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Boredom which engulfs the world

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:50 am
by Tears of Ishtar
I would like to try out this original piece hoping for some constructive help on improving my skills as a writer.

Spoiler! :
In this world , where Dwarves loiter in mines and Gryphons cry from the highest of mountains , there existed 2 wells of Magicalpowers.
One belonging to the races putting valours acts before anything else , defending the weak and trusting eachother.
The other one belonged to the races selfish , scheming and craving for own personal struggles.
War took its tool on this world engulfing the planes razing fields , seperating familiys and destroying homes.
But the war has ended along time ago as the Races of valour and Light destroyed the well belonging to the selfish.
Immediatly ending all magic the scheming races could use , making them surrender.
This world has been at peace for over 100 years now.
Races as Goblins or Orcs changed the way they lived and were craving for valour among them.
Leaving the old warforging state of mind they had behind.
One Creature not intending to act on behalf of valour , but neither struggling for its gain , which wasnt raised by a race but by a single mythical creature , has completed its training and went out for war , only to find peace spreading out before him.
Not understanding anything which was lain out before it , it searched the Lands far and wide for the wells.
Bowing down to the well of light the creature embarked for the well of darkness.
The lands around it turned to ruins.
Grey ash covering the once intimidating castles and forts , leaving swamps behind were once glorious lake resided.
Trees robbed of the magic which fed them became hideous beings barely allowing the creature admittance to the area where the well once was.
It fell down before the dried out well not knowing what its purpose should be in this peaceful world.
A voice resounding only in its head told it of the life changing opportunity spreading out before it.
" Do you know what your predecessor did wrong ?" were the words spoken to him in flattering tone.
As it , who only wanted to fight in this world , didnt know it shook his head.
" They became greedy , not knowing how to keep up the status quo they only went on rampage until the darkness finally turned upon itself. Do you know how to keep up the status quo?" did they voice ask it.
Quickly shaking its head again , memorys filled its head of a once glorious time where the darkness was deemed as light and the light was deemed as young and immature.
While it realized what must be done the flattering voice changed its tone laughing out in a enjoyed state and filling the well of darkness once again.
A Stone pillar made out of black marble rose from the middle of the well , dwarving even the highest mountain building the new Fortress of darkness.
With words of parting the voice told the creature his new task.
" So do what is necessary and quench the boredom of this world!"