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Original Light Novel: Worlds Breaker (Temp. name) - <Update>

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:48 am
by Ostria
Hello everyone. Nice to meet you as I am new in this forum. However, I seriously do like manga, anime, novels (ranobe or even VN), etc! Truthfully, I consider reading novels A LOT for myself. It's thanks for Baka-tsuki for translating my favorite light novels (Hidan no Aria, Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance, and more), arigatou!

So, this is my first post. Because of my hobby, I decided to post my own Light Novel here, too. Just a warning, english language isn't my mother language. Pardon me for any grammar mistakes. Of course, you can comment or criticize this for I will definitely accept it.

Also, I hope you will enjoy it.

In the near future, there was an artificial island built not too far from the bay of Tokyo, Japan. Within that island, there lives youths with extra-ordinary power. These so-called incarnation of gods were gathered to learn and co-exist with this powerless world. A brilliantly bright future for mankind is right before everyone after long, long years of the cohabitation program ensured by the governments of this world.

In the midst of all these young Miracle Makers, there exists a certain young man. He who refused to use his power despite being called god, one day encounters a girl who will change his life along with the Heaven and Earth. What kind of change awaits before him?

Spoiler! :
White. Everything is painted with pure white color.
Despite that, in this white world, my shadow was projected by the blurry sunlight above the white clouds. I’m not sure whether there is any night in this place.
I've been wandering. Aimlessly, I wandered for many, many years. I have even stopped counting the days and hours of my journey.
I don’t care anymore. I’ll just go to where my feet wished for.
Which is why, I’m just a simple lost traveler. Without guidance or objective in mind, I move forward.
Awake or not, I stepped forward. However, I don’t know anything about this world.
Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?
The riddles will never stop. But I can’t help of being curious about those lines of questions.
For the foremost, why am I wandering? I don’t even have a certain reason for doing this.
Once again, the familiar sound of chiming bell echoed. It spread throughout the whole world.
As clear as day. As certain as obvious fact.
The lovely sound of a bell which came from nowhere healed my fatigues and heart. I, for some reasons, every time this happened would stay still and listens to it.
Yet, the more I listen to it, the more painful of hearing the bell as well.
A soothing, serene, and yet lonely sound.
The bell sang again its beautiful and sorrowful echo. I looked up to the white ceilings of sky.
As usual. I can see pale white round objects floating down like rain.
Is this snow? Or is it just light orbs emerging from the depth?
Is it falling from up? Or is it coming out from down?
I can no longer perceive where my position of gravity point is. This world has only one color which made me even confused of the ceiling and the floor.
And even more, there is nothing except whiteness.
Not even people. Not even civilization was found in my path. Not even plant and animals.
I also wondered how I could survive for this long. Am I already dead?
……It doesn’t matter for now.
Switching my view back to my front, I now know the pinpoint of the bell which rings at regular basis.
Which would mean, I only have five chances to choose my path.
Since I have no lead what-so-ever in this world, I decided to do what is very logical to do. Follow the hint.
In this case, the hint is only the chimes of bell. And the remaining chances are only two.
I have to hurry. If the bell chimed, then there must be a person that rings it.
In this world without any living beings other than me. There might be one more person who is here.
If so…… It would be normal that this person knew this world more than me.
“—I’m going to find you for sure.”
Driven by the last fragment of hope, I started to run in the white field.
Seconds by seconds, my speed increased until the limits. With all of my might, I run straight to my destination.
To the place where all of my answers exist.
To that person who calls out for me.
And to ask why am I alive. Here and now.
Chapter One - Kasekai City
Spoiler! :
Part One
The scene is what you’d call a forest. And it is thicker than normal forest.
Trees with sizes of giants. Despite how old and big they are, this forest’s ages are merely a decade.
And yet, the growth of nature accelerated to the point where it’s not weird for this forest to be called as ancient forest.
The full moon shines brightly. Pouring down blue, cold light into the forest.
It is actually magnificent to see, to endeavor with, or to feel it. The scent of forest and its sensation of nature, that is.
This place might be considered as jungle even though it was located behind the school. Despite how wide and complex the layout is, students called this place as their backyard.
Even more, if one goes very deep, one may encounter wild animals.
For the civilians that were born, growing up and dying in this city, this thick forest is their playground and backyard.
Of course, the forest itself has name. A very particular name which sounded too much like a foreign name.
--Arkanum Forest.
That, is the name of this place. That, is the identity of this forest which has been existing for a decade.
And inside this deep forest—
I opened my eyes slow but surely. The moonlight dazzles my eyes, so I shielded them with a hand of mine.
……Ah…… Is it already this late……?
I heaved a long yawn and stretch my body.
Ungh~~! Man…… that was a good nap I have………
“……Still, if it’s this late, Yuuna will be mad at me.”
Heaving a sigh after warming up my body, I then stand up. Swiping sand and dirt on my pants and back.
Looking around, it sure has gone very dark. I’m not sure if I should stay here until morning or go home.
Now fully awake, I pondered for a minute.
--Right…… There was always urban <Ragnarok> here. I should move carefully for now.
I don’t want to be a cinder, nor do I want my already low luck to empty out. Not to mention, lots of students are always playing it here.
Seriously, please give the forest a rest. I can’t even take a peaceful walk at this rate.
So to speak…..
“Let’s just leave now. Sorry, but see you later.”
I told the forest my parting words. For some reasons, the wind sweeps through the whole Arkanum forest.
Echo of the rustling leaves made it as if it replied to my voice.
And so, with a wry smile, I went out the forest using the longest and rarest path for people to use.

Before I know it, I have arrived at the roadside of the outer rim of the city.
I’m back to human’s civilization. The city where I live in till now with my family.
Sigh…… I took too much time. But it was fun sightseeing the forest.
Well, let’s go back. I’d hate it if my sister cried.

Part two
This city is an independent city which is positioned right outside the main island of Japan.
Located on an artificial island roughly around 60 km in diameter, is what the world calls as “Recreation of Heavenly Battlefield”.
Its name is—Kasekai City.
The inhabitants of this island are mostly students ranged from elementary to high school.
Of course they are hand-picked by governments from all over the globe.
But there are still normal people mixed in either as staffs, the observers or just civilians.
It was also in purpose for co-existence.
This island is merely a preliminary stage of introducing the whole new energy which could be said to be all-purpose unlimited energy to the world.
Everyone is anticipating the day for when this ultimate problem solver to be legally and freely applied to humanity’s well-being and future.
Obviously, that applied to the children who are said as the heirs of future.
These children who mysteriously born in this world, possessing the new energy as a power. They are now being educated right here, in this Kasekai City.
I was also included too. In this messed up island with god-tiers students.
My name is Yukiya Kou. High school student, second years. For at least four years, I’ve been following this trial program with my sister who is two years younger.
Unfortunately, someone like me does not or even able to cooperate in this program.
I am one of those ‘Problem Children’ or sorts.
Anyway, those who can’t cooperate and unable to attain passable grades will be stuck here for a life time.
Right, I forgot to mention it but this trial has been going on for a decade. And it was said that the trial will be finished one year from now.
Well, I’ll just lax out like always. It’s not like I’m interested with this project of future.
And so—
Yawning again, I lazily walk down from the upstairs of the house. Truth to be told, the students have their own home here.
I think it was to teach us independency. But meh, I highly doubt it is fun living by our own.
“Onii-chan, breakfast is ready!”

A lovely voice of girl rang through my ears. I then see a cute girl who seemed to be younger than me.
Her height is average. Her skin is as pure as milk, and her tea colored hair swayed down to her shoulders.
That petite and yet attractive figure of hers is indeed tempting. Adding with her lovely facial and light brown big pupils, she is indeed…..
Such a cute little sister I have.
“Good morning, Onii-chan.”
Her lovely voice drove me fully awake once again. I feel blessed whenever hearing her voice.
“Morning, Yuuna.”
And so, I replied with utmost sincerity. A vague smile broke out on my face, and she giggled.
—She is Yukiya Yuuna. My younger biological sister, who is also the same as me.
A participant of this trial program, but has different power than me. Though, it was thankful that we ended up staying under the same roof.
Since the system of this new society is based off what field of expertise one is, so the residential district is also often divided by the class.
To begin with, what is class? I’m too lazy to explain for now.
“Onii-chan, did you pull an all-nighter again?”
I was hesitant on answering. Thinking that I was caught red handed.
“Please stop going out at night. It’s not good for your body, and also, it’s not good to receive another detention, alright?”
“Y, yess……”
Guh… Being scolded by my sister is…… Truly… Shameful.
I dropped my shoulders down and sit down in depression. Let’s not fret about it for now.
My top priority which I wanted very much is……
“Thanks for the food.”
I gave my gratitude and start eating out my breakfast.
The moment the food touched my tongue, I can feel the amazingly wonderful tastes of it. It’s exquisitely made, and is also perfectly cooked.
The textures, the seasoning, fresh flavors, etc. etc. etc……
In short, it’s delicious beyond reasoning. Yuuna’s cooking skill has reached another new stage.
As her older brother, I feel proud. What kind of sibling who doesn’t like a tasty home-made food from his sister?
“Yep, you’ll make a good wife, Yuuna.”
I let out an honest compliment at her. Then, she smiled with blushes cutely.
“R, really? That is…… Flattering.”
“No, no. It’s a fact. Have confident of yourself, Yuuna.”
I gave a small grin, and Yuuna blushed even more. Then, with a smile as if abashed, she said.
“Eh… Eh he he….. Thank you, Onii-chan.”

Part Three
After locking the front door, the two of us head out to school.
““We’re off~~!””
With a rhythmic pace, we went north. Straight to the complex city section full of western styled buildings.
Our school was located at the top of a hill centering the island.
It only took fifteen minutes by feet, and three minutes using our power.
But Yuuna is being kind for me. She is indeed a lovely, caring sister.
“You don’t have to join me, Yuuna. You have morning practice, right?”
“Not a worry, I can still have a jog here too.”
Ah…. To think that she would go that far for me…. What a wonderful sister I have.
How I am blessed by having her on my side. Seriously, thank you god for giving me an imouto.
“Ooooyy!! Kou! Yuuna-chan!”
Hm?! I sense an annoying presence.
Then from behind, a boy with uniform worn roughly appeared. He has quite a wild face and pale, wavy black hair. And he also has a refreshing smile.
His height is the same as me, probably. One could say he is a classmate of mine……
However, I reacted in the speed of sound and kicked him hard!
He got thrown away for several meters. And landed starting from the back of his head.
The dry sounds reverberated as I approach him.
“Oh, so it’s just you, Gyouin.”
“Gu....guh….. What kind of person would hit his friend right off the bat……?”
He curled in pain, and trying to stand up.
“You should just stay there and get run over by pedestrians.”
“Damn, that’s cruel! Am I a welcome carpet or what!?”
He rose up with rages. I sighed in disappointment right away.
“Why are you stalking Yuuna again?”
I asked with half opened eyes, and added with annoyance.
—This guy, is unfortunately my classmate. A VERY annoying person whose job and hobby is experimenting and researching whatever he is interested in.
In fact, I was his test subject once, and I beat the crap out of him. Not long after that, he bore his fangs to my sister, so I beat the hell out of him again.
And yet, he reappeared with tenacity and excites. He never gives up, and that is the only gray advantage of him.
In short, this guy is an immortal mad scientist. His name is Tenma Gyouin. A Problem Child whose perverseness and vitalities are the highest than mankind.
“Why? That’s because—THE POWER OF LOVE—!!“
A fist flung by and hit him hard. And yes, that attack was mine.
Filled with rage and irritation.
“Damn, you! Like hell I will let you touch my sister! Go to hell!!”
The scene of violence continued until Yuuna stopped me. However, I ended up enjoying myself on beating Gyouin till he’s half-dead.

“Geez, Onii-chan! Fighting is not good!”
“Yeah, yeah…..”
I sighed as the three of us are walking to school. Well, Gyouin is lagging behind due to his wounds.
Nevertheless, he’s fit enough to complain and smiling gleefully.
“That’s right! Only a hoodlum would hit someone out of the blue! In return for the damages, let me date Yuuna-chan—“
“Say any word and I’ll behead you, Gyouin.”
“Guh! What intense killing intent!!”
Hee? So he finally able to sense my murderous aura? That’s good to hear.
“Then stay away from Yuuna, you freak. Go and find another woman to have fun with.”
“Whaat!? That’s cruel of you, Nii-san!!”
Gyouin heard the frightening snap sounds. I glared at him and immediately—
With all of my might, I sent Gyouin to take a flight straight to the sky!
Violent wind and breaking sounds of impact were heard out loud, and I see him vanishing with a dying scream.
And he sounded like a third-rate villain from a tokusatsu show.

Part Four
After some fleeting scenes, talks, and also fights, the three of us have finally arrived in the school area of Kasekai City.
There are three main buildings, each for different grades. One is for elementary, another for middle, and the last is for high school students.
Other than that, there are three buildings with varying size and designs.
There is an auditorium which served as GYM as well. A three storey high western-styled clubs activity building. And a dojo for training and formal match.
Well, I doubt students want to have match every times in dojo. And a perfect example appeared right after we entered the school field.
The field is normally used for tracks and such, but for some reasons, informal match was held here by the students.
“Wow! A match!” “A match!?” “For real!?” “Man, I’m lucky!!” “Who will it be!?” “Who is going to fight!?” “Damn, this is a good day!!”
For some reasons, a circled crowds of students, as if watching roadside circus show is blocking my view. I can’t see clearly, and it’s noisy.
“Eh? A <Ragnarok> this early?”
“Probably some show-off idiots, right? I can use this as data gathering though.”
Thus were the comments of my sister and my evil-friend. I heaved a troubled sigh for this scene.
“What a way to interrupt my morning.”
“Come on, stop complaining. A match can be exciting, right?”
Said by Gyouin as he rushes forward. Sneaking into the pile of standing crowds.
“His hobby has a bad taste.”
I protested quietly. Hoping that the participants of the match aren’t girls.
“A match between the [Deviant Giant] and the [Silver Valkyrie] !!” “This is a rare battle!!” “Damn, this is great!” “I’ll bet on the contender!” “I’ll bet on Tomari-sama’s victory!!”
…Looks like my hope was crushed within a second. Now I have to follow Gyouin.
“Err… Onii-chan, isn’t the [Silver Valkyrie] your class representative?”
“Yeah, I guess? How about we take a look as well, Yuuna?”
“Erm… I don’t like matches but if Onii-chan wishes for it......”
We went to an agreement. So with hands joined, we slipped into the crowds.
Not long after some struggles, we arrived on the front rows. And what wonder, Gyouin is beside us.
“Oh, so you came after all?”
He looked at us with a side glance. Then he concentrated back his sight to the front with a serious expression.
“I’m just observing so that you won’t molest or doing any sort of indecency to the pure maidens around here.”
“How rude! I’m busy gathering data, now!!”
Ah, is that so? Aren’t your data gathering was about what kind of panties do girls wear every day?
Dejected, I heard Yuuna calling me.
“Onii-chan, over there.”
I looked to the spot where the viewers’ eyes are glued on. An oval empty space is before us.
In the center of it, two people are standing facing each other with fair amount of distances between them both.
One is a guy with tough body, ragged, long gakuran (a kind of orthodox uniform), and a rather savage face.
“Do not underestimate me, [Valkyrie]!! This time, you will go down!!!”
He declared with loud voice. Almost giving me goose bumps.
“…Foolish one. To dare not accepting and redeeming your crimes is a sin! I shall make you pay for your heresy acts!!”
A high pitched voice countered the after-effect of the man’s statement.
The source is a girl. She has dazzling crimson hair which was tied as pony tail. Despite that, it is so long that it reached her waist.
In contrast, her eyes glow radiant blue color like the sea. And one can feel the intense battle spirit reflected in them.
Adding her slender, magnificent figure. I can even say she’s a beauty even though I’m used of seeing her.
This beautiful girl is, Tomari Shinobu. My classmate, as well class representative.
A girl who likes disciplinary, honest works and holding up high justice and ethic codes.
Under ordinary day, she is just a strict everyday classmate. But when it comes to injustice and so on, she will become a ruthless executioner.
Well, only those who are closely related to her are able to notice. And from her appearance, she is still a frail girl.
But what makes it odd is how she wield a spear that is very huge than her small body could handle.
It makes people think how unfit and amazing that she could use it singly handedly.
In normal circumstances, this is abnormal and also nonsensical. But in Kasekai City, something like this is as if picking a tooth pick.
Well, this was because the new source of energy flows inside our veins.
The power, called Divine Power.
“So she’s simply using a tenth… maybe less Divine Power. Hm…. So she intends to win just by that.”
Gyouin has been writing something without looking at his note. Damn, this perverted scientist is great in useless things.
Well, I guess I should agree as well. Against a medium ranker such as [Warrior] is but a pebble in front of Shinobu.
To begin with, Divine Power is no longer an abstract thing. Science can prove it to exist and use it by one’s own will.
Through years of researches, Divine Power was polished and then reinforced and became nearly endless amount of clean energy for life.
But this energy is still unstable for human to use. And for some reasons, fortunate children bearing this power were born.
And that is us. We who are called as “Aesir”.
The mission for us is to handle our power, make use of it for mankind, and also to bear more of Aesir.
Seriously, we’re treated as labor and breed vessels.
“…How annoying.”
I spoke out with detests. Yuuna looked at me with worrying face.
Suddenly, the roar of audiences echoed. I snapped back as I see a person is between the two.
A boy with elegant appearances, handsome face and also a certain badge on his sleeve.
“Oh, that’s a referee!” “Hell yeah! The <Ragnarok> is approved!” “Now start the match already!!”
The crowds are heating up again.
That’s the judge of the battle. In case of <Ragnarok> there will be always a measure for safety like him.
<Ragnarok> is an event where a match between two or more Aesir fights each other.
Depending on how the battle will be, there is a duel like this or a group battle. There is even a battle-royale if the referee of special event wants it to be.
But the referee cannot be any random person. He must possess the power of the highest rank, which is able to create extra ordinary weapon or phenomenon.
His role would be to judge the victor and the loser. And to stop any possibilities of any sides dying.
By the way, those who can be referee are in class of [Deus], as reflected of their immense Divine Power and strength.
Also, these god-tiers people are usually the members of student councils or disciplinary committees.
Also, the appointed head of each club and several teachers.
In any case, this could be a dangerous battle. Which is why, Deus is here.
“Permission granted. Activating [Battlefield]!”
The handsome boy raised his right arm high to the sky. Then a strange drawing inside a circle made of light appeared.
That is a magic circle. We who have obtained power like gods’ are able to use what ancient mages in book could do.
This magic circle is using Rune words. Magical letters which have existed from the long time ago.
But what [Deus] uses is a special magic field. Using complex runic words and folds of layers of magic.
Spinning like a wheel, the magic circle expands to cover the empty area.
Then wall of transparent white light rose high to the sky. Creating an enclosed space with only the three people inside.
“Now, then. The rule is a one-on-one duel. The time limit is 90 seconds, and the victory condition is to defeat the opponent. There is no objection, yes?”
The [Deus] looked at both students. Those two agreed silently, thus concluding the situation.
“Confirmation received. Starting <Ragnarok>!!!”
Within a moment, the two make a stance. Shinobu with a straight piercing stance, while the delinquent with a brawl’s.
Their eyes are filled with battle spirits, and everyone can tell. The battle between Gods has started.

Part five
The howl of the delinquent vibrates the air. I can feel his absurdly huge aura and Divine Power to gather around him.
By extracting the Divine Power from the earth, he can convert this raw energy into his own to unleash his skill.
--This action is called <Harvest>.
Although this is the most basic thing for us, it is efficient and required for everyone to be able to master this skill.
This can also be used as to reinforce one’s physical strength more than 300% than usual. And if honed, who knows that you can destroy someone by a flick of finger.
“Ohh….. Impressive for being a [Warrior]. He has a good way of thinking by being a true warrior.”
Gyouin is commenting intently like some spectator in football tournament.
Well, I agree. There is a special rank system in Kasekai City.
The rank is divided by five classes basing on the aptitude scores of students capability on using Divine Power.
The first class is the top twenty. The rank is [Deus]. Just like the name implied, these honor students are the strongest in Kasekai City. It could be said that they are reincarnation of gods themselves.
Then from 21 down to 200 is [Deity]. In other words, [Spirit]. The people who are closest to god, and the people who posses nearly equal power with god. Shinobu is in the top in this rank and was given a sub-rank especially for her.
The third class is [Warrior]. The intermediate class starting from 201 to 550. Half-human half deity. Ones who attained halfway reaching heaven. This delinquent called Ougon is included in here.
The fourth rank is [Minstrel]. The second lowest rank of all who have average power and scores. The majority of students are all [Minstrel], also Yuuna and Gyouin are in the same rank as well.
And lastly, [Nameless]. The last rank and the weakest. The students are those who failed to control nor even able to use their power. The numbers are also the least and I am also a [Nameless] as well.
Well, I have my own reason on staying as the lowest ranker. Anyway—
Ougon pummeled his fist deep into the earth. A phenomenon rose in surprise.
Lots of stone pillars are coming out from the ground within the barrier! They all went straight to Shinobu all at once!
“Wow! What a devastating attack! So his Divine Power is manipulation of earth, eh?! This is interesting to write!!”
Thanks for the useless comment, Gyouin. Though saying that, I do feel bored of a random attack like this.
There’s no coordination. Wasting energy. And also obstructing vision.
Shinobu, in the other hand is dashing forward with god-speed!
“Eh!? She’s going to crash forward!!?”
Yuuna is shocked frantically. I heaved a sigh while Gyouin laughed bitterly.
“Finished, huh?”
“Yeah. He’s dead meat.”
We both think of the same thing. Yuuna is completely not able to catch the hint.
The solid sound of chipped rock pillars was heard. Everyone held their breath in dazes as the unbelievable scene was unfolded in front of them.
“—Weak. Your power is too weak for declaring as the strongest warrior.”
All of them couldn't believe what they see. The forest of stone pillars was obliterated.
Like a forest reduced into stubs. Like shaved weeds.
The War Maiden gracefully broke through the ravaged earth with her silvery-white spear unstoppably.
In an instant and the [Valkyrie] has reached zero distance between her and her enemy.
“What you did is unjust. Extorting money and bullying the [Nameless] is the lowest thing to do.”
Shinobu stated with icy cold tone. Then she glared at Ougon with death glare.
He shivered in front of the War Maiden of god. Against servant of Odin, what can a mere giant able to do?
“Now, I shall judge you in the name of justice!!!!!”
In the next second, the spear she holds shine with brilliant silver light.
And then, the victor was decided.

Re: Original Light Novel: Worlds Breaker (Temp. name) - <Upd

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:03 pm
by superloner
This looks like it could be good.