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Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 4> part 3

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:41 am
by raitouazura
You can find chapter 6 and above in the comments below.

Chapter 3 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 3 : Villain

Part 1

“What a nostalgic dream”

While muttering that I wipe my eyes and yawn while looking around from my seat.

“…Yawning in front of someone presence is not a good manner, Yami-sama”

“Ups, sorry Lili, I just have nostalgic dream”

The one who sit in front of me is Lili, I call her that since 7171 is hard to call. She’s the one who always beside ever since ten years ago, I already think of her as my own family, and she’s the only one who I told about my true identity.

“It’s been ten years since then, huh…”

To have that dream, maybe it’s because I finally can meet hikari again.

“You also changed after ten years…”

Humanoid is growing as well, They programed to grow to the same appearance as their master. After ten years she grown become a bishoujo with her SLBL (Straight Long Black Hair) and that jewel like silver eyes, also even though it’s not too big but look slender, That chest.

“…You’re eyes looks indecent, Yami-sama”

She covering her chest with her hand while bend her body to the side.

“S...Sorry, inadvertently...”


She bending her body and use her hand to cover her chest, She look at me with her usual expressionless face but with slight blush on her cheeks. yep, it's cute!

“N…No, it’s just I accidentally looking at them! It’s not that I watch them intentionally!”

Because of her unexpected cuteness, I frantically trying to hide my embarrassment. But she only stare at me with cold eyes.

“…Then,…You think I’m not even charming?”

“nope, that's not true! you're cute!”

I declare it confidently.


Looks like she didn't expect that, she only look down with red face. Humanoid usually don’t care about something like that, All the humanoid I see in Misas never showing any emotion like Lili does, Even when I accidentally grab the their chest, She don’t show any reaction but Lili who at that time beside me, pull my ear strongly without saying anything.

[Yami…I know you already at that age, But staring at woman chest is a bit rude]

[It’s men instinct, You can’t blame him, you know?]

Metatron scolding me, and Thanatos answering in my stead while laughing.

(It’s not that, I’m just not used seeing her with casual clothes, so…)

I answer them using my mind, since Lili always think I talking to her when I talk to Metatron and Thanatos, I learning to speak with them by only using telepathy.

Right now Lili wearing casual clothes because I ask her that, it will too stand out if she wearing her usual maid uniform, When you looking like this she look like normal girl, Even I notice there’s so many male passenger who steal glance at her and not just once, if not because that choker on her neck everyone will think she just a normal human and starting to flirt with her (of course, only over my dead body first), If I can, I want to remove that choker but I can’t remove it, Because to humanoid that choker serve as their lifeline.

“By the way, How long until we can get to Reinslan?”

I try to change the subject.

“…if we go with this speed I believe we will arrive in one hour, twelve minutes and twenty six second”

She answered with confidence.

“As usual, You really strict with time”

I say that while sighing, She really strict about time, She always doing her work exactly in time, No more no less.

"Look! it's starting!"

I hear a passenger say that while pointing at the TV that installed within this train cabin, every cabin have one TV. Talk about luxury...

When I look at television that installed within this train, I saw familiar face, A blonde haired girl with opal blue eyes and have dignified atmosphere around her, she was the current Queen of Sygrine, she become The Queen one year ago by replacing her father Gregrain Astraea, who’s passed away because he's already too old, Even though she only 14 years old, (that mean two years younger than me) she already acknowledged by the citizens as a capable leader, she is Silvarin Astraea.

Beside her, I see another familiar face who I always want to meet ever since ten years ago, yes, It’s my little sister, Hikari. Her long silver hair is the same with mother, and her sharp green eyes is just like father, No matter how many time I look at her on the TV she’s really grown to be beauty. She just like mother in young version.
Five years ago, When Rin come to Misas for her father business, By some coincidence I become friend with her.

“I’m glad, Looks like Rin get along well with Hikari”

I call her Rin, Because she’s the one who asked me to call her that, But maybe I can’t call her like that anymore though. I once told her about Hikari and she say she will find her and want to become friend with her.

“Ah, Silvarin-sama and Hikari-sama, What a divine beauty, I don’t care if I have to die for them”

I look at one of passenger who said that while looking at the TV too.

“It’s not just you, We also feel the same way”

There’s other passenger who also said that, along with more other passenger nodding their head while saying, Yes…Yes.

It can’t be helped if they think like that, Because these two is look so stunning that there’s even people who saying even the diamond will lose it’s dazzling if go near them. Those two already inseparable best friend that known as “Two Goddess”, since those two always together anywhere whether in school or public event like this.

“And they strong as well”

I can’t help to muttering too, They not only famous because their beauty but also their standing and their ability to summon High rank Guardian, Rin is not just a 4th rank Hero but also the current Queen of Sygrine and her Guardian, Uriel, The Archangel who called Flame of God and one of Seraphim, And Hikari is a 3rd rank Hero with her healing ability called Heaven Blessing and her Guardian Raphael, The Archangel who called Healing of God also one of Seraphim, for two of person I know to be idolized like that, I feel little proud.

Guardian is something that only a hero with 5th rank above can call them, they have two shape, Human shaped guardian and animal shaped guardian. And very rare chance, they might just able to call god as their guardian. The one that can call god as their guardian only five person, They called Pentagon Pillar.

“…Yami-sama, Looks like you pretty taking a liking to Silvarin-sama”

Lili say that with cold voice, she always speak in cold voice but this one is especially colder than her usual tone.

“W…Why you say that?”

Surprised by her sudden question, I trying to ask her instead

“…The way you look at her”

While point at TV with her face she said that.

I don’t know what she mean by the way I look at her, just how did seeing it like that?. Well I admit that, Rin is also grown to be beauty girl though .

“It’s not that, I just feel thankful for her because she became friend with Hikari, And also I just surprised seeing that Rin, the girl who always clinging to me five year ago already become splendid person”

She’s really become a great person who’s in just one year of her leadership she can changed this country Law, that harsh law where hero can’t associate with Neutral. So it’s thanks to her I can go to Reinslan openly like this. I actually planning to infiltrate Reinslan after i complete my training but after i meet Rin, I decided to believe her that she can change this country. Just like i believe, she really change that discrimination law.

“Then, what's Silvarin-sama and Hikari-sama about the Immortal whose identity still unknown?”

After a little chit-chat, There's one of person who looks like journalist asking them.

“So they still searching for the Immortal, huh”

I can't help but sigh.

I created my own 10 Immortal Art with help from Metatron and Thanatos , It takes me about nine years and countless deadly training to completely master them all. But because of that, Immortal existence is come to light. Because the saint announce that there's someone who created Immortal Art, and caused huge fuss. Fortunately Asgard can't record creator name without creator consent, so my identity still not revealed.

I was too excited when i created my first Immortal Art and forgot about Asgard that can record any new created Art.

“It’s been nine years ever since the news about Immortal first announced but we still can’t get even a single clue about that Immortal, but we will always try to find him”.

“I just hope whoever he is, He won't use his power in wrong way.”

Rin answered with a little concern from her voice and Hikari agreed while nodding her head.

(Sorry for make you two worried like that)

While saying sorry to them in my heart, I sipped my tea that I already ordered before, and the Lili saying something that I never expected.

“…So, you not love her?”


I almost spit out my tea but managed to swallow it back.

“W…Why you saying that?”

“...I think Silvarin-sama have affection for you, Yami-sama””


I answer promptly

“Even if she have affection to me, It must be because she think of me as her brother”

Back then, She always call me Nii-sama and following me.

She stare at me for some time and…

“Then, It’s good though”

Then, in an instants I saw her smiling before going back to her usual expressionless face, Ever since that incident that happen ten years ago, Lili starting to show various expression that I never see in another humanoid.

[By the way,…Yami, Didn’t you say you have nostalgic dream?]

When I still thinking, suddenly Metatron asking me, of course there’s no one who can hear it except me, not even Lili.

(It’s about ten years ago, when I meet you two)

[Is it that nostalgic?, it’s just mere ten years]

Thanatos is as usual can’t understand too much about human…well, I can’t say I’m human though.

[in human world, ten years is considerably long, don’t compare it with our infinite time]

Metatron said that with insulting voice, so Thanatos will get provoked, and right what I though, He really get provoked.

[What’s with that tone, Itsuki! Are you thinking I’m stupid?]

[I’m not thinking, I know]


Their insult war is already became daily routine and I already getting used by it, There’s no need for me to told them to stop since I know that deep down they are inseparable friend and rival.

While ignoring those two insult fight, I said to Lili.

“I’m still sleepy, please wake me up when we arrive at Reinslan”

“…As you wish”

With her short reply, I close my eyes and once again fall asleep.

Part 2

Sensing bad premonition, I open my eyes

[Yami,…Did you sense that?]

[Looks like there’s some uninvited guest here]

Metatron and Thanatos also sensing it.

“Lili, Hide yourself!”

I say that with low voice.

“…As you wish”

I think she understand from my serious voice, and make herself invisible without asking anything. Because humanoid is highly valued. There’s some guy who abduct the humanoid to sell them for high price.

“Looks like this function also useful in situation like this”.

I installed her with “Cloak” function that make her can’t be seen, because I hear in Reinslan all humanoid that owned by students is have that function, it’s to make their self invisible when they in school, Humanoid can be installed with new function, but of course it’s not cheap, The more high the ability, the more expensive it’s price. It cost my nine years saving.

I sip my tea that already cold and scan my surrounding, I easily found several Element Bomb on several place on this train.


When a Hero who use his ability to doing a crime, They will called Villain. and They will be hunted for bounty, The more dangerous they are the more high their bounty.

[What are you gonna do?, Yami]

Metatron asking me even though he should already know my answer.

(That element bomb is something that created with Hero power, I can easily…)


Before I can finish my talking, suddenly there’s a man who wear mask that only show his eyes shout while slam the front door of train cabin I using.

“I already place several element bomb in this train, but if you all doing as I say, There’s nothing will happen”

He say that while smirking.

"H...he is Jack Snick, i..i saw his wanted poster before"

One of passenger say that while frightened.

"Hoo, To think even country bumpkin know about me. i also famous, huh? ha ha ha"

He laughing in delight

"That's right! i Jack Snick with 500.000 Dia bounty, if you want to be saved, don't do something funny!"

Everyone there is frightened and doing as he say, Except me

(From every other place, He choose this cabin as his hostage…)

[Rotten luck for rotten human, It’s fitting for him]

When I sighed in my mind, Thanatos also sigh.

I put down my tea, when I try to take care of that guy…suddenly the backdoor from behind me opened with loud sound.


There I saw a girl around 14-15 year old wearing blue security uniform and blue hat, She pointed her blue pistol that created by her power to the Villain.
Even though she pointed her pistol, Her gray round eyes is wavering and her hand that held the pistol is shaking.

[Look’s like this is her first time encountered situation like this]

I nodded at Metatron word, I impressed by her courage to step up against that guy, but if she shaking like that…


He shout at the girl while showing a device that looks like a detonator. From my view point that’s an obvious bluff, there’s no way he will blow this train if he’s still in here as well.


But that girl can’t think straight right now, She startled by his obvious bluff and seeing that chance…


He taking an old man who sit helplessly beside him as a hostage, He made red claw by his fingers and point it at old man neck.

“HA…HA…HA, As I though, you just a brat after all”

He’s laughing hard seeing the girl frightened condition.

“P…please don’t kill me now, It’s been nine years since I last saw my granddaughter, You can kill me after I meet her, so please…”

The old man pleading the Villain for mercy, but he just insult him and then laugh

“You think I care?, Neutral trash”

(That jii-chan is also the same as me)

He know all people who board this train is Neutral who want go to Reinslan, When Rin changed the law to allow Neutral to live in Reinslan, There must be many people that want go to Reinslan to meet their family who taken away from them.

(Why did all the one who have power always trampled the one who don’t have?)

I muttering that in my heart, but the frightened girl suddenly shout.


“What did you say, brat?”


Everyone there is surprised by that girl shout, Include me.

“T…They are human too, B…But it’s just happen they don’t have power like us”

Even though her voice wavering, she still say that.

“HA…HA…HA, What are you talking about?, There’s no way these trash is same species as me”

He say that while looking to the all passengers here, I insert my middle finger of my left hand to my tea cup silently so he don't notice and prepare to shot the droplet onto him.

(There’s a Hero who become Villain just like that guy, but…)

The droplet is starting to fall, I silently smile.

(There’s also a Hero who accept the Neutral as the same being as them just like that girl)

Then the droplet fall in middle of my finger that already prepared to shot, then…With speed that can’t be seen by eyes , I shot the tea droplet to his neck.


He released the hostage and falling to floor while firmly holding his own neck. Even for a Hero, he shouldn’t be able to breath for a while if I hit his neck like that. After all, his pain right now is should be just like when a high-speed stone is hit his neck.

“W…What are you doing to me?

He glared at the girl with bloodshot eyes, but the girl is also shocked by his sudden strange behavior.


I shout at the girl.


After she hear my shout, she immediately handcuff the Villain who can only struggle in pain with Vic, The handcuff that specially made to seal a hero power.

(Now that should take care of that element bombs as well)

I see all the element bomb that already become nothing more than piece of metal, to make element bomb, a Hero need to inject his power to certain thing. It's pretty hard since you need to inject it with perfect timing, if not, it will be exploded right away.

Many of Hero who can do that, sell his element bombs in black market for money, but after it be bought by other people, The authority is goes to the buyers. Only a Hero can activated element bomb, so if his power get sealed, then that element bomb will automatically defused.

After she handcuffed him, all the passengers roared and run toward the girl. The old man who become hostage is thanked the girl without stop with tear on his eyes, The girl looks flustered. Even when she making a call, she still blushing to her ear.


(A hero that was admired by Neutral and A Hero who save Neutral despite her fear)

I smile when saw this rare spectacle.

After for a while, The train stopped at the station, and that villain is walking while dragged by some male security.

“Lili, it’s alright now”

I told Lili to make herself become visible again.

“…Good work, Yami-sama”

She say that while making herself visible

“Did you see it?”

“…No,…I just know it”

Even she can’t see when I do that, she still think that only I can doing it. I’m glad she really trust me.

When I get off from train, I stopped by someone voice.


When I turning to source of voice, I saw that security girl running toward me.

“What’s wrong?”

I ask her that

She take a few breath from running, and then asking me.

“It’s you, Right?”


Did she realize what I do!?

“You the one who shouted to me back then, Right?”

That’s make me surprised for a while, I though she can see what I’m doing back then.

“Well,…That’s me though”

Did she angry I shouted at her?


She thanked me while bowing her head

“P…Please raise your head”

I saw people staring at us, Because right now there’s a security who bowing her head to me.

“Ah, Sorry”

She put her hand on her mouth while looking to left and right, Looks like she realize that people looking at her, She starting to blush again.

“Don’t worry about it, but why did you thanked me”

“At that time, if you don’t shout at me, I don't think i can move my body. Because I’m actually a coward and weak, unlike my sister who’s a brave and strong”

She told me that while smiling shyly

“I don’t think you’re a coward, Even though you scared, you still confront that Villain”

I still remember when she slam the door behind me, Even though she can just wait for another security to coming if she want.

“But, When I saw that Villain who have big body, I feel really scared”

She say that while looking down, Depressed.

“But Even then, You not running away”

The door is just behind her, She can just run because that Villain guy don’t have a gun or throw-able object to attack her. Despite that, she still confront him even though she herself is very scared.


She look at me in amazement, Did what I say is really that shocking?

“Or rather, When he’s holding that Jii-chan as hostage, you shouted at him right?, Not everyone can do that you know”

I really mean that, Normal person will stunned at time like that.

“I…also don’t know why I can do that, But I just don’t like when he insulted that Ojii-chan, He just want to see her granddaughter again. But that person…”

She said that while looking down, She clasp her fist because remembering that scene.

“That’s a courage”


Now she looking at me, surprised.

“True courage is something that when one say or do what they want by withstand their own fear for someone else sake”

I recite my father favorite word while looking at the sky, He always say that everyday, it’s already became his trademark. And I also like that word.

I look at her again.


She have a blank face, she don’t even realize when I wave my hand in front of her face.

“Oi…Are you alright?”

After a while She finally respond to my call.

“Y…Yes, I’m alright”

She answering me while panicking, Her face became red instantly.


From a few distance, I hear another security call her from her car.

“T…Then, I have to go, Bye!”

Then, She run to her friend or it’s looks like she just running away from me.


(Did she think I’m strange person?)

It’s the first time I leave Misas after all, I don’t really know about Reinslan or any other city.

Then, Metatron and Thanatos who stay silent sighed.

[Even clueless is also sin you know]

[You really a natural Lady-Killer]

(Why did you two talk to me like I’m some poisonous insect!?)

Honestly, Why they always tease me like this.

“Ah, T…That’s right!”

Then, I hear her voice again and look at her, She turn to me…

“My name is Rena,…Rena Mystil, Please just call me Rena, If it’s possible,…Can you tell me your name?”

(Mystil?, Where I heard that name before?)

I think I just answer her for now.

“I’m Sekizawa Yami, Nice to meet you”

“Yes, Nice to meet you too, Yami-san”

She say that while smiling, I’m glad, Looks like she didn’t hate me

“Then, See you later, Sekizawa-san. Once again, Thank you very much”

“Yes, Bye, Rena”

She run to her friend’s car, Her shoulder length short pink hair is swayed by the wind as she run.

“…Did you finish your flirting, Yami-sama?”

From behind me, I hear an Icy voice, There’s only one person who I know have that voice

“I’m not flirting!, She just want to thanks me, that’s all”

I say that while turning to face her, She have my bag in her hand

“…Let’s hurry to your dorm”

She ignoring my excuse and starting to walk away.

“Wait!, Let me carry my bag”


I cut her before she can finish her word.

“I can’t let a girl carrying my own bag”

“…But, it’s my duty to…”

“Your duty will come later when we arrive at my dorm, You should be know I suck at cooking”

I say that while laugh.

“…If Yami-sama say so…”

She handed me my bag with little regret, I take it with smile, And we started walk to my dorm.



"In the car that running toward police station, Rena mutter silently.

“True courage is when someone see something he don’t like , And trying to do something about them, even when himself is feeling scared”

Yami word is still lingering in her heart, His face that look lonely when he say that, why his profile when say that word is gripping her heart this much?

“Hey Rena, Is that the name of the boy you talking on the station a little while ago?”

Hearing her senior asking about him, Her heart pounded and awake her from her daydream.

“Y...yes, He’s the one who shout at me when i terrified back then, Why did you ask?, Faren-san”

She can’t hide her flustered reaction to her senior who steering the car beside her. Faren is a Housewife who already have two children, She think of Rena as her own daughter too.

“Hee…So he save you

Faren say that with teasing voice.



Despite Rena flustered reaction, Faren just smile faintly, not just Faren but also her other senior who sit In the back seat is holding their smile while still not let go their hand on that unconscious Villain.

Even after when they arrive at their destination, Rena still can’t escape her seniors teasing laugh.
Chapter 4 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 4 : Call & Anxiety

Part 1

“Finally arrived”

After walking for a while I arrived at my room, When I arrived, it’s already noon outside.

This dorm is only for Metaria School Students. Neutral, Unnatural, or Hero live here together.

Metaria school, That’s the name of my school that I will attend from now on. It’s have the most latest education and equipment, At first only Hero can study there, But Everyone can study there after Rin’s persuasion.

I throw my bag then myself on the bed, I can behave like this because every room in this dorm is only one person except for some people. I look at my surroundings, This room is have everything except kitchen.

“It’s pretty wide for only one person, There’s even TV and air conditioner here”

And most of all, It’s free. That’s why this dorm is so popular among people without much money.

“…Yami-sama, There’s a call for you”

I hear Lili voice behind me, Her eyes is glowing, That mean she receives a signal for a call.

(I wonder who? No one here should be know I come here today…)

Humanoid user can call each other if they knew the number of humanoid they want to call and they must be in same wavelength, each city have different wavelength so that’s why I can’t call Rin while I still in Misas.

I get up from bed and stand in front of Lili.

“Connect it”

Then in middle of me and Lili, there’s hologram square box appear.

“AH!!, It…It’s connected!!”

From there I saw excited beautiful face of blonde haired girl, Yes…she is Rin, The queen of this country.

“Nii-sama, It’s been a long time. Finally I can see you again”

Her voice is different from what I hear when she talking so politely in the TV, it’s like just voice of a sweet girl. There's a little tear in her eyes.

“Yes, it’s been a long time, Rin or should I call Silvarin-sama”

I tease her a bit because it’s been a long time since I last speak to her and also to make her relax a little. She looks too nervous.

“Muu…Nii-sama! Didn’t I tell you to just call me Rin?”

She pouted and then wipe her eyes, it’s a face that she never show on TV.

“To call a queen with nickname will be rude, right?. What other people gonna say if they hear it”

Seeing her face right now, make me want to tease her more and more.

“It’s alright if it’s Nii-sama! Just call me Rin! I don’t care what other people think”

She told me that while pouting her cheek, I just smirk, looks like her attitude when not not in queen mode don’t change too much like I though.

“Okay…Okay, It’s been a while, Rin”

Hearing I call her that, she smile satisfied.

“Yes, I’m glad to see you again, Nii-sama”

“How did you know I come to Reinslan?”

“Actually, I don’t know if Nii-sama would come here today”

That’s pretty surprising, coincidence can became scary sometimes.

“Then, is it just coincidence? If so, you pretty amazing”

But Rin only smiled and shake her head.

“It’s not coincidence, Nii-sama…”

Before she can finish her word, Someone open the door behind her.

“Rin, Did you know where hair dr..!!!”

It’s the face that I can only see at TV before standing on the other side of my screen call, yes, it’s Hikari, My little sister.

Hikari stunned when she look at me.


She rushed toward me, and looking at me with almost cry expression.

I glad she can recognize me on the first glance even though she’s not like me who can at least see her on the TV.

“Yo, Hikari”

Now I can finally see how much she grown up.

“Onii-chan, Finally we can see each other again, I always waiting for this day!”

She said that to me while still don’t understand her situation.

“U…Umm, Hikari”

Behind Hikari, I hear Rin whispered voice.

“Ah, Sorry Rin, It’s rude of me to just butt in your conversation, It’s been a long time since I saw Onii-chan, so…”
Hikari looks sorry to Rin, She still don’t understand which one the problem is. In my case, I use this chance to check her every grown part.

(it's older brother job to check his little sister grown)


[But Thanatos, you not!]

[What are you doing!? release me!!]

Thanatos is struggling because Metatron holding him down to floor.

(Sorry Thanatos)

I just watch him in silence. Then i look at screen again and saw Rin trying to tell Hikari about something.

“Don’t worry about it, I understand about how your feeling to meet again with him in the first time ever since long time, but…”

Rin halted, she wondering how to tell her, but she decided to...

“How about if you…wear clothes first?”

Tell her gently


Hikari look at herself who’s only wearing bath towel around her chest and thigh, Her silver hair is still wet from the water.


And she look at me.

“I glad my little sister grown up this much!”

I raise my thumb up while smiling radiantly.


Her scream echoed even in my room, I just hope that nobody hear that or there’s gonna big misunderstanding here.

She immediately disappear from screen.


There’s only Rin on the screen now, She make sorry face to Hikari while scratching her cheek lightly.

“Well then Nii-sama, Let’s continue our talk while waiting for Hikari to wear clothes”

“Where we are?...That’s right about Nii-sama that think this call is just coincidence…”

She stopped and her face blushed, Then she close her eyes and inhale deeply.

“It’s not coincidence, because…ever since five years ago I always make a call for you every single day”

Her cheeks become even redder.


I can’t imagine there’s someone who can do that without get bored.

“Nii-sama already promised to go to Reinslan someday, Waiting for Nii-sama to come here is a joy for me….kya!”

She became embarrassed by her own line, of course I also taken aback.


[what a dedication! How fortunate of you, Yami]

[To be loved by girl to this extend, you should be in joy right?]

Looks like finally Metaron released Thanatos.

(Shut up!)

I can feel both of them is smirking at me, even though you two always fighting, why just in time like this you two in unison.


And I feel two cold stares, one is from Lili in front of me, And another one from my long time no see little sister that already change clothes behind blushing Rin on another side of screen.


Hikari make obvious pretend cough, Then she call me with cramp smile.

“Just…what did you do to Rin to make her like this?”

She pointed at Rin that placing both of her hands to her cheeks with daydreaming expression.

“I don’t remember doing anything special though”

I honestly don’t know but Metatron and Thanatos sighing in unison.

[He can fast learning anything we teach to him, but why just in this kind of problem he’s so thick-headed]

[Ever since that event where he can make the expressionless jou-chan smiling for the first time, I already know that this brat will become like this].

Sorry for being born with this personality, I starting to get depressed because looks like in my personality there’s something I don’t know. Also I don’t know why but Thanatos always call Lili with jou-chan.

“Why not ask her yourself?”

“She won’t tell me no matter I ask her, so Onii-chan is the only one I can to ask”

I look at Rin, She still in daydreaming state. I decided to just ask her.

“Rin, Did I ever doing something special to you?”

She finally come back after I call her.

“Nii-sama, I can’t tell you….To reveal it from my mouth is more embarrassing than stark naked in front of you”
Rin say that while hide her full red face with both of her hands.



“Just what did you do, Onii-chan!!”

“…Answer, Yami-sama”


This should be heart-warming reunion, how did this turning into Interrogation for me.


“Let’s leave that for later, It’s been a long time Onii-chan”

I hope you not gonna bring it again though.

“Yep, I’m glad to see you so energetic”

We both smile. It's been a long time eer since we can talking like this after all, even though it still through screen.

“Ever since I leave Misas, I always get lonely easily and I spend everyday just to crying but at that time there’s Bluestar couple is so kind toward me, they treated just like I was their own daughter.”

Sirius Bluestar, even though he’s the captain at that time and receive great hatred from almost all Misas citizens, But after I watch video recording that he left me at that time until finished, I was thankful to him. Even though I only saw him though that recording, I know his words is sincere and he won’t harm Hikari.

“Where they are right now, I want to thank them too”

Hikari’s expression slightly distorted.

“…They passed away three years ago by accident”

“…..I’m sorry”

Hikari, so she’s experience losing her parents for the second time.

“no, don’t worry”

Hikari shake her head.

“Of course I feel so sad that I cry on that day, but at that time I glad I can meet Rin”

Hikari told me while glancing at Rin.

“Bluestar family already serve Astraea family for generations, Especially Sirius-sama is tou-sama close friend, when we hear that they have accident, even my stiff father that always attend the meeting no matter how sick he is, Just at that time he cancel all meeting on that day even though there’s important meeting that he should attend no matter what”

Rin display lonely smile. She must be miss her father too

“After their funeral end, my father told me that I will have a sister, The child that was adopted by Sirius-sama will be adopted by father and become my sister. I was so happy because I always want a sibling that can play with me, And I don’t know if t was coincidence or fate, That girl is nii-sama’s little sister that nii-sama told me about.”

“I see, so that’s how you two meet, I was surprised when I see you two together as sibling in TV”

Because it’s they suddenly announced that they sibling without much explanation, even i surprised.


“Hm, what’s wrong?”

Hikari want to tell me something but she looks hesitant for a while. Then Rin tap her shoulder and nod her head, Hikari also nod her head and then she stare at me while her eyes is wavering a little.

“The thing about I changing my surname, Did you angry?”

When she first appear on TV she announced her name Hikari Bluestar instead Sekizawa Hikari. At first I was confused why she changed her name when she introduce herself on TV for the first time but I know she should have her reason so I don’t mind too much. It’s just name after all.

And after I hear what actually happened a little while ago, I think it’s natural for her to change her name to her savior.

“Why must I angry?”

I ask her while tilted my head.


She taken aback for a while, then…

“B..Because, I…I betray onii-chan, even though onii-chan still using “Sekizawa” I just change my name just because of my feeling, so even if onii-chan hate me, I…”

She say that with high voice, looks like she think by changing her name is same as she betray me and wish to be punished.

“Don’t torment yourself, Hikari!”


I cut off her word before she can finish it.

Looks like changing her name is really have big impact for her, and she started to think unnecessary things.

“You betray no one”

(You really don’t change, huh, that kindness of yours)

I smile happily because my sister still this innocent.


I close my eyes while remembering my past memory with Hikari

“No matter how much you change, let alone something just like a name…”

I open my eyes and look straight at her eyes that already wet by tears.

“You are my cute little sister, that fact alone will never change”.

I can confidently declare this.


Finally, her tears is break out.

“onii-chan…i…was so scared…I always….think…what I should do…if you…hate me…but…how can…you just….Onii-chan…you…too…really…don’t change…”

Hikar’s voice is mix with cry, she hide her crying eyes with her both of her hand. If i close to her i would embrace her right now.

Behind her, Rin hugging Hikari, she also crying while said

“Good for you, Hikari”

To be that worried just because of name, you really a gentle girl.

“For now, you need get a rest first”

“Well then, bye…”

When I try to cut the video call, Hikari stopped me.

“Wait, onii-chan, I still want to talk to you. There’s so much I want to talk to you about”

Did she feel relieved that I don’t mind that much about her name?, she act just like back then where she always stick to me wherever I went.

“For now, it’s enough…”


“We can talk tomorrow, also face to face, That will be more convenient than talking like this, right?”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Nii-sama, are you will come to my house tomorrow?, If so I need…”

“No, in School”


Their reaction is strange.

“Did I still not told you two? From tomorrow I also will attend Metaria School”


“is that so?, sorry, because talking with you two, I forgot to told you about that”

Now that I think about, I never touch subject about school when talking to them. Maybe it’s because I think they already know about it. Looks like they think I only came here to meet Hikari.

“Onii-chan is Bully, after this kind of thing happened, what face should I use to meet you tomorrow!!”

“Just use that face, it’s cute.”

“W…w…what are you saying on this timing!?”

Her face is beef red just like lobster.

It’s been a long time since I tease her like this. She always make interesting face when I tease her so teasing her is just like my habit.

“Well then, Good night, Rin, Hikari”

“Good night, nii-sama”

“Night, stupid onii-chan”

Rin bow while laughing fu..fu and red face Hikari call me stupid.

The screen disappear.

“hm, where are you going, Lili?”

Just a moment after the screen disappear, Lili approach my bed and take my bag and then…


Throw it at me…straight at my face. Despite her looking, She pretty strong. I was throwed at wall along with my bag.



[She’s jealous]

[She’s jealous, alright]

I who don’t understand anything can only lie down while waiting Lili prepare the dinner that was only a cup ramen.
Chapter 5 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 5 : Strong yet Fragile


I go out from my room, heading to dining room for extra food because what dinner (cup ramen) Lili prepare isn’t enough for my poor body.

Fortunately I already saw the map of this dorm, This dorm is shaped like alphabet “H” where the right side for the girls and the left side for the boys. The room that separate boys and girls dorm is Kitchen room and dining room, That is the only room where boys and girls allowed meet within dorm.

[You reap what you sow]

[That’s what you get for make a woman angry]

And these two comment only make the burden of my body even bigger.

I finally arrived at the door that have “Dining Room” written on them. I open the door and see the wide room where boys and girls is buzzing all over, it’s just like hall.
“…Yami-sama, I will bring something for us to eat so please sit down first”.

“Okay, I will find the open seat for us…and please pick a food that can at least stopped my stomach ringing”

She stop moving for a while. and...

“…I try make effort”


She still in bad mood, just how long this will continue?

I walking to find open seat but almost all seat is occupied.

"Hm, Is this seat open?"

I ask the person that sit beside this seat.

"Sorry, that seat already occupied"

"I see, sorry to bother you"

"it's alright"

I walk again and that situation happen again and again.

“Hmm… There's no open seat...”

When I wondering what to do someone tap my shoulder.

“Yo, Are you in trouble?”

I turn my back and see the one who tap me, he looks same age as me or maybe older. He’s wearing light jacket and brown bandana on his head.

“Well, I just trying to find open seats but every seat is occupied”

“I see, Then…How about eat with us? We have open seat there?

He pointed at the most back seat, there I saw someone waving his hand, looks like his friend.

“Thanks, But I not alone, there’s also my friend, so…”

“Don’t worry about that, we have four open seat, so you can also bring your friend there”.

Reject someone goodwill is something that I can’t do.

“Thanks, then I gonna take your offer”.

“Sweet, ah I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Arthur Santana. Nice to meet you”

“nice to meet you too, I’m Sekizawa Yami”

“From your name, you not from around here, right?”

“Yes, I came from Misas, and only came here today”

“Hee…so you just like me. I also not from this city but from Regu, you have anything want to ask, just ask me. Even though I just came here a week ago but I know most of anything about this school”.

Regu is a small city from continent of west, it’s pretty far from Reinslan

“Let’s just order our food and sit there”

Arthur point at the Dinner counter behind him with his thumb.

Then we hear someone whispering, and not just one.

“Oi, Did you see her?”

“Yes, she’s a real beauty”

“You think she have boyfriend?”

“Fool!, she’s a humanoid, you know?”

“But, it’s the first time I saw Humanoid that pretty.”

“Yeah, but if it like this the “Phyton” will…”

“Phyton, huh?"

Arthur sighing when he hear that name.

“What’s Phyton?”

“Phyton is a group of girls that think they are the most beautiful in Metaria school. They will try recruit pretty girl to join their group, if she refused they will destroy her face.”

“What a brutal girls group”

I was amazed because there’s something like that here.

“It’s bad, Phyton here”

Then I hear the whisper and look at the door that open. A group of girls that have heavy make-up enter proudly just like peacock.

“Where’s that humanoid girl?”

The one who say that is looks like their leader.

“She’s on the counter”

“Alright, let’s go to greet our new companion, girls”

Then they all go to the counter.

“I will also go”

“Don’t, you might get involved if you go there”

I smile wryly to Arthur.

“I think I already involved”


Leaving confused Arthur, I run toward counter.

[Yami, Did you think…]

(There’s no mistake)

I answer Metatron before he finished asking.

Then I arrived at the counter.

“As I though…”

There I saw Lili that holding a tray of food get surrounded by Phyton girls.

"...Excuse me, i need to go"

Even though she circled, Lili expressionless face still don't change.

“I won’t discriminate you just because you are a humanoid, I love pretty thing.”

The leader of Phyton is walk toward Lili and trying to touch her shoulder. but Lili avoid her by moving sideward.

"...Please refrain from touching me so familiarly,...only Yami-sama can do that"

The leader is shaking a bit.

"Is he your master? let me talk to him, i sure he will give you to me after my persuasion"

She lick her lip.

I walk from onlooker side and stand in middle of Lili and Leader.

"You need anything from me?


I hear Lili voice behind me.

"So you her master? I can't feel any Mana from you, Neutral, huh?"

She laugh in mockery.

"I just cut the case, Give her to me and i won't hurt y..."

"I refuse"

I cut her off flatly before she finish talking"


She pissed, I think she already pretty pissed when Lili avoid her before.

She emitting yellow aura.

"Diana-sama, if you use your power here..."

oneof phyton member trying to calm her, but...


She already to angry to hear her companion voice.

"Oi oi, this is bad, right?"

"Let's get out from here"

The onlooker starting to run.


She thrust her fist that covered with yellow aura toward me, but i just stand there, because...


I have reliable partner beside me.

The leader of the phyton shocked, not only the leader, everyone in this room is shocked, the member of phyton, and also the onlooker that run, stopped in their track. It’s because Lili is stopped that attack with only her right hand.

“...What are you trying to do to Yami-sama!?”

Lili say that with her usual icy voice but right now, it’s full of killing intent.

Diana's face is changing into that hatred and fear.



The spark fill the dining room, Diana took something that look like electric baton from her jacket to attack Lili.


Once again everyone in the dining room is shocked, it’s because Lili that should have been destroyed is standing uninjured like nothing happen.


Diana is lost for word.

"Is that it?"

With uninterested voice, Lili stared at Diana.

"Then it's my turn"

Lili put down the tray in her left hand to nearby table and her hand started to glowing with purple spark.

Most of humanoid is weak again Electric because their circuit is will get destroyed instantly. But….

"P...please, don't..."

The reason why Lili not affected by electric is simple, it’s because she possess something that is more powerful electric, Thunder.

Lili Thrust her hand that covered with the purple spark that is fatal against human, she’s aimed the Diana's face.


But it was stopped before it reach the leader of phyton, why? It’s because I holding Lili’s fist.

(If she hit by this, she definitely can’t become normal again)


“It’s alright".


“For time being, I think you should switch off your thunder”

Lili is look down and the purple spark in her hand started to disappear and the gone.

I smile while patting her head, it might be rude to leader of phyton, but I was glad that she actually angry for my sake.

“you all, I think you should bring her to her room and make her rest for now.”

I say that to the member of phyton that still stunned, They started to move because of my voice and silently left the dining room with their leader.

Silence still fill the dining room, the moment I think we also need to get out from here…



The silence within the dining hall is changed to cheers.

“You’re so cool, what’s your name?”

“I never knew there’s humanoid that can laugh,I should write this on next newspaper!”

“Please go out with me!”

“Itsuki! I’m first!!!”

Lili is immediately surrounded by everyone , boys and girls. I silently leave her alone. everything is experience.


Lili that was never have decent conversation with strangers suddenly surrounded by many people, She must be so confused right now.

“I don’t know what would happen for a second there, but looks like it end well”

I saw Arthur that running toward me.

“Oi. Yami, I don’t know you have a humanoid…she not only super pretty but also strong. Lucky you!!”

Arthur pin my head and made drill punch while I hear his friends saying “I’m so jealous”.

“What’s her name?”

Arthur ask me while still pinning my head.


Arthur friends that hear that instantly running to the crowd and shout.

“Her name is Lili, what a perfect name for beauty”

Then , the crowd just surround Lili more intensely.

“Boys, First let girl talk to her. Know the shame”

I glad, With this Lili will get known here, and she should be able to make friend here.

“Lili-san, Please be my girlfriend”

“No, he’s a pervert. Just go out with gentle men like me”

“What a “gentlemen” you maniac!!, don’t think I don’t know about your hidden porn magazine.”

The boys started to have confession contest by their own.

“What you gonna do, Yami?. Your Humanoid might feel to another men, you know”

Arthur finally released me.

“Don’t worry, that won’t happen”

“Hoo. What a confidence. What’s your basis?”

“You will know it, and I think I need to get out from here…and fast”


Arthur inclined his neck, If I looking at current Lili, it just about time she will say that line. The line that make every boys in Misas chasing me to the death.


Lili that was surrounded by confession from here and there…

“Not good, I still in this room”


After Lili shout, silence fill the area, even the sound of excited boys a while ago is feel like just a mirage.

The only voices I can hear is just voices of two person within my body.

[If you running straight to the door, you might survive!]

[No matter how much I hear it, That line is really a walking bomb]


Because of this Me and Lili became pretty famous within this dorm.


“I’m tired”

I throw myself on the bed, After give them a long full explanation they finally let me go.

“I’m sorry, Yami-sama. It’s because of me…”

“Don’t worry about that, because of that fuss. Now they all should be familiar with us”

I answer while laugh wryly.

[ups, jou-chan’s switch is change, so we will also going back]

[well then, Yami. Take care of her, don’t forget to place the seal]

Both of them is gone to Atom sphere, Atom Sphere is the first Immortal Art I create. Simply put, I create a world within my body so they can fight. When they know I created a world where they fight without restraint, they overjoyed.

I created it because I saw them not energetic, when I ask them, they told me that they not fight for a while. After all, their fight something that not happen because of hatred toward of each other, but because they just a bad friend that need to fight once a while.


From her tone, I knew that her personality changed. Lili actually have double personality, one is her usual expressionless personality and one is where she have many emotion and will say anything on her mind.

Usually a person that have double personality won't remember what his personality doing, but Lili is remember what her another personality doing, That's why she usually awkward toward me if that happen.

The second personality is usually happen when so many thing is on her mind, at that time I will hear anything she say until she calm down.

I wake myself and sit on the bed.

“How about sit here first, I will listen to anything you have to say.”

I make a sign with my hand to told her to sit beside me.

“But, isn’t will trouble you? You should be tired after coming here from Misas and also after all that happening…”

“Who do you think I am? I won’t be collapsed just because something like that”.

I smile confidently.

“then, excuse me…”

She sit beside me. And starting to talk.

"I'm sorry for scene i make back then".

She bow her head toward me.

"Stop it, it's not something you need to apologized for"

"I was pretty troubled when she do that.

"After all, you must be unpleasant to have humanoid that can't even control her own feeling"

Her eyes is downcast.

"No way that happen, Or rather i was happy you know?"


She look at me, surprised.

“Well, certainly you shouldn’t do that…but, i'm glad that you think of me that much".

This is pretty embarrassing, but i need to clearly told her this.

"Even from now on, Stay with me forever”.

I stare at her transparent silver eyes that was wet by tear, make it’s look more beautiful.

“Of course!, Yami-sama is the only one I will serve, if I have to serve another person, I will self-des…”

I close her her lip with my finger.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let something happen that will make you do that. So please don’t say that sad word.”

“yes…I’m sorry….”

She nod at my word.

“Also, did you forgot what I say back then?, “you are mine, you won’t serve another person except me”.”

After I say that, She clung to my chest tightly while sobbing.

“There’s…no…way…I forgot….because…that word is….my….treasure”

I just pat her head so she feel at easy.

After a while, she finally calm down.

“Umm….Yami-sama…tonight…can I…sleep beside you?”

Even I can’t see her face because she still clung to my chest, I can still see her cheeks is beef red.


A girl is muster all her courage to say that, if I avoid the subject here, I’m not a man.

I lie down while Lili still clinging to me, I can feel girl sweet smell so close to me. Even in this personality, it’s the first time ever Lili depended so much to me.

(I absolutely won't let anybody hurt her, even myself)

This is my honest feeling.

When I see Lili face, she already sleeping.

“What a cute sleeping face, she looks like human no matter how you see it”.

And then, I hear Lili sleep-talk.

“Yami…sama….As I though… I…rea…Lo…u…, Ples...don'”

"I won't go anywhere"

While muttering so, i close my eyes.
Chapter 5.5
Spoiler! :

Thanatos and Metatron is resting under a tree after their usual battle.

[Thanatos, Did you remember?]

Within Atom Sphere that receive massive damage everywhere after Metatron and Thanatos battle, Metatron call out to Thanatos who's lying down beside him, cleaning his treasured sword, <<Oblivion>>. It was a long Jet-Black Sword around 1,5 meter, The handle is made from dragon's scale and The edge that made from wyvern's fang that he slay himself is shining like a mirror because of the sun.

[Hm? about what?]

Thanatos answered without looking at Metatron.

[When Yami created this <<Atom Sphere>>]

Metatron say that while gaze toward <<Atom Sphere>> that already started to restoring himself. The ground that have big hole here and there is closed one after another, replaced by grass field. Because <<Atom Sphere>> real form is just a grass field with some trees.

Thanatos stop what he's doing and place <<Oblivion>> to his sheath.

[Aah, That's when we realize how dangerous Immortal can be]

Thanatos' eyes gaze toward distance.

[When i hear Yami want to create a world where we can fight without restrain, i was very excited. Not only because i can fight with you again but also i can witness <<Immortal Art>> with my own eyes].

[Yeah, i also think like that]

Metatron is unusually agreed with Thanatos.


Metatron close his eyes.

[A great power is need a great price too].

Thanatos also said.

[But i never though that the price needed to pay to performing an <<Immortal Art>> is not something that Yami couldn't pay]

Metatron open his eyes again and gaze toward the sky.

[World the price]

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 3 update

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:58 pm
by Delta33
There's several light wrong spelling but it's okay.
Also looks like you forgot to change coffee to tea at the end of part 1 :D
i pretty like the story so far and will wait for another chapter. Good luck! :D

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 3 update

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:00 am
by raitouazura
Ah, you're right, :P sorry, gonna fix it. thanks for notice and i do my best to expand my imagination :mrgreen:

Gonna watch some anime or read manga to find the material needed :lol:

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 6 update

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:13 pm
by raitouazura
Chapter 6
Spoiler! :
Chapter 6 : Metaria School

Part 1


Finally morning came and I was awake from my slumber.

I look at the girl that still sleeping while still clutching to me. Lili’s innocent sleeping face is so close to me, I’m so lucky to see this kind of rare scene like this.


I call out to her while patting her head.

“Lili, wake up, it’s already morning. We need to prepare to go to school”

“…uu…good morning….yami-sama”

Looks like she awake, even though still half-sleep. Then, she stare at my face and at herself who right now n top of me.


In an instant, Her face became beef red and steam come out from her head.

“…I…I’m sorry, Yami-sama…i…”

She Frantically stand up and get away from bed.

Watching her this flustered is really fresh, despite her cool attitude she actually pretty innocent girl after all.

“Don’t worry, To think that you depend on me that much, I’m so happy”.

I say it with smile and raise my thumb

“W…What are you talking about in the first thing in the morning? I…I will prepare breakfast…”

She go out from my room in a hurry.

“ah, she running away…cute…”

Then I get up from my bed and go to bathroom to wash my face.


After I wah my face, I look at mirror in front of me and say that chant in my heart to open the seal of Atom Sphere. And at that instant both of resident within my body come out.

[Good morning, Yami]

[Morning, What about jou-chan?, she already alright?]

(good morning, Lili is already alright. Looks like she really worried about that incident in the dining room last night)

Both of them feel relieved when I told them so.

It was already our routine that they will stay at Atom Sphere on the night while locked and I will open it again on the morning. It was Metatron idea that I should lock it so I at least have some privacy and Thanatos reluctantly agreed to that.

Only in the Atom Sphere, that both of them vision is separated from me. Well, certainly scene last night is not something i can just say to anybody especially Thanatos.

[Finally, The time that you waiting is came right?]


I nod at Thanatos word, Yes, this is the time that I was waiting for. The time for me to prove my strength, my training that I spend for nine years.

Metaria School is the largest school that teaching anything about Art and they have many strong people from all over the world gathered there. They often host an interesting event there, and od course there’s event that involve battle as well.

In the Misas, there’s no Hero so I never fight a strong person properly, even though I fight against Metatron and Thanatos, It was just a training, so they don’t use their full power.

(Just how many strong people will gather there…I’m so excited)

Just as I finish change my clothes to Metaria school uniform, Lili enter with tray of food on her hand. And she just silently placing it on the table without looking at me.

(Looks like she still embarrassed about that)

[What?...What happen last night? Did you do it?]

Thanatos asking with eager voice, This god is really love this kind of talk. Only two things that can interest Thanatos, it was Battle and Ero.

(I told you after I die)

[Isn’t that impossible!!?]


He stumbled on the floor with melodramatic motion. I can feel that he really feel depressed, sorry but just this kind of talk I will never told you about.

On the table I see, fried chicken with rice, a cup of tea, and some fruits. I’m glad it’s not another cup ramen.


I eat the food Lili prepare while Lili is just drink a can of <<Riss>> , <<Riss>> is a canned water energy that was made only for Humanoid to re-fill their energy, They need to drink it at least once per day. You can find them easily, they just sold anywhere even in vending machine.

But, Lili case is different though, She also can re-fill her energy by electric.

“Oi…Lili, don’t be that embarrassed…”

“…I…I’m not embarrassed, I’m just…”


“…Just…amazed that Yami-sama is can be pretty bully”

“Well, sorry about that…it’s just that you reaction is cute, so I just…”

“…..! see?? That’s what I mean!!”.

[Are you serious or just joke, I don’t know anymore]

[Smooth talking is a skill that needed, if you want to stand at the top. Keep it up]

Blushing Lili, Amazed Metatron, and Excited Thanatos. That was the first morning I had in this Capital City.


After walking about five minutes, I was arrived at the gate of Metaria school.


I was astonished for a while, it’s over twenty fold more bigger than the mansion where I live. That mansion I live is big but not as big as this.

“yo, Morning”

From behind I hear familiar voice.

“yo, Arthur, Morning”

“I glad you can recognize my voice despite we only meet yesterday, Lili-san also pretty today”


Because of Arthur over-familiar attitude Lili knitted her eyebrow with suspicion.

“Ah, Lili still don’t know. Lili, he’s Arthur, I just meet him at dining room yesterday”.

“Arthur Santana, at your service”

Arthur introduce just like he some kind of butler.


Lili just watch him with her usual expressionless face.

“She only see you, huh? As I though, you really are lucky Itsuki”.

Arthur stare at me with teasing eyes.

“Don’t talk stupid, let’s just enter. Lili…”


Lili make herself invisible by using <<Cloak>>

“Hoo…<<Cloak>>, huh? That’s pretty expensive, I don’t know you that rich”.

“not really, it cost my nine years saving”.

When I remember it, I feel like to cry.

“What should we do first? Did we only have to go to classroom?”

I ask Arthur. But he shake his head.

“No, first, we need to go to Hall. There’s where our class will be decided”

“eh?, why they decided the class there?”

Usually they already decided each student class and just stick the list at the message board

“This is Metaria school, you know. A school that was specialized for teaching Art.”

“So are they will decided the class by test like Trial or something?”

“Something alike, I don’t know that much either, but ihear they will measure our battle level or <<BP>> first.”

“Battle level?, not Hero’s rank?”

“Yup, so it’s possible even for me who a Neutral is in same class as you who a Hero”


I see, Looks like he misunderstand me here.

“What’s with that face!?, It’s certainly very hard for <<Neutral>>to be same class with <<Hero>> but it’s not impossible. The proof is also already…”

“I’m not a <<Hero>>, you know?”

When I declare that, Arthur non-stop talking halted immediately.

“….pardon?” (btw, he say it in english)

“I’m not a <<Hero>>, didn’t that Diana also say she don’t feel any <<Mana>> from me, right?”

“Eeeeeeeeh!? But..that time, did you stop Lili-san’s <<Art>> bare-handed?. If you not a <<Hero>>, how did you do that!?”.

He ask me with eager expession so I answer him honestly.


Now, he show more surprised expression than his previous expression.

“EEEHHHHHHH? You joking, right?”

“…it’s true, Yami-sama is neither Hero or Unnatural”

The one who answered is Lili that her body already invisible.


Arthur started to laugh.


He laughing so hard and make us get stared by students that passed here.

“Oi…did you broke?”

This guy really have many interesting reaction.

“No, stupid….i glad finally there’s a Neutral like that might just stand with same standing as that prideful Hero”

“What makes you think that?”

“When you show that scene last night, everyone must be thinking that you’re at least 6th rank Hero”.

“But, for you a neutral like me can do that, I can’t wait to see how much your battle level”

He still smirking while say that, looks like he have some kind of reason why he this excited just because he knew that I’m a neutral.

[Certainly, Even without Your <<Immortal Art>> and three of your <<Trait>> is sealed, You won’t be defeated by common <<Hero>>]

[Show them your power! ,Yami!]

Metatron and Thanatos encourage me.

(Leave it to me, I show you two the fruit of my deadly training).

I nod strongly.

[But it feel kind of waste, right?]

Thanatos suddenly say that with regretable voice.

I understand what Thanatos mean, I also actually want to use my true power but I can’t, because the price is too big.

[What can we do? Yami can only use his Immortal Art three times, he already use one to create “ Atom Sphere”, so only two remaining. If he use it for more than three times....]

Metatron stop and then Thanatos the one who finish it

[This world will be…annihilated]

That’s why, To make me won’t use <<Immortal Art>> I take advantage of one of five Immortal’s <<Trait>>, <<Immortality>>. I doing countless training that usually will kill. So I can’t fight even without using Immortal Art or relying on this body that can’t die.

(My only weapon is this strength I gained by training and…this)

I look at my mother’s pendant. This pendant is actually can change form to sword, The sword that my father always use when he still alive.

“Then, Let’s go!!”

Arthur push my back while smile delighted.

“Don’t push! I can walk alone”.

“Don’t worry…Don’t worry…”

But this guy won’t listen to me.

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 6 update

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:27 pm
by raitouazura
Chapter 7
Spoiler! :
Chapter 7 : Test


“Wow…This hall is full of people”

The moment we arrive at the hall, I can already hear people buzzing, They talking excitedly.

“You right,… even the people at dining room is can’t be compared with this many people”.

Even Arthur is looking around with amazed expression.

“Ah! Yami, Look!.. That’s one of <<Four Cards>>, The Queen, Erika Rosenberg

I look at the direction Arthur pointed, There’s a a beautiful girl that have mature elegant aura, i think she older than me. Her long blue hair is really match for her blue sapphire eyes. She talking politely with people around her, looks she already get used to it.

“She’s a real beauty, right?”

Arthur say that with dreamy eyes.

“Yeah, she’s certainly what people call elegant beauty…Lili, it’s hurt…”

The invisible Lili just silently pinch my waist.

“By the way, what’s that…<<Four cards>> you talking about”

“Ah, sorry… I forgot to explain it to you”.

Arthur that awake from his day-dreaming started to open his mouth.

“In this Metaria school, There’s four alliance that it’s leadership is shouldered by certain individual that have the most influence in this school from other people, that individual is called <<Four Cards>>.

“<<The Jack>>, 3rd rank Hero, Inzagi Cometdust, 2nd year. He’s from Cometdust family that always became number one sponsor in Metaria Sport event, I hear he personally earn that money himself not using his family money""

"Hee, so he's an independent man,huh?"

"Yeah, i also want to become like him too someday"

Arthur agreed while looking at him for a while and then look at Erika.

"Next is <<The Queen>>, 2nd rank Hero, Erika Rosenberg, 3rd year. She’s the eldest princess from <<Reginva Kingdom>>"".


Reginya is a big country that lead by king Dante Rosenberg, <<Beast of War>>. He got that nickname after he slaughter 100 <<Eater>> by himself. and not just that, One of <<Pentagon Pillar>> is also live there so Reginya is a country that they don't want to become enemy with.

"And she also by admired by many boys and girls, there's even a secret fan-club that will prevent any man approach her by using any means necessarily”.

Arthur say that with dazzling smile.

“How did you know that?, you only a week here, right?”

“Why you say?, Of course it’s because I experience their violence...personally”

He say that while raising his Thumb.

(This guy is an idiot)

“Okay, next is The King, 3rd rank Hero, <<Michael Soulray>>, 2nd year. He’s the only son of Soulray family, Soulray family is have the famous family that dominated almost all business in Reinslan, and he’s the next heir".

Then Arthur whisper to me.

"Actually, there's bad rumor about him"

"What kind of rumor?"

"Anyone that battle againts him always been injured before match, not come to arena, and etc".


(Certainly, I feel malice behind his smile)

"And then at last but not least, The Ace, 2nd rank Hero Reira Mystil,1st year".

Arthur suddenly talking with excited voice.

"She's only 1st year like us but already become <<The Ace>>, She always become the strongest ever since she attend this Metaria School from when she still elementary student"".

This Metaria School is consist from elementary to High school. That's why there's also children that accompanied by their family within this hall.

"She’s not come from big family but her family is have the strongest dojo that nobody can beat, She's the best discipline there. and she’s also the one who crowned as the strongest Hero within this Metaria school, She's a silent beauty type. She don’t talk much but that silent attitude make her have many secret admirer, boys and girls”.

I smile within my mind, i can't wait to have battle with them.

“So, of course they all strong, right?”

“Absolutely! After all, they’re all people with 3rd and 2nd rank Hero”

“I see, I can’t wait to fight them”

Arthur mouth is opened when I say that, he’s in that state for a few second. Then…

“FU…stop it,… Yami…are you trying to kill me with laugh?...ha..ha...ha”

He laught at me while holding his stomach, looks like what I say just now is like a joke to him. well, I just leave that for later.

“Also, you saying about <<Alliance>>, what’s that?”


"You laugh too much!, Just wait until I prove that my word is not just a lip service"


He apologized while hold himself not to laugh.

“Ehem, Most of student here is a part of alliance, To joining a specific alliance you need the leader approval. After you choose which alliance you want to join and be approved, you can’t change your alliance so easily”.

“Alliance also can make you doing event more easily because the leader also will take a part too”.

“Hoo…looks interesting”

Hearing that makes me feel excited, especially because of battle event part.

“You say “most of people”, so there’s also people that not joining alliance?”

“Yup, There’s a person that not interested in event and only study, a person that too embarrassed, a person that don’t confident in their abilty, The reason is different for each people”.

“And?, Which alliance are you?”

“Still not decided, I will just watch for a while, you?”

“same, for time being, I just watch”

I still don’t know much about <<Four cards>>, so I won’t decided yet.


Suddenly I remember.

“What’s wrong?, Yami”

“Which alliance is Hikari…Bluestar and Queen Silvarin?”

I almost just call them without honorific in this place but somehow can correct it.

“We do not belong to any Alliance…”

The voice that answer my question is come from behind me.


Arthur jaw is dropped, and so also the onlooker, it’s because the <<Two Goddess>> is make an appearance.

“And?...Onii-chan, what’s with that honorific?”

“Nii-sama, even though I told you so many times just to call me Rin"

Both of them is pouted, please understand where we are right now…that dining hall incident is enough for me.

They stare at me. and then...HUG...



Hikari silently hugging me. Her face is buried on my chest.

"oi, Hika..."

I swallow my word when i saw her tears.

"Long time no see, i'm glad you alright".


She then separate herself from me.

"um, i also happy to see you again".

There's no tears in her eyes anymore, it's replaced by pure smile.

"I think this is enough for now, we gathered too many glances here".

I glance at my surroundings.


Rin approach here too.

"Rin, Thanks for taking care of Hikari".

"No need to thank me, i also been taking care by her".

"I see...well then, i think the ceremony about to begin. i think you two need to go to your group".

I saw some people already stand on the stage.

"Yes, Onii-chan...let's meet again after this over. There's so many things i want to tell you about"

"Yeah, i look forward to it".

Hikari turn back prepare to go bur Rin still standing and watching me.


Hikari call out to Rin.


She stare at me, looks like she want to say something.





She let out sweet voice when i pat her head, I know she also want to be patted after she saw i pat Hikari.

"Well, Did you satisfied?"

"yes, sorry"

"Don't worry, The three of us can have long talk after this over. so just wait until then".

"Yes, Then excuse us Nii-sama. Thanks"

Both of them leave and go to their Hero Group.

"Arthur, we also need to go to our group"

I turn toward Arthur that have aghast expression.

I can feel countless curious glance pour at me.

“Who’s that person?, why did Hikari-sama and Silvarin-sama talk to him so familiarly?”

I can hear them talking something like that.

(oh well, if it’s already like this, I don’t care anymore)

“F…For the <<Two goddess>> is acting that way, I never see it”.

“Just who is that man?”

When the onlooker starting to buzz.

“All of you, Welcome to Metaria School”

That voice is come from top of stage in this hall.

“I’m this Metaria principal, Shion Diarama

It was a woman in middle of his twenties, She’s talking so loud without any tool.

(she must be using some kind of Art)

[correct, this Art is <<Titania Roar>>, it’s an Art where you can fill a room with your voice no matter how huge the room without make the listener’s ears hurt]

Metaron is declare it confidently, it’s because he know about most of Art. That’s Angel knowledge for you.

“Let’s save the chit-chat for later, we just go to test immediately”

“Hero go to right side, Unnatural go to Middle, and Neutral go to Left side. Hurry up!”

By the instruction of principal, the student started to move to their place.

While still feel glances on me, I also move to left side while dragged Arthur that still in daze.



“Huh? What happen?”

Arthur finally awake from his daze after i hit his head.

“You awake now?, you just standing like statue there. So thank me for bringing you here”

“Ah, sorry… I see, I was daydreaming…Ha ha ha, Yami, I have a dream where you just casually talking with “Two Goddess” and moreover hugged, how ridiculous of me….ha ha ha”


“That’s just a dream,…right?”


“As I though, no matter what only that is impossible…ha ha ha”

[why did you lie to him?]

(It's for the best for now)

“Well then, let’s begin the test”

By principal order, a round-shaped thing is appear from below, it shape is just like <<Trial>> but slightly different around the leg.

“What’s that?”

I ask Arthur beside me.

“That’s <<Tester>> I hear it can show how much BP you have, but I also don’t know how it work”

Arthur say that while shrugged.

“Maybe some of you already know what testes is, yes, it can measure your BP. And as an example, let’s have the “Four Cards” make the demonstration how to measure your battle level by using <<Tester>>”

After that, Four people step up at the stage.

"Firsy, let start with <<The Jack>>".

A dark skinned guy stood up on the front after Principal's order.

And then, after talking with principal a little, that “Jack” walk toward “Tester” and suddenly…


His hand is covered with red aura that resembles to flame.

He punch that <<Tester>>.


Great explosion happen. The floor and the ceiling is shaken. The stage is covered by the smoke that created by that explosion.


“As expected from <<Four Cards>>, they on different level from us”

I hear many student talking while admiring him.

After the smoke is gone, <<Tester”>> is glowing with purple color and then it’s light go up to ceiling. That light is show a “1786” number.

“I see, It’s simpler than I though”.

Basically, it just need to be hit.

“Inzagi Cometdust, nice to meet you all”

Inzagi wave his hand, despite his scary face, he might just a easy person to get along with.

“Remember, after you done, you have to introduce yourself. Next, <<The Queen>>!”

The principal order Erika to do it next.

Erika walk toward <<Tester>> and then stopped on distance that pretty far from <<Tester>>. She just point her right palm and muttering something that anybody can’t hear from this distance. But my hearing is different, I can hear clearly what she said…

O the one who control over the coldness, lend me your strength and strain those sinner

Her hand is covered by blue aura, and it become thicker and thicker.

She slam her right hand to the floor below her, and at that moment…

A big pillar of ice is surface from below of “Tester” and make it frozen within that pillar of ice.

And, once again tester is glowing with purple color and formed the number “1955”.

“I’m Erika Rosenberg, please take care of me”

She say that while bowing politely with smile.


The students that watch it shouted excitedly.

“Good!!, Now <<The King>>, you next”

Michael step up next, and he place his hand on the <<Tester>>”

Then something is injected from his hand to the <<Tester>> and make it glowing. Then he repeat it few times, the more times he inject, the more the glowing became thick. And then…


<<Tester>> exploded, that explosion is came from within it’s core.

(Just like a bomb that exploded within human body)

[If that technique is used against human, he’s absolutely be killed]

The purple glowing happen again within the smoke and the number 3190 appear in the ceiling.

“Michael Soulray, pleased to meet you”

He say that with a smile and make a butler bow.

“KYAAAAAA, Michael-sama. So cool”

The girls is immediately go kya kya.

“Looks like he pretty popular, huh”

“Of course, not only he strong, he also handsome and the next heir of Soulray company, The most famous company in this Reinslan, This world is so unfair”

Arthur say that while crying.

“3190, As expected from <<The King>>, next <<The Ace>>, show me the power of the strongest within this school”

King is talking something to Ace but Ace just ignored him and approach “Tester”. Of course i can hear they conversation.

“Today is the last day where you will be called strongest”


“You Mikuru!!”

(Rivalry, huh?)

When she arrive about one meter before <<Tester>>, she extend her hand toward up.


Then, From her hand appear a Katana with black sheath. I can feel it, That Katana is not created by Art but pure steel.

She made i-ai stance and close her eyes.

“Oi…Oi…Ace, I can’t feel any MANA from you, are you trying to use that Katana alone without your Art? Even self-confidence have it’s limit, you know”

King is trying to provoke her but she act like he doesn’t even exist. And…


Only the sound is heard, I sure that only a few people here can see when she unsheathed her Katana to slash <<Tester>> and in just split second she sheath it back again.
<<Tester>> is glowing and reveal her battle level that highest among them all, 5988.



King jaw is dropped by seeing the scene in front of him, not only him. Another “Four Cards” is also astonished let alone the students.


Principal voice is break the silence in the hall.


The silenced hall is turning to clapping sound and the clapping sound became bigger and bigger.

(About that Reira girl, did you two think she look familiar?)

[Did you forget? She’s that girl from eight year ago]

(Ah, I remember, she’s that girl that accuse me for stealing back then)

I remember because of Metatron.

[Also, did you remember the name of that security girl yesterday?]

(Rena….Mystil, Did they sisters?)

I remember when she talking about her sister a little.

[Looks like it, they look similar]

I watch her carefully, Her ponytail have same color with Rena and her feature is also similiar. The only difference is her sharp eyes that looks like can pierce people just by staring at them.

“That’s how you do it, there’s no study, today is just to decided which class you will in, so start from Hero side, you on the front, step up”.

Principal ordered the most front right person to step up to stage.

(That mean I’m last,huh)

Since I in Neutral side and my place right now is the most back left.

One by one student unleash their skill against “Tester”, while they doing that there’s a person that looks like teacher write something in his notebook, He must be write their battle level.

And then after a while, it’s time for Hikari turn.

She step up at the Stage without hint of nervousness, The past Hikari won’t able to do it.

(Looks like already get used standing in front of many people)

She gently touch “Tester” and then she close her eyes. At that instant the hall covered by dazzling white aura.

“Ugh, I can’t see anything but I feel warm inside…is this the power of healing?”

Arthur hide his eyes with his left arm but I can see just fine.

Her battle level is 1533.

“I’m Hikari Bluestar, nice to meet you all”

She say it while putting innocent smile.


The hall is noisy because clapping sound.

“Kyaaa, Hikari onee-sama”

“Hikari-sama, what a beautiful smile, even if I die right now, I won’t have regret”.

Looks like Hikari popularity is not lose against <<Four Cards>>.

“that’s pretty a good battle level, as expected from <<Two Goddess>>…Next!!”

After bowing to principal Hikari step down and Rin is Step up, I can see they make high-up.

Rin extend her hand to front and open her right palm upside, and from her hand come out a great red fire aura. That big aura starting to be compressed to small size that it’s size and shape become like a marble. Then I hear Rin muttering in small voice…


She clasp that marble shape object and the next instant…


Pillar of fire is formed and burning “Tester’ within it, It was really a magnificent scene where right now Rin is really look like a Flame Goddess.


“Silvarin Astraea, Please don’t use any honorific when talking with me, because I also a student just all of you”

She make a bow before step down from stage while voice of her admirer roaring.

After the Hero group is over, It’s Unnatural turn now and then Neutral, Hero group battle level is around 500-1500 And Unnatural is around 100-500.

Finally only five person include me left that need to be tested.

“Uu…I’m so nervous…”

Beside me Arthur is Trembling like a person within snow mountain, his teeth is also make a sound.

“Don’t worry that much, it’s only a test for class. It’s not like you will get kicked out from here even if our battle level is low”.

“I know that, but I can’t help by feeling nervous”.

When I see Tester, It suddenly hit me.

“Arthur, Even though it’s already hit so many times, why did there’s not even a scratch on it?”

“Didn’t you know? <<Tester>> cannot be broken no matter what”

“Cannot be broken, huh?”


I silently smile.

It’s Arthur turn now, and he walk toward stage mechanically.

“I Hope he doesn’t mess up in important time”

When he arrive at the stage he wear a single glove to his right hand and make a stance, looks like he planning to punch it.


When he run toward <<Tester>>, His feet slipped and…


He made head butt on <<Tester>>, and 1 is showed.


The hall is filled with laughter, even the <<Four cards>> is laughing exclude Reira.

I close my eyes with my right palm because i also amazed.

"What the hell is he doing?"

“I’m Arthur Santana, nice to meet you, then bye…”

He step down from stage in hurry while still steam come from his head.

(Finally, it’s my turn)

I walk toward stage, I can everyone glance pour on me.

(I see, so it's not Arthur fault for being nervous)

“I mess up, how embarrassing”

Arthur make scratch his cheek lightly while say that. I tap his shoulder…

“Arthur, you say <<Tester>> is never broken, right?”

I say it with low voice so only he can hear it.

"Y...yeah, what about it?"

I can't help but smirk.

“Then, watch it!...This is the first time that thing will be….”

I release my hand from his shoulder and walk past him…



I can feel his confused look at me but I just need to show him that I’m not joking.


“Great performance there, Rin”

Hikari is welcome Rin with praise.

“Thank you, you also great, That light is really beauty. It give me warm feeling”.

Rin say what she really think of her.

“Stop it, you embarrass me”

Even thought she trying to hide it but Hikari is looks happy.

“I can’t wait to see nii-sama performance”

“I too, ever since you told me how strong he is. I really want to see it with my own eyes”.

Hikari is also looking excited.

“Nii-sama must be become strong so he can meet you again”

“Y…You think so?”

Hikari face became red, she must be happy because Nii-sama is really think that much about her. And Rin's heart is feel a little hurt for an instant.

Rin shake her head left and right to get that strange idea out from my head.

“What’s wrong? Rin”


(Now, I can’t think like that, I just need to wait until Nii-sama turn).

Rin force herself not to think about that right now.

After a while, finally it’s the turn of a boy before Yami, he walking while shaking, looks like he not used to stand in front of many people.


After wearing a single glove in his hand he immediately charged at <<Tester>> but because he too nervous…


His head is slammed against <<Tester>>, and <<Tester>> show him his BP. When Students saw that they all laugh at him.

“Looks like it’s his first time, we can’t really blame him”

Hikari say that with troubled smile, Rin also nodded at her.

When Rin look at Yami, She saw Yami tap Arthur and saying a few word to him but she can’t hear it from here. Arthur is look lost.

“Finally, The moment I waiting for…”


Hikari is tremble with excitement and Rin also clenched her fist.

When Yami step-up at the stage, Rin noticed that Reira look surprised when seeing him. It’s the first time she seeing her have face like that.

“Hikari, did you see Reira-sama face?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what onii-chan doing to her that can make her like that but….”

Hikari make scary face while emitting black aura even though her aura is light.

“You scaring me, Hikari”

Rin look at stage again and saw Yami grasp his pendant. When he grasp it, that pendant glowing and it’s shape change to a silver sword.

“That’s…Kaa-san’s pendant”

Hikari have nostalgic face while watching at that sword.

"I ask just in case, Will i get charged if i broke that thing?"

Yami ask principal while pointing at <<Tester>>.


The hall is silenced for an instant but it instantly filled with laughter.

"What are you talking about? are you insane?"

"You just bunch of <<Neutral>>"

Yami don't change expression even though he received many insult.

"No, Breaking <<Tester>> won't charge you anything"

The answer come from Reira.

The hall is silenced once again, Because the answer from an unexpected person.

"I see"

Yami make a stance where he wield the sword by his right hand from his left shoulder and the sword is on his back.

The student and teacher look don’t really care because Yami is just a Neutral, so no one really pay attention to him, except Reira, Arthur, Hikari, Silvarin, and Principal is look at Yami with serious expression.

For an instant, The hall is filled with Overwhelming pressure that is never feel before, not even from <<Four Cards>>.

There’s no one can saw or hear a sound when Yami Hit <<Tester>> with his sword.


Strange sound coming from <<Tester>> and Yami's BP is revealed.


It’s only appear less than one second and then disappear.

The hall is quieted down, No one can talk or move right now. Is it because that Number or because scene that happen in front of them or maybe both.

After all, <<Tester>> that never broken no matter how many hit it take, Right now In this place, in this moment…Split into eight part.

“Sekizawa Yami, Nice to meet you”.

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 7 update

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:35 am
by Guest
I was a bit worried for lack of updates since ch6 but ch7 was quite a surprise. The frequent updates is one of the best points of this story. Chapter 7 was great, though Yami has been wanting to keep a low profile and failing (first with Lili then with the Two Goddess) he finally decided to show off. tbh I would like to make a chapter by chapter review but I'm afraid I would influence your writing since I think is best when the writer has complete control of the story.

So I'm just going to comment some stuff:
Spoiler! :
1) It has bothered me a bit that you keep referencing stuff that happened in the past too frequently like first you mention 5 years ago when Yami met Rin, then 7 years ago when something happened with lili and now 8 years ago something with Reira. I don't know if were/are going to keep introducing characters from the past but need to find some variety in the way you do it. of course this is only my opinion no need to follow it and I'm not necessarily correct i just feel it distracts a bit of the present since i guess you are going to tell those back stories any soon. Which make me wonder if he had some encounter with one girl every year.
2) In ch3 you mention Yami has created 10 Immortal Arts and In ch6 you mention he can only make 3 Immortal Arts or the world would be destroyed. So either the world has been destroyed 3 times already or he only created 1 immortal art and the other 9 are normal arts. Also if making a Immortal Art is so expensive it would be a waste for it to be just a land for Thanatos and Metatron to fight. If Yami can also go inside Atom Sphere? since he trained with them and the place is pretty much endless would be good to build some stuff there.
3)Considering the amount of time has passed and the power Yami has it shouldn't be difficult to amass some decent savings of money. I don't know how insanely expensive is a <<Cloak>> or other expenses he has (maintenance of lili?) but should be well economically. But of course he could just be having a plain life so far.
So far the story has been quite entertaining. I like the names of the characters and terms. <<Riss>> reminds me long ago when one would buy Water for the batteries in the supermarket and also of the vending machines in pokemon. Pentagon Pillar of the Five Columns in Mai Otome. You have put a bit of effort in building the world and I'm expecting you're going to continue. Thank you for your hard work!

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 7 update

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:07 am
by raitouazura
first, i thank you read my LN.

Sorry, looks like there's mistake about year, Lili's past will happen ten years ago, exactly after Yami became Immortal. Thanks for the notice :)

I actually intentionally not reveal the past yet. i planning to make a whole volume where it's about all heroines past with him and the reason why he can't use more than three Immortal Art. want to add some mystery as well :D

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 7 update

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:36 am
by raitouazura
Chapter 8 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 8 : Wind's Hymn


“Sekizawa Yami, Nice to meet you”

I say that with confident smile while facing all the students.

“You…Just what kind of cheap trick you do!?

Michael shout at me, looks like it just too much for him.

“None, I just cut it, That’s all”

I say that calmly while turn my sword <<Silver Fang>>back to pendant.

“LIAR!!, no way a Neutral can do something like that!”

“But it’s actually happen, in front of your eyes”

I say it while stare straight at his eyes.


He screamed at the students, The students talking among themself and starting to accuse me too.


(Looks like by doing that is just too much for them, Well then, What should I do now?)

[You only came here yesterday, so of course most of the people here will take side with him]

[Let’s just beat all of them!!!]

What Metatron say is right and Thanatos only want to rage.


When principal about to say something…


The loud voice suddenly echo along with loud sound.

The hall is quieted again and all glance pour to the owner of the voice, Reira Mystil that just stomp her sword to ground. She stare at Michael with intensity.

“This man will never doing something that low”.

Michael eyebrow is twitched and his body shaken, So long he's here, he never saw her this angry before.

“W...what proof do you have that he's not cheating!?”

Reira is facing me and declare…

“I don't have proof but...I will never be defeated by someone who's using cheap trick”

“W...what do you mean? you want to say that you've been defeated by him before?”

Michael that can't contain himself ask Reira, And Reira just nod and say "That's right".


In an instant, The hall is once again become noisy. but this is the noisiest.

“Impossible, Reira-sama is defeated….more over by a Neutral”

“She must be joking, I’m sure of it”

“Do you think anyone would believe that? Just stop covering for him…”

Michael can’t accept what she say and don’t believe her.

"Do you all think i'm lying?"

Reira ask that while facing Michael and then the students.

“AHEM, With this the test is over, all of you can go now, Tomorrow you will get message about your class. now, you all dismissed”

By Principal instruction, The students is starting to go out from hall while glancing at me and Reira.


Michael leave the stage using backdoor while clicking his tongue, Inzagi and Erika just "hmm..." and the leave.

“Thanks, Reira-san”

If she don’t stop those student, I sure Lili that standing beside me right now would snap if that situation won't calmed down. She still invisible right now but as her master, I can sense her.

“I just saying the truth, no need to thanking me. Or rather, what’s with that “Reira-san”?”

"Her eyebrow twitched.

Ah, Did I get too over-familiar with her?

“Then, Mystil-s…”

“Are you trying to make fun of me!?”

Now, she angry…How cute...

“Then, what do you want me to do?”

My bad habit teasing people is recurring again.

“Y…You are is the person who defeat me, so just call me Reira. uh-huh...I permit it”

She nodding her head to convince herself.



“Nothing, just want to say it"

I smile at her while holding to not laughing.


“Fuuh…I just like an idiot”.

She sighing at herself, Then look at me serious eyes.

“Yami, Don’t think that little performance I show at test is my all, my strength is more than that”.

“What a coincidence, I also still not use my true power”.

She smile when hear my word.

“If it’s not like that, there’s no meaning to my training until now”

“I won’t be defeated that easily, you know?”

"Yeah, i know"

With a handshake first, I leave the hall.


“…Good work, Yami-sama”

I leave the hall by using back door because the front door must be full of people outside.

“Yeah, thanks…I don’t know what will happen for a second there. Glad Reira There”.

“…You fairly became friendly with her”

It come out, The usual cold remark.

“Well yeah, Me and her is tied with strong don't need to glare at me like that, i just joking”.

Lili and Reira, if they have glaring contest, I wonder which gonna win.



I suddenly hear a faint sound.

I close my eyes and sharping my hearing.

"This is...Song?"

"...What's wrong?,...Yami-sama?"

"Sorry Lili, Please go back to dorm first. I have to go somewhere".


"Ah, and you can unactive the <<Cloak>>. Because there's no school today so i think it's alright.

I run toward sound direction after say that.


(It's close)

I right now on outside school and in the place that full of people.

(Looks like this is the market place)


I can hear the voice is more clear right now. i leave this place and walk to nearby housing.

I stop at the back of big house.

(Wait?...Did i just trespassing other people property?)

I look at my surroundings, I'm in a garden of a big house. Looks like this is rich people house. I can't believe i just walk in without me knowing.

[Yes, you are a true trespasser]


I can't say anything back at Metatron.

[Rather than talking about that, that voice come from up there]

Thanatos point at an opened window on the second floor.

I look at the window and there i saw a girl singing while many bird flocking around her.

[What a beautiful voice...]

I agree with Metatron, Her song is filled with kindness. that's why i also came here while unconsciously trespassing.

While i still admiring divine sight before me...

"Is...there anybody down there?"

She stop singing and look down but her eyes is closed.


(Don't tell me, she...)

She look at my direction but her eyes still closed.

I glance at big tree beside me, after confirming there's nobody around here...

I jump into the tree branch that facing her room.

I examine the person in front of me, She's wearing light white dress that fluttered by wind and reveal her white snow skin. Her chestnut hair is long around her waist, She looks so frail and as i though her eyes closed.


The bird is flying over after i land to branch.

"ah...sorry about that".

I apologized to surprise her.

"No, don't worry about that. You amazing can jump this height".

She smile while "fu..fu.."

"No, this kind of thing is easy".

"Is that so? but it's difficult to me".

She smile wryly.

"For your question before, Certainly i just come to this school but i come here not because i got lost".

"Eh? why did you come here?"

"I was hear your song"

" that so? how embarrassing"

She blushed touching her cheek.

"There's nothing that need to get embarrassed about, it's so melodious. Even i unconsciously trespassing here"

I scratch my cheek lightly.

"M...Melodious, you don't need to force yourself to..."

"I'm serious, I never hear a song that was more beautiful than yours"

This is not exaggerated, i really think so.

"T...Thank you very much".

She look down, still blushing.

"No need to thank me. Rather, i the one that to thank you for let me hearing your song".


I was thinking for a while but decided to ask her.

"Why did you close your eyes?"

She stop moving for an instant. then she smiled while still looking down.

"I can't see. it's already like ever since i was born".

"I see...Just as i though"

I pretty much have a hunch about that.

"...You...not gonna apologize to me?..."

Her voice is shaken.

"You want me to apologize?"

"No...Rather, i'm happy if you not"

"Then, i won't"

She smile to me, I not apologize because i don't want she think i pity her. When i have problem, i don't want to be pitied, that's why i won't pity her. Moreover, She strong enough not to be pitied, i can tell that when i saw her singing happily. Pitying person with strong heart nothing more than insult.

"I'm home"

I hear someone's voice below, looks like someone come back.

"Looks like someone's come back, bye"

(Better get out from here).


When i about to jump down, she looks like have something to say to me.

"Can i come again sometimes? of course if you don't mind".

She taken aback for an instant then it changed into smile.

"I won't mind, rather, please come again if you have free time".

"Yeah, i do that".

I jump back to ground and look back at her.

"I was about to forgot to introduce myself, I Sekizawa Yami, you?"

"My name is Mina Diarama, pleased to meet you Yami-sama"

"Yeah, nice to meet you. by the way, please leave "sama" when you call me, we are same age right?".

"Y...yes, see you later, Yami"

After the introduction is over, i run toward school.


Yami's sign is dissappear.

"What an interesting person".

Mina muttered to herself and sat on her bed.

All this time, everyone that knew about her eyes always been cautious toward her. They will try to comfort her and cheer her up but she actually troubled by it.

Ever since she was born she never know light, But she never think it as misfortune. Because she have her sister beside her and many animal around her.

That's why when Yami ask her about her eyes, She think he also will cautious toward her. trying not to make her offended, but she was wrong. She don't feel any pity or sympathy, just a confirmation.

She was surprised but above all, she was happy. The only thing she want is a friend that can casually talking with her but no one ever do that to her.

then a cat jump into her bosom and yawning comfortably.

Mina pet the cat's head with affection and make it sleep as it is.

"Will he come again in short time?"

It was a word filled with hope.

Re: Original Light novel (Immortal's Art) <<chapter 8 update

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:53 pm
by raitouazura
Chapter 9 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 9 : Invitation

part 1

I stopped in front of dorm entrance because i hear commotion inside.

I peek from nearby window to see what happening inside.

There i saw Lili get surrounded by many people that asking her some questions.

"What exactly did he do in that test?"

"Is it true that he defeat Mystil-san?"

"Please tell us"

They asking about scene in that test before.

(Well, it can't e helped if they curious).

I planning to enter the dorm.

[If you enter now, they will be swarming at you. you know?]

I understand what Metatron mean.

(I know, but it's not like i can't hide from them forever, also i can't just leave her like that. right?).

Lili that on the center of people showing troubled expression, She won't doing something inappropriate like tell them off againts someone who's not hostile.

[You're right, How will you answer their question later?].

(I just avoid talking about <<Immortal>> subject).

Being an <<Immortal>> is my biggest secret, i won't reveal it just yet. i enter the dorm openly.

"Can you please release her? i think she pretty troubled if you pressing her like that"

All the glance turning toward me, Lili that saw the chance immediately ran and hiding behind me. She look like frightened cat.

Now, she will be more scared toward stranger than before.

"If you have questions, i will answer it".


I offered to answer their question but no one dare to speak.

"Don't be that cautious, i won't bite".

I smile lightly to ease their tension.


One boy move forward but he still hesitated. I squat down to face him.

"What's wrong? if you have something to say it's better say it or you won't feel at ease".

", did you really beat Reira onee-chan?"

When the boy ask, the surrounding spectator also drank their breath.

"Yeah, but that when we still kid, around your age".

I scratch my cheek, smiling wryly. and the kid eyes changed into starlike.

"Onii-chan, Amazing!!"

The surrounding also inspired by the boy starting to throw question.

"Unbelivable, even when still child, Mystil-san is already the strongest"

"How did you do that? can you tell us the story?"


The air in this room changed from silence into racket. And thanks to that i can only sleep a little that night.

Part 2

Next morning, I wake up and don't find Lili in my room.

(Looks like she still in the kitchen).

I get up from my bed and walk toward bathroom to wash my face.

Just like usual, i open the seal of <<Atom Sphere>> and these two came out.

[Morning Yami, Now, this is will be really first day for you to attend the school].

[hmph!, What so good about the place where you can only sit down and doing nothing].

Thanatos shrugged.

[Yami, don't neglect your study or you will become stupid like Someone we know].

Metatron say that while the last part is clearly directed toward someone else.

Of course it's not Thanatos if he not provoked by it.

While their argument start, i change my clothes to Metaria Uniform and then walk toward Dining Room.

"Morning, Sekizawa"

"Good morning, Sekizawa-kun"

"Yeah, Morning all"

After that night, I finally became part of this dorm and receive friendly attitude by some students here.

"Yo, Yami! here, Sit here".

Arthur make a sign with his hand to the chair beside him.

I sat on the chair next to him. and then began talking various subject.

"Which class i will be? i hope not class with Deminis-sensei as the Homeroom teacher".

"Agreed, I also hope so".

Some of students talking about their class, some talking about their favorite lesson, and some just idle chatter.

"But i'm sure at least Yami won't be in ordinary class".

Arthur say to everyone in this group. and They nod their head agreed with him.

Not before long, Lili came with a tray on her hand and place it on my table.

"...Today is a fried chicken with rice, a green tea, and some fruits".

"Wait, it's different from fried chicken i know. Did they change it?".

A student make confused remark. and Lili shake her head.

"...I borrow the kitchen to make this myself".

"Oi, Yami. Not only she's cute but she also can cook, moreover, didn't that fried chicken looks more delicious than they make here? just how spoiled are you"

Arthur pining my head with tear on his eyes. Rather i think he's seriously want to break my neck.

I release myself from Arthur and saw another guys also cracking their fist.

This is already bad enough for me and then...

"...Here, Yami-sama"

Expressionless Lili take a small piece of apple that already peeled with before to my mouth.

In that moment, i think i can understand every guys have on their mind.

"If you eat that, it will become your last meal"

The air around me is heavy but...


it's not enough to prevent me from taking this glorious meal.


I look at them with victory smile and then i grab the fried chicken and the rice and ran toward exit.


"Sekizawa!, did you know how unpopular people feeling!?"

"Once, Just once is enough. Just let me hit you".

This morning, i run toward school happily with the blood-teared guys behind me.

Part 2 :

(Looks like i safe for now)

I managed lost my pursuers and came to school safely.

"Well then, let's check out the message board".

I walk to center garden where it's full of people. I erase my presence to make myself unnoticed and standing below a tree's shadow. I can saw what written on message board even though my distance is pretty far thanks to my abnormal eyesight, I can read words from 100 meters from me.

"Let's see..."

I searching for my name on message board, but...


No matter how many times i search, i don't found it.

"It can't be...I fail!?"

[Hmm...I think that's possibility is very low].

(You're right, even if they think i cheat during the test, they should be inform me about it before posting the passer list).

I regained my composure after Metatron's words.


A loud sound suddenly can be heard.

"To Sekizawa Yami, Please come to Principal's room immediately. i repeat..."

(It came! Well then, whether i pass or fail. looks like i about to find out).

"Ah, it happen again. this is the fourth times".

I hear someone say that, looks like this call happen before i come here.

I walk toward principal's room and finally i arrived in front of the door.

"Sekizawa Yami, sorry for the late".

I knock the door while saying my name.

"Come in"

From the inside, i hear principal's voice.


I inhale and then exhale to calm myself.

(Yosh! let's go).

I open the door.

"Excuse me"

When i open the door, i saw two person. One is the principal that sit on chair that looks like for headmaster of this school, there's thick aura her and another is a small boy that sit on the usual chair, there's no aura on him.


The moment i saw that, something flashed on my mind.

"Sekizawa Yami, I think i already introduce myself yesterday but let's re-do it. I'm Shion Diarama, The Headmaster of this Metaria School".

"Aah, i hear it yesterday".

Then, my eyes fell on the boy that sit on the chair.

"He is my little brother, Syrus Diarama".

Noticing my glance, Principal introduce him to me.

"Hello, I'm Syrus. Onii-chan, i heard you cut <<Tester>>. Awesome".

He say that while his face full with smiles.

"To become principal at your age, i think you also amazing".


The moment after i say that, His smile frozen also principal is speechless.

"Why...did you think that?"

He ask me serious expression also i can feel principal staring from behind.

"Simple, When i enter this room. This room is full of principal's aura".

"Then, why?..."

"Normal person, even the family can't maintain composure within that stiff room, but you not even sweating at all. that mean, that aura still not enough to make you sweat".


"One more, Pushing aura to minimum size is more harder than release it full force".

"...Fu, you passed".

Then he reveal the smile that only adult can make when they pleased.

"What do you think? Shion".

"Yeah, Looks like his ability is real deal".

She agreed while nodding her head.

"now, how should i call you two?"

Since i know the secret, i need to ask that.

"Right now, i'm just a student. so please treat Shion as Principal. ah by the way, please just call me Syrus".

"I understand".

Looks like they have some sort of reason.

"Well then, Yami. Did you know why did we test you?"

Syrus ask me.

"It's related to yesterday's test and today message board,right?"

Then he reveal a big smile.

"As expected!, you're right".

"I just cut the case, i want you to attend a class that special only for Cards".

"You mean, you want me to become one of cards?"

"Yeah, When i hear you defeat Reira, I still have some doubt. but now it's gone".

(Certainly, by entering cards can make my objective easier. but...)

"Sorry, but allow me to refuse".


syrus ask me with serious eyes.

"I'm still a new student here, most of students here don't know much about me yet. If i just suddenly become a Card, It will only create disorder or in worst case, revolt".

"Hm...i see your point".

Syrus nodding his head, agreed with me.

"Well then, until you ready, i will postpone your seat in the Cards, Shion...".

Syrus make a sign to Principal, and she nod her head then open the drawer of principal's table.

"Then, your class will be 1-A and even if you not become a Card, please take this".

While Syrus talking, Principal handed me something. It was an silver emblem with eagle carved on it.

"What's this?"

"That's <<Hawk>>, It allow you to create a group with 40 max member and participate in events as a team".

"It's like <<Alliance>>,huh?"

"Well, <<Alliance>> can have infinite member. so your <<Hawk>> might not be too useful though".

"No, This is enough. With this i can create my own team. Also, defeating big group with small group it's pretty exciting".

Principal and Syrus is amazed for a moment. then Syrus break into happy laugh while principal go "Hmm...".

"So...Your goal is huge, huh? it's good, Young people no need to hold back".

After a while, he watch the clock on this room.

"Oops!, Looks like we better hurry to our class. we don't want to be late on first day, don't we?"

"We?, you also study here?"

"Didn't i just say it before, i right now just a student. so it's natural for me to attend class. btw, my class 3-A middle school. Please take care of me, senpai"

"Hmm...called senpai by older person is have strange feeling".

"You get used to it too later, Then Shion, We're leaving".

"Ah, principal, later".

I was leaving the principal's room while my arm dragged by Syrus.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.1<<chapter 10 update>>

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:18 pm
by raitouazura
double post....sorry

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.1<chapter 10 update> part

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:15 pm
by raitouazura
Chapter 10 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 10 : World's Scar

part 1

I Separated from Syrus who's class is in different building and heading to my own class.

I can feel curious glances every students i passed by in corridor.

When i open class 1-A's door, there's no one i recognized in this room.

I can hear whisper everywhere. but i ignored it and walk toward the second from back empty seat beside window.

I look outside while my hand support my chin.

(My own team,huh?)

I was thinking about the event in principal's room.

(Right now there's three person that i want in my team, Arthur, Hikari, and Rin).

Hikari say that she and Rin doesn't belong to any <<Alliance>> so i tentatively ask them, of course i won't force them if i feel it will troubled them. for Arthur, The moment i saw his performance at test before, I knew that he's already throwing punch countless times. His stance is perfect and there's no opening. if only he's not nervous, i think his score will around 500.

after a while, The door is open and a man that tidy dressed enter. and everyone sit on their seat in a hurry.

He standing in front of us and start writing on a board. He just use his finger without touching the board and the letter appear.

"My name is Allen Shade, i will be your homeroom teacher for one year. nice to meet you".

He display a friendly smile, The student's here feel relieved because he's look nice.


But i can feel there's something behind his smile. Ever since i was kid, i already can already tell the difference between true smile and fake smile.

"Now, for us to be know each other more, please each of you introduce yourself. from the person on the front".

He politely point at the most front right student.

"Ah, don't forget to also tell your status, rank and element if you have any".

The pointed student stand up and starting to introduce himself.

"Hello, i'm a 9th rank <<Hero>> with fire element, my name is..."

And the introduction start, Everyone in here is introduce themself as a <<Hero>>. no <<unnatural>> let alone <<Neutral>> here.

Finally, the introduction order fall to me. I stand from my seat. The air in this class turn heavy with every eyes fell on me.

"I'm Sekizawa Yami, <<Neutral>>, nice to meet you all"

Then, the whisper is happen all over. but i can hear them clearly.

"Hey, he say he's a <<Neutral>>. why did a <<Neutral>> in this class?"

"But after the all of that happen in test, i think it's pretty natural..."

"That's absolutely a trick, didn't Michael-sama say so himself!?"

"Well yeah, but..."

People free to think what they want, i just have to make them acknowledge me someday.

"Well, well. you all, please be quiet. Sekizawa-kun, you can sit now"

"Okay, thanks".

I sit back and the introduction start again.

After a while, The introduction is over.

"Well then, let us start our lesson. Because this is just a first day, I just tell you about the basic".

"Firstly, People is divided into <<Hero>>, <<Unnatural>>, and <<Neutral>>. <<Hero>> is a human that able to use <<Art>> by using <<Mana>>. The more high level <<Art>> the more <<Mana>> needed to perform it. Now then, anyone here know what <<Art>> and <<Mana>> is?"

He ask toward students, and one person raise her hand. If i'm right, she's Kazemaru Fuuka 7th rank <<Hero>>. her body is pretty small that i think can make people think she still middle school student.

"Well, Kazemaru-san. please explain".

She stand from her seat.

"<<Art>> is a magical power that can be used by using magical energy called <<Mana>>. Art is divided into four. First is <<Form Art>>, that using <<Mana>> to create a thing that have form like sword and etc. The color is depending from which element is the caster. Second is <<Element Art>>, By using <<Mana>> to cover the caster body part by their own element, the more <<Mana>> used the more thick the element's become. third is <<Spirit Art>>, This kind of <<Art>> can only be used only if the caster have sufficient <<Mana>> and successful chant it. There's many <<Spirit Art>> but none of them have same chant. And last, the most hardest and high level <<Art>>, <Runes Art>>. This Art is the most <<Art>> that need time to be casted, It's because to cast it the caster need to turn their chant into ancient writing and one wrong move, it can explode and damage the caster. But if it success, It can turn tide of battle".

Then she sit back on her seat.

"Good, It's amazing you know all of that while still on first year".

"Thank you"

When the teacher praise her, she nod her head while smiling.

"But, actually there's some flaw in your explanation".

"What is it?"

She ask the teacher.

"<<Art>> is actually divided into five not four".

The students look at each other.

"Did you forget, the most strongest <<Art>> that can only possessed by a certain existence".

"Certain existence...It can't be!?"

Fuuka think for a moment and then she finally understand.

"You're right, <<Immortal Art>>".

Part 2

While Yami attend his class, Lili is sat under a tree at Metaria School's garden silently while activating <<Cloak>>.

She's waiting for Yami to come when lunchtime is began. She already prepare his lunchbox.

The wind is blowing softly, swaying her silky black hair beautifully.

Around her is also there's many other invisible humanoid that waiting for their own master like her.

The difference is while other waiting just like statue, Lili is waiting with expectation "Will he like my dish? or maybe i need to add sugar more in this tea?". that what across Lili's mind while waiting for him.

Lili glancing at invisible humanoid around her, A Humanoid can detect another Humanoid even while <<Cloak>> is activated.

All Humanoid she saw is just waiting like usual Humanoid, no emotion, just waiting.

(If i meet different master, Will i also become like them?)

Lili shudder when she imagining that, She used to think that she also just a thing that can be replaced anytime.

But everything change when Yami became her master, and she don't mind even if her luck is all gone for make her meet him.

"You not a thing, you also a living being like me, why can't you understand that!?"

"Just wait, I will make you acknowledge yourself"

"Now then, Whether you have a heart or not, Let us find out!"

Even now, she still remember clearly about those days.


She hug tightly onto her lunchbox while revealing a natural girlish face that even an actress can't mimic it.

Part 3

"But, sensei. Are <<Immortal>> really exist? it's been ten years since they announce his existence but no one able to find him".

One of student ask that to the teacher. And then they starting to talking among themself.

"I believe they exist, After all the one who announce it is the <<Saint>>. you should be know that a <<Saint>> won't lie".

The students is all agreed while saying something like "Ah, that's right".

"I wonder where is he right now?"

"Who know? maybe he's nearer than you think".

Some students joking around.

[Actually, he's sitting with here right now...]

Thanatos joked around when he hear that.

"Okay, okay. let's continue our lesson"

Teacher clapping his hand few times to calm the situation.

"Kazemaru-san already explain about <<Art>>, Now i will tell you about <<Element>>".

The students quited down, Looks like they also interested in this lesson.

"Just like assume you already know, Element is divided into seven with each have different colors".

"-Fire, Their color is red, The <<Element>> that have the most destructive power. Fire Element user usually always be a vanguard in any battle because they can wipe the obstacle in an instant. Their casting time is moderate, so if they can get enough support, They will become powerful vanguard."

The student that have fire element is smiling proudly.

"-Water, Their color is blue, The <<Element>> that have healing ability besides Light. Healer is an Number one support in many battle, If you don't have Healer in your team, i can declare you will have tough battle. their casting time is long. The more wound they need to aid the more time and Mana is needed."

Just like before, now it's Water used turn that smiling proudly or embarassed.

"-Earth, Their color is yellow, If you need a defense, leave it to Earth user, Earth user can become the most time stalling for their teammate to finish their cast especially for Water user. Their casting time is short, that's why as long as their have their Mana, they can cast one after another wall of defense."

"I leave the defense to you"

One of student tap other student's shoulder that also say something like "Leave it to me!" excitedly.

"-Wind, Their color is green. The only <<Element>> that can make the used fly or if your rank is high enough, you can also make another human or even giant object float. Wind user is perfect for Scout and Air Raid also Wind user can increase their speed so it make User is the fastest in movement, their casting time is shorter shorter than fire but longer than earth".

"-Thunder, their color is purple. The <<Element>> that have the most fastest casting time, Instant Cast. If you have much <<Mana>> and your element is Thunder, You can release torrent of <<Art>> without giving your opponent time to cast their <<Art>> and giving much advantage to your teammate, Thunder is also the most fastest <<Art>> that can rival the Wind user".

"Well, that's five is the common <<Element>> that possessed by <<Hero>>. And there's another two that was rare even among high rank <<Hero>>, not many possess it".

The students gulped, they must be thinking about the only one of Light <<Element>> Possessor in this country.

"-Light, Their color is white. The most rarest <<Element>> in human possession, Their casting time is variable, they can be short or long depending what kind of <<Art>> the user want to cast, even the shortest cast can heal fatigue and completely close up wound one person instantly, The legend say that the most greatest Light <<Art>> can recover the whole country. anything within that country is completely healed, Human, Animal, Plant, and even Things.

"Wow, amazing!".

"We lucky to have one in our country".

The students is muttering in admiration.

"Yes, As you know, We have one Light user in Sygrine. Hikari Bluestar, Because of her, Another country won't dare to waging a war againts us".

Teacher say that with smile and most of students say "Yeah" or "That's right".


(This person, From his way of talking he's like treated Hikari is like some sort of object

"Sensei, She's not a tool of war, you know?".

I stare at him sharply, I can't stand if my sister is treated like that.

"What's with him?"

"There's rumor that he actually close to <<Two goddess>>"

"Are you serious!?"

The students whispering one after another but i already get used to it so i don't really care.

"I don't have that intention, but I'm sorry if my way of talking offended you"

He's apologize with wry smile but i can see clearly that he must be thinking something like "What's with this brat!?".


I smirk within my mind, Don't think you can fool me with that smile of yours.

"Well, whatever..."

"Okay, sorry, now let's continue with last <<Element>>".

The students reluctantly repaired their direction toward him again.

"-Darkness, their color is black. No Human ever possess Darkness Element, It's possessed by <<Deity>>. <<Deity>> is our way to call God and Maou, Gods is live within Heaven Realm along with Angels and Maou live within Hell Realm along with Demons. Darkness is called the strongest <<Element>>, even among <<Deity>> only a few have it. Darkness can devour another <<Element>> and make it's power stronger. Their cast time is unknown since not many that saw it".

[That's right! not many can possess Darkness and There's even less that can control it, and I the one of only few that possess and can control it at will].

Thanatos is say that proudly toward Metatron.

[But even so, you still no match againts me that can control six <<Element>>].

Metatron answerin Thanatos with his extra-ordinary talent too.

Well, even among <<Deity>>, These two is special. Thanatos that possessing Darkness element and can master it. and Metatron is the only one that ever succeed in mastering all <<Element>> except Darkness. That's why these two always have balanced battle because their ability is equal.


Then when the clock is exactly point at 11 AM, The chime is ringing.

"Well, that's all for now. first day is only about explanation, later we will also doing practice and paper test. so study well".

He then go out from class.

(Well then, looks like Lili is waiting outside).

I stand up from my seat and walk toward back door.


When i about to touch the door's grip, it's opened.

Then i saw a silver-haired beauty, Hikari and behind her there's also a blonde beauty, Silvarin or Rin. We stop moving for a while.

"Ah, I was right! This is Onii-chan's class".

"Good day, Nii-sama"

"You two, Why did you here?"

I walk to corridor after closing the door to avoid minimize the attention.

"That's of course so we can have lunch together".

"Is it trouble?"

Hikari is excited and Rin is sound lonely.

"No, i don't mind. Let's go to garden".


Hikari suddenly clung to my arm.

"Hey Hikari, you not child anymore. don't yo feel embarrassed?".


It was instant answer, Well i also don't mind like this.

"Geez, Hikari".

Rin smiling wryly while grip the sleeve of my shirt.

Like this, we headed toward garden


"Oi, Look!. For <<Two Goddess>> to act like that. who is he?"

"Those two call him "Onii-chan" and "Nii-sama". Maybe he's their brother?"

"But their name is different".

The students that saw the unexpected scene, fall into confusion.

Between the confused students, One person saw Yami's back with sharp eyes while muttering.

"So that's my target".

Part 4

When we came to garden, I can see Lili's transparent figure under a tree. When Humanoid using <<Cloak>>, No one can see her except the master and people that have master's permission.

I immediately walk toward her while Hikari still hugging my arm and my uniform's sleeve gripped by Rin. Upon seeing that Lili's expression changed into piercing glance, of course it's directed to me.

"Lili, It's alright now. You can deactive <<Cloak>>".

After i say that, her figure became clear. Rin and Hikari immediately approach her.

"Long time no see, Lili-san".

Rin greet Lili with smile.

"...Yes, it's been a long time"

"Hikari, Lili, This is your first meeting,right?. Let's introduce yourself"

"i'm Sekizawa Hikari but right now my name is Hikari Bluestar. Just call me Hikari".

Hikari extend her hand to ask for handshake.

Lili glance at me first, then i nod.

"...Lili, Nice to meet you. Hikari-sama"

Lili then handshake with Hikari.

(I already hear it from Rin, but it's more pretty than i expected).

"What's wrong, Hikari?"

Because Hikari is harden for a moment there, I call out to her.

"N...Nothing, Let's start eating, the lunch time is not that long".

Hikari act strangely.

"You're right, Let's sit down first".

By Rin's word, We all sit down under tree's shadow. The grass here is feel comfortable. as expected from Metaria School.

The girls starting to open their lunchbox, Then Lili give me my lunch.

"...Here, ...Yami-sama"

"Ah, Thank you as always".

"...No problem".

My lunchbox is filled with sandwiches , Hikari and Rin open their lunchboxes. Hikari's open a lunch box that filled with Bread while Rin's is have few jams.

"Did both of you always have bread with jam as a lunch?"

I ask them.

"Yes, We always using different jam each times. so we won't get tired by it".

"Nii-sama, did Lili-san always made your lunch?"

"Well yeah, For some reason, I just can't get better in cooking".

I smile wryly.

"This sandwich looks delicious, I also need to try harder more..."

"Ah yeah, Lili san, about this sandwich..."

The girls starting to talk in subject i can't follow. So i just watch them while pick one sandwich and bring it to my mouth.

Ignoring curious glances from another people that also have lunch around garden, I watch The girls that talking happily.

(Thank goodness)

Ever since i became an Immortal, I always been thinking. Am i really can shoulder this heavy responsibility. But now my determination is solid. I will protect them.

(Metatron, Thanatos...)



(The remaining unusable <<Immortal Art>>, As I though, I will make it usable)


Nine years ago when i first complete my first <<Immortal Art>>, <<Atom Sphere>>.

My surrounding is dark red, It's because I always training within <<Phantasm Sphere>>, This spell is convenient for training.

The world is hit by small earthquake, It's happen only for a while and there's no casualty. But at that time, Metatron and Thanatos expression grow grim.

[I see, so that's whats going on...]

"What's wrong, both of you? Is there something wrong with The Earthquake just then?"

When Metatron muttering that word, I ask him nervously. Metatron look at me with serious expression.

[Yami, you mustn't use another <<Immortal Art>> anymore].

"Eh? w...why?"

I was surprised by Metaron's word, Because in the first place, The one that encourage me to create <<Immortal Art>> is both of them.


Metatron close his eyes, then open it again.

[Yami, Are you remember about <<Grand War>> that i was told you before?]

I remember it, No one know exactly when it's happen, but I know because Metatron told me that The <<Grand War>> is actually happen 15.441 years ago.

"Yeah, I remember".

I nod my head.

[At that time, The Immortal using three <<Immortal Art>> simultaneously. Thanks to that, The War is avoided but the story not end just like that...].

When Metatron stop, Thanatos continue.

[As a result for using three <<Immortal Art>> simultaneously, The world can't take it and in verge of collapse and will be annihilated just because Immortal's Existence].

[But the world is saved because Immortal existence is disappear, No one know why but ever since then no one ever sighted The Immortal again].

[15.441 years already passed by and The world regain it's power back. But looks like the scar still remain, We just realized it after you created that <<Immortal Art>>].

Both of them closing their eyes for a while, then look at me with serious expression.

[Yami, The moment you using <<Immortal Art>> the second time, this world will be hit by disaster. And in the third time The unrepairable calamity will happen in this world. And in the fourth time, This world itself will be...annihilated].


I was loss for word, I never knew how much impact can Immortal give to this world.


I was brought back from my shock by Metatron's word.

[Maybe if you have certain <<Artifact>>, You might be able to use small scale <<Immortal Art>>]

"Certain Artifact?"

<<Artifact>> is an object that infused with <<Deity>> power, <<Artifact>> if seen by normal human's eyes, it will be looked like usual object. Because <<Artifact>> can also in form a spoon or another common things and they also don't emit Mana, just like usual object. Only human with extra-ordinary Identification skill can tell <<Artifact>> Difference.

[<<signum dei vivi>>, A.K.A <<Seal of God>>, It was a bracelet that infused with seven angel and archangel. Even though they not a god or maou, but anyone that wear that bracelet will have their power sealed even god and maou, But i don't know about Immortal. But i think it at least can seal some of your power].

[The choice is yours, Yami. In the end, it's just my speculation. I won't complain if you don't want to waste your time to create something you can't even use].

Metatron ask for my answer, Of course my answer already decided.

"As long there's hope, I won't give up on learning it".

When i say that, Thanatos is smirking and Metatron smile softly.

[As expected from you, I know you say that]

Thanatos happily tap my back.

Ever since then, I was created one after another <<Immortal Art>>. But even now i still don't know their true strength since before i can succeed cast it, i forcefully cease the <<Essence>> within me. As a result, The incomplete <<Art>> is exploded in front of me. If not for my <<Immortality>> trait, my body part will be scattering everywhere.

Immortal not using Mana but <<Essence>>, It was more powerful than Mana and it's unlimited. Immortal also have five trait that make them invisible.

-Fatality, Immortal's unmatchable strength and defense, Fatality also prevent pain and scar on Immortal body.
-Immunity, Prevent Immortal from taking any disadvantage status, like poison, curse, etc.
-Agility, A speed that can't rivaled, i don't know it's true ability. The maximum speed that i can control is about 34.300 m/s, that mean one hundred fold than sound.
-Immortality, This trait prevent Immortal body from death and destroyed. so even if Immortal slashed by sword or shot with plasma. Their body part will still intact.
-Infinity, Immortal's time, No matter how much centuries passed by, Immortal will alive while maintaining their youth. Immortal will stop growing when their age 20.


The chime awake me from remembering my past, I eat the last sandwich and then stand up.

"Thanks, Lili. As always it's delicious".

"...I glad it meet your taste".

She display relieved expression.

"Lili, you can go home first".

"...I understand".

Rin and Hikari also stand up.

"See you later, Lili-san. Next time i try what you told me".

"Thanks for the advice".

"...Don't worry about it".

After we clean up, Lili take the empty lunchbox and then stand up.

"...Well then,...See you later...Yami-sama, Hikari-sama, Rin-sama"

"Yes, see you later".

Rin and Hikari answered gladly.

Lili then make slight bow and after that walk away.

"Then, We also need to go to our classroom".

"Yeah, Bye. onii-chan"

"See you later, Nii-sama".

"Yeah, bye"

I separated from them and then i heading to my own classroom while thinking.

(In Misas, The information is limited. Now since i already come to Reinslan, I will start to search for <<Seal of God>>).

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.1<epilogue>

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:18 pm
by raitouazura
Epilogue :
Spoiler! :
In the dark room that only lit by moonlight that come from small window, One figure is standing by window's side.

She talking to another person by using a piece of paper called <<Shikigami>>.

"Did you already meet <him>?"

From the shikigami, a voice can be heard. The other person also using same type shikigami. Shikigami have different types, This Shikigami is for long distance talking purpose, There's Shikigami that have small human-shaped that can move and used to help the user, Shikigami that transform into beast, and etc.

Shikigami only used by few certain clans, Those clans usually specialized in Art of Stealth, Like Shinobi or Assassin.

"Yeah, Luckily he's in same class as me".

The figure answered calmly.

"That's good, Just watch him for a while, Don't be too hasty. If you success, Master will also acknowledged you".

The voice spoke in concern.

"It's alright, I absolutely success".

The figure speak while clasping it's fist.

"Remember, This mission isn't like usual mission. If you can't resolve yourself, it's better to stop now".

The figure open the window and raising her dagger toward moonlight and make it shining by it.

"It's alright, I can do it!"

It's not directed toward the voice but herself.

The moonlight reveal her small figure. The short green hair fluttered by night wind, sweeping away her hesitation.

"I will...Eliminate him"

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<Prologue>

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:03 pm
by raitouazura
Vol 2. Killess Assassin

Prologue :
Spoiler! :
The sunlight shine brightly into my room, Nothing unusual in this room.

A common furniture that you can find anywhere, A common bed where i sit right now and The usual scenery from my window.

Lili standing beside me but our eyes not look at each other but at "someone" who sit on my study chair while tied up.

Everything is just like usual if there's no "her" there.

"What are you gonna do with me!? Release me! So i can kill you!"

Whether she's pleading or threating, i don't know. But the thing that clear is She, The 1-A Class President, Kazemaru Fuuka right now tied up on my study chair while struggling to get free.

But the way Lili tied her up is perfect or maybe too much, She made her wearing gloves, Tie her wrist and leg, and she using chain that i don't know where she get it to tie her body. This scene is just like an Elementary student get kidnapped. If not because she wearing her high school uniform, anyone will mistake her as middle school or even elementary student.

"...It's useless to try to escape,...Until you told the reason why you assault Yami-sama, You won't get free"

Lili walk up to her while staring just like predator that stare at it's prey, And that made Fuuka flinched.

"Well, Lili. Don't glare at her like that. See, She's frightened".


"It's alright, Leave it to me".

Lili reluctantly stand back.

I get up from my bed and stand in front of her.

"W...What are you going to do with me? Don't tell me you will do "this" and "that" to train me so i will become your slave!. I...It's useless to try, i won't submit to you. Die! This Pervert!"

"The pervert is you!"

I can't help but to have Tsukkomi there.

She talking nonsense things without brake, I know people that always have delusion, But she entirely on different level.

My class president that always polite in the class is unexpectedly have this side within her.

She's pretty interesting, I really think so. But if she react like this every time i talking to her, As expected even i also will get exhausted.

(This will become pretty troublesome)

I sighed powerlessly.

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 1>

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 2:37 pm
by raitouazura
Vol.2 Chapter 1
Spoiler! :
Chapter 1 : Our Team name is...

Part 1

It's already been a week after the ceremony, The curious glance around me is also reduced.

Well, there's still awkward atmosphere but i think it also will get faded by time someday.

Right now, I'm in the garden with Lili, Hikari, Rin, and Arthur to eat lunch together. When i bring Arthur here, He look at them and me alternately while his mouth like a fish that searching for air.

Even right now, He's eating mechanically without talking just like puppet. When Rin or Hikari talking to him, he only say "Y...yes" or "T...that's right" with shaken voice.


"W...what?, did you have business with me?"

Why did he using polite word there, Well whatever, As long as he can hear what i say.

"You all, Please see this".

I show them the <<Hawk>> that i take from my pocket.


They all surprised when i show them this, even Arthur that only react like machine just a minute ago.

"Yami, is that...?"

Arthur ask me while pointing at <<Hawk>> in my hand.

"Yeah, I got it from principal on the school's first day"

When i say this, Rin and Hikari's eyes glittering.

"Onii-chan, amazing!"

"To get <<Hawk>> on the first day, as expected from nii-sama".

Seeing them react like this because of <<Hawk>>, I decided not to tell them that i actually has been offered to form an <<Alliance>>. Who know what Hikari do, Ever since little Hikari always have habit to always bragging about me to her friend, I don't know if she still have that habit or not, But with great pain the rumor about me starting to fade.

After they calmed down, i starting to tell them my intention.

"Today i gathered you all here is none other than to recruit you to join my team, Of course i want you to join because of your own intention not because you don't want to disappoint me or something like that".

After a while, the first one to spoke is Arthur.

"Yami, I understand you want <<Two Goddess>> to join your team but why me?. I mean, You see my score in the test right? If i in your team, you will be just become laughing stop".

Arthur say that with self ridicule smile, Looks like the thing back then still affect him.

"Let them laugh all they want, We just need to shut them up by defeating <<Four Cards>>. Didn't you want to see their face when we did that?".

I smile confidently, Climbing to top from bottom. Just thinking about it make me excited.


Before Arthur can have objection, i continue.

"Also, Your strength is actually not in that level. Just Believe me, My measure is more accurate than that machine".

After he silent for a while, Arthur open his mouth.

"Is that the reason you want me in your team?"

I feel this tone is different from his usual "Happy go Lucky" voice, It's contain something else. That's why i answer him honestly without hiding anything.

"That's too, But my main reason is because I trust you. We're pals"

Arthur laugh happily, then...

"Alright! Yami, Let's beat the <<Four Cards>> together!"

Arthur extend his fist toward me.

"Yeah! i counting on you, pals!"

The <<Hawk>> is shining and an eagle mark appear on Arthur's left back palm, This mean he's already in my team. Even after the mark then disappear, Arthur still looking at his back palm.

"What about you two?"

I turned my head toward Rin and Hikari.

"If it's nii-sama, I can enter without concern"

"No need to ask, Let's show them the power of sibling"

Both of them say that without hesitation.

"Thanks, you two".

When Hikari and Rin say that, Once again is shining and on their hand appear same mark.

"Then, what about you?"

Lastly i ask the person that only sit silent while drinking <<Riss>>.

She flinched when i ask her.

" but i'm not human"

"There's no rule that say Humanoid can't join a team, Of course just like i say a minute ago, If you want enter, do it with your own will, not because an obligation".

"...To be useful for you,...It was my dearest wish"

Then, The mark appear on Lili's hand too.

Part 2

“Then, Onii-chan, What’s our team name? I prefer it should be cute one”

Hikari ask me with starlike eyes.

“Name?didn’t it already have name called <<Hawk>>?”

I tilt my head, I though it already been decided like that.

“It’s different, Yami. Certainly Our emblem is <<Hawk>> but it’s not like all member should been is same team, It can be divided to a few team, minimal one team must have five member”.

“Hmm, is that so? How many team another <<Alliance>> have? Also, did each <<Alliance>> have same emblem?”

“Their number is countless but each <<Alliance>> have Ace team with their leader in that team. Each <<Alliance>>Have different mark on their <<Authority>>.”

“Inzagi Cometdust have with Black Turtle mark, His team is named <<Genbuu>>.
Erika Rosenberg with Azure Dragon mark, Her team is named, <<Seiryuu>>.
Michael Soulray with White Tiger mark, His team is named, <<Byakko>>
And Reira Mystil with Vermilion Bird mark, Her team is named, <<Suzaku>>”.

(Hoo, So they use name of four sacred creature).

Arthur explained with Excited tone.

“As always, you been well informed”.

[So that mean if all team gathered, They can start a war between <<Alliance>>]

[Ho ho, Interesting, Yami, You must also participate in something interesting like this!]

(I know, I have no intention just to sit and watch something this interesting, Moreover, I already promised to “Them”)

“Well, It’s nothing much, It’s just because I always like something like this. Moreover I still know this much”.

Arthur scratched his cheek lightly.

“Not true, To know that kind information just a week after first day school is splendid, Santana-sama”

“Your intel is not bad”

“…Information is vital for victory”.

I also have same opinion with them, He’s have talent for collecting information.


Arthur grip my sleeve while his eyes facing far away.

“…Did I just been praised by three bishoujous?”

“Well yeah”.

“…That’s impossible! I know, it must be a dream. Yami, Hit me!”

“I will be troubled if you pass out right now. Rather than talking nonsense, Let’s get back on topic. We need to decide our team name, Anyone have any ideas?”.

“Then me!”

Hikari say that while raising her hand with full spirit.

“Ooh, If it’s Bluestar-san. It must be something wonderful”

Arthur say that with expectation but I have bad feeling about this.

“Fu fu, Thanks you Santana, Then Here’s my recommendation,ku…”


“Eh! Why Onii-chan!?. I still not say anything yet”.

“Hikari, You just about to say “Kuma-chan”, Right!?”

“What are you talking about, Yami?. There’s no way she would be…”

Before Arthur can finish his word…

“Eh? What’s wrong with “Kuma-chan”?. It’s cute. Right? Rin”

“That, Well…”

When Hikari look at Rin, Rin show troubled expression.

Looks like her naming sense is not change for this past ten years, It’s not a problem if that name for doll or pet. But Just imagining our team will be called with that name, It will be just give us more mental burden in various way.

“Why? Onii-chan?”

Hikari ask me puppy eyes. I was shaken for an instant. But for our pride…

“Majority vote!The one that agree with Hikari’s suggestion?”

………………………………….. No one that raise a hand.

“That’s why, Just give up”

“muu…If it’s what everybody choose, then there’s no other way”.

She say that while dropping her shoulder.

After that we throwing each other opinion but there’s nothing satisfying.

“Finding a name is pretty difficult thing”

I sighed, and the other also look like out of idea.

“Is there somebody that know someone that have great naming sense?”

Arthur muttering so while facing upward.

(Did both of you have any ideas? Something amazing from ancient time ago)

[Hmm…Let’s see…How about <<Arteria>>?]

[Ah, That’s good! It’s befitting name for the strongest]

Thanatos unusually agree with Metatron, Looks like that <<Arteria>> is very amazing.

(<<Arteria>>? What’s that?)

[All Slaying Blade, <<Arteria>>. The Greatest sword in all world, Whether it’s psychical, magical, formless being, Deity, All kind of disease, Even death itself can be cut by that sword].

(That’s very powerful sword, So who’s the wielder? Of course he's strong, right?)

Metatron shake his head.

[No one is able to wield <<Arteria>> can stay alive, No matter it’s God or Maou, Anyone that draw it will be devoured].

Thanatos continue after Metatron stop.

[<<Arteria>> is a sword that choose it’s own master, If he find the one that draw him unworthy, He will devour them. But despite that, There’s always someone that trying to challenge themselves to become <<Arteria>>’s master].

Then Metatron continue again.

[But no own is able to become his master, Finally<<Arteria>> is sealed within an impregnable dungeon, <<Chaos Maze>> after devouring no less than 10.000 souls of Deity].

I was astonished, I never think there’s a sword like that. Then something hit me.

(Do you think I able to draw it?)

Since I an Immortal, I think maybe I can do it without getting devoured.

[Who know? If you can, you definitely will become the strongest. But if you fail…You will definitely fall to eternal slumber].

(I see)

What Thanatos say is right, Even my body can’t die, My soul can still be destroyed. That’s why the first training I got from them is mental training. Since the training I got from them isn’t usual, There’s a chance that my mind will break.

“You all…I have a suggestion…”

I explain it to them just like what I heard.

“Wow! That’s cool! I agree”.

“I also agree, The name is also great”

“All slaying blade, huh?. Is not that cute but...Why not?”.

“…I also agree since no one oppose it”.

Finally we come to conclusion.

“Well then, From now on our team name is <<Arteria>>"

Re: Original LN (Immortal Art) vol.2<chapter 2>

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:48 pm
by raitouazura
Vol.2 Chapter 2 :
Spoiler! :
Chapter 2 : Assassin's Scar

Part 1

(As I though, She doing it again)

After I separated from Hikari and the others, I immediately feel her staring at me. It’s always been like that ever since a week ago. This stare is different from any other curious stare, It’s glare. She’s my class president, Kazemaru Fuuka.

She always glaring at me while hiding herself. I wonder what’s the point in that. If she glaring at me like that, Even if I don’t want, I will notice her. I always been feigning ignorance, Don’t know if she realize I already notice her or not.

I Actually can pretty much guess why she doing that. In the second day after school is open, I immediately notice this glare that mixed with another curious glance.

[Yami, how long you intend to ignore her?]

Metatron ask that

(Don’t worry, Today will be the last).

On the night at second day of school, Metatron told me all about Kazemaru clan. They are the famous for being the excellent Assassin, People always try to hire them as their personal bodyguard not just because their ability but also because their unwavering loyalty.

Kazemaru clan will never betray the master that they acknowledged, But it’s hard to make them acknowledge someone as their master. They live in Kumokiri Gakure (Kumokiri hidden village) But no one know where exactly their village located.

That’s why I think she must be ordered by someone to assassinate me.

(But…shouldn’t Assassin is an expert in art of stealth? Why is she’s so obvious)

Her killing intent is filled the air, When she tailing me, The act to erase her presence itself is very noticeable.

[I also think it’s strange, maybe…]

(Something wrong?)

Seeing Metatron muttering, I ask him.


I see, If so then it make sense. She’s too clumsy to be a professional Assassin. For trainee to become a true Assassin, they must complete the trial first before their ability will be acknowledged. Looks like I’m her trial subject.

(If that’s right, then I’m glad)

I leaked a smile.

(A girl shouldn’t stain their hand with blood, I won’t let her to become a murderer. Today I will settle this game of tag).

I think like that while enter my class.

Part 2

(Finally, Today I will execute my plan)

Right now my target, Sekizawa Yami Acting like usual, At lunchtime He will eating with usual member. Silvarin Astraea-sama, Hikari Bluestar-sama, and a Humanoid. He don’t show any sign for notice my presence.

(Because of class president’s work, Today lunchtime he isn’t on my watch. I always been watching him for this week and there’s nothing changed. So I’m sure nothing special happen too in today lunchtime).

I think that to convince myself. I can’t afford to fail this mission. No matter how, I have to be acknowledged. If so, Then everyone also…about me…


“Well then, That’s all for today, remember, There’s gonna Sparring tomorrow. So make sure you not skip it”.

After saying that, Sensei go out from class. Sparring is an usual routine in Metaria School, once per two weeks. It was where you have battle spar using <<Field>>, A tool for sparring. You won’t fight using your real body, But you enter a capsule and then your sense will be transferred to a doll and that doll will take your form. The doll can move as you want and also have all your abilities, So you can still use Art. And to make it not too convenient, The pain is real. If you get stabbed you will feel the pain, In the capsule there’s a tool to protect your brain from getting mental shock. So you can fight as you want without worries to killing your opponent.

Sekizawa Yami stand up from his seat and then walk away from class while carry his bag. I also doing the same.

He's go out from school and i also follow him. He’s go to market and then buy a few food from some stall, Every shopkeeper that talking to him is so friendly with him. There’s even that giving him for free.

(Is he really bad person?...ugh, wait Fuuka. Don’t let him fool you, He must be hiding his true color)

I immediately shaken my head.

(Nii-san say that he using some trick on test day, And he also using something to blackmail Silvarin-sama and Hikari-sama so they will doing “this” and “that”).

Boys is a beast, That’s what I always been told by my friend. Never trust them. The moment you show an opening they will attack you.

(Aah, poor Hikari-sama and Silvarin-sama. He’s the worst).

I think like that while continue to tailing, and Finally a chance appear. He enter an alley where not many people will be passed there even on bright day like this.


I immediately chase him, I right now is behind him. I confirm that no one around here, Only he and me. I grip my dagger, <<Kazekirimaru>> tightly.

After I inhale deeply I running straight at him while concealing my footsteps, His back still don’t show a sign a reaction.

(Good, He still not notice me)

I aiming for his left chest, <<Kazekirimaru>> only a second away from pierced into his chest but then I remember how he talk friendly to shopkeeper,My hand stopped for an instant. It was just for an instant but in the next instant he disappear from my sight.

“As I thought, You really don’t suit to become a killer. Just stop it”.

The voice come from my back, It was his voice. When I turn back, He playing with a stone in his hand by throwing it up and catch it again over and over.

“You don’t look too surprised, When did you realize it?”

I try to sound calm but actually my head in chaos, Leaving aside how he notice me, I more curious how he avoid that strike.

“From the beginning, How you look at me is different from anyone. And at least I know it’s not stare of love”.

He smile mischievously and then stopped playing with stone in his hand.

“Tell me one more thing, What did you mean “I don’t suit to become a killer”?”

I try to look for an opening by stalling the time. But his answer make me loss for words.

“You hesitate aren’t you?”

“W…what did you mean?”

My voice is shaken, I know what he’s talking about but I don’t want to perceive it.

“That last strike, Your hand stopped for an instant. If I not your target, You will be the one that injured or worse…”

Killed, I know that. Hesitation is an Assassin greatest threat. My body is shaking because of fury, Not for him but myself. I already decided but in the end I still hesitate, It’s so frustrating.

“But, That’s not a bad thing though. It's better if you hesitate”.


He say it so lightly despite he must be know about my condition just by looking, He just trying to mock me! Unforgivable!.


I silently readying my dagger again in front of me. Noticing my change he smirking.

“So you finally felt like it, huh?...Come!”.

He provoke me even more, As I though he’s only playing around with me Even though he’s don’t know what I been through to get this far.

(Same, He’s same like them. Always been making fun of me because I weak).

I hate killing but he’s the one who ask for this. Yes this is his own fault.

I place my hand inside my clothes to grab something I conceal there.

In an instant I throw four shurikens toward him and then I also charged at him by using Wind’s <<Element Art>> on my feet to give me boost of speed.

(How about this? Even if you able to dodge the shurikens, You won’t able to run from me).

I observe him carefully, No matter if he’s dodge right or left or even jump upward. I ready to intercept him. But he don’t move from his spot and don’t show any sign to dodge.

(Did he can’t move? Is he can only talk after all?)

That what crossed on my mind, But then finally he show a movement, But it’s not his feet but his hand that holding a stone. Then without delay he throwing it.

(What is he doing? What can that accomplish?)

But I immediately shocked by spectacle in front of me.

Clang! Clang! Ting! Clang!

The shurikens that should be flying toward him is now flying toward random direction, He thrust his palm to front waiting for me to get close to him.


I immediately using the wind around my leg to kick backward hardly and just before his hand can reach me I get back to my original position.

“Not a bad judgement”

I can’t say anything back, My head is confused. Just what did he do that makes all the shurikens miss him. No…rather than miss, It’s like the trajectory changed.


My breath starting to get disorder because I use too much Mana when I slide backward. But losing like this is too pathetic.

(Looks like I have no other way except by using 'That').

I make a few seal move by my hand, It was a technique called <<Ninjutsu>> that only a few clan can use it. But the Ninjutsu that I about to use is something that I can’t even use perfectly and if it fail there will be big explosion. So even if I fail I at least can take him with me.

When I make a seal, The wind blowing strongly around me. The things around here is flying everywhere, Some wood, steel pipe, etc. But then my head feel dizzy but I will complete the seal no matter what.

(I success! for the first time!)

I finally can do it, Now they can't call me like that again.

“Oi! Stop it! Your body won’t able to endure this much of pressure”.

I barely can hear what he saying. By using my last strength I answer him as payback for mocking me.

“I…know that, That’s why…I at least…take you…with me”.

He stunned for an instant and then sighed while saying “Idiot”.

Maybe he’s right, I was born as an idiot, That’s why I will also die as an idiot. Watch! This the idiot’s way of die!. When the seal complete, I shout by using all voice I have left.

“<<Oharashi no jutsu>> {Art of Raging Storm}!!“

The wind changed into storm and blow away anything that stand in his way. I smiled by seeing it. I always failed no matter how hard I trying to use it on training, But I success for the first time. After that I close my eyes quietly. In beyond of my fading conscience, I hear someone’s voice.

“Shinigami-Ryuu…{Death God Swordstyle…} second form”

Rasenkirou Soukihei {Mirage Spiral Lancer}!”

Then the storm that was blowing harshly just now is gone without trace just like a small tornado that was torn apart by a lightning spear.

Part 3

I was born in a village named Kumokiri Gakure, It was one of three respected Hidden village that excel in Assassination.The child that born there will be taught art of assassination ever since they can walk, The village chief’s children always became strongest among them. I and my older brother is the children of village chief. My older brother Kazemaru Hayate is just as anyone expected, He have more talent over anybody else. He can use Art when he still five years old and killing a child stage Eater on his sixth age.

Eater is a creature that eat Mana as their favorite food, Many lost their body part because they resist when Eater trying to eat their Mana. They only eat the Mana if you don’t resist, The eaten Mana can still be recovered by resting, But how long will it take it will variable depending from how much Mana has been eaten by them. Eater have few form, Beast, Plant, And the most dangerous is human form.

I always been scared by Eater, Even if they only illusion that created by a scroll for training, My body will tremble and my leg lost it’s power. That’s why everyone always call me a defect, Despite being the daughter of Village chief but ability below average. Even the I can’t use the basic ninjutsu for Assassin <<Kageashi no Jutsu>>{Art of Shadow Step} properly.

Then one day, I trying to make my fear against Eater disappear. At that time I still seven years old so I don’t know how dangerous my action is, I go to Forest alone, The place where Eater usually wandering around. I hidden myself in thick bush and then observe them from afar so I get used to them, For a week I do it without trouble and that was the beginning of my incurable fear against Eater began.

Because I able to observe them successfully in a week, I starting to get full of myself. The distance I take from them is decreased little by little, Until I finally past the safe zone.

Right now I’m thinking maybe I can watch them from a tall tree, That’s why I leave the bushes that I always use and climb a tree. From up there I can watch them more clearly.

(With this, They will stop calling me a defect)

I look at my village direction that can’t be seen by eyes from this distance.

(Oops, I forgot to hide myself)

Because I thinking that, I forgot to hidden myself by using leaves. Then when I look down at Eaters direction, The shiver come to my body. My eyes match with one of Eater’s eyes that look directly at my direction.


Eater that saw me immediately let out a shout and then the surrounding Eater also look at me with their red eyes.

I immediately run away from that spot by jump from tree to tree, Eater that have bird’s form flying with fast speed while another chase me by running on the ground, I panicked because the flying Eater became closer and closer to me. Then, Finally one of them passed me using it’s claw to attack me. I can barely dodge it in the air but then from another direction, Another Eater using it’ssharp wing to attack me and it’s already in distance that Impossible to avoid.


I can’t understand what happening, I just feel my strength is lost and my vision is get blurry in an instant. And from my forehead, Red liquid is flowing around. At that time, one word appear in my head.


I was falling where the Eaters on the ground waiting and the flying Eater also flying toward my direction from up with amazing speed.

Everything happen in slow motion in my eyes, “I’m gonna die” Even though I try to ignore it, I can’t find anything that can reject the fact that I about to experience.


I let out a scream from bottom of my lung before losing consciousness.

Part 4


When I open my eyes, I was in sitting position, My arms and feet can’t move.

(What’s happening?)

“…So you finally awake, that’s good”.

I hear a woman’s voice, I feel a little relieved because her voice sound gentle but can’t still understand the situation I’m in.

After I shaken my head, My vision starting to get clear. I find myself tied tightly, My hands wearing leather gloves and both my wrist and legs is tied with chain. Then I look at someone who’s standing in front of me, She’s Sekizawa Yami’s Pretty humanoid that always appear in lunchtime. But why right now I feel scared just by looking at her eyes?

“So you finally wake up, How are you feeling?”

Then there’s another voice beside the Humanoid, It was my target, Sekizawa Yami himself. From this room’s window scenery, I saw Metaria school in distance. So this is boys dormitory.

“I can’t say that I feel comfortable”.

I use sarcasm while trying to get free, but the gloves make it hard to grab anything.

“…It’s useless to trying to escape, If you answer my questions, Maybe I let some you body part intact”.

Scary! She say something scary with that expressionless face. I can feel my body is shivering right now, Not because of cold of course.

“Lili, Just leave it at that. I think…”

“…Yami-sama, Be quiet! This is about her and me”.

“Well, actually…This is about her and me…”

“…Didn’t I told you to be quiet!?”

“…I understand, So stop that scary smile”.

Smile? I can’t saw her face since she faced him. Did Humanoid can smile? In the first place, I never knew that Humanoid can talk back to her master like that. Did she really Humanoid?

“…Well then, I just ask straight out…”

She turning her head toward me and stare at my eyes.

“…Why did you Assault Yami-sama?”

My body stopped shivering, I then remember what happened.

(That’s right, I attack him using <<Oharashi no jutsu>>. I should been die along with him, So how did we survive?)

I look at Sekizawa Yami that sitting on the bed, He sipped a herbal tea and then after that he’s put it on the desk near the bed.

“Lili, Didn’t I already told you she only do what she’s been ordered by Michael?”

“…But still…

My body is like shot by lightning, How did he know it? Did I accidently let my mouth slip? To an Assassin, Revealing their master’s plan is the biggest shame in their life.

(I don’t remember anything about I reveal it, It can’t be…)

“Did you do anything to me while I’m asleep?”

They stopped their conversation and loo at me, Then he say it nonchalantly

“Well, yeah…”

“As I though, Pervert! What are you doing to harmless maiden!?”.

He must be doing something that can’t be spoken to me while I’m sleeping. I look at my clothes, There’s a sign it’s been taking off before and my weapons has been gone. He must be using his dirty fingers and perverted eyes to feast on my body, The worst.

“I don’t know what you thinking about, But calm down first. Your breath turning strange”.

“How can I stay calm! I was been tainted by you”.

“If you talking about your clothes then don’t worry, It’s her that taking it off not me”.

He glance at Humanoid, Then…

“You order her to take my clothes off while you enjoying the scene then you also torn apart her clothes. Turn yourself to <<Laww>>, Criminal!”.

“I was outside when she’s doing it!”

Both our breath is in disorder, Then Humanoid say…

“…Yami-sama, calm down…We getting out of track here”.

“Ah, you’re right. Sorry”.

He drink his herbal tea again in one gulp.

“…Then I ask you once more,…Why did he order you to do an Assassination?”

She stare at me again even more harder than before.

“I will never told my master’s reason even if I die”.

I stare back at her, Even though I scared but just this one I won’t be back down. If I even lost this, I’m really are a defected.


The stare contest continue for a while until there’s a sound a cup has been placed on the desk. We look at the direction, It was SekizawaYami that put down his empty cup. Then he look at me.

“I’m not interested in that guy reason, I was more interested why did you acknowledge him as your master”.

It was a serious expression, Different from any other that he’s ever show before.