Crimson Hound - Chapter Two [Yokai Arc] (Original LN)

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Crimson Hound - Chapter Two [Yokai Arc] (Original LN)

Post by Lord_crisis »

Crimson Hound - Chapter 2: Judgement [Yokai Arc]

Kai: I-Im last?! That can't be. I'm sure there are other people weaker than me. What about that guy?!

Kai would point at a male near the front of the classroom reading a book in an attempt to prove a point. The male he was looking at was definitely a nerd, his large glasses and the book he was reading made that obvious.

Kai: I could totally beat that guy in a fight. In fact, I'll go and kick his ass now.
With that said, he'd make his way towards the male he had just pointed too before being dragged back into his seat almost instantaneously.
Joe: What the hell do you think you're doing?! Trying to make enemies already?! It's clear he's probably unranked like myself.... Do you even know how Judgement works?
Kai: Judgement?
Joe: It's no wonder you're ranked last, you don't even know what Judgement is! Judgement is the system that ranks students on their fighting prowess. You need a student ID to access its database which is why its on the student council's underground website, away from the eyes of everyone that doesn't belong to the school.
Kai: So it's those student council bastards that think I'm weak? Acting all high and mighty
Joe: Rumour has it that Judgement uses some supernatural method of ranking students although I doubt that's the case. There is a simple solution to your problem y-
Kai: Beat the school's number one
Joe: Yes, in theory. Your rank improves if you beat someone else who is ranked higher than you in a fight. To be more precise your rank is swapped with the person you beat. Pretty simple, right?
Kai: Right, which means it won't take long before I'm the school's number one

Kai grinned sheepishly before chuckling lightly. He seemed to have his plan - as simple as it was, already thought out. Joe however didn't seem to find things as amusing as his new friend did.

Joe: Slow down, Kai. Of the six hundred students that actually have a rank, you are ranked six hundred. Which means that there are five hundred and ninety nine people that stand between you and number one.

The conversation between the two was interrupted by a mass of loud squeals which began from outside and would then spread to the inside. Most of their classmates had moved to the window to get a look at what the commotion was all about, Kai and Joe following.

Joe: Speaking of the devil....

It became apparent that most if not all of the previous noise were from girls screaming and for a good reason too. The most popular male in school had just walked in, the male every girl wanted to date and the male everyone looked up to. To Kai he was the man he had just set his eyes on as his target.

Joe: Haruto, Akira. A third year every girl wants to date and every guy admires. He is currently the school's number one and the King of the Rounds, the school's top ten strongest students. He also goes by the title 'The King of One Thousand Yokai'.
Kai: The King of One Thousand Yolks, eh? That's a pretty weird title but I guess everyone will be calling me that once I beat him.
Joe: Who the hell wants to be called that but you?! Jheeze, you should at least remember the title if anything.

Both boys watched as Akira walked into the school with a crowd of admirers following, a treatment befitting a 'king' most people thought. Although a little jealous, Kai couldn't help but admire the King slightly. As Akira walked out of sight, the boys and everyone else who had joined them moved away from the window taking their seats in the process.

Joe: Now do you understand why it'll be almost impossible for you to beat him. Not only is he incredibly strong but he's got half of the school on his side. Why focus on fighting when you can join me in spending our days chasing after girls.
Kai: When I become King of the Yolks I'll have girls chasing after me!

The door to the classroom burst open causing the students to fall silent as the teacher walked in, signalling the start of homeroom. Each student gave an introduction, with
Kai's and Mori's, the yankee thug being the most unique. What caught Joe's attention was the girls, particularly the girl sitting in front of Kai.

Joe: T-That's her! That's the girl I've ranked number one on my list of hotties in our grade. A-And she's in our class too!

Joe would whisper rather enthusiastically to Kai, pointing towards the girl who topped his list and took the top spot.

Kai: You seem to know quite a lot about the girls here

With that said the rest of the introductions finished up quite quickly and classes would begin, despite the fact it was the first day of the school year. Kai had expected that classes would be difficult in high school, especially since he was at one known for its academic prestige but what he didn't know was that he'd be struggling on his first day. He himself wondered how he even passed the entrance exams. Morning classes went by pretty quickly and with that came the lunch period. The one of the only things Kai could look forward to at this school.

Leaving the classroom with Joe to take a look around the school, he'd notice a rather fiercing looking boy talking down to a girl. The subject of the conversation couldn't be heard due to the fact that they were a few metres away from him but from what he could tell, the guy had a rather menacing look on his face and she was rubbing her eyes almost as if she was....

Kai: Crying?!

Without even a moment of thought, Kai dashed forward towards the two throwing his entire body onto the male before knocking him over.

Male: What the f*** did you do that for?
Kai: Shut up! You have no right making a girl cry, I should kiss your ass some more.... Are you alright miss-

He'd stop speaking abruptly as he looked at the girl to confirm whether she was okay only to realise that she was. The motion of rubber her eyes he thought was wiping her tears was probably her genuinely rubbing her eyes. What made things worse was the fact that this girl was the very same girl that in front of him and was labelled the hottest in his grade. Kai gulped as silently as he could taking a few small steps backwards in an attempt to escape.

Male: Well?! Speak up punk!

The male proceeded to get up from the floor, punching Kai in return for his earlier attack causing him to get knocked down. A small amount of blood dripped from his lips as he wiped it off, a small grin forming afterwards. The small grin would soon evolve into a rather loud chuckle before Kai burst out with laughter.

Male: What's so funny?
Kai: First that yankee thug and now you. Man I can't get enough of this school. How about I return that punch of yours with a few more
Joe: (Aside) Did Kai just challenge that guy.... Shit, making a big scene on our first day of school, what's wrong with that guy. If things progress at this rate, the hottie will only notice him and not me!

Next Time: Kai's first official fight.... with a second year?! His opponents identity is revealed.
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