NEET. But never anyone below the legal age limit.”

[Ouka] “Until SZO announced its ‘renewal’ seven years ago with a series of chemical weapon attacks on major population centers throughout the country.”

[Ouka] “Authorities say they will use all the power granted them by the Constitution in order to protect the people from SZO, but in all these years there has yet to be any major raids, arrests, or verdicts.”

[Ouka] “……”

[Ouka] “What I’m about to say next will probably sound very selfish to most, if not all of you… It has always been my goal to preserve Kousaka Gakuen, not just as a place of learning, but also as a haven for enjoying youth.”

[Ouka] “Though the world of adulthood might seem cruel and harsh at times, the journey towards it is something to cherish well after you pursue your chosen careers. Friendship, romance, dreams, curiosity, wisdom and knowledge, everything one can experience in the six years of treading these halls.”

[Ouka] “What I want is not a walled-in garden, but a sanctuary to nurture, gradually mature each and every one here, and bid them farewell with smiles and wishes of hope upon graduation. To do that, can I expect the support of everyone here?”

Ugh, flowery rhetoric makes me want to puke. But an Oscar nomination isn’t so bad once in a while.

And I actually earned unanimous solemn nods, which also turned into 90-degree bows.


[Ouka] “……”

[Ouka] “Thank you, everyone. It is an honor leading such young men and women. Please, do sit down. The meeting is still in session and we have more to discuss…”


[Ouka] “Very well, I hereby adjourn this emergency meeting. Everyone, remember to answer any queries from the students based only on the briefing I gave you. Dismissed.”

[SC] “Understood, President Houno.”

[Ouka] “Tendouji-kun, please see to the preparations for morning assembly. I’ll follow shortly.”

[SC VP] “Very well then.”

With practically everyone else now out the door, it is back to the normal, quiet morning I prefer. If only for a few moments longer…

[Ouka] “Shirakawa-kun, how is the draft of my short spiel for morning assembly?”

[SC Sec] “Here it is, President Houno. Also, would you like some more coffee?”

[Ouka] “How nice of you. Sure, I’ll have another cup.”

Nursing my third Arabica roast, I run over the one-page speech.

Good, nothing too tedious or depressing.

[Ouka] “……”

[Ouka] “Shirakawa-kun, do you mind if I ask you something personal?”

[SC Sec] “… Eh? I-it depends on the question itself President, but please, ask ahead.”

[Ouka] “How would you like running for my position this coming July? Also, treat this as regular senpai-kouhai interaction. We’re not on active duty for the moment.”

[SC Sec] “… very well then, Houno-senpai. However, for a joke I find your question hard to laugh at.”

[Ouka] “I can’t always fool around now, can I? I’m damn serious.”

[SC Sec] “Shouldn’t you be grooming Tendouji-kun instead? He’d make for a better leader than I could ever be.”

[Ouka] “I don’t like the idea of him taking my place, he’s too perfect. Besides, would you ever have expected the Student Council to be how it is now, given my reputation as a high school freshman? Go on, gloves off.”

[SC Sec] “… no, I certainly would not have considered voting for you back then, Houno-senpai.”

[Ouka] “Then there’s your answer. I want my successor to have the potential for surprise.”

[SC Sec] “If that’s the case, then why don’t you endorse that Honorary Member? I think his name was Gendou…”

[Ouka] “Kyouji? Yeah, so far he is the only candidate I would consider. Problem is, the damn dude in question has zero interest in the position.”

[Ouka] “Also, in the slightest possibility that he WILLINGLY accepts genuine membership, I doubt things with Tendouji would go smoothly.”

[SC Sec] “……”

[Ouka] “Okay, my bad. Maidens like you shouldn’t frown at all, period.”

[SC Sec] “Then you shouldn’t have asked in the first place, Houno-senpai.”


Draining the last of my hot black bitterness, I leave my throne of an executive chair.

[Ouka] “Its almost time. Let’s go, my stage is waiting for me.”

[SC Sec] “… right behind you, President Houno.”

Damn you, Shin Zen Omega. You should have just disappeared in the pages of history.
Spoiler! :

After yet another demonstration of that aspiring despot’s charisma, I find myself in an atmosphere that seems to be taking yesterday’s events with stride.

Then again, as she said yesterday, the real battle begins with the new term: incoming middle school and high school freshmen, worried parents and guardians, sparring with the press, etc.

Of course, Shin Zen Omega does not even deserve mention. Yay for sarcasm.


[Yuuto] “Still, who would’ve expected you to actually be near the scene of the crime, Kyouji? And you never even bothered telling us that Houno-senpai actually appointed you as an honorary Student Council member. What did you do? Bribe her or something?”

Lunch break, and as usual, Yuuto drops by from the classroom next door to add noise to my nutrient intake.

[Kyouji] “… Didn’t I tell you to keep your trap shut? Besides Aika here who I can trust, and Ouka-senpai who I can’t, you’re the only one who can connect me to ‘that Student Council Member’. I’ll have your head the instant I find the press at my doorstep.”

[Aika] “Are you sure you’re okay after seeing that? Acting tough won’t call the attention of professional help when you need it.”

[Kyouji] “And you worry too damn much. Seriously, I have seen worse and I turned out just fine. For you of all people to sell me short…”

That’s right… We’ve seen far worse, yet we’ve been more or less okay ever since.

[Kyouji] “Anyway, that doesn’t even count as a distraction. What you guys should be paying attention to is the finals from tomorrow until Friday. Save your worrying until the new term; graduation and spring break is something best enjoyed in a positive mood.”

[Yuuto] “Still, you sure are taking all this in stride. I mean, listen to everyone else’s chatter. We are talking about Shin Zen Omega, and you look like it’s just another day at the office.”

[Aika] “……”

Sharp as always, looks like Aika already caught on.

We are calm on the surface, but only because we realize the gravity of the situation, and are willing to go the extra mile.

Swallowing the last of my yakisoba roll, I stand up and prepare to take my leave.

[Yuuto] “Hey, where you goin’?”

[Kyouji] “Roof garden. Follow me when you’re done with your lunches, I have something VERY UNIMPORTANT to share with you two.”

Making my way out of the room, I still manage to pick up the rest of the conversation.

[Yuuto] “What’s up with him?”

[Aika] “……”

[Yuuto] “Wait… could it be!? Otoshima!”

[Aika] “Y-yes?”

[Yuuto] “That Kyouji… I think he just got another girl pregnant, and now he wants to come clean about his two-timing with yo-”



Oookaaay… Just now that was a home run swing to the back of the head, then said head landed face-flat on a desk…

My condolences to the Morizawa family…
Spoiler! :

[Yuuto] “So? Just what is this ‘something VERY UNIMPORTANT’ you want to share with us? Please choose your words carefully; I don’t want to be the victim of a double homicide.”

Rooftop, and given the remaining ten minutes before lunch break ends, I found myself lucky being here with no-one else around.

I take a deep breath, prepare myself to say a phrase I never thought I’d utter again.

[Kyouji] “Venez m’aider.”


[Aika & Yuuto] “Seelonce.”


[Kyouji] “OK, I’ll make this real quick. Here, take these.”

I hand them each a memory card. Since said cards were a little over square-centimeter size, they came with square-inch plastic sleeves.

[Kyouji] “They have on them information regarding a distress call. I am the first link in the relay, you two are supposed to distribute what’s inside them to everyone else.”

[Kyouji] “As for the contents: each card holds half of the message. Each member should have both halves before the file can be accessed.”

[Kyouji] “Standard secrecy rules apply. Also, we’ll need to up the pace on all activities from now on, reasons for which are also in the message. First goal would be to have everyone up to speed, on or before Wednesday lunch break.”

Taking a breather, I see Yuuto’s already in the process of connecting said memory card to his cell phone. Someone’s being an obvious peon. Meanwhile…

[Aika] “Would that be all?”

[Kyouji] “Seelonce fee nee.”


[Kyouji] “Next time though, it would be better if you do that after acknowledging receipt, Yuuto.”

[Yuuto] “Wasn’t it you who said we need to up the ante a bit? Anyway, its almost time for the next class. You two take it easy on the making out, ok? I’m going on ahead.”

I was half-expecting a bloodied harisen right around that time, but…

[Aika] “……”

… the harisen-wielder in question was gazing blankly at the memory card on her palm.

[Kyouji] “… That thing’s accessed electronically, you know? Not that you’re a telepath or anything.”

[Aika] “… Is it really a distress call from the school?”

[Kyouji] “At least, Ouka-senpai saw enough merit to hitting the panic button, given what we heard on morning assembly.”

[Aika] “How about you? What were you thinking, maintaining that level of contact with Houno-senpai? You of all people should know how we go about things, <Fool>.”

[Kyouji] “… I thought we had an agreement not to address each other in that manner, <Empress>?”

[Aika] “……”

[Kyouji] “Anyway, since you always seem to be aware of more than you let on, go ahead and get the word to <Magician > and <High Priestess>. We won’t get anywhere with just the two of us.”

[Aika] “… How can you not show signs of fear? Not just with Shin Zen Omega, but with everything that’s happening in general?”

[Kyouji] “……”

[Kyouji] “Maybe its because there are times when I feel so far removed from ‘normal’… But even then, I’m not that different from everyone else. Otherwise, I would hesitate in doing this.”

Whether it was in half-jest or all business, it took less than a second before she ended up in my arms…

… and I guess I’ll never figure out why it took close to a full minute before she responded, with tensionless voice and posture.

[Aika] “Even if you hesitated, it probably wouldn’t show. You either think things way ahead of time, or your head just works on a faster rate than everyone else.”

[Kyouji] “What about you? All this time, how did you see me as I go through the motions?”

[Aika] “……”

[Aika] “… You’re just too reckless, Kyou-kun.”

[Kyouji] “And you’re too loyal, Ai-chan.”


Yes, the first time it happened… was pretty much in the same fashion as it was now.

Unable to see each other, empty gazes into the far distance. Yet without looking, it was always an instance that elicited those sad smiles.

For the words unsaid, are those to be heard of with greatest desire.
Spoiler! :

Right about this time, most students here should be well into their notes and reference materials, cramming for tomorrow’s finals.

And yet, here I am, waking up to the sunset after close to two hours’ worth of downtime at the roof garden.

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but I just felt I had to spend as much time with my retreat of three years. Before moving to the high school building, toiling for yet another three years, sanctuary optional.

Stretching my arms and torso a bit, I hear joints popping, accompanied by hunger pangs. Just when I was about to bid another half-day farewell to the campus grounds…

… A certain scent drifts past me.

I guess this is what you call a tragedy; an exquisite fragrance associated by chance to a brutal end of life.


For a fleeting instant, I wonder why exactly I harbor the slightest hint of nostalgia regarding that scent, before a hunch grips me.

Yesterday, someone decided to hide his/her appearance by conveniently eclipsing the sun, effectively blinding anyone who might bother looking.

Turning around to face the sunset, I find out I guessed right.

A meter or two away from the fence, there stood – or rather, floated – a figure draped in the same flowing robes as yesterday.

Focusing my gaze a bit more, it looks to be a stola. Paired with knee-length hair and slim stature, said figure looks to be female, probably a young woman.

[Young woman] “… For a mere human to perceive my presence, the last 0.02% must be nearing its end as well…”

The voice also sounds like that of a young woman. Then again, society has seen better/worse things.

[Young woman] “Young man, this land you stand on has seen many deaths throughout the centuries, just like how it is in places beyond the seas.”

[Young woman] “Death too, will come to an end. Because now we have found one of many souls, fated to witness what the world has created, only to be hidden.”

[Young woman] “Young man, you look to be ripe, innocent yet curious. Deem this an illusion, wake up from a dream the next morning, it doesn’t matter. I will come for you again.”

Snapping her right hand’s fingers, I was momentarily blinded by an out-of-place gust. And as one would expect, the next instant she was gone.

Conveniently taking that scent, and my appetite, with her.


and there goes another installment of sonzai no hana.. 8)

as a side, i tried googling the title, both in english and in kanji, and it looks like i have first name rights, for the time being maybe.. 8) anyway, that brings it up to 2+1 heroines, and while for the most part i feel fond of aika, i'm gonna try balancing it later on. with one last possible main heroine to go, i hope i can at least finish ch01 before the 3rd week of june, better yet start on ch02. :)

*waiting for MORE dc3* :mrgreen:

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by Rinona
Ouka has my loyalty 8)

I want to comment so you know you have people reading but I don't have much to say... except that that is a lot of eroge, sir.

Re: Original (VN!?) Project: sonzai no hana

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by shichinanatsu
@Rinona: its that bad, i guess?? eroge-dependence that is.. :?

at best, given the amount of free time i devote to VNs, i can realistically clear 1 from 5 this may '12 - SoraKumo.. all the rest go to an ever-expanding backlog of some 30~ titles.. :cry:

guess that means i have to up my criteria a bit.. either way, given that i gather material from various titles as i go about writing sonzai no hana, it has to reach a balance of sorts. to try - without being too overt - writing something that wouldn't come across as mass-produced rehash.

not that i'm aiming for a magnum opus, just wanted to see if i haven't lost as much on fiction-writing after about a decade of not holding a pen (or in this case, tapping on a keyboard.) 8)
Spoiler! :
imo, ouka will probably the most challenging of all 3+1 heroines i'd have to write/develop.. for the most part, i've had the character templates for aika, <un-introduced heroine>, and mystery girl well-established in my head since my teenage years. as for ouka, she kinda just coalesced when i was trying to fill the 3rd spot for 3+1 heroines; my instructor in fiction-writing from years back taught about how sometimes writing a story/developing a character that goes against the author's mindset sometimes makes for a more solid composition.
anyway, muchas gracias for the (type-)written response, somehow that makes me rest better knowing my readers aren't all Void Undead Spectors (zero post count) or Guests. 8)

next up, Aika.. which would probably take a bit longer than i would prefer, if only i knew of a less-consumptive relaxation method than playing D2-LOD, or of course eroge.. :mrgreen: