How could this world come to an end....

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How could this world come to an end....

Post by DOL »

Spoiler! :
A World that has forgotten the gods of the past , is haunted by the remains of those which once were worshipped.
A young Man who has some weird hobbies , who mistrust everyone and always puts up a mask , how will he fair in this World were only despair awaits?
How will he struggle to overcome not only this despair but also the past?
Or is this even ossible?
Also is he evil or is he good?
Is there a grey in this world , or only black or white?
Join him in this world and discover everything about him , maybe even about yourself?

Chapter 1
Spoiler! :
Part 1
" SHIT ..." did the boy say while he was swinging his sword.
" Why the hell arent there any shops with amunition AROUND!!!!" Barsitas cried out.
He bashed his shield toward the head of the enemy infront of him.
This thing closely resembled a human but parts of his skin came off and the colour of thoseparts were a sickly green.
Turning around he slashed across another ones neck.
While he swung with all of his might the sword went in about half of its neck.
" DAMNIT ... why is this sword so heeeaaaavvvvyyyyy. THis is nothing like Larp.
Bending his right arm back and letteing the tension in the muscles explode he hit another enemy straight across its face with the shield.
Cracking the tissues between the spine located at his neck he looked around.
Skyscrapers were located around him covered in the light of the early dawn.
This red orange colour reflected of the glass from the buildings covering every little inch in this flame like light.
Taking the back of his hand towards his forehead , using it to wipe of his sweat.
Counting the corspes of the monster like creatures , he was at 10 before he decided it wasnt even worth to count them out.
-Not like i have anyone to tell how many i killed...-
Thinking quickly about the situation he was currently in he let out another sigh.
- Im glad i was at the << con >> that time ...-

Part 2
Checking the mirror located infront of me , resting in a stand at the table, i saw that the black makeup i put on became quite nicely.
Looking at the mirror once again , I went to fetch the last piece of my Costume.
Placing the black mask over my head i went back to the mirror.
I smiled while i saw my refelection.
My Army boots were covered in a widely sewn leather tunnel like thing to cover the laces.
Medieval cotton pants stuck inside these boots.
Stealgreaves properly attached at my shin, these extended halfway over my knees.
Segmented browned breastplate worn of my selfsewn froack coat.
This froack coat extended halfway to my knees and were the sleeves began my Chainmail shirt was peaking out.
Checking the straps of my Steelbracers again the sat correctly.
Fingertips properly blacked with makeup and gloves worn above them.
Hood hanging loosely around my neck no part of my own flesh could be seen other then my chin and 2 big circles around my eyes.
Those areas i had just covered in black painting to make the illusion perfect.
Now i was a full fledged << Uruk-Hai(1) >>.
A Member of the << Shak Bûrzûm (2) >>.
My Name in this Live action Roleplay was << Dagalûr (3) >> a << Nadâk (4) >> and a proud one at that.
Surely my name (ingame) was Dagalûr but some of the other Uruks merely called me battering ram.
This was picked up from another << con (5) >> where i ran through a wodden wall.
Doesnt sound spectacular? Have you done it before it friggin hurts , especially since i lost my helmet while running in the wood....
On the other side i was beat to pulp by some guys playing the ' good charakters ' some arrogant << Najôri (6) >> , so as to speak humans who played humans...
Why do people with alot of fantasy play Human charakters in Live action Roleplay...
Its like Roleplay( sexual) in bed , but still having the same charakter you know?
Crap ... got off track lets return.

Part 3
We were about 200 Uruks loacted on this side of the fort we built with wood.
The fort was built in a few weeks just for this 1 week long convention.
Alot of work? Yeah but it was worth it.
Everypiece of wood was painted Black and our Gateway had Iron platings on it and even the sign of the Shak Bûrzûm it was glorious.
Just to entertain eachother 5 of these forts were occuping hills facing eachother.
Drawing my sword , okay it was made of foam and Latex coating ( but it looked real) , i checked if the corestick was sticking out.( google Larpweapons if you want to know more)
All was okay next attaching my shield to my right arm.
Even if i was right handed the shield was placed in my main hand.
Why do you ask ?*Evil grin*
Because i can reign hell on everything Human , Dwarv , Elv , Kender and ( my favourite enemy) other Uruks.
Using a 2 handed fighting style with a shield.
My right arm was stronger and it took me 1000 attack patterns everyday for 2 months to naturally use my left and right arm together in succesion.
Even if it was a exhausting training i did it so i can kick some guys asses while surprising them with shield attacks.
My shield was extra made for this purpsose.
It had ( even though it was just foam and Latec) a cutting edge pointing infront of me if held correctly so this made it also a weapon.
Damn ... sidetracked again ...
Okay , brushing the Black horse hair back ( they were attached to the Uruk mask) i said towards my << Obrok (7) >>.
Looking at me with squinted eyes he was checking my makeup for a last time and then kicked my breastplate right at the level where my Abdomen was loacted.
" Bist du bereit für << Grish (8)>> ?" did his otherwordly voice resound.
As soon as we put on these masks we turned into different personallitys.
Acutally different people or Monsters would be precise , as well as our voices changed to a deep resounding voice , some liked to mimic Arabians or rolled the R very long but me and him just used deep voices.
" << Akh (9) >> << Hogmog (10) >> my Obrok."
Then he used his mace and gave me a strong blow against my shield.
" Very good , very good ... we will need every shield we can get to kill all Najoris and those Itsuki Pointy eared scum" did he say while spitting out.
" Akh Akh Obrok , Grish will be flowing in rivers tonight , akh." did my deep voice resound.
A while later , some ingame conversations were held in between , the Gateway opened and 200 Black clothed , with Orkmasks on , people streamed out of it with only the sound of heavy boots echoing on the grassy fields.
Directly from Mordor ( as we played or background) we were silent Killing machines only screaming or shouting when we attacked.
But no battle cries more screams of tension.
Lining up in rows of 2 we approached the enemys.
The grassy field with the midday sun illuminating it showed me about 500 people.
They also formed 2 lines 200 men wide everyone flashy silver grey Armor and shields in varying colours and shapes.
Spear or a mid range weapon was the second line.
The rest of the 500 men , so to speak 100, were wielding either a huge Bow with a quiver attached to the body somewhere or Long staves , so to call magicians...
I hated magicians since they couldnt really summon other wordly effects one always had to 'play" like they were hit with a fireball , scream in pain or act a fitting way , or get blown back with a Wind gust or Whirlwind ... truly exhausting.
5 Obroks were discussing the battle plan.
After 30 secs, wow he held out long this time , the << Groth (11) >> Obrok interuppted them with a shout.
" NAR , NAR , << NAR (12) >> , they r only 500 a non worthy number for us to kill!" In real life he was 1,60 m tall ( so a small Ork) but as he fought his way , with dirty tricks , towards the top alot of BIG Uruk-hais submitted to him.
Not only was he smart ( even as a Uruk) but also a crediable fighter.
He had a lightning like white scar on his forehead , long black hair tied into a ponytail and some small Horns extending out of his Mask , or head if you want to say it ingame.
" B-But Groth- Obrok , all of our men will die...." did the old << Baaz (13) >> say.
He had red hair ( which was quite unusal for a orc) and only half of his head was covered in those.
His mask also had alot of wrinkles and scars attached to it.
" Hmmm... Then we Have less Mouths to feed , << Inrash (14) >> !!!!"
With this we fought , maybe not bravely but clearly till our deaths against the 'good doers *spit out* ' and lost brilliantly.
Our healers claimed us back and patched us up , using alot of Bloodpills or old bandages for the lightly wounded ( Just as a show for the others though) and dragged us backto our fort.
There was the most natural thing for a Urukhai waiting on everyone of us.
<< Harad- Nin (15) >>
Drinking and speaking about glorrious deaths( actually more like grandious ways of killng) of our enemys we kept talking or gambling or doing a few orcish style drinking games.
Women were spars but this was something Men liked.
Continuing to grill steaks ( over burning wood) , chatting or gambling we wouldnt know what would happen at the end of this Convention while we were still playing this Game , which he called hobby....

1 - Uruk -> Big , Hai -> Ork ( Normally known from Tolkiesn Lord of the Rings)
2 - Shak Bûrzûm -> Dark Horde
3 - Dagalûr -> Demon ( just a Name i thought fit my charakter best.)
4 - Nadâk -> Warrior( alot of Metall)
5 - Con -> just shortcut for Convention.
6 - Najori -> Human
7 - Obrok -> sth akin to leader
8 - Grish literally means blood but in this context he was asking if i was ready for the fight
9 - Akh -> Yes
10 - Hogmog -> the name of the Obrok.
11 - Groth -> big ( this language isnt a fine art you know ;) )
12 - Nar -> No
13 - Baaz -> Veteran
14- Inrash -> Attack , or charge
15 - Harad-Nin -> Water , Instant Icetee poweder and RUM , ALOT OF RUM.
Last edited by DOL on Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How could this world come to and end....

Post by Rohan123 »

DOL, damn... you are writing a lot these days. :shock:
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Chapter 2

Post by DOL »

Chapter 2
Spoiler! :
Part 1
I , Lisa , you dont need my last name right ;-) was currently eating some apples.
These apples were collected under great troubles.
Still not sure what was actually going on i was hiding in a Tavern or Pub.
The chairs were neatly placed above the tables and so i lifted one down , sat down and began eating this spares meal.
These apples were collected from a tree... that tree was loacted 5 kms away from here.
The food in shops (atleast the fresh9 was already rotten or had previously been plundered.
I really dont know what is happening at this moment but the survivors collected supplys to last through this troublesome time.
On my way to the tree i slashed 3 Zombie like creatures straight across the neck almost severing it from the rest of the body.
During my last con ... there something strange , even for larp happend.
But since then these Human forms with skin sticking out from various bodyparts , giving of this sickly green shine , were walking the streets like the dead , or Zombies.
Not really Zombies though , surely they werent fast , never seen one run yet , but they could use weapons.
Iron sticks , knives and one even had a handgun.
The night approached while i was eating the fresh apples.
Still keeping the tavern dark and not pressing the switch for the lamps to light up , i lay down behind the counter.
Arranging a few blankets and a pillow i stored here to make the best out of the resources i had.
The water was still running and Electricity still worked so this place was okay.
Baricading the front door with some tables and chairs was the precaution i made for 'Night raids'.
While thoughts of the current situation flodded my head i slept in.

Part 2
" SCREEECCCHHH" could i hear a sound which came from the tables placed infront of the doors.
Readying the knive , that was tied to my inner thighs , i quietly sneaked forward to look at what opened the door.
Slowly approaching the corner of the counter i gave a quick glance.
2 Males were standing there both not really tall but neither small.
But both of them had refined Bizepses looking out of their shirts.
I wanted to greet them but then my instinct which i got from a hobby alarmed me.
" Haha , the owner of this Tavern sure piled up alot of Tables to protect his precious shop" did one mans voice reach me.
" Yeah perfect for us. Now what shall we do with that?" did the other say pointing towards a few blankets tied together to form a bundle.
The first one grinned evil , but they didnt press the switches for light eiter.
" Why did you think we picked it up? To ~entertain~ ourselves" his voice was filled with a evil tone.
Raising an eyebrow a pain in my chest could be felt.
Still with a dagger in hand i had a bad premonition.
" Lets unpack it and receive the ~present ~ it will surely give us!" did the evil tone resound again.
He pulled on one of the strings and the blankets immediatly unrolled itself.
Into view came a girl about 14 maybe 16 years of age.
Droll covering the corner of her mouth and disshelved clothes worn by her , she was unconscious.
' These bastards ...' did i think for myself.
This reminded me heavily of a situation i encounter once while i was induldged in my Hobby.

Part 3
I , Lisa , in real life was now Erianwen.
All of my skin was black ( not a dark brown really black).
This surely wasnt my original skin tone but i used makeup to cover every part of my skin with this colour.
My Chest was covered in a Leather bustie leaving a clear view on my black cleavage.
Pointed ears stuck out beneath my long hair.
The abdomen area was also uncoverd by any armor but also had black covering it.
My legs and arms were covered in Steelbracers or greeves browned to make them as dark as possible.
Black fluttery pants covered me from waist downwards.
My Hair which had a red tone to them , now were dyied into pure white or silverish.
My facourite hobby , Larp , i was playing a female drow being an assasin.
Normally i was quite shy and didnt like the exotic look my body had and so i never revealed alot of "meat" but when i Larped my charakter completly changed.
As females were more respected in the Drow society i was lashing with a nine headed Whip at a lower Male drow because he forgot to lick my boots.
Okay he was my slave , so everytime when he entered he had to lick my boot.
( I asked him before if this was okay for the Human beyond his charakter and he got exited)
Surely this whip wasnt real it was made out of soft thread and Latex , even when swung down hard towards a body they didnt hurt bad but made the actual sounds of a whip.
A nice toy which i created to get more in sync with my Charakter as Erianwen.
We currently were located at a Tavern owned completly by Drow.
Blood wine and other things were served here.
Humans , Elves and even a few Draconians served us the drinks and could be booked for a round of torture.
Drows ( acutally only females) treated Torture as a art and rooms reserved for that purpose were located at the back.
Only that this was still a game and not really did anybody get hurt but to create this Fantasy like world in our heads we indulged screaming or crying out in pain or lust as one got tortured, the crys of agony properly acted , incresed the image of this Fantasy world in the onlookers or particapnts head.
Even now screams of agony could be heard which made me smile with a evil grin revealing the only other white part of my body except my hair , my teeth.
Having red pupils , with the help of contacts , i gazed towards the slave squirming at my feet.
Everyother race then Drows was treated with disguist , so i smacked a Elf maiden across the face.
A loud SMACK sound could be heard as i clapped both my hands together near hear face.
As i didnt actually hit her face with my hand she still bent her head and even getting teary eyes.
' Good acting ' did i think out of my Charakter.
" Elven Mikuru , if you ever shall lay your eyes on my face again i will cut them out personally" did i let out my adjusted voice.
A little bit of slithering akin to a snakes was let out while i was in charakter.
This made a fearsome image and i liked it.
She bowed down with eyes closed and placed herself back at my feet ready for me to call her and give her a task.
While savoring the rich falvour of the Bloodwine i just drank my gaze wandered about the rest of the Tavern.
Drow females sitting together each one had a own slave at one table.
Some half drow males , so to call halfbreeds , at another guarding their Owners , high ranking drows in this made up society.
Then my eyes lay upon a sight i couldnt ever witness before.
A female drow cowered at 2 male Drows feet ... like a slave.
' most likely a disgraced female ' did i think for myself in charakter.
I stood up not even caring if she was disgraced or not and sneaked up behind those 2 males.
My knive , which was made from foam and Latex , rested in the usual place strapped tightly on my inner thigh.
Sliding it out from its sheat i circled around the tables.
Not entering their view.
A curtain was loacted behind them which was only dimly illuminated by a nearby torch.
Stealthy coming closer not one of them turned around.
Without so much as a word i placed the foam knive at ones neck and slit it across it.
This one gurgled some unclear words.
' nicely reacted to this situation ' was my assesment made out of charakter.
The other one tried to take out his weapon but i made a gesture of hitting him right in his jaw.
Surely i stopped the hit before it actually connected.
He reacted with flying out of his chair where he sat at.
Drows didnt have human strength but were higher so this was a good act he put up.
Placing my foot atop of his chest i let the Knive slide across his throat he wiggled around and then with a gurgel sound became limp.
Wiping of the none existing blood at my blade i wiped it at their clothes.
Returning to my original place none even bothered to turn around to look twice at a female drow killing 2 male drows.

Part 4
Greedily looking down at the girl , those guys made it look like she was pray....
I couldnt stand up to another female be raped.
She wore a skirt and one of those guys placed his hands undearneath.
His hands reappeared with underwear.
Closing in as fast as i could without making a sound i burned with anger.
The first one let down his pants and forced the knees of the Girl open.
As he drew closer cm by cm , the time seemed to pass by in slow motion for me.
Not allowing the girl to be raped here i jumped the last meter between me and the guy who didnt have his pants down.
Immediatly i stabbed my knive in the back of his neck.
He became limp and crumbled to the floor.
This wasnt a kitchen knive but something i bought at a medieval fair.
It was 40 cm long and the blade honed sharp enough to cut up even a whole cow.
As the man crumbled down my blade freed itself again.
The other one desperatly tried to pull up his pants.
Running towards him i hit him with my fist right into his nose.
He couldnt defend as his hands were located at his pants.
Falling towards a table he hit the back of his head remaining unconscious infront of me.
Sliding my Knive across his neck a red fountain come out of it.
Covering my still blackend face and all of the Armor , or costume , i wore for Larp in red blood.
It was warm but his blood discusted me.
Tossing both corspses under great strain infront of the Tavern and barricading myself and the girl in again i went over to the girl.
Placing one of her Arms around my shoulder the still unconscious girl got dragged by me behind the counter.
Gently placing her on my blankets i snuggled up to her and went to sleep.
No threat of remorse filled my head at the 2 Humans whom i just killed.
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